'Jv ..;;, of halibut Ittlded ai !. ' nirinf month of J . j n . :'Uj.lNhMl! d in ex- e .f the WMIlNn -fr EIGHT PERSONS HURT ' IN VANCOUVER DURING CELEBRATION THURSDAY VAXOd I It. July .' - ItUtht f't."lli weir llljurril IIJ OtnO- bi!' .hrpt car and ollit aerl-d' NU here on TlniraJwK- 'Idrins? tl"- lininton a relt alion i'i' ii was feattired by V, daler i'lude in the monitor iHirnig )" iriernoon it t p.lnn.it'.i tliol I "".mm icrj.bn vintleil Mauley I'"l- ro litkn lu thr npntto while 1 1 'inn nliendiM riipe. SB flvo li'i'lred people witnef "i-i I.i'umie liaiteliall m '"ii San Priini'i-" .' and HEAVY ROLLERS FOR the ii NEW PAPER MACHINE Argonaut Liner Clauseus Land Machinery at Ocoan Kails From Now York. " KAN FALLS, July 2. - Tin) AlUiiitniih littnt iMiiiittitllai t ...ITS eiilled here IhitUweirfe i laie rollorx friu!fjjjrff YB Mm new paper iniSiiJ .t lfe ll" Tip Mills. The pry ''"Hiny ileiTirk wan Willi ihe heavy piefes. of tun f' "in ship to Iioil JAPANESE YESSEL RUNS ASHORE IN tit a .1 to i tief y ALEUTIAN GROUP IHtKMHHTON. July inpanene strainer III iy Tho ciy.i l(.u'k a hidden rock, near AnmtUtiif I l'"id in tli Aletillnn mu. nc "'"'dintr .o a iiieiiK i" ''eld hy f-idln 'by tho lmval d pr'iim't yenlenlny. M here wa- hllipf id lo Indlenli! the exi d HUlTc d.'ltlliiun ' '"ij r i. . Subscribe' lo life Dan- ly gathered In ronfrrenrr ni z.zn Tl are in iMion of lAe privi lce of llii Hull fW tlreifol- ' fit, tbPh bonnrabl" :iilleinen nave no richt in Uif H"ne a Uiey should have v m ated their eat therein if I bey ! 'e leaTly hold office m admiiiioira'of of tbe various deMrlineiit a-ianed them and. terond. thai ii they do not hoitl uoli of ftee. h-sally Uiey have no right to fin' nil the ImmUm of the sotei nmeiii and Uil lioii!e and to a-K tor supply Er the de partment- of which' ihey tao Ihey are the artin? mlitmera. Followinu Ihe vole in lit- lloun' ! 1 xmrnnno on the Mono mtiim iin the Meighen Oov- irnmiti W.I- defealod. T. W. Hinl. l' ai-e.Kive for Waon, Manitoba. i"-e ami niumunc- id with extreme reprwl that he tii'l voletl allllOUPIl lie had been piitrod with l. Mi Kennedy of I'eaee Itiver naalniM the p"M rrMneii'. - Spenker I.emi-HX .t.itiM that. ai Ihe vole hud Ihceii pTnrdeii. ne muai areipi i- ttu mortiinp after Hie result t Ihe vote was announced. Then-1 wu no utatcmenl made after the! meeting, bu dissolution of the House wa tfiiliiiii.-iri-d ilil afternoon. Tfie division, mi whkh lae of fourteen Prirrhe were a final a "'e eliair iimik no tn-ftcial -iinianee of pwlra. House Dissolved On the adviee ot Pretniivr .Meijtlieu. ihe tiovernor 5entM IliN afternoon dlotvd paflla- nwMii iini- endiiiK Uia4 stonoy caxct of Hie ift f0y? As the titualion ."luitjis now, 1...1 iiiiiiili'i' ni siiimiiv nun I'UI I - ' . . l.Pii Mileil and I hi. expil wl Jut't' :to A. Ii.uliiiiii.-nt I, however. no limner in l'xfe lency can, by warrant, aituiomp and the nei-it.ary apjo-npriationo IliU course will no doiilit be toi lovii.il. At the fume limt't con. -f.i..w.t.i l.tuUhition awes by I h.O t.oxnl Ineludlntt soiue legation already paed by both housiH i... i whiitli l.:i not yei rerciveu inval unetit. rii.. t olu ion uriuns m ..ml 11. n horlel ami mosi "mm malic parllaineiii m insi'-J of Canada, it bem I be only oim in which thote wa but ono Mil.,, v- ...i m itiile is net fof ItC ide'eHon but it i esptfcleil Hint Premier MeiKtien w'l ",w r,v ;,.,! u-iii. the .oiilil"" : .,.i,i.,,tt J. h. Cbanlln of Lin loin, r. llyektnan ot Toronto, thin ran no! lie held before Aujf. uat 17." Ks-PreiMier Klnjr. in a statement thi evrniiip, aid in pari: I In upiriiitttt dissolution win i.i allied by a defeated iniullry iwliu-b, by resolution. 