Friday. July 2, t02g iiic Do Yon like . Ltoooide? ''LenuaV.', tiff Mwdrtii Irrtu Imoi Julft, mult Iron) Iron Ifimmi Is tn , um "if KL1M. U'wV. UininotifirUT , 1 4 did TII M'iy .'' I fnr4t hut ddL iftnontW, 5fJ 1 C fatHdtfa-' 954c ncy ... .v.. m Bine lcai:j Jess time on chores" more jm! (uj and less drudgery I That's what 'iht nv Klim means to tamnern and tvKStidUti; it saves wearisome trips to Mar farms in search of milk. I ki i IV' ji ths flaror of tbt put tit froth paattortied tmi, (Of it U r.-f h row's milk, IrM toe wawr. Jutt as in nd wholeaoma, joat as tkb for it is tmo-aid-aH arxi Ur mora sat, Umiim It Ii Cut out i ftgulaf tampktg woiry tfcla yoat by Ufenf uh 7 mi a stippy of th M KLIM,pow. fulUitam milk. It it eons pact, eaailjr carriaJ ,-.- IMJ'EklStlAULU, ' - r - Canadian Milk Products Limited W Ad.Utfe St, W.$W TORONTO KLIM' 0? . Wall. iW a. Toilet Goods Sale (inn ii.. ,Vi m. .; . "'"l liit .Mil I' Biv' ' iiu te ! J... i l . li'l (A 50s A I' r.- m y li MvmShrrf iiiH' '( ' H JrH'f xtt It - time ol a $t, ft ti .Tif.r nni i'.ii-tf Povi'ilcr. $2.00 H l .wtk-r m$i ! ;r.riMi. i;iu-ristt KmiT, i' hW . . .S1.007 v i : t Qtvaif li A'nf MkyiH'- .t I ... ih I Vie-" asnl I . I. llrtli, h-Ui w 40c l if llcxMii -;r Hair Tmr ..nd a Title ImiUIo I.-"" I.niiid llnllnicifj. hold for 31.00 V Ixillle uf Kre nfli Hlti and $. tin of (leullcinen'k T ii Powder, hotfi i'i(f. .'... .i s, 40c A I" ,ke of Tim T ia rii nud a ir- tin or Till T-1 to. nin w.jrr. I- tfi for ' 25c Orraes Ltd. Tli. HKNAU.Hi'Ht The IM' iM.i I! Hill tiOISTS 3rd Avenue tnd 6th Sir d Phones 32. and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian ' Fish i Gp Storage Co., W Prints Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, no?ESf TWINES, - FISH NETTING Af.DjtnOLUSNO GEAR, e m OIL AND RUOBSij .CLOTHING, cnOCCniES. Compai .bur Prices Lipsett, Cunnlnghain & Co. Ltd. Seco id Avonuo and McBrido St., $1 Local and Personal Phone 15. p.n. Goal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678, tf H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Cry ytait f-'ircIiKlitiirs, 48 fori 00. Hyde- iTranifor. Phone " T -l 580. 1 .D.D. Washes OnV I ani Eczema's Gone I Try D. D. D. soap, too M W. J, NlcCutcheon Drug Storo and Ormes Limited '1 rootball Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. IIIkIi School v. Naval Hoeervo. Ilev. H. (J. Turner wan un a: rlvnl on the Prince Ilupert llu morning rrom a trip loTfctpria. St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid alraw- brry tea and home rooking al tel. Andrew Hooiux, Saturday. July 3. Mr. Wt'x Slraehan returned Iti Mir city on the Prince Huppri Mill morning from a holiday trip tt) Ytincouyer. Mr. and Mr. Pr-d fiarton fitil-r iiti th I'rlni'C :iwrte Vpi..r-ifity Mflrnoo'n n a holiday tn,' to Kinitliprn oitiex. P. 4.. HuPkley and family wer.