PAGE SIX w Prescript ions A few, .reasons why uur presCtipliiui department Is increasing; We ue only fresh, chemically uro drug's. No Substitution Prompt Service Moderate Price, livery prescription dispensed hy a fully tpialiried dispenser. Let us bo your prescription bl, Rupert Pharmacy Prescription ipeeiaists Phone 94. We deliver. Another arrival of Ladies' Coats in Hits latest Spring models. Special this Week: 2Q Discount on Ladles' Dresses Holeproof Stockings from $1.00 (u $1.75 Mrs. W. I. Wi Third Avenue l'.O, Hoj - - '989 Mionc Green 389 NEW Spring Dress Materials In (In" latest Shades and Materials al the most reasonable prices, ltayon Silk, all shades and stripes, per yard .... 75c New Striped and Dotted Kroadclolli, per yard 60c Gingham, all eplors, checks a;n stripes, prices per yard .. ..... 20c to 45c Underwear Orcpe, all shades per yard , 25c Drygoods Department Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 tlTEBIMMEUT Under Iho atrspices of the liolary Ulub in aid of the 1 PRINCE RUPERT BOYS' BAND at the tWESTHOLIVIE THEATRE Tuesday, April 13 at 8 p.m. Tickets for resened seals will be exchanged at Ornie's lirug Store. I Fur Coats & Jacquettes An lixquisile Slock of Fur Trimmings ai low prices B. C.RJR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST PRINCE RUPERT I MA'NIN ALASKA F. Q. Brynofson Extols Alaska Spruce and Tells of Demand i In East I "i'or factory use, Alaska spruce is superior to tfie product of any other district," declares 1'. 0 Hryindson, representative of the .Northwest .Spruce Co., .who is'novv conipletiug a periodical visit (o Southeastern Alaska, says Ihe, Ketchikan Chronicle. Tim truth of, the statement made above is burne. out, Mr. llry-uolsen says, hv the fuel that during Hie year or 1923 when eastern luiled Slates and United Kingdom' markets were slutted with lumber and the demand ami prices were low, spruce lumber from Alberta was sold with lillln' difficulty and for belter prices than were received by Oregon a and Washington snrure nm- ducers and at prices in excess of those received in 92l, which was regarded as a very prosper ous year ju the spruce business in the Aew hufrland stales with their large pine forest spruce lumber, from Oregon. Washington ail Alaska, is pain a ing sreal fauir Willi factories and there is a real demand now for Alaskan spruce. And this demand is greater than forvlhe Oregon am! Washington sinuee "Our company plans to plan CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. v MlTlt'E IS lltlitHY GIVE.N Ilia I 11m-l!-erte fxullnr mrr rxiln-d Timber l.ircine ., sliiiaicd on rut Inland. htnge l, Coast biMrlt-t. i ranr-lied. . It. .N ADEN, 1'cpiity Mliiinr i it Land j "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prince Rupert Electoral DiatrlcU Mactenile Electoral District. to VlTlliK K lien-liy irivrn Dial hall. i.m Monday. I lie KHi day .f Mav. j, at lis- hour i.r ttr i,'rlM-k in IIik lort-iKH.ri. al lin- i.unrt lliHir. I'nurr HiiihtI, hold 4 flllinir or I lie lUHirt of llevl'loii fur the by .iii.m- of rxvl.liiy the llt .r voter for Hie Mid elft-lural tIMrlri. and of heariut and delrriiiiiiinir any ami all irteilin- the releiiUnii of anv name 1.11 hm -a d list. r In tlie rerMralluii an a voter nr any appllrant Tor irirt.irin.n and f r Hie oIImt mni- -wi forth In the r-ru tlnrial hlerlMu Art " Hated at rrliire ltii-i-t. i , ., tlitc Mil da ,r April. use. MlltMW A. WATT I lleLirar of Vmrm fur tin- rr'iitrr UKTi aud Markrnzle hlertural IHMrin- WEEK-END 'i Ira f f SPECIALS al Combination Vegotable Special 51.00 10 lbs. Terrace Carrots. a 10 lbs. Terrace Turnips. lls. Cooking Unions. 