iLIMBING bu know how vour car erfonnsontiie"tetth.iT' vour vicinity. Install !et of Champions and jmparc the increased owcr and performantfe ith vourrrcvJous best. his t the aimple.t and irest way to prove that : pays to install Cham. 3ns and that they are btltcf Spark plug. It tot Ford I la tin Hed fia 1 X. :80c CAern (-for car tithrr than i lorj,-oacktd Ul lit InlhelUiMHoa JJ AM PION iiiail for f.vtry Engine ma Jian-nuule Product WinJaor, Ontario 311, Third Avenue, 'been aKcn oer from frY - - ri- J. Preece wi'h Scaly and Doodson esh Meats Ivlng Twice Weekly from the Bulkier Valley hone 178 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce r load 16.50 t, half load 3.50 acfc 50 Wood and Keep Cool I deTranster '139 Second Avenue le 680 Night or Day BUY BOTTLES. I LK rrom Bulkley Valley tSH MILK AND WHIP PING CREAM fc specially recommend iTahle Cream at I5c for if Pint .Quality and Service slal Ice Delivery Service dentin Dairy Phono G57 .Alexander Smith Block " t - Phono B7S Dentist . GBOATS Phones 423, S39, ten 238, Black 735. t. Phone 687,. 639, ten 238, Black 735. ERT MARINE (ODUCTS.LTD. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Kneouraging nCws has been received thin week from the Hippo Mland t vol I in it grounds to Ibr. i-ffecl Mial the salm.'in'jim'In thai district has greatly improved recently. Fishermen and fish packer have hurrjed over-in the west coal lo rei in on .trie. rush, and old timers predict thi U a w)d sign for Ihe Coinnicncrnient of the cnnn'e.ry season proper. ."-' optimistic as to the final outcome iruiii a revenue hearing fctandpnint. That Hie halibut H Ii-Tiiien, generally speaking, are making good this season is the concen sus of'Opinlon on the walerfronl. The trips are jtood bolii from a quantity and price standpoint and everyone seems prelly well satisfied. Halibut has been corn, init in well during lh pi week and prices have remained prelly' firm around 1 5s and Sue for American, and around lie and l.'o for Canadian cali-he. Halibut nrri v;iIj for the pal week (Saturday In Friday in-.duie totalled (i7S).000 pound', Anieriean veels. landing 312,-50U pounds and Canallap, 33 ti,-500 pound) This bring the total landlnecs for the year to l2,02(i,-.'00 pounds of which 8,-"00,2oo pounds has been brought in by American boals and 3,-3;'il.oo0 pounds by Canadian. iloal.H lautlitiR catches hero iiunnjr ine nasi weeK were an followy: American Tatnosh, 21,00(1; Prosperity, 22,000, Defence 12,- 000. Imperial . J 8,500, Wabash D.50U, I.endr 10,000, Uetly 7,5t'(l, l-lalleo 7,000, Frania 30,000, President 27,500, (irant 3l,ooo. Sherman 16,000, Onali 13,000, laek 3,200. Alaska C5.00O. Te- lioma 12.000, Heliance, Mull 1. 1.000, Kii-lern I'niiil 5.- 500, Murs 10,000. Canadian -- Hose Spil 1 2,000, WATER NOTICE. DUaralon and Uaa. TAk'R .MilICK I In I llobert doors li.hnMon, whoi address la lnvrnia i.aniwry, will apply rur a llrcnr lo take and u a portion or walr out or rrcik wi'l or wliarr at China Ital. naniA uu known, whlrh riown noulln'a! and dralna Into Trout Hay alHiut ttlu fret aoulli alous th tiarh rrin th oui!iat rorwr l.ol v." kiia(xi I. II. Th watrr will be dl- ycrtra rmm lh aiream at a point ahonl MiO ft rrom IU mouth, and will bo Hard for (liiinenllc purfxiKe iisi the ran-iLrr ilnrritHd a Lot "A." klla'M I.U. tm'i n.itir wa Tiinii'd nn-the trniind on in tiih day of May. 1f0. A ropy .or I lliH Holler and an application pumianl r.rrtiriral riinraie thrrrlo and lo ine "airr sn fild In th nfftre of the Water nerorder al I'nnre HUfiert. Objerttoiu to the applirailon may I riled with Ihe aald Water lieeorder or Willi the Comptroller ol Water lllahta. Parliament llhlldlnaa. Vie-torla, B.C.. wllhln .thirty daya after the firm appenranre, of 'hi notlrn In a loral