1 T9 4-. Ft i srt .PAGE FODJ, TS3 CAIL7 KZT73 F.ldHy, July , iftoe. BISLEY SHOOT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus MRb. ,OOrot JOtiY If iUrwiLGHMiHi Jil . li 7&3 Eiif I'MtELUKXOO' COlMC ON- VVC. m OPENS MONDAY PHOsEO AsMO 1 TOI-O P DOtVrVVE. ml COOf): fiftl' 1 CAT-VT rLST (A HER ID UXC TQ WKVE VI - Cruueo. vst tNC-MOE) COT OU MEET HER MOtONsD. WrtKT DO woNoecMk, vttorl Canada Is Again Weir Represented at Great Marksmanship Event I.).liN, July 2'. (Canadian Pressj The great Hisley nieel-lng,"to, whieh tlie whole HrltUh Kiupire loots forward with increasing interest ifrom year1 to year and in -which Canada is it-ways well represented by Mover rifle shotjj . yjll open next Monday, and Wiiilinue to Salurdayi July 17. iMajorC. U. droWe, if Guelph, Oikl., veteran marksman who has distinguished himself at Hisley on many occasion, is the carnniandant of the Canadian team this year, and on the team Is Lieut. Hesmond Hurke, 6f Ot tawa, who in 1 H 2 4 wa's the win ner of 1 lie blue ribbon event of the annual 'Hisley shoot, the. Kins s Prize. He was only lb years of ape then and was the youngest King' Prize winner in Hisley history. The-,hlng Tme is emblematic of trifbest rifle shot in the Hritisli Empire. It is always competed for towardslhe end of the two week s shoot, the final stage taking placeKon "the, last day of the meeting LicuUjlhirke, who was a private In the tjvcr- nor-Oenerai s hoot ttuarris at the time he won the coveted King's "Ooid ledal, won ' prize money at Hisley that year amounting to nearly $2,500. Tins sum was added -to by presentations made to him on hts return tp Ottawa" by his proud fellow citizens, the grand Jot al amounting to $5,000. With, this tnonON he began his university course at Queen's, Kingston, where on May a last he was awarded tlie San-- ford Fleming Scholarship (llrslj year) in Science. This will 1k.j Lieut. Hurke's thiruT-year in sue cession as a member of UmS Canadian, team at IHslcy. Canada's Representatives Following is the personnel ol ' the team that, represents Canada at Hisley' this year: Major C. R. Crtwe, Ouelph, Out., commandant: Majr- H. Wbealley, M.C., Ollawa, teamj adjutant; Sergt. O. M. Klinslie.j . Toronlo; Ideul. A. T. Steele, iiuelph; Corporal H. W. ltarlon, Ksquimalt, H.C.; Major I.. I. Johnson, Ottawa; (Junner li. He-, gan, VicJoria,. H.Ct SergL J. Horland, Toronto; Captain (J. M. rfJalbrailh, London, Ont.; G.Q. M.S. A. Parnell, Montreal; Pie. . A. Houlden, Hamillon, Onl.; ' Major F. Rlcliardson. Victoria, 1 H.C.v Senst. K. McfSregor., Ot tawa; Lieut. James Hoa, Mont real; Sergt.-Major E. J; Head, . Esquimau, HXi.; Sergt. D. Fyvie, .A'icloria, H.C.; Sergt.-Major H. fltufseli; Montreal; Major H. "X; Hlair, Victoria, H.C.; Lieut.-Coi. tr. Pugh, Oltawa'and Lieut. Ds-Inond'Hurkei Ottawa. 