5 TAXI and V Boston Grill Ambulance Service InvWhlN at Anv Urn. land Royal Hotel, 3rd Ava. and Sth ll WATT VIDECK, Prop. XVI. No. 238. Jt. earae back in U Ita ancient pitching mastery yesterday to check tht f the third time and clinch tlx tint World Baseball Series champion s' Lsul ha known in forty year. In the seventh and deciding game of Ci.- 3d :Ile the Yankee defense cracked to yield the Cardinal a winning t three to tvo. but It aa Alexander who tared the day with a dramatic tt .ng finish. The base were full with two out only, with the Yankees ::j a run to tie the game In the aetenth. when Alexander came to the i ute tottering i-arainare ngnt nandrr Haines, whose rincer had ilit U ARRIVAI v RE HIGH TODAY t or II tl.llll T TOTAU.I Ii -UVIa riilM, III U or IT HI'.IMI IKKW AMI.KIC.tN IUT arrival today totalled 33S.100 x targe bulk being from tea x. Aaxn which dupoMd ol t 3 U i 1 7 Ac tndc. while rive ... r- . mAA 41 tfVl KM.n. At C .v and 9tc IMIKIC W - M Imuerui. IgQQ-fa . WJO to Booth Pt.hr f tea. - aud Wabh. tJUa. to PfeSrlea - ' .ooo and Laura, now. to rw, :- UJXM Iranhoe. 3 1 WO. and '900 the Canadian Puh and I t S t III ?e: A ittKO: Uutmeag. 1.100. Baker lXW. to Cahftdlaa flab ' -i B'.srag Co. r II mn in nml vi.k Or i juu la Aiiin naner;ea. RFFAfRn AND DIABOLICAL til: or Jtxir i ii it iiiiM.li hm in iii.tuH or i oi in ii uinott .ATTI.P: fW II Dulln. Ih,t JtmM itt eataU wa obtained by fraud ne lounn woman lie marrieo. 7 Judge Paul awarded It to hei U had been contested by three ..rjal widows. :" idee made the declalon. In vol 1260.000 before the attorney had 'is-o ranaiera career as "Damacca titabollcal In It cleverness and UH-:ielled In the history of the court a fl-tion. iirnrk r a m in mm Tsn arw. am a LAUNCHED HERE ti new power boat for the forestry srtment. which ha been under con " at in ury dock nere. 'whed on Saturday In the pretence of Z CaverhUl. rhUf forester for the unce The vessel which I forty feet l has a IS hp. Vivian englu and trial run will take place In a few J. II. Blake, superintendent en T for the department, having r tl here yesterday to aupervlte fin-ng touch on the boat. OUND BODY BESIDE HORSE 'ting the finding of the body of Ed r McEvoy, aNIcola Valley trapper, who I been missing since August 17. The n body wa In a Urge hole a few from hit cabin with hla dead horse g beside him. Both had been shot. t 1 not known If iv.. H.jlh were ;rot4 tbrowng a knuckle OiJ and wh e I control wa ebbing (Mt. Pacing Laxerl the great Veteran tailed power to hi right arm that carried him through els-teen major league caaxpalgna and atruck out hla man who retired a the crowd I broke Into a frenried uprter. Safely ' put this crisis, Alexander easily aub. ; dued the Yankee In th clbslag two In nlngs j DelalU of play follow: HUM" INNIMlH ! St Louis: Runs 0. bit 1. errors 0 U. Loul went to bat flrtt with Holm up. Ilolm went out to Othrlg una listed, fcouthworlh filed out to Meuael. llernshy aingled put lM.mil. Bottomly fouled out to Othrlg. New York Runa 0. hit 1. error 0. flotm gathered In Coomb long liner. ICoenlg grounded out to Boltoraly un aasUled.- Ruth a walked pn tour "iSTu tmWt )?et Truv the rrowd.. .On i hit and run play Meuael aingled orer second. Ruth making third. Himr xnockrd down Oehrtg's drive aud threw Mia out. LIIMi INMMi St Louie Run 0. bit 0. error 0. Jell lined out to Ougan. Itafey wa rttuck out on three pitched balla. Ruth jvade wonderful catch oil OTarrell'a Jure bu drive. New York Run 0. hit 2. error 0. Lsza-ne ttruck out and Ougan aingled ner aecond. Sererted up. Ougan wa thrown out at aecond Healing. Sere reld aingled to left with count three and two Hoyt went out attftrst. TIIIKO lMM! St Louis Run 0. hiu 1. etror a Thevenow tingled to tne leu. name aacrtflced to Oehrtg unassisted. Holm fouled 'out to Kevereld. Bouthworth 9ied out to Meusel . New York: Runs 1. hlU I. error 9- Bottvnley took Coombs' hopper. Koenlg filed out to Haley. Ruth got a home run into the right, field tnd on one of Halnea' low balls. Meusel men oui to llafey. IOIKTII INNIMJs St. Lout: Run 3. hiu 3. error 1., Hoyt drew Hornsby. Bottomley tingled ar.d retched aecona. usiey go Texaa leaguer Into th left which Meusel ahould have handled. Bottom, ley acored when Meuael dropped O Far-reir fly. Bell and Hafey acored on Thevenow' lngle. OFarrell going to second, llalne fanned and Holm wa thrown out on flrt. New York: Run 0. hit 0, error 0. Oehrtg wlked. Lewrerl filed out to Holm. Dugan wu thrown out on firat. Othrlg going to aecond. Thevenow .peered Severrlds drive. cutting off a run. : I H ill 1SMSHS nt Loul: Run 0. hiu 0. error 0. Bouthworth fouled out to Oehrtg. Hornby filed out to coomo. ley out Laserl to Gehrig. Kew Tork: uuni u. niv . w-nv.