tirwmiHT, Tli !il or the rirM publl-ration or tills C'dlr Is June 4, 101ft. noiicr.T ofohok uminsto?!. Applleant. LAND. ACT. Notlos f Intamlon, to Apply to Laaaa Land ! tn ;ll8. Ifnrdrnr Dlstrlh nr Prlnee nuperl,, and auuai on .norrsuy uianu, Onern r.tmfintte, Oroup, on unnamed Intel, three miles south of I La Heche In I '''taKE NOTICE that Tba Canadian Fish-ho rmiiiiinv. Limited, or Vancouver, or- riiiuition Salmon Cannera, Intends to apply for a lease or the frillowliij desrrllwd ;iandi - - . I rmmnrinir at a nost nlanted 4 at head 'or Inlet alsnu H mile north nr unnamed I Creek 1 thenr west 0 fhalns; thrnre .south SO rhalnsi thenre i 0 chains, ' i.m,.. nr Iml in shore llnei thenre north erly follow Inn shore line to P.o.C, and. ronla nlnr 40 acres, more or less. THE CANAMAct tlUtO COMPANY. IIMIltll. Appnriini. Per Wiilram Alrred Bower Dattd m April. t9J. Capt. Ikeda, skipper arid owner of the halibut boat Kobe, w,u WATER NOTICE. Dlftralon and Uaa. TAkE MiriiL that llniuh Columbia IIMiina k rarktni Co. Ltd.. wtxis ad dri-n la Vanmuvrr. U.C.. will antilv fur a llrrnr to ukr ami us 1 ruble frrt per erond of water oui of an unnamed irrani whlrh riown iH.rihufMrrly and drains into South Hay, skldlgite lnlrt. alMiul rour null's nortlx astrrly rroni .1 r llhilllll fkfwUft ltlvp Thii !-. ultl IimI' rai lal ditrned from th stream at a rrtnt about S8 rhama soutls'at or iKirtliwe t " roe-ner or Lot I7, Moresby Inland, and will It HMfd ror doinrnllr and eannei'V pur- upon Ihe land Mated an lea a rut Kites in iIh rnreahiirr in rmnt of loi ttl, (jueen charlolte Iflands. Tiilt noiire ponied on the sround on Uie suth day or April, lt. A ropy or tits nolle and an atplirailoi pursuant tln'Mlo and to Um Waier Art" will l riled In Ihe ofrir or the Watrr lieror.W at Prince llufirrl, ll.c. Objertlona to lh applirailon mav be riled wllh th aald V!r Hemnli;r or with th Oiniptroller or Water Fllrhta, Parliament RuilUinta. Virlorla. B.C.. with in thirty daya arier the first appearanre oi inis nour in a Hirai wwsiiaper. TIKI date cr the rirt publlratlon or this notire la Jim i, ion. , lllllTISII COLI'MIU nSHI.NQ k rACkINO Oi. LTIt, Appllram. NOTICE. anerwoua. aseni. IN THE MATTEn of an annlleatlon Tor the Imu nr a Provlatonal Certiricale or line ror ine r.ant nair nr Lot two ft) Work rfTty-two 5). aubdltlsloii til Lot seven hundred nd rorty-aU (711, Vueen Charlotte lilslrlrt, in the Vrovliu-c of lirltlsli Columbia (Map tent). fausrartory pnKif or the lo '-l" or M the tils: nr Tin rnvrin rovenn will IxHtimil havinr been proilured tn me, II IV my Intention to Issue after th evnlrallon of on iiiiniih Trom th first publlratlon hcreoT, a Provisional certiorate of Title tn the abov land in th name of His Majesty The Kin In Ihe Hltht or Th lmMlial Muulllons lloanl. The nrl-llial Crrliricale or Title la dated the Selth, and Is mmibered IOHSj-1, i.aiut itea-istry nrnee, rrmee nuwrt, P.q., 1st June, ttts, II. F, Marl.F.on. Berlstrar or Titles. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF tltpaiOVEIalENTi HI Canyon Mineral alluate .t.i,i... iiiir.n, Claim, ..iniiii. niaiin, " TBI t)ATLT HIW8 - .other other contrivances contrivances to to Salmon fishing !.. is improving halibut men are10 p nff 0 r .power. A now clutch doing well activity in bout v building i forced lo . return to port or, Thursday "SiUr. .a; Arofcen irifr as it he result of -hi, clutch breaking. (lap bad In resort to rope and enable h(m In ,,, the Atlln Mllirn Division or Casslar TVls- inn. w iere oraren: near Craler Crek and adjoining- and northeast or the Ul Canyon Extension Mineral -Claim (Lot 1150). TAkK NOTICE that I, John Nolloy, Free Mlner'a Centrical No. 707SH, Intend, sixty days rrom the dale hereof, In aimlv tn IliA flnln llMnii-,ti rnp a Certificate of Improveinrnls, for lhi pur- Halnh The Hector Mac his 'town will have tin be sintered from ancouvei but. In the meantime, temporary repair will be done iocally to enablo Ihe Kole lo continue in business. For a progressive man - it would tie hard for the average, mortal in fOBVpeip with Alex News has come from Iumdaa Island that the run of fih j Mardonabl, of fire hall fame. radully Impwlng In that district and the fishermen nre'ri'iiH U' one thing to lake a holiday Mab 7.