Ut, II, IBM. Home brews are dangerous Dr. Frarik McCoy Eminent physician and authority on diet, says, in hi hook "The Fast Way to Health" . HOME BREW BEERS produce a form of disease, which, when developed, seems almost impossible to cure. I have personally known of many cases of death which can be traced to this cause; where autopsy has shown that the liver has stopped functioning with out any organic disease . i an exact science. Home tnatlr BREWING lxrr, made without the knowledge of the safeguards necessary to projicr brewing and without ageing to insure complete fermentation, are danperou'i. Drink purebecr that is scientific! ly brewed in a brewery, and preserve your health. AimUMi4 IW ! of BrltWb Columbia, In ahkb mrt twet. irJ lb tanrmitcr IWrM Lid.. Ralnk Iteratn Company ml CanWa, Ll4.. HMlmlMIrt IWrr, Lid., fillwr (print Hrmr, Lid. mt4 Ylrlurta rtHMili tWroln Co.. Lid. T-Su advertisement it not published or displayed by ttp Liquor lurflrol Board or by the Govcrnaiexi'. of liriut.ii C'JjuiLia. CHRISTMAS Greeting CARDS THAT ARE DIFFERENT " r l2n line i u dandy. The fincl w- lime ever r lit Jinltful dainty design. neV ideas. umIiI, sui-all Hie er) llt. Value, tiol net u- gm4 - (nil as in loruier year, heller alue than iiit other-. " ,'M.ini'Mv filled ul our own I'riul Hhup uu middle " it dune 4md see or phone, and our rcprescnta- aM. JlliiMlratt'd circidar in color -with price P ' led lo out-f-lmvn t-iisJimicrs oil request. eMaeMvs.Jjd DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlnca Ruport, B.C. ETOiDOLLARS REWARD! aa.r.iu I,.... i 1 J . II... 4Ki-l'i itlllllN (t LAYTON "i iiiiuiiiiniiiiii icuunig mi mm w ., ., MILES, viu "diippciired from home in Vi. tonu. H.U Aiuil Mion i ..i,'.. : iii i aire iiiul liMS.lair hair. ll'iu eyi-KaweiKhs nlmtil I.Vt llm. mnl i alioul nvc ri' mvlu-a -lull. Jits xviid IiimI lieurd of iu lh '"",3 i"J'tn dislricl. Coinmiiiiiculo with TheoJ Miles, 3425, Cook Street, Victoria, B.C. i I : . I i ' Local and Personal Arthur- Taxi. Phone 678. B.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. Oyro HoeUown. Auditorium, October 18. 242 Try Foothill- stove Cool, 113.00 per ion. No aootrtillpott. Evltt ii Ox Ltd. Meeting of Prince Rupert Auembly No. 44, Native 6on of Canada on Hon day night at 8 o'clock In Metropolt Hall. zu R. A, Harlow, now CNit. roadnwster at Prince George, came In on lat night ' train to make arrangement for moving hi family to the Interior. J- R. Tannock of the government stent's omce ha gone to the interior and will apend month in Port Fraaer and Vanderhoof recuperating from hi recent erlou ttlnea. Capt. R. B. Bennett, formerly maater of the C.P.R. ateamer Prince Rupert are now captain and first officer respectively of the Victoria freighter famous, which was formerly the Amur Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bower of Van couver were passengers on the Cardena yeatcrday afternoon going through to Alice Arm Mr. Bower,, who wa formerly manager of tfct Oranby store at Anyox. ha mining Interests at Alice Arm. "llul bid cant of your? The City OouneU has prepared a list of tot reverted for non-payment vl taxes . OStrs for any of the property will be received for consideration dur log the month of October. Anyone In terested can receive a copy of the list st the Collector', office. L Will he there! Where? James H. Blake, engineer In charge of beau operated by the pro-rtneta oreatry department, arrived in the etty m the Oardena yesterday altemoot from Victoria lie la here In coaaeeUoo nth the oointruetkm of a boat thai la being built4 In the local dry dock for the department. ii)n Jlueduan Uance P. M. Moncktea, B.C.U8 dt Terrac. who has been at the head of a part) which ha been mapping the northern uurt of the province recently werklag between file wart and Unladen Lake ar rived to the city from Stewart on the Prince Rupert last ntgtit He Is on bto way to his home la Terrace. "Auditorium. Orlnlwr IS. Ukdoa tearr Cmrdena. C pi. Ai U Dickson, arrived at 4 o'clock yesterday afterarod frets Vancouver and wayporu Stewart. D. Kellan. for Alice Arm. Mr ar.d Mrs. W. B. Bower. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4 RO) purplt Bale of plain bik fancy sewing end home cooking. Oc tober 18. Hallowe'en Dance, auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Friday. October 39. Hill 90 I ODt Bazaar. October 30. Presbyterian Uadles' Aid Bazaar, No vember 10. St. Peters, Seal Oave. Sale of Wort November XI. N r j Moose Baraar November 18 and 17. Anglican Church bazaar, i 1 133 II BaptUt Ladles' Aid Bazaar liber 25. November Novem- II Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work 1 December 1 I United Church Bazaar. December 3' i pla X 4 j yiTva 1 1 Mad In S KILLS 8 M v.ncsuvsr, njK,Monis D m - tosourTocs TWelaiwdstWarkra TTTSZtJ S W r-ri Kranat SdmUfm Mil Induatiial RaMwvfet miWkP IraUtut. WIU not rBE!l Main. Ilaaaant odor. IMMtDhuawa ( ' r 1 ' At Your Rotallor I THE DAILY NEWS PAQI THftfk IS! 7 i Healthy Babies Food, sleep and fresh air, but especially proper food, ensure health. Borden' Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, since 1857, ha been the leading infant food. Doctors endorse it. Pure, uniform, easily digested. Use it if you cannot nunc baby. writ Iht Bonttn Co. Umll4, Vancouver, Jorjrtt Ulmiat J-J6 Condenwry at fcoulh Pumas, B.C. Room and, meals. Mrs. O. Hermanson. Port Prater, B.C. Mrs. Thomas Sllversldea nailed last .sight on the Prince Rupert for The lighthouse tender Newtngton la jH the dry dock where ahe underwent .nnual Inspection. Another dance under Scandinavian .uiplct took place in the Metropole Hall Saturday n'ght. There waa a good aowd In attendance. ' Joseph Rose wss haled Into police KHirt this morning on a charge o seeping liquor for sale at his home ou 31ggex Place. The case was adjourned for eight days. Aran Wliaon. Indian, waa fined (2. ind oosta In the city police court thl morning for having liquor in his po session. Moses Parnell. also an Indian. was fined IIS for drunkenness. Walter Smith of the local ' CJJ.R city ticket office will return to the city tiy the steamer Prince Oeorge on Wed-nesdsy after a month's educational trip aver the CJR. eastern line. aad sailed at 8 for Anyox. Alice Mm j te contain a notice of the registration. Ad Stewart. Among her paaaeager fbr northern point, the Oardena bad the following: for Prince Rupert W Veasa. Mr. K Ivea. J. H. Blake. Capt Larry Thomson. Dr. E. S. Tali. 8 Roblnaon. 11 llamasakl. J. Ingram. L MaelUrg and P W MacNeUI: for Incorporation has been granted to he Prince Rupert Lodge Number 1051 Loyal Order of Mooae and the current lumber of the British Columbia Oazet- 'A party of seven CJKJL. ticket agent from Vancouver. Seattle. Portland. San Francisco and hot Angeles, returning from a tour over the company' Eastern lines, pasacd through the city yesterday torn train to boat. Albert Farrow. team boat inspector, who has been here for the past few days on official duties, left ou this morning's train., for Francois Laki. where he will Inspect the government terry. Mr. Farrojr will then return to Vancouver via Jasper Park. Reginald Beaumont, saalstant to the Pacific. Coast manager of the Canadian Oovernment Merchant Marine, came In rom the East on last night's train and sailed on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver accompanied by Mrs. Beaumont who had come north on Saturday. Joseph and John Wallace of the Can- adlan Flh & Cold Storage Co. atafi mill sail tomorrow afternoon- aboara the 'Princess Mary for Vancouver en- route to Quebec where on October 2i they will embark aboard the CPU: steamer Moutralrn for Ireland where they will spend the winter. Dr. E. S. Talt, who has been In Vic torla since he relinquished his dental practlve In Prince Rupert a few months