1 'Hie Canadian teanr-of 125 iistinguUlied r itself 'by winning "the Kolapore Challenge. Clip, lht ftcam representing Oreal Hritain 'being second in the competiUo'i ftind the team Iroirt 'India third Tin recognition of this sigual, vic tory the members of-tbe winning team were individuaily presented Avjth gold elpphants, emlilematir Tif ith6 Kolapore Cup, the presen-lalioti being 'made bv Major-Gen - U. 11. Mcllrien, chief -of Ihe gen- Vral -staTT, Ottawa, at the annual meeting. of, Jhc pomininn or Canada Rifle Association in Ottawa onA'pHrs; 1U26. Lord Clieylesmore, President of ilie'Tv'ational Rifle Association. ;tindfcr whose ausiiices the an nial Hisley nieetings are held, Vas fatally injuretl in an auto mobile accident as he was returning lo London from Hisley Camn at the conclusion of the nnual shoot last year. Kar ellieoe succeeded him as bead of the Association. Channes In Competitions Several changes in tlie Hisley eoinpclilions have been made, since last July, particularly im portant Jeing the change in the. second stage Of the competition fur the King's Prize. ' In Ihe second stage of th shoot' for-the King's Prize this 5 eari mslcaU of hei.-e being only Iwo distances. 300 fcnd Olio yarns 10 sliots at. each as heretofore, there will be - an 'additional tiOO vard range. . The shoot In. tlie second stage therefore will be In Ibis. order- 10 shots each at 300, SOO.nd COO yards, In theAhpol for the Iaily Oraphic Cup. tlilK Tear there will hut one Jrthire 300 yards, i10 shots, instead of two ranges, 200 and 300 yards, ,eevn ehoU. yards, ten shots. Hoys Jack . McRae. v... HE tt COULD CET TO -.,J KVE. IMFLUCri-fiAt, BO-olNB-bti M rM - . . i rl,-' pOa-V. AOLr .fTy r - . . v t "v a i 'ij if. each, as has been the casci in past years. In the (iraphie Cup rnsload of there beine; twi ranges, 300 and 500 yards; severt shots at each, as heretofore, there will be only ne;range, 500 In the first or qualifying stage, of the Si. fleorge's Challengu Vase competition, instead of 15 shots at 300 yards, there will be 10 shots at 300 and 64)0 yanK In addition to the regular Hisley program of previous years tli4rgi.,viy, be a ehallejig" cup lircsenlect By the. Mornb.ig I'p( fortcjnpejittpn'ly earns of foui marksmen eacn, repreer.!ing the O iris' race, 7 years and undei I, Clara I'earce: 2, Hazel Smith; 3, Mildred Hunt. Hoys' race, 7 years and under S. Umiiiolo; 2t Jas. Currie; 3 MossJe Vakanwto 51rls ra6e, V years and un I, Velma Valters; 2, Margaret Johnston; 3, Marie Casey.-Hoys race, 'J years and under. i, Hussnleh; 2, V. Thorne; 3, Rupert 1'ong. . oirls" race, 11 years and un der.!, Velma Walters; 2, M. Himie; 3, Joan Arthur.. W race, 1 1 years and under. Oirls' race, 13 years and' un der. 1. Eleanor Tite; 2, . E. Pearee; 3, M. Vance. Hand only I. Verey Mrlntosh:! 2, (Jarfield MeKinley: a, Walter! Cross. I lVjnninjr broad jump, boys 13 year and under.- 1, Alex. Wal- fprs; 2, V. Jolinslon; 3, GarfieMj MeKinley. " Itunning high jump, boys 151 yeaH and under. I, Hronsoiij Hunt: 2. J. Hushby. XFAY YORK, July 2, -Doolies nuHiiHii in nit larurrH tu iiic jiii.i 1' 1926 t Int l TtATuwc Sckvici, Inc. QVygjy t' Wi Brtnia r!(Ua inir 9 -iIoi,-fclr nd jump, boys Srt cute them. They usually set a and under. 