&00, II. A It. 0,500, May KAVIOABLK WATERS PROTCCTION ACT, R.e.C CHAPTKR lift Union oil Cunipinr or Ontilt. IJnilim. Iirrrlir itr nolirr itul It list utwW tec- Imhi 7 of Of -nil Ar ilcio.llfd IU II Vlnlttr or I'ubllr Work si Olltt ami in llw urnre of Um Ioii l H-nirr ul IIm Ltnt ltrilrj Ihatrlrl of I'rlnc liiiurrl in tlx rruvlnr of liriiKli Colum- liu, ilrrrlillon of Um tile and ptuii if I tH ami lunix-r nsrf m Ijoiii in iiu Mrtx.r or rria-e nurxiri fn ii Hid rrnviim-, on wairr ki luur, ii lor K "u : idt Mm nrr roniiiriniur a row ttpri-h in'in in ldih rrtmi lo m . and rUrtidmir norlbrrljr fnsn iw winairr mark a oniaiw:p or p iinilimalrljr loT. nrar II l(Mt n ab i .rrilnn 50' I 0 fn srt'l. Ox- lit rrl iniiini nt fjlnr liinlnMlpy parl Ifl to iih shor tin. Ami ukr tn.llcf. that ariir llw viDira 1 1, .n Kit on itMititti frtrfii llw ilat of tin OrM tM'ttlirilion or this hoiht ifw I'niiMi Oil i.iiinnr fT Cinad. I liiiltnt. will imdrr M-Im 7 ot III Mid Art appir ti in .mniairr or rumir works ai ni or tir In llw CUT of lllla. for an linival of I ho ald alt and il ald plan, and for lra- to rontiriirt lti aid wharf im aioroarn io in .am. iiain ai vanrourrr. iirumn iDiumma. inn i pin iaj oi May. iv.. II. J. KKil in. tii'iiift Salra Manartr. NAVIOAOLt WATCftt rROTtCTION ACT h.o. Chapiar lis. The tiritlh Columbia rirhlnt k I'ark ln coniiMnr Llniiunl. twrrhv irlvra no urn mat ii naa uixir reooii 7 of In Hid Art. d"Ul Hli lh Mlnuirr nt rulillrl Work, al otlawa. and In in offir of Hi ln.lrlrf lirrllrar or III Land HrH- try innriri or erinrw iiurwri, al rnnr livfrrl, H.:.. a il'rrlpilon of llw alt and llw plans of a wharf or plrr and liulld inr llirmm pno..d to Iw bulll on that rrlam (Mirlloti or land sltuat almut two and on hair mil wm! of AllUord Hay, fkntrtal Inlri, rrontlns on tit. Vun Ctiarloti iMKirlrt, and known ai lot IIS. And likn nolle lliat afirr th rijra linn ot on ntonlh frtmi th tlal or in rir.l f.iil.lipailnu r this notice lb Orttlsh r.iitumhia tlnliinr k Parkins Company l.lnillpd will unitr siM-ilon 7 of tlx said i-t, iiiply to Hi MiniKtrr or Public Work, al lit orrir In th rliy or ot lawa, for approval or th aald alie aim plan, and for Irav to n,ntruri th said uharr or plrr and buildinr lhrron. iald al I'rlnr luirt. H.C.. till Slat day or Mar. lJ. HlllfLSIt COLI'MRIA riSIIINO Ii PACklMl CO. LTD. Rv Ha Mollrllnni! Wtli .on. Mnon k Oonialra. flower, x. x :. s, -v,sqo, Marguerite a.nOO, Toodie .Voon; Pair of .'lack. 'iH.onfi, app Spen cer to.or.o, H.W. r,,n'iO, D.W.T I 8,i00. Serifb I3,flii0, S.A. 3,000. V.. f.Jpsell 15,000, Hirdip H., d-000, Muinteax 7mo, Morris II. 12.000. (lihson 1S.O00. Ternan 10,5iW. Hni Marsalice 8,- 000, Joe, Maker l,3ort. holpliin 17,500, tayffeon 8,000, Selma. 