P I iff A food to study on, to play on SHREDDED WHEAT Children like its crisjmess The Daily News lniNCR RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deljvery, by. mail or currier, per month SI. on By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year v.... $rt.((. To all other countries, in advance, per ye3r $7.50, '. f Transient Display Advertising. II. 40. per 'inch- per insertioif Transient Advertising on Front Page ..$2.80 per turn Local Readers, per insertion..... , . , 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. ... .' ..15c per agate 1 1 rt Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - rutLT f DITIOM Railway Problems For A Province, 98 86 AH advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.ni.' oil .day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Thursday, April 8, tl2p. .No Uuiailnin province can afford to into the railway building, business. 1 bat is plainly evident from the results ob tained. . I here is no need to go to Ontario for an example. It is right in the West. Uritish Columbia has her IMI.K. problem and Alberta has her K.D. & HfJ. connecting Kdinntoii with the Peace River. Hoth are a drag upon tlTe provinces concerned r Alberta ha offered a favorable ne of her railway to the ClJ.lt. which ha been refused and now it is imposed to make ahfferrtttreM nii !i-L,Lla,'i,ai,!'it il d'jijiey are offering to sell for Ins than half that amount, shouldering the balance of Ihe debt Jherp-'selvW. v J ; . ' Discfissinl future action the Edmonton Journal says cii-'toVifllly: ' . i "Another effort is to be made to intcre.4 Ihe Dominion d'overiiiiienl and with this object in view the premier and Ihe mjiusler of. railways will shortly visit Ottawa. The claim of the railway to a subsidy as a colonization road luis been frequently nrgfd. Its soundness was admitted by the federal authorities when they paid a subsidy of $(J,?0 per -mile on fifty-two miles niidthey should in justice to Allerta extend this to the whole syem. They should also lose no time in launching the vigorous colonrzu.tiou. policy, wilh epcial attention to I'eace Hiver, whieji ; Mr, Jyjng forecast when .In, Edmonton during the general election. "r ... . ; . "If they would nieet Ihese reuitesls. lhe"i)osilion and nms- FISH TRAPS ON WALES ISLAND Vancouver Paper Aqaln Dfscus- aes Unfairness of Policy of Canadian Department CHEAPER FISH FOOD Star Asks Why Discrimination Against Canadians Favor of American Owners (Vancouver Star) StThe Moniiiijf Star is in receipt of', several communication protesting against Ihe use of fish-trap and purse-seines for catching salmon in ltritish Columbia waters. Tjiesc protests appear to have, been f vnked because ot our rcchl. editorial." concerning the question at lsue between the Department' of Marine ami Fish' cries and t tie Canadian Fishine Company, in connection with Hie three fish-traps which were op erated by 'he Company last season on Wale Islaiiil.'.These trap; were built , and equipped at fo-tior1her -iOo.OOrt, ,y the company, fsfler. official .assurance haii.bcorj, received from "the le-partmentUhat a license tp operate would be issued. Hut Towards the-enl of last summer the Debarment changed. it policy as lr. the Wales Island Fishing Dis trict; and ban refused ty issu-any license for the roming sea son in respect to these three traps. ... Not Kill Goose . If fish-traps or purse-seine ire too destructive against the annual, run of salmon; if tlv unrestricted vise of them, such as na.vueen aiioweii unuer no-Aiiiericjan policy Ho American fishermen, would result in de pleting tjie coast fisheries of lliitish Columbia : then of course the . Department is wisi ill' refusing to allow their general i in .uuriuiiK ;?iar mr tun pects of the road would lie so greatly improved that it would Ij?v. waters must pass through waters yery much easier for the province: 'to make satisfactory arrange-lunoer' American control before ments in connection with it. they cau return -from Ihe sea to Waht It Incorporated ' . In Transcontinental. ! ' "II is very desirable to have it incorporated in one. of the trhnscoiititif btal syslcnis rather than operated by the government as j4jsepurte enterprise. Tlie people: of Alberta as a 1j6lfr attynnxipus to have province get out of ihe railway b'usiiw'ss 'hoon as possible. As ,-fwr ' thei sentinient in the country dijectjy affecled, Ihe Peace )tiv 'V . lnj in a recepl issue slated that it had made a careful eimnirv llii'i.tiL'luiui iu rllory and thai "nowhere was lher,e to be foiiud a preference for viiuur oi uie iranseuiuiiieiuais as against-the oilier, but on all hands there appeared to be a genuine feor of the results were tile operation of the road lo be attempted directly by ihe