nsMDAT OCTOBen vt. ita TL: roue i mngs ike Cuff Links KonH'tiiiics make a Iiiir ii'fin'C in a person's ifnil! api'araift'. i We have Kime n'w ,ltw cnlrin,tn of the Benat committee Ut's ill solill Roll nl fr,culturf the farm re- K) .010.01). One iiii-H , J! ' unt,ltd ,or . while o!I xcUh1'!011 - - - - vv -in. ll diamond. .i mlli.-r .iir 111 $15.00, .Hil goM,willl platinum j mjiigs. nipe gold filled net i.."o In $l.oo. JOHUgOLGER as A' Mmc stobe wini the cukn LUMBER v ar niajxifnrluimg j gh ii m drr--P(l Iiihi-K f.' griini hnat llaiilml arid a- in'UJ Iiuxph. Aik For Prlcet Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 GEORGE RORIE , Chartered Accountant and Auditor Rr -f iver. I-tii)(lator, T-'itfe.'"(ac. Phone 387 New Addrete: , 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE nUI'EftT Fur Coats & ) ; Jacquettes , An ixquisite Stock of Kut Tr mmmpii at Ion prices , B. C. FUR Co. Nut a.W.V.A. Third Ave. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend cur Table Cream at 15c for l!f Pint Qualify and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Ii Valentin Dairy ' Phone 657 i ! TUGBOATS Day Phones - 423, S39, Oreen 233, Black 735. Might Phones C87, S39, Oreen 233, Blaok 73S. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. (j. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 678 DENTIST . LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. crts!e, Warehouelng, and Distributing;. Team or Motor Bervlce. o Hand and Qravel We Specialise In Plan and Furniture Eevlng. FARM RELIEF AS AN ISSUE iikmii:t nmi.iiMji: may not get ItJ I'l Itl.K'AX NOMINATION NEXT VKAIt II' No Wrinv tiiiv - WASHINGTON. DC. Oct. 27.-U Sen aur McNary 0f Oregon, who will be th .. campaign in all lUHlhood. Senator licNary bu not aatd thU In o many word but ba indicated hi belief that while the McNary-Hsugen farm re. lief bill will be pressed again at the coming session of Congress, it will not be passed and farm relief legflslatloa wlU rt be enacted at the approaching aes-alon. ThU la equivalent to predicting that the fsrth reHef issue will be thrown over to the seventieth Congress, which will be elected In November. The new Con-giess, however, wm not meet In regular session until December. 1927. Tb erf coming session of Oongresa will be the. final aeulon of the old Caagreas or what la aomeumea called the 'larrj duck" aes-lon. It u. of course. poadbSe .hat an extra aeMlon of Congrem will be called next spring Prealdent Coolidge dpet not want one but for one reaaon or another mar be obliged to call one. For instance, if the coming abort session should fall to paaa all the appropriation IbUU. the Prealdent could not escape calling an extra aeatkm next aprlng. jWim aueb an extra seealcn. the farm 'relief laaue might be cleared awajr and '.dispose of before the 1928 campaign. 'Without an extra session. It la difficult THB DAILY HBWS PAGE FIVE to see how It wlU be powlble to escape I the different province of Canada to ; purchase wool, instead bf continuing drsgglng the farm reHef eentroversy Into . inspect all registered ranches, to care- , the practice of buying through London. l28. j fully examine. Identify and tatoo every u done t the present time. ThU While most politicians uu : IVesldent fox on each ranch and to make a re- !uld. hr thinks, greatly Improve the Cooltdge wlU be renominated, there Is no ,' turn to the Canadian National Live . u,t5e balance between the two coun-dlsDUtina- the fart that if there is no I fttnrk Remnii t nttims of all foie ' trJ n establish better commercial farm relief regulation before 1928 and agricultural condition are not greatly unproved, the movement to nominate Prank O. Lowden or some man favored by the firmer wUl be strong. Whether the est em farmers wUl turn against the Republican in a presidential eleo ' Hon u something open to dUpute. Some light may be thrown on this in the co imitation prior to starting on their ccmlng November balloting. The sttl-1 rrwprctlrt routes. tude of pan of the Republican chlefai taldweU ranch waa thla year