i runi'iu rcsuneti hi me rcMguuuoii on me suggestion ui uir rutier of luo members of the civil service commission, Clar- c-e Jameson uimI M. (i. Ltltoehelle, who submitted their resig-tmn lo Might lion. W. I Mackenzie King last night. The resignation of the two members contained I wo brief ley wJiirlt tin' commissioners Kent lo the premier. Jameson iini HihI hi Ihe discharge of Ins official duties he had not Iieen TY COM NG r iii iJiBiejtiia Wtmr w mmm m w e Addressing Canadian Club 7"H aaiu no vamo vo vin' ada at Inatanoe of Can-- - adlan Corps I MlH llliaXn. April 311. - - eaW.jf to members or the Haitian: uli last uuht (iovcrnor- nei-ai ii) or tiaid lie Had route I Ht ia 19" WIIIIUW eaPII O'lier II 'III ITT1 ll (I'll m. m m m m ma m m mm mm i. ii ii. iiii.it IWl J m m VI MA SALMON PRICES MM I 1 1 I 1 1 f 1 1 1 O t u Thirteen Cents but Fishermen Want Sixteen ASTHMA. April ao.- Fifteen ,11 k I II U II 1 II II I H 1 1 II lilt 1 M II II II 1 11 ll i' er ii arced !o pay Ihlrteen - . A L ufs u poiiuo ior raw cninuvr. Union. This price is a. cent tiinn nisi er man lasi inii The fisiiernien's union de- ii am eii m eenis ami a sume iay result as the season open ULION WON AT NEWMARKET De Rotheschlld's Horse Took Thousand Guineas Stakes With Trilogy Second in an) way intluettced iiy Uie occurrences referred to before the rommillee. lie felt, however, the incidents referred lo would be subject of such misconstruction and comment as to uiiuir hi usefulness as a member of tbe civil scrxirc Commission. "I have !eniulouly ucrnm nllshed my ilaly for nearly eight- fJk year ami my coueieuce. , i absolutely clear." I,atloehelle .stale in letter. i:idenrv submitted before the committee xa Ilia! It. II. Clark. Inspector of custom, at Montreal, forwarded consignments of Jidiior lo Mesn. Jampnou and fiva years ago at (he; Laltncltcllc. .Kvut ' in ,'-.r r f soni! wiitn of nl the lltn flu- rlii-I rlor lo .. Hie aiiniiunrrmeiil ......i I ysur.R men lie had cer ecn,;ihe reittiatliiii!'. Premier Kni.- n IllXtllliltr III 1I1I KIM.'llllllll i..r.. II. j Im . .i . a i. a m, . - . a wan ti(ir rami euue uicy Thr a -eatest tlmw in fronl of I . . - I . . t-f ii. iio uutrniur p.iiii, this . . . - . . .ii saw eonifiiit. not perhaps by ip ami hound, but by steady romlii? both east and west, saw oiiiiug betwpeu rreucli and jttwented to JainieMin and La-Itorhelle tbe(aiv(abllity of their HLiiik' In lie relieved of their duties of offire pending the re-purl of the eu(oin-i itnpl valine committee of .Ihe !Ioup. The premier staled that wlipn he learned of the dinPloMirpn hefore Ihe poinuifllep, ho eomtidpreil It hi duly In Intenlew them Tuesday afternoon and advice that theV sk lo he reliexpd of their dutie 1'pmcIIivx the report of the committee. LIGHTNING STRIKES arted was 2'J. iTennlnus s CALIFORNIA OIL TANK HAKi:itS!"IIXl. ( al . April :i Liiihtuiujt xtniPlc the Oim.ouo Lane I tank of the Standard Oil Company anil started a fire t Kprn ltier. The fire i roufiupd I In oiip tank whirh i the eenlrc lof a six million barrel oil roserp One hundred and twenty pa- entfers, no, oi ineni employees or the While Push & Yukon Hallway and Navigation Co liirliul- iwp a nunilier of vukon llivor captains and officers, ver aboard Hip Princess llnyal todav ifoiusi north. The vessel sailed from here at I ::0 this nflernoon having arrived at 1 1 :30V .1. K. McLean, accountant at tho Sitka Spruce mill, arrived from Queen Charlotte City on the Prince John li afternoon ami ..m nrneeed south loinorrow. Ho Is on a vacation trip. NFAVMAMvKT, April 30. I'll- Wheal VANCOUVER EXCHANGE mi. i iv. m i'ii iiv iia ii. . i ii sr II HIT I II I MIUT "ii nit wim iiiuusami iiuineas iniinveii takes which whs ilu. fi'iiliii-e of illiidsloue - ip facing hero loday. Lord.lmliau "'""i n l I