2 lbs. Parsnips 0 lbs. Potatoes. I'honc your order early a wo have only a limited tpiautily at tin1 above price. ' Gainer's Superior Hreakfast llacon, macliine sliced, per lb 49c Swift's Premium Peameal Uark Jlacon, sliced, per lb 42c 1 Collate Hulls, Uklng whole ham. P-r Hi 29c This is a boneless rolled pea mealed shoulder ami is wonder ful value al present (initiation on smoked meals. l inesl (Inlarjo Cheese, per lb. 29c Stilton CheTse, per lb 35c 6 Green Stuff Ithuharb, Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, 3 Cucumbers. Cauliflower, Parsley. Green Onions, Hadishea, New Cabbage, Wnterctess. Cel ery. Spinach, New Carrots, New 6 Ik-els, White Turnips, etc., arriving weekly at lowest market 3 prices. 4 Grocery Specials 5 Teirer's Soda Histfuils, new slock. , . packeiLIu hinced lid tin, aver-aye 5 wejght o lbs. net und over. 20 7 P'-eial S1.25 MalRbs Mesl Jelly Powders, .1 5 for . .'. , , , 20c Klondike Soap, large bar , 29o 5 iN'aliob Plum Jam, i lb. (ins 59o 7 Orance Marmalade, 1 lb. tins 49o 7 I.ibby's pork ami Means, ', per 3 lin 13c 4 llrowu .Sugar. S lbs. for .. ,. . 25c 'Limit. K lbs. (o each order), 4 llroken Shelled Wulnulf, per lb. 39c'5 (.rape Mils, pkge 17c Sugar Crisp Cornflakes, 3 for 35o Rupert Table Supply Co Phones: 210, 211, 212 BACKED THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, April 8. to c Victor Northern Electric Radio Sets Peanut Tubes R-22I-D Tubes Loud Speakers Loops Phonograph Attachments AT ALL AUTHORIZED VICTOR NORTHERN great deal of lumber front Alaskan mills in eastern and, Kuropean markets this year,: more than we ever have before. The principal amounts will he produced by the Ketchikan Spruce Mills and hy the mill al Wrungell. Mr. tirynolson formerly had aitigent in II141I it operated durinp . ullice In Prince Import, rt'inovnigl few years atio to Seattle. FATHER OF LOCAL LADY APPOINTED, ASSESSOR BY COURT Father of Mrs. Wlnslow to As sess Damages In Connection With Comox Logging Camp F're ll. M. Palmer of I'owicluin Hay, fattier of Mrs. It. M. Wtiislow of I'iflh Avenut liiisl. (his cily, has been appointed by Mr. Justice Morrison, of the Supreme Uoun. determine the exlcnf of lb" damages sutrered by Tyee Farm. Courlenay di-tricl, it being swept a fire slarleiLjtt a loggingl eamp of the Lomox Logging A Itailway Company luM summer. Mrs. Addie L. Iliggins and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Nolle lo Contractors Tarraca Lock-up Sl-AIHt TK.Mil.llS niilorMMj "Tindi'' Addition .i Trrraip Ijx-k nil." will 1m nfrhed b llHf lloliuuralili. llr MillMrr I'ubllc Work Ui lo IJ o'rliMk ihi-hi Turwlaj. the llilrllrlh day of Manli. for Hi' a.MllKiin and allrratlnii lo l.ork-iip at Trrrarr In IIh? tlecloral ttlnlrlrl of I'rtiH-R Unpen, B.t;. Clan. Contrail. and tnrim of Trndrr ina) op '!i on aiHl Tier the teth tlay of Marrti. 19. and urtlwr InfiinnaniMi olitalm-il at Hip Ik-. iwrtiiwnt of l-utilir Work, CarlKiiifiit i;iilldinr and at lit fol l , nr i.rri.r.: liovprnmt-nt Arrnto al I'riiirv loiiiprl and mlUM-ra. ami On- l-rovlnrlal l-ollrr Offlre TcrriiT. Oiidcn of Main. fWTlflii- lliii. fir., ran lie oljlainrd from lli ! OartiiM-nt on h iim-iu of a Ii-jII o Trii hollar. (I in nit. wlilrh be rrfniidi'd rrltirn nf the plan., nr.. In irood ron dllliHl. Tin- loi-t or any tender not immt -arlly arreiitcd. r. riniie. liMity MlnUtrr and l-ullit: Works Knriiii-rr. i-eiwrniiriii 01 i-iimir worts. I'arliiiiiii-iit lliilhlina. Vti-loria. Jt.c. SAVE 25c lb. of Cake or Candy witli 1 lb. or Fuller s Tea S1.00 Jams r Peach, Apricot, Greengage, or Orange Marmalade, per tin 65c Canned Fruits Peaches, Apricols, Pears or Plums or Crushed Pineapple, i lins $1.00 tins Singapore Pineapple, sliced , . . 51.00 tins Malkin's Uesl Loganberries $1.00 ' Canned Vegetables Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, 2Vi $1.00 tloz. Sunkisl Oranges . . $1.00 iloz. Sunkisl Lemons .... $1.00 Hi. Granulated Sugar and one tin Orauige Marmalade $1.00 lins Libby's Asparagus , . $1,00 rolls Toilet paper $1:00 lins. Kiiiig Oscar Sardines $1,00 lb. California Prunes for 55c or 'it lb. box for $2.65 lb. lin Honey, or 3 combs $1.00 lins Camp. Tom. Soup . . $1.00 tins Heinz pork A Means $1.00 bottles lleinz Catsup ... $1.00 cartons Sunlight Soap . . $1.00 20 bars While Sftn Soap $1.00 lb. Swedish Heallh Iiread $1.00 