(jOODERHAM-Mfe CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD i advertisement it not ui'd r displayed Ii.t j. : r Control Hoard 0 f ,n 'vemrnent of lir h Columbia. BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, )?., - c ' 1 iakcn er I tn .rKlf Kerr by J. Preece : . " iy ami linodwn Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from thi Butkley Valley Phone 178 svv.mzn suooistiom FOR WOOD Dry Jack Plna, Cedar, Bleeh and Spruce W50 a f :aJ . J0 nt SO Burn Wood and Keep Ceell HydeTransfer 139 Ceeond Avenue Phone B80 Mght or Cay WE BUY BOTTLCt. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP. PINO CREAM We uprnully recMinm' d " Tttlde 1 ream al t&c ' r dalf Pint Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Semite Valentin Dairy Phone 667 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 5TS DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 633, Green 238, Black 796. Night. Phonei 687, S3S, Green 238, Black 73. KUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QCO. Q, BU8HBY, Man. Dir. iorn. a 1 TAIE X"1lA Uial rluii A I'M klui dif.. i- Vatv ii.'f . H drain Ida. morning, went off wllhnul a hitch and re. lleeird predil upon the organ i- At an early hour (he, Hoy' Hand, under handinaler Wilson, Mere lir 11 nil their melodic heralded le beginning of a per fect oar. Prtiutdlv at U-30 aju. the kiddle were marshalled in marching formation and, headed by (he liny' Hand, proreed! to I he exhibition ground where candies were ditrihiitcd to them with a laviffti hand. Immediately after the distribution of candy Ihe youngsters participated in itlecn Mrting eenl. all of whirh fff keenly contested le. fore a good crirwd of parents and friend of the young alhlele. The Junior football male h be tween th young fim of Canada ami the young son of England and Seotland wa the next item i inleresl. re til ted tn a lie .re The nature of the Kame may ( judged from the -ror.- and the crowd on hand ki treated lo many thHIU. liordnu Virrerk rtrd Iwm jrnsl for 1 ngland and f"llaid while lirnn Hunt Hie hero for ihe ii-am repreenlhiit Canada, 'ieorge Wo 1 1 ft h arte, I a referee. The aettall rame rtweei Keiehikan and Prince Hupeii in Hie afiernM reultel in a mm n( IK-5 in faor of ihe iitor. Tht Drill Turn One of Ihe pteainr feature nf lite ilar enirrUtnmenl wa Ihe tierfuriiianre .if Ihe Prinee ltii(Mrt Hijrli SfhNil iirt drill team. uiJer Ike leadership of Alei Miiehell The team ier- aavieett ivareai rooTterton act. HID, ori i' nu .mutm at 4M1. Untiled, (m4ii fitr. n- ttul II Im wiOrr '. M iim -. J l lnM4ea IUl MtwHr f I'uUIh nti l illlltl oa Mrl 111 the i n. m niOB rn KranL k.. . ,,mii.ji f tbm XI Uta NtBI ' formed 011 the field in the afler-! noon and in the e.xliilllinn hall duriiur tin- hall al niftltt. Thj ntoeniitU of tue team were iMTferl and tie many pyramid formation weiv Hrforniei nap-pily and with much jtrace. The wbnlf pefrormaufe reflected preal rfeitii on totb the fifleen irl taktnir pari anil upon Alex. Ullrbell, Uodr trainer. The team eonipried a follows: Alex Vtilfhell trainer,, and. the Laura Kri.iell. Jean lir'iev ileader , Winnie TJionipcon (!briie MrLeiMi, Catherine lr- 1ne. Kvelyn Dalhy. Ijjey O llrien. Mary Waller. Aleita McKinley, Ada JUioshor. Irene .MorriooM, trKinia Hiel, Julia Waller Vera rtuiilh and Alice Sjienfer. The Hoininion Hay fixdhali final hetufen the Mooe and Canadian Fih A Cold Kloraue recoiled in a win for the former of 3 pual lo I. The game wat keenly fonteoled and furnUhtit lle fan with exettemeut in KI). Fhe haetall game in the etenintr letween Kelrhikan ana PrtiH-e Hupert resulted in another win for Ihe vj.ilor hy a forei of -0. Grand Batl In itle of the warm weather a tHH-i erowd wa in attendanee at the grand hall whirh wn a! fill ma whvl-up to the Utt day. The floor wa in exrellenl hajf and Ihe many fox trot, one-tep. and wallte ptayei by Arthur augmented orelieotra. rooitiiiK of ix piece, were thoroushly enjoyei. It. K. Hen Min aete1 a maler of eeremon- ie and kept thes ilanfer