j i o D vv fxeemrs l a nn .v ?0. lOL'C. J. 1 THE - DAILY. NEWS PAGfrFlVS: WATERFRONT WHIFFS1 Company offer is rejected by fishermen short age of fresh bait some troubles '"CrtuxKl trail" Ui:ilMt of Mi&uf Cm C.L - fleef on t know I l -kill II rflllllM - "tT i In- oilier day a watch: a pood titmint ,i i ijr ii lo v mi.'' i S tier i a. $7.00 TV MBUV ft- DIl BT SAILOR SUITS T" .-leur CME mDoriers Third Avenue ur alvanre NYX il flihet makPK. "il l-rire riphl. I ni n. I V .hnA Mnrp 9 1 1 u n i uitu lii 11 U I LATEST I rnv VOGUE OF THE Rnnn-n shown In Xfrvii 1 11 I Li W . w - ' Vtila rim i Orexs l.englli. V I' 1 imTriv tin STORE Avenue Phone 753 r, nro n,,,r, s,;,.!!, ,, Ke.chi0 utH TlmmJny aflenii of i.i I V7p7?,''i ' '.' "-T1 Mi'h' :t'' I-1'" l"""i Mr.l.Mlil.ul friiiliZrnl' . '! of fpm, ,f ,e Nu. ,ymnntl j Jli.' Prince Itiiperl vole was Lr, .. agniir Wl.ilo lh,. offer on whirl, (he fil,en,.,-n v.de.l Wk- -h.1,- Willi the etrejHion of mihly lialf-a-.lnirn Ixtal that may l!ll lie in jmt1 tiHlay. all the . nH.n-,'.-i of the lornl lialihul fleet, 'larjte am) maU. are now- out on ' their flrei lri foljnuiuir the hflniK of the hnlihul rl.e e- f.m of the pat three nmnlh i.n .M.imiay i.ii. liiiMisii u w tlrliahly tie mi uanlil of , mi until the middle of not' wonfc land it will likely he next Krnla ..r Salnnlay he fore Ihe first Mhe lanrer ehooneri arrive. 1 . . . 1 : j Willi inn run 01 ncrriiip nav-in not rl r.iartPd Ihe halihtil rlKtnt have fO far lieen iiniihle n ohlam fn'ih hail wo Ihe nmm of them are, now- out. Ienitllnp (he Mic.-ulenl and huntry li'nrtbiil 'with the fr.'i'-n variety. Some of 'ihe honl eem 10 he rather ar-" 1 1 1 o fresh hail and Ihe desire Jin ohlaiu Uil may, have raided ..me delays in geltinjr In the hank. The rhnnner Inured H owned hy f.haile Un.l.tiUt and h-red l.imlnui!. for instance, re- on hand hern from Sea Maid's Plight The r homier Soa -Mai,, 1,c lotusins lo Ihe iMrren family of (hi rily and caplnine.l hy I'red Waller, ha had a disemirnpin? larl 1 lii m season. While inv ree.linir lusl 1,1 wMcm Al aska in nnler In el In Hm hank fas soon a Ihe sean u.rio-u, snslainen a nroKeu Hie ve-el rrank fliafl and N now lyinp erippled in Anrlinrapr. Due to the fart lhal is is necessary lo .end Kslst for n new shaft. It rnav he a monlh or six weeks he fore (he vessel will he aide In Mart fishinp ami a. cost of per-hnps 10(10 will he involved. In Ihe departure of Capl. Pel Ilyrvik, for lUrkloy Sound,, Vuu-lalnml. whern hi) has he. Icoine lnlcreslcd with the N.M. & o- I" "Kmle Ihe trawler New Kiulaii.l.lliiH l.nt easmi vvr vn 1 iM-ii.irp nay any mm Mian :c and 2p, ft was repar.l... ii- a general test of; the Fninn ,. ieclinp on the oelon. No dmilit other eompailie wVre walrhiiip Ihe way I lie vole went ami, . if lh fishermen hail accepted tin it. Fih Co., i,r which In- is .i lrtitiut. in h rih ri-xlurl plant, tin 'iKifMioi-n Utriel lni oiw (,r ii, kiuiwii pioneer fUlieruum and navipalors. ninny frien Mill wult Pete the offer, il i believed thai .1 mitt! -'l.el r h.K u now venfun ulf,l in ll. Cana.lia-i ami will hope ,ai . Uiiih ma 'al. ale.l tin Bulger lid.? Ual 1 INM A flol.l llJM l. ... ... i , ... r " ! nir rfiiKivi'ii when lit an. .'teralnp iU trawlers apa in m lie,..-.- Macdouald wlm Ihoupl Ihe halibut fiierl llui m.ioii. 'perhaps not .unit. active ii The fUberinon look ilifl view (Ik. p-i :i (. m 'the thai Ihe Jc an.l Jc wa no ade- jhu,- hm ...) : t........ 1 inal.