13 pkgs. Jelly Powders ... $1.00 lb. lin Peanut Itutler ... $1.00 we aim io piease our customers B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd.1 Phones 45 and 574 BY TWO FAMOUS NAMES C8ZEHn?a.T?Tssr (.ban hing, owner and lessee, respectively, of the farm, brought suit aigaiust (he logging companv 1 or nearly u.uou damages n. the Supreme Court lal week. Mr. .lustier .Morrison gav judgment for (he plain I ill's, rul ing (hat Hie eonipany wasuegli period of hot weather ami idroughl. when' the whole enun- 'tryside vas in an inflammable condition. Jllll his Lordship ttinifessed himself til I nrly perplexed by Hi-conflicting nature or the evidence adduced as lo the exact nature of Hie damage done to the property' ami to llio rrnpa grown upon it by ntian Sims. I'mnlins out that reputable witnesses for both side's gave d'aiuelrieally op posing lesimnu oit tin phase of the action; Mr .lus'iee Morri- snj siiw-'ested a mediator and as a result Mr. Palmer, who is an expert horlieulitinili-l and Agriculturalist, was app"inieti. IRISH PARTY REACH CANADA Brogue of Ulster and Armagh Heard In Winnipeg Union Station It - WL.IPKG,YiApi1l 8. Th broaue of Grtl" north or Ireland reounded in the I'nion slaliou here last nil, when I lie first lrih parti- nf) rou-idirahe size of the Ai?im arrived on the third Caimdiaii National immi gration peeial o far this week rrom the S.S. Alitunia. Several prosperous fainifie from nle Armagh ami other northern counties were Included in the large group of youiw single men from the same district making III pefMins in nil. Among Ihem was John J. Campbell, who worked some year at farm work ju Manitoba about n decade aun, hihI has now" nrrled with his wire and three rliiMren to mak.- ..,.,- MMin-wiirry in me I Ill'M' ramilies. Together wilhi Ihose included in the parly or, 12' Koglisb are being settled under the 3,000 family sehrm.'. The balance of the train wn. made up or 1"Z Ukraiiiaus, it NorwcKian-', eiglit of other nationalities, oil whom . wero liooked by C.N.M. colonization officials immediately on arrival lo points in the west where farm work was awaiting litem. The rirsl party booked by lip Hrilish settlement society, nine Irish, were on Hits train ami nr-beim: placed by Hie society Winnipeg represeulatUc. I HIS DEATH , ; ! IS MYSTERY ., i Vancouver Police Seeking to Unravel Circumstances of Lulu 'Island Rancher's Demise VANCOLVKII, April 8. The police are seeking a young girl in the hope of clearing up the! mystery surrounding Ihe death or Johif Mclcalf, middle agtd; i.uiii ,isiann rcsifjeni, who was rouml dead on Wednesday afternoon in a Granville Street rooming. house. Tlio man cnKaig"ed the roomfi on Tuesday ami was ac companied by a glrl wiio lie said) wu-i lo haMi been a nurse for the family which was coining laler. Melcair was, last seen alive at 10 o'clock Tuesday night,. Hie, girl having Iert"nevnilHi(jurs earlier. 'Ihe cause of jhelJeath Is a Radio ELECTRIC DEALERS WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IiltillY ISLAM. Haiiiing, light southeast wlml: barometer. 2'J.Si; temperature. DO; sea "inootb: 10 p.m. out sleamei Prince t(ieorj.-e -northbound: K p.m. spoke s'leitmer Mogul lert Stewart Tor Anyox. DKAIi lltKi: POINT. llaro-ineter. .10.10: temperature, UK. lll'LI. IIAItltOll. Overeast. xlrnns southea'l wlml; bam- meler, SIMI; leniperalure. 17: sea iiMMlerole; fi p.m. spnkr -learner Tanaua, Port Town-end for Keiehlkan, .103 mile.- from Port T'lwnsend; 7.:0 p.m. spoU learner (iray abeui Ijgg IsI.ih-1 bound for Orean Falls: 8 n.m. poke lug li'iv Scott. fle milys oulli of Nuinu, bound for Ocean Falls; 8.10 p.m. spoke steamer Culal.i at Soinlula mtrlbbouud: n.iit. spoke aleiitner llailiaulj Seattle for Ki-tcbikait, 156 miles from Ketebikau. i 1 Noon fUGHY isi.AMi. Ilamou light ullieut wind: lmrometer( -y.5y: temperuture, 5S; se,i "iniMitb. IHLI rilKi; POINT. Itaro-ineleK .10.16; liHiiperalnre. 10 HULL II Allium. -Cloudy, .