Anrll 30. 1926. -' - ' - " ' THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 LECKIE ' WORK BOOTS Hard wearing, comfortable, low priced IcanadianT 'IUMyX THESE solid leather work boots give solid satisfaction every time you wear them. They arc tanned and built specially for western climatic conditions. Their thorough workmanship and wearing qualities recommend them wherever they go. Ask your dealer for Lcckie Work Boots. J. LECKIE CO. LIMITED VANCOUVER, B. C. 335 3 HEZEJ EEESEESpEE EE3 I 0 i I OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER TOILETRIES Made by YARDLEY OF BOND STREET, LONDON. y ir n i Hi nt ' i iiltirv the ICu.l. r m la-le anI n U..v huen YnlleV lur Hie -vniMtt (-aiity of 1 ; -r j i 1 r Perfmnc aini lieiaue oi the extra line tna- - imm wlm li llieir ponds are mail'. vwlv YYaler $1.00, $1.2G, $2.25, $3.00, $3.50 i ' V 20c, 35c f Powder .... . . . i $1.00 ill ti )i,Uiig 'Powder $1.75 I .."fa III ... ,. 60C ( ( v. mi 75c ' in pxwiler, in tin- 40c I Powder, in g! i- buttles $1.00 ii u ii" .... 4j,uu ( -ed Lavender B1ojii. each 25c P .r-l.T. Imllle : . . . . $1.25 1 n.l.itlll "4 a di I I I i at , 1 Cn II il r i im WMII i l 1 UVU iiilie Lit'tiid , 75c Ormes Limited i Everything for the Builder .w ' ? v tii- lllifl t mil I'M I C ft 11 1 1 III If IM1, dimension-. hiilii.. fir finish, flooring. .V joint, ' v er. el. in Northern B.C. , We can supply everything In a bulldlna from the foun dation to the last piece of finish. I If ire l i i .ik mci mr lfk. II will pay you. Our Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE AEOROE an.1 fRINCC CHARLES will lnvi PRINCE RUPERT it' VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. ItATTLC IMl llllrrllHtllll InWnl. FRIDAY A anil f:i STEWART lli1 ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 1000 p.m. IS. PRINCE JOHN fortlllltim fur VANCOUVER (It QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, PAttENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT xuhuiit, wiuniuT iim miuhuhi i n i.mi iih r iiinbK utunui, EOMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill i"ni- I uMi-rn ' auxin, t'nlliil Sulci. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckit orric. BIS Third A, Prlnc RuprL Prion eso. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f- inCHIUH, WKANOU, JUNEAU. SMCW4Y 19. 29. Anil 9. 19. 30 " yinwuil. IIIIUHI IM SUHU, .. urn, u, fi. i, wi u U rXINttSS RUfRltt rf BuUd.l.. fw.mon Bar, fail Bill. Ocun falls, Nsmu, Attn B., -"".r i.r iiHininii bintt. ., .-.v, ....... lour W.'O. ORCHARD atiuril Agini. Osrntr t 4th Slrttl antf 3rd AfiM, Prlnc Rup.rt. M.O. PEARL GREY cans: cake end bread boxes In ull sites, from $1.50 ui. No Crank Ice Cream Freezers, $3.75 each. 'I'l mm r T.I inomnsnn HnrHurnrA I n l.rri. W w mm m mAm mLM W I v m V www m Local and Personal Phone 15. I'.H. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf , U-fii ''ferjakers . tiPtaone 4t ... X ...'"V: j'.'Jff 'l) H o ti e ? r- iu.4J; 41.00, Wal-lai-f's. ' 101 i'on l niiJtt-'AValhjce's bargalii dayr, Friday ami Saturday. 101 ft Cryt.i FlrelfkhieMi.: 18 for 1.00. Hyde TraW'cr. JMiono 5- if , tfcunilrtiavian fianrflMetro- polu Hall, tomorrow itighl, May 1. a I p p.m. 