Dccftnbcr 13, 1920 " "Ail THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE LmmMi CLEAR hod ! a A buiinnt anet. A htiduht it the worn of MblllllM. Pack, of vty headich 11 fjilur- in nerve apply. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH I for your.Jiesllh's Ve Consult a a. McMillan Palmer Grnduate CHIROPRACTOR ItiximH G X 7, Exchange IMock Phone C91 pATHO MEUROMETQl When Shopping for Christmas Gifts come to "Demers" I'hone 27 P.O. 327 SHOW VOUC H15 TO WINTER S , MCI lSE OU CCMl ANO Wiri Winter's a pretty long w :ded fellow anil Rives a ' w .:oal pile a hard run for tfa money. You're in earnest to win a warm home so are we, to help you. Let's go. Phone us now. NANAI.MO WEl.l.lX(iT()N anil alherta SOOTI.ESS COALS Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Dr. Alexander Smith !ook Phons 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartam, Warehousing, nd Distributing, Team or Motor Service, floal 8and and Gravel We Specialize In Plane anai Furniture BevlnR. ! George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 3X7 J Seeond Atenue West, Prince Rupert "COWBOY AND COUNTESS" IS ORIGINAL STORY i.i... ... innignra ruture l Natural and! Morj Hunt Along hwlfllr ami Mihm.Hi!) The Cowboy and the Counter," the unginal j,tory of a troupe of cowboya "Oil an tYntbltlon tour of Eurone lth Buck Jones starring in the "title role will be ahown at the Westholme Thea-ire tonight and Tuesday Besides having a very original plot. the try la full of eetton and thrllli and move along swlftlv. amoothly and naturally. The scenic eflecta are wonderful, particularly; those showing the gorgeous backgrounds in Befgrtvla. The plot of the atoryia woven" around the love affair between Jerry' Whipple of the Boot Jack Ranch and F.isa Ver-lalne, who trace her ancestry centurle back into the nobility of Belgravia. Jerry meet Elaa while ahe la touring the United mate with her father, and after seeing her life promptly falle in love with her When ahe returns to her own country j he follow at the bead of a band of cowboys billed to give exhibitions of riding and roping In all of the big cities ol Europe. The trip proves highly aueeeasful financially. The experiences of the cowboys are such a to bring forth gale of laughter, even while they thrill with their dare-devU stunts on horseback. The end la M unexpected as it is thrUHng. for a series of uniorseen event come up to complicate an already complicated situation for Jerry. But he olves hla problems In the most satisfactory manner. FILM PLAY WARNS HEEDLESS FATHERS "Well Mrr" MMimU Nte of Caution la llnttU ul I'leaturr-l-eil Families The danger to which the modern family it exposed when the head of the ! family la too occupied making money !u Interfere with hi family's diversion jV ei forth In The High Steppers." to be hown at Ute Westholme Theatre Wed- I uetday and Thursday. Thi Is an Edwtn Csrew production for First National. ! featuring Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes I The story of the film ts bated on jftu Philip Olbbs' novel. "Heirs Apparent" In this talc it U brought out I n i father's carelessness In regard to '.hr pleasure pursued by his wife and children drive the family to the brink of ruin It is saved only by the sudden waking up of the ton. whose love for a sensible gtri opens his eyes. Lloyd Hughes is east as the son. Msry Astor plsy opposite him aa the gtri who preferred stepping on firm ground to high stepping to furious Jazz I tune Other in the east are Rita car-use. AIrr Francis. Edward Davis. John Steppltng Clarissa Bel wy tine and Dolores del Rio Seuorita del Rio is the senaatlonsl WATER NOTICE lllWIKlOV AMI 1L TAKE NOTICE thst Oosse Packing Company, limited, whose address is i Vsneouver. B.C . will apply for a licence to take and use 100.000 gallon per day , of water out of Unnamed stream, which flows northwesterly and drains Into Captain Cove at head of Captain !fove The water wilt be diverted from the stream at a point about 700 feet ifiom mouth and will be used tor corn tiirrctal and domeatrr purpose upon the 'land described as Lot 1353. Range 4. I coast District. This notice was posted i.o the around on the 4th day of No- ember 1926. A copy of this notice and ; an application pursuant thereto and to !the "-Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Hunert BC Oblectlons to the appll- i cation may be filed with the aald Water 'luworder or with the Comptroller of 1 water Rlahta. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty daya after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspsper. The date of the first 1 nubllcatlon of this notice Is November Jo. 1920 . . OOSSE FACKIMU LvMrAIi I nu Applicant. By J. r. Strang, Agent. WATER NOTICE. iiivi:lmli"i""Tli rsF . TAKE NOTICE that Department oi ,rublic Worka of Canada, whose address lis Ottawa, will apply ior a licence w take and use 3.000 gallona per day of water out of unnamed atream. whlcn flows eastwardly and drains into Dodge Cove on the east side of Dlgby Island, DC The water will be diverted from I thr stream at a point about 100 feet j vest of the northwest corner of Lot 38, subdivision of part of Lot 1993. Range I v and will be ued for domestic pur pose upon the land described aa Dodge I Island. This notice was posted on the around on the 22nd day of November, 1928 A copy Of mis notice sua r-niicatlon pursuant thereto and to the PWater Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Oblectlons to the application may be rilekl with the said Water ' Reorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rlghta. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. within th rty days aurr me nr. f- i"' -i I wi. .,no. in in a iwai Inral news- I nearance of th s nonce, f'ffipVr" The date of the first mil Aian of this notice Is November . ' DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC By J. P 24. 4. 1928. WC WORKS, CANADA. Applicant. Forde, District Engineer, Agent. LAND ACT Minn: of intiIntion to afm.y to I.KAM-: l OllKMIOIIr; In Oraham Wand. Queen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, Tni.it nmhom Island. ' TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., i orcubatlon Manufacturers, lniena vo y-ply for a lrw of the following de- j!'CS&?.taPP.t. thence westerly, ioiiuwiub nwi.nr." said Lot to the northwest corner of auld Lot; thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark of Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point; thence jouth-Msterlv to the point of commencement, and containing ISO acres more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY, LTD. Agent. J, Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th November, 1938. 4B3BUL A Christmas gift that entertains always i Mode! 1-6 (closed) Price $M.OO A portable Victrola an in-. expensive Victor innrumtnt which plays with astounding-ly dear tone and full volume. Constructed to ttand rough nsage, it can he taken to and enjoyed at all kinds of winter parties. Hold six Victor records. See the complete line of jiortablea at any "His Master's Voice" dealer This Christmas make some dear friend happy Give a Portable Victrola Wtor Talk Mjuctilr Comparer Ml UIT.K AT WESTIIOIJIE Monday and Tuesday Buck Jones In The Cow Boy and the Count." 'The Adventure of MaUle." No. 11. Albert Vaughn in "A Snitch In Time." International News. t eiliiel.it and All Star Oast In TliurMl.iy -High Step- per. Comedy: "Slippery Feet.' Aesop's Film Fables. I'rlcUr and Saturday All Star cast in "The Keeper of the Bees." Comedy: "Laughing Laddies." Pathe Review. Used after the Bath Dr. Chase's OINTMENT Relieves Chafing and All Skin Irritations !K 1 1 ! j film "find," who scored such a personal triumph In her debut in "Joanna." She h a Castlllan beauty and one of the wealthiest aoclety girls in Mexleo. REAL CHARACTER APPEARS IN FLESH IN "KEEPER OF BEES" chwacter created by a great novellat may .be seen in the flesh, Just aa ahe was when ber personality inspired Dene Stratton-Porter to write her into a (novel. Or rather, ahe may be aeen on the screen not In the flesh. For. Oene Stratton Monroe, eleven year old grand-doXighter of the famous author, is appearing in "The Keeper Of the Btes" In the part which the late Mrs. Porter wrote around her the "Little Scout." It was the hoydenlsh. tom-boy. lovable personality of little Mlsa Monroe which originally caused "The Keeper of the Bees" to be written: and literally millions of readers who followed thla fascinating tale in McCall's Magazine may now know Just what the "Little Scout" looked like and compare her with the mental pictures they have drawn of her. "The Keeper of the Bees" cornea to the West-holme Theatre at the week-end. It la brilliantly cast, directed by Leo Meehan with the dlatlnctlon which charactered The Qlrl of the Llmberlost": and more than adheres faithfully to the spirit and letter of the original atory. . . . . Market Prices MHO Pure 28c I Compound . 