-aim barometer. JU.Iia; temperatures: sea moUi: H.:o li.m. sirnk-molorsbip abeam lion' lliirbor PiiiiiI limiiiil f,,r Oi-r.u Falls. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrrvl. sunry1 Crown land may lx tir-mpto! by Drl(UI) aul Jecta over It yaara of aj and l ull'-nt on ilclarlnc Intentlotr lo IxHtinH ibjcts. conditional in on mldanc. orcjpatlon. jid ova tm-nt f-r agricultural urioen Full lnfornintlon com-ernlnn riu-Uttlons . recurdlne pra-rmptlona l given in Itulletln No. 1, IjtnJ Bart, "How lu Pre-ntipt lind." copies of tihlcli can b obulntd frea of charts ty addreaalns the lpartmant of Lands. Vk-toria, RC or to any Oo- Utcvrd, will bs cranttd covtrlnt only Un-I sultalda for agricultural turvo, and which Is not tlinbr land. Is, t-arrylnjr ofr 1.000 board ftct ir ncre wt of th Cot IUns and B.OOU rest per acr. aat of tbat I tang. Appllcatlone for pre-emption, art to ba addrcsaol to the Lund Com. mUsloncr of tli Land Itacordlna: 1)1 vlalon. In which tha land applied for Is situated, and are mads an printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from ths Land Commissioner. I're-tmptlons must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown tlrant can be received, For more detailed Information sss the bulletin "How to l're-erapt Land." PURCHASE t Application are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown tanda. not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrat-class (arable) land Is J5 per acre, and aecond-claas (grai lngl land tUO per acre. Further In formation regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In bulletin No. 10, Land Herles, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites o timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding' JO acres, may be leaaed as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first yesr, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed, LEASES For grating and Industrial pur poses arena not exceeding 040 acres may be leased by one person or a company. QRAZINQ Under the Orating Act the Province Is divided Into grating districts and the range admlnlstsred undsr a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits ars Issued based en numbers ranged, priority bslng given to established owners. Btoclcownsri may form associations for rang management. Free,, or partly free, penults are available for eettlera, oa papers and travellers. u' U lea DIAMONDS The April Blrthstono. Wo offer you as fine a selection of Diamonds as y0u will find In most any ttoro In Canada, at prices equal to and far cheaper than many. Wo buy for "spot cash" direct from brokers in Europe A good endorsement which conies from public at! proval Is the growth and success of our business. This is the oldest established Jewellery Mouse (n tl,. city and It will pay you to Inspect our stock. Our expert workmen make special designs of exclusive Jewellery. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. Our Optometrist has had 27 yoars' experience, satlj. faction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and 0 P.M. Blanche Sweet in "The New Commandment" A slr.iiige .Ir.Mii.i il imlb i,i, Imr Tin m ' ol I'l.uiilii - lb.- gn wbn had lien IkiUI i Its- Wi. - . lilartre ami tin- .. who tnnt in re li,ip. , Warped hie grope tbi ii w.n hand in In li , From hr lip he ht'ind (lie new in iii.iimI rn-1 1 plu fur all liver. pn-lh i-(1iiik- .md .nn.Mm.1. g cat : Blanche Sweet, Ben Lyon, Holbrook Bllnn, Qsorfle Cooper, Lucius Henderson, Dorothy Cummlngs COMEDY -"OH! BHIDQET." With Walter Hlers. AESOP'S FILM FABLES. 35c and 10c OUTSTANDING VALUES in Mens Suits la Itlue Herringbone Yui -i. .l. -n,gb- double brt-, Mpenal $25.00 Acme Importers Third Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOK8, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Avenue your Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avonue and McBride St. HAVE YOU GOT Overalls for the Gyro Hoedown Dance Friday, April 9 Kitchen Overalls - - - from $2.00 up Jabour Bros., Ltd.