i 7.'t I, I PAGE BIX 1 ft I Striped Broadcloth In useful color eoinlitna-lions. A splendid quality Tor .lion.'M or picnic dresses, thirty six inches wide. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holqerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours' 9 to f. X-Ray Servloa Phone 686. Open Tuesday arid Thursday Kveiiings .'Balurdays 0 lo 12 noon 60c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phono 753 B0URJ0IS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant Three Odors : ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL I'er cako 35c 3cakes Tor ..,$1.00 Hot of 0 cakes .$1.75 Prescription Specialists Phone 94. 'Wo doliver. Meat Dept. llolleil 'ol Iloast Hcof, per Hi. .... 12'2c Hollcd Prime Ilib, per lb. 20c Ilountl Bleak, 2 lbs. ... 45c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. ... 55c Hulling Heef, per lb. . . . 10c Corned HecL per lb. ... 8c Shulder Roast Veal, per lb. 18c Lrg Veal, per lb. 25c Veal Chops, per lb. . . . 25o Stewing VeaJ, 2 lbs. ... 25c Pickled Pork, per lit. .. 20c Shoulder Pork, per lb...25o' 'Heef I.tfippina. 3 lbs. . . 25c Sausage, our own make, 2 lbs 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and .24 417-423 5th Avenue East LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Pltons i. l',artare, Warehousing, nd Distributing, Team or Motor Bervlve. Hnal Band and Oravel VVa Bpeolallzs In Piano and Funltur Covins. Tonight- Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets atop Uk headaches, relieve bllloua attacks, Iim ttU regulate the elimlnative eriaes, make: you teel fine. "BsttsrThart Pills For User Ills" SHR1NERS WILL PLAY BASEBAIi ON MONDAY San Francisco and Prince Ruport Will Meet to Benefit Boys' Band. On the arrival in Uio city of tho party yf San Francisco tsliriners: frjjm Alaska on tins steamier Prince George next Monday morh- ing .they will be met by a delegation of local nobles and suitably entertained during their day's, visit. The parly will parade from tho ship at t.30sp.m., headed by tho! Hoys' iland, to the Acropolis lliilj Grounds where a baseball game; will be played between the visit- j ins hrinors; and Prince Rupert! Shriners at. 2 p.m., tho proceeds to bo devoted to the lioys' Hand fund. Tho San Francisco 'baseball team will be ;led into action by their U'ustrdus Potentate Kr-nt'st I,. 'West. Tii is local committee. in change of the arrangements will consist of Ralph LePine chairman ; A. Mackie. (leonce AVonrilanri: .1 A. cmllh, Olof Hanson, K. A. Wwko- iield and Geonge Munro. EUROPE STUDYING CANADIAN DEBATE See Trond In Empire to Domin ions' Independent Attitude. LONDON", July 2. The d.- bate in the Canadian parliaineir regarding the ratification treat ies and the unanimous vote of ipproval by which Premier King' resolution was passed lias at- WATER NOTICE Uss and Storage TAKE NOTICE that i. V. Itufrn-r. !- addtvss a Atlm, it. c. will apply ur a licence ( Ukr ami use 7 :. I s. aild lo : lore it (.. I", s. of walvr vul ur I 111 l July Creek, whirl) fl.is south westerly aiul (I ram Into Atlm Lain", about 6 miles uurMi ot Atlm. The stiiraire ilam will Ix- ItM-sled II or near tin- font of a chain ur small take. Tile rapacity or the rcsermlr to be cresxl it about lisu mull. .ii i-nbic rct. and It wll Uluud ilxiut i'Jc" acreit of laud. In-.linl.iiK lliv lakes. The water will lie diverted rrvm the trraui at a ixiiiit abuitt and below the pnitued dam atx.nl S mile westerly ur west line or tin or jury sun-eta I claim, ami will be iii-rd Tor pwer for iiuii.iiu .irh .