! V k . r. K' : ? y 'v 5 """ 1, , 0 O A 4 a " vt ' ' 4'vM PA(IE TAVC Friday. July 2, 126. S t Hls a wal SHREDDED WHEAT with berries and cream The Daily ffcws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, excepk'&iirtday, the. Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery;,', by' mail or carrier, per month- St. on By mail'toall parts of the Britfh, Empire and the United ; States, in -advance, per year . ..,. .v .. $6.00 Ti -all other countries, in advance, per year ........... .$7.50 Member of AucltBuraau iOf Circulation. UAHjI HDITIOH Clef Age, and Active Minds. Of the 1,030 persons vvho , jnto. the English Dictionary f Sir -Sidney Lee, the average' life' .over? one hundred, and nearly eighty. The good may ilie young,, but tile wise live to a ripe ohj age. Why is this? It may he argued that the chances of distinguishing oneself are greater the .longer one lives. Publicity is eiiff),u!alive and more can be accomplished in fifty years of active lifjrilian' in twenty. It i' best. In, believe, however, that an active-brain ha'ii tonic effrct oh Hfe iiervuus jysieni, and on the circulation of the Wood. 'When the miiid closes the body withers, dlisejfvc the old. chaps. Their leae on life is perfectly . shut-king. A Pa "P'ril, the fruit of an active mind, appears to be tba source oi llioir longevity. -Immigration Is Doubled. Against the cry of . lost and vanishing population, part of th parrot-like platform patter of-those politicians whose desperate scramlilti for iarty',atfvan tage blinds them to fact, ;may be set'lhe immigration figures fbrithe first, three months- of the present year. Here they are'Y;'.'' . . ' T, - y W; i025 1020 British r. ; United States . . Other countries Total Returned Canadians.. These statistics of new arrivals during the first ouarter of 1020 fhow an increase over'lhe corresponding three months of 1025 in respect of the British and'American influx of 38 per cent in each ense; an increase of S77 .other countries; and an advance Canadians returning from the not less than six months there. It is to be noted that during last year, the first year of the three-thousand family settlement .scheme arranged by Hon. Mr. I'tobb with the British fJoverument, -502 families arrived. Up to the middle of last month tl number of families that had arrived since ! January of this year amotiuled to 708,' -bringing the lotal to that d.ite tip to 1,200. A further 490 families haw been ccepted forf fietilement this year!, which 'will bring the lotal up of, 1,002, Hggregatinb 8,08 1 persons. For the most part, incU dentally, the heads of these families are experienced in agri-ciilttire and in practically every instance they have enough capital lu get a fair starl, with, of course, some accommodation from the Land ..Settlement Hoard. From States - To Canada. Jmirjlgrants are also taking advantage of the low fares that yent into effect last January, and therejis reason to believe that ivhen'th'c ifigures for the first half of this' vear have been com piled they" will show a substantial lucrMase in the movement of hdmeseekers over that of ItiTu indicate' expanding 'activities on lished Parlicularry; is this tiiiticeable among those farmers who have coiiie to Canada from the United 3l?Ues, .while figures of ... .... .. " I.-., i 1 i..: i.. ii... ii. ji iMiinrM riu i-oirir in hip ursi greater thairthe averages of the : There is also lo be added ou to this encouraging outlook 1 lie fact that the- farmers of Western Canada have started upon the new' season Under the optimism, Tnqfover, is reflected, in the exceedingly active de .majid for farm equipment. This is not only good news for the llominion a a whole; it promises additional business for British Uouimbnt. Vietarm Tunes. "TRY A;NIP r s m BEST PROCURABLE Shortcake'' Friday, July 2, 1920. were distinguished enough to gel National, Biography, compiled hy was ' seventy. Four lived to lie .fiutr hundred lived lo he ovor .. .v.'