1, F.d. Smith; Hronson hunt: specials, MoorlinusV and Jean llite.hie. The committee in charge the sports included fieo. IJritish Dominions, Colonies a!:dThomnon. Jarvis Mcl.eod roteetorates, Tlie Mornina! ! .Tack Judge, judges. Post hopes in this way to en- - -- rourage rifle shooting in all I CTJdVlM CI CO fnerseas parts of ihe Empire. 1 1 r.rJIflll E. of JolinMone' (chairman); n6f-Har-e, b nou nee rtrPrortnc iaf Pol ico Sgt. Hannah. stalrteK: "J WINNERS AMONG ON FIREWORKS V anted For Sale For Rent fine of $500." DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. Nc. Advertisement taken for leu than 50c , : work? iianneil by law we proe- y rpi) Itoads are watnhed for snspi-i cious trucks, Speuce sat.t, for "boojlegging of fireworks has fallen Into the hands of private carriers. If carriers hae a per mit for the transportation of fire u works, showing they are to be an,j used outride the city, they are not molested, otner cities may burn or b!owff their fingers and blind themselves if they wish. said the'inspectors. but New York and Brooklyn are to be kept as noiseless and sane as possible on Independence Day The pyrolechnie displays per Trtm i 1TT lirkf ni immeu are oi a communal nature. K1IY AnJII lIKI N Bootlea OunDowder and Alcohol where eirts, surrounded by Xlilf VIlltLIU , , safecuards. set off fireworks that Program of Races at Domtnlon , Day Celebration is ii ni an nniar warm. ' ... , can be seen by thousand. POLICE COURT. Several cases came up before 11 Ifiiinj i mi ft'Wnas maa ana which is banned by ordinances. ",r a"11 ""V'-" vnr..i l,,t:.tlf.il of "liootlea" r" ana Wfls 'Iu- ,n A.I diet of the fish. ProhiUition " --"-""- M,th fined for drunkenness agents provide the ileohol. The gunpowder is contained in John Johan-sob was sentenced of co tlas har labor at Okalla fireworks, sale and display " " t.- it. ....i. fireworks, which were to be used n charge of intoxien in -jimiinr Knilrih of Jlllv Cele-ll,on. n I "i i. . t t i . j . tLrnfiriTt liavi a rea.lv tieen de- w" Junjr- nimiiiru ..h der.f . . .... i. - n.u I Iiii'vinc saes from tlie La tlass in M.i.ii i 11...., ill,... 1 1. Rov Four: 2. M. Collussi; 3. "7. i..i ! Mrs. J. A. Wilson. Lieut. .1. A. iTOi-niimi liuirau, i..rW.. ,,., n t m .ui. rnl1,rln txliPfls. ro-tn-rrp, u. 11. .ua.t1111.111, 1.. ..iu,u man candles, grtnt crackers and 5-"rprhlrr. Vanfouver: sky-roekels steamed down the W- Dawson W oodflbre; . H ll.,.l.r.n. ''Wt.pn Ihev cet dOwnP'"1"'4. al" - " Hoys' race. 13 years and un- ...... a ,,it .i.pv il heave that junk bdley. Ocean, Falls; M. t. txir- der. 1. Alex. Wallers; 2, Roy 1 -...-i,,,.-.,- TJiero wn't be so kill, Xamu; William F. Eve, An- Hoys V Year after year, the same plantation . supply the same leaf whose delicate favour and fragrance hss won for Nabob Tea the universal approval of the most discriminating buyers'. The quality of Nabob Tea never varies H ii always the finest possible. Just what YOU have: been; looking for. ' .nv fir nn Die fourfli then. " ox: v. . hcirsieau, j reuenc- . r.rinr t lh.v nassinc.wf or- 'on, X.H.; William H. Ross, port yearfcwl uinler. I . AlfX. Wal- (j)nanCf!l nrohibiling sale of fire- Essinglon; Mrs. l.'amb, Cusslar ters -and W. Johnitonj 2, RoyLHrijg we j0 double ourjtiannery; Frank Jfhiscalor; and Fong and Joe uOH 3, allfrlfjre tferhtinp forces or the four h.HJscar uiander,-Ufrracej ,oi. 1., r,.