PAGE SIX AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Beginning at 9 o'clock Floor in Ihc Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to lake care of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 . feel, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOfl SALE Phono Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM pure Drugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES fou wjll always find the highest quality at this store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately We fill prescriptions just as your physician wants them filled. LET US SERVE YOU Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Specials! Shoulder Steak, per lb. 15c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. for 55c Hound Steak, 2 lbs. for 45c Hoiling Heef, per lb. ... 8o Pol Roast Beef, per lb. 12'c Rib Roast Heef, per lb... 20c Shoulder Mutton, per lb. 25c Stewing Mutton, per lb. 15c Mutton Chops, per lb. ..30c Shoulder Pork, per lb. 25c Loin Pork, per lb 35c Leg Pork, per lb. ...... 35c Fresh Sausap-e. 2 lbs. for 35c Gainers. Ham, Whole, lb. 45c Gainers Ham, sliced, lb. 50c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE RUPERT All Nerves! All nerves! What a common expression! In this busy era with the problems of home management, club activities, and even political affairs crowding her day, bow often Ihc. housewife complains of nervousness, headache, backache and general fatigue. These symptoms of lll-feellng are often due' to. Blralued eye- -miiKCles'.'and ncrvjrKMljicli;can.betelievt!d by properly fitlod glassei. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 years. 15 years constant practice . in. Toronto. Phone Red 442 ,319 3rd' Ave., Opp. G.W.V.A. G. T. P. STOCK CASE SETTLED 'LONDON, Aug. 3t. An exchange telegraph today says: "We are officially informed a dispute between the stockholders committee and the Canadian iNationul relative to the status of the four nor cent debenture slocks of the (iranii Trunk Pacific lias becnj lit...l .nj f..1i nrriil ,.i..i menl of, the terms of settlement will be published on Thursday, i AZORES HAVE BAD'QUAKE Town of Horta, of Fayal Island, Suffered Especially Details j So Far Unavailable. WASHINGTON. Aug. 31. The severest earthquake in the history of the Azores Islands ha been reported to the State De partment by the United Slates consul at Fayal. who says: "Many houses were destroyed or danmg-eii and it is impossible yet to estimate Uie lost of life or property damage. Despatches from Libon stale thai a violent earthquake shook (he island of Fayai and reduced pari of the town or Horta to ruins. Details of the calamity are lacking. LONDON,i Any. 31. Private advices from Horta on the Island of Fayal report a heavy earth quake in the Azores which caus ed much damage. ONE FORD CAR III r hlrh I sliall nt'i'r Dir alt al Public Annum fur iah mi Wednesday, ihi ii dai r s;.ii nii.r. tutd. al i.i'i I'cld'-lt in It if i. rncn. ai the timr of iowr'h Brown. ippoMlc E. C. i ndertakers. oatlo at riinr yui-ri Mir. 1zitit. i s. in tHS'V Milk on 111 tried Ihree ilifferenl times. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET F handled in direct and lucid manner, while the ex-minister' lively wit eserriscd ilself frequently at the expense of the Hon. K. L. Pa-lcnaude. Five Thousand Present There was no dissension in the Si mr of the oiunly crowd of 5.000 zafhered in the in I'rinee unpen. - beautiful .... grounds of the . Joliette l-vcanemy, wnnin signi oi i.vs-i sumption River. Mr. . Cardin's i eloquence frequently swept them ! into thunderous applause, while each point brought home by the speaker was arecled with indivl- Q .1 ddal comments of approbation. I iirrifl0P ' UiTTft I I As Mr- Can,in rue 10 M feet and I UlllUV Qsl looked down into the amphithea- itre lined with human faces the Out in Poinl firey, jost off opening words of "O Canada" sa-(iranville Street, are two very luted him. The chorus swelled its healthy specimens of boy Hfe.j stremglh till it seemed as though They get poYridge aplenty each! every individual in the gathering morning, but they will not eat was contributing to the enlhusi-il unless they have Pacific asm. J,i,k' 1 "Our opponents have exasrgcr- The mother is qdile proud or a ted to the limit what was heard