aro, arrived yesterday afternoon on the Cardena from the south and left to day with Jim Wanhaupe of Jap Inlet for Porcher Island where ho will spend the next couple of weeks on a hunting trip. The fire brigade had a call today the lunch hour to the home of Alex, Mcllae, city lineman, where a (woodshed on Eighth Avenue was on fire. !lt teems to have been ignited by some hot ashes which had been thrown out some time before. The fire wagon grt spreading. LATE MRS. HANNAH NESS IS LAID AWAY Funeral hen Ice Tmik Place This Afternoon, Krv. T. 1). Klnde UfflrUtliig A large concourse of mourner de-lrout of paying their last respects attended the funeral service for the lste Mrs. Hannah Ness which took place this afternoon at the chapel of the B.C. Undertaker. Rev. T. D. Rlnde, pastor uf St. Paul's Lutheran Church, officiated and spoke words of sorrow but comfort. The hymns were "My Faith Looks up to Thee," .and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." borne to Fslrcltw Cemetery where Interment took place. The pallbearers were John Bergman, P. Johnson, K. Hallberg, II. Jorgenson, Thomas Dybbavn and P. W. Hart. There were flowers from Ladles' Aid of Lutheran Church, Mrs. Jensen. Mr. land Mrs. O. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, J. Dybnavn, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Nelson and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Mi. and Mrs. Oeorge Fritz, Mr. and Mrv Tom Dybhavn, Mr. .and Mr,. C. C. Llndseth, Mr. end Mrs. C. O. B. An derson, A,. Mellvln, Mr. and Mrs. O. Buchlno, Mr. O, Sheblet. Dr. ai Mr. Eylofson, Mr. and Mrs. C. fc. Johnson, The Pamlly, Mr. and Mrs. J O. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wick Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherks. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Roevlk, Mr. and Mrs. L. Larson.' C Mortimer. Mr and Mrs. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. linger, Mr. and Mrs. Benderksen, pie Oleson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Iveraon, llr. and Mrs. K. Halberg. J. Bergman. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wick, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johanson, B. Charsted, J. Penes. impjweFteT . held yesterday for late james ritchie With a large assemblage of friend of deceased and hi family present to pay their last respect an Impressive luneral aervlce for the late James Ritchie, whose death occurred last week at Uassett fol lowing hi collapse on bsard the halibut schooner Unome, while at sea, tock place yisterday afternoon at the First Pres byterian Church. Rec. Dr. Charles. J. Cameron officiated and paid tribute to Ue memory of deceased as well ae ex rerlng words of sympathy for the Jcurnlng relative. John E. Davey pre-sided at the organ and sang a solo. Vems, Savior. Pilot Me." The hymns wen "Lead Kindly Light. and "Jesus. Lover of My Soul." After the servte. the remains were In terred in Falrview Cemetery. The pall bearers were Robert Duncan, James Watt. WUl!am Robb, Oeorge Placa. raoma McMeekin and William Thain. Deceased having b-ea a naval reservist, .he Canadian Legion was personally represented by It president. C L. Young--can. and also sent a handsome poppy wreath. Among the flowers sent were those .rom Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wa Smith. Mr. snd Mrs. Jarrl McLeod. Staff of Imperial OU Co. Mr. and. Mrs. T. McUeekln. Mr. an Mr. W. Pierce. Mr. and Mr. J. b. Black. Mr. and Mrs. W D. Chrlatlson. Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ritchie. St Andrew's Society. Mr. and Mr. M. P. Nlckerson. Mr. and Mr. D. McLeod and family. J. T. Wilson. Mr. and Mr. John Bremnei Mr. and Mr. C. Hovmotler. Mr. anu Mrs. J. A. Prince. Mr. and Mrs. O. Oeddes. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Quran. Mr and Mrs. A. Enockaon, Mr. and Mn. leorge Thaln. J. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prince. Alec Yule. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert March. CAKII Of THINKS. Mr. and Mr. David Ritchie aud family tieslre to convey to their friends their deep appreciation of the many expreaalons of sympathy received lu their recent bereavement. PRINCE RUPERT HOUSING CO. LIMITED. M BALANCE SHEET April 1st, 1919, te October 4th, 1920. Profit and Lota Account. Ily Kee Arruunt . . f JlO.fO tiiti-rrM clnir ma- Dank If LSI V lliten tin Deferred Payment iil.JS Mure rtrfelled lmeiTt un U'rl- niw ... . M8I-VI r LiiM-iise, SaUr- ier. ete f.HO.M " ItlvKlnid-i B,i!o. ll.l.tS ll,Ki.83 Capital Account Hj- l.livo h,ir-i al iti.l eirti T" a.MU Shares l'uisued, st i.im esrh ..IM.M.W0 1924 Jihh ST 111. lu 4l ilHiai itrpaid . 7.iio.s 192S Jiiim- 11. lu !4i " himuI lieiald . l.Srl.OO Her. u 1st. t IU" :lllal llrpaid . I.S5U.(m 1926 rl. tll. lo li'H t:lllil Kcivaid. . 4,t&." f (iio.iiou.uo lriiu.otio.0" Prtnre llupeii. I1.C. To th Shartholdars . Ilic uiii1fr."iriiHl. crrlify tlie b.e ti be s true il porrvi-t "IsIhiimmiI ur tli I'rinre Uuwrl lliHiiinr '. I.lnilleil since tl4tc i'f luriiriMiraiion. April l-l. I v I u. l i.itmiiI date. Mi ml. r 4tli. ICrfi. ! jiii i . :iuii.-Tir: i vhil h. tin me 1 AiTuunlaiit l.iquiilaior. Established 1923 j DELAYS are COSTLY; If attended lu regularly )u rail save your , teelli'lor further jeum "fcr'svriice. 4k DENTIST Arte rtho survlce, the remains were j Exchange Block Phone 109, cMakin Dishwashing Harmless to the Hands N O longer need dishwashing be' an unpleasant task ! A spoonful of Lux softens the dishwater, works wonders in cleansing and leaves the hands smooth and presentable. Lux is a bland soap that is quite as effective as harsh and, strong cleansing agents. A little goes a long way. The popularity of Lux has encour-aged imitation. , . I 1 cri'i Look for the name of Lever Brothers Limited on the package. Lux is never sold in bulk Lever Brothers limited Toronto L-541 PRESCRIPTIONS When your pliu-i;iii wriles a jiresi'ripliuii lie s-)ecine" ex-arlly what drug he wants and the urn mini of each iiigre-difiil. Hul Ihe problem of eomioiiiidiiig these ingredients so thai the BEST RESULTS are obtained that b left to the pharmacist's judgment. . How important il is, llien, lo choose your pharmacist with care and take ihe preseriptiini to one who is properly qualified by law, by education, and by experience lo perform this important task. For all the accumulated knowledge brought lo bear by ydur doctor in writing the prescription nuiy go for naught unless the compounding is done iir accordance with the most approved methods. When your prescription is compounded by us you are us-sured oT getting exactly what the doctor specifies. Furthermore, you are ussured of having Ihe prescription com-., pounded pnierly by an EXPERIENCED PHARMACIST with the VERY BEST GRADE OF MATERIALS IcanadianJ VACinc Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Ave. and 6th Street, The Ilexall Store.' Phones 82 and 200 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To SsUMkan, Wrnill. Junssn snd Skagwsy Sspt. 8, IT, 7 Oou S, IS, Xfl. Te Vancouver, Victoria and ssauis spu , ii, ail wcu i, iz, zz. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Camsksll Rltsr. an Vaneouvse r atufdsi 11 a.m. Fee Butsdals, Csst Bslls Bella, Ocsan Falls, Nsmu, AUrt B. aisaor r foe all Staamshla Llass. . . Pall ?T ' VV. 0. ORCHARD Bsnsrsl Afsnt. . . i ' Oorase of th Strsst snd Srd Anus, Prlno Ri laforaMiM fraa V. .'-oat I MeW UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Bslllnr from Prince Rupert, se VANOOUVSR, VICTORIA. Swsssss . sn Alsrt Bay, TussdSf. i'PM. VANCtOUVtR. VICTORIA, Alsrt SMv, an Swansea Bat, Stura, 1S , For PORT SIMPSON and Naa Rlvse Csnnsrlas, TDursdsy p.m. Foe PORT StVPSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. SuS. SJIS. 123 2nd Anu. R. M. SMITH, Agent Print Rupsetj B. C. '4 m