-utrn;:rrM alMi.inl thr Prim- s CrtMrJr, )p(i.lay uflrii(it frofi Port Clnnrnfjt t Varurouver. Mr. P. S. Komiry and children f tin city havr left New V' minuter for Itoundary Hay win- -lljy wjII Mw-iid ttie unini. i Tfrr Mi're Irrn .Milcln il nn Majft Sv,t ailH on tin- Prin.-r :tiai! yrrtlrrday aftenicn i . ff.nd Hie nuinuirr ncliool tndi-!'! in Vancouver ".N It. ).li.anipr Prinr. I'harlrK, CiMfi.,Nfi4 MrJan, .miIpiI Ut VtjipiMfiir ia . 4ti1liem Own tflmrlMtr I land points at t o rVrs Vrrtilay afternoon. lon't fail to rr Hie biic ba.r :all EMtnr brtwern San Fnutriuro SI., mfr and Prlniw Ituprr; Sliniirr t i p.m. on Monday. Prorrd In aid of.linyV Band. Mi Annie II Jtoode. chon trarhrr of Porl IaiiMlun," ai! on lir ritt Charlr yenlerda; ftrniNn lo upend the innoine ehfxd varalinn iu Vancouver in Xirtoria. Mi Winnie While, nf th. !. I letrphonr oieratinK staff. rrlui ned Iu the city on pie Pfiar.' Miiprrt tHl mnrninc after pcno ins a three usjrkK holiday in the ioutb. Mr. i.. I.. .Mnrm arrived in the ri'.y frtMU Atlm on the Prin- Cltarlolle on Saturday after noon and will neml a feu ly here Itefore prorVdlnx to X'ar eiuver on a iMdiday trip. The Haeball pain "df the i on at Arropoli Hill St 2 fMiUf prompt mi Mpmlay. an Fran- ii" Shriner? v. Prlne ltiiieri Sliriueri. Hoy' Hand in attend nnrr and proeeedH fro lo (he Imiv-.. 1 5 Ilev. Father J. It. Huek of Sttlem, (irepoit; I here to nend a two week' vara I Ion iilin with Mr. and Mr. C. P. Kiel, 33d Fifth Avenue Ve.. Father Hurl nrrtvrd from the ,oulh on Wed n. .ny tnornintrV ,eamer. t:..lonel anil Mr. Cralib, of New York, are paenper. Ahoar.'. (lie tenmer Prlnee llnperl lodaj enrotite to Anyox on a eoinhineil husiiiit and pleasure I rip. Col I'.r.ilth i the president o. tin tiratihy (iouolida)ed Mfnimr and Smelt in? V Power Compnny Anyox. Moo.xe Pienle Sunday. Sports lor everybody. Tug of War for Mooe Cup. (i.inU inn tie and .Ifi'ieiuK. Special ntlraflioiif by 'rofe!or Slajro lt Vileli ami his lr.u..' of fun makers. ItoaU leie v Hay from D till 2. (icnilemc'i. $I.(HI. Indies and ctiildi'.'ii free. Tea, eolfe and xiiKnr Kiippiied. 15 1 ROUND TSU1 TO DENVER . . .. ... SIM.9J OMAHA 129.55 KANSAS CITY DE3 MOINES . 1WJJ BT.LOUI8 133-tO CHICAGO liM DETROIT 157.91 CINCINNATI .... 158.40 CLEVELAND.,.,.. lfO.6 TORONTO S66.0S ATLANTA 1W.6S MTTSBURO...,.-i 172-06 WASHINOTON... 19J.16 PHILADELPHIA. 177.22 NEW YORK 199.70 BOSTON .. , 205.76 In effect to SrDterhLexlS rRrtum limit October 310926 THE EAST INVITES YOU and the Union Pacific mtkei your journey economical by low round-trip excursion fares to alt important point in the Eatt, Middle West and South- LIBERAL ITOPOVIR PMVILESCS enable you to visit the big eastern cities or America's greatest wo ruler -lands Zlan National Park Tcllowt tn National Parte Rocky Mauntaln Natlasutl Parte all reached via the scenic and historic Union Pacific De Luxe trains. Superior service. Descriptive booklet on request. UNION PACIFIC VACATION ROUTE. FOR INFORMATION AND XRSEHVAv TION CALL ON OR WMIT UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 140S Fourth Ave. bieve- lengtli wood 3.