it thai the farmers in state, such a j ejected for a field day of practical luwa. LUlnol and most of the agrlcul- WOTt among the aUvered beauties, tural region will line up for th Re-j 07 thm, inspectors ere present, publican ticket regardlea of what ta'jj ,iprn Judge cccnlr.g from done about farm relief j Prince Edward Island and some aa far INSTRUCTION SCHOOL j TAD rnUCDllMCMT MCM rurv uVT LIXlllllLil 1 WLU WHO INSPECT FOXES CAJOXTON PLACE. Out. Oct 37 i By Canadian Press ' A school of in-1 airucuon for tb benefit of th various Ootemrnent Inspectors of Silver Foxes wv held recently at Carteton Plar.. wartR Nonce. Olfsrslen an4 Uss. TAlr MHi Ihsl HiiMri (ieortt. J"hB i rfV h(M- address Inventets aiinerjr. will tit) I't a iKvme to lake and us tn.OiiO fslfcxis frt dajr f iter tut of reek el r hrr al :wna llti, aIMi ai .wii at inn nam . wMeti rinw -nuth ! u-i and drain, iiilo Tmhii B) almul i(M '.I -uulh sttmr I he Ix-srli rrmii lb uMilh- 1 .I i -irner ll kltt 1 .11. The , naiei vt 1 1I be dhi'rtrd from the .lieim it i" nil alwui SOU feel frum Its nwulh sitd HI l asl fr duniestle ami ranneey i ui. ur) tiir uwi orniei at ijh A". kltiMw IX Tku ovure imsled mi 11m rn.uiHl n i he I Its day r Sett tttnlHT, iktc. riy f this notlr nd an acHleailon pursvant I hereto ind la illte Vler trl will l nied In Ihe. of-.fire nl Hie Wtler BTiirder t frlnee Mlifrl ntllrrtlm l III slfllrtthm InlV filed lib tlx- kl Water nerirtier or mnh tlx- cunpirollrr of Water lurht. 1'itluinenl huiMin. Victoria. b.C... within UttiH dsjs after lli Orsi aparsnre f ihi Imliee In a l"esl newpser. Tl .iiaie ir Hi riri puhiiratiun i.r thu noiire i. a-nlenJr 1U. 11. ItOBEUT OitKIE MHXSTOJI. AppWranl. NOTICg Of INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LKMK In Hie Land lerrdlii nistrirt of AIHn,Mru one 0f the partners In the gold . banality. Incapable of being comp M:iiin )imI"II ' alsr IHirlrt. i . . .. . . I . 1 !T t. . . jijf Mi TH K thai the rorineer Oold mining operation, was formerly a gameimented, descrtbable !n figures on M m. .. 1.1(1 . m . w reiiii i nninfriB- niint "pri'snnr within Hie l'rilnre if Brl- . .1. i ..intiitiiM ,.. , u.!i..n. a minint mm- i run ' j';" ' "' iVVniiti'iM-iiiir si P""! pUnied about 00 reel diMsnj i in sn M.terlv ireelion rr..m ; the Uee tound tn the Uke M to quite !ark Mineral f la I in. silutted al Uh 'nmulhlas large a any he ever aaw in California. r wsnn liner, on iaau Arm ni uh-m I le I'- nr.- in Northerly rtlrrrllon Hi fiei.' llHn.e lterl 100 feel, Ihetiej xullM'rh 15" reel more or ies m mm wiler mark. lhnr westerly inn r.i im.re or !' In pom' m enmmenremenl 1 tn?'n.hi'."lMhrSV"?"u71.1'"i 1 (Slrned) II. M. V. nus'rn. . . "T mineral aot Wann VraVi i"mal No. , Anyox and In. nlta Mineral I'.Uim. fKuate In in Allln Minint Division ir Hi Caoslar District, i S ..tie m'le up llream rrom IN houlh uf Wann niver. , TAkP NOTICE thai Th Enrlneer Oold Vine i i-M .. In.-.. Kree Miner Cerlirirsie sbttoi . iniena. iiy sj in- - ilate hereof ,tn apply lo Hie Minint He-mrdrr for Cernrieal of Improvementa, r .r lb purr-" of obulnlnK i Crown Orant of above rlalin. "nd rurtlier lake n.illr that anion, tin-rter section , "UM iw eoinmenred herore "lie iMie of suih Certificate of Improve ""iHTI-D IhU lt day of September, KX. '," 11. McN, rnASEit. Agent MINERAL AOT Ctrtlflcat of Impeovsmsnta. iti-nuni No 4. U1' . Mineral Claim, ... ?n lh Allln M.l.lnt nivlslnn of th raiViir nisirlrt. on tha Arm or na iiin Ann, abonl three qiiarler of a mil r,! .ir.ni rrom Ihe nK.uth or Wann nivr. T4kT NOTIi'E that I, f'harles K. Ollinore, Miner's rerlinrat No mil. Intend. rr ,h H.t. h,reor. in irml fn ih . Min na- ncrorder for fceriiricaU IS lmnrov"nintl. for th nurpoie or ?slnlnt ' "own n "r "V ',,or fUtm 1 "nr iher nolle that trttmi. . And .A 'iion as mtirt I cmwiieneed lie r0nr 'ilS luue Sr "urh Cerlirieat. of la. PUTtD "liill l1 day or Septcmher, A.D H. MC-T. FHASER, Agent. Victor Northern Electric JsP Kick. U.S. visitors to Canada have admitted "bootlegging" these powerful D-X-221 tubes across the