on their tiwn lliroushoul the eenin The (Nttmniltee renilile fori the uffe of the dance fom- W Wl ....... , IW um ") OiMtn mt rrieirii n. r.. iM-iini, cuairuian. ritrlune, J. Worn, h uf 1 tk mmi immi Mrf rrrii NjSaJMiijrtn and ieor?e ArnolL m m w " iw w ilw A feature worthy of peril aiurk . o " twmiroiiir nxnlinn u Ihe- rerrenlinif nl if w. i jii iiti-ii iiwipiii m marxe n mr ,iaii? iw fciti" t.. ,...l,l..ll 1 Tl.. 1.11. in.imijl J'"' wmntrr 11 ton i au-t.ai t'Bti . "j.,. L rrlm Vii lurtM.rrturu' I rr. H Mtir irmt Vrnt appnitulelr Ixrtl- aad U4r Iktl arirr Ik 11. ..r uaia inu ue dw of On nubl)"i ..I M ooore tbe Ukmi Hl iii JM. lwea. ui thr Minote; ' PofcHf worvi ai am or- Ik in Ibf ' n. it "P1 IMMII M tie mu ami !r - "lrwt law Mid wharf aM airv n ' in hiuv. Imik) ai wifT, DrlliOl ColuaabU. ,a,.u,a M.v tM.irVI ott ,,,,f tT WATtR NOTICE. Dlttraloa a Dm. erlllkti b4umtlt iiuated on the ground floor, next lo the platform, had hei. arliolieally and prelLil) ilecorale'l wilh green and white streamer uended from the eeilinR with fe(Min of irreen and whil Ireamer upended therefnim, The table were alo decoralfd in the color of the team the hiemher nf which wailed at .7t" a,u' iMr pread were m a rubir (11 rrdecoratel in the aim efiecl. It hciiKl r i'-' "I . BM,r2.. II.m Uni.ral eoiireiii.il of ib r-. niiiraie 111 ; ninion li,, t the Vefrelimenr m.ib i ihvm Mvr. The aier ni i j Pool h wa one of the prejtieet r'nraVt-n in (he city in a long linos. ir.lta' ;..l.:,Uner?!'n.ber of the team w iwm w U" ' ied a !; reponible for te lie !'",L '...Vi'ILafft Tw iJitrV Vai and operation of llie h Vn wJIUim . "imfaiuttf.'ihejia.aa- it U he" .M1V ' Marffrtrrfrruliaii am tea a riltul iha lf flf tj ibTwii.- iie...rw ai vnnr n.iirt. ( captain : Helen (.rant, l-rli.irwnl BulliIinaT. inii. m--. , in Ihirtv 1a arier Ihj Tirl aparaiH- Sale 1 lu'l"-0" ' B""r' Ml Juw .' . lr."'"..?' W" Wln drarrlUH Uclmm.enrm al Lj!2& !Sa -te'SSn.' We ; n ruin., arlr MUmiiia J ,"r,il lilt canama. A,,piirant. lr wniluin Alfred .Uower, Otli1 sin nrn, ht -I no TICK. J 1 "T ""I - ...iiai ln ffriP In I" Vueen CharWle Ot.irjr . fierltririle Siicrariory of Vlll K'f wver .StrhtL Oil I aim" '",' land haviM beeli r" J. irilluii a.v liitrnn.Ni lo I,7,, -Vt ilcatltin !Tr, rrwia;i I "" hi Ilia Mair.ty The klna T, i r,! tnal felirua 1 B.C., Ill June u r MtrlFiin R'flitrr of TW11. aid. Kvelyn Macdonald and Ki ovtawawwT UQQoa act." Mallet t AsalltaUa fee r tkanaa 1 May '-...'' .,.L"B. J" JET "'r ThompMin. Myra Harvey, iui- I!la ihe ..mM.iw-r r vvaier H'rt'.j.rine Harvey, Dorothy Macdon- It'n flepbens (cashier). In a huninrou peich at the " "V"fi!ni n' vri ' Vn".ni.,ai, Lawrence Kuhley. manager Bt 11. snti. awnt I Ketchikan haehall f ihi vJlUIK lano ct. jltam, thanked the people or ine n.u...r i.ui..VA;.i,ui..M.ua,fity for the splendid reception : PrtBN.nhey had received and the many &rl"?,RT JfES rfjjiocl of hospi.ali.y be.owed upon HTWr l u 'SJ31 & .them while' g.teits. At the con-K "r. -1 .... r.nn elusion of the speech, Mr. Kuhley J.?iJ.-i im, nHl. of vanrmirer. iialroduced Mr. and Mr. Slewarl. of Kelrhikan, who had been married jul prior lo the ear,ie,-Prinres Cliarlotle leaving for here, their trip be I up part of their honeyuuxm. The siM'akor then presented Ihe 'happy eouple wilh a bouquet and, to the train of the "Wedding March," Ihe assembly hinifhed 'drouri.l the hall. Nollre In Vrrbr t day f Juiix nexl. llie umleralinied InlMirt lu awlr lo Hi Utlimr Control Board for a It ini In reHTl of pnnla Jje'na Sari iif llw Miiwmr k..n at ownii rail hotel a o tm rf m ?. T.;wn ef Jlrean lU. mun lUe lauu drrriled at 1 ot "o 11. Ktiwe . " WMrlrt. Map V. Ilil. If. ind Hert.lralK IMalrlrl, In il "rVortnre .f Hrltlah ColnmWa tnr ihe iile f beer ' ":. S 14111 uww w 1 " -JSTud in- 1. T?ltifot. per C J- Barter. Trrer. Heavy liitting and nuperior fielding gave Jeteliitan two eay vlflone over Prince Jlupei in Hie Dominion Day bWiiall er- ie. The afternoon game, a looms aflair, reulled in va" erore of 18 to 5 and IJie