&o pu- 'Htd. jJolivered. ,l!iton N. Our-.eli. Urcn 5 i. 15-. Mr. It. XV. Cameron aivt hlauliter. Poleuia, hm- retnri'.J" lo the city to reaitine ttoir rt-i .nre here. Aid. n.!.l Mr. W. M. Hn.wi. and f.imily returned to the rilv afii-r a i.atti.:i trip to Vane nil xer and Vietoria. Mr. AioiiEo llauire and fannly rtivr lft f.r Toronto wlier they Will peinl a roiiplr of IllOIltll-ou a holiday vi-it. Serjieant Jebnon of the Hoyat tlanadian Mounted Poller was a pacrnier aboard tlir lriiMMs Mice !lii afterumMi for SKhjs- way, AinnkJL, aeroniiMinyinsr .thrpiitrnt of liquor. The f iili packer NartyeLtsttHp tpl. liert X curmouth, wi., i a en up on tlx- pontoon?, nl Um dry dock this months far elonn-ingr and paint iw. A fHvv ruI- Ptr shoe will aUo bo fi.vd nnl jroieller and rudder ilmlilrtiiied. . Stanley -,Mor,i. caMtlln of t? toon I haiteball l.'anr.v-jieajsinvininie 1 by Oco. THr, Jr.. niWJ. ,XX". .Mlf.- ehell were pat-i'ii.-fs sUmnA for Ketchikan on the Prrne'ii AIk: Ihi afternoon. I tie lintaub c the local team will po north b Hia.oboat for ibi Fourtli of July jeriex at Ketchikan. Makits? her f:rsi trtp of lit.' 'tendon, C..P.H. Hi.-auior l,rinces Mice, Capl. Thotiiaa Cliff, ar rival in porl at l:lo p.m. or mute to SkaKway. Aln.Hkn, lutv - ng nhoanl l.'i i nrad-trip pa;- fenpers. The Loal ailttl f:r he north at - p.m. .lifseij?M-: embarkinc Inr.' for- Ketchikan neluded Stan Mural), .5eo. Tito, rn XV. Mttcii. it ami Jebson for Sknitvvay. ScHrfatit Hnlph Oillics. youtiK "n of Mr nml Mrs. v. D. 'tiillicH. 22& Sixth- Avenue Kast, vvns ru.i over on XX'edne1tiy .n.tning by an nutomohlln driven yiy Uerringtort. The lad wus im- lediately taken l- ,ibe hospital where an x-ray -exnimuai ion showed that no bonus lintl boei broken 'alUmnRh he Iinl .ror.'iv. t Imiisox' and .ciatcht ami wiin "uflViinv from fbodk . WIRELESS REPORT. 8a.m. . i HI I.I. IIAHIUIH. X. Ovuieasi; Jltirht stiutheast wind; bavoinotr !Sl).tt; tetnperuturu 55; sea; Kstiiontli; G p.m. spolo stiMiiiiot Queen hound Seattle for Ilulilon Inlel SIS r.tlleft from Hidden Inlet; 6 p.m. spoko steamer Anyox hound I.adyamilli for Prince Hu-pert 270 miles from Prince llu. perl; C p.m. poke learner Itochelie hound I'ort Alice for IHuhher Jtay CO milej from Ulubher Itay; 'J p.m. iol. Paiific Monarch left Knighl Inlet outhhouud: 8 p.nv spok r.illehotii hound Maj-lt for Vancouver' aheam Goox'e Island. 1'HAl) THKK PIXT. Haro-metor 30.12; temperature UMJIiV lSI.AXO.I'9gy; WIm, baromettjr 30.00; temperature 55; ea smooth; 8 p.m. pole fitcanu er Cullburra hound 'Ketchikan for Seattle 5H5 miles from Seat tle; 0 p.m. spoke eleamer Yukon pa!iii!f Pcterrhurgr hound fo.-WranKell; 0 p.m. spoke steame;-drdova hound Ketchikan for Seattle 105 inile from Ketehl; & p.mvpoke tujr Itooevelt lowm? uatLjo otitfiKliam 2ft tnilen iioriji of Ketchikan; 7 a.m rtpoke Xeamcr Oueert hound Seattle .for '.Hidden Inlet 2l: m ilen from Hidden Inlet. Noon ' HI M. IIAIUJOK. Cloudy, Itehi 7.utlmet wiiul; barometer 2tf.