provin- nai Kuverumeni." n should be -only as a last resort and after every enort lias been liiade to sC,cure an adequate offer from cither the CN.il. or the C.P.U, that h policy of government owu- t jsnu' ami operation should lie -'decided upon." niier'Mussoliiii. jut inspiration to commit the cr me. H ie. won r suv tlmt frei. nig thP country fnmi the man who was turning the countrv hack from democratic progress she would be' sacrificing herself for the ?ake of her countrv. liul if, as a matter of fact, traps and purse-seines can be Used unuer proper restrictions so as to provide fish for the people at even a cent less per pound, and without anr more risk to dp pfeting the fisheries than comes of the use of gilt nets, then the interest of no one special class of" fishermen, whether using gifl net, troll, purse-seine or Imp, shdubl be considered as against Ihe1 interests of the mass of the pijjaple: in other word as 'again, a jlbwer price for food. Absolute Equality Xl'he Morning Star, moreover, evyh at risk of depletion n witters contiguous to American watj'rs, stands for absolute equality ' of opportunity and privilege for Canadians whenever and wherever they must com pete in jiny phase of the fishing jhitus'Jry'wllli Americans. There fore, if fish spawned in Canadian Canadian streams hy should not Canadians be allowed the I'saliio privilege as Americans to (catch these fish of Canadian ori- Igffj taps and purse-seines? Ill the - vniencans are hent. on ruining the run of fish at .1 herb places, by an excessive catclr I 'hen hy.whoabif. (Canadian's be re- sirameii irum ninf inc same nietnods to obtain the fish be- ifore' their 'extermination? We jhav negotiated for over twenty years .with the Americans foi a 'join! policy of protection and conservation of salmon on tin I'acifio Gna!; and so far in vain American experts, in these mat- d - ' 1 .. . 3 11. it A.... a mm . ' TS ill IJIf? If I ct I II Willi vUr Pr.mi m,...iii own; and often joint recommen 1' ; . I . . ' . ... Idalions have been made to the .... ....v...,., ,,., .,,..,.- .,j ci wooiuii niii.iiii- io uiuruer l're-lr,.4n-.ivp irvrnr..ents eoncprn 1 1, .1,1. II.. j 1 : i i... i...... i, .. use. faVor any policy of killintr l)u-goose that lays the golden egg, "uc 'ON'ireu J'J lOHj uiouves III ,,,, ,.. . AmPrjCHr, .ip these recommendations arc never adopted. Seemingly they are bfoeteir by political or commercial influences; recognizing only Similar reasoning was nscf by the Oatholies who l,,rnedif"!'!ir:f?:ly.."a!! fTlT V'l'1' iToicsmnv nereucs to save the souls of tlue they burner! ni ."( .""' V , others who niiirhf be infhienee.l !. il.,..,, nh.i u J fessor (Haheock, chairman of the ... ...... .... . ................ j ,,( uuu it if., i I if. uri.t. I . . t . who burned Catholics and Ihe patriot of ubl who drove out, nihI murdered Ihe heathen in I lie name of religion. The soviet riders who have murdered almost a million people in Ilussia since the last revolution' hne been itisjiired by similar purposes. They would, murder for the gom! of their country, And yet we, know (hat murder begets muriler, force begets force, criminal fiction of any "kind tends to breed further criminal acliun unless frowned down nml stamped, out. Inloleranee is still rampant ii) the world and until, wo agree to differ and are willing lo bide ur lime for reason and. euliment to overcome bigolry.aml crime we are not mnking progress. Mussolini yil have his day and then ther.e will be a reaction and lln tide will sweep the olhcr way. II lias always been so in ihe past and history alwaj's repeats itself. i in.i.-i oaii.tiai Halibut Commis sion, returning recently from the North, itv ('uoteif as aaying: Implement Promises "The salmon cafch of every district of Alaska is the poorest In years-. .Men who make ft a business to ascertain conditions lold jpe hat the pack of Alaska reds,' which are sockeye, would not :t')iceeiF So per cent, of last year' park. There has been a big siump in every Hpecies. Ihi: the rack of sockeye In northern THB DAILY 4Ifi5W3 .. ....... ,.-:.-v-r J waters of DfUsU .Goiumfila,. including , ivreeai, Naa's, and ! Rivers miiF SmnhVliilelS. is far In excess of thai at this flab; Inst year." V . v-. i:i-eviMjfpjnyx. jtttt atfrt ropulalion fij, Jmpleiiuinling one's promise pay. The 'Morn ing Mar, in reference to tlitr particular ciise of Ht" Canadian FishiinB Company, has already expressed the opinion thai whenever there has; ieen any ollfcial assurance givyn hy any branch or department of the Dominion (oveininent, gliding to the in-vestmenl of money in any industrial enterprise; ami when an official change, of iwdiey is then uwole whereby such industry U crippled or siopffed, there should be full compeiisalitiu granted for loss thereby occasioned to private investors in such industry.