eveningf pame. winch wa much better in play, ended in a 9-0 hut-oul against Ihe local. The I'rinre Rupert team in both pame wa clearly out- flaed. Klnwrer a the hat, tii vuilf.ro played air lislil hall in the field. lickney wh (he firt pitcher for 1'rinre It u pert in (be afler-nood hut he wa Jerked in th third inning afler Ihe vii(ors had touched hirn for a number of till, including a three bagger and a home run, and five run. Oliver llaveland wa then placed in the box but be wa unable to Mop the Mugger from the north While the local pifcher .were eai!y found by the tlfciling bat men, they were given weak. up port by l hi field where there were many error. The batting of the viilnr would have won the game in epite of thi for ther poled out no e than thre.'l home run and were continually hitting the rock pile on Ihe near ide for two-baggerx. II. L. Woinble pitched the firt pain-for Ihe viitnr but it wa th "iipport of hi field that doed Ihe local more than the pitch ier' work. There were a nuinWr of double play. The N-aui- were a follow: Ketchikan l.e Arnold, If.; A. K. Kllenburjr. rf.; It. Harri. .; L. R. Stewart, cf.: C-Milehell, e.: William Wall. 2h.; Kuhley, lb.; J. F. H'nnett..3b.; H. ' Womlde, i. I'rince Hupert. S. Moran. .; Pern, rf.; W. Milciiell, cf.; I Hatfour. e.; O. llaveland. 3b.; W Lambie ie. If.; V. Meniie. lb.; uhar. h.: W. Stickney, p. Farqut Score inning: , t S 3 t 6. "H 9 Kel kan.. 0 I S I) I ! I ! 318 p. !l fl 0 II 0 0 3 O Evening Game Wilh Sehenkler in Ihe box, the local held Ihe visitor lo three run in Ihe evening game until Ihe northerner broke loose in the Menti and (act inninp witn an orgy of slugging which ii eluded a homer, two bagger an i two ingle whirh Metled them (ilxTun and dahed any hope the local iniphl have had ot Lmaking a lat innine rally. Some' had fielding by the local added to Iheir rout in thi frame. On the whole, the evening game wa much superior to that of thr afternoon, the lofalthfjng muc improved in field work-. all hougti table dreaed jn nrfn and white U)ey !Pernei unable to hit and dree. The menu canl weie lnejr vjSiis i0 ,e bae wer.i wrillen on large cardboard maple f(,w. and far ,etWOen and (heydul not pet very far. Air tight fielding again featured the game of Ihe vUilors. Art Hydler pitched for the Kelrhikan team and kepi ine iorai. gui'MHK.j ThV evenlhg ;tealuv were a follows :r . . lie 'Arnold. 3b.:iV.'r. Klien- Stewartlf; iC. Mitcae,y.,-c.; win., liam Wall, 2b.; F. II. Kuhley. lb.; IL Irnberry, rf.; Art Cydler, p. Vrinre Hupert. S. Moran. I'erry, rf.; W. Mitchell, cf.; 1. Halfour. c; C. Scbenkler, p.; O. llaveland, 3b.; W. I.amlde. If.; V. Meniies, lb.; J. Farquhar, 2b. 1 2 3 1 5 0 7 Kelrhikan ... 0 1 1 fi 1 0 G 9 Prince Hupert fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 l iV-lJiport and lied Hoberlson umpired bolh gahie. mm FTto k. fk t fc U lf XsVtOMA For OutdoorUme an An Ingcnoll com latle and keep dependable time. Modcli from 52.00 up, including two really dependable wriat watchei at 95.00. and 15.SQ. IVny Risk Your 'ExpensiveWatch? Slorgae anSBBBBBBBBaw. o yr.W. July 2. iW TO3 X33E7 HHWS PAOb FIVE )omiiio . Day is Celebrated KETCHIKAN WINS I r r im rrogram 0 Sports; RASERAM. fi AMES Splendid Weather Conditions Dominion Day in I'nnce Hubert wa velehrated in grand uml gloriou manner elerdny. The mi shone with regal-peit-dor am! every nian nnd In wife were mil nl an early hour lo take full advantage of (he day feslivitie. While (here were a few olaled filling nnd pirn if partie. (he majority of (he rKixeim staved 111 the nty to partiripate in and enjoy Ihe exreJIent enler-lanirnenl offered liy (he Native Son or Canada, and 11001e wa di;i'jMin(ed. The lug program uf entertainment a( Acropolis Hill, which extended fnm .:( n.m. veslerdav imlrninir imlil J, cany nniirn or tin Outclassed Locals In Dominion Day Cup Series Score, 18 to 6 and 9 to'nll MALKINsi I BEST J The Mooe wrestel the Dom inion Day cup from the Cold! Sl.iape aggregation in a bard. fame of football yeslenlay after noon