-OJ: teminiture 09; iea xmoblh. DEAD THKK PtdXT. Ham nicti-r 30.1 i; temperature 01. In IKHV ISIVM Cloudy, calm. haroiiifirr 30.02, tempe.ralure 00. -a fiiu.olh. TRAP SHOOTING Three members of Uie Jfftie HuiMTt iun Club shot at the I'ark Avenue ranjrc Wednesday tiiiiiil, the .curef iieing: J. W. s-..t. 22; Dr. K. J?. Tait,f 22; 'a k KtM-fe. 20. j MINERAL ACT. i CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS ! Ill ".snyuo o X!dmI ( UIiii. mIO iu lUr Aito Mmiiir Dmi.i m l ..r I.lMnrl. W lTT ktrd: On Xol till. Creek tVulcsu orrek,. djliiin j and uuiawtt of In ir CiDjon u. t ti n Mineral la.m U.t li;i . I TkK XniCL tlul I. EUm V..lluv. I I nf Minrr Ortiruu !im. 773. m Wiul. -itl) diys rit.m Hie d.U- ttrnut. I arin 10 ttte MkMng nacanJer rr s nil: of luwOTmMn(t, tor tbr i.ur- 1 ,. : .iiuiniiiK i.ruo Uruu r ibe ..-.If - .IIM. rurtlM- Uk. oollrc Ut 'S.IhWi, under ftlwo 17, mutvbe. ounuiHcl tutor- i ittue or soctt prrnticsie ti Us a I vriirtt. led ltd lit Oty rj Jurw, A.Ii. till LAND ACT. ArtQL Notlca of Intantlon ta Applf to FurchsM una. In rrlacr HOl Land HeeriUirir Dfctrkl uf I'rtttrr Uttfrtl and Mtun Ml lcrrui nt. Ma9i lukL 'in ha in l)and. O. C I. TALE O.TICt; IBM! Fricttf MtBrrd. I snan. mi. nl" la sptl for prrmlKHi to airninr inr immmr uwnimi unat "mtHto-las at a.! DlMitrd si thr N V. rner t't Lot. 1ST!. OOwhi i:iurl4tr 1I.ihU IHAtrtrt, Owirr Mjtilh to tulxi' tlwii-e fl tl rhalas: tbrsr-r iHMth M Hiati VVatrr Mark; Umim-c Mlrrlv al.mir llicsi warn Mark l pil or oHuruenrv-Rm. and cuaurmnic fs acrr. niurr oi FH.Via II ILL 1111'. ,wf iww un, igyo. LAND ACT. Applicant. Cr Latd DHIrKl. Land Rtwmtin Ol'trtrt X riincr hwprrl and tltuatrd in. Taku Arm. itmtjt $ miles oulht or raaaun or Aiiinm nivrr. TAkE . MITH'K lint rraiwi ntrsnl iiowwip nr Aiiin. u.i... orespation mm miuiw. tatnid to apfty rr pnntton So naha ttw rititnuln ftMrihnl aiv: Cmamrnrlnr al a r.n nlintml on th. aatii shorr r Taku Arm about t mile HrtiwM rivni Uw moutb or Alllnm nmt and rumen tlwnrr fo rhain rt: IImMwv 9n ebiln Mitilh: thiwv o rhaln 1a: and Ihmrr to rhin rtnrib tn Itasai nr rormnrmirrii. rontaimnr sere, nnr or i. mannn di m.op, oai. mub. vav rn iss. AppllranL LAND ACT. Notlca' of Intantlon toApplf to Laaaa Land Iu mitre liapert Land rifcirjinr ! trtct ur at Hinirr k, and situate m i-oalh Iiarrurl IMand. T.VkK MlTICt thai Airred Sanon. ol l'rtas Hopert. orenpalloo Mariner. In-tesKts to apply tor a lrie or tbe follow Inr desrnbrd lands: Cnmnwncinr si a pol planted at ttiv north d or SmiIIi KarhaH lland; themv a pound tlx. Mland al hlrh watrr mark and r4ilatninft to arrr. more or le. ALKRCD SWAN?"