. .358 v 0.020 2f"2! n,700 3,705 12,tn3 ..... 10,072 21,010 0,i58 111,002 jht cent in respect oj ttiose from of-.l 12 per cent in the number of United states after a period of ' '. :Land sales ih the West already the part of farmers now estab six iiiouins ui iius year are III 1 1 C 1 1 last jew years. most favorable conditions. Their 8889 TONIGHT" 7 Thm Orif tnal Labtl look ft it at th ,VMiof' and init on GRANT'S''BEST PHOCURAitLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the i Liquor Control Board or by the Government of iWOMEN ENJOY ! FINE ADDRESS Prof. W. C. Ke I r stead of New Brunswick Spoke Before Canadian Club on Wednesday Afternoon . '-r -Meinliers and gliosis of the Women C'auadian Club li.nl the plpasure on Wednesday afternoon of listening to Professor W;. O. Kt'irsieid, of the I'nher-, sity of Urunswick, who gava H vp-y inspiring address lakiiPri for his subject "The Advantages and Dangers of Provipciitlisin o Sei'liiinallsm in Canada." Professor KeirsU'ad, who is a flneuuand able speaker, lias been lecturing, to Canadian Clubs throughout Canada for the last live weeks under the auspices oi the Association of Canadian Clubs. The Women's Canadian Club in Prince Hupert is indebted lo Iho Association for arranging Professor Keirstead's itinerary lo include this city. There was a vttr.V sood .attendance with (be President, Mrs. Mc.Mordie, in the chair, with a few well chosen remarks, sb introduced the speak - At the close of Iho lecture Mis W. J. Fisher moved a vole f thanks to Professor Keirslead which was seconded "by Mrs. T Andrew. During the aflernooji Mrs. Kenny rendered verv charmingly a pianoforte solo en titled 'HusUe of spring" and hlsn accompanied for the singing of "O Canada" and "The National Anthem." "THE FOOL," CROWDED WITH ENTERTAINMENT, IS VIVIDLY THRILLING Great Cast Receives Wonderful Direction In Picturlzatlon of Channlng Pollock's Big 8tage Hit. The much heralded screen ver sion of Channing Pollock's great est stage play, "The Fool," comes to the Westliolme Theatre tonight and tomorrow. Produced by the Fox Company and with a year spent in its mak ing, Mils fflm adaptation of "The Fool" is rated as one of 4he fin est phiturds if thq season by critics and public alike who have seen it. "The Fool" is the story of the adventures and romance of yiniii minister who believed that he .could live like Christ in the twentieth century. It has been ranked as one of the greatest plays ever written for stulge or screen, not only hecausKr of the significant moral message it con tains, but also for the sheer thrill and entertainment of its mlo- drarnic, action and climaxes. AJ1 of the leading members of the, cast were especially selected and F.dmuml Lowe, handsome young Fox screen star, scores the greatest success of his meteoric career in the role of the hero minister, Daniel Gilchrist. Auo llier big part, one which Lowell Sherman made -fame in on the stage, is that of Jerry, played by flay Hloomer in .the Fox screen version. .Uremia Bond, a new and 'pretty face in motion pic tures- but well known .o'rf the Wage, has the rolo of Clare. Others among 4hn leading mem hers of the supporting cast are: Anne Dale. Riley Hatch, -Mary Thurman, Geonge Lessey and A J. Herbert. Ik. , n II THF MAN IN THK MOON I II 1 111 SU illVVII II -ll' n MNl'JTY-Fivc leaden pelleis hate 'recently befii discovered in a woman' aijendix in Herlln. She must have dined liberally on artillery pie. n nanann "it-nt llilnk's .that a neckinfe parly is wlienOmeone gels hung. , . - . SV- !' v " J' O'JnVtjivT'- house- cost ' mofeto. riin lasU month. OXli'.of the