by a score of 3 goals to l.j . large crowu wiinessea iue: matrh which was a Rood one. The Moose playing the downgrade scored from a penalty. taken by S. ."urrie, a few minute from Uie start. Dido iiurvich cored the second for the Moose Ltoward the end of the first half and, al half time, the score stood f-fl in favor of. -the Moose. In the second half Norrington. for the Storage, scored a goal and Hodgkinson put through the third tally for the Moose !! minute from tha end of lb; game. The Gold storage had more of the plav than the score would actually indicate and were very unlucky in their goal shooting, the ball hitting the cms bar of their opponent. stronghold thre times in succession. Oenrge Russell refereed la game and R. Howe and A. lick- ens arted a linesmen. The. teams were as follows: Moose: Wilson, goal; Skinner and F Hunter, Tull backs; Ceo. Mitchell. S. Currie and 1'. Tinker, half baak; Hodgkinon. A. Mii- rhelj, Macindewar, Campbell and (lUrvieh, forward. Cold Storage. Murray, goal; llalg and Kelsey, full backs: Carlson, Harris and McDonald. half backs; Johnson. Lamb, hrs- y,l.J.l'.,nSc-tJ' and Norrington, forwards. HIGH SCHOOL WINS INTERMEDIATE GAME Although Ihe V Mars had their full sliare of the play on Wednes day night in the Intermediate League football frame, tney leu down in shoot iw and missed many scoring opportunities with the result thai the High School won the match by two to nothing At half time no scoring hud been recorded but, with the wind and grade in their favor in the second period, the High isdiool wa& able to work in on the clterry sliirt goal for a couple of counter, Mortimer scormc both goals, lie and Mackay were (he best for the Hugh School, while Cawthorn. Strachan and "Phillip worked hard for Ihe Y Macs. J. Campbell refereed, the lines men vver Kddle hmith and A Dickens aud the teams took tho field as follows: High School Kinslor; Mackay and Mortimer; Stalker, Hond and Parker; Currie, Y. Katsuyama, Murray, K. KaUuyama and Y Mac Hacker: Hunt and He-id; llond, Ptracha.n and Heil-broner; rhillips, Parkin, Strach-an, Dickens and Cawthorn. A REALLYdelicious coffee. ? Roasted and ground with' . scrupulous care, as an excep-; tional coffee deserves to be. - Packed in the vacuum can, ' which preserves for you the rich flavor and aroma. Your grocer sells and recommends Alalkin's Best Coffee MOOSE CAPTURE., DOMINION CUP , j Qcod Game of Football Resulted in 3-1 Score Agajnst Cold SOFT FINISH All flat pieces washed, ironed and neatly folded. Weqring apparel practically ready to wear, only requires a little retouching with hand iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your bundle returned within three days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ' ELt'CTTilC AND ACETYLENE WELD I HQ. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and JSP Loggers! Loggers! We have (he only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in Ihe North. We handle lagging Cable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, and general Camp EquipmenL II will pay you In see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited MINCKAL ACT. 710 Second Avenue CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS But can von Mineral Claim, ailuatc In thr itlln aUnlta Division or Caspar llv lilrt VVhrrf located: Near Craler Cr-fk and 'ad,h)itinir and .MttM-at, or th Bttt Ctiv..u tilMin.u MUi.Tal Claliu (Lot llltii.' T.Vkt" TICE that 1. Jobn Moltoy, Frre Miner' CtrUfliate No. 707JK, Intend. SUIT daya rriun the dalo lirreor, to amvly lo the .Mintnir Itemnler tor a i rriirii iii. f imtiroi'MiM'nU. for th tur- nm uf tibiaiiunK a crun Grant uf ttie alK clattn. And lurtlier Uk nntlre that artion. uiflrr aerlluu 31, aiuit t iMninenrrd lii-fore the lasts d aorb Cfrtinratr ol liii4iMriieta.(M . - v bated tun Itt day of turns A.D. H. Mc. FHAS1H. Aitat. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An KxquUite Block o Fur Trimmings at low t'icee B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave.