Fo i rot T T Jean Goldkettc and I fit Orchestra Valencia (Th ntw fox trot ulth the tnappy SpanUh rhythm) FoxTroi raui vvnucinan anu ins urcncstra If yc& VV ot Canada. II 1 7r -i kC . V II tc.v WPitiO-aM.e 1W77 20031 20007 At Peace With the World Just a Cottage Small 20045 . A Mill m iroi iniyin mil iwirniMnm-victor stioa Oreo. CANADIAN, MCinC " lilt Vocal- Jwba fcUCormatk CTtnort t I j Poor Papa p - Victor (D records play on any type of Victrola At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Co. Denm . "T"niT"TTrTryw,''T' '!' T s Jf ! I k -; V -Oab Napkins ml. lii- .,ll V. When yu i.-.'I unre ywu will -I- ..r (! UrUon. It, . ,,' l'o. 14x1 1 $1.00 li , x inn. 17x1? $1.50 i.i. l. NapkiiK are different (nni oMn i Napkitt. Ustil in-vwii-ri' iiy 4hAse who Steamship and Train Seivice S.m.. from pbinci rupert r, Vancouver, victoria, Seattle. si:B MONDAV lint THURSDAY 4.00 P m.. SATURCAT, 6 00 p.m. Kor ANVOX ind STEWART MONDAT. TRIOAY. 4.00 p.m. I'UT ALASKA WEDNESDAY. 4 00 p.m. lor MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.C0 p.m. ..... ....... IU. rr aoUTM OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. forlnlahtlf. ..,.,. ..,,. irsvc PRINCE RUPERT (IkiI .m.i buinU Ilia I...MINCI QIOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, .11 ' - . fiikkmshlfl LlnaL .'- fr im,tu uuw' UM Cnacilan .N.tlun.l ilno for your nrti .hipnipni Prlne. Rup.r. Phon. 200. City Tltk.t Ofllc. KS TMrd A,... B. C. Coast Services to now ami iii a real have done 1 - FW(l-l II lnjllll jmiiai. Kjui tslrn Canadian Pacific Railway Sailings from Prince Rupert 4 a 4 a tie mn To KtlchlUn, Wr.ns.ll. J-"" """T I V To V.ncou..r, Vlolorla ni UH-Jul, T. 10. 14, , 17. aV II. 24 84. MM 1. 31. . ., PRINCESS BCATHICC. ... CMAB0 G 0., ,th . Sfd a.u.. PHnw "up.rl. B.O. Mdrtphi: house for rent, five roojiis tujiitf mid anu bath. Mutiro liroe tl.OUu,, liyde Transfer.. Phone 580. i If Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anncsley fikftMJii this mornlriff's train fo;' ,n fMr.ioirton on a holiday visit. O. A. Woodland returned on the Catala tliii moriTliiK from h huiness trip to J'ort Simpson. Aid. it. 1 Perry sails tonight on the rnnce' iiuieri lor Vancouver on a brief vacation trip. 1.. llinloo sailed on the Catala Ibif mornJitir lo Join the A. h. Wriitbl survey parly at lxwe In C. (I,M Inns manager of the Ii g. WiltaeftCo, jail this evening n flieJrlnec .Hupert for van tuvjr business trip. .ft .'"iV John Clark, bouer Iniieclnr, who lia lx'twi vifitinj: the city :m. diflriet on ollieial duties, m turned to Vancouver on . tin- ICatala this morning. I'nkin steamer Catala. CapL A Uohn!toiw, returned from thi IXaa-i Itiver at V o'cloe thi Itoominc and sailed at 10 for I Vancouver and wtDimrls. C.P.IU ftMiiner Princess Alice Capt. Tltomas Cliffe, returned Ml 3 o'eloek. this afternoon from Alaska porto and will pall al o'eloek for Alert Hay and Van couver. Mrs. Merrill llow failed to day ou the Prtneeii HeatHe h Vancouver, euroule to her for HHr home in Yartuoutli, Nova .Scotia, whero he will visit for some lime. Mrs. U. K. Oftne and daujrbter Mary Heifn, lft on litis inoru ilia , train for London. Uni:t-it. wherr tiiey will spend wwra Aeeks VifitiftK Mrs. Oriue s fr- iiicr home. Mis Helen Mrltar was bo-t"- ' parly of alwut 50 yvtin? peo- lle in ihh .Vun, Home la; tnghl in nonvr r Mi Helen MrriMn of Vancouver wtoo i iMsilinc I tie eHr. Mrs. J. K. Hindi' arrived jre- lenlay from ian Hiegn lo spend the summer veiling in llie city with her oon. Rev. T. 1). Jlinde, pallor of SL i'aul's Lutheran HMiurrh. J II. Penn, mine uperin!en- - I f .urf Inlet is in. tlie h pilal here where he ha Uiider-goiie an oxration for appendiei-i:. While hp is Mere Mr. Penn a guest of Ir. anil Mrs. Tail. Mrs. Cater of Vancouver ar h ived in the rily jflerday to lie I with her hulHl.l who utainol ii f'-aelure of the skuU lately while emploj-eil in a dilriet ean- oery und who i a iialient in tlie Priiirf llupert ieneral llospitn '.!'. II. slenini'r I'rinress r.apl. S. K. (Jray. arrived at ?.3 this afternoon from Van ruuver via the hReena lliver and. as Mon as sue has itwcliargeil lornl caiyo, will ail on her re turn lo Vancouver. Paserer gning soulli on the Mim trice in elude J. Cater for O.ecun Fall. Mrs. li. (i. Ualer. K. II. Hawkins ami Mr. and Mrs. II. lluher for Vuneouver: Mrs Merrill HnUovvs for Montreal When The Children Are Troubled With Sumner Complaints GIVE THEM And j-ou w ill be asmahly rarprwod to find out how quickly tlioy will be-coins rrlierod of tliwr truublc. This iirrpnration hss been on the msrkrt for the nnst eiplit' yrars. Put up oaly by the T. Milburo Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat. " THE DAILY NEWB PAGE THREE Local and Personal Victor Arthur's Tail. Pbone 078. U.C. Undertaken. Pbone 41. Fodfbatl tonigh al 0:45. High Process J.l:.v:l..'.-'l Naval Heeic! Records Horses ; George Olsen and Hit Muilc Lonesome and Sorry tf Crystal. 'Firelighters; 48' fo. Mr. and Mis f family an- sailing Hufiert this evening on a holiday visit. Sale of Skirts and Sweaters Wool Skirts regular up to $14.75; snap ale price $4.50 y an ip Pnti".' : Victoria Stephen TiHplcy has left for Prince llupert vr.iere he v?li rpend the remaind-1 if I lie summer. Vancouver Province. Mr. and Mrs. lUrry Jacksna s,ail this evening: n the Prince Hnperl fir Vancouver where the.v oroie to lake id tnir luiure reldeii-e. Pas-engers ailiing on Ihe Ca tala for the south Mils mornuuc included P. Wallis. Oeorce W Smith. Jolin Ctarirj4'f lunn, 1). R. Mrlionald, T. W. Almas and H. Hlauie for Vancouver, and L. 11 in Ion for Lowe ltrtet. V. s. Hams arrived oil. lasl nr?hl" train from Ijaziilon and proceeded by the -Ifcaiuer Prinee Hnperl In Anyox. ArJer visiting a inmiiiir iiroiici uasun? Ann in which lie T inUretei Mr. Harris will re-ufujo tlie city next Tuesday. As the special ttaln ciirryinp 1he Canadian NatiuflaT Hailwajv personally ron.turteil lour parlv. was wmiing vvet l?t week it rar. into and 'instanily billed OHo Tannodalil. a J "H IVa-er blaek smith, who wa walking alon the track t In miles west oi Tori Fraser. Harold (i. Hr.-wn of Victoria vva a visitor in the city from yesterday ni'M'tnn , until this morn in He s'"'PPl off tin Ills way lo .la-iei wiiere he, fiasfsouo for a holidHv. Willi turn vvns V. H. 'Ilin'riihonnvv of lite uuri- cultural d'parliin it of, the Provincial Government. A. L. Richards and.W. TV Hun ter of the Summerland Kxperi mental farm anivedilu the city on last night's train jrpm Tm' race and will pi"i!eei. sbutli on the Prinee Rupert toniptiL They have lMen inaku an Qlllclal visit to the Vanderli'"'! elxperlmenlal slalion niul stopped off. at ler race enroute west (Iver COO people will go lo Terrace by special train tomor-rovv lo alleud Hie Canadian Xa lional Railways' employees' an nunl picnic. Tin twiin, vvUieit will consist of.cutht eOiii'Ues in-rlmJ'mK a iiiodntauotist'Hui ion jiHirruxiUvt Miittjvyill be buck shortly'' t'pf ore inHiviKti STRUCK BY TORNADO AtjllLANH, Wis . July .17. - Three persons were killed and I wo seriously injured, while man? were jjliKhlly hurl when a tornado sTFuck the vicinity Iat tilirhl. Church Notices Baptist Church Sunday school al 10 o'clock. Morning ervre at It.- Subject. rhe Merry Heart" an every-1 day medicine. Evening worship, atA30, .Subject: Thoughts ofi SJaYfc-thr stavei - tne- slav c-tflOcr (Life m rVlriaNvay. 'Inter-: estitig and helpful. A cordialj ittvitatien to all. Prcsbyter.'an Church i Morning worship at it o'clock.! 'Ubjwt: '"The Romance of Mis-, ferns Robert Moffuf and Soulii Afriea." Hveninit service at 7.30., Subject: "Hack to Chrisl. un day Seitool will not meet. All .ordiatlj invited. Preacher: Rev. Citas. J. Cameron. M.A.. Ph.l. Christian Science Society Service every Sunday mot-tuns u the Ha' Hlock, 245 Seventh Avenue. Subject ou Sunday "Life." Testimony meeting on Wednesday eveain? at 8 o'clock. United Church The Church of Service. Rev. Geo. G. Uacker, imstor. Morninr rervice at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic: "On TruVltiiji ,Jreat Men." Kvenil) service at, 7 JO. Sermon topic- "IWioes ' frtuu a great meeting." Lutheran Church SI. Paul. Kntrlisu Lutheran Church, Melroricle Hall, Tbir.l Avenue. Rev. Tlios. 1. Rind", pastor. Morning worship at 1 1 o'ejork. Sernioft I heme: "What is your heurl's desire?" Everyone cordially iuvitcul. No even-nr service or Sunday School. LAND ACT. Attic of InUntlon lo Apply lo PurclUM Land. Ju I'linci- KuimmI Lihl uecordinr Uitrlcl f Prliiei' Kurrl iixl nituilf inrfuii Bay. Mirl Inb-t. (Inhmii IsUikI. O. C. 1 TALL' MlTli:K llul lYtnrn Mlllrrd. of Prior loiiwrl. U. i;.. icruptln onnery- maii. Inli nilo In iiH'l.v for pertiilssiuu lin-lw tlie fulSiwlnr deserllied laudi: CfHiinHvn'luir 1 pt planted It the N. VV. Mier r Liil 1671. Oueeu t'.harlutle lalaixlit lUitlrlet. tttrure stU in cliam: ineftes'-viSfl tH'Tiiim: thrmT north to Itisti .Wainfc Mark; tlieoee, MUerl.v tlvnt HltrlL VaKTMrS In p'l ttrmiBI'ee. men!, nid xwiutniiif so srrst, mure 01 Iff. FRANCIS MILIKRH, inion June iin, ivvo ArpttcaaL DR. WATSON S TONIC ALE and STOUT The Health Beverage X tn'ip else on the mar kei ha its i on in iua'i! les ?Ec Packet Makes 3 Oals. IYI. ALLEN AND. CO. Bond Building Toronto Silk Skirts regular up to $14.00; snap sale price $5.75 Sweaters and Sweater Coats regular up to $12.00; snap sale price $1.95 Save as You Never Saved Before Entire Stock Prices for Quick Action Selling DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8moked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage (a W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Circus in town THE TWfSTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Giraffes, Wolves, Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW The Newest Tliin? in Toys Durable ami Washable. If iitit abused, will last or years. Hull Dog, Woir, Halibit, Cat, Pig, Dear, each $1.00 Lion-' ami Tigers, each $1.25 Wampus Cats, each . . $1.85 and $1.50 Klepliaiib and Ciiinel., each . . .'.I $1.85 Dinosaurs, each .' $2.25 Giraffes, each , $3.00 Ormes Ltd. The HEXALL STOMB - - The IMUXKH DlirfiOISTS 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the mosl complete slock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, Vt joint, ' vejteors. Me-. In- Norlhern B.C. '' . We can supply everything in a building from the foun- datfdn to the last piece of finish. Defore buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our prices are right. v Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 UP