-. Ml yiMi- fi-lMMiii.-n mi may n-Jiiin norlli. Il i xaiil I.i ,MC w -SMljl Hr -anl I.. Iia.- I... !..'v,.m Ml- roalni of . -r'. n puiu V.tiivI '.m irking mi a'.ihilWy Ilia!, if t,.ir v.-nturp u (II...I Vl.i:i!.i-..i'1i--2 4c .Hl... I llia;iM-.-.-H.rul ill 'ill.- ..ulh. III.' wiol- -vai.1 'nmuiliHl on Ilif local irawl.N'- V ill.-.Mar.iHlil-H..pMk inli-r .In In itiv sill i- liin Un-y M-r ln) imlnl iii l, ,a, i.ron. ii mil nita this ' " " ",,m i! n-i-W In lOtTI. fn ;.liMn.-f numi. Hut line ..I ii vay. ma nii.1.. In I In- tm-antinio, I lie rcull of acliMiy. "( li. Jt- hi in llii. Ialel voIk iuak.' il ..i.k' 4 ii ini-rr inayjM- nu JmuiI t..or-1 t;m. former f..n-.liy m.c Leila, al all thi jvar mi I lie e..in- , whi.li Iimh Ihtii nn-leraoiiiu many lay. The fnhrinicn fir: N ,,,r..iit:li riu.vBii.... Mi n. ! eannl aeri)l Hie !,ii.l ..f h.-r new ..wner. al- ami, on the i.IIi.t Ii.iii.I. ITiik-.. Huiirrl Ihal llmwe. will Jewellers lh'1 'inanie feel lUal ilicy i-an-:l'- i iim.i.y tui in aJxitji ti-n ii..! a i mm in i morn. enitcei-jiUyn nun. n i exHeU-i. Tin-(i!ly in iew .f I hi- fael Dial im-'ifew niriiie for the InmiI. wiiic:. K 'Mliieli.ii of Ihr intlcpiMi.lcni Jwa fnriiM-rly in I Up lirier SUr-l.aJ i i-ver inrrea.iiiK. Ihit'rHl, Ji- Imn-ii put in liu-e ami :n uitf the temjimef In lower j.leek Vorfc i now i.nneislni M !.. olfereal on M KTriiiiiyr'.liare. II i u.i yel i.t1ic. ,llore i. a . ertaiu aimttml nf wlutt lite nw name nf Hie vn-el -ainlile attai-hel lo the iie.l ion will lie, SwoHn ea Hint wi.i.li may work either way. I' he wan I t icel her in rtianinx Hi. tMial. ..M-raiinff. ia.eiien-!liaA he fore he worrie mut-li ilenily, ran ohla-in- fair or Mvk uhoui a name. i rii-e the filnTinen will he li4-l - . ler off Ihrooyh nolt liainc ao- Jlm'a Trunks Arrive .eepteii the offer. On the Mier Jim l.'-. lb K-iia4 nwiaiier ol 'liaml. Mioiihl iiriee ilron verv lu Allin l ihrHHi who hat been oflen in I he f ami 3e level mi .eHtinK ibe winter in Smtlatxl. I lie mehahse,, tjy ..Infertnen i eM.-i.l Imuui mxl week Hi might tw In'Ttef nff workinic on trunk- are ainaiiy home ami the eoni)8Hy hoat for :te pe iman.v Jn'e friend are im onml. II i alo lit lie taken pal tenlly awaitiRit low return (into roni.leralion thai, when wil the ke o Ibey may fee hey are wnrkmu on the loiter if lhe .oiilinn anylhiiiK- inler- han. Ihey are- nt" lakinif ,eting 'lianee i.f jtmiis in I In- hole on (i-raiHn. Cap I. ('Jamie Ketihum maile a Irifi lo Oonah Itiver Ihe en.l of laot week lakiu over Ihe ?a- liae eiiKine wlMrh a !-ol. in Ihe 1 1 .-.I! a ml in!erel- there w the linee Itutwrl Itoal lloiie and which will lie ue a the motive (tower for lleir new por' aide awmill. CpJ. "llandiMine" Jim Mnrri- )tli.tiizhl thai an oll ii.ill Ixmtlaon, now of lh ltnshhv lowtmal or no niijihl arrive with 'In- hrM fleet, lia oli Ini lialifiul fn- hnlihul of the . -31111 hyl i-hooner ('aytreim to U.tmlnir ''In- .-ml of thi weok, there willi.Marra ami -lohu Wirk. The lat Stlurned In '-' nn ThurHlny he.jrlved lal week, il w;i found lha1 - ii ...... mi-ilil In nhlain rilii-e fi-i'll II m ' " li.