the tact that they can tell it at the customs inquiry.. Hut why she puis any other kind of' were tbey not satisfied to. slay canned milk on tin- cereal. She. within thf limiu if Hip immlrv HeeaiDie was np enough lliere to enable them to ruin the j Liberal parly. So they went be-yond it. and not like men. bill like rals. crawling tlirout'h the i slime of palumny and insult. I "That is what they did, when tlu'y triPcl to besmirch the repu- union or non. .Mr. i.apoiuie, a , man wlm enlereil politics a poor man. and who is now even a little poorer. He Is no! like some of these war profileers whose jla- (riolim wa not in their politics but in their tiockels, filled at the counlrys expense. Crube of the Margaret "These people tried to sully his OUR SALE ON ITALIAN PRUNES' repufatim,, paying J,iat he went IS A WINNER ifor a nolorinu trip on n . eitV- We will continue to sell this week toms vessel. Italian Prunes ,lu boxes.. $1.00 Preserving Pearlies $1.45 HarMelt pears, very best , . $2.85 Crab Apples, for jelly, per lb. Bo Other Fruit and Vegetable at Lowest Market Prices. for 95c Kmpress Orange Marmalade, J lb. tin 65o Fmpress Prune or Plum Jam, per tin 55c Fresh Milk and Cream Dally Vien that scandal was Ihoroughfy'pread, there w-As an inquiry in Quebec Citn?find after Iwo Iiourj of inquiry bfire Hon. Mri- Justice Lemipiit? the lawyer for the Meighen trovern. menl rose and declared that there was not a word of nroof. not UROCERIES I SCran of evldenre. nnt n teller In . " jii ""! wiitr, per in. ao provp tne truth of tlie charges uifiiesi j.raue jiuik Tea, Hi. B8cmade by IhejmiserpVH Iue.ct i.ampiieiie Tomato Soup, 8 lltm "It is not theTillierafs wi liaf . I . a . horosd w ... ... . ae in HVMnrr mi I'lrvnitiin ii o Heinz Tonialo Soun. small tins, h - - - iiai'wiiiii.i ii, n ii p i ne lawyer or uih .Meiiien gov ernment, who said that Mr. La poinle and Mr. Itineaii eould leave the rour! with their, heads hteh nut, unfortunately, the evil Jnsimiatjoiis, as J always Ihe cae had done their work, like s serpent sneaking in the dark And there are miserable people poor. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Aug, "tmi A nir ro..vcr' GRANT'S "Best Procurable (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST JN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT EUIm-GWj!t OmiHwm. Dad. A This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Lnjuor Control Hoard or by Hit? 'Government of Hritish Goluinliia. CARDIN. SPEAKS TO BIG CROWD Says Sir Charles Tupper First to Ratao Constitutional Question In Canada. CALUMNY AND INSULT Tells of Efforts Made to Besmirch Public Men of Country In Regard to Customs. JOLIFm:, Aug. SI. Hon. 1'. J. A. Can! in sprang a sensation at a public meeting here when he exposed the hypocrisy of the Conservative party on the constitutional question. Heading extracts NOTICE l from Hansard and from Conser vative papers In Toronto and SI. Regis Lafe for sale as a 'Montreal, he showed that the first going concern. Offers will be! constitutional question or this considered up to August 28,-af-ikind was raised in September. r that date assets will be snl.l J t896. bv the III. Hon. Sir Charles A good opportunity for experi-I Tupper and that the veteran Tory riit--u rrsiaurameur. addiv I,. Murray Fuller. Custodian. I9i SHERIFFS SALE III Itlt- i.iiunlx Court .if Pr.nre Holderi tl I'rinre Huncu. James I'laiiinrr. jiweph lieid. Defendant. Byi liltlle iif a IL-alTflnf tif ...,..tfi,.n in Ihl.' warrior had not only strongly de fended his action in raising such i an issue but had been supported by the rory press, which now I ridicules the issue as raised by StH-dd sbeR; hi. III. Hon. Mr. King. I lie constitutional issue, the ! 'u. and t n.r dirrWrt. i uiv -iird. tariff, the customs seandals, were i me ruuu i)i ih ucirniuni we luliun- SALMON PACK SAME AS LAST YEAR ON RIVER Total Sockeye Output of Skeena River Is 73,900 Cases The, salmon park on J he skeena Rivi-r (his season liuoiints to a singularly similar fijiure to that of ItS5 according to official' reports. The tot al pack of sockey.- for the 1U20 season was "U.VOU caes as compared with 74,000 eases last vear and the total park of u!l varieties to dale on . the Skeena River is 301,000 pounds as compared with 301,200 pounds last year. The total pack to date on t It? Xaas River is 85,000 eases being very close to last year's 87,- 000 cases at this date but Hie sockeye ftark is considerably down alH.