ar February 20, 1920. hone 27. SAFE SPEEDY IJA 111 RELIEF from T AS N T-R-C8 VICTOR Records . aim I.. pi' .ii'. "DEMERS" isbermen s TIMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES In SO. .nd H.M I Bom. Sold and ncom. rinded by 8.CMI Cn.dUn dfJitUll. NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM Xcuritis Lumbago Sciatica IhcII I Brad 1 0c t of ilhiitrattd txxAtrt tnd tmrroiM tultampk to Ttmpkuw, 121 KjuW. , Twito 1. each 3 for $1.00 Beginning at Eight O'Clock Today! COME EARLY AND HAVE THE BEST CHOICE! : i- ..I lilic Ii l.iiiitiii- Victor artist in this 'cnii! lii ruin iiliHi price- jrivfii idmve. 10-inch doiible- THEY WON'T LAST LONG AT THE PRICE! VNu 12-imli double -sided Records 79c or 2 for SI. 50 - inner Pro W ere 7.V and 1 .70 r.irh. ftflcieMwMd ast Two "Weeks of our Big Sale WONOERFUL BARGAINS IN DRESSCS. jme and tee our prices. We mutt have room for hew stock EVERYTHING ON SALE t P.O. Box 327 Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISHNETTIfiG AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices .'pself, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. Steamship and Train Service PftlNCC RUPERT will h ' PRINCt RUPERT r-r VSNCOUvm. I! 'CTOIA, StATTlt ami liitenueilMir l"l.' m'H rRIDAV l ". I I. PRINCC'RUPtRT t'.t STEW AKT ANYOX. WEDNIDT. 10 pjn . PRINCE JOHN fi.r.l.uMI) Tor VANCOUVER QUEEN CHARLOTTE t AC BMnft PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ytRr IWONDAV, WEDNESDAY imt SATUROAY ! p.m. ! PRINCE OEOROE, v"vivwit vv siinir svwa sin """- - ... .iitui i iryft. t HOi.nCT ALL OCn i wiRiw.- ft Tlchtl Offlct, &2S TMf Am Printt RuptfU CANADIAN Phon 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services ritiT ... - t- ri i. W Sai inffs trom rnnce ruipen lETCUKANWSVkCEM,' JUNEAU: SUCWM . f"" sl2",1"'? ,5 I VICTORIA iW SLATTLC wmrjii".'".- 'BuUd.U, Sw.n.on B.,. B.ll. Bill. F.M.. N.n.u. Al.rl Dir. nifiri villi llivvu v tr f --- . . . " ff All SL.m.hlp Lin. ,'"' "'"ntlon ,rom- .T. . -..., n ...... I . Oormf of 4th Slrttl (nd Srd Anu. P'ine nup'n, Local and Personal Plfoiic, 15. P.ll, Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi, Phone 078. B.C. Undertakers. Phone At A ht message- fit lli3 Army. Cainoi'on s I'hunc 177. Dance I'riiiif Charles. VJCK3 If If Orclicstra. if ' -in- l- and come again lo fii Army. Two cars at your service Sneddon. Taxi. , I'bone 131. tf Mimeographing: circulars, etc Mis Jolinnlone. l'lione a7. ti Br'pg your furs to Goldkloom. He paya the highest price In Canada. ilallicn' Whist Drive in St. Andrew' HouifM on Monday evening. February. 82 at 8 p.m. Ad-niiiAioii 50c. Hefrplitnen. NViinn (if Moo-li""art l.i'fjioii will nii'i'i at the MHiim)I lla l 2 n'rloi'k touidiniw Sniuluy lr attcml the funeral of the lair H. Fobs. All Muoe iihmiiIh-i's ar- nj- I lie. led to aiPft at the Melrupli Hull ttimorn'w Siimlay at 2 '- iriiN'k to allitij I he fuiHTiil of Hit lat- Dnil her It. Fon. V. Lamb, who is oiiiing n iinri- at tjuffn r.harlolii! City, i- 1 iilir in I hi- city un iiuiiiui'i It' uirunl from ilir Inluml Dip Prim')1 i!hailc last niplil aii itt rt-lurif lljrr oi'lhat vet'l t ill I'VfllilltK. 