'ilof Jlatmoit cant In from SmitlK-rs oil this Jnorning'it train. John Swaiiiriii, jnino Miperin tendonl for the (Jranhy Co. at Anyox. was a pansenjfur arriving on the prinee (ieorpe this morn ing. Millica Postlck was rliml?e.l in the city police court till mnrniii ((n a charge "of uslnj: ohspenc language on ' Fraeer Street. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, arrived on the Princes Huyol today from Vaneouvert to inititct hp governtnTtt steamer tnvenetiy wnicn is at pretenl in Hit' loral dry dock. A. A. Cor, the Vaneouvr an-hilect, who returned noulh lhi morning, expectn lo hf liack in I he city in two or 4ltre wiek' linif on busine.4 in eon- nrrlion with proposed Iiuildin,? projwU here. I'll ion ,teamer Catala, Capt. A. Jolintonp, arrived from the Month at 8:15 this morning ait i Mailed at 9:30 to make her call in tho Skeona nlmigh, the Na:i Hiver and Anyox before nailing from he-re on her return soul It m to o'clock tomorrow moruin Prince Slips $1.00. Wa.- lat-e'n. lot K. hi, AltVn, iiMnmrpf of ihu 1ih MU at Il4iinll, is a visitor it? I he iVf, liavin? arrival on lliift iiHrnin?' train. While Mr. Allen reevnlly houclit a half in- lerfjtl in the Vattnodol l.uiuliir reports thai in- was wver ing hi eonneclfon with tii. itojai .tun a mttiruBpf air Ut etl to i.n incorrdel. , .J" Utrlain Nets,. J WtSii. Wallace's. ' . '. Pa.-!ieusr ailfns . alxTaitl i)t Miticf deorge tlil ninrnlriK for Jin mmiIJi incltidetl i;. M. Drown. John 1. Mills Mrs. (Seorpe llon, Alt. .ancy Hone, llnnry Tlirupp. Mt MarKaret Sollnway. Alex ltix. M. C. Cruikfthant. Jolm Penny and Anton Hon Ik for Vancouver; J. Ilalborseit- fn- Sfatlle; J. It. Hayne for Ocean rail, and Mi!s Annie McMresfor for Powell Hiver. Corset and (iinilcs, 1.00. Wallace's. Iijl 11. V.. Hall, the Winnipeg praln man, who was in the cilv this week, is. now visiting in llyder with his brother, J. A. Hall, the In-nd of the bank Inert, and will proceed south on the Prince :iiarles Monday. Speaking of plant. He cxpresse it the view that the wheat pool would uso the elevator to the fullest, ad- antage. ' i Ladies' llloomers, 2 for 81,00, Wallace's. 10 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS Ridley, Home llaraar May fl. IHBfeMiaBBUlBJ UfelLUTTCOMPAWU mmWmWmWmJmWmvStBtF Bilk Vests, $1.50. Wallace's. Shcddoifs Taxi and Mcssenser Service. Phone 134. tl Jtoyn' Itock ftil II 00, 2 pair for $1.00. Wallaces. 101 Murray's Taxi, Phone 740. Stand, M-w Knipress Hotel. 10 J Hollar Hays, Fridays and Sat urday. Wallace'?. 101 Adair Cars. thapter will hold 11s jug nay tomorrow, wiumu permitting. . .' Ml Violet 1 Taylor arrived Home till mornjitK from princt (ieorpe wiiere Iip Jiat Iteeii visit ing her mother. T. II. Johnson, manager of the Canadian Fllh .V Odd Stor age Co., sailed Ifii moi-niug foi' Vancouver on a business trip. T. J. Suenton,. inspector ot miner, relqrpetf ijii morniit-' on the PrineV (ieorj:e after a trip . . .v Oi : 1...; 10 it'xxari uu uiiii-iat uuties. Ilishop K. if. Iluii'i sailed lliii morning aboard 'he Prince fieorge for Vaneou r and other point in the south on a busi ness trip. J Mrs. F. Lazelle, wlio ls 011 her way lo San Francisco, from Ter race, arrived on llits. inoriiing's train front the interior and will spend a few days vlsitingher: with her mother, Mrs; l.itlle who is a patient in the hopilal, be- Hie local grain situation, Mr. furo proceeding, syitihA 11 an siaieu inni me teasinig 01 the local elevator to the wheat Ladies' Vests; 3 fur si 00 pool was the best tiling