25 TAXI Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOi, XVI , NO, 82 EXCHANGE OF il 9ri. M.D. OFFICERS! M)of.Cenerl Kelchen Come From Winnipeg to Victoria to Have Charge Here ' t w pril a. Majvr it ii . Krtchvn. ditrtel !' in.imltnK Hit- military N imiH-r 10 al nudeg. In i" MMintt Holru'l ffi- iiiin.iii.lii v.- Mllllar) District Ni tiiiKi II f i. t,.r. II.C lit ,i'J i -;. . J. M. !. n n.-in.in.(f m 1 1 ii wry ltrtot II. Vi ! -iia Hit Uum transferred V nnipiTK iltolrict officer iiiiiiHMiini M. i. n. efleevvr ' ;n,i I. Tni' i ii.i Northern in: iwi- t a I mi) iil at Prime Hu-1 nit under District Num- II UKtl W til llflri . f.ilHT IM-'I' mtrol of Maj'i -ii"ittjrl K II! II POWERFUL TUG FOR THE COAST Vessel WIII Tow Logs From Queen Charlotte Islands, to Powell River VH TOIIIA. April 8. 1'nr low P iiriHtir lii'lWC'll Oliccii I Ha lntli lninl und l'owi'll Hiri, the Kiiifronilio NniKiilMn i Miipany ha nurrliiiMnJ a pnw rir liiBhiiiil from the Hrilifh! Hiliutralty. il wa aimouiirwl by Xoi uiaii Yarrow today. The e-.iel. Wlilrh left . I.iiilh. Sriiilaml. on March 37. I clefl-imI In iirrie hero ulioiil May IT. She will he roinerted froiii coal) lo an oil burner at the. Yarrows liuimall pliiiil secondbeeY VOTE ASKED VII TOIIIA. April 8. A petition iTiieil liy Tolly per reul rent of Hie HeM-iloke electors which ar-rle. here today ak for a ee-oml heer hy the sla?' pleld-rile. which II I jluled prohnbly will he uraiited under hwiilallou eiiipowerinir the poveriuneiil lo ufraiiK'1 a ereond vole. ONE HALIBUT BOAT Only one hulllihl Imal fold her fiilrh here today. II was Hos Arrow wild 2o,000 which "was piirehu-M'd liy Hum Cold Hloragi I'oiupany nl 12.7'Uo and Cc, T2 j WhiMl it- ;II.C. SiIt lyiUi'ii-ri-xi i Imiuvcll 1l:i.ii I A I Il'rcinicr pol ler hlalio 3)' ..in will reach Ml lenit lo,000.- I (Mill CAVAN MENTIONED AS NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA 4 l.ii.MHI.V April 8 Tin 'ratlin m il ha excellent irn-.ni.. liir believing that tin I. ail f Cavan. former j-Iik-i nf the Imperial uMirr- al in. wlli. succeed l.ord HyiiK a- liuwriMir Ueneral l I'm nU when Ih lrm .ll-- .ll IMIttKH in Auxuil ii.-M Tin Ijirl i ii? year ..I TORREY RE-ELECTED J1AY0R OF KETCHIKAN Kl H:illKN. April 8. - Turn Tin-ivy Mii ri'-i'li-etnl muyot- of Kflrliikan for Uil' bUHi " ' I ' nl a y . VANCOUVER EXCHANGE lli.l. AikU I K I. nr. ;'.ni I.",. :i inn .'.or .III .!'. .11 'a liH m .Hi'- SHACK BURNED BY BUSH FIRE Department Has Been Busy During 24 Hours Extinguishing Blazes on Dry Townslte Tln cii fin- ili'ptirltiK'iil hat heni huy durinar llii nal lwi-iilv-1 rmi l..ma ...... II. .....I1 mili firp on I lie lowntil.j and: lh' Hrrital of rain, after the dry, w Inily W iMier of lh I'jkI wvk, U a Ki'iicrul ri-lli'f. Tin! dry. dead i:r:i had lu-i'ii l-cumln jf vry iaflaiiiinahh- and easily ignited. About 3 o'clock yc-lcnruy uf-lnioon, Iticn wh a pra fire on llif waN'rfronl nrar llu diVH-lur and a hark ieloii;thi lo Jack Anderson, a (ehwraph line man who i, mil of I lie city, wax mniMiHipd. 'Hi" eon I en I of (In; Hwi vtvrr miinvrd. At 7.30 lafl -irniiisr. llu dc-pnrtntMit had a rail to put oul a rullier lMiv iira.i fin- iuar and tiir di-uirtiinnt hh fllldl out. Thf flanifn were MihdiH'd but nol unlil after a ohicken-HuiiM' bad been corrlird. 