thintts we never hear about is a Scotsman' ireltlnc indigestion through eating mush, A fiUHK cure for the blues l lo keep jn Hie pink, ,1115 who fights and runs avay lives to run another day. DOF.S a woman usually wait after 1 a.m. if her husband Isn't Crowded! home from the Club. No, she llLllt! Driia iriff frttiihaj Kim ! w -7 Willi u l ilCP lllll OF course you've- -heard, the story of the sausage, foil wel! there's nothing to it. SO many gtris park themselves in front of the store windows nowadays to powder their nosos one never knows whether there"; a Ire sale on pr not. WITH Dominion Day over we can now look forward to locking horns with the anHcred herd on Sunday. X Mil. Duck has recently married a Miss Swan. The olfspring. should make good channel swims' fner. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert July 2, 1916. Major "M' -s, who is bound fo.' the easl on a military mission, arrived from the south I lii morning and left on t;.'1iain fer I'Xmonlon and Winnipiig. T. PP Lte,;(of tparlisle can can- neryivjas 11)1??! cil-yesterdaj enlayi He sltflfs iU-s My.iWlMilMs 'tinu,'oifWf Uie- Uie- spck spek eye 'rdfi rs dlappouiiilsir, ilier being-very few Dsn in'sigiu. iin season U late in the .Vaas anil elsewhere. ; k , . A. Clappertoli has accepted ar appointmenl as caretaker for thrt (Canadian Hydro-Klcrlric Company at Port lvlward. LtEUT. REECE MAKES .FORCED LANDINQ IN DIXON EN TRANCE WITH ENGINE CP PLANE AFIRE. (Continued from Page )ne). Lieut. Ileece and Mr. M.tyniird then proceeded jo dismantle the machine and stowed the wings, fuselage and engine on shore. I'he pontoons were badly damag ed. The powerboat Wigwam, Capt. Claud" Kelcliiim, was ent (o the rescue by Jnrvi McLeod, col lector of customs, ami brought Lieut. Heece to the city yesterday morning. . It was fortunate, said, J.leiil. Ileece. thai' thrt hccldenl 10 the engine occurred when he was fly ing at an altitude of only 100 ,ect. On hearing the. explosion, he immediately switched f)ff Iho engine and glided down lo the water, making a perfect landing In upito of the rough sea. He had his fire extinguished almost before he landed, but it was smothering the: einglrie with the water - soaked) wrcat coat that put out the flames before Hie fire reached Iho oil tanks. It was about 2.30 in the all day uiieu inia ma aiy oi spru, mio. of All Sales opened with a bang tire stock of Ladies1 Dresses, Coats, Suits, Underwear, in a Great Bargain Drive. DEMERS A. W. McArthur in full charge afternoon when Mr. Maynard, the lighthouse keeper, eanie to Hie rescue. The machine was a Hoeing sea-' plane belonging to tho Consolidated Whaling iorpmation. The enxine was a 100 h.p. Hallscott.! Swam Tor It The plane was carrying 50 gal- j Ions of jgasolim ami lo gallons or oil, I mi) fid of rope, a small auehor, buoys, simre parts and a paddle. It was neeesary for Lieut. Ilneec to swim from the machinr when adjusting the ropp.s to tie it and again he had to take to the! wa'er when thv plane wrecked. Lieut. Ileece was engaged in' flying during the Great War and, ra once slmf down over the! warllnes. 'Hits experience has leen, however, the worst he has had since the war. although h has beii engaged for several years in cnmmercifcl flying in Canada. Greit Itiitain and the United Slates. LAND RCOISTRV ACT. Stctlont 112 and 227. IS Till, m at 1 1 a f appiinilon Ma 1 3 IV f"i tti i-siiiriuilini ul i rlurire, lAll YIIL' lltrf 111 nt . U" - w ur oi-tion' ii i'urr'hatr. di-ii w r,iu Dccniir, mir. aitu rrtruirrini ma filh January, 11113 n ali-aliin re t-rivnl Ihf xnl Janii.ir)'. 