I;,urdar, April 8, 1020. Old Fashioned Peppermint Patties 40 cents per lb. 5 lbs. box $1.80 HAIR CLIPPERS, PXlru -penul, Ormes The llexall .Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers, iinieii-ion. Sluplap. I n Fun-ti, Flooring V Joint. Ilinlir unit llevel Siding. Cedar ami Fir lliiiit Lumber, Fir mid Colloowood Veneer, Mouldings, .Hliuigle. Kolored .Shingles, lutli. Oak. Hardwoods, S;ii and I lour, Wood I'ipe. CEMENTS, Etc.-rl'orllaud Cement, Keeue- Cement. As oi l.- Omi'iil, llnrdvviill Plaster, filler of Paris, I'1 out Hoard, l.une. II lrutd l.iiue. Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc -Common llilck. I'ir Wrick, Pressed Hriek. f . ulliind Tile. Vitrified Piie. Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS - Noil. Iliiihliiig Panr, Tar Paper. Nnhheroid Hoofinc. John. Mnuvi!le' beo Hoofing- pltall. phnlt tlonf mg papers Sand and (ifjvel. N AN AIIY10-WELLINGTON COAL Try our il U ! (r vnnr K it 'ten lln-igr ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 118 Soft Finish Service 7c per lb. and lc per piece Our mmihJrri -irfarflb Is $1.25. r r " I i .iiikeeM-i h i- friend-. Siiinr .ire heller than Uf- ii r Soft I'iih-Ii ini e i- va.nliiig lo he onr (.. .ii i ,.,m your lime and terg. It washes. dric i v.Mir . k . i-li. Ie.tnt)j mmi inly a lillle ' '' !K "i' wuii iii i, h-I -.in. .mi i'm .mug apparel. T i i . ..-I iii Suit Finih i reuxoinlili- indeed. Phone v ,nid wld (In- hoiiM-bold frond lo onr lil. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operaillnp. Q.'T. P. 20,000 Ton Flollng Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. lo handle at: kind? of Our plant I equipped MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P Loggers! Loggers! We have hc only coinplelo slork of Gilchrist Jacks mid parU in Uio North. We li.nil U8 I'eavicn, .Saws, and general Camp r.ipnpnieiiL It will pay you lo sec us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second per pair $1.00 . . . . Limited Pioneer lining ds Phones 82 and 200 and 117. Phone 8 I Avenue I m ':t L r ' hi Local and Personal l'lione 15, Coal Go. tf Arthur.? Taxi. IMione 078. If li.C. Undertakers, Pbone 41. Slieddun's Taxi and Messcnu'ci Service. 'Phone 134. if You'll fi'uvH Die time of your life at Ihe (lyro lloedown Friday n'ttbt. A hand of fun nl II... (ivm lli'HoWfi Friday nitflit at. the Aiijiigrfqiir. KttlftMlodfrev'u-na a ti.m.eti. stt'v 'hiaiiiu .fur Stewart on Ih-j Prinre-'Oeorge. lait night. hi'ii t fall to iro to the Oyni IIi.i-.Jowii on I'faday nlht at the AuiJi:.irtuhi. ?Ytiu will mis it if yw dr'..i'i if V 1 :iyde Morris wan fined , in Hie ejty -police court (hi niiriiina jtoti a change of intoxi- rnl ttrcli " ? I Hat adjourned annual gen en I nicctlrifc of Hip pnnee llunerl FooIIihII A-eiaiion will he held tomorrow, Friday evening at .:i0 in Hie cily hall. Alleiihnii .Mim-c! (Memorial S.rvicv will he held on .undav Aj.ril II at o clock in the Met- riiinilu .llull. Church narade lo the Ansrliean Church l 7 p.m. Please ulleiiil. '4'he 'Pn-'hylerian Vonsrejfa- liinal rifeliiijf called for laM iiikIiI wa adjourned until next M'linlay cxeiiiii. There were noi uffh'ieni ineiiihern present at Hie meelin? to form a quo rum. Ihe pirU am( litlraction coiiiiiiiIU. of (he Fair ltoai'd met :la-t niglil and further diirusel the mttlttr of huKliiir an Indian (Day in connection with the lif.'C I hxhiliition. II U roooed lo Ifniilier mlvanee the :diin hv rorminx a larjfeveonunil1ee with delecate from Ihe varioio mi the i'tiiiiiiiinitie in the tjlricl. . iUarveHb of (indee n! Hau!t upon .' fejtnale' were laid in ihe city nblire court Ho- niorimiir auainal Ihe lhne vhiiHm who were nrreftled ly the notice on Tueil:iy- mailt followinn ai eiiMl J involving a voim. Womnu MfOlywoiii Park. The li'-ftruii: or Ihe ca-e. turlhe. mljourned until next Tuendav Two ut Hie younr men are out oi hail and a laird in rem minx in Hie oek-up. iiF.i'irri(. i. pjui:ks.