-, .,.,H llsrt C.irnnmn I . I I f f I -n tfiVI. I P. Kftwkl'K ' Mil VII 1 IstfllidlV. Mf, Sack nice, boys 10 and under, jfl iaf that day," said Peter CjaniJ-Mrsj V Airdj .I,flcrj.r; Tetrv Ormr 2, a arf ield MA1 i heneefeh lff Htiu'rfau;- ' iHride. Kdriion(n; .Mr. Slid BMrs. . . . .... Kinley: 3. Alex. Walters. Race for members 01 'It is a urofitable business, I.. 11. MarL A. .m. nuicner. xr. . .1 ... . . jt Oils 'hoolleggJng or fireworK.ianu .Mrs. 11. .m. sawyer, .Mr. aim Hiis is tlie time when some mer-IMr. F. H. Kubley, Dora Laroon, Day work: chamber work, rooking or washing clothes. Apply Mrs. Kmily Xason, Hoyal Hotel. . 15 1 TO RENT FOn rtKXT. Irsen building ai .171 Tivird Avenue Kast; six room nuMern 'flat with bathroom and 'workshop premlcs on street IfooT Apply Hyde Transfer, 139 'Ste.nU Avenue. MtlDKHN five room hous; .Hip-gar Mace, Third Avenue, "'fj rent reasonably to troo ten-ant. Apply lt Fraser street. FOR RUNT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch rangesj water paid; one furnished. Westenliavor Hros. 'URMSHKD Housekeepinir Rooms to rent by the day, week orl month. Phone Red 607. tf Winner in the cl,ildrens and Hen..-Some are sports y.s.erday were as folr J 1P"' 1' oour, this morning and furnished. $20 and up. Apply . . . . . L.r ,.i,i,ih-. ! xver 4,,'a" "'" an 215 Fourth Avenue East. (.iris uace, a years ana unner. , "" ..' John Thoinpson was sentenced 1. M. McOHnchy: '2, Hall " 11 Ihre mifnlh' Im,.ri.m,mo.,. FOR RKNT.--Furnlshed " ftouse- Heale; 3,. Thelma Thorhe. Hoysrace, 5 years and under, 1, S. Curriej 2, Don hitch; o. Melvin Wallace. In to Ivn 19vp a.tili minnowder to the "n a fhar intoxieaflon. keeping suite, Mussallem Apartments, phone 18. tfl A ltd sel.Umi a wek oasses with- Hakery, were committed for trial FOR PALE out thousands of gallons of whls-bffr Judge Young. key, beer and wine being dumped into ?V rivers: Rnatlnafll nf 11 HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Laimg - " and K. Senior, Vic- FOR RE.VT Four room uiJe. hot water heated. Apply Smil & Mallet. PIAXOS for Rent at fi.00 per month and up. Walker's Musi' Store.' jPQR SALE 30 foot gaboat. 5-C Palmer. Can be used fori pleasure or fishing. Extra large cabin. Apply al boot "Chum." Cow Hay floats, lf.5 fishing for rainbow trout in Lakelse lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through connection with Iwwlge; Tele phone- eonneeled Irt Terrace PATENT ATTORNEYS hants s'ock up. Last year wel.Mrs. zatda Holland, lieiiy .ew-ii- ivi iimim ii.miauiiu t.u, ine iMiled 2.1 5fl stores. In 20.1 nfii-nmb, Flna Jones, A. A. arn. them we seized contraband fire-Miss Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. II works. All that we seized we fed l)e and J. Walker, Ketchikan lo tlie i:sh." Ivan