1 he House i ikffded oeter had lite riilit lo eiinl. On Monday, diolutioti wa dented a tin unto winch had let to meet a iiiwile defeat in rrronieii again mv ee"1-! (jApM,, jtt m .' i f UewtitjiJinH - ew i ihr i.iiimt ktmiii.v- Tor June i t n.i,t. i...i .. Hfiaini.i t.nti.la ' .... . .. Je w newer or ii" "' ' ' r- titer mmiei "i inunn-, mi r . ..( i hi ii... i. .i.i i ai it ..u.n.iar ... ........ . oi i-aiiana is ,t- in Amerlrun a ml win pound from iMoaUMin.: r .ii,tiare wltli lIi larjd-i llio rtrreindi ntt4tttr: ii. iifu die total tri 3,- ' ! n... (hi. , k Of j'"iiinj, x 1- l'"im"' of Victoria ari ub'ii HoijiT- of Winnipeg a WEATHERREPORT itiovt. TeliNiraphs. 8 a.m.) mil TAXI Boston Grill 251 ind ' ibulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, Stand Roy and 6th HotoJ, PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the. least. Phone 457. HIATT VIDECK "Mi-v W IT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vac II vol, XVI., NO. (5 I'M.NCK ItUPKHT, II. (i KHIIlAY. JULY 2. 1020. YfMfrdj' Clrcultilon, lilt atrm filn 1st PRIOR PrVK CENTS. CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT IS DEFEATED $15,000 APPROPRIATION PROPOSED FOR MOSQUITO FLEET ACCOMODATION Meighen Administration is Defeated on Resolution as to Constitutional Rights T Fourteen Progressives voted with Liberals in In. l early morning division-'-dissolution annotulced today OTTAWA. Jl ' (th! h a division ( ' ,i Connervftlive tor h:)r !l.e MIgllMI gM4 ,Di, t defeated i , j t '.: on a uiuiiui I.. ....if. The vote vvf- fg,d, tftjOdrHl , i,. t,,-i. of lliv lfi jpf li I'f.-nni-r MciKhW -I the n HALIBUT LANDINGS IN JUNE HEAVIER THAN IN fcUY;BELOW 1925 TOTAL tfjUiAVi.ur the deieat on Vliiestlav fS 10 f .1 win! ill mill. If lire llHitioli i . ')IJr introduced for former Premier j urtinM. 'r bring only three ua in Htf ni.Tiiiiig in the llone of Common who-h tin- riniftiliiltoii of (iulimlii va Willi wild M-ettes unprecedented Oitmnoiu. tneinhur of In jiroviMiirr cabinet iinlrli"d lo tie catimet iioki lilhllev Mo'ighen's Statement In hi ollkial ftaletuenl a i 'itouiirmu I lie dioiuiioii "f l'a Itnmeni. Premier Meilien a If it now my duty to i (iiiiilc' III- invanllalioii of tiie pn-cin caluiiel after liirli the tlatr tf I lie isection will le otllnally a' -nounced. Allowui;: for forly-fuej 4r thai IIIU elape, llip eler Priod?of oer yHfr.' ln-Jhee oliwumalanojik Hit nil' alMIe whteh was ... . ,,. n, um,uu lltr (joxeriiinent tu he earned on in the artiou. in tin. iiuumt oi "-.,,,.-,,.,,,. ih exUrcsedl I.I. . . k um(m,I Mm. wrawr ...n.,- -v. f die people repreenU-miHl.ler. of the rnmn mmo June f) Vam,l;l u, r s)9tem of reponidlle ..flf-yovernnient." GOVERNMENT IS SUSTAINED I.ONDOX. July !. A l.alior motion, equivalent lo a voir of censure on the Italdwin government for' tl hindling of the coal olrike ritual ion. wan defeated in Hie House of Commons today by a vote of 35d to V5. Prluee Iiuperl 'Focpy, light oouthwest wind; temperature, 55 Anyox Clear, calm, temp.. 80a. Stewart Clear, calm; temp fiGa. lliiiclton t'dear. calm, letup., 70a. Telepraph Creek 4'.lear. calm; temp., 00a. ismithers :lear, calm; temp. SHii. Hum hnkoCleur. calm; temp Ota. