wuy, April A. K?n. m iOQDERHAMM$n5 CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I dvrrt.ieinnl is not . diilnyed by Hie i .i:imi Hoard or by , . .menl of llrilish Columbia. nt Ine blass In a housand W i them are over a i different emhin- r-. frfiifflh if I - Ik- optician' btlii- ' 'iiul the proper our ! without tiring tog litem all ni Km luir.i mens l'HHflt and tli'' i' ' --'emi. John Bulger Ltd Jewellers and Opticians SILK & WOOL Corded Crepe mderrully rirldy ' wool i with heaw I 'd 'ii ground "f f ''. Mack. Ifavvii. d, UpHrk. I.IrIiI Navy iiori'il ovoreheck "HI - ivido per yanl $1,50 IVEST of ENGL ND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Uonr80 to 6. X-Ray Service Phono 080. Open Tuesday nnd Thursday Kvenlngs Saturdays 9 to 12 noon MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo specially recommend our Table Cream nl 15c for Hnir Pint. Quality nnd Service Valentin Dairy phono 657 HAIDA CHIEFS ARE CIVILIZED Did Their Bit In Connection with Remodelling or Skldegate Cemetery (ly Oliver I".. Mauii SKIIlKUATr-:. .Ipril 8, Ihirlfig Hie winter months I Ik whole vil beixinn lo fund ion arr,,, afl,.r' 'IHMMediiPjr T.ieuteiianl It di.conlliinanre ninee the ,.reeed- "S.UK Wr-. f Iner April. Improvemenln to the! .w " i""'l"-o.iion ..Y. cruira: the Iteaufwt Hca, village are iimlilnied, law and' T 1 ' ": north of Ihe Ala-kait nbore, in order arc enforced, and eluirciii , ,,M' s",,t;! a! search of whales in the neenlien. llii lia 8lo a prominent share in I lie nrlivilic. iMiriutt the pal winlcr a vil lain public meeting of a special character wa hold anl for sev eral hour the iioi(iii .f clean ing up Hip village oeinelery wa debuted. After full and oom- pIHe dieuinit, I lie all-import ant n;iiel ion n settled. The aged chief nnd venerable women bad Ii Lice (be iptestjou of cv .emit? ,lliemolve roiiiitlcU'lr wllb the paM. The proposal wan lo destroy Hie liiue.worn fence, bed and oilier mark. of voner alion front Ihe graves, n that I lie whole remelerv could be leaned up and e-ed fur. The de.true(k.!l of lhe.e wood- en ulniclirre meant a break wilh Mial wil Ibat constituted a real aorifw-e "iirp n only llnne aaed lender eould feel. They endure. I U Htoieally. Imleed, when Ih." IUHnhoo.1 of Hie Mhole ill,ue appeared at I tie pi .f perform Ibe ik the ajed ehief were there lo take pari. The iulion- r) aefioopanieil I hem. A Lonj Task Day after day the tueu workeil and eery eenin; Ibe women, mil In lie outdone, prnvided a MiHiunu upier in the village hall. I'raeiieally the whole band mei in the hall for unt eaeh i-iuiii2 until !be lak ua rumple e. One eannol help ielalinlo. alt honor to thoe brave ojd Ha ida 'Inefx. Their youth wa h nl ii iiihI ijinrtraiKC, uperli-i mi and waul. Tber.old ape .-e. w oK.fr rful Th1n?l1tyl,JH, are k'-eiony pare In their out-lnok uMn life. Tbe- peofde lave earned for llieiiieii- a repulntiiui aUo fi., iitdiMin . Their bllory lom tie Ion:.' initfxle wilh the fonv- f iialun- ! ohlnin ii lielhood. Manv now In ma ean remember Hie un. !.. ml day of huntrer and nam Now, by their prrse- leranf. Hiey not only Mirreed In '(.'loiia Ho- wolf from their loir. ini i Miev are nktins to l he ronif'tr! of hnme life eyery ivear. ;NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL ASKED FOR JUNEAU ! .ap parent - Teacher Organization : Urges Need of New Build Ing and Authority for ' Erection will be Asked I .11 XIUU. Anrii riMoIu- H ton Hkiii3epnre fo ntillmrizi a bond lu for J5,rtOO for Ho; i.iirelia-e of a (! and iuiliuc I lull ol hii'lMfu'iiV lii provide ad- .,l.t i, n.. it rneilitiex for Hie Juneau ,iiilli- iiliooN wan paed by I lie ',-iiy loiinril or Juneau. Anion wa taken at thi lime 1- Hie i-oiiik ii in onler thai the reipiet nuxlit be phoned before ronsreM and uullioril.v fiHMiied at Ibe eiir- renl -eion. f Xeie-.iiy for immediate aelionj i... ii. .