L. Hib'r, Seattle; Mrs. C L. Fatal Mixture Monore. Allin; O. M. Eraser. In human history Hie mixing of Digby Island; Miss M. W. llanne of gunpowder and alcohol haSniithers; F.mil ,M. ''rell, Inver- brough about wars, rebellions! ness; A. II. Iveson, Carnaby; It and mutinies, but Joseph A. Mc- Hramley and Mrs. S. Smilh, Nn- Cabe. insnector of the Hrooklynjnaimo: A. J.'Hnrron, North Vnn I works, and Ihese are for use. out side New Ytrk tind Hrooklyn. "Storekeepers have been warn ed, and we warned them again a I few days ago. The little stores tare the. chief offenders, especially ciigar stores. If we catch Ihem selling or displaying; for sale fire- of Miss' Irene Morand who is leaving Ihe city on the Prince (leorge lomorrow evening for hpe home In Vernon, having lieen called soulh Hiruugh Ihe Illness iT tier mother. The evening wn happily sjVenl Jn dandriir, delicious refieshmentfl being served atmtfnighy, ty -fc registered attorney. Other of fices, Ottawa, Washington and principal cities. High Low High Low. MISCELLANEOUS miaLCLLHncuuB ... l w 1 bureau, evinced no fear or the t-oirj'ArT'MrMrm Studd, " HoIU- effect or these rations oh Ihe fish Look ? k . . SU;Mn?; 'S?,, vm V.Sf. ..r. It., .ntntnialihlei Into ihn Hlld.J if? r. T.nliti.n'iitiil A M I.olin.i' 1 'ar" "PP"" MTt- V '''mlO, son. Illomedaleblaho: Hoy Fox and .1 - j t .11 "Last year u;e seitea JireworKS M. jjrowti, pawson;. R, McLeodl LOST. in 310 stores, tie sain. aii we an,j KcrrJ city: Mr. iiimI Mrs.lLoT.--Cliild's clolh coal with 4tH a.m. 19:21 n.tn. IR. f 0:2,1 tt.wi. . T.fl 12:38 p.m. 5.5 Saturday, 'July 3 7rR a.m. 1C5 ft, 20:2(5 p.m. . 1:30 a.m. 13:41 p.m. Articles Lost and Found, &c BOARD AND ROOM. HOAIU). Secoml - Tha Inlander. 83n Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD, Rooms and FnrnUhed Suites. .Palmer House. tl HOARD AM) ROOM. tS5 hhltd Avenoe. Phone Hed, S58. CHEVROLET. Act. 'tvertlme will t ehartfcsl IX and after July 1. overtlm rates will he rbarged on Sun day ami public buiilaye and after 7 W.iir.'WweeV, days. This is necessary .to cmpl will, the "llmirs of Work" Ac, .j;;"" I ft J liverume win ue riiargi-o ai Uie rate of time and one half' over the regular eight hour day. Wrecking service day and night. PARKER OARAOE. KA1EN O Alt AO 11 JAS. Ht'NTER. TAXI Phone 7 Taxi "We've already got rid of sev- . ... ,,on hoa, fOT ,nlfl f0P (Call (leoree. I'aul or Oust) l.nai Inuila nf fireworks "' lni " - -i - . - --- ia i."t I f. . . . D....I- ?7!i Kasv terms. Phone RertP' rur,,, 7?ll fnr narticiilars. OaKOrs at your disposal anj lime. .... --- - I wmnmm mmmm nnMt FOR SALE. Sixteen fool canoe 1I3C Seventh Avenue East. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKKLSE LOlHiE, near Terrace. Visit Lakelse lilhia Hoi 1 old established firm. Patents! and trademarks in nil eoun-j Iries. Free booklet. Vancouver office 1018 Rogers Ruild- ing. Phone Seymour 37tC. I Manager, Ernest E. Carver,! nu39 unua, ruuL nwwm Meeker Block. Across from Kmpress Hotel. GOOD EATS Opposite notion's Studio, Til in! Vvi'Mlifi Springs. Lilhia is one of th urLUj 0MK i)(ikkd MEALP finest- mineral waters known ,V ' t. . . 