1 Albert Fort hi. formerly rook unit latterly WMt(-lirnaii at the I'riiM- lluperl Sprnre Mills, r- iiiriK-d to the cily from Yaueoi-'t lnl nisht havin? conic uorth x in the Maud uu Hie ."teaiiKr FrMiiri ItirhurtUini and tii nepliew. Master Sern,iu l Duey. arrixsl hi the nty from Tkll on Hie Prime Charle taut nirtiL Tin taller U here for medical Iremliiieni. Mr. HirhanjMin will return In Uio ialanda toflidib i. K. M if tie, Mixiueir tor the lrt incial depart NM.'nl of .uti tie work, returned from Victoria on the Priiire Ileal riee II' moi iniif!. He will reniain here fur ii ciK-ole of week and will :,'-n iiinhaidy iir-x-etil in i (Joeen Charlollc Nland. Mrs Milne and family, who have been in the xnulh for several month will ie returning north in about In month time. F.njoy Ihebigfiux at the Aitiiy Mleamer Prinep Charles i:.ilt. Xeil McLan. arriml from Vancouver via the ijueen thar- '!le lland at 8.:io lut evening .mil will return vnilli over the -am.- route at 8 o'elook luiiijilit: I'lie aeniat xkipper and hi popu lar offitN'r reported -a rousb .a-aif irlh especially to while riwmiia up from the south to the north end of the llainU. lfow vet. lliey are uel lo that kind i f lliinK now and old man .Neptune hoid no terrors fur them Die e-.KO made a uew call "'is trip at Dlunden Harbor, nir (jneen Churloite Sound, south of Alii "on llaiiior. where the Itlumlon Harbor Logging Co.. a syinlirii'i f ex-army officers, lia openctl a new camp. I ne Charles, which ImMihl n liplil intsMitt:er list and fri'irlit I'nrgd hi this port was at the elevator this morning takniK on some of Hie Carter- ilalls-AldtiiFcr Co. eiuipmenl whirl) is being n-nuncit Iroiii here ikw (hat Ihe elevalor con tract is finished. Always a Messing al the Army, ANNOUNCEMENTS THE DAILY NEWS fcAGE TIT REE SUFFERED TERRIBLY FROM CONSTIPATION FOUND COMPLETE RELIEF AND HEALTH BY TAKING "FRUIT-A-TIVES" BBBBBBW. H&. j5B MR. J. BEATON "It is with irreat plusure I recom mend your medicine. I ralfered terribly from Constipation, a Biliousness tnd Kidney Trouble. I reid About "Fruit-A-tiTes" in the ewsppfrs and how promptly they retierrd Uiee diseases. I derided to try box; After taking only one box all my trouble was (one. I continued to take this splendid Fruit Medicine and now I am enjoying good health. I believe "Fruit-a-tives" is the best remedy in the world for Constipation, Iirer and Kidney troubles." John J. Reaton, Mabou Minrs, 8. "Fruit-a-tive" a,re .Nature's own remedy for Constipation and other distressing troubles due to a weakened condition of the lirer and bowels. They are made from the intensiBed Juices of apples, oranges.: figs and prune, combined with tonics. They will always relieve Constioatior., Biliousness, Headaches, Kidney and Liter Trouble. 25c and 50c a box. Yoiiiij.- pfijilc enjoy t lie Army. Scandinavian Dance ton'flht In Boston Hall. ..Llndseth's' orches. tra. Popular p'cture service In United Church on Sunday even. Ing at 7,30. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Wilson will sail this evening oh Hit l'rinee Charles for Maxell. Mouse wlii-t drive and dance. Wedpewfay. February ii.ln Met-' ropole Hall al 8.90 imonpL At 7:16 last nihl Hie Jire de parluieiit ifspomled lo it faNa alarm from llox in at' tltc roruer f Fifth Avenuv am) (.Jrveji SI Ilradhury and Yelfs seiner Tip Fop was taken out jif .tjfe water al I lie dry dock this inornin- for . .. .r. t r . . rieanina anil pan II m;.' and aimu il overhaul. i. A. iMMtlaiid, hical iiianaet of the Ifiipprial Oil .Ci sailed this luumins ou tli l'rinee Beatrice for Ocean Falls on a business trip. Dau?bter of Kn?lnnd whist drive Tuesday. March i. from 8 to IS, in" Metropole llaJ. Sit prixes. Itelreshinentfs. Come and have a good time. - ? J. A. Miller sails by (lie Prince Charles totiiglil fur Ouccu Clmr- lotte Cily to uiiderUila: .survey work for Hie provincial department of public wnrkiiy : Provincial Police Chief A. Mc- Neiii sailed ou