25c I RIJUH 'B.C. fresh, pulleU 65c . B.C. fresh, first, 60c B.C. fresh, extri j Local new laidls't 75c B C. storage. No. 2 ... I FISH I Halibut, lb 'Salmon, cohoe, frozen 1 Smoked kippers, lb. . iKlncered salmon, lb. . ' Brooked black cod, lb. Bananas, 3 lbs. tor' Extracted honey, lb. I . a . .tit-,. Apples.'; itclntnsh: Reds i.U.a. Pears, winter, dozen 60c IIKIEII nttlTS . , Da tea, bulk, 3 lbs 35c Dates, Dromedary .......-.......,. 25c Ralslna. bulk, 2 lb. 35c Raisins, package. 2 lb. 45c Cluster ralslna. lb. 25c Lemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel 50u Black cooking tigs 20c White tigs, lb 15o Table figs, lb 25c Currants , , .... 20c Prunes , 10c to 25o Applea , 25c Peaches, peeled .', 30c Apricots, lb ......' 40c NUTS ' Almonds, shelled Valenclas 75c Brazils and filberts ... Walnuts, broken shelled Walnuts, shelled halves Almonds I il , , II 70c 50c r. 25c ,. 25c . 15c .. 25c 22l4e Finnan haddles, lb 20c 8alt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring, 2 for 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb 30c Boneless salt cod brick, lb. 25c MEATS Fowl, Mo. X lb 35c to 40c Roasting chicken, lb 45c to' 50c lUm, sliced, first grade ......... 60c Mam, whole, first grade 60c lUm. picnic, lb 22 He Cottage rolls, lb 40c Bacon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, aide 45c to 60c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Veal, ahouider 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, ahouider 30c Pork, loin 45c Pork, leg , 4: beef, pot roast 12C to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 12. Beef, steak 25c to 40c jCeef .roast, prime rib 30r 'Lamb, chops 60c iLamb, shoulder 35c 'Mutton, leg 40c I Lamb, leg 43c Mutton, chops . 40 fjutton ahouider 30e liUTTF.lt ' Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland. 2 : lbs 95c 1 E.CX).. 2 lbs. 95c I Capital. 2nd grade, 2 lbs 85c Fraser Valley, lb. 50c CIIKESE Ontario solids . ..." 30c ' Stilton, lb 35c Kraft 45s Norwegian Ooat 65c : Napoleon Limberger 70c ' Roquefort 75c bwifts' Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream. Jare .v. 45c and 85c O tuyere 50c Golden Loaf. lb. 45c m;oak White, per 100 $7.75 Yellow, per 100 $755 rLOl'R Flour, 49 s. No. 1 hard wheat 2.75 Fastrr flour. 10'a C5c Fastry flour. 49 s 12.90 VKOKTAIII.E8 BeeU, 8 lbs 25c IVO lbs $2.75 U.C Carrots, lb. 3c .00 lb 12.25 Rutebagaa. 6 lb. 25c 100 lb. 92.75 Potatoes, 100 lbs 92.50 Potatoes. 8 lbs 25c Tomstoe. hothouse 40: Oreen peppers, lb 35c rarsley, bunch 6c Mint, bunch ..... ).. 5c Leeka, 3 bunches 15c Cauliflower. B.C. head ........ 3 5c -40c Green onions, dozen "25c Terrace cabbage, lb 6c California itead lettuce 20c Garlic imported, per lb 40c B.C. Cooking onions, 8 lbs. 25c Celery. 2 bunches 35c Hubbard aquaah, lb. . Y 7c runpktn. lb 7c Sweet potatoes, lb .' 10c Brussel sprouts, 2 lb 35c f FRl'IT Jap oranges, per box 75c Orangea. Navels, dozen , 35c to 90c Florida Grape Fruit 15c For the tlrt time Ik Cie history ot'Lcincna. Sunklst, dos. .... 25c and 35c motion pictures, ao tar aa Is known, the ! California grape fruit. 2 for ........ 25c :ii I i ii 35c 30c 50c 65c 35c 20C 25C 450 350 Poultry mash 4. 13. 00 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and in Comfort The Acme's Fifth Annual TEMPTATION SALE NOW IX FULL SWING. Here is where your dollar does the work of two. Wonderful Values in Mens Wear STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR Red label. All wool. You all know this quality. Temptation Sale Price $.!.