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL National League New York 5, Mrooklyn 3. Philadelphia I. Hoslon 3. SI. Loiji 3. Pitlsbui-R Cilieititiati I, Chicago 2. American League Hoston 10. Philadelphia 3. Wii.liiiiiitiin 2-12. New Yoi 3-5. v . i'.lavplnnd 1 1, Detroit ft. Clllcujto 3, St. Louis 1. tn i hit County Court on Wed- ne.ndav JudKtueitt for the plain HIT vvnfi Klven In Ihe ease of .Ininvlll.t vs. llusscll. The sum nV ill lt was claimed a money Ipaiied. In Ihe ease or Joinvill vi i-'imsim' iidiournmont wa taken lijilil a dale lo be fixed S. V. Taylor appeared' Tor. tin' oininiifT iif both ease and L. ,W, Pal more lor the defendant HI.-llt I1DHAN I ii . 1 1, iai .t wlui . i ai .iei l. in: - III l .lira?". WEATHER REMRT Sunshine Totalled 130 Hours Dur- . Ing Juno and Rainfall .95 Inches. ' The following weather report for the month of June is issued from Ihe lknniiiioii nieteoroligical station al liishy Island: llaitifall, G Vb inches. Sunshine. 130 hour!". Maximum temperature, J9, on June IV. Minimum temperature, 38, ou June II. Mean temperature, 55. Maximum wind mileage per hour. IR. EARTHQUAKES jiieuf. fleece Makes Forced IN SUMATRA n'ng in Dixon Entrance At Least 203 Deaths and Enormous Damage as Result of Tuesday's Shock. ("liANfJ. !iiiiutra, July 2. Sew 'arilKju.iVe hoek have oc-r . : : rl in Centra! Sumatra. At Ifu .'ou dealli! re.iulted from Tui - 'ay r nlipcV aftj many dwell-i- ni!aped. The property Ja-irtaK" will he euorniiu, depat du - 'alin;r that il will reach! in i. of vuiI.Jer.i. grenideexplodeT and many killed KIAU'U I'o'Aiid.tJuly J. 1'ur-ly-s x deaths resiilii from the P of.ou of a wartime grenade 'munjr a ?roui of olliers tjear jheie on Wednesday. .Fifty were I woiiii.Ip.I i.nd are in hospital. ENGAGEMENT OF LOCAL NURSE JSANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. l.harles II. lay, of Anyox. announce the eupaae-menl of 'heir onl daushter, Her-n ice Alineda. to Cecil II. Parntlter of,Atiyox. only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Parmiter, While Rock. The brble-eiect 1 a member of! the umlerpraduate nurslns staff of the Prinre Iiuperl Oeneral Hospital. Wallace Gaines Goes on Trial in Seattle for Murder of His Daughter; Political Interest SKATTI.K. Julv 2. Wallace C. Haines, accused of murder- inir Ins damrhler. Svlvia. two weeks ago on Ihe shore of 11 re en Lake, will face trial here thi afternoon. Hubert MrKarlanp. (iaine. altorney. said that a plea or not guilty would ne etiiereu when the ncrnsed w .formally arraigned. Prosecutor Colvin raid that he would not opose early trial, but in no evCul would it he possible to obtain a jury before August. Political acilation over the case is said to have been greatly intensified following Ihe aiiiKiiiiu-emenl of Oli Hrinker. former judge or Kititf lUnmtry upenor -- t'jiort. thai he would seek Ihe He- ' the Seallle police force,. and Ar- publiean nomination for prosecu- cine lluchison. protege ot .viau tor in tint Senletnber nrlinary. "ItiSlarwirh. King Omnlry sheriff, Ims been fore bK brought to my are also