1 . j . . .... I ior riienmaiism;.- -"v'ia, iiyiv Mrs. Fnger, proprietress. Phone-H'ack 700. FURNITURE. New and Senondhand Furni ture Rlore. We Huy. Sell and Ex J. Hruce Johnstone, manager, cnane apw (iooas. I and Secondhand GEO. PAPADOPULOS R35 Third Av Phn WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood 9G.00 a load. Dry Fir Wood 10.50 q hind. ir Cut lo any length. Kindling, 97.00 a toad. Fir Furnace Wood 17.00 a load. A. ISAACSON Phone lllack Ifi). Seal Cove. tire Hint II lim unilrr Wi lli 7 of th- Mill seized was dumpeii inio tne risers. ji (j Jordeen and family, Seat-t fnr collar and ruffs. FlnderiAr. tn Hh Mtmiir if futiin- Kveii if the fisb eat it they will do u; c. Plotl, North Paeiffo Cnn-J please return In Mrs. Tre l. .Uiti'. ir, limn Iminjiii Tir in 2S . . .H . .Y 7 I ' . IICl J, V . Illlltlll. , .... ..--..., . would. The r isualties or the -rr-- - rvvv- l , 1 11 1th- i.in t,i wimif or tit ind tmiid- ..iiirtti have lieen reduced to 1 .r. -ami ..uj-s. .iJWiU enier- nns iiiiw.n vnt iii i t.niii wi tht Nearly nothh.g by prohibiting .ai,,e ',lelishtfnllyW Wed.,es-L mUMCllUKIITlBES rASdW' firewiirks. only four have been issued in New NAVIGABLE WATCKS PROTECTION ACT r.s.c. cttspttr lis. TlHI flnlUtl r,lulr,lrl Flhln A T'.rk iinir i oinpanv i.muitd. in n ij.T rlvM no 17.3 Tl .1 lion of on m.inlli rrmn ijir dmr or III- 18.9 7.4 A 1 I..I lint plililli'illon or till! ifnllr- tli llrllUli J I -1. r jr. vw imzz 6-3o MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-40INO. Mdndtrt, Wrduetfltyf rl M..iul) , ru4) ..r.. ....... Thur-H). Slur-m ...... .'. 4iiii'ir . . . . a Atim htr & sib si .. a ruttoo si. . rbonUMHHi It At- t Osnrt4 St . cth Hir Orrl llh K CMIMI St. lib - A MrhrM 81. rr. !if. rr. t. Whirl . . . oir r wbrt ftr.r utioo ti ti st Ird a ih Si Dd Saturdtji . ... I lie ijii. 1 pjii. .... .(! pia. t p.m. , . .. .H Ju. 5 ir, pju. cr iuir , w, it, i. f I T. II , . p.iu. T , Alice Arm,' SUrl erMif Suit)r J pjo. rni 1 p ut. To Ptrt SlmpMH tn4 Nui Nlicr Ptlnt Tbur-.u ( pjo. !t au.u rmt j Jul k. , if. , S. IJ. fr, hi. O.N an.l after July I, oxrilm' '" j p rates will be charged on Snn- x stn qum ctwrutt days and puWic halidayH and! " afler 7 pn. on wrekMlays. ,m tt,rtl"e"" . This is neefsary to eontplyi MuMy. wxiiiyt 4 rrMin. o 'WHh the Honrs f Overtime io p.m. at the nd.r r Onie n Uv,.,d. nan over uit:-; ..regular exmi ...i rnw- hour day. Wrecking service night. day K.UFS UVRViK. PAIIKI it S VRAiiF.. JAS Ul TI R. pm ............ .wjn 1 fei h Mr vt . it. i. it. it. n. j lIJI ...... HI. Ssiu'itv pja frm ert SknpMn n Nui Rliw e.inu Salantijr ta rrvm ll( elu imh T. t,1l. IJ. tl. f4. tt. II. Tnm rik Quon Ctaru Thi-j.lf Trtm teUi Ovm CharlMl ivt : aiJ t, 0r lA lh Ulh BOX COLLCCTIONS ,' 8ir a.m. r.M. r.n 00 111 S.IS ' S.t S ft S t t ie .n s.ss Sit IJt !. It lit tit III III III 41 tit III 111 It ttl III 141 SIS tl III S.M ii i.st set It III I ! 