- w. .a Haw rrvimhl Thevenow tnrew ou aingled over centre, ivoemg u. v-. to Hafey. Ru'h waixro. Meuael out t flrt. MTH lMMIH Bt LouU: Run. 0. hiu 0. error 1. Bell filed out to Meuael. Dougan threw wide to first on Hafey' liner, leaving batter aafe. OTwrrell popped out to Hafey threw out Healing. Dugan. New York: nun 1. hit. a. error i . Thevenow robbed Gehrig of a hit. threw out at firat. u, . .Ingled and acored third .trlk. Dugan on tseverled'a two Dtigger w - chat batted for lioyi Severeld. first. Tu. Adamt ran for llalne threw Ptschal out at htir.STH INMM" . n,,.,. o. hltt 0. errort 0. .u. r.ichlnt- for New York. Ti wa thrown out Dugan nk nlUhtng. Thevenow', and Htlne. .Ingled iioimn forced llalne.. to the South thrown out at first. worth w New York Kunu 0. hit. I. error C.pt- Larry Thomson of the federal Pilot Ltd.. arrived from Victoria on the Cardena yester day afternoon to take up hi permanent station here In the business of piloting ocean going boeta to and from the port Capt. Thomson la a pioneer navigator of the northern cout having been for many year with the Union Steamship Co. and also with the CoutwUe Steamship it Barge Co. He la registered at the Central Hotel. Capt Thomson, who will have his headquarter In the office of tbe( Northern Shipping Co Haya Block, will bring the Aden Maru, the tfrst grain ship. Into Prince Rupert Harbor. BIG REPAIR JOB COMING rwunw iiroKTi:i: win. ah- lilt I: AT LOCAL HKY IiO K TOMORKOtt Ts undergs an vlesle damage repair b. .tl.M.M. trrlglilrr tan-adlaa lmrtee will arrhe here esrl) tomorrow raatslng to gs n lrj skirW. Thl U the Urge Job lUsl.wa. referred Jf-bj OJVKerler, ' rine (W4""man7jer itDlf. on a recent tWt here. ,Te ek "III lake a nisnlli or inre and will keep III esiplment I lie Isrtr rrrw of men ahlrh has been here for the Ul ewiiple of months on Die Canadian ('wter b. Ihls will be I be flnt Mt to Ihls purl of I he Canadian lniHrter. he has been In the C.(1.MM. Iii-lerroaMal certh-e ami arrtted on I he rt reeeiilly from Montreal. The tewel w bull! In Vanroa ter In lilt. ne of the larger te of fhe roiniusy teK her, gn Innnage Is 3I3 and lentth IM feet with lieam of 31.1 and depth MJ. fhe hi' hI varied and at llniel beetle career lim Ing nme been In a mah-up op. this iMt. The preieiil wirV l made imT-wry lhroiih the Importer h.ivlng gone ashore In Ihe Ml lisrenee Ither near Montreal eteral iiioiitliv ago. B.C SILVER ENDS WORK FOR SEASON ON HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN Douglas Ray. who has been In charge of the development work at the Schufer properties on Hudson Bay Mountain, passed through here yesterday golrm north to Anyox last night on the Car-dena. He taya that the BC. Sltvet Corporation haa shut down work for this seson and he I not ure whether tt will b resumed or not. lie did not care to say. anything In regard to the result obtained or whether hla company was likely to take up the option It hold. " . - . . . Coomba tlngUd off Thevenow" glove. Koenlg sacrificed, Coombs going to aecond. Ruth wta purposely walked, the crowd Jeering Halnea. Meusel forced Ruth. Coombt going to third. Oehrtg walked, filling the bases. Haines was withdrawn and Alexander take up the burden, Lawerl fanned, lfalne sustained a split finger. IIKIIITII INMMt" . St. Louis! Runa 0, hlU 3, error 0. lfomaby tingled over to second. Bot tomley sacrificed. Bell filed out to Coomb. Hafey got an Infield hit, Hornsby going to hlrd. O'Parrell ' ; ' forced Hafey. , New York! Run 0. hit 0. errors' 0. Thevenow threw out Dugan. Collin around out. Pcnnock popped out to Hornsby. NINTH INNJMIK. St. Louis: Run 0, hit 0, error 0. Thevenow filed out to Ruth. Alextnder out to Koenlg to Oehrlg. Holm out to Oehrtg' unassisted. New York: Run 0, hit 0, error 0, Bell threw Coomb out at first. Bell also threw Koenlg out Jmun PRINCE RUPERT BC MONDAY OCTOBER 11, 192. i PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XJiW!itiSmf3 bbLihL aLllllB fmiXmTkmIjimmaKnL bbbbbNNNNNNh EARL OP MEATH, who recently celebrated his 85th birthday. Among other distinctions be will be known to history as the man who was responsible for the Empire Day movement, Lord Heath la, of course. Irish. Disastrous Blaze in Douglas and Treadwell on Sunday Has Destroyed 225 People's Homes JUXEAU. October II.