canuiuaies . at tent inn, esperally because of; Prosecutor Colvin previously recent 'deidorable events, that ; announced his belief in the Inno there is -need for a man a pro-lcenee of Haines, who is a brother scculliiR altorney who will artjof William A. Haines, chairman fearlessly and promptly at every I of the county commissioners, Mil emeruenev. iirmker saia. i;nas. taier iiicu a enaive oi iiismrivo Tennaiit. chief of detectives of; niiiiile ragainsl him. Provision for New Cow Bay Floats is Made in Estimate Before House the surfacing of the stewart-lly. wharf, and. ItiS.uoo fiir der road; a vole for the Tow HlllPrlnre Huprt elevator slto. IliC with bngine of Plane Afire 1 Ship Is W'recken on Rough Shore of Lucy Island After Aviator I LI-.. YU.IIII-. N lu.t.... D.IIII-- n.i.t rio) iiniiiiiiy nurcnu(v Baiiui) nyani9k Elements for Safety. . Hi plane a wreck ul Lucy lland in Kixuu'.-t Entrance where lie wa? lompcllrd to make a forced landing la t Friday ntufiiiug wild In engine in llamef. Lieut. J. A. Herce, who wa oi) u b) to the (mo)ida(ed Whaling Corporation'!' lalion on Queen Charlotte Manda 'o pro?petl for whale, rratlied the city, on Thtirfday by galioat after having been marrooned for lite past is dai. Hliauted from Li" experience, Lieut. Ileere on being interviewed naturally deplored the accident but auniitled that he wa lucky to gel away with ItU life. Had the mishap tu his plane occurred ten minutes later - than it dill he would probably fAVMniiU UlIfOIIT !nfer hate I'tfti rescutM anil jqtnie potKibiy wui never nave; rort)-SI Killed and fifty Injur-! Iieahl of again. j ed r.ear Kowel, Poland. j I'lane heavily laden. Lieut. iRpere with rorne difficully ltopj peii off from Difjby Island last, .,.1.. .....ml.i.r l gl.niil 0 IX 1 i nil iiim c u'srsBf wiiii u iimn? i ou Lucy Island and kept from wrecking. As it was, all that could be done with the machine was to take it to shore where It 'was smashed wiien the wiihi i changed. Six lines with which H Iwu.. lied snapped In the wind and i waxes after Lieut. Ileece had re i mnlned on the shin for three days OTTAWA, July 2. Supplementary estimates tabled in the m the ntlempl to keep it from House of Common include $10,000 In start the work or provld- drilling on shore. In tht mean iuir new suronitnodatiou for the fishing flocl at Cow Hay in time, the lighthouse flag had been Prince Hupcrt as agreed upon hy the federal and provincial guv- hoisted t bait mast hut It wat eminent and the City of Prince Huperl. The passage nt llils yule will enable the department of public .work lo proceed with Ihe work for which plan have already been made by Ihe dWrk'l engineer. The Mippleiiien'tary estimates also include $13.000 for wharf nddlliou at lewnrt ?l,l,,0 JorF Wednesday before assistance ar. rived. An American fish boat had called in. however, and brought word of the flyer's nils-liap' td.Jhelly, jjrt Wigwam to Reseue After his plane struck sliore, (ronliuued on pave S UWrtVlAll U.HLIDUl GOT BEST PRICES AT tlSH EXCHANGE TODAY Halibut arrival today totalled :..... for XaJen Harbor. About' 0cn fifteen minule, ontjl.e eunnetl-l"'"?'? ,,n,f "..M?1 in rod of the engine br,4e and!1, e "t"???' p,n-l,e.t a bole irrthe eraax eisf.l?"'; 3.Wl-;'- ' ' oM e Ihe engine burs.m into flames. T''"1! Jronv immediately1 nd from II. c to A forced landing wa f ........ vi -1. 1 rfl.U. , -I... ll..vrvviiu Lia?9 li-ii. sea which was belnir Usl.ed tojoi' . Canadian, . were as fol- I ii'i iiinr1! num. wirui. urciuj . Miss Bernlee Almedi Clay Is to dipped his ?reat roat and mn- .... . Marry Cecil H. Parmlter ,heVe the flame, on the etmnel to Cana- at Anyoi. , and thits extinguished the fire.""1" " . For fie iNMirs. ellnjrfiur to tl.e "' '"" v 'uunu,' 10 , ..ntnons of the plane to which lie,""Jal l.lr?n , . ., had lashed himself with waves -", ilI00 J!om' lo the dashing completely over him.:"""1" Lieut. Iteece paddled and man-ared to keep the plane off Hie rinks. Smoke flares brought the assistance of Crnest Maynard, Luey Island lighthouse keeper, as the plane drifted by that island. the plane, after considerable dif ficult), was lowed to shore where, two days later, with Uie wind veerinjf into the southeast, it was wrecked in the gale. Efforts had been made during the lo days In move the plane to a more suitable mooring place but with only (be small boat of the lighthouse keeper available it was impossible Ui do sn in the face of the storm. Lieut Iteece stayed aboard the plane all this lime, bavin? finally lo swim ashore when It was uasti-ed on the rocks. Lost Belongings Lieut. Ileere lost all his fr- soual belongings including Vis money hut was atne to om uie wings, of Hie plme. which were left a! Lucy Island. Distress shunts from tbe lighthouse finally brought assistance through the local collector of customs: Lieut. Ileece is now here awaiting l-sltuctions from the Consolidated eadquarlers as to wbellier lie shall attempt to salvage the plane and reassemble il or abandon the undertaking which he was em harked upon. Had the lighthouse keeper had a larger boat, Lieut. Ileece stated that -the plane could have been taken lo a more secure anchorage Mayflower, 7.000 pounds, to the Iloyal Fish Co. Fanny F- 6,500 pounds, to the- Canadian Fish & Cold forage Co. , 4ape Swain,. y,000 pounds ana, II. ami II., I.ooo pounds, to the tltn Fisheries. ' U. S. T.. l.noo pounds, and Ver-; n a, 5. mill pounds, to the Hooth-Fisheries Canadian Co. PROVINCIAL POUCE TRANSFERS ANNOUNCED Constable McGllnchy to Courts- nay and Constable Crate to Prince George The following appotntmonts of former local police officers and inlerdivisional transfers in the interior have been announced at fusclago and other parts provincial police, headquarters. Constable II. .MeHlinchy tn Courlenay, Yanwuver Island.' Constable Alex. Macdonald to I.illooel. Constable Ceo. Crate to Prince (ieorge. , . Canislable Service to be trans ferred from Mellrlde to Terrace. Constable Carr from Hums Lake to Miltride and Constable Silk from Prince lleoige to Hums Lake. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE June Collections Totalled $30,- 463.96, As Compared With $32,059.64 In May. p tltistoins and xciso revenue culleeted in Hie Port of Pfliico Iiuperl during the month of June totalled $3i). Itia.VO. Tbe revejme collected for June fcxreeds that collected In May hy M.IOlJSjfth May colleelltms haying amounted Id 132.0511.0 1 The colled io'ria ror tlic c.iTsponiling ichioiith ilajt year amounled to J5,103.3 BIRTH. i''.Ai . sun was iHirrtrHi rnce llupert' (leiierat llppllal lo Mr. and Mrs, II, i;. I, on July 1. ufidry, Wctvlew,