- e are ilened to offer our fainou FiN'n roal. creened lump aek ci. in ton lot for ?l3.ao. oe ii iierore you nuy your uexr iiii!.v of timothy and alfalfa hey, jirain, feed. eeed. ferlilier, I- 'i-i-i-lmian dry yeal for xloek iit'd onlrry, Pralt'. hahy ehiek r I and poultry upplic on which we can nave you money and mvi1 ou tlie iei aceom- tiiodiitiort at our own dock Prince II i -1- Feed Co., Phone 58. Tro'ler'.- Duck. Phone 538. 81 e TOO LATF TO CLASSIFY IIiU sK lor llenl. liininc: room, kiti'hee. paiitrv. hiitli, four hedionliif. -.5.u. Apply .'IS 1'iuirlli Avenue Kasl. If HHt UKXT Sewn lloome I linii-ie PIioiii1 (ii'ivii 735. 81 Was Nearly Crazy From Headaches Mim K. Ttrill, 579 RsJwooil At WninijM-if. Mh, writw: "I mi troubled with auch ttvrrt hfJachrs that Mime timci I was netrljr ctttj witli tlieni. One ilay s friend told me lout, wtl aJricd me to uw so f trisit it, ind It hu done ni a world of good. I juit took two and a half bottk-v and I haven't had a I brod'icbe for a Ion? thus, nan." Put ui onlr bjr Th T. Uilbura Co, Linuud, Toronto, OnU 1 THE DAILY NEWB LARGE PRIZES I i FOR BIG RACE So Far 164 Horses Entered In Ketntucky Derby But 20 May Face Barrier LOLISVILLi:, April 8. Follower of the "sport of Kings" ure tnuziiif as lo which of the 104 three year oldi entered, will capture A merlca'n premier event of turfdom the Kentucky derby lo he run here -May 15. The entry M for Ihe ifly-fccoud renewal of . the annual clai!lc cloed In Fehruary. Vlr- lually every first vAana three year old home in the country has hceii nominated, with all the areal slahle represented. If twenty horse face the bar rler, Ihe race will he worth $33,-375 (o (he winner, In addition to a beautiful gold trophy. The second horse will net i5,oun, the third, ?3,000, and I he fourth, 000. Many are wondeini? If Pom-pey, by fun Uriar, uf (lie Shoshone stables who lead American horse winnings Jn 125, with 1 21, 03i, will capture, the prized event. This son of Cleopatra last year captured the futurity staves ai itciuioni I'ark paying YSS.IMii, ainl'tlie Hopeful slake at Saratoga, paying 5 12,850. Another, who was not far behind I'ompey in wiuuincs, J. K, ririffltir Canter, l highly fa- vored. He won Ihe leading race of the fall session at Churchill Downs, Ihe Kentucky Club Jockey Stakes, netting 23,315. and the Pimlieo Futurity, paying 53,35U His earnings for (ho year totalled U3,yitf. Other proniisinsr hordes favor ed by many to capture the raco are: Flight of Time, winner of Ihe llreeders Futurity at l.exiw loo, who cleared 3'.,7U2 last year: Ilubbliug Owr. winner of 2t.7.'I7 lal year, and Nurnii. who, a it three year old, won lb. :tu,nno Xew Orleans Handi cap this ear. Haste. Hhiiioek, Chicago and Mars aUo are ad milled ! have a j:oid chance. COST OF EDUCATING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS KO.Mu.YJO.V, Ai-it 8. Itu; on Hie ne! ani'Oinl voted by the legislature for the ciirrenl year for the I'niversity of Alberta. Ihe cost of educating tlie 1,35 4 slu denls at tfe university, for t'Jil, was 2(I7 ier head. If to this is added the. proportion of rosl per student, of In terest, debenture and sinking miid payments, the cost per student was 132. The above information is contained in a return tabled in tbo Alberta legislature by Hon. Per ren linker, at the reiuesl of Ceo. .Mills, Liberal. Alh.thaska. The first method of arriving at per capita cost is that adopted all oer the North American conliiienL states the return. There were IU professors, lec turers and similar fulUliniu in struclors at the unlvcrsily in lt'fr, and etwaged in ndminis tralivo nod rlerieal work, 2t em ployes. ui mese :i employe.