- Seventy-five whites and 150 Indians are homcle following a fire which yesterday awept the towns of Douglas and Treadwell a little less than two miles from here across Oastlneau Channel. The resldencer of twenty-four while people and forty-two Indians were destroyed. The conflagration started In the Indian village near Douglas end wiped It out. The flames Jumped Into the town of Douglas where thirteen residences, two business blocks, the Cstbollc and Congregational Churches and the old hospital building were destroyed and then to Treadwell, destroying a tore ind office building there and eleven residence Including the household belongings, - tevery family being made homeless by TWENTY-FIVE CARLOADS OF GRAIN COMING TMO JAPAVr.M: ltl ON WAY TO Tills lOKT TO I.Otll WHEAT CAItlltl lOK OlilENT Twenty-five carloads rf grain are now between here and lied Pasa Junction bound for the Prince Rupert elevator. Four car are due on this afternoon's time freight. Two Japanese vessels are now en route to this port to load grain. The Aden Maru la due about the first of next week and the Helfuku Maru toward the end of this month. O.'Meusel up. Ruth went out tlcullng. Uouthern troops. the fire loss. The Juneau chapter of the American Red Cress haa alarted efforts to provide housing facilities for the homeless. TRAPPED IN RUNE IN SOUTH AFRICA CAPETOWN. Oct 11 Four whites and 116 natives were entombed In a coal mine following an explosion Friday. The rescuers succeeded In bringing the bodies of eleven men to the surface but there I little hope of reaching those remain-Ing. Smoke and flames coming from the shaft are visible for two mile. LOST IH'KINO STOKM ROTTERDAM, Oct. II. During a violent storm Sunday fourteen member of the crew were drowned when the trawler Amatha Maria foundered. Four members of the tugboat were lost following a collision. Wu Chang Falls to Southern Red Army of China in Civil Conflict Now Raging in Country HANKOW. October 11. That tragic episode, the siege of Wu Chang, 1 over and the Red Cantonese army occupied the city yesterday and found the woebegone populace autfcrlng from lack of food. Numerous death had taken place In the city, many of which were attributed to starvation but were said to be due to other causea, principally to the violence suffered by woinen and, children In the mad rush to reach the rescue boats sent by the Red Cross to take the civilians to Hankow. It I reported that the northern commander, who have be;n holding the Ruth wlked.' c,ty' rre made prisoner after the soldiers threw open the gates admitting the ClrcuUtlon 1610. 8 lie 593. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laitl dancing door for hire.. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latent and beat for the leant. Phona. 4S7. prcz nvz ccrjts. T. LOUIS WINS WORLD SERIES BASEBALL W Hit BULIMY ANU NtlHAlU VALLtlJ 10 JOIN WntAl PUUL I I i n i 11 oria denes Baseball Won by St. Louis After Close Contest with N. Y. NEW YORK, October II The gaunt westhrrbeaten figure of Orover nun come to LOCATE MtJIi: IN itl'Msr. or pout Farmers of Interior to Join Wheat Pool is Reported to Victoria VICTORIA, October 11 British Columbia agriculture' will be linked with the powerful prairie wheat pool a a result of successful prqdjc'.lon of aard wheat In large quantities In northern British Cclmnb:a f.r shlpm nt ts the wcrld market. The fanners of Bulkley and Nechako will Join the pool permitting the sh!;tnent of their grain via Prince Ruert elevator which tho 1 iiool controls. :he department of agriculture la -advised. MSL FRRYMAN SAW itsfinalquietus: MRS. McPHERSON VICTORIA. Oct. 11. The Provincial Board of Health pissed an ordr refusing Ihe use of Valhalla Valley cemetery she for burial purposes, Hon. T. D. Pat utlo announced Si:urday. In view o: . order of the Baard of Health, he aid. it Is not possible to use the altf .'or cemetery purposes and u a consequence the department of land Is advising the purchaser that the department will consider an application for cancellation of the agreement of sale for refund of monies on account of the purchase of the land. NEW COMPANY FORMED HERE PHILLIP M. KAY PLIN TO KO OL'NLKAL .MIIPPINO III .Si-NESS AT THIS POKT I'hlllp M. tuy, hat seerel his eoiinertlo.i with Ihe It. I. Johnson Walton Co, Ltd. and the Derate Straits Towing Co, Ltd. oil the amalgamation of the Utter company with the Paelfic (fnjle) Navigation Co, Ltd. and has organized a new company The Northern Milpplng Co, Ltd. Tlllvconi-pany will open op office In the Hats lllork. corner 2nd M. and tnd Ate. about October 13, and will art as agents for the It. I. JuluiMin, Walton Cu, Lid. and all lines represented by them, also-other shipping companies In Van-cwuier, besides being local representative for the Pacific (Covle) Navigation Co, Ltd. .A general shipping and marine Insurunre agents bnslnen will be transacted by the new company. J. 1. Ilsrdle. who lms been engaged In Ihe shipping business In (lias-tow, will join the company at an early date. COL SWEENY IS DEAD IN MONTREAL Was Commandant of Indian Army Ser-, vice Corp Training Establishment In India MONTREAL, Oct, 11 Lieut. Col. Roger Campbell Sweeny, aged 43, commandant of the Indian Army Service Corps train ing establishment In India, la dead here. Deceased, who was educated In Canada, has a brother. Bishop Sweeny. In MEIGHEN RESIGNS Omd.il I v tikes up Position of Leader at Caucus this Morning OTTAWA, Oct. 11. Right Hon. Arthur Melghen ofSclally tendered his resignation as leader of the Conservative party at a party caucus this morning. No statement was Issued. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.41 U Dunweil 1.03 l.Ofl Independence .06! Indian .04 .0$ Porter Idaho 07 ' .07,34 Terminus .13 Alice Arm Larose- .. .50 B C E.P. and O. . . 103.50 103.00 Advertise In The Dally New .MIiM.Mi LINK Mini TO HAVE BEEN FOIMJ BY INVESTIGATORS IN CONSPIRACY Cts'E LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11. Arthur Watt, ferryman at the Blythe Ehren. berg crossing of the Colorado, River haa ldentlfeld Mr. Almee Semple Mcpherson as the woman who crossed jtr Into Arizona at that point during .he early pan of last June It was announced at the district attorney's office m Sunday. Watt will be summoned i a witness at the JJcPhrrson con-piracy hearing this week. Watts t tuoted as saying that he, sio only aw Mrs. McFherson. but that te spoke her a - he- feii leu tier?.a ruos : the .iver in his boat. This Identification1 la said to furnish the missing link la the chain of evidence pursued by investigators In their endeavor to team the lady pa tor's whereabouts between May 29 and June 23 last. AFFILIATION 111(1 VOTE AKAINST JOIMNII WITH COMMt'MSTS TAKEN AT ANNl'AL CONFERENCE MARGATE. Oct 11. At the opening of the 36th annual conference of the labor party today an attempt to reopen the question of affiliation between the communist and labor party wal decisively dealt with. The vote against reopening was 3.700.000 to 390.000. MANYFANSAT WORLD SERIES NEW YORK, Oct 11 St. LouU and New York fan numbering; 328.000 paid $1,200,000 to witness the seventh world series cx-S-.-sts. Yesterday at New Yorw the weather was not good yet 30.000 watched the game. CANADA TO HAVE NO GRIEVANCE STATES KING ON LEAVING QUEBEC. Ont. 11. Canada will take no grievance to the Imperial Conference Premier King atated Saturday night u he sailed for England to attend the par-, ley. He said that Canada would be represented at the conference, as a full self governing nation within the British Commonwealth. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SAN FRANCISCO MILLS SAN FRANCISCO. Octi IX. ; Four lumber mills on BranalhiStreet were destroyed bj flrejast ,plghtjith In estimated loss of amuliohltar.'wittt-in a few mlnutea after the' discovery of the fire the entire block occupied by the mills w as a mass of flame. IIROW.NEH IKO.M LAl'Mif. VANCOUVER. Oct. 11. Martin O'Brien, deck hand on the' Canadian Fishing Company' launch' B.B. was drowned at Deep Water Bay; according to word received at his home here.