&OO cas as compared with last year's-total of 19,300 poutids. Due to the pack of pinks on he north end of the Quccm Charlotte Islands this season, the total 1920' salmon pack for Iho whole of District No. 2 is con siderably in eiccss of the total pack at a similar date lost year. The total to date of all varieties in the dUtrlet Id dale is KIG.OOO rases as cc-niparwd with COO.OOO a similar dale lal yenr. Tho total pack of soekeye for Dis- iricl No. 2 this season is 203.- 000 cases, being a considerable lecrease from last year's totn; of 319.000 cases. Pack of Province The lolal pwek for She p'o- viiue to Mils date is 1,053.000 cases of which 10,000 case was rul tin in District No. 2 and only 207,000 case. in Districts No. I and 3 combined. The total pack for the pro vince is consioeramy in rxres of last year's total al this dale or 770,000 case. Some of the canneries on the Meen and ?.aas Rivers are closed liut others are remaining Hpen to park.cohoes and chums. I'he run of cohoes and chums na Hie Skeena River Ial week was poor while on Ihe Xaas It f described as havl.ig been very On Ihe north 'end of th5 Queen Cliarlolle Isiand, Watun River and Ferguson Hay canner les closed wHh the, end of the iniK run wuici rninf6 incni once ii iwo yiar! ic .Mdsseu and Shannon Hay .co-jneries rc j-e -naining cpen to pack chums. On the oulh end of the fs anus. four canneries are iwaillrag rife run of chum which so far has been small bin which it i expeeled should very oon improve. FISH ARRIVALS Only lliree smut boat arrived w Mi haliliul for the sale today prices being lHa and.MJ0c-. for .iheHeaii and IfiLiOoJanil l.l.OOii and t.r,0e and I0cifii fales were: . Amer.xan w Reliance,, 8,000, lo p;iefio lisherieg. Canadian 'Hay view. !8500; lo Atlin Fish- eries. H. A R., t,000 to Gold fllor Hge. ;; who'tiow'B Srfiimd' laying Ihat Cald;r was not sincere, that he was influenced to say what he said. "The -alumny, once Jaunched, can reach a" degree that reparation can npver cver.. Reparation never totally removes the evil ef- fecls, because, It fs a juirt of our buiilan natui'e; to believe evil ra ther than good. (FOOD NEEDED SAYS EXPERT Rapid Growth of White Races Increases Need for Agricultural Development OXFORD., Aug. 3 1. Food famine or shortage lie ahead of the while race unlcj il retorts to An inlcnsifioalio't OF SIR HENRY Mt.VntKU Aug. 31. - Sir A lolal of about 2.H0O oemon In I'rincc Rupert will be qualified I Henry Thornton, whose former, wife secured a jliorre from him in the I'niled States courts a few weeks ago, will be married in Sep tember tu Miss Martha atris. aged 25, of NVv York. Miss Wii-, triss "met Sir Henry during Ihe later days of the war while he was engaged in Red ilross work. COURT OF REVISION i WORK IS COMPLETED Total of About 2,800 Persons Are Qualified to Vote More Added to List Than Removed.. to vole al Ihe rederal election. Court of revision on Ihe list.! which closed yesterday aHer a' .veck s eson resulted in imu names being added to the list. ; struck orr and eighl cirrected. I lie prexiding offierr was Norman A. Wall, government agent. Advertise In Ihe 1)hIt N'ews. TIMBER SALE X8109. Ttwrm ulll 1 ttrt-m r.. ..i. ..... ... Auction, tl noon on Iho tint dy of Au-. . m it of fir or lh Id. inct I ore. if r. i'rlnre liuirl. 11. c, Hmj l.irence xsivs. tu rut J.Jtu.iinn f-i or siirurr HewKxk imj cUr. on n dm MiiMltU on U'inn lnlft. O'wn Jhrion lium., 'ftt-r. rti i-i.. r Kill lu. m Ucvil tit ttinhfr. rrtiiil nui any one uniMe lo inmi llwi (union Id ITKin may ulumt i trtint Iciwlrr t'i Ik! oprrwd it Um fiur or uclloii nrt Irnlfl it on bid. lunurr iinicuiir or li ciilr fores- "OOVtRNMCNT LIQUOfl HOT" Nolle ef Application for Conitnt to Tranolop Boar Llcint. NOTM K IS llf llEBV 0IVE'lh.l on tlw itii dir or Annm unt ihe uniirrjnrii Intend ki arply to Hie Liquor Control Hoard for roiinriit tir trinifrr or Berr II cenre numbered 4? and Imued In rett-eVl nt premle, letn .rt or t uulldinr known rort Cl'inent iiuiel, prt cle" menu, II. r... upon III landa deiwrllied II IM 7. Illm It 47. in SutHlln.U or Lot n", Omen l.tiarlotle Itlandn. frinre lliii.ert