'lite niall ttco tnirk u urd in rpojHiiidiii' lo all the call and I. toil .fori of hoi line was urd allogetlnT. MUSSOLINI RECOVERS Italian Premier, Following Assault, is Going to Tripoli h rihnA of . II. Orui al ' the far fMil or tlviow. H wa exllaTuiliiHl by ehrmicaU and walrr nfler a hmct lift of liii bad !.Hrn laid.' Again at 7 Vlock t lit inorti-ms. a bonfire Jl Jy. He Jg hum nlHR'li''iiWir.iri?rf$Tilinrr at Sfeal fn Kyi uf of rnntrol R0WE, April 8. Premier Mussolini, who yesterday escaped assassination at the hands of Hon. Violet Alblna Olbson, sister of the Irish Nobleman, Baron Ashbourne, passed a good night and left today for a voyage to Tripoli aboard a battleship. BIRTH. i ihni:.iiti-i' was horn al I lie Piit'ce ltiiHM'i liiMicral lloiilai on April 8 l Mi . and .Mi. l.liri aihi-r. Seal t'lUe Circle. Extreme Cruelty Charged Against Woman in Treatment of Her Child in the Police Court This Morning A -lory or iilinoM unheliea!de rnielty or a woman agaiiisl . .... lil ehilil v;l mi folded in the rilv Police court lliis i...r MhltUIimIc !r.lviiuiiil mill ri'-ullt'd in Mi IllOIIIUIfl O" - , , xt ,.nii iiein! i-nniiiiilleil for trial on a r iariro of aifKi'U vuli-'ti anull ocruMouing nrltiul biulily harm on her litllo niece. I ..I., i nk I utl Ii riiMMiiinii nt nliiiL- iii ihc cvidenct! In the .ill l Jl v. c cn.e. accioeil lliralieil Iho child uiiiiii'ivifiilly and llien, leaving her u lus of hriliCN IH'U liur up o ni'' muio In thai rouilHion she was foiinit. at li o'clock hy I'JIik'f Vlckul's who wii culled to the scene, hy nolKli-Iniis. -Mrs. Miiynaiil was not on the scene 'when Ho chief arrivoi'l hut a little- later she was. located hy Constable Alex. Macdoitald and placed under ancsl. lr. -Te-niayne was called and k:o tho llllie lil Irealinenl. Ill treatment of Hie child at tlic hands hr her aunt I aliened lo have hern mhif on between February' iMl andilils dultv 'inco the people in nuoslion have lieeu living ul I In- Sluimrork Itooms. On one occasion, accused is ul Icucd lo have bt-aleu the child and lied her in a sack leaving her in bed. It was tesliried hy ono of Hie vvilncsses Unit the child had been heard once lo scream: "Aunlv. aunty, don't kill me! The witnesses in court this morning were Ir. Treinayuc, Clilef Yickers. Coiislable Mucdon old. Junius Uos ami Ihc, littlo iil herself. Mrs. .Muynaid to In the city juil and will appear shortly heforo Jiiilire Voiing for election. " 1 f - PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIIINCr: lll'PKHT. II.O. Till HSDAY. APHII, 8. 2. YelerUaj i Circulation. tiST A HISKY .STl'.NT AM) HO.NK HY WOMAN On week days Mis Viola (ieulry is a restaurant cashier, with aviation lis a hobby. This week she jumped out of her week-day cliarticler ami flew under Krooklyn bridge where dangerous air ciif-1 renl have forced down expert flyers !o hack down from at-' leitipliug Ihe stunt. Pholo show her plane passing under Ihe bridge. ,. j.v PREMIER MINE OPERATIONS A summary of Premier mining operations for eoiii,iri-oii, lhoe of ill'.'!, i as follows; Diamond drilling, feel l.'i.SItS Development drifls and raises i,.Kt;i Total diamond drilling to dale .... 51,582. Total underground workings 57,-Mid Ore mined, dry tons ..; 1.111.01 V Ort- milled, dry (oik I.U'.ir,:, Ore shipped to Tacoma, dry Ions ... 75,017 Ore shipped lo Orniiby, dry tons .... 