border. Made and sold in Canada only, but known all over the world. Fit any standard base. $2.75 Ontario. It 1 the custom of the Na- tlonal Live Stock Association to send out each year official Inspectors through paased by them for registration an pedigreed and qualMed animals. A high standard aa to quality of fur. etc . la set for this inspection. In order to ensure a uniform standard of lrurectkra these official c&osen frcm the different provinces, are aembled at Otuwa for instruction and west as British Columbia, Among the prsrnt officials accompanying the party were Umrt. 1L ;L. Ark ell. Dominion Live Stock Com- mlssiontr; P. O T. Hltcbman. Reglst-; present lyttem wm., be urged on the rar Canadian Uve Stock Records: Dr. provincial government by the Automo-Church. Chief Inspector; Wm. McRae. Wl Club of British Columbia, of tb Uve Stock Department, Otuwa: j Announcement to ihU effect was made Oeonr A. Callbeck. of Prince Edward T A w Cruise, director and chairman W4Wt representing the Canadian Sll - ver Pox Breeding Association: ueorge amies, of Am prior, director of th Association. R Patterson, president of the ranch at Carleton Place and other. INTERIOR ONCE WAS TROPICAL sAV ir..V WHO lUVti litEX KHIU.1MI Man itiKKiitviu.r. in r.itiiioo QUESNEL. B.C. Oct. 27 - (By Canadian Press) The central region of British Columbia known aa the Cariboo country, waa once a Jungleland of dense tropical forest containing enormous tree comparable in size with the giant seen o Is of California. That la the theory ot men who have been drilling In the bed of Devil's Canyon Lake, near Barkrnrllle. for gold. A gang of drillers under John Rolln. work lrig 100 fret" below the lake, came upon j the remains ot a huge tree. Nels warden warden In In th the Yellowstone, Yellowstone. National National . ... Park Jiome of the giant California red- j or s"1. std to be the largest j trees In the world, and he tates that j I Discovery of the tree Is only one of the Interesting finds of the expedition. Annth.r 4 . tVi mnilni of an tnrlent tunnel believed to have lAen bored I011 ot yew" go when the goId " 1 , jcltement first truck- th Cariboo coun-1 xry - " " D",rvra lo D0 lne ,ue m the old tunnel in which a miner lost his life some sixty year ago when he 'found himself unable to escape from a BU(idfa burst of poisonous ga when .... many feet underground, The operations r now being proceeded . with are based on the same general prln- cipl as that used by the miners of alxty years ago, except that the equipment used Is not so primitive. BABY DIED FROM LEAD POISONING ' Gnawed F.dte of Crlh Whlrh Hail Been Kecently IMInted IIIchhI Tett Wat Made MONTREAL. Oct. 27. ( By Canadian Press) .Lead poisoning, contracted when, she gnawed the edge of her crib while teething, caused the death of lEllrjibetfi prance Rathgeb, aged one year and nine months. When a blood test was taken by a doctor and this particular form of poisoning was disclosed th father ot the child recalled that th crib had bun aewly painted. 'IS SAFE FIELD i FOR INVESTMENT NO COl.MKV I5ETIKU HAVH 1UKEO TOH OK HANK OF NEW ZOUMI I VANCOUVER, IDct. 27. Bjr Canadian Pre). NO country in the world 'offer auch a safe field for Investment, ' Canada. In the opinion of Sir Harold : Beacharnp, director of the Bank of Newl 7 m 1 o. rv4 mrA $rr tifimmn vMa whtrnn ' 'of that institution, who reached here recently on hi return to the Antipodes ; after a tour through Canada and Europe. "Canadian securities have been regarded with disfavor In Oreat Britain ever alnce the Orand Trunk Pacific bondholder' failure to realize on their Investment, but the hesitant attitude of Old Country people towards putting tbelr money In Canadian ventures la wearing off." aald Blr Harold. I expect that during the next few years Canada will get more British money for Industrial purposes than ever before. The United States la providing most of the capital for Industries at present, but while' I believe the now of United States capital to Canada 14 likely to continue Indefinitely and that it Is