or- TAXI W Wmmk. andlV- Ambular,, Service 'U . . I .1 A.l! , '"T Unjnnvm mijvill JljjMj . j n.l U.I.I i.i OlBnu i'ui"' vi u and 6th 3L MATT VIDECK, Prop. YtJ Ml 1J REW hteen million susnets in aiors . In Country Elevators on C.N.R. Lines M -l i IK leb. :0. W-hile n a lante quantity marketed tlii year i a meat deal to b On Hi.' i.uiiitdiao Xa- - i her in nlore all lralur Ib.iyu.iMHil -ii il. nidi ii follow: t t.OKi.lKMI bushel; wan. i.;iim.ihio buh-u. 1.005.000 bunhels. Ii" pal week In- aver- al.' Vancouver !.". car daily hriiai-. il fur tin- eaon - '.. midlilKht of I eb- URDER CASE IN MANITOBA Mother to Death Result of Quarrel ASi.j.i. jn. .)l i i imii of iee, areiied i In- J'.' ear old 1 ii fiirin iioar Kalteala, i mi laie .velerdiiy wai ar- Fmi-tcoii IUi in-'ii'1";'. , in.iualil her i" I ini Hier ordered her on l ' : i In rut noun' wood, lie I i ium) in the ipiurn-l whieh '-il li - Hllbbeil her In delilll ' bru"' pinv wood. i i m y w v iitiii rx i KtNln WIN AI INDOOR TENNIS iidon Beaten by Jean Borolra ai New York Yesterday and Rene Laooste Winner NI'N YOIIK. Feb. JH -Franre". il- ..... Ik...:. j 1 ....i.l 'i i ii i " ii ii it .liii Hiii i-t m 'in 1 1 ! j ' ; i . ..,,t MM. I.... l.. ,ni .i lit ill - j lT.Ti i 1 1 1 n , in ii- uutvs v Ik I hi nt it it I iniitil i it.f.uix I mm 14 .... 1 1 i I.. ' him I'll. Ion Kt- . u oi- JtiMH'ttiiicowlr liml Him- 11 tl 1 ' ' 1 1 It 1 1 II tll it . I ti M 1 ll- I UM.i III 1111 IIIH i - ICTORIA WON GAME HOCJKEYUST NIGHT Vli I'OIUA. Feb. 20. Victoria "IIHMIHMJ 1 1 c IHIIV lei-ii ii.ngue profelinnl Hlf'kllV oiti.i.. 1..... II... aAiil... inikii i.. ... r... ,.r inn III till lllll "4ty OF Tlii' lillle Aiih'iii-uii boat Adeline, Cap!. Itiiustitd. Willi ?,&(MI imiuiiiU of liali-Imt wa the tinl of 1 1 rasou In hrnu Im'i- ralch to jx'rl since tin- opi-nniK of I lie rialiiuji. Site sol lift fiii in Iterate Strait. The find halUoit lc will probably In iielil ,Miiila. mt 4 NORTHERN FARMERS AND THE RAILWAYS In Peace Country A upei-iiil deialei lo Ihe lid-tiioiiion llulletiu from lkaver I. odite Say: Norlltern Alberla e in Ihe in. ml ed operation of ihe F..I). V II. i:. railway by I lie prutm f Alberla lkmervalive doniiualion of the farmer roerumenl by Hull. V. W. Smith and Hon. lioii:e Hundley. Mori- di-lailed nlorte irnanl-tuir 11m- nlleiMpI of the pnivinrial mini-lei of railways lo, harlrr the iiorlliern ylein .hi eoudilion Hial Alberla Pniareivr wrerk Ihe Kin aoveriimenl. keep fii-loriiMr Iii from a reliable Miuree mill lend color lo I be ireM'd Tvar IIihI a fnr-renehuii enn-Hpiraey belweri protainenl I .F.A. eubinel uilniler and eer-t i afoot lo land ii 1 1 1 lim- Torie Ibe riner alive parly in power in lln province. Old-Mnier recall Ibe vlrulenl i i-ihi iin .if Ibe ininiMer of ;w- linn- ilirorled ilHaiufl the I'PMoe llier ennnliy and (he I!.I ,V ll.i'.. and whirh finally refilled j in I lie rollap.- or neuoluilinu ,,.ijine.l lo fu-e Ihe Alberla road Willi UN' i;..vu. Meiii in IU17. They affirm that Mr. Iloadley, all bough nclive ill I'.F.A. i-iri'le. ha never had n rliniwe f "'a''1 '"'""' II j, fvidenl Umt Mm north eounli'V will eek a Miowdown or. Hie whole railway ilunlinn at Iho -eion of Ihe Alberta preenl l,eiiilalui-.'. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal C.I'Jl. It.ll. Silver. Kunwell (llaltoue I.. I Marmot I Premier porter Idaho Independence Subs Bid. ... i. nr.'.; .135.00 1.71 i. tm ... .i - ... M ... ;2.3rt .IIU .0! Asked. 1.80 2.10 .20 2.10 .13 .11 - the Daily News. brother, Jtnberl Jones. CHIEF JUSTICE GRANTS ORDER Qlves Man $50 a Month From Deceased Wife's Estate When Cut off With Dollar VANCOI YKIt. l eh. -0. The "averajr woman" i lucky if she ni'M-i- jifi autre tban one rrm-k from lu-r huxliatid," aM i:inrl JiikIii'i- II null r lixl'ij in Ki'antinu a "' it niontli alUiwaiici' 1 Janice Ihi'kn', wiioKi ilciM!Heil wife, ii Yaneuuver miller, l r I him wild onlr !." out of an l,-ft(l iilale. The nieculor of (he nutate 0Mieil the apl'e.aliun I tickle wlin naiil he K ipsli-Inle. The irrtMimlo he assumed for hi wife jii-liim wa Im'phus'' lie wa iianied ei-reqHndenl in a d(nrer inc in l'Jl. "I am not umiitc to lhrrw him oul iti the ii-iM if !) iiixir(ed If. in f'T Irt year in ile f Ihi rniTiimliirl.' ;iiil the Chief FUNERAL OF LATE THOMAS JONES TO BE HELD IN SOUTH 'I1e l-einuui '.f flu- Inle Timina Jni, iio-.i- li-.iih o-Mirrwl iiikb-nly yi-leril niorn-Inw. Wfill le forwiirili'd aboard Ihe oteainer (lalala lln ei-nnn VaneiMivei- wlieri- inleriiieni will lake idace. The Imm- will Ik- ae- rtuoktinn at Dlfnoilllon of CD. I eoiiiuaiiird woiilli by deeeaMNl " r - . . ... .... . ... A B.C. Still Being Discussed There Wa. a ervn-e al ;l '- flork Ihi- afternoon in Ihi- U.L. tmlrrlakei' Parlor. He. K. II. Turner offieuled and a larsr number of Irieml wen- pre.i-ni lo pay I heir lad rciper l.. Flower were enl lo UNiay erviee by .Mr and Mrs. V. 1. Ubrilioii. .Mr. ainM Mrs. N. Mu- sallwtt, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Mar- d.'iiald. Mr. ami .Mr W. Murray. I'nnee ll.i-ri i:.rddaui- l.eaiiie ami Pi-inei- lluixii Football A. noeialiou. i WEATHER REPORT j 'lrraee: cloudy, oalni; lemp.; 31. ! Anyoji: cloudy, calm: tenip. SO. Slawarl: cloudy, ealnl: lenip. 31. IlitfUuit: l'ari cloudy, eaUir lemp. SO. Telejri-vtdi Crek: cloudy, ottlni; leirtp. IH. Sinilher.: vloudy, calm; letup. . jfllurns Lake: fogy, calm; letup. It. Vliilohoie: cloudy, calm: lemp. 3. Slewnrl llivcr. Y.I.: I'.loudy, calm; lt below. Ii.iwson: Miowiitg. south wind; ti inp. :t. Average for Yukon: zero. MRS. ESTHER OLIVER DEAD GAS POISONING ! VANCOUVER APARTMENT VANCOUYFJI. Feb. 20.-- The body of Mrs. Father H. Oliver, u wiiow. whs found in the kitchen of her suite in an apuriineul hoilsn, All the gas Jets had been imiicd tin full. Vho had been dead several hours when di covered ly her son. SMALL POX DEATHS. I.OS AXiiF.I.KS. Feb. ;'0. -lleuHts fiotn smallpox since Feb- h'v 1 siiinil n' -it. ENGLISHCUP FOOTBALL WAS PLAYED TODAY LiMiiX. Feb. Tit.- fWth i'i)iniil Ilic I.n-ii-li Football AiM'ialiiin t;ii wa idayed lo- hlduii V. XeWl.