( up4i IIm- uiiues, ili ritet1 - All.'ii shut Lead Mines and llutrner (!nii ur Mineral Claims. This notlrr was posted ti tlw ground on the I'UIi day or June, Itift, A i-ip of this uotlr,. and an application piirs'.ani thereto anil to the "Water Act, ;on." will Ik- riled In the orflre of the 'Wfcler llei-order at Alllii. Objertlons to tlii' annlii-ation ruav lx filrd wlUi tlw said Water net-order or with the comptroller or Water llltthls. Parliament Itullilmut Vlrtoria. 11 .. within thirty days aflei first appearanre or tins notire in a meai newfpaper. Jtv date or the rirsl publication or this notice Is July . Ii. J. M" Ill'FFNtCH, Applicant. Atlm Tnunsllr. LAND ACT. Casslar Ijnd niMrlrt. Land necordinr liuirlrt or ITlnre Itupett. and situate fin Atlin Lake about 3S miles southwest of TAKK N'tTICf: lint Edwin Jules Eirrert. r Atlm. iu the Provimvor Brltlfh Columbia, nretipatloji operatlntr tourist launch. intends to appiv ror permission 10 pur--liae the tollowlnir descrtlwl lands: r.ijiiincnrinir at a nnst blamed at tin- southeast rorner or r.Iarler Bay. In Atlm I Lake, situated as above: thenrc follnwinr I the shore line west so rhalns: thrnre Ixnnih 90 rhiiii! thenr east 10 chlin !t!M!tice north 10 chain, to point of commencement. EPWIS JULKS KUUtHI, AppUant, Hated May ID. Semi-Annual STOCKTAKING SALE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Only Ureal West, Tudor or Empress Tea. 2 His. for $1.35 Malkins llest Jelly Powders, '10 Jpkgs. for 95c Matches, large packages, reg. hoc, 3 pkgs. for 95o Classic While Laundry- Boap, -T'J bars Tor .' 95c 19 rolls Toilet Paper 95o 7 tins Ouaker Corn 95o 1 larae tins Tomatoes 95c Empress or Malkins Host Straw berry Jam, i lb. tin 85o t lbs. Fresh Giniger Bnaps . . 95c Heady cut Macaroni, in bulk, 3 lbs. for 35o Beedless llaisins, in bulk, 5 lbs. Tor v . 70o 10 lfis. llest Jap llicc . . . 95o 13 lbs.'firanulated Bugar . . 95o St. Charles and Pacific Milk, per cac $5.60 . tins Linby's Crushed Pineapple $1.00 litest llirftie lureiJ lJaeon, by the t tab. per lb 47c I e 777 e vaiavam way to take IJeast CJ Soak a cake of Royal Yeast with.. a little sugar in a quarter , of a glass of tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Many people prefer to take it in orange juice ROYAL CAKES W&mmU!AM EU)l!linui!!,l!l!U!llgi!!g traeted Hir keenest atlenlion thraugliout Fuiope and is bcinff! dhiely studied for its possibloj sipnifleance as Illustration of the .trend of empb-e alTairs. JUjiUiciw- Jbe ciMiiiblu-'aii newspaper of Paris, saysi "lllliierlo, preat AiiKlo-Saxoir cuiiimuuHies bae held themselves bwunil by nepotiatioits ear- i... ii... ii. in , i. r.. .it nee. iienceiorin, u iitu uaua out the empire, for Australia is clearly separatisU'in matters of international politic, and Sout'i Africa shows a similar mentality in illse nssiiidr llii' nroblem of a Locarno and other questions." DEPARTMENT OF LAND8 Tlmbar Salt X2C03 THE DAILY NEWS Friday, July 2; 1920. WORLD RACERS REACH VICTORIA ON JULY 12 Edward S. Evans and Linton Wells Will Cross Pacific on Empress of Asia VICTORIA. July Howard 8. Evans, Detroit millionaire, ami l.Tnlon Wells, newspapermen, who are attempting lo establish a new record for encircling Ihe globe, will not sail from Yokohama on Ihe President McKlnlcy. but aiV scheduled lo make the transpacific Voyage on board the Empress of