THE DAILY NEWS Monday, DecemWn PAGE SIX NOW IN FULL SWING Many Bargains In COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT Indies Keady-to-Wear Third Ave. Phone 651 If your head ache, or readiug or work, strains your eye, or if you are the lea-1 bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then cooMill us! Glasses are inteuded lo make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage shows that we know bow to produce such glasses. Hove your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland UltADl ATK OPTOMETRIST 27 Tears Practice 319 Third Aienue. Opp. O.W.V. WOOD II Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load 56.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack 50 Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenu Phono 580 Night or Day WC BUY BOTTLES. i aWMsWsWWMsaHsMssaWsV I For I Xmas Giving Perfumes, In single bottles 25c to $13.50 Perfume Sets, $1.70 to $20.00 Manicure Sets $2.00 to $22.00 French Ivory Sets $2.00 to $25.00 French Ivory by the single piece. Clocks Brushes, Trays, Mirrors, Combs Perfume Bottles Manicure Articles etc Rupert Phapmacy Prescription Specialists We Deliver. Phone 91 TEN DAYS TILL XMAS. BUY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH A Few Gift Suggestions Gent's All Wool Sox, per pair 90c to $1.25 Gent's Silk and Wool, per pair $1.25 Gent's Cashmere Sox, per pair 50c Ladies' Silk Hose $1.00 to $1.75 Ladies' Gift Boxes $1.00 to $1.75 Gent's Gift Boxes 85c to $2.25 Gent's Scarfs $1.75 Ladies' Scarfs $1.25 to $4.25 All Mechanical Toys reduced to half price. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. I I - . I II I I IfiL'infi I HIT II I tilll.lIIV . lllll II I t CAIC OfthL I HAREM WIVES NEVER SAFE Ql.UNT .MIXTIKK Of U.MKVAMI XJIALOK TAKES PLACE OF ANCIENT, ItAKHAKIC LIXIRV A traveller who haa spent many years in the east says the ancient, barbaric magnificence of the east it fast disappearing, and being replaced by modern Improvement. Many eastern rulers hare been at college In the Occident and when they return to their home, modern Innovations return with them to replace the primitive thirds and customs of centuries. Perhaps the one thing that impresses the observer when he enters an Eastern palace is the quaint mixture of luxury and squalor that often pre vails. A writer says: I have been In palace where the rooms were filled with priceless furniture and magnificent Persian carpet that would have fethced a fortune, but the windows were broken and mated with dirt, hole sppeared In the walls and celling. and the cheap and gaudy prints might possibly have fetched half a crown at auction." I remember being entertained by the chief of a State along the northen frontier of India, who claims descent from Alexander the Great and rules aver a people whose customs have scarcely changed ln the past two thou sand years. The walls of the reception-room wers hung with portraits of k!rs and princes, some of which were upside down The average day of the Eastern chief opens early in the morning. Just titer sunrise, when. If be be a Moslem. h performs the first of the five dalle prayers Incumbent on ail true believers. If a Hindu, he will do his "puja." or worship, to the gods, and consult tht cmens with bis astrologers, for nothing may be attempted nor any important work undertaken unless time and thf ,3 PULP TIMBER SALE XSltO. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on X8440." wUl be received by the Honourable, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. up to twelve o dock noon on the 4th day of January. 1927. for the pur- cease ox rut? Licence juh'j. to cut. timber situated on Or him bland. Queen Charlotte Islands District Thirty years wUl be allowed for ta:- rtmovai ol tne timber. All tenders must comply with Sec tion 10 of the "Forest Act" The highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. Further particulars may be had from he Chief Forester. Victoria. BC. TIMBER SALE X4302 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. BC. not later than noon on the 23rd day of December. 1929. for tbe purchase of Licence X4302. to cut 6.841.503 FJ3JJ. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Maude Island adjoining Lou 460 and 441. Skldegate Inlet. Quern Charlotte Islands. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B-C-, or District Forester. Prince Bupert B.C. New Supplies of Mens Clothing arriving regularly. For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. .Miller Proprietor Fur Cdats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Block of Fui Trimmings at low, price B. C.RJR Co. N.xt O.W.V.A. Third Ave MILK Cah price of tickets is advanced to 6 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 Goinnieni-itig November 1. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. Worried about I IER Christmas present? Let nearly two million women give you a tip"! Give her a New Hoover. Now 131 Ucttcr than before. $6.25 down; easy terms. Demonstration Booth OO Floor A A HOOVER tl HATS tlUSmtlft faJl Sold onlv by KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 gods ars propitious. All being well, a light meal then iollows. after which report from min . soutn side of roes to iniet aooui one 'mile from Its head; thence south 0 ! chains: thence west 10 chains: thence north S chains to snore: thence east 18 chains, more or less, following tbe shore line to point of commencement and containing 7 acres, more or les. JOHN DTBHAVX. Applicant Datea riovemoer 29. iza. 95c DAY With Heinz 57 Varieties 8 tins Heinz Tomato Soup, small D5c 1 3 bottles Heinz Catsup, large 95c ; 1 Heinz Chili Sauce j 1 Heinz Pork &. Beans, small 1 Heinz Tomato Soup, small 1 1 Heinz Spaghetti, small 1 1 Heinz Vinegar, IG oz. -All 5 for 95c . 1 Heinz Salad Cream i 1 Heinz India Relish 1 Heinz Tomato Soup, small 1 Heinz Pork & Beans, small All I for 95c 1 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles 1 Heinz Pork & Beans, medium 1 Heinz Tomato Soup, medium i 1 Heinz Spaghetti, medium All I for 93c JAM SPECIALS STILL ON?' PJura or Prune, 4 lb, tins ..'' 50c Peach Jam, 4 lb. tins .'.65c Apricot Jam, 4 lb. tins 65c Blackberry Jam. 4 lb. tins . . . 65c Loganberry Jam, 4 lb, tins . . 65c Gooseberry Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . 65c Greengage J am, 4 lb. tins ... 65c Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 75c Cherry Jam, 4 lb. tins' ...... 75c Strawberry and Raspberry Jamj 4 lb. tins 75c Raspberry Jam, 4 lb. tin 75c We deliver to all part of the city and guarantee our service. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571 I so! tic adventures recently attracted mucn attention In Europe ana vne 'Orient I She wa a dancing girl of an origin j common to the East, the dancing girls .being recruited from various castes. I some some among among them them belonging belonging to to re pectable families. They are often of singular beauty and attraction, and soon fall under the notice of th agents and go-betweens who are oit the look-out for suitable candidates for the harem of their master. Once Inside the harem she becomes to all Intenta and purposes a prisoner for all time, but If the fame of her charms and accomplishment gets abroad she may be the objective of kidnappers and the prey of rival agents. M KHOr.MIEIl IIV TKE.U'IIEKY Her quarters will be well furnished. tm nmvlilMt ,1th tinthlnir (Hat (infatuation can devise, but she lives In an atmosphere of treachery and (deceit and must play her cards well to retain the affection of her lord. There ,1s ever the risk of a newcomer who majr outshine her. while among Eastern and Central Aslau potentates the New Tear's cHerlngs In the shape of beautiful girls are all potential rival. The hadow of divorce hangs over the wives and eoncublnes; they are never safe In the a2ecllon of their husbands, and may at any moment b cast adrift When the present Nlam of Ilydera-bad. the premier ruling chief of India, succeeded to the throne, he proposed sters will be received and orders pass- to dispense with the three hundred ed thereon. The chief will proceed tojudlea 0f his father's harem, as be had Uie durbar 1U accompanied by stand- hi own contingent to eupport. but Ard bearers ,and attendants, who an (they assumed a fighting att'tude. and iounce his approach by chanting hli stormed tbe palace in a body, with ih Mine, titles and virtues. result that the chief gave in and they The dally program varies with the.wtre suitably provided for. season of the yesr: in hot weatha. ahah Nasr-ed-Dtn. of Persia, however, from April to October, there is a re- eclipsed even this, tor he kept flfteeu lentless heat In India, and from eight hundred women, but then be did hi n the morning until five or six lix recruiting on a vast scale, and would the evening the time la passed within) often line up the