-llc Initfd o. Mil I wall 0. SwaJteu, . Sunderland 3. Alnnehe.ifr I.. :i. Noll Coiinly fWulltain 1. Itidt.Ki 3. SoiillirliKl-l n. Anton Villa I. r-enal i Maitnhiei' tJilyjll nei i. j outlieid n. .NitfH K ANOTHER KELLEY !--1 1. SCOTTISH CUP THIRD ROUND- Ituinhai I.. i, !. tllj.l- n. Third I.iiiiurk i. I i --It 1 1 1 I). Falkirk . ttiinwef Morlm I. Alhtfin . .Uwdem :'. si. JmIhi-Ii.im i ItaUiuale .'. iiifieMan 5. Ilearl , r.ellir . l. Mirren CiiptK-W 1 Company Is Moving Its Headquarters From One Side of Logan Inlet to tho Other The Kelb-y Logiiig Go. j re-opeuniK il bea.buarters camp it l.o?an Inlet. Moresliy Island, ami some jn brfiter arrived there from Vancouver on I his week's (rit nf 'tlip Prince Charles. Tin- her of witnesses to corroborate it. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMIINCi: Ml PKHT. M.U. &VTI ItllAY FKIUIL AHY 20, 1U20. Yesterday' circulation, till '' 8lrrrl Sales, J7I ARREST MADE MURDER CASE ormal Charge Against Alex, Andcison Who Qae His Address as "City Mission VA.Ni.Ol VI It. Fib. Alex. , iIt iii. jiiv.iw lii addri'.. 'ai ily Miiin, Vaiietnier, wa .ri.'-l I in Citiii.ei'linii with the i i. id.', oi Joiin lloiiiv uiJay ..Hill. I'i i-oi er a iil'-iilified by two wilneKxe a tine of I lie tw o Itaii-iil. ilf ;ii4',iiii in the toliei i:rytal I'al- n.iri thi nioriiiu. w.i formally K'liHi'ueil willi Hie murder, and wa reniaiidei) fur one week. The e.iiTli Tin- tin- i-iiiii.inioii i cu.'i- t HI Willi'. inirrt. wi.n wa iroriutor of i ni'iffi limiarj and mi ft drink ore ai lint i anibii- Slrecbwa Has! 'i (me of two bandit. Iw euue he did nol take eriuuly tin- order Ij liobl ui hi Jiand. lakiiiu il lo be a iraelicaI.Joke. The robber took S from ' the eii rejiiler and dvamiieil. fol'oweil by iect.kltr. and o reel. tWANTSJNQUIRYJNTO REMOVAL OF EMPLOYEE " nmm nrnnririur IMll fALUrLillllU Aid. Stephens Posts Notioe of Motion for Next Meeting of City Council , Aid. Stephens lia posted notice thai be will move al next Tuesday evciiinji's council ljiecl-iik thai an iux estimation be ordered into tin- reasons for removal of John M. Iug?un from hi posilion in the empfny of (he ill Mil ic ilepartmcnl and Ihe. ap- company iieailiiuaciers camp i ; ponii mem m ins successor, o lieiiHi moved from its present Ihisvau. il i slated, waslaid file In Tanu llainl on Hie oppo- j off Ihe ulilllies pang lat "fall nile side of I.oaim Inlet . The old and another man wa taken on camp will be operated under in hi place. Iiiupan i now with contract. Mm- publir works department.: Vancouver Man Blew His Head Off with a Shotgun This Morning Launch Battled for Two Days with Huge Waves and Derelict Timbers Before Reached Shelter VA.NCDI'VKIl. Kcli. 20. Willi five holes punched in hr hull above the wnler line by flouting logs encountered during n gale, with which she battled recently in yueen Charlotte .Sound. Ihe VI foot gasoline boat "SeasheU" limpe'd into porl yeslerday. Tie craft, which is owned by Ihe Hanson Logging Company, lefl Porl Hardy about Iwu weeks ago riiuiiiug into heavy seas soon afler she renched the open sound. She was caught in a The