Asia, which is due here on July 12. From here the globe trotter will go by aircraft to Seattle. connecting with the Pascoe-F.lko ait mall route, which joins with the transcontinental air mail roule. They will also make Hit trip across tiic continent to New York by aircraft. In order to break the world record (if Juhn Henry Mears, 35 days, 21 hours, 35 minutes and t-5 of a second, for encircling the world, the Iwo traveller must return to the World Huihl-inx in New York by July 21 at 10:06 ji. in. Kaslern standard ,tinie. ... ! CHARLESTON BANNED im uii i tin- miii.-u iiiiuirii "i liititioti BY FRENCH MASTERS Declared In Paris to be Negroid, Immoral, Unspeakablo and Unworthy PAHIS, July 2. The Charles-Ion will never do, dunce niaslers of the world meetuiR here have deeidf'if. The professors called it ".VeKroiil, immoral, unspeak able and unworthy." M. (N-iphir of Hutiapest, wanted to make a folk dance of it, following an cx- by Prof. Jimmy Tellis, tt Aflmtw eliA lirmifvlil ilnwti dlan decision prevails this wilt 1,ouse, Uie wjlh lau,er at ,liH not lonjr lie the case. Canada ; CHU,orlj((n8 tiecision lias every prosieci oi eslablishinV a precedent throupb- TERRACE NOTES Miss Mayme liohti, of the local school staff, left on Wednesday o spenu ner vacation ai tier flag for the Union of boullitil0mu i,, iri,ice Hunerl Africa. At Hie imperial comer- u enee in ucioner, uie uominion q fjmltli. Oscar Olandei governments must make clear jau Utodin nitd Malt Allanl their jiolicies witli regard to Wern in from Kalum Lake on uesdaj'. The W.A. to the Terrace Hos pital held its first work meeting on TiHdHy.uiJJbfrn9on in thJ Jladmiiiton Tls!! iini? a good stttrt was niade on -preliminary neces yiinutey or und, vtcwru noi later. sary linens for hospital pur itun noun on me tvu day of 'Hi-.1"?, noses. The repair work on the tor IIM) purviiare 01 liwito ai,j, w lu'J; . , , .1 i.tAt.wo reet or spruce, iiemiuck ami hospital building is about com- ceoar oil an iitj inuairu iw hit ci "' .,,.1 ,,,in -i. r and it Will 1x5 rc.ld fn of Tanoi lilansl. near Moresby Island, pleled jueei, i:iuriotte island nuirict. .locctinancy bv Hie beinning ot Three 13) trniftval or tlm rears win i anowru iwri iter. 1 the week. Mrs. J. Warne has Further particulars or the Liner forester, Victoria, 11. c.. or District loreslcr, rrlm-e liupert. U. C. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Tlmbtr Sal XTB49 Sealed tenders will lie received by the Mlulstri or Lands at Victoria not later lian noon on Ihe tilth day of July. I U 10 fi r tlw pun-haw of Licence XIV4V, to cut lurlher Particulars of the Chief Fores ter. Victoria, U. i'.. or District Forester, I'mi'-e.Hiil'ert, H. C. .TIMBER SALE X 6491. Sealed Tenders will be received hy th Minister or Lands at Victoria not later than noon on In lMh day or July, l6, r.ir Uie purchase of Licence Xiillfl, lo cut s.SSl.uou fi-cl or Sprure. Ilemlork. Ilal sain cand uedar on sle Island, liotifla Channel, llanite 4. Coast District. Two it i years will be alkiued for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, ll.i:.. or Liiililct Forester, rtiiep ituj-ert, .