21,1.12 Table eoncenlniles shippetl, tlry Ions n,at2 Flolalion coiieeuli".iles shipped, dry tons 2,222 l'recipitales shiped lo Selby, Ions . I .!." Ounces ffohl urodltced IU!,288 Ounces silver produced :i.OI5,:tS2 omuls lead produced l."2,Olo Hroken ore reserve Dec. :Jl. tons .. l.iS'i Ore lirokni during year. Ion 2l:i.M . verage price silver, per ounce .... l0. GRAIN COMPANY SELLS ASSETS FOR HUGE SUM CAI.OAIIY, April 8. Sliare- boblers of the Albert n-Paeifie tirain Company at a special uen-rral meeliiiK yesterday ratified the Mile of the coinintny's assets lo the ltoyal Securities Cmpora-tiou of Montreal. The transartioa Is said lo involve more than 0.- 100,00(1. OIL TAKS'STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AND ARE SET ON FIRE . ANAlllIl.M. California. April 8. Two oil tanks with 1.500.000 barrels capacity owned by lite Union Oil Co. ul Hrea were Struck by lightiiiii,g this morning and et afire, i-i V 5 ' for 11)25,11 1025 i:t,5DI) i(R.l(82 Xi.O.Ml ,i 1(18,557 55.70, ,sii,2il 2:i,:i. I,:i28 5,021) 7.05 110,725 2.550,' 1 02 ',Mn,Vt 1 20..I8S CALIFORNIA BEING SWEPT BY SEVERE CTADM A Kin U7IinC wound. ji unit 1 rtiiu tttituj; 1 SHT1 5!e. IBS The flight from Fairbanks In j Point Harrow was made in ap-T I proximately four biuirs and a ihjiulin was made in a bUzzard,! 'wli li raseil for two days along' de Arctic coast. ; WEATHER REPORT ' '(iuvrrniuent Telegraphs 1 8 a.m. Prince llnner! : raining iioulhcal Vvbdl ll'liinera Terrace' NARROW ESCAPE OF MUSSOLINI His Llfo Was Only Saved by a i. Hairbreadth In Incident Yesterday (Special lo Daily News' IIOMK, April 8.- I'lie atlemp:. on Premier Mussolini's life took place just as the premier emerged from the Congress of Surgeons and the fuel that he was not killcil was due to his habL of holding bis head erect. Just as (he bullet sped on its intended journey of death, Mussolini I'lO.OOe Ihrew IiV'll' race: vch,ar, vvmdy;1einrfTi Telegraph Creek: cloudy, temp .10. j Soothers: cloudy, temp. 38. j lltinis Lake: cloudy, temp. :M. Ilazellon: rlotuly. windy, temp. tR. "Whitehorse: clear, soutli wind. temp. 31. Selkirk: cloudy, calm, temp '.' i Dawson: cloudy, calm; temp 51. Yukon: average i' above. hack his ueck and head in order to more properly greet Ihe multitude and (he bullet, in stead of traversing his brain, plowed through the tip end of h's nostrils I'auslng only a slight In order lo make certain of the slioolimr of the Premier the I.OS AN(il'.LIS. April 8. -lvjll-iwomun held, a small revolver in mate ul damage caused by rain- both hands and fired as he whs storms wlueti swept Southern 1 about to enter an uutomobilo. California during Hie past live, No reason was given for the act. davs are placed al 1500,00(1. Thel'I'lie police seized the woman and storm, continues, today v,vi!h? vio- drugged her off lo prevent ' Iter b ut winilr- along the coast. e eu lynched. Banff Springs Hotel Fire Loss is Estimated at Two Million Dollars; Rebuilding Ordered HAXFF, April 8.-A fire, which destroyed the whole north wing of I lit) Hanrf Spring Hole! yesterday caused a loss which is estimated al two million dolliVs. Other seclions of Hie hotel suffered tlamage 1ml a sloue lower in Ihe new central wing acted as an air wall. Immediole reconstruction of the destroyed wing and rep others was ordered.' , . 