-.miii-il wa 'nlrened by. .l. 0. Stewart, president of llml 'Parenl-Teaeher Aocialiott ami i . Merrill, of Hie Juneau farliool board, both of whom 'appeared berore Ibe eouncil. Detail for building eonslrilrtion nud aininifenienl of buildinK. 'eiiuipmenl. elr., were not Mib-imilled to Hie eounoil but will be prepared and made available to illie public before any bond isie for tin purpose i pin- nemr-i n lo vole upon. Ilnlb Mr- Slewarl and Merrill polnlfd out Hull the public hoot luiil.liutf i already over crowded. The proM'nl school huildini which wa conslrncled In 11)17 at a ent of approximalidy 7.V nno In virtually paid for. Al the end of Hie presold council year iheif will remain ouUlundinn bund in He amount of.$,50fl. These will lie retired pefore Mnreh' I. 1027. Advertise In the1 Dally NewS THE DAILY NEWS Reason for Attempt to Find Polar Continent by Wade is Given in the Flight of Birds Men Who Made Big Afr Trip by Way of Prince Rupert Expect to Cfaim Continent for United States XI'NV'YOMK, April K.Jusl'mmllmi for the risk of life run! expenditure of money involved in Ihroe Ameriraii Arctic expo llago of Skidcaale puis (,n i, uiu- iimWAH ",,,m'',' W"H Kvmi today y Itolierl Airloron I'npo. upm npoel of eommonily lire ''nf'iojzerul'ilio AH-Ahicriean Alumni Arctic Kxpe.ilitton. iThe local governing council alo! . . '''VtdjHl wi" '' ciiriiniandert liy Lieutenant Leigh Vdc, II. Ogdeii. Iiolh of wlionf are round- " """ i'i uiieiea wore MHixUiilwU evi noriii or Alaska atid ICanlern Si-leriit, spoken of by Ibe explorers "a new Mfar contiuenl." A luillelin issued last year by Hie .IBllomji. ierwrafihie;il estimate that Hiin Ian rise ralioiit miles. 1,0110.000 sijuan Evidence of Land 'Sufficii'iil exidence is available," said Mr. Pope, "In Justify the almol rerlain tudief that Mich land mists.'- He then pro-reisled to unfold Ib'e evidence. Natives of Hie northern Alas-i denco. After taking several whale fbe weather became thick and lo stood lo. I he north. When Hie fo lifled land lo the nortli c'ylwai neen distlnrlly by him and com-1 nil Ibe mentliern of his crew, but an be was not on a voyage of il ifo very and no wliafe were in sitffhl, lie fciive I he order lo keep away lo the southward, he said. Peary Saw It In a later day, Peary on his iinsiirri'sefiil iillempt lo rracb Hie .ob in Hh)6 reported that lie iriii.f, sighted lull land to the northwest of . , . . r "'" r,,H77. .lT,lr , "!,w !firanl U-ind. Observing from an J""'" conv.med Ibat land lay lo!,.(vljlM, of .t,,fMll .JUUi h t,e norllma..l ever since Arelic ; cfMl( p. ftl explorer. rjr.i lan to impure. ,aiM.,.f w,,jch l nam4.( Cro(.k(,r riiey Use Ireir .er rliiefly up- Ijln,, Fur((p nor,h b.lw(H.n on the northerly flight of bir.U In 8J ,.2 aIll ; ,,0flr(,P,f l ie sprint a, ,.,o as (he ice .,,,,, ,nP ,,, start foptl out. which is just be- ah fx lrafk jn)n.a,in llli4l fore nes.li,, eaon. , , , land wa ol a jrreal distance one seienlifu- seeplien think away the bird, fly rlear arros the ole a early a IH32. a Mr. Simp-Jo SpitherRen and Ffnnr. Joseph;,, ur, r ,e Plover, l-'ind. but Hie majorily think they rPpnrlf(, ial l0 iumM of would nor be likely to attempt iradilbm ,,ml lUttrovs ,, u that tieh a Innu flihl at the beprin- m,,uP- f,f ii.