(;. LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Leasa Forashors In Ouecn :harktle Islands liid Ite-cocdlnir District of Prlure lluriert. and situated IV, miles west of Alllford Bay, Skidevalc Inlet, and ironlliiK on Lot Its, Oueen Charlotte instrtrt. TAKK .MITIlIi: lhat the II. C. Flshlna- ti I'arkiiiK Company, Ltd., jif Vanrouver, II.C. M-rupatlon Salmon Canners. Intends to apply ror a lesse of the follow Unf ile sri'ilifd Foreshore: Oiuimenclnr at a twist planled at the southwest curner or I Jit itl: thence nor therly and itaslerly following; the line of niftu water mars, at cnains, more or irsa, lo Ihe northwest comer or 1.01 144; thence west 6 chains: thence (MiUthetlv and vesteity, rollowlnir a line parallel tc ( the line of lilatli water mark. 34 rhalns. more or less; tliem-e estl t rhalns to'jlrs. tilnt of rommeni'emenl, and conlalnlnx 17 acres, more or less. UIlITIAIf COLI'MMA risill.0 AMI I'ACklXO COMPANY LTI, I'er II. Sheriid, Arenl, osiwt sprit. iyn. 'MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMrROVEMErrTS Black siHlin Mineral tftW Wtuate in fifn ! itelav afttinst vnir rerrac u.-i i..iwt. . been engaged as housekeeper aid will take up her residence in the building. Mrs. C. A. Olggcy, LakeNo Valley, met with an unfortunate 'accident last week end when she id 3I,M0 Lineal feet of Cedar l-oles and! Lnnekmf iliiwn and Irainnle aim ir.llllnt ofiwaS kllOCKeil HOW II IMIna on an iru sltitatei I on nortisns Lots 4.'.H. i 1 r and il, North of llaiel- V u row. She received severe win, tassiar inmriri. i - , . . Three : vcars will lie allowed fur! bruises to both head and , lillihrt removal or nmner. and as a result will be confined lo her Jn?iiie Torjii'ltinte. Keniyiy ;)riif. &; 'Co', have moved their business from the tire-niises they have occupied sine going into business here, to the new building erected by O. T. Suiuial next Ihe post office. Miss Marianna Bchmtick ru turnetl on Monday after spending the )ast ten days at the homn of her uncle, John rjpitzl bi Carnaby. BOAT ARRIVALS. C.N'. II. steamer Prince Unpen. Oapt. 0. Donald, docked at 10: III this morning from' Viineniivci' ami wayporls ami will sail fur Btewarl and Atiyox at 1 o'clock lliis ariernoon. Passetugers for Prince Hupcrt includei! llev. E. Turner, Miss Winnie While, Alex. Hlrachan, II. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Jam HiitchisMii, Colonel ami Mrs. Grabb (for Anyox), Mr. ami Mrs. Henford, Mr. and Mr. Jackson, Or,' and Mrs. I I. Coleman. 11 Fannin, Mr. and Mrs. William Chesler, Mr. anil Mrs. '11. T". Well. Miss IteiTier, A. It. Uamp- tnlmury of I wirtn ,r Jly ureek, liell, It, I aylor, itr. olid iirs. J'.il. Hlrawbcrrir Un pr-jrsrniiw On UtS'rl t.rn (tfrt. Pries- wil! T frate,!' tu hmHwhy i& a w" Mfeaeli. Dr. ll.'Underhlll. Mt-s. and $2.78 $2.75 and and $3.00 3J)0 rWY.erWr'sie wmi--. i,ron V 'wiS in- Mi" Tlioirtpson, Misses llyan.W. - - tewi. .isiy n. frttn urn date hereof, Payne, Mr. and Mrs, , .C. Butchers &nd K.MlLu:LM family. Mr. ami Mrs. ah no 1 1 Ladell, r T iJ llZ'Sli,1utimn e"" C"at "-. r.il Mrs". W. II. Moore, Mr-. Urocers, Ltd. . "? z, uia, m.!K,iy, . a.,d Phones 45 and 574 Lefore the issue 'of such Certificate of Mrs, tiharii. A. II. Clark, D. V. ' Ktrt iilli iVi day of .me, ah. nit-.TIiompsoii, 'Driml Mrs. Jlpt h. Me. "usJridae, W. J. Chfrmlek. e A Severe Illness Caused , Constipation Mrs. Wm. Itlll, 'WapeUa, Bask, writes! "Three years ago I had a very tovcrc illness, and ever line I have u(Tered .vrith constipation. A few month ago' a friend advised me to use Milburn's IKMaai'HM which I did, although cot expectlne; any results, but I am pleased to say that since using them I have had perfect use of my bowels without any trouble or pain, and have never had bleeding pile sinee. Now, I never fall to n-eommend 'L&xa-Llver PiUV to all my friends," Tut up only by The T. MUburm Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. NEWLYWEDS HONORED AT SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Andrews Quests of Honor at Affair In St. Andrews' Rooms. A surprise party was held last ii i? lit in the St. Andrew's Society moms in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Slnreus Andrews. Mm. James Simpson and Mis. It. Cameron were joint hostesses and about til euestw wen- present. Tho evening was delightfully spent in music and daneiitg. The guest" of honor, who wen reeeiilly married, were the recipient of muuy beautiful and ti-eful lft. !eli- elonv refreshment were servnl luring the evening. Tliosi- eoiitrlbutiiij; In the pro (tram were the Mist's Molly and Xellie I,awrenr. Mis Jean t?ctitt. .Miss Oillierine Juiies, Mrs. II Cameron, Mrs. Wniigh. Mrs. Hlack A. ClaptHrto!i and J. Ilrcnuier. Siitmerihe to the Dally News. LAND ACT. Nstlc of Inlsnllon to Apply to Lsas Lane In criiH-r HiMH-ri I ami lie--onllna' Ins trlct ur frturi' Mupett. and situate In IIm tlrintiy or itose spii. uratiam ittanu. oueeii Uiarlnlte liLirirt. rsk,. .siviii.i. inai tJinaara risuiiw Parking Cutuiwiiy, Limited, uf Virions. i . .i. . i ..... .-. ...u i-. ... I .lul . I., a i .1 . lor a msm of thr follow iuk aex-riiM'U UlMM : - ijrfMUwiiriiia at a Dost uian led at trie iKirtlmitsl curoer of ijil'w. 4l: ttN-inr lo low water mirk: llvtirv m a loirtn Mislrl dirtwllim two liillr.. theure sosith vasturlv two elulns: llience twMlthwef lr two miles lo taunt or ciaiUMenceincni. ami Mrfiismiuv :w u'rts. i,Hrr or less. L.t.Tli.IIA HISIII.IO K r.".l.vi LAND ACT. CO. I. I'll. Pr E. II. SlniiUMi. A Sent. natwi iiin i. ivi. Applicant. Notice e'f Intantlon te Apply to Laats lane In Land Iternrilin liisirtei oi rriun llmwrl in.1 ituaix at tixad ot Skaat In let. Mwrsliy aitamL Uueen Cnarliti( Uroup. TAKE MiTir.F. that Tlv lUnartlail Tish t Inr r.oimiv Limited, of Vsneonvrr. oc cupation rtaltiMm lannera. Inlemls to sppl ror a ieas oi iuc iciHiwoia u'hiiipi. '"'t'iwiimenrln at a post planted at re-act uf Skaat Inlet, ts chains uorlb of un named Creek: then-e west fO chains thence fIU tu chains; lhen-e east i. chains, more or less, to shore line; thenc" northerly fellowinr sh.ire line to r.o.i: and inlainlii to aeres. more or ls Tilt CA.NAnlA HSItltO KOMI'AMY. 1 1 M I f Ell, Appllrant. I'er William Alfred Hnwer lutssl llth aprll. te LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leas Land In Prliire liuiwrt l.sml Keeordinr Itis iclct ot I'rlnee Huwrt, and iltuale at Uasseti, ll.i;. TAKE noTICE tint Etltene II. Simp on of Masll, occupation cannec. In tends t'i apply for a lease of the fol mi desorllied lands illw Commrnrlnir at a post planted at the northeast corner of llbick in. Massetl Ti.mrsiir tinner iaslerty lili feet: Ihrnri' -mitherit t 'Hi'' fe" tli'lK wes " lerlv I reel inein-e northerly t.onn feet to fi'imt of .xTmi. n'efii'nl. and con la'ninit ;'. acres mtr. or l". El'OESE II. SUII'SOt. Appli'Snt luti'd June ti Preserving Season (Wo Keep You Advlsod) Bing Cherries Am at their best now. l'rices will not lie nuirli lower, no;' tho ipialily any boiler. . Strawberries Will be riglil as to price and qua-lHv iiimiif .Inly D) In 15. Keep lliesi- .Jji I in mind ami hook your order Willi tim! Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 A Word to the Wise Although with us business has always been good, thoro nro times when wo are compelled to moot any price cutting In bur line. OUR MERCHANDISE IS ALL BOUGHT FOR 8POf CA8H Our motto has always been to glvo you honost goods at an honest price all the year round. Thoro aro many grades of merchandise In tho Jewelry line. You only fool yourself when you think you aro getting something for nothing. BUT WE WILL MEET ANY CUT pniCE OFFERED YOU IN OUR CITY AT ALL TIMES One of the finest slocks In the wholo of Canada to choose from. VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday nnd Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. The Drama Supreme "THE FOOL" Adapted for the screen from (Jliann up Pollock s fainoii-, tiiiirh-lisi-n.-ed -lit Re uri-iiK of lli.t name. Vivid, mI.i'. timaiiiirT. gripping entertainment. The story of u mini who tried In lite in the present ax (!hri-t would ioivo dune, wh'i fai'i'il doa(h umj ilaiifrer lhat nlln't- niilil live ikiiI Yon, yourself, are in tliix picture, find yourself. A en salioual pholoplax in which you II find persons will rharacleristii similar to your own dome and read oor own gnml points uinl your own had . HisliiiKiiislied r.i-l Edmund Lowe, Brenda Bond, Raymond Bloomer, Paul Panzor, Henry Scdley, Mary Thurman, Rose Blossom, Ann Dale and. many others. PATHE REVIEW 50c and 25c Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HQTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 ' P.O. Box 100 isiiiiinun's Sleel Hed.s, Spring- nml Oslcruioor Mai tresses in every room. 52 lUiotns, Hot and Cold Wale: llallis and Hhower Hleam Heated, Klectrir Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth 8L PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE LAST WEEK Monday, Juno 28th, till Saturday, July 3rd THIS IS THE LA8T WEEK OF OUR Clearance Sale Hut not Ihe least, hy ait tneaiis, ,i we have reserved Ihe best bargain- lo this week. Romembor tho iDats Juno 28th till July tho 3rd DOMINION DAY 8PECIALS Hoys' While IliimuiiK Hhoe, ilurinu this weok niily. lo at 25'; Discount. This is Hie Inrp. t tliscoiiut ever given on Hoy- Huiiiiiiig Hhoos. Men's lliiiiniiig Hhoos, fiuy color, lln-week tully 20"; Disc. Hoys' llrowu Huiiiiiiig Klines, th is w- .'k only 15 Discount. Ladie-' lliiiiniiig Hhoos and Kmart Htep Canvas Hlioes. less 15. Ladies' While ltuck Leather Soltf ..ahuna). Two styles, $,.;; uinl 95.aU. During this week (o oh ir ill S2.75 Men's Hhoes, Liberty make, values ! SU.riU lo elenr at $4.75 Children's Itiiifiiing Hltoes, rubber -nie only, lo clear at 05c Children's Hiituhils, lirown oiily,lii - i.-r $1.25 Ladie-' INinaiua Hales, stiil.tble for m .nies lo flear. . 75c Ladies While l'iciiie Skirls, for pi nics, regular 9rt.f0, to clear al K. $1.00 The following extra specials are for this wook only, and aro absolutely for cash J Ladies' Cliumbray Mouse Dresses ,or 05c Lntlies' tlanviis Hhoes, Willi leather soles, rogular $i.50, advertised before nl $1.05, uow ... ,T. ........ . $1.25 Voiles, reg. liar-?!. ID, during this week tully H'yris. fur C5o Washvvoll (iiiigliiim, reg. !UI-inch wide anil 00c a yard, imwIKviiiilHUfnr u .. . . . . .. ........ i , t; . r'li); . i$1.00 Colloti Crupe, 5 ynrtls Tor .,. $1.00 All lliese reilnelions are ninde heiore you leave lo your holidays. Take ailviiiitiige of our oiler nml siijiply yourself mid (he children with shoes ul thos' priqy- Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645 Corner 3rd and 7th