IHM i illlH' PI'llMIU 1 1,. l n. I 1 11 I V -11I....I..M l.lllllll Hid. Asked 1.55 1.81 1.00 1.82 1.85 .31 ' .35 .01114 .011 .10 .15 .07 .08 .011 S .11 .08 ,00 .50 OSLO. April 30. Lieutenant Commander Ilyrd uiinard the I. haulier ou the first lap of the expedition to the Arctic regions, arrived at Kind's Hay, SpiUberaen. hisbae of operations, yesterday afternoon. ' FIRST SIGHT Primitive Indians from MOVEMENT EXPECTED The great annual evpnl when the ice muxes is expected at any time now at Oawson, according lo the weather report this morning of the (ioiernnipnt TpIp-uruplis. The big jam is not by Carmack.s yet. Ice is jammed at Selkirk and Ihe Stewart UIvpp Is 4 OF ANIMALS Inter- 1 - i - lor Had Never.'Seen, Cows,' . Cats or Chickens The report of Provincial Police Constables Forfar and Barber on their annual patrol Into the Fort Nelson district, 350 miles north of Fort St. John, tells of the officers bringing out to Fort St. John for hospital treatment an Indian and his squaw. They were of a very primitive type and neither had even seen before cows, cats, chickens or eggs. The sight of these objects, the officers report, aroused grsat Interest In the pair of nat'ves. OF ICE AT DAWSON Annual Event About to Take Place Government Telegraphs Announces ': ) 1 ) i ! i still holding at OgiMe though it is liroken up. District weather ill ctjit this morning was as fol lows: Terrare fjloudy, windy; leni pernture4 13. Anypx Cloudy, calm; leniper alure, IP. ,v. siewnrt tMoudy, south Ayltui; leniierature, 10. . llazellon Cloudy, calm; Itiin ikiinil ll I'i. .no. . f . 1 k Telegraph' C.reek ClJiVly, culm) Temperature, 10. Siiiilhers Part cloudy, calm; temperature. 50. Hums Lake Part cloudy, windy; temperature, 55. Whllehorsc Cleur, calm; tern-pprnluro 37. Fort Selkirk Clear, calm temperature, 10. Dawsdn-lear, ciilm; Tom peraturc, 10. ' Alfred Aduins of Massetl ar rhed rroin tho Island on the prinpe John this nflernoon hav Ing In his care two native Peler William and Charles Thompson, who are being ad milled to tli3 Hospital for treat meriUr Mr. Adams will relnrn lo Massult Saturday night. CANADIAN MJillMAID Miss Eva Morrison, uaughicr of Hip police hic or Piciou, X.S who is :aiiuius to swim lie LntfLsii clianuel. she i" ai prefti) t-aiiung in Hoston MOTORSIIIP LILLEHORN COMING HERE SUNDAY British Vessel, Chartered by C.G. M.M., to Makffclrst-Visit to Port Tne niotorship Lillehoru. which has h-'cii eharleird by the C.d.M.M. from her Uritish owners Tor coast freighting, will make her first visit to this port on Sunday, coniiiu; direct from A'an omer with plies and lumber lo be urd in the, oernmenl wharr recouslructlpn work. From here. Ihe LiUehorii yill proceed to the Queen Charlotte (tlands and return lu Vancouver via Ocean Falls. Capt. Han McKinnon. formerly chief officer ol I lie Prince Iluperl, is in com mand of Hip Lillehoru. TAXI - ST Boston Grill m9at4J Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Servlc S3- with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytlnv door for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, PRINCE RUPERT Tbe latest and best for the and 6th St. 'PP7. leant. Phone 467. WATT VIDE.UK, VI 'ibf J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL, XVI.. NO, 101 1'ltIXCK 1UPKUT, 1U2M FHIHAV, AIMUL 30, IMSfl. Velr(Jjj ClrcuUtion, I ((7 Slrp Salof, 391 PRIOR FIVE CENTS. V mm MM H H SERVICE COMMISSIONERS SENSATION OF i BALL SEASON: less Petty Has Won Every Game i so Far Since Beginning of Series Ni;V YOltK, Apri 30 Jess Pelty, the left bander secured by 'Jirooklyn from Indianojiolis. is proving the sensation of the major leagues by winning every pauit) in which be has ntaned. Yesterday be won from Philadel- Proposal to Eliminate Fishing Licenses to All Orientals in Province