a good thing for the country. It la regrettable that British capital has been so scarce recently. Canadlana ahould look forward to an early reversal of this situation." The unnecessary "lop-sidede position" of the the trade balance between Canada and New Zealand was emphasized by Blr Harold, 'who during his stay in Eastern Canada looked Into the possibility t Improving this condition. Sev- 1 era large woollen manufacturers are now .considering the advisability of sending i representatives direct to New Zealand to ' 81r Hro,d "P" Cinad wU1 80011 "nk tnm1 ,n th worW M Producer m fvia. i oe mineral weaim, waier-! power resources and t jnber of the Can-adlan Pacific coast, be believes, will . prove an important factor in future de- ' eloPment oi trans-Pacific trade. 1 SNEW FORM OF AUTO TAX IS PROPOSED AtMK-Utlon Mould Hsie lvy Tallerled on IUI or Hel;ht Instead of (reent .MHhod VICTORIA, Oct. 27. Adoption of a flat fee for motor licence according to weight classification. In place of the ! ot P committee, which has been The (uggestion la. according to Ur. Cruise, that the licence fee would be 14 based on the weight of the automobile, j There would be three clauea light, me- dlurn. and heavy, and a single flat rate l for each class. i Eeveral Interviewers have been held ! with the Attorney-General Manson and j InegoUatlona are proceeding. The Gov - I t ernment haa so far wltheld 1U opinion J of the proposal. ! Many states have adopted t!Xi policy; found It very aatlsfactory. aaya Mr. Cruise. It eliminates the necessity of having a different licence for each make ' of vehicle. j , NEW YORK IS MASS j ! OF BANALITY SAYS WRITER OF FRANCE PARIS. Oct. 27.-Jacques Deval. a French writer who has luit returnet from he United States, describes Ne In Le 'Journal as a Tmass oi pll- only. and a city of abstinence and desola tion. "Outside Central Park," he Informed hi atay-athome countrymen, "all the .tree and verdure of thla city of of six million aoul could be put in a flc florist rhop. There are no birds on the root, no dog In the streets, no cat In the doorways, no flower In the window, no smiles on th faee of InriihtfsntA. 'London I not morose without grjn j,ur. jjerlln 1 fasUdloua but de- .bonalr. New York Is boresome without being noble, with no quiet retreats, a .... . , . . . . . city f6r which no one could possibly ; become homesick. Women pasa by who' are beautiful accompanied by meu, young and handsome, but the Latin anxiety to please at any cost, does not exist. I "New York Is the saddest and moat I exhausting city In the world. There no way to live happy there. Eschlu. back rilcfd morning open my newspaper. u'ii.mn ,m . heavy as a telephone directory, fearing to read notice: 'in broad daylight ft man smiled In the street; the police In tervened." " REWARD FOR BRAVERY IN TITANIC WRECK Mother Hemembers In Her Will New York I'trrman Who Rescued Her lUby TORONTO. Oct Canadian Press). In recognition of bravery ex-hlbited when he saved the life of an Infant in the Titanic disaster lu 1613, John William Jam, a fireman In the Announcement! Great . Mrs. Frizzell Ladies' and Children's Redy-to-wear Third Avenue Store Closed Wednesday and Thursday Sale Opens - Friday Morning See Tomorrow's City Water Works plant, haa been made a beneficiary in the will of the infant's grandmother, who haa recently died. James U said to have received the child from the mother in the excitement which followed the striking of the ice- berg, and that he clung to the babe tin tU picked up by rescue ships. The girl now grown up has been a visitor to Toronto, according to James' friends. James is a former marine engineer. Market Prices sj- LAKll Pure 28c Compound 25c EGGS B.C. fresh, pullet 50c ac. freih, tlrsU 65c B.C. fresh, extra 60c Local new laid 65c and 70c!B-C- Carrots, lb. 3c Alberta fresh, second 40c risii Halibut, lb. 25e Salmon, red spring, lb. ... ...... 25c Salmon, whit spring "He Smoked kippers, lb. 15C Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb. ... .... 