- In The Letter Box THE FOND FAREWELL Alitor Daily News: I bave read a fond farewell from a minister to his coivgrega Don in yours of I lie Til h iiisla-it and being a worshipper of Ihe Presbyterian" Church of Prinn-Itoperl I heartily reiMinmeixt to the notice of the management of the Church !as a pill to he taken before meals luree limes a day. Perhaps hy doing so :' will be the means of wakiuv them up (o do their duty and have no doubt will he most bene ficial to their health. , tiny .-v.. . Endor$ V J Borden'EfU Urtnd Cun denud Milk ha been high, ly rccom-mndJ foe inlant fredlns by leading physician since 1U7. If you cannot nurse baby use Eagle Brand. Writ The Bor den Co. Limit' ed, Vancouver, for frt9 Baby Wtljar Book. cillATl.-J. THE MAN IN THE MOON I , says: .Til FY say a surkrr is ori: every minute. I'reiiy soon we shall be told how often there ar wins. LAWMAKKItg Visually put a ban thy the uiiperfii'iiieii u of the coniniqu,JU;in Dul they wimid Ihe picaditlos Of Ihe sftli L6 snuad so sleek und shiny-. T r . F.AHXKST.M-SS may be all right as long a- it i4 not posses sed by Ihe person who i insist eniiy urging you to buy some thing you do not want. IF ladies' bats were not aP right, how would they survive the slorrns of crilieim they hav lit undergo. SUPPOSING woihen were .t attain their dearest wlshi' and descepd lo an equaljly with men, what a terrible world 1tlfs would be. IT'l.l. prelly soon be time lo spend week ends aCm the bar- imr or at sonie other nearby beach. TKX Utile sausage? . Sizzling on a plate Campers arriving 1 Then they were at.e. , ..TAKKays; its j( Very well for lhoe' people who jiaye iiot enough sand lo go 'campfng. lie prefers his grub cooled 'over s slove nm wiihout anyyiHhneces-sary irVlnenil ' biVreiileiJt'M He llilnks he has enough sand al- p w II ri'inly. , :Thu iy,Vp tl A&pit 020. RECORD S S6 il I' PlayoniWI Awm Record 1 jl Repro-'il duclng . yn8trumeny TIIF. pench crop i' ruined,, nothing left but chickens. ! . i ; I'l'.Opl.H to.e their-head over, very small mailers, hut IheiJ they often have not very much lo! lose. i - -- Ten Years Ago In Prince) Rupert April , 1916. A new higli price record for JidlilMi! was eslahiished here this hiorning when the National In dependent Fisheries paid 91 it pound for 1 1 be ca tches of tlic he patjadian.' schooners llianc? 'o. "l, v.Muirncag, Anila, Itehora, jjtoahl, jjhelnia and I'isher. ' The donrd of .Tnnle rooms were crowded, Ijst ovening when T. Kounelly of New York, desfcriter of the dry dock, delivered an address on Ihi prnspee! of Ihe plan I. The meeting was presided over by" H. A. A local branch of Hie nuu Women's Christian Association has been formed here witli.MM. V. II. Kcrgiu as presfdent ahl Mrs. T. McClymont, sr.' 'OtV.r niemhers of Ihe executive ar Mrs. Mcfnlosh, Mrs. -PeeJt.Sfrs. KirkpalrickV Mrs, .1. .Mf ltao( Mrs. Hullon, Miss1 Irinlso'ii and 'MIS? Clarke. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prbce Rupert If. If. Marshal), tl. A. Iledreen. 1.1. R. Wilson, V.. X. Allaire ;ind A. 8. Haker. Vancouver: Klnnlov Xewman, London, Fiigiamt; John 1A. Clark, Claxton Cannery. Central Charles Wilson, Smllhor: II. I Hansen, Sunnyside. tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM DEMAND jElectricallu Recorded by tjhe New ffff t M UkY It ROCESS IL Hear these New Recordings To-day at any Brunswick Dealers 3091 "FI.A.MIN' .MAMIE" "C1IIXKV Hl'TTEHFLY" Two of the ltt dnc hltt MIKE M ARKLK'S ORCHESTRA nJ Voc.I Churu. 3KJ3 -SONG OF THE FIVME" COSSACK LOVE SONtr both from " Song of the Flame." yrlth mixed Chorus and CAKL KENTON'S OUCHESTKA. 30S2 "BELL HOl'PLV BLUES" THE ROSES BROUCHT .ME YOtt" Hen Hrrnie and his HOTEL ItOOSK-VELT OUCHESTKA. 30S6 SAY .MISTEIt! HAVE YOIT MET HOSIE'S.SISTEHr "SPANISH SHAWL -By WENIlEIJ, IIAIX,Tti ReJ-Hd. ed Mulc Maker. 30J0 "ALWAYS- "THE SYMPATHY WALT" -For Danflnir, by REGENT CLUB ORCHESTIIA. 3031 "THANKS FOB THE BIJfJGY lUDB" "SHE WAS Jl'ST A SAILOIFS SWEETHEABT" For naneirf-THE SIX JUMPINu JACKS, with Vwal Cborua. There is always Sotnethinjj New on Hruiiswick KecortU. J. lorne MacLaren, Limited 4 TIIF. other ilay I beanl of ! tax beipij put on a person'! memory. Thai was of eonrse on I the principle of '.axing vaeanl' lol. ! "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD," 8mokef Dally by i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage G., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. GARDEN TOOLS Rakes. Hoes, Spades, Forks, Shovels, Mattocks Thompson Hardware Cot, Ltd. TUGBOATS Day Phones 45 Runert Marine K3t ' alio?8,,. Products Ltd. fiEO. Q. BUSHEY, Man. Dir. Night Phonaa 7 S38 Cr. 2S8 ack 7S5 Advertise in "The Daily News"