the.. I Wallace's. - nil itiunt navo oeen none wllli (ho Miss Xiebol-iin of the nursing staff of tbe Anyox Hospital stall was a passenger on the Prlnc tieorge this morning going through to Vancouver on a boll day trip. Capt. J. O. Williams, Yukon ltivr slauier kipper, aftt r having t-peiii tin- ji;t several lay-4 in tin- city, sailed on the Princes., llnyal I hi'-, morning for Skac-way en roulc to While-liore. J. S. Mchottald, who arrived emlirr in the vveek from Alice Arm, sailed this nidrnins on' lint l'rlrtcess Hoval forIWraii2tll.'ef fraiite lo the Dease ltko country where he will again,- spend the summer. - 'K Art silk hose, two pair for $1.00. Wallaces.'., 101 ' .-'5 t'nder the C.X.H. spring .sched ule for coast sieamers, there will Ik sailing from here 'for Vancouver and way purls al 1 1 o'clock Thursday and Sunday nights instead of 'aU. 0 o'clock Friday and Monday ntorniiKgs a at present. V lireen Stripe, $1.00 per pair. Wajlacos, 101 Xeil Bruce nnd Kdward Hearn, recently commilted for trial ir. the cily police court In connec tion' with the assault of Ci'y Polire Sergeant HuKh'.McOlineliy arc appearing .iuijihc. ,Coiinlv Court t lAs' Vi anern6oii w b'elQre Judge Yoting Tor ele'clloni' ' ' i ; Silk Bloomers, $1.05; Wallace's. , '101 CP.H. steamer Princess rtoyal, Capt. T. Cliir, northbound from Vitncouver to Alaska. por., was hero from II :J0 .toil : raol lo-day. Pass'i'iigersvs aWi n g front here for the north on the vessel included JoeXiRiva .for uuneaii; reier uegiefana, A. (iarviti, v Kieinknochl H. Grant ami B. SJobonK-for' Car- more. Thinkiuiitsdropi uu worth in in? pell; ' Mr. and Mrs. .K; 1). Clark OttAlrWbottfci today. I . .... WI-.. .. .... r frit 11.00 (( rttlivf r ..r I""" -""ll .iiiij(iii ' tiir JlVClClll. I l r. .a r. .... I. . A . i . . . a ntntf Try D. D. D, oo. lo. ORMES LIMITED kun; Gapl. J. 0. Skagway. r-' 1- . r ) IIIIUIIIS ('I 3 Mrs. A. riullan arrived in the cily from Massett on the Prince Joint this aflern.0011. Mrs. J. S. Moliler v Lsrwii IIIII was among today's arrivals from the Queen Charlotte Inlands .on tlio steamer Prince Jolm. . m A. f'Pfd VaijcouveTir pole an, larrfveil orf lic,I'jiiiH fo)m loday after a visit' lo'Pdrtle- mentu and will proceed tomorrow to the south. Mrs. I). C. Ilobcrlsou. wife of nie accountant at the All ford Hay cannery, arrived from the Inland on the Princc John loday anil will proceed to' Vancouver tomorrow. Constable T. 0. Scogg, It. C, M. P. sailed this afternoon aboard the Princess Hoyal tltfs aflernoon for Skagway accoin-panyin? a bonded liquor shipment for the Yukon. F. L. Huckleywho went lo Port Clements on the Pach'ena this week to inspect his new sawmill, will proceed south direct jfromfPdrt Clements on the Prince John at the first of the week. , Afex. .McCulIough, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging man, formerly with the Massetl Timber Co. and the Sitka Spruce mill, arrived" from Queen Charlotte Cily on the Prince John this afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs. Jack Drysdah of ' Pji'uiicr Miije were passen gers on the Prince fieoice litis morning hound for Victoria on 0 holiday Irip. Mr. Drysdale ii couneeted vvith -Uie'inecMatitcttl slat! at Premier. J. A. Miller ami Frank ilicc) local surveyors who have been engaged in work in Hie Skidegate, vicinity for the provincial de partment