22tfC rtnnan haddlea, lb. 20c Salt mackerel, lb. 25c Eastern salt herring, 2 for , 25C Salt onab codfish muiuii lujr., fillets, tu lb. 30e itu aalt cod bricks, lb. ...... 25c l i:TS Fow, No- j j, 35c to 40c r. .h,r,l"Vh' '."WW" 45c to 50c Harn Ham. Mctd sliced, first r grade 60c Ham, whole, first grade . , 500 Ham, picnic, lb. 35c Ulcott,.. rolls, lb. , 400 55c 50c to 65C p,,, rj salt ., . 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Veal, ahoulder v a5c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 30c Pork, loin 5c Pork, leg 42e Beef, pot roast UVJO to 18c Beef, boiling 0c to 12c Beef, steak 35c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops 50c lmb, shoulder ' 85c Mutton, leg 40o Lamb, leg 8o Mutton, chop Oo Mutton shoulder Q CHAS. E. RAND "The Mark Down Man" is here to conduct a. Cl ean SALE for Ten o'clock Daily News for Wonderful Bargains BUTTER Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland, 2 lbs. 85c ; E.OD, 2 lb. B5c Capital. 2nd grade, lb. 40c mar Valley, lb. .., 4Sc CHEESE Ontario solids 30c Stilton. Ib 35c ' Kraft 45c Norwegian Qoat 65c Napoleon LImberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swift' Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonzola. lb. 75a McLaren 'a Cream, jars .... 45c and 85c Gruyere 50c Golden Leaf, lb 45c VEGETABLES New beets, bunch Cc Beets. 6 lbs. iwj 25c 100 loo. 12.75 New carrots, bunch 5c -00 lbs. . 2JZ5 Rutebagas, 6 lbs. .. 25c 1 ton ik. , 2.75 Radishes, bunch ... 5c Nev? potatoes, 10 lbs. ..25c Potatoes, 100 lbs. . 12.00 Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb. .. 10c Tomatoes, per basket 40c Watercress, bunch 10c Green peppers, 2 lbs. ........ 25c Cucumbers, each ..... 10c and 15c Parsley, bunch 5c Mint, bunch ......).. 5c Leeks. 2 bunches 15c Cauliflower. B.C, head 25c35c Corn on the cob, dozen 40c Green onion, dozen ... 25c Terrace cabbage, lb .... 60 B.C. head lettuce ... 10a Garlic Imported, per lb. ... ... 40o B.C. Cooking onions, 6 lbs.. ... 250 Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lb. . ... 25c Wax and green beans, 3 lbs. ... 25c Vegetable marrow, lb 6c Celery, 2 bunches 25c Hubbard wquash. lb 7c Citron, lb 7c Pumpkin, lb 7o Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 25c Egg plant, 3 lbs 35c Pickling cucumbers, lb , 15c Pickling onion. 3 lbs 35c rui'iT Oranges, Valenclas, dozen .. 25c to 75c Lemons, Sunklst, dots. .... 25c and 3 Jo California grape-fruit, a for 2So Bananas. 2 lbs. for 35c Candled' honey 25c Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35o Applaa, Mela toah Red 1249 s oweep j Apples, Wealthles 1235 Apples, Gravensteins 12.50 Cookling apples HSS Canteloupes, each 15e Peaches, case 11.45 Italian prunes, crate 95c Coooanuta. each ... 20c and 25c Honey Dew melons, each 45c Casaba melons, lb 10c Pears, Bartlett, case 1325 DKIttl FKL1TS Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. 35c Dates, Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk, lb 20c Raisins, package, lb. 25c Cluster raisins, lb , 25c Lemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel 50c Black cooking figs 20c and 23c White figs, lb T.-.s 15c Table figs, lb 25c Currants 22 c Prunes 15c-25c Apples 25c Peaches, peeled i 35o Apricots, lb 40c NL'TS Almonds, shelled Valenclaa 75e Brazils and filberts ... 35C Walnuts, broken shelled 50p Walnuts, shelled halves 65C Almonds 35C Peanut 20c Maschurlan walnut . . . 25c Calllurnla walnuts 45c No, 1 mixed' nuta 35c SlG.Mt White, per 100 : ... $7.10 Yellow, per 100 $0.60 - rxoi'K Flour, 49 s. No. 1 hard wheat $2.78 Pastry, flour, 10'a 65o Pastry flour. 49's $3.90 I'EEH 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 8- .......t... ........ $3.10 Oat $2.60 Bran ... $2.00 Bhorta '. ......... $2.10 Middlings $2.90 Barley $X33 Poultry mash $3.00 Special eggmaah $3.40 Oyster shell $3.90 Scratch food $3.60 Beef scrap ,. $5.33 Oround oil cake $4.73 Baby chick feed ................. $4.33 Fine oat chops ............ $2.70 Crushed oats 1..,, $2.70 Pin barley chop , $349 Whole corn $3.00 Cracked corn $3.10 Fine coram! ,., MJO