-ir tribe nee h.irf n i lis oi ine neiintr season. Birds go north i:. W. XeUuu, chief of the His been carried northward in a soul lieu si sale ioi hilly country inhabited by people like thein- rrau of llndottical Survey of Hum selves, and thai after ntayin? a thiltcd lale liepartmcnt of ,u- lone while there they returned rieullure, ha written Mr. Pope: "My information roncernina the fliphl or birds at point Harrow, trained both during my resi lience in Alaska yearn ao ami one sprinp. Tidal Evidence However, Ibe late It. A. Harris, of .the United States Coast and jlieexlelh' Survey, offered wbal the. what has been learned since, nil ;!.,. p.-n,. , . far more rommne io inujnaie ine prouauu-; M,j,,uUal information. Mr. ity of unknown lands to lhe.,.,rpi. -lai-,,.,! ii..., liHuallv al. north or northeast or that Kilnt.lnp tia ,IU)VPm.n, Ht n,,. ,,0le Also my observation on Wran-I rfniH l)MM, pn.w,Z from the trell Island indirale the probabil-of . or Mlit (Vean ila. r letl- lilm ivitrlliiirli' IrYlin ... "f ' en er hit the r reumoolar sea that island Mr. .Nelson reralleif the evi- a nlgn ot Hie j;eee Ihemselves. it... it.... a........a. liiniilno . lielween (Sreenland add Siilzber- ,K-nce of taipiain l inker or Ik. ,f wrf nn on.,rila,0., lorwirt In IMHI. xvlio found in-Ic u y, llniUflL Ujalu, north iiumenible fre.h track or wlUI (f ,.., lVa,, would 1... pee.e on W rnngell Maud but not . a iald. Hut the tide on llennett a iioim...,,, -"iM-.ei,,, -,, ri , aI1(1 faU 2H -eel. place ror a urent number or ml-,... thnM. u n nitory bird. Mr. Mimbw-k. the " " , V" nalurallsl or the Hay Kxpedi- , ' , ' k b" ",,... ' " Pro" ,1 n. located near Point Harroa -a "hs.r c in the same year and the rollim-i""' -i ii. riit...i iHon around which the tide musi ''" ' .i.i. i.., nr.il. it.l.w northward of large flock, Mr. N'eUon staled. Donald tUidxow, of the Museum of the American Indian, also noted geese and duck flyini; northward from Alaska. Mr. I'npe cited lill other naturalist and evplorer. Could See Land t:aplain ICdvvaril P. llerc.leon, year ago, report eil thai the na-Umi. uinlerlniT between Harrison mid Camden Hay, Alakur claiui; lliln. ttv inti f am. si'f sliow that I hoy roilnw the circle or the Siberian roast around to Llako. beinp oven Ivoi earlier at Henuell Island than Point Harrow. No Ice Drift further evidence of land lo the north wan rurnUhod, Mr llarri pointed out, by indication Hint the Iteaufort Sea virtually i closed in to the north and eaf wahl. Ice doe nU. drif od lliat in tin clenr day offfreelyj to trie- northwavd. It npring they could often dlscern.see.m' tu Inv riught. .';i -pocket laud In I ho northward. Iml Jhi Uviind iiit reni.irVabl-i'ildcknei Ihought to have beep merely a and age. N'orlheant ' wbnl will large Island. drive the toe lo the westward. Captain John Keonan, of Troy, but there i little or no move Keep Baby's Skin Soft as Velvet Prevent and Relieve Eczema Mrs. Albert Bishop, 33 Laplsnche St., Amherst, N.S. rU "Jn oaa ek my boby was entirely relieved ot eczema by the use of two boxes of Dr. Cfeatw's Oiatment. lie bad sorea ali over his bar a," Dr. Chase's Ointment is known nd EVERYWHERE appreciated by mothers who have with gratitude ( witnessed the benefit it has brought to their suffering children. ..... . Chafing