population of a vll-the palace, doors and windows beta? ig or town, make his selection, and closed to keep out tbe fiery heat llfthen despatch tbe girls to Teheran, within being rendered more or les:bere thfy went through a regular bearable by fans, or punkahs, and course In etiquette and deportment damp air coming through grass screens.) one of tbe most popular forms of ' upon which coolie are continually recreation among the women at the pouring vater. l-hammsm," or bath TBI Is really a POMP of lU'LKItt Madies' club, where they exchange the Some chief take a turn through , gossip of the day. plots are hatched, their capital in the early morning, and scandal freely Indulged to. one I know drives a four-ln-hand lIAtJMl MIT l-.V through the principal thoroughfare t Should they fall tH a native tfoatar handling the team In person, aad'wtll attend them, but the rules fv-another I often met always went.'ernlng the seclusion of women reedef abroad followed br stuSed panther ; the doctor's diagnosis no, easy last. that must necessarily be opstt an a uooden trailer. land one The zenana, or harem, the w omen's , to considerable doubt Quarters. U the centre on which in-1 a kmu iwy w terest U focussed. so let us trace Uw ; woman is pauea inrsugn a ranua rise ot a Mumtax Begum, whose drama- j The lady then hands the figure baefc .Indicating the spot where she feels I LAND ACT. ipaln. and the physician diagnoses ac MITICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY ' TO LEE LNII. t In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dla-ttnet of Prince Rupert, and situate at Kesto Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybaavn. of ! Prince Rupert. BC. occupation manager, ; intends to apply for a lease of tbe fol- cordlngly. a delightfully simple pre- cedure provided the prescription I correst A native doctor pf my acquaintance who had' original Idea on tbe subject of prescriptions, wa egMd by certain chief for a favorite of hi household, at a fee of five hundred rupee per day. and ordered powdered emeralds, which the paUent took! The dwellers In a harem never know what Is In store for them whey they are on the sick list' SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' WHIST DECEUBEB li 8t. George's Ladle v. Orange Ladies Mouse Ladles v. Pythian Bisters. JANUARY. 1927 4-et George's Ladles v. Pythtan Sisters. T, tins Heinz Tomato Soup, medi- 18lhUlI SitUn orange Xadie ' um "tfC j Moose Ladiea v. 8t OeorgeSi Ladle. ' 8 tins Heinz Pork & tteans, small j fzbruart j Doc I Orange Ladles v. St. George' Ladiea 5 tins Heinz Pork & Deans, medi-1 PythUn Bisters r. Moose Ladle. i um njc f 15 Pythian Bisters v. 8t. George's Ladiea. Moose Ladles v. Orange Ladiea. MARCH I Orange Ladles v. Pythian Sisters. 8t George's Ladles t. Moose Ladle, li 6t. George's Ladle r. Orange Ladle Moose Ladies r. Pythian Sisters. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE TIMi: TAI1I.K HUt IIUXT Mtl.l' 19-jG-si h ui;tii:ii OK The following schedule for the remainder of the first half of the bss-ketball sesaon has been drawn up: DECEMBER 14 Tux Is vs. Colts. Adanac vs. Maple Leafs. Orotto v. Terminals. Terminals vs. Native Son. 17 -Maple Leafs vs. Adanac. Banker v. Orotto, Elk vs. Terminals. 21 Stars vs. Tuxls. Adanac vs. Msple Leafs. Terminals vs. Bankers. Native Bona vs. Elks. A root (tst- A guest . hurried ud lo the hotel clerk's counter. He, had just ten mJn utes to psy his bill, reach the station and board hi train. "Hang It." he exclaimed. "I've forgotten something. Here, boy, run up to my room No. 427 and see If I left my pyjamaa and shaving kit. Hurry' I've only five minutes now." The boy hurried. In four minute he returned empty handed and out of breath. 'Yes, sir," be panted, "You left tm," Advertue ia th DuJ7 K. ill XMAS SHOPPING A PLEASURE at Heilbroner's Gift Shop in (hi Two floor stocked with as fine an nnhortment if kHI.h a you will find in nny More large rent res. OUR BASEMENT STORE will turprie you. No matter how small a purchase you wish to make, vv hate Mimethin to satisfy jour demand. Our Prices are etinl to nny In Canada we buy all our good fur wpot cah. i You Get The Benefit Both uptairn and down, polite and courteous employer will cite )ou erry nsidsianre in making your selection. Shop in the morning and wc will I able to gitr you ctrn better sen ice. The Diamond .Specialist. PIUNCE UUPEBT TIDILS Tl lHV. HtCllltl K II Hsgh 972 