- TURNBULL'S UNDERWEAR In combinations and two pieces. All wool. Regular $4.50. Temptation Sale Price $2.1)5 CEE-TEE UNDERWEAR The finest wool underwear made. Guaranteed not to itch nor shrink. Regular $9.50. Temptation Sale Price $0.-15 i MEN'S TIES The finest Swiss watered Silk Ties. Just arrived for Xmas trade: In Very nice patterns and each in a fancy box. Regular $2J0. Temptation Sale Price .SI. 4 5 Fine barley chop W-5 j Whole corn 35 ; Cracked corn 3J5j Fine coromeal -- GINGER GROUP TO FUNCTION AGAIN WINNIPEG, ,25c and 35c j correspondent U2S Apples, Jonathans' ....V !.'..': 12.50 Apples. Ortmea Oolden 12.75 Cookllng applea tt.9S 1 lVAmitii Manchurlan walnuts California walnuta ,.iV.'.... No. 1 mixed nuts . ...i;,. '.,.,.... ., IEKII Wheat, No. 5 .t4. ,..... Oats i Bran Shorts Middlings .4.. i. ...... Barley 100 lbs. house." Dec. 13. The Ottawa of the Manitoba Free Press says: "With, the arrival fa Ottawa Of some of the former finger' group in the- house of commons. It lias become clear that that particular organization in parliament wUl be at work again. First oi all, eleven members from Alberta, who were elected under the aegis ot the United Farmers of Alberta, are determined to constitute a group of their own In the house, and It Is probable that Henry E. Spencer will be their whip or secretary. That group wanta no entangling alliances with other unattached Progressives but will co-operate with them at all times when required. It also Is clear that the Progresslvea tla, tne west are no disposed to alt with the government. In Ontario it Is probable that Miss McPhall. B. W. Fansher and J. King will remain under the Progressive ban ner and It Is understood that the three Labor members will also be with them. So that It is evident that, In addition to the li from Alberta, there wUl be 15 other Progressive or Labor leanings tittinir on the opposition aide ot the QUEEN MARY AS SANTA LONDON, Dee. 11. Queen Mary chose some very orthodox Christmas presents 3.10 , for her royal grandchildren. 12 60 Prlncesa Mary'a elder son will get 2.10 magnificent toy yacht, more than 24 S2.201 inches In length and with picturesque S2.50 $3.35 white sails. Princess Elizabeth win nave 0 bill white, woolly dolt with very Pnk Cheeks and most up-to-date rsd, Russian Special eggmaah 13.40 UooU. The lime rrmcess wm nntn .hell i2.S0!celve a very gorgeous nursery cushion fStotch food 3.5o!wUh animal figures embroidered on It. i Beef scrap 15 M The presents are the work ot disabled 'around oil cake ............ 4.79 soldiers and sallora. MEN'S OVERCOATS All pure wool garments. The finest English and Scotch cloths. Medium and heavy weights in handsome mixtures and plain colors. The smartest styles. Regular $35.00 and $40.00. Temptation Sale Price $10.M5 to J?l!).5 MEN'S SUITS The newest model, 3 button, in Blue and Gray Serge. Every suit in this group made In England. Guaranteed 20 ounce Serge and Indigo Botany Blue. Temptation Sale Price ?21).85 SOCKS FOR MEN The famous St. Margaret's Brand, in Fancy Checks and in all the latest shades. Just what he would like for Xmas. Each in a fancy box. Temptation Sale Price $1.15 Mr. L. Garfin of Edmonton, Alberta in personal charge of this Sale. Acme Importers Terms: Strictly Cash. Third Avenue. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. No Charge Accounts Baby chick feed j Fine oat chops M.70 1 Crushed oats 12.70 1 SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK including three distinct services for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, THRIf-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry , and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. Useful Gifts Flash Lights Pocket Knives from Aluminum Percolaters, from ... Self Rasting Roasters, from ... Nickel Plated Tea Kettles from Useful Gifts .$:.00 '25f to SjW.OO $1.50 to $:l.75 $1.25 to $;J.75 $2.00 to $.'t.50 Stainless Steel Carving Sets, from $0.50 to $12.50 Mall OrUers careiuiiy ruiea. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, R.C. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 223 Sixth Street AlSir.FR Th TaiW Fine Imported Serge and Scotch hp AA Tweed Suits made to order in our I UU shop in Princo lluperl as low nfOM I. ANGER, Cutter Prince Rupert, B. C. t. it if r o 1 , 1 i a f