and cracking of the skin u often the v beginning of eczema. The trouble develops where two surfaces of skin rub together as in the neck, armpits or between the leg of fleshy infants. . Dr.1 Chase's' Ointmeat applied after the bath brings relief from this condition antl prevents eczema. Dr. Chase's Ointment 60cts. s wu. all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Ce., United Toronto 2, Csnada ,w7 W , Hu"'Bl!r MIL, sV, luent of the ice when the win.! blow from Hie west. "These circumstance, o r.nr a they go," said Mr. Ilarn. "lend lo show (bat lh Heaufurl Sea i nearly , landlockeil, va" directions oxcentfn? toward lite west." - Mr. Harri oiled the account and paper, of lie Xak paRi l. olume i-i, IH5I, wbleh describe leiw the liile are atrocleil by (ho win. of Point viin.tu.K from r. n. the e:il K..i'nr or north .Mr. llarri drew was that His unknown coast lino wa not zreatly distant from the nortli roast nf Alaska, niakinjc a pocket in whio Ihe, tide -piled up. Driftwood j Uririwood carried by ice current alo gave exidence, littb dririwood lieinz found a far eal n the mouth of the Mackenzie Itivor as Coronation 'ulf, Virtually none had been round along Hank Island. Thai the Beaufort sea i an Jut w Qoverlands" T hit it the Kraft IraJrirhir r fuaianlt4 la hi. I'ltue lok for it on ',-lb, -. and i-lh. fiacfagct then lulling. Why is Kraft Cheese So Deliciously Different? People who never liked cBeeso before now relish Kraft ' Cheeie daily. How is It, they ask, that we enjoy Kraft Cheese so much? , In the quality and flavor o Kraft Cheese lies the secret of its nation-wide favor. Care in selection, scientific curing, proper ageing, experienced blending the Kraft patented pasteurizing process the facilities and experience to do these things properly ensure the high quality and delightful ever-present mellow flavor of Kraft Cheese. Serve Kraft Cheese often. Make it the main dish of the meal for, m addition to being so appetizing, it contains the body-building vitamin es essential to the properly-balanced meal. t KRAFT.MACLAREN CHEESE CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL welwanl also indicaloil a large obstruction lo the north in Mr. Harri' opinion. Mr. Pope, and others support-in? hi expedition, feel that in these reasons lhev have utri- riejit evidence of a polar contin ent lo Justify Iheir exploration. rJXn give recital at Stewart on l-'ridav night and at Premier on Saturday. Mr. H. . Crow ami d at HIon' Hav, oa4lt l!,,",,au,''I1:f PP'K llna Ireland, Harrow N !.,-n. ,,,Wb WiU" Murray m.Vni- clirist ami Joan Crew, naileil ror ,i n.M r. u. -,r ri-IHie north on the Prince tieotge in tide, but wilh the wind l.low-I"!1' -- -Mr- J- A- l,,nton ' MUs Nada Johntone are acconi-the inar a gale trom the .southwest tide sometime rose ti.roe Panyins nd will assist the parly I 1 I. ! 1 I A. II... Atln A-. and a halt reel. The inrerenee wuinii win reiurii u,c .. ice trap i indicated by tin; observations of .several explorer. Osbof'n described it a tollow: "Ice of stupondou Hiicknos and in extcnie Hoo. some seven or eight mile in extent, was soon. The surface of it wa not flat, ,uelf a "we mo ut Haf-fin strait and' ihe adjacent oa. ' but rugsred ' with neeumutated niHVTfri6' 'and;.ihaw or eon- 'urie. Important evblence alo vva rurnished by Hie driftinir of the ill-faled Jeanelle, sunk hi lsii after it had boon deserted by Captain Delong, who with hi crow froie lo death. The