10. II III S.ll It! - 7.11 S. III Alt IS It III I i !! .lt III STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS -' Prnr tliif-rt . . . Tif .! iMlmt Th it! . rmre rjitrl Sl 'd)f t. Ciuli " l-ritw- Onfttp T" TfHir-M Pfilrlr from tir For ltrt onl An;i l r rninn otiorlri . . fi, . PHnr. llllp-rl . . From Stowort on! Ai Ti, ' .day rnnr Chorda "st ,rdv Prlni1 IliilTl . I p.m. . I ja. . 4 p.m. 11 1 -in . I pnt II ij fsin,.i -. cank-iu p.m. Mono. frlnre i lnrlrt in jo i in. W- tnKHy -. rrtnee lJ-uff ti ll a.m. Fw.- cjitit in. r"ijf . rrln Ru-rt .. ts.lo i.m. ' fllirdjr Si. rnnrrll ' BMtrlr.. in. lor l- Simp tn4 Nui Rltr Trtltjr- . Ctlii ii.... in, from Pert Simp m4 Ni aittf . ' srnrdir . fin Is un. for lin, ati Allc Arm . . . . ' S"ii1V r.rrtrn I pm. Trim Ittwtrt, SSfOi tn4 Allc Arm Ti .-. Ctrdrnl ira. 4 p.m, 4 p.m. . . i.m. t p.m, For North Qun CtiorloUo Ulonl M' i.ilo.v . I'rlnre ilturlr ... 4 p.m. From North Qun Chorion lln Thirmltyo- . I'Mnrr nul-lr .. I im. For louth Qwoos Chorlottoo .Juk if - . I'rlnrp Jntm p.m li. fl n I'riiiif John p.m. From South Qun Chorion 1 7 . Prlnrr Jhu liu. : Jin it ii. I'rttirr John ., ,'l.m. ' CN R. TRAINS ' For toot tii iy rirrjit luniUy it II.JI lit, From Coit Im ly -M-pt tiinrtiy it S.SO p.m. WATCH NOTICE. Dlrln onl Uoo. ruf "tin ire llial iinii-rl nvonO Work. i otiiwi, mil in ih office of, I'.ln.ioii, Ii(ii-a itidirii ii lnvriiirni th- tilnlrlrt lircUinr or tlir I. mil h-irl. Cii!,,.rr, mil ppll for tlrrnre to ti try limiirt or rrlnrr RiiKrt, ii ITInir . mo u a lrl(ui) U wilrr'out of rrr K permilsday evening at their home on K'i York and Third Avcnat a parly In honor 'Friday, Jul. " ' nVV.K. ..,. Hrooklyn frtr the sale of fire- rM or hrr ii ijiiiii ;ut mm n- uvmo, .hlrli, flulA xtuilM'Ml mU Oiiiji tnt, Trout ly tl'oul luu fi-i mum iluni IIih lMrh rrmn tin ioutlM clhw Jl ','A, KlUion I. II. Thi- wiirr will Im itl vrrtut from thr o I ream it i polnl ilionl ton fwi rroni Hi iimulh, nl will I nri for dinitlr piirjit- upmi tlio rin' or a-irriiwn mii - a, mutMi i n III Ontin till oonlril on th i lit- tttn nay in miy, tvtA. riund ropy i' "f i.i.liiiiihli F'ltlnnir A 1'ii'kinr Company I thh hntlf nhd n ofPtlritloii iurmnl U-nlli-d will umlrr irrlkm or thr Hd tlir cln and lo Pio "W'alrr Ait" will I Art. Apply to 1lw Mlnli-trr or fut.llf ! rilr.it In th offlrn r llio W'llrr Hrrordi w.irlr. .1 lil. ...rl.. i .... ... I.. ... ........ . . t. , . , ... ..... .... ... . m , ,11 ,nr riir .ii in t rriiii'r iiiiiii, ..'ojrrtitMl in in." i' iiwa. ror approval or tlm mlrt in. ana ' Pliriiioii may Im flhd with llir ald Watrf plain, and tor Iravsit riroiirni-l tim nidi Iiri ,nlr or Wllh tit r.otnotmllrr of Wharr or plrr and biillduitri thrrt-nn. Wit-r Itlrlit. I'irllaiiir-nt lltiilitimi. Vlr !ialil al l'rllli'fl liunrrt. nr. thla ll Say or Miv. tits. UllllISII tni.llMniA HSIIINQ It PACKIM1 CO, LTD. By III Solicitor!! . Wllliimi,' Wiukid tV'iOonialtt. 1'ifia, li.:.. within tinny dji,afir tut flri li'prarinrs oT Dili nl'tirr in a local iH'WipaiMT. Tin dalr of , tlit flrrt piildl ration vf tl( nnilrr II June 4, lit. ItUBlHI ULOHUE .OIIMSTriil, Afpllciat