?!. . Applicant naiMt nni 7. t LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Applt to Laasa lans In Prln Rwprrt Und frrrlina Dn tro-t nr nat Itanar 1, and situate 01 .North narliael TAkE NOTICE that Airrfd Swaiwn. o I'rliKM. ntiert. nreupafion Mariner. In tends to apply a lea or tbe follow Inr derri!ed lands. cnntineticlnr t a p"i planted at tbe with end r North Rarhael Island: thenee around the at hith water mark and rontaimnr 80 arre. mre or les, ALFRED SWN5r. Applicant niMi anrll ft. t Dyspepsia y Caused Her Agony After Every Meal Airs. M- Caldwell, Cr.5 Hemlock SL, Vaucouver, 11.0 writes!- - "After suffering for years With, ftgosy, from dyspepsia and indigestion, after emy meai, I started taking 1 asBaMssBBssBsssffasBssasBssssssBMaaBSsts and got slv-K relief I kept right m until I had used three bottles and was eompletely relieved of my troubla, Now, I ean eat anything I with witk oat having any bad after effects." ' onl.T by The T. Uilbora Toronto, OaL HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH PAOI THilEl Ml frnttaHmtt cannot fcrtaf FN fttsck vjral?r-Uvr tmch crisp erttnefcy lUaTM. TW ffwiii com fUatM haTO tb alfma tar ! th OTiftsutor wm CI 5 Children like to eat Kellogg's often! WITH juicy, ripe fruit, rich milk or cream what a treat Kellogg's Corn Flakes make. Kellogg's are always crisp. Easy to digest. Never tough-thick or leathery. Serve them for supper.- .For luncht Between meals. Fine for children and they love the wonderful Kellogg flavor! Sold by all grocers. Served at all hotels, cafeterias and restaurants. Ovm.hmih ALWAYS , in AT.l. r" MtmeW CORN '""r'X,:""" FLAKES CORN it Steamship and Train Service Saillnm from P1INCE RUPERT ror VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MONDAY and THURSDAY 4.00 p.m.. SATURDAY, 6 00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. Tor ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 CO p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. Fur SKIDEGATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally rirept Sunday at tl.0 ajii tor PRINCE OE0R0E, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points EaiterD Canada, I'nlted Stales. Aganc, all Ocean Steamihlp Unta. t'.e Canadian National Impress ror Money orders, Fortirn Cheques, etc, also ror your next sblpmenL City Tlckat orilca, S2S Third A., Prlnca'RupsrL Phsns 260. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I Salltnrt I rem Pnnc Rurert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaan Ba, anS AI.M Day, Tuaaday, B P.M. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, ai.ft Bi. an Swaaaen Ray, Salvroay. 10 A.R For PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rlier Canntrlat, Thuraday p.m. Par PORT SIMPSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday. 8 P-m. I2S tnd tiMn, i. Raraalay, At aaL Prlooa Ruaaet, B.O. Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Uie mosl complelo slock of 'timber, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joinl. veneers, etc., in Northern ILC ;j Wo can supply. everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. HcTore buying inspect our stork. II viI pay ypu. Our prices are right. . .v Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 -A