Land Henutry lllrlri, in the cmvlnii or i:i.Iuii.IU, rr..m Krank lllrki in llerliert Hamilton. Theodore Munronl and i cirmne or the Ton or Port Clemenu. In Hie Qinnly or I'rlnee Itiipert, In ihe proi Inre or Brllinh CoinmhU, )ha irin'reVrVi liVTr li at prlnee Itiipert, B. :.V liit lli ' ' ,,M dny or July, IIKnriF.HT IHMPTflU, nil iiponr Mt'jco.xi. "f Applican'n auil Trmfrei. I of ugriculluro. In areas iiow tin. I ler cultivation and to deliberate checks cf Its owii' birth rale h the near future, Sir Daniel Hall. leading lliilisli ex perl told the Ilrilish Associa 'ion for the Advancement of Seienc. tinier existing' condilions from two to two and one lial ' acres of eiilllvated land are needed to support each pernor. The increase of Ihe while population during the last centurv an evenl unprecedented in the history ol the worlds has been possibb' only because vast areas of tinoiviii'lrtl land, chiefly in Aiiiiiu-H. were open to settle-, mem. The prewl annual in-renieiil of the ,vhit& pOpulaMcn 5.0H0.000, needs the taking iif.i leuliivation of 1,000,000 nere- r new land arh year. Hut tins is mil Happening. Instead. 1'ir cultivated is decreasing slightly. Li ttb? new land i available. The world-wide flight from the land is laid (o Ihe small and uncertain relurni-l from agriculture a compared wilh Ihose fnun industry. ! Sir Daniel ms Ihe solution! to this problem in the whit'., rare inillng on the rlin! standard or living and in do-' Uberalely rlieekitig its own rr-; lility. He rec.wnlies thai dan-' ger lies in the readjustment period. Farmer, he nui organise co-operativety or eapi lal must enter agriculture. Tln intensification, he believes, w'l. ocrur only when prices rie. Ac inrreasr in agrieuiiure prodiic lion is possible uily 1hrou:'i seienlifir lem-arrli improving' strains of agrn ulitiral plants. YOUNG GIRL TO BECOME BRIDE - i H 19! Your Eyes Hold No Secrets from our methods of Examination for Defects Application of sclcnilflc'prlnciples with the aid 6il struments perfected for thelr'use try men who have m a lifelong itudy of the needs of Optometry It what orod such perfect results for your eyes when you visit cm ur tlcal parlor. r" If In doubt concerning your glasses consult win. w,lh optician. We make no charges for advice and do not ura to accept It, but we cordially Invite you to make ,W wants known to tit. 01 Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 jnd 0 p.m. "MISS NOBODY" Shimmering gown-, nimble halls, mi.ii , s Iheih for Iho un road. Crooning leei over slcel rajls at night. Ithr In the In clung coach for a reilles woman, a ni.ig vciituK carrying here whore 7-wlial ditin. just so long n it whs hwiij. Heaulitni Queen of the 1 1 oboe... This gorgeuit v reigned oxer society had become a drily stiff. Ihe liuKts, Ihe nnl-riler ainl gnu. s they railed her. She lliought she had man's rlolhe hut Iherv wa one who k wniiiaii. Slning rusl. Anna Q. Nllsson, Walter Pldgeon, Mitchell Lewis, Cljfc Cook,' Anders Randolf, Louise Faxenda, Carolint nankin and others. Comedyt "SOMEWHERE IN SOMEWHERE INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35cand19e French : Ivory at Cost In order In make room for our luitirc sliwk of French' dows for bargains. ? Frames Mirrors ' i Clocks Jewel Boies Trays Puff Boiet Powder Boies Hair Receivers limy go6Is w Ivory at rosi. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West Perfume BottUs Button Hoods Shoe Horns Manicure Pieces Vases Calendars Croam Jars Napkin Rings Ormes Ltd. The IlKXAI.L STOHB 3rd Avenue and 6th Street I'lUNKKII liIW " ' s Phones 82 nd W Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERY Compare Our Prlcei Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue und McBrlde 8L P. O. Bo 2" ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported .Serge and 'tirolch tH flA Twceil SniU mmle In urilor lu OlirsLKII $50. "v sliop iii Prince llupcrl us low us 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter , R c. Prince RupeiX. EARTHENWARE Knrlheii tocks. 1 mul 5 gallons, etu'li . . Kartheu Dean Hols, nssorleil nizes from Karlhen Mixing Howls, In five sizes', from,.... '.... ii.. i . . i i r.- $2.00 and 75C w"v nun 500 to in i-iiis, ii ii 1 1 1 nun uciom""t Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd; 3rdA Phone 101 255