12,000, HinaleadCf 9,500, rtulii 2.000, Xuba 10,000, llrant 7,500. Helen 1 1.000, P. Dorreen 12,000, lteeille 20,000, Swinp 1,200. Boat Building Consldeiable activity prevail in the boat buililiiw line alonir the waterfront and new seining boals and general Ulilily boalr are under construction for Ihi season's business. The McLean yards are well occupied as also are Ihe ways on Cow Hay creek. Among l lie finest w the new lioals tills season Is a new seine boat bulll by Pete l.eighton -Ml Mellakalla and now at the Mc Lean yards for -engine installa tion and general finishing. The boat measures 13 feel Jong by II fool beam and is powered wtih new 20 horse power Vivian en gine which will give a normal speed of lielween 7 and 8 miles ptr hour. The engine is being installed by Andy Akerlerg and Ihe electrical wofkjs being done by the Ward F.leclrie. Th rapacity of the Uial for packing is 10,000 pounds dead weteht The galley which is very eom- pad ami fitted up with the very latest in galley stoves and culinary equipment, is situated di redly behind lire pilot house. Sleeping accommodation for four men. In roomy berths, has been housed forward while Ihe engine room gives plenty of head space Hie hull is particularly well built and Pete can well be proud of his prowess as a lmal builder. Power boat Leila it., flagship of the Prince llupert lloalhoue fleet, struck a submerged log in Pillsbury Cove recently which did damage, in her propeller and shaft. The. boat has been on tri dry dock for necessary repairs. and enjoy jt and another thing to make money into Ihe bargain With the summer holidays enm- around Alex sat up nights thinking out a scheme lo make nloney while at play and his fertile brain hit upon the idea of build ing a husky boat on which he could lake a voyage and turn such voyage lo gmxl account Yes, ir. Hie Herlor Mac is sure million dollar hulking craft al righl and, when her skipper is al ihe wheel with a big cigar tn, one would think lie bad two full deisel engines aboard. Alet lias been travelling between Dundas and the Utile old port with few fish aboard and it is said that lie may forake the fire extinguish ing business for the compass and sextant iiuod progress .is being made at Ihe McLean yards " on th? buildiiug of the new seine am fish packing boat for Jim Field I he new boat is 50 foot long by a 12 root o men Dam, wiiu a depth of C feel, and will be powered with a 35 h.j. setni- ileisel engine. It is exjrecled thai all the plankirw will i;e finished liy tonight and that Uie boat will be ready for operation on July 2. A Swell Window After viewing the excellent window display at Hay Love electrical emporium on Ihe waterfront it makes- one womter, with all their wiindernaent, if Hay hasn't gune and missed liU calling. Yes, probably Hay would pave made a fortune dressing windows for a tomb stoneimaker ir ome such hilar ious luisiness. joking apart, die beauty of the window in oucstion must be seen lo be appreciated and il is well worth a few mo menls of anybody's lime to stroll along the front and see it.. Ton can't miss It (the window) be cause Ii s painted a wonderful red and contains everything na- cesary for a boat from a can opener to a 50 h.p. compass. Capt. Jack Kendall Is install ing. a new 12 horse power F.n lerprise gas engine in his halt hut boat Iris. The work of In staltalinu is being carried out by Harry Love while Hay Love will do the necessao on the electrical end of the Job. This week the tugboat Cnm- sln'va, of the Hupert Marine Producls fleet, has-been given a going over with Ihe palm brush and has undergone ia gej;-.- ' 1 I't.. tl .ll.l' . spring uveriiuui in aituiuoiv ' ' ' ' ' . - !. i ff Hatiliut Kooncr . H-,Capt. led brjubsiflj lias HeiuVainted up whiltv in port this Ve generally looked overs eek and Capt. Jud Thurbcr, skipper and owner of the schooner Mulrneag, wart, forced to put into port on Thursday with a broken trip ow ing o haviing developed clutch trouble while on the deep sea fishing grounds. The trouble is being fixejl at the Star Weldlns shop and Jud hopes to get away again tonight. The M.T.3., apl. H. recn, flagship of (he Hushby fleet, left for Ketchikan on Thursday to . . the above luing uowii a scow or machinery from the old marine product? plant in that district, which was purchased