Within Next 10 Years OTTAWA. April U0. Orientals will be unable lo ob'taiu almoii and cod fishing licenses on Ihe Pacific coal afler UKU if Ihe resolution passed yeslcrday by the Marine and risher.irs Conunillee, of which Fred Slork is chairman, is put into efrec,! bv the government. The resoliiliou was inlrodiieed by Neill of Comux-lberni (mil approved in uu amended form. The original resoliiliou proposed Hint Ihe issuance uf been .... . . . t. ; .. II. ..I se siiou iii terminate in six veins, u is now rccouiiuviiui-u uiui cut be made al the beginning issued in It'iO. so that elimiua ir lti '7 of Ipii ner cent in each I on will be complPteil whii ten siicceeeilii'K year or Iho number ' years. LOST HUSBAND COT PROPERTY Former Factory Girl Who Married Employer Is on Own Once More ClllC.(iO, April 3d Jss Hian 24 hours after she had filed an amended plea for divorce. Mrs. Dorothy H. Towne, who married J. Meredith Towne. hpif (of the estate of the founder or Ihe Yale and Towne Lock Company-while she was a factory girl, obtained a decree yesterday and received a lump properly settliyiient of 35.noo. Strike in Britain Likely to Begin at Midnight Unless Efforts to Settle Successful ' LONDON, April ;I0. It looks very much as ir there would ho a slrike of mWiers in this country with possible lie-tip- of Irim.Hiiiirliitioii mill industries, unless Hie wiser heads Of both sides are successful Hits tiflernooii in reaching an agreement. The miners Todav reiecled a revised offer from Ihe niuie . .. . . .:. ., i.. owners in an e ion to sett e t ie wage uispuie. The cabinet considered Ihe mailer at u special meeting and it w:is I'lMMil' ted lhut negotiations in ik hi be reopened King tieorgo-.retiiriifir lu Hiickingliaiii Palace from Windsor and It Is understood there was nieeliing of the privy council rol-lowiuig his arrival. The go eminent food control board Is considering whal action will be necessary to insure the reeding or Ihe population in the event of a general strike at midnight when the miners' agreement terminates. ' v Today some of" the Northum berland miners brought their tools lo Ihe surface preparatory lo nuitttng work. Leo Waugh, local Manager of the Canadian . National Tele graphs, returned on this morn lug's train from Kdmonton where he attended a conferenrft of western telegraph officials RESIGNED ANGER OF COAL STRIKE IN GREAT BRITAIN COMMENCING AT MIDNIGHT 'i n n wu service Lommisswners Who Received Consignments of Liquor from Inspector Resign MM I . V . I I . . I remier iuuikziuiz ning suggesieu uiui ineyu should take this action pending report of customs investigating committee OTTAWA, April 30.-llevelulioii before lite mnniillei' investigating Hie administration of (hi' customs LIEUTENANT BYRD AT SPITZBERGEN ON WAY TO ARCTIC Tax Exemption Bylaw Passes with 0nlyTen Votes Cast Against It Agreement has already been signed hy Wheat Pool and probably by Givernment and elevator will be operated to capacity pbia, allowing fie hits. " . ' . '",' " , , , , , In lour 'jumps' so far this' Only leu people voled against the bylaw granting freedom season he has permitted 17 liitsjtrom taxation lo Hie Canadian Grain Producers Limited ou Ihe lu 3 innings. e'ra',, elevator for ten years if they continue to lease ur operate i...u,-i'rinr m.iiw..i n.itviit for that length of time. Sixty per tent of the vole was re- . . . . " . : 1 win by crasiuritf out his lourtn t ii. " uvuiirr ui iiic wdjuii. National League Philadelphia 1, Itrooklyn New York 2, ltostoli 1. SI. Louis 3, Chicago C. Cincinnati 10, Pittsburg American League Philadelphia i, Poslbu 0. SYasliinutim 3, New York Chicago 7. Cleveland 3. Helioit , S Louis 3. 