4 The heroic work of lhe.ll.iuff hngade witli assisttuicef lo the le nairs from Calgary ami 500 rnilvvajlttliorers ,lirought (lie fire lintler com Irtd la I evening. Boston Grill Large Upala.'r Duong Hall, with newly laM dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The. latest atvi l"?Hl fr the least. iPhone 457. PRICE FIVR CENTS. W1LKINS FLEW 150 MILES BEYOND BARROW TENM1LU0N DOLLARS WAS LOSS FROM FIRE AT OIL FARM IN CALIFORNIA Loss of Union Oil Co. Ten Million Dollars j from Tank Farm Firel Boiling oil gets beyond control and ignited other reservoirs and surface containers at San Luis Obispo s I.L'IS OHISpO, Cal., April 8. Tin : urre lank farm "In I mull till Cnliipoii) a lilih and a hall oiith l here Ii 0.000,000 gallon tif uil wiii stored, wn abandoned ruil if v ii fin which threatened ils deslriielioir iiue e-:er- tour huge iiiiiUvrgroiiud ivcroir. In which Die blaze had ,. . nilmed ik'nhy ami lusl mglil boiled mcr curly Unlay die flaming oil curried Hit fin t lwu oilier reservoirs uul i .) mtat'i' tunk which wore rai'iill) ignited. t - Several hundred men who hud IfPii fiithling the blaze wem ordered withdrawn. I li.- I..-, ,,f the t ittou Oil Cm. Wilkins'Flew 150 Miles Beyond Point Barrow Quest New Continent FA III HANKS. Alaska, April 8. Captain Witkiiis. who with Lieut. F.ilon arrived yesterday from Point Harrow with u slop-ofr at (Jii'-le (.lily, sas thai tic flew ISO miles beyond Point Harrow on Ihe Arctic Coast before lauding al his supply stuliou. II is said thai no land was sighted hnl unbroken slreh hes of ice were noted as josilde places for aligfilitig with hi- plane after he romplcles Ihe e.-lahlislinieiit of his base ami sefs oul on his flights of discovery for Ihe new continent lie expects to find. Returning from Point Harrow. Captain Wilkins lost eight hours before siIiliux Circle .uy The plane landed at Circle City; for Hie n i;: lit. AGE LIMIT TO A MAGISTRATE Must Not Sit After Reaches 75th Year Is Claimed In North Vancouver .NOIITII VAXCOfVKn, April 8. The rigid of Magistrate Alex. I Philip to sit in Ihc North Van-j comer" district police rourt ts ciiaiieiiseo m t.. e. ..rnuiu, u fatwnixer barrister, .vviio cou- lends thal-th--laiit! iulb'o. rr vincial Municipal Act stating that a magistrate who lias " attained the age of 75 shall be eonipulsorily retired" bars 1'liilip. who is 70 yea.- of age. If the objection is trplicbl, every decision made by the magistrate during the past three and a half months will be rendered null and void. TARIFF BOARD IS ANNOUNCED Alfred Lambert of Montreal Re presents the Manufacturers on Advisory Body OTTAWA. April 8. Premie? Mackenzie King announced in tlio House of. Commons yesterday Iho composition of the ailvisory taritT board of which Hon. (. P. Oraham is chairman. The other two member are D. (, Aiacken-zie of Winnipeg, a farmer, and lfred Lambert of Montreal, 'i manufacturer. Lambert replaces Joseph Daousi, whose name wai previously ni e 11; ion ?d. WILKINS BACK POINT BARROW Arrived at Fairbanks Yestordr.y Afternoon After Taking In Supplies for Expedition I A1UHA.NKS, April . -Captain Wilkin accompanied by Lieilt, Kilsen landed safyly Ben yester- tluy afternoon from Circle City. having returned from their first trip to I'oimI Harrow With supplies for Hie expedition in search Of new luml-s in the far north. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT RECLAIMING FOR FOOD UNFIT WAR SUPPLIES WASlflXUTOX April 8. Tho tioveruincut has enlered suit hi the District of Columbia supreme court airuin'st lu Alaska pack ers AssoeialionAfor t:t0.2IO 11I-lege'd'to be dusnr siilmou fu;--nisbed ilurinrf Jin .worjd wa? which il is nl ttjifi vis unfit for Vise.