of puldic works, re turned lo the city on the Prince. John this afternoon. Mrs. It. Orillen and child ar rived from Skidopjite. on the Prince John this aflernoon to visit in the city. Mrs. nrilten Is me wire or the forest ranger who was formerly stationed here and who is How located on the Islands. Joe Sankcy, Port Simpson Ir dian, was brought in front Port Kssington this morning by Pro vincial Coustahle It. Cihson and will undergo preliminary tri hen this aflernooii before Slip endiary Magistrate H. F. Mr Lend charged with a statutory offeitc involving a young girl. C.X.It. steamer Prince John Capt. II. Mabbs, arrived at 1:30 Ibis afternoon from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands The .John had an exceptionally heavy freight cargo coming . 1 Hie Islands this voyage and lha( was accountable for her ilelay She delivered a considerable Humility of lumber from (U- Queen Charlotte City milf lo Massed to be ued in (hereon strut-lion of the new cannery a Hie latter point for the l.angarn Fishing, Packing Co. Theves set brought some 35 first clas passengers here from Islanti points. FISH. POND SHOWER. shower for the fish pond ii connection with the forthi-omitis Hidley Home Ilazaar' was be!i yesterday aflernoon at the home or Mrs. P. K. Haisler, 't'J Firili Avenue West. Tea was served, articles were received and there was also a silver collection. Mrs. illaisler was assisted by Mrs. .Akerherg and Mrs. T. 1). Hinde. ' CARD OF THANKS. J. Walter Readmond desires to convey his sincere (banks lo his many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received in his recent r TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY WAXTHI). - - .Maid Tor general housework. Apply Mrs. J. W. MelioHs, Fourth Avenue West, Phone ;I0S. .103 FOR SAI.F. Three roomed house, plastered; good location. $550. .McCaffery Gibbons,- Ltd. tf RAXflK Tor Sate. Apply Mrs. . Ullditch. Phono 110. 103 Victor Records T "'iV ";!(! ;M 1 Love my Baoy f j Victor Talking Machine Co. Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylvania ! ' : No. 19905 THE PRISONER'S SONG Organ Solo Jee Crawford AFTER I SAY I'M SORRY Fox Trot Jean Goldkette and 'Ills Orchestra ALWAYS Walts Georle Olsen and flis Music ' ' " MIKE Vocal Henry Burr (Tenor) NOBODY'S BUSINESS Vocal Cene Austin (Tenor) "r"iW'fT iw ' ' i if I NEVER KNEW HOW WONDERFUL YOU' WERE ; FoiTrot Paul Whlteman and Ills Orchestra I)H4 75c, l -., 10-in. double-sided records, - . Nmi V 1 '; - . v . ' . t - , At "His Master's Voice" Dealers ; of Canada, Limited Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipselt.Cunningham&Co.Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride St. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL Phone 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. r 7s ., mt BOTTLED A 6UANTttDBY P.O. Box 196 ixininiou's Steel Beds, Springs, and Osternioor Mattresses in everj; room. ' 52 Booms, Hot and Cold VaTerr Baths ami Showers. Steam Healed, Kleclric Light. : Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE MOPUCt Or SCOTLAND DtsAavt t M.tMOlC MO fti4l 'UlftiMt piiVM SCO S si Tb Orifinal Lbl look for It at the Vendor's and insist on r GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" 7'his adverlifjement is not published or displayed by the V Liquor Control Board or h the Oovemtnenf, of . urtustt cotumbit )