am 30 1 ft Hagh 11 OC sun. 21 ft. SYNOPSIS OF LAND AMENDMENTS Max Heilbroner 9M pm ITS Low 2:4T i. 1.1 J:48 pupa 68 " ui:iim:miay. KKOiiti u li i Iltfls 10:18 son. 31.1 ft lil pa. 18.7 - Low 340 ajst 1-3 " 4:4 fSA S2 " Tinit'iMV, ih:i:miu:k io- ltT pjst 19 1 " Low 4:47 in. IS - I V.42 jam. 4j0 - ' 1 lltlUW, lil l KMItl ll II IHfb 1L49 am. 22 4 tt. Low 40 am 7J - I 60 pjB. 3 - ) Mll ltnW. llU KMIli: III Ilkm 0;4 sm. 196 ft 1231 pun. 216 - Ur 6 ajn 19 tl. 7 11 pan 26 - PRE-EMPTIONS Vamnt unreserved. surveyed Crown tanl may b pr-mpt4 by British subject over II year of s. and by alien on declaring Intention to beesuu lifituh subject, condt Uonal upon residence, occupation, aid Improvement for aarleuHural ur Full Information concerninc rr .atlons regarding pre-emption It given in Bulletin No. I. Land Herl. "How to Ir-empt Land," eopte of thlch can b obtained fre of chart ly addrraing th Depaitmsnt of Lands. Victoria. I1C-. or to anr Oov. eminent Agent S Ilkcords will b gTanted covering only land suitable for agriculluraJ purpose, and which I not UnUr land, I, carrying or (.000 board feet rer acr wt of tli Coast Hani and (JKM feel per acr east of tfcat lUflge. Application for pre-emptions ars to b addressed to th Land Com mlasloner of th Land Recording Division. In which th land applied for I situated, and ar mad n printed forms, copies of which can b ob t alned from th Land Commissioner. !r. eruptions must b occupied for flv years and Improvement msrts, to valu of 110 pr acr. Including clearing and culUvatlng at least flv acra, before a Crown Grant can b rlvd. For mora detailed information the bulletin "How to lrmpt LajxL" D PURCHASE AppllcatlOB are received for purchase of vacant and unrrvd Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes, minimum price for first-class (arabl) land l it pr acr. and cond.claa (gras Ing) land I2.&0 pr acr. Further In. formation regarding purchase or of Crown land I given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Herl. Turchsss and Leas of Crown Land." Milt, factory, or Industrial sits o timber land, not eicdlng 40 acres, may b purchased or lad, th con diUons Including payment ot tumpag. HOMESITE LEXSE8 Unurvyd area, not sices-llng It acre, may be leased a homsslt, condlUonal upon a dwelling bsing rscted In th nrst yr. Uti bsing obtalnabl after residence and Ira provtment conditions ar fulfill! and land baa bn urvyd, LEASES For graalng and Industrial pr poss srsss not sicssllng 140 acrss may b Uaaed by on pron r a company. ORAZINO Under th Orating Act tb Prt;v lnc Is divided Into grating district ; ' and th rang administered undsr a Oraxlng Commissioner Annual I grating permit ar Issusd based oa I number ranged, priority being gtva to tab!lhd owner. Btoek-owosr may form sssc!Uon for I ant i tnsxagsmtnt Fr. or partly tr, p-mlt ar avallabl for MtUsrs. aapr and Uavsllars, up v ta 529 Third Atenut WESTHOLME THEATRE .MONDAY and Tt'KSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. BUCK JONES "THE COWBOY AdmNtion and at THE COUNTESS" The adventure of a Westerner in Kur. HELENA D'AIXY und atronK aupossttinK THE ADVE.VTUHIIS OF MXZIKT No. !!. AIJItlTTA VAUUHN IN -A SNITCH IN TIME." INTEKN ATION A I. N KWS 35c and 10c Ran ad ian National CTJic Largcil Railway Syflcm in America Steamship and Train Service sa. imiinci; ki rritT iu ire miMi: m ii.kt tr vimoi ui k lOlilA. M:TTLi: and Inlrrmedlsle points rarh IKIIiW il a ntlNf i; III ItlKI for MTKUAKT od AVO, WCIir.MHV 13 - .. ntiM i; t iititi.i.H tpr vancoi'vu. u n.v cimtwint l.M. rnrtnlgbtly. f.K.MitK TKI IXAtt; r-HIMi: KITI.KT lrli MOMUV. MMiM.MUV and HTI KIV at MJ J". f (ll.OKUi:. l.tiMUMTUX, UIMIIU, all jlevn Csnsd. Mate. AUKM Y A 1.1, Oti;. HTKAIIHP UNM. le (ansdUn .Xallonsl Kprrs ft Mmt) Ordet. I'oeelgg ( hn"-rlr.. alw fur )ur nevt sblpment. 4 ITY TICKET OH li t, 31 Tllillll FKIM'E KtTI KT rb-oe V Headquarters for Christmas GiftI Give Silk Hose No (lift more appreciated We have them In many colors nod pri OUK NIAftAHA MA ID-Pure Thread Silk in nil leadinx ahade, Includintf GunmetaJ, per pair ...,.........; OUK WINSOME MAID A I'ure Threid Silk Chiffon Hose, at per pair OUK Ill-TEX YINS.()ME .MAID Thf U a wfnterlioie of I'ure Silk. With thin , , no underhone jH4ieccary. Two ntocklnj; in one at per pair -. SI S-.7-' All can he boxed heparntely for itlft purprH at above prir H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. p bone J. 3rd Ave. anl Fulton