-iit. There i idenly of fro.en hail last year. ler will j.ki(er Ihe veel when he leve for Ihe hnuhiil hanks early m il week follow ins an overhaul winch i now in pro-prr at the Mll.etiti way. (iiiii. Chn JletdMek.'n, new owner of Die halibut lnmn (.ihon which he tiirrlia-el last lall from llernwn .Newell, ic Ui'lher who i luivinK hi" hnre of trthhlatmn lliee days and vlme hnje nf an early depart ure for the halihut hunks have heen shallered. While repair. were heiiiu; made lo the iihnn,-x enpine a few week airo, it wa found that her i-i-aiikha't vn hroken. A new nhan wahrouph! from Oakland ami. when 11 ur- A Pimply Face Is Unsightly - Mist C C. M. Emrt, South-IUttle-forJ, PaL, writes: -' A while ro I was troubled with facial blemishes, especially piroplea, aud was really asbaDied to out with such a bad lvoklug. face. I tried, 2 or 3 difTerent remedies, but they didn't help nie anjr, so oii day a friend, who had been troubled the. same as 1 was, advised me to use 1 After I had taken two bottles there wasn't pimple of any kind left on my face, ao I now hate a dear, smooth and velvety complexion." Tut up only by The T, MUbura C., liaiittd, Toronto, OU. ft ; r yvftfisGUE:; Virgina - A I ' F0 l ' it ill. I not fit. Tins has necessi tated tin feuding for annlher aud il will prohahly Ih llir.-e week.t or ni li-f.ii- this arrives, is fit. led ami Ihe (iihon will be allow ed lo yet away on the halihut uel. i'.al. tlenricksen say I hat troubles nover eujne sinply in hi direction Ihey' (ire itlways dtmhie headers. The lighthouse lender Xewins- lon, Ilapl, Harry Ornilon. left nn Tiiemlay nf Ihis week on a I en day trip to Ivory !OanduHil other poinU in Ihe Millhank Sound neiffbiMirhooil. The Itiruie made Irip the laller pari of Ihis week In Hank and l.m-y Islands. Afler havii-. penl yie , winter in .Nova Seoiia, Cjipl. I'eler Meuse elurned io the city; duriue th.' pat week. I'ele Idsl year was with Merrill Solluw. on the Hills leader hul. when he left the city. ai fall, il was his inJenUon to, i-emaui in Ibe I--it. His place ont Ihe Ringleader was. therefore.! filled ami now I'ele, who is a fislieruian and navipalor of no mean rejuile, is looklnp. for a berth. Charlie Haiti anil Harold An -4 derson pol away last -week on Ixtanl the power boat Kayex, re-eenlly bought by Ainl.-rsiiii from. Jaek l're.rotl, for l,he. yiieeo Charlotte Island wheroJliey will be engaged in liand loppinp. The parly, which eonsisted . of some seven nuii, will pinhahlyiji awaj he ie;lr. '-Vonular CJi.ii-lie Stare. Ihe iiianapi; of Hie I'a'cific .Fislierie. 1. 1 :-?'. 1., ri i.-r . ' 1. 1 i iioii- uaiu aytTj ni siiien-tures tiA'ln aii16uiobne irfp from Seattle lo Florida followed by a visitation lo the seductive isle of Cuba. The Whiff man on Thur- lay afternoon souphl an exulu- ive interview from Charlie on his trii for these columns bill that was just aflar Ihe llolatr Club luncheon where Charlie apparent ly ralke.I hinwejf dry and hoarse. So if you want lo pe4 his official record of the experiences of a wild and woolly norlhwest- erner at lanpe in the slatd aud sunny sonlh, we would refer you lo yesterday' . Iaily .News where said record was given in full. Salmon Prospecting , Capl. Kolirl, well known skip-ler of Ihe trollinp boat llonilo. plans leavinp about the middle ot Mareh for Ihe southwest end ot On ceil Charlotte Islands lo prospect for salmon prounil. Cap?. Nick Nelson of the HaKoi-en. Capl. l.und of the Uiindas aud Capl.. Sorenson on Ihe Jennie will prohahly accompany him to .see that, he behaves himself 'aud. incidentally does pot pel exclusive rights on anylliinp Hint may, be, nf exceplloual valuo. If lhini turn. out, Hm way ho.expecU them In, Capl. Kohrl will usn the llouito o pack salmon, la Ihis