11 J, a .No. IVIl, lsrir-n Uhouiik T. k..F., ut Uw Hr.t earl, and OiiliDO.X C. KMMI.II.soS uf me srruiid i'url, ciivrriiit tlui lulluwliiir prciperijr : l.uU hviii (7k lht (,.nln 0, leu ( IW i . vlrrrn (II), Iwrlvc l,. Ililrtieu til), fi.uriwu- Id, rirtet-n rli). awl auirfn il4, 11 link itrui (It; and Mil nine (U,. tin itO, ilevrii (II), anil fuiirli-in (ll. Iilufk rrvmlren ill), ur lJUirlri I i minilwr hx liunilnil ami forty i,ii (Oil '. Kaiitw five (I, Cuaal Ooirirl, Map 110, 'Satlirarlury proof (if brrarN of rovsn-am and ic riiirv aiul rerovrry of mim.-4lun by Uie -iiitnr or hwiiit nf lh- lamta. ubjfrt in iiin ati.ivc Aarri-niMit nr nlluii rurrliatf, h.iHiu brfii fiiiil In llita ilfflM. TAki: oti K that an tppllratlon liat Imcii made Id ranri-l I lie realtL-allon el the above imiiiloni-d Agreement or option in 1-urtlM.e. and hirh la reclatereU in hirainier of CliarKea olnme , rnllo l7, a 7 1 uli, and thai In KiipiMirl nr aurti applli-allini III. been priHluiiil a dcrlara lion or IIKOIHiK THOMAS KANE (lall-il the OrliitH-r, 10(5, and a dei-laralion of SI IM tr WAI.TLII TAYUlll tilled tli" (Hill ovemlier, !', prov'nir the brearli or covriiant ami re-entry and recovery f pueioii a atoreaald, IT IS MY I.V-7Kllo. after the titration of thirty '3D i d.iy from the nervire. or thla nnllre tn i-ani-cl I hi. retrlirallon or the option to IHirrhaw or Airri'Wnrtil iiN.ii the i-eiclaler and iliereupon vhe elte of tlw pur rlMtrr In lli I; nil dex-rlhed In I he nald Airei-liiriii or option to I'urrhi.e. thai rea and ildi'iinliie. uuleaa vou hall lane anil proaci-uf, I he proper proeeedinaa to entalilitli your Halm. If anv. to Uie nam innilt or In prevent aurlt prnKiaed ai-iion on my part. uaimi at i lie i.ann nermrv inure ai t'rlnce llnnert. ll.C. thla Klrat div or nine, A.n. ma. Ilet-iatrar of Title. to uornnn r.. Linniernon, Kq. MINCRAL ACJ. Notlca of Application for Cartlflcata of fnprovamania. Mineral mil oroun. coiiuiinir" of Min eral It 1 II No. I. Mineral 11(11 o, 1, Mln eral mil No. 3, and aummll Mlnrrsl i:ialnm, altuale In the skeena Mlnlnr HOI (Ion of .Mo. I f)llrlr oil the aoiilli.eaiilerD end of Iron Mounialii, Kitliual Valley. I.auful liolilera, v. I, UoiMlwIn, I'ree Mlner'a CertUKaie n. 870 nr., C.harle K Mmire. free Mlner'a Certiorate Mo. 3I07C. TAKK NOTICE tlmt I. Cliarle E. Moore. re Mlner'a Certlflrale No. aillTC, Mrent Tor thn ownr, intend at the end or IOy daya rrom tlm dale hereof, to apply to the Mlnmv rierorder for a Certl-fli-ate of liiinrovetnentii for the runip nf ohtalnlnir a Crown Oram of I lie above, claim". And furtTier take not re that anion nn. der Serlion S of the Mineral Art muni lie eoinmeni-ed lierore the laauanre nf men Certlfirate of Improvrnienta. today People are Saving Money at Bulger's Sale Our goods are honest nn J dependable. We guarantee every ;irllJe lo be .is represented and will refund the money if an orlicln is not Mili-fsctorj', We are giving nwiy 4ur entire jirijfjjl nl ale to move goods quirk. V il.ni') vxiect lo tnake a cent on Hie whole thing. If you can ve 2.00 lo ?2.Mt on n $10.00 article. you must admit oijr siWe Is wmlh while. .Now is the lime lo gel an engagement ring at a saving of 2r.'(0 ou a I :.'i.0il ring. 25 Per Cent Off Silverware and Cut Glass 3 John Bulger, Ltd. (ICAfMOMrJ VVMCiric Jowelleri Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Kalehlkaii. WWranaaN. Junta, and Ikaowii Juna J, ,14, It, IS, 21 1 July t, I, f, 12 To Vaneoutar, Victoria, and aula Juna 4, 12, 1, 23, S0 July 4, T. 11, 14, 11, 21 PRIMCtll IIATRIQC Oampball Ulnar, a4 Vanooaaae aiarr Haiuraai 11 a.m. foe MulMala, oanaon .Say, tut JMII talla, Oaaan falli, Maaia, atari Bay, Asaney for alt llMmikli Llaaa. full inlarmallM fraat r w. .0. oUCatAND Slanarit Afaat. Oarnte of 4lh Itraal U4 r Atanut, frlaa 1.0. Rubber Hosp Hose Nonels Window, Screens Water Sprinklers WaUr PilU Screen Doors Hose Menders Garbage Plls Thompson Hardware Co., ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd Ave.