the Princess Ilealrire this morning Tor Ocean Falls "and Delia Coola. He will be away about a week, . C. A. Maekeiuie. C..Y.K. travel- Irmr ear service mgent witlt head quarters in Winn'ipek, nd Mrs. Maekenxie . are visitors in the lf.v. They arrived yeslenhy accompanied liv F. (5. Jackson. nssilani suierinlt;inlent a t Sinilhers, and will return Kasl on tonight's train. ' Mrs, T. A. llajoul bt Tied is n isitor in the elty. Iiaving arrived from (lie islands on (lie Prince Imrles lasl night. She was mat hero by her daughter , Miss C.. w "'ille Peters, the school teacher High School Dance, lilks' Homo, Feiiruary 20. Wesl holme Theatre, March 2 and 3. Prince Rupert Players Chili presents a new Joyous comedy "Wedding Hells." For Sore Throat Rub limit wit Vi,kt:tf warm Aaniitl. It 4vbl 4lict tctltn llrhal,d..4Vi,rbdl brti i wOcomi r.h.C f fieorgehiwn and together they will return to (ieorpelown on Monday. Mrs. Uiijuut will viit with her daughter for a few (weeks before returning; lo Tlell. DANCING. Church Notices Baptist Church Mornlns service at li o'clock. Subject; "The Victor's llobc and llecognilion." Sunday school at 12.30. Kveniiiff worship at 730. Subject: "Hie Clialleuse of lie-glet" bcinjf a last word to the "Man who did it." This will conclude the erie. You arc cordially invited to both services Christian' Science Society Service every Sunday morning al II o'clock, at 2 So Second Ave., Hays' Hloek. Subject ou Sunday Mind." Wcekniiglit meeting ou Wednesday evening al 8 o'clock. Testimony. Presbyterian Church Morning worship at II o'clock. Subject: "Maanificent, but no! war." Itible class and Sunday School al 12.30. Come yoursel ves ami brimr your children Evening service at 7.30. Sub ject: "The Hem of His Oarnicnt.' Preacher. Ilev. Chas J. Cameron, l'li.D. Ail cordially invited. United Church The Churcji of Service. Ilev Oeo. O. Hacker, pastor. Miss Isabel lladilock, deaconess. Mom ing service at It o'clock. Mr. darker is starting a series ol Itible studies for the l.enlen period. These should prove in- terestin-.'. Sunday .-.fliool at 2i30. Kvening service at 7.30. Illus trated Iravelogue. Ilucaiioii iicauiy and spiritual upiur are all combined in I he seeing of lln-se pictures. Lutheran Church St. Paul's I'irglish Lutheran Church. Metropole Hall. Third Avenue. Ilev. P. K. llafIer. It.D.. patr. Morning service o'clock. Sermon tonic: "The Cris a divine necessity." Sun day school al 12.15. F.veniii; ervire at Sermon topic "Some csM'tiliais lo success.' Anthem, "Dear lo the hearl ol the ShephiTd" by the choir. Salvation Army You will meet your friends, know ints e about Ood and the future will be brighter by al- leiulii'tf the Armv meelings. Sat- tirday at 8.IT. The shoppers hour. Sunday al It. Holiness. At 7.30 p.m., subject "The Ma:i who knew." Tliis will inleres. you. Sunday school al -'.0. We have a seat for your child, rues-day and Friday.'' Semjls and (uards meetings on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. I lie singing will hies yiu. Let the Army serve you. I Rupert East Gymnasium Church! Pastor Ilev. F.van (taker. Sun-I .I-.. I II- I. ! ..-I.. v.. .. ) 'Ill ..... uu iiwi at ..-hi, -i service at 7.30. Fvening subject will lie "The Majesty of the Mas ter." "Come and gel acquainted. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DIlSHY ISLAND. Pari cloudy, calm; barometer. 2'J.58; tcmpe itlure. II; sea miiooIIi; k p.m. spoke tug Lome 5 miles north o- Hose Spit southbound; 7.30 n steamer l'rinee Charles norll.- huund; 12.15 a.m. iu sleamei Culala northbound. DKAD Til UK POLNT.