lnrl. In readiness for life sea son's operations, the Bonlto bus :a,Uf heen underpoinp a goo.1 deal ot poms over lately includinp the installation of a new aulomatiei salmon purdy. ; Flewin & HrowiO pow-erlmal 1 Tapk)w was in port from I'or' ' Simpson at the end of this weekj umleivnins some touching up at 1 the McLean ways preparatory lol Ihe starhns of Ihe saUuori trol-linp season. The. Flew in A Itrown Irollins esimp. at Wirke Island will he reoi.ened in about ten! days' time: The halihut schooner While Ijly is al the Mel.ean way for recsiulkuip and other repairs before M'ttiup- out about Hi first of next week for the fishinp grounds. The trollinp boat F.Iida, be- lonpinp lo Ihe estate of the late, John Oland of Lewis Island, who died in Ho; city last .mouth, was soldilhis week hy John liyhhavti to It. H. Hudson who will use the vessel this season in trollinp work in- whfelr he was formerly eupaped. Th, Hilda which is a staunch jitlle, vessel in pood eon- diiion, i 32 feel lonp, has a 9' (V beam, and a three foot hold. She is powered wilh an H h.p. Imperial enpine. The halihut schooner. AUi re-turnetl to port on TlmrVday af-lermMiu on acc-ount of Ihe illness of her skipper, Capl. William Kussey, who Is now tinder, the doHoc. care at- his residence, li:iO Second Avenue..- The All! pill oul for Ihe banks .-itraiti yesterday in enminand of Capl. Chrii llejiricksen, formerly of .the- A-liancj"','Yi. K iind'-'iinw owner ot the schooner flibsoii which i.-laid up in port awailinp the arrival of a new chank shaft. Union enmes Calala was i port from the south; at injilnipu last uiphl anU after making- her-chlls at Auyox and Ihe Nalisl lliver twlay, will be back .apaiif loniphl smilhboiind. Capt. J. A.! Findhiy is at present on Ihe hridpc of Urn Citala relieviup Capl. Andy Johnslojie who in ashore in Vancouver on holidays. Arlhuc firaves, the "well known purser oT the steamer Princess lha trice, wlio has beep holding down the office on the l'rincess Kna rerently and who since he was last here has assumed lh' title nf Count dn Craves, will praee the city with his presenci for the next week, or so haviup arrived Ihis nim-niiw; to relieve in Ihe local .C.IML office while Wal lace Orchard makes a trip next week to Ihe Portland Canal re gion. C.lP.V steamer l'rincess lUsaU rice, wilh her lepplhy, nklpper Tptn, dure on, the briilpp, arrived from the south al 10 ;o'chick thl- morning and returned south1 at noon. Canadian National Railways Prince "Rupert DRYDOCK Loggers! LOGGERS AND SHIPYARD Opertlng,G. T. P- 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, NUchinisU, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Foundrs, Woodworkers, Etc; ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE: WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE' AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38. loggers! Ve havf the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in the North. Wc handle Logging Gable, Axes, I'eavies, Saws, and general Camu Equipment It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to rYuzell Butcher Shop, acror from the Empress Hotel We. carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION dames Zarelll Proprietor The standard of iPurity for ' over 160 years uiiuerwiuiii London Dty Gin $3.25: thtzboltle TjiUyerUsementls not piibjished,' or displayed by, the ' Liquor Control Board or liy the Goveruiueut of Untish Columbia.