Hecate St rails Towinjr Co.'s tua l.orne arrived in port at noon loday U take on fuel oil and provisions. Hie Lome left outside Hip harbor the bbr loy cariyitn: bare Uriimrock which she i lowiOjj frtuw I'tgusau Ituy near I'oti Clenie-nt wiMi one mn- Hon,.feel of logs on boanl. The Boston Grill Large Lpslair Dining Hall., with newly laid dancing floor fur hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICE FIVK CENT JAP SHIP ATE RATS AND CAT ANiUUVtR MAN COMMITTED SUICIDE TO ESCAPE POLICE COURT TRIAL m mm m m apanese rorcea to Lat Rats and a Cat Before Rescued from Freighter s Hl.WCIMCO. Fell. 2". Fourteen 'tuning survivor ,i l- Japanese freighter llaihuu No. M. which without . - ocd h lorm were reamed Thursday by Ihe. tanker w hi iniil-l'in ilir. The men had heen forced to enl all iheir eal i-onhl capture hud when rat", failed, Ihey ale lo keep life in Iheir bodies. i. eu nomlicr nf the crew of the ll.o-hiiu who are n- lielievcl ! have been drowned when two lifeboat ! i tut ifiorl ! reach liuitl hihI venire aid. They left l igo ami Mim- thai no truce of Ihem ha been eeu. UCHGRAN YET ar m m mi wm m !, U Bfc III AKR.t 1 tl HALIBUT BOAT TO BRING HER CATCH Slow Progress Made with Wilkins Supply Expedition from Tenana to PL Barrow NKNANA. Feb. 29. The Wilkins Irans-nular exin-iJitiun Mijijdy parly whirh et oul nvor a week ap on a 7H mile journey to I'oinl Itai-f.nv willi gaoline, food and oilier supplies for Hie flight over the pole to .Spilzbergen, made eighl mile. ThurJi- dav. Up to Tlmr-day niglit they had progreM?d 50 mile iiiee leaving here uine da ajro. COHDOVA. Feb. 20. Difficulties which . hampered the progrex- or tin uppiy I'iiny irom Aauana are nol HKeiy lo reuii in the ubaudonment of Ihe miow mntui, Captain George Wilkin d i l.ired. as he pai'd through here en roule lo Fairbanks. 3ARGE DRUMROCK HAS 1IIRCFS f N R LUW TUrV VfllXUUUYEIY Tug Lome, Wh'ch Is Towing her South Is in Port this Afternoon for Fue. and Provisions lAKt VM. Sixteen Million Acres of Land Would go With Line and Also E.D. A B.C. OTTAWA. Feb. 2U. -llesuniini hi fpeecli in the uue of Common lal nrlit, l.eon I.ad-ner of Vanwnver South again re-ferrwt lo hi. clieme by which the Canadian National would. taki over the lUirific lireal Iat- ern Itailway and the Fdmonton. L.tf Vlc U. Ibe I'rinre Hupert. I)mPSal am jji . . SprUce Mill and are lie tildj" I'mln- Ibe propial. he point-n aiM ouvi-r now tlia: the .local; rd ouf. Ihe Xational lines would plant is nut ol eommiiMioii. Tin- loadiiii; of I Me ios vva iipemsed by M. A. .Marley. for merly of tin- ltal mill sialf. w!i itTiv.-d fnim Ibe Island on the rmee Charles iast nir-'lil and wil. proceed lo Vancouver on tin alala liiis evenina. RUISING OF SLATE CHUCK PULP LIMITS IS BEING CONTINUED II. F. Wliyle of the Victoria urveyiti' concern or .MUsjrrave Whyte returned on tin week's trip of lln- Prince Charles to Oueen Charlotte Cily willi a party of five hVmi. The parly will ontinue the cruisiug of Ihe Slate buck limber limits and coal holdings which are reported to have been purchased