-, seen received salaries of less Ibati lnn per year; seven were paid from 85,000 to 3.m0J sk from J.l.noo to $1,000. and Iwti, over ? ,i00. t Miianes pam 10 oilier em ployes, including bookstore, print mtr. diuinr room, residence (from wboe labor there is a profit , and from. : laborers, groundsmen, lantlors, firemen, etc.. totalled S-'Si'.UIo.li for the same year. KETCHIKAN LOOKING" DIRECTION OF RUPERT FOR REAL BALL GAME KF.TCHIKAX. Aprd 8. Whenever the sun shines. , as it hai sliined several days of lale, the ball players get out and limber up with n view to the ooeuiiiK of ilhe season. A league will he formed here land after the local "hoys have Iried out their metal In local contests they will he looking across at Prince Hunert and hon- llng to find a real team, there that will give them n hard lussje for victory. Kenny McQuaJg of - P. Hums Co. Ltd. local slafT ha relurne I lo Hie eilv nflni' linvlnrr, tnnnl n few weeks holidaying!,, In Van-Icouver and on the Island. SubsoribTtovlhV"l)ailyNcw3. , ; mild. Blended Cigarette ... 7S Winchester INDIANS ELECT SITKA MAYOR A. R. Hanlon Gets Majority of 90) Result of Native Vote For Him Jl .'XK.tr, April 8. i. It. Han Ion was elee.teiK mayor of ltka on a slate called "The Indian Ticket" by a majority of 00 over V. P. Mills, a leniliiwr merchant of the town. Pete Allapo. a former Imliart piire fishier and at present chief of police re. devoted the after 1 1 1 m i n of poUiiijf day to hauling Indians in the polls. The Indian vole, organized by Ihe Indian lawyer, Paul, is lie coming a powerful factor in the political life of the territory. In dians voted in numbers at the last territorial election and an effort to eeure the passing of an illiteracy ban by the I'nited States Congress which would pro cut from voting those unable to read anil write failed. AXCHOIt.Uii:. Alaska. April - -C. M. Hekman was re-elect mayor here yesterday. PIONEER PILOT IS DEAD AT VICTORIA YICTOIUA. April X. Captain John Xevvby. a pioneer of Hrttish Columbia shippinc and one of (tie five original pilots of the Vic loria I'ilolnue authority, is dead. He was born in Liverpool in 1810 VdwHUe In the Hailr New ANNOUNCEMENTS Oyro lloedown Friday. Anril 0. in Auditorium. lioyal Purple bridgi, whlsi drive and dance, Klks' Home. April II. ! nl heron Women's Aid Spring Sale. April 15. at GlC Sixth Ave. YVesl. i Tennis Club Hall, Klks' Home April 16, Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid Spring Sate. April 21. !' . . Fair Hayseed Dance, Wednes day. April 21. ItnlliY Home ll.'iaar May (. PAGE THRE1 CIGARETTES S.S. PRINCE OCOaOC ih1 PRINCE CHARLES will Iravr PRINCE RUPERT r..r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, auil Inlrruwdiate puioU FRIDAYS and MONDAYS al S.00 a.m. Kur STEWART aiHl ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorllllflilly fur VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY am! SATURDAY at 8 p.m. tor PRINCE 4EOR0E, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all utnU t4tcm Canada, lulled State. AQENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Tlcktt Offlct, B2S Third A, Princa RuparU (canadianT PACinc far ItTCffiUK. WKA.1COL JCNUO. SUtf AT Far TAKOlirU. ViaoUA aW SUTTU Steamship and Train Service Phona 2 SO Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Si ni-ICUS KATalCa For BuUiala, Swanaon Bai, Eaat alalia Balla, Ocaan Falla, Naiwu, Alan Mai. Campkall Rltar, and Vancautar aary Saturday 11 a-m. Aaancy for all StaamaMa Llnaa. Full Informall fram W. C. ORCHARD Qanarat AfaaL Carnar of 4Ui Straat and 3rd Afanua. Prlnea Rupart, BA. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Sailinra from Prtnca Rupert, .or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA; Swanaon Bay, and Alart Baa, Tuaadai, S P. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bai, and Swanaon Bar. Saturday, 10 A.aJ. For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar Cannarlaa, Thuraday pjn. For PORT S.'PSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday. S Jn. I2S Snd Aiauca. t. Baraalay, Afaat. Priaaa Raaaan. 8.0. NOTICE. l Tilt MATTtll ..f au aMiliratleii tor llw a I'n.vUlmuf c.rrliruale of Title fur Alnil Lf "B or t.l stvta (71, I! lock roriy-itix III, nuiMilvlsimi or l.ul M-trti nuuurra ami inriv u mo.' oin-ni lliark.llf lumrlrt (Vlai lu;i. sailrji.iry rHr ut llw lux .r Ibe if-rnriralf i.f THIo rutrrlnp the atiuve Oiimi luouir Imii nnslurra In me. II i; i)- liilfiiln.il li l.m. aflri tlie rvplration r mi iim.iiiIi mmi tlie rirst ulllratlvii hens.r. a iTi.M'i.gul Crrlirirate or Till lo I lie aUir land la lh namr of I'aul oiierrle .Ma-iurl. Tim nrlrlnal Crrilrlcatr r Tllle 14 lUlcd the yjlh or-AugUil miw. ami niiniuri'pii 1 1 nun. land itrrlir.v iirru-r. rrlnrp nuneri iki.., jnn Man ii. ivxn. It. f. MACLEOU. HryUlrir nf Tllh-s GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notlca of Application for Baar Llcanca NOTICE IS IIIUKHV tilVK.N that un thp alii ilav uf Mar neii Hie iiiuli-rslnieil In luiil In apply In Ihe LlqiKir Cimlml Huanl fur a llifiiri' in reiect In pmnle kiHiwn a O..W.V.A. Hotel, sltuale In Ihe tiiwiisiUr lit Purl llleinrtil, ll.i:.. iihiii ttlf Mini iH'M-ruxMi a miiiin nair or mi, s ami S, Murk tl, Plstrtrt lot lis, ottrrn lliarliillr .land IHslrlrl. ai-rr(lliif to a rrriMrnnl man nr plan IciiImI at Ihe l.aiul HrirMry orrirs in th City ut ITIner lliiN-rt. B.C.. ami iniiiilierrU I0T. rr me aie nr iieer uy nm ria or i. Ihe niH'ii iKillIe (nr oinsiiinptiim mi Jhc prrmUes, . - lialetl al I'lliHf nupert, B.C.. thU Sail nay April, ivro. FHAMi I'EAUCK, Vpplirant NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for t. ....... ,.r Hu...,. i ..i Li., i. into Tor Lot Ihlrty-rivr (3i Blork Infniv ln (Jv. SrrtUin alt 4. Cltv of I'rlliee Huuert. In the I'rovi'neo of Brit Ish Culimilila? (Map. OiS). Sall.farlory prix.r of the In of Ihe Ortiriraln or Title covering Hie above laml having- lirrn nrudureil lit me. It ! my Inienilou to n.ue. after the explra-tlmi of una month from the flMl ntthll- ratlnii hereof, a Crovlnluual Crrtlfirale o' Tine iu inw aiHive lancl in the name of 1'KTEH EOFITOS. th orinnal CerliTt-rate of Title l ilated Ilia ttth of Govern-rr. 1I7. .and la numbered S7I91. .Land rteaiory orrire, prince Itupert, B.c Martb vtb. ta. II. f. MacLEOD, Reglatar of Title. .Rarca 19. 23, Apt! 9. I). 31 Jlarck 23. Aatl 2. 13. 23 PRICE LIST Dry Cleaning and Pressing Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed $2.00 Men's Suits, sponged and pressed $1.00 Men's Pants, cleaned and pressed .. $t.0o 'Men's Pants, sponged and pressed ... 50c Men's Overcoats, cleaned and pressed, from,. $?.00 Men's Overcoats, sponged and pressed tl.Oll Ladles' List Ladies Suits, dark colors $2.00 Ladies' Suits, light colors $2.50 -Ladies' Skirts, dark colors $1.00 Ladies Skirls, light colors .,. .. $1.25 Ladies' Skirts, pleated and cleaned ... $1.75 Ladies Skirls, pressed only ... .... ... .. $1.00 Ladles' Skirls, pleated $1,00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Best LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Phone 8