Jeanelle' became lodged in Ibe let' al a point northeast ti Wrangoll Island and drifted westerly, goina to piece nnrllr-west of Hennell Island. Current Deflected The l'ranv. Nanfen nliip, 1m came Icebound northwest or Hennclt Island and drifted in ji Koneyjit eourne toward the Oreon-lnn.l Sea, sbowin? a sharp tun in the ocean current northwo. of rienuolt fsland. Mr. Harris believed Ibis indicate the point ot a large body or land extending down to a point not tnr from llennett Island, defleclina' Hie ocean current soulbward. He at-no claimed that Hie unknown land cannot extend much beyond the pole, or il would have deflected the current in which the i'rain drifted. At the name lime, he believed the undiminished 'tide at Hennol Inland indicate a fairly narrow channel alona which .Vinson travelled. The division of ocean eurronl in Ihe oasfern section of Ihv lfeaufort ncn, one current ,ftov-ing northeastwurd and the othei the Prince morn in; C.harle Monday TIMBER SALE X78S1. .sailed' TpihIit nt be rei-Mnsi by m MUHrl Torrslrr. ihi bur than ihwu on ll- iOlli day or .MtII, tS. rw Ihe pur-i-lie if Llwr .;nl. wr Miry Hi, MiUliank xiiut, lrul vs.out tv bmnt niri,uiv .r -Truce. ueiniocK. waar aiui Hiisim taniwe. To tf yrar will 1m allowed fur re-iiHil nf timber. runhrr i.rllrnlir or ttie r.hlff Fr itfr. Vlrliiria, or IW Dllnr( lorei-lir. Hrim-a iHipwri. n.r.. TIIIIBER SALE X7425. cled Tpndrri will lie riHivrd hj Uie Mlamlrr ot luimM al Victoria nni filer ilian ivhi un it lith lay of April, til, far Ihe iin-ha if Licrncii 74ii. lo rui s.oi.me reft nt snrm-e and llein- Imk on an im arijninmr .T.L. 6t8tP, Salt iJkP. I'urrtirr ' Island, Hiuro S. Oil! Disli-tft. Two i?, iar will be allowed for r-iihmiI or Hmlw. v.rurlher. parUciitar of the CJiir For-ester, virtiiri. IUw or piflrlrt Fn"-pr. HHnr Mnprt. . TIMBER SALE, XT549. Seated Tender will be rerelfe by the MlnlMer nt l.an.1 al- Victoria not later than noon nn the nd day of April. It. Tor the purchase or Licence X74V. to cul S.JSJ.'ooav feet or spruce. irenilocV, Balaam and Cedar, on an area Mtnaled on Pin I lllvrr, Orhwe Day, Ganlner Canal. Ranre . (: t nnurlet. Three (I years will be allowed for removal or timber. Tiiriher particulars of the Cbif Forester, victoria. B.C.. ot District Foreater; rrlnce nupert. B.C. Vancaunr, 1.0 8fi&rri3S D-vafefMlaaWerM'r H For i..t Sjliinsli 'jSSJm ItXTiltol tVgliaa "faV Imttema. waiaat BBBVBBEu aiM.niHiii I Inn. m iValMUlanaHll in "JfOJf F 6 20 resh Killed veal Shoulder Iloasls, per lb. 15c Veat Cutlet, per lb. . . 25c Fillels ot Veal, per lb. 25c Veal Stew, er lb. . . 12HtC No 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast, per lb. .. 12,2 Rib Itoast. per lb 20o Rib Hoiting Heef, per lb. 10c Pork Leg of Pork, per lb. .. 35c Loin pork, per lb 35e Shoulder ftrtat, per lb. 25c Side Pork, per lb 19c Fish Large Kantem Salt ner-'rinj,'. each .. .. .... 10c Salt Mackerel, per lb. . . 25c Sealy & Dooosoit Phono Sixth Street We deliver Tweed Coats I- Tweed Suits LATEST DRESSES DRESSY COATS DRES6Y HATS SPORT HATS fiood itight. Prices It ft hi. "Demers" AVe- aim to please.. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance. Dry Cedar Full load $6.50 Hair Load S3.50 Large sack 50o HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WE BUY OTTLKS. LINDSAY'S Cartage awl Storage Phone M. Urtage, Warebousini, and l)lstrutirnr. Teasn or Motor 8ervi;. Hoal. Baad and Graver Wo Speolallxo In Plane and P rHerro BovvWejf'. .al i