some lime ago by the Hupert Marine Products Lid. Tugboat P.H.T., Capt. Harris Kerr, left for the Xaas river to day to carry out work in connec lion with Hie fish hoppers at , the canneries in that sllslrict in rcaiUnes for t li t fishing senson. FilLtin,al,vlilhv4pV!l,.fOMiuJlie north lo the iilnnt of the Hupetrt Marine Producls Co., Tucks ln lei. ahove rlslrn. IITlurtied A Swell Trip I.e" Pine, wlio rycentl) from a holiday in the Aim Tiiriirer take tvotlce that action, 11; inii. nf n au.ali under aerllon 17. must tie roimiienced sou I it, II lis 01 n swell trip h bernre the issue r auch certiruat of, made by motor and hy,.water Sn . . . ImPmvementa. ; I ...l '. bated urn lit day nt June, A t), tt,lcoinpnnj" with Jim .Hudson, Io mn' "YAnL'tentato of. CUieh Temple, and l 5 1 DGDENS 15 PER PACKET several members of the 5lielii Temple hand accompanied by their wives. The party motored to Sidney from Victoria, a distance of about 22 miles. At Sidney they boarded Major Walt. Martin's yacht McCaw on which they cruised from Sidney ti Cowichan Hay, a distance of 30. miles. At the latter point they I witnessed Ihe boat races and hat luncheon aboard, lo which eight-cm people , sal down. From Cowichan Hay to aple. Hay the party cruised, another 30 miW. After spending an hour at Maple Hay, tlee party left for homo ai f p.m., partaking of" supper en route and reaching Sidney al S p.m. From Sidney they motored lo Victoria via Patrician Hay arriving back at 10 p.m. in timo lo catch the luvat for Victoria. Halph says it was one of the swellesl trips he ever took in his life. A Grand Regatta It's a case of hats olT ,lo the ofllcers and members of the !H Yacht Club when H comes down to giving everyone a good time, alu'l the regatta held on Thursday, which was full of thrills, will go down in local history ns humdinger. "Hetter Jjian a circus" was one remark made by ;i visitor as Ihe amateur nauti- cals cranked and' twisted to get the gadgits singing tn the right key. Hut say, hoy, those engines had sure been luneri up some iir.ti very little trouble was ex perienced at the slarting line It is rumored that Joe Scott, the successful skipper in the opeir boat handicap with the Husy Hee, and she sure was a hilsyj girl Thursday, is open to ehal-j lenge anything that floats for a stick of gum. Hon Crerar,whv won the Suga cup with hW cruiser Inlander, is about to refuse a million dollar., more or less, for his craft. And when H comes down to leading it flotilla in a relay race you would travel many natilical miles to beat Dr. .1. A. West and the speed eater. Wylri, The Swiss navy going into action would look small be side lr. West's husky partners. With reference lo the celn bratlon, the following anony mous letter, has been receive by the editor of WhIITs: My so- attended the Yacht Cluh regatta on Thursday nilemoon. When he came borne I asked if h" wanted; uny supper He said (continued on page six) CUT PLUG and in J2 Ib.tins Save the"Poker Hand" insert cards "X I .. v.- - M .... : .-. . PAQB FTVS ' lv -.jj - ' . s.' ' ' . . . PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP ' -V ; . -i f . ..4- 'a B.C. FOREST SERVICE Loggers! Loggers! We have the only cbmpletb stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts In the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, mid general Camp Kquipment. U will pay you io see us when oulfittlng. Stork's Hardware Limited ,'tV vtyitj 710 Second Avenue UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salltnra front Frtncaj nuperl. e VANOouvm, erOTORiA, Mi, M Alert lar, TMeMey, i Jl. ee VkNOOUVIH, tflOTORIA. ur wr twaason to. Mtara. 10 A-a ror- PORT SIMPSON and Nate Rlaef .Oansarlaa, There Per POftT f4P0l, NV0X,LT0I R. OTEWART, imOey, wjh. ana imv. . 1 S