- Daro- ineler. 2P.8C; temperature. 3'J. Ill I.I. HAItHtilt. -- Dvercasl fres southeast wind: barometer. St'.lrt; teinierature. II; ea mod erate; 3:10 a.m. spoke steamer Prince itupert abeam Sunny Island southbound: 8 a.m. spoke lug txipe Scoll abeam South End Cove southbound. Noon DliillY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 2D.00; temper- Mluio, 111; sea smooth; 10 a.m. ik earner t'riiieess tleatncc lorlhbound; 12.30 p.m. lug Lome r south bound; 12:30 noon Catala hie at Anyov southbound. DKAD THKK l'ltl.NT. Itaro-I meter. 2t.88; temperature. H. Ittl.I. HAIlllOlt. Cloudy, strong southeast wind; hummclcr 2l.l5; temperature. 1 1; sea moderate; 8 a.m. spoke tug Pacific Monarch towing Hlackwulf olT Egg Island bound for Squirrel Cov e. .lo.eph SiKinuinl will sail to- liiiilil on Hie Prince Charles for Vueeii Charlotte City whero ho has decided lo locate. His family who are now leshlinir in Ilir Hayne residence on Heach Place.) will remain here for a montfi; nu .. H . . i .. . .his. ii. u. urewe wigs to an- or so netore tirooeeding to I in imunee dial slie has secured tbejlslands. services of Howard Frizzed audi- r will frive-a series of special les- snns in nm Cliarlcslon and tin St. Louis the latest ballroom dances. I.esvms will bo held in the . evening on Tuesdays nn-l Thursdays al Mrs. Crewe studio lluys Hloek. Phone 511. W r.f ALSarSieUT Builds Up Yvurlkalth Mnhnnilliiill,wllnHUw, mmmmmmmmtmmmmm 1 1 ELI.KalJ n V T " A Balance in the Bank HE. allowance of the house wife, cr the saWy of the bus iness gixL will last longer and go farther if paid into the Dank and withdrawn only as required. The temptation to spend for unnecessary things will be less, and the balance to carry forward each month will be greater. LadUt viU rueivt courteout, helpful alltntien from our Stall. The Royal Bank, of Canada Prince Rupert Branch F E Robertson, Manager DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., W- Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers. Dimension. Slnplap. Fir Finish, Flooring. V Joint. Rustic ami Uevel Siding. Cetlsr and Fir Hiiift Lumber. Fir and Cottonwood Veneer. .Mouldings, Shingles. Motored Shingles, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sash and Doors. Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's CemcnL As beslos Cement, Hardwall Plaster Plaster of Paris, Plaster Hoard. Lime, llydrated Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Hrick, Fire Hriek, Pressed Urick. Agricultural Tile, Vitrified Pipe. Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Hiiildiug Paper, Tar Paper, Rublteroid Roofings, Julius. Manvillc's Asbestos Roofings. AsphalL Asphalt Roofing Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kitchen Range. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. FISHERMEN! Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. Prompt utteuliou to the small - a is and scratches may save you a week or two ol sickness. See tf you have the following goods in your kit, if nut, .all l uur slore uud get supplied. Iodine Lysol Germicidal Soap ' Bandages Adhesive Plaster Cotton Wool Lint Vaseline Epsom Salts Castor Oil Liniment Tweezers Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. We have a Tides and fiuides Tor you if you require it. Ormes Limited Tlio Rexall Slore Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Slore open 8 a m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 to 2. and 7 to 9 p.m. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 73S i . n i