by llie He Hoys interests whose ultimate object will be the pulling in of a pulp mill. Mr. Whyte was on the slands willi a parly last year on imilar work. Frederick A. Rideway, manager of automobile VANCOUVER TOWERS o J o limit miTPiin nr firm, used death as means of escape from possible conviction VAXIHJUYKU. Feb. 20. A few miuules after .sending lw emltivt-cs out of the office on an errand. I redenck A. llulgwuy aci-ouiilant and muiiuger for a local Htiloiuoliilc firm, llijs morn ing blew Ihe lop of his head off with n shotgun. v llidgwiiy was urcsled Wednesday lal on a charge uriiiiK from iuform.ilioii laid hv two young girls and was remanded Police say Dial he intended proving a lie and thai he had a until WON AMATEUR HOCKEY VAXCUl YF.U, Fen. 0. The Vaneouvei- Towers defeated I lie Victoria Shells six lo two in Ihfi first Allan cup hockey p'.uydovvn last 1MB III. The M'COltd bailie in- iw'-en Victoria and llossland end ill tour to three on Ihe two pauie round. OLD COUNTRYFOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Iliunley t. lluddersfieid I. Caiililf City Kirmiugham 0. Leeds I. Liverpool I. Slieffield 1 . 3. West IJromwieli 2 loltenham t, Hury 2. Leeesler 2. niackburn t. Divisional. Harnsley J, Soutbaniplon 0 Hrndford Cily 0. Doruy County 0 Chelsea .. Uarliuglon i. Middlesboro t. Stockport 0. Portsmouth 0. Oldham 2, Wolverhampton 5. Sloke I. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I slorni tt ml for Iwo day (he "Senyheir halllcd W illi huge waves Clydebank 5. Kilmarnock I and derelict limbers he fore sho was able lo make shelter and Hibernians 1. Oueen Part effect femponry repair-. . , M -'herw !! v Cowd.-tibi aMi lake Willi Ibe I'.O.h. !te sixleen million aeivs of land granted by the I.eaislature. Mr. I.adner said he also favor ed an, outlet by the Pence lliver dilrict which, would connect up with Peine- Uuperl and ; i TOUGH GRAIN : IS EXCLUDED ! Fort William Elsvators Must; Take in no More and Must ! Dry What Is There ' FOllT WILLIAM, Feb. 20. Impressed by the seriousness of Ihe situation which win. bo uc-reulualed if (hero is aii early pruig. I lie pram commissioners will issue an order loday IhaW commencing March 1 aU eleva-' tor., both public amfj private. tuut proceed lo dry till tmtgli snd dainii prain in their bins. Meanwhile the elevators will be allowed lo lake In lftf more louuh strain. WAS FIRED ON BY U.S. BOAT Canadian Schooner Arrived at Lunenburg Badly Damaged as a Result of Ll .MVSTtUllli. .VS.. Feb. 20. With badly damaged decks, rig- fjlwr ami gearinsr and with evi- leuee of having been under iliell fire, the sehooncr Eastwood iirriveil here today, Captain Sidndlep assertilitr thai a United Stales revenue cutler fired evenly rounds al Hie vessel when off the Xew Jersey coast a few day nigo. -- . "STATION AT KAMLOOPS W'l.VXIPl-O. Feb. 2d.- W. A. K!iialand. general manager of C.X.II. western line, announce lhal a new station is lu W buill it Kamloon. the business of Mm railway .there bavins joulirrinvu he prcseiif structure Advorllso in Ihe O.lljy .Vnwj.