3. quired but the vole was almost unanimous, there being 3 17 for 11 and IU against, wilh 0 spoiled ballots. Iist Monday Douglas Slork of this city received a leller from bis father Fred Slork, member for this district at Ottawa, writ-leu from the capital a week earlier, in which he said that die lea-e agrpenient had already been signed by the Wheat Pool aiid,been received froni'them and Ihe government was expected to sign it the following day. The Pool has taken Hie elevator' on lease for two yeaTs with an option to purchase at the end ol that time. As wheat can be Miipped through thtsport'cheau-. fr.lhon through anyi other, pro-Vtdeil oUier facilities are the same. II is uiiifertood it is the Intention of the Pool lo operate Ihe house to capacity and there Is even talk of more elevators going up. The street surfacing bylaw was parried by a good majority so thai work will be able lo proceed immediate.!)-. The vote was very Ight owing partly to the weather conditions. The detail of the votes follows: Elevator Bylaw For 317, asainst 10, spoiled allots 0. Number of votes re quired 215. .majority 132. Street Surfacing Bylaw For 283. against 7 i. spoiled t. Number reiiufc-ed -10. majority Cl. FISH ARRIVALS Fares Were Light This Morning Only 23,000 Pounds of Halibut Ee-ng Marketed . 4,.... . Halibut arrivals were light this morning, only 23,ouu pootuis oe lug marketed on the Fish Ex change. One American boat sold 1.000 pounds Tor 15.7c and He, and three Canadians sold l'J.OOG pounds at from l3.Cc and lie to H.3c and 7c. Some ten thou sand pounds of salmon was also old. Two halibut schooners. Aiken with 10,000 pounds and Kaien with 12,000 pounds, not satisfied withTlie market, decid ed to hold over for sale until tomorrow. The arrivals marketed were a follows: American Wabash. 1,000 pounds, to Hit, Canadian Fisli t Cold Storwgv Co. Canadian Dolphin, 0,000 pounds, to tin Atliu Fisheries. M. M. Christopher, 11.000 pounds, and llulh 2,000 pounds, lo Ihe Canadian rish' & Coi! Storage Co. t' Salmon 7-f't Hippo, 3,700 reds and 450 whites, lo the Canadian Fish v Cold Slot-age Co. at 15.8e and 3c. Taplow, 5.230 reds and 50") whites, (o Hie Atlin Fisheries a! l3.De and 3c. D. V.. Maxwell, w ho formerly conducted a store at Port Cle menls, was an arrival from Ihe Islands on Ihe princeblin thl afternoon. - V. FRENCH TO PAY DEBT TO U.S. Low Interest Charge Being Made 'and Principal Over Term of -' sw Yearly WASHINOTON, pril 30 An asreemenf has been reached for the refunding of the French war debt to the United Stales and approved by President Coolidge. 1'he total of 4.025,000.000 will be paid spread over o2 f years with annual payments ranging rrom 830.000.000 in the Hrst two years and graduating to a maximum r 123.000,000. The in'erest charges average a Utile more lhan 1 3-8 per cent. FISHINGGOOD DURING APRIL Amount of Halibut 'Marketed Here Only Slightly Less Than Last April April was the biggest month so far this yp'ar.in the halibut fishing industry ami prices throughout, were satisfactory. TTii? total sold lure was 3,322.000 pounds or which 1117,000 was from American boatswain! 825,000 from Canadian. The'amouul was 170,000 more than were caught n March . In April of last year the catch was 3.3G.000 pounds. ROAD FOREMAN GIVEN SIX MONTHS IN PRISON John Allen McLean of Burns Lake Stole $52.38 From Department of Public Works Trial of John en McLean, road foreman, oil a change- of Ihen of $52.30 fron) the provincial department oT public works look place al 1 turns Lake on April 27 before Stipendiary Magistrate S. II. lloskins. McLean elected lor suuuiwly trial, pleaded uilty and was. seute.pced to six months' imprisonment Willi hard labor at okalla. wrecked Japanese" h ayej5een rescued TOKIO, April 3o. Two hun-Ireil am) nineteen members or the crew or Iho steamer Chichibu Marti wrecked ,nl - the Kurllns Tuesday night have been reicued.