f l ; . PAOR TWC Tut , Would You Like to be Forever FREE from ASTHMA Asthma-Sera, a wonderful new medicine, softens and wSr. .cnuu pasMRes, rcitores gland activity to normal and 01J1CKLY and FOREVER baniihes Asthma, Hay Fever and all bronchial trouble. FREE information sent gladly, tear out this advertisement and send it with your name and address to R. at, B. LA.BQBATOIUE8, Ltd, VAKOOUTW BLOCK 615 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: VAMCoovaa, m. c The Daily News ,PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince : Rupert Daily News, Umited. Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month ti.on By mail,tpall parts of the British Empire and the United StaleSv in advance, per year $0.0u io an niner-couniries, tu advance, per vear ........... $7.50 ; Advertising and Circulation Telephone - v. 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 88 All advertising should he in The. Daily New? Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subjeci to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITION Tuesday, July 27, 1926. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Political Situation in Dominion as Whole. ' nai uiey expect will happen in the country as n whole sometimes iniiiiences individuals in casting their own vote iti an election. .Many people, think that it is advantageous to have their member of the same political .stripe us the parlv in power. To h certain extent the theory-Is warranted thought of course there would be no necessary, opposition if all members were .on. uie government side, surveys or the political possibilities in the coiinirj are therefore .always interesting As- Tar as Canada is concerned it looks like a pretty good Liberal chance. ,It is difficult to perceive where the Conservatives are going to .strengthen themselves, but it is easy to see where the Liberals may mane gains. Seems Little Hope For Conservatives. a" " t .' 1 . . , ..... ... , .vs uespaicnos, newspapers and .persona! letters' from all .parts, of , Canada begin to pourvinto. the various political head-. . iuin1,.iiisuus ui uieir viewpoints are made it is becoming apparent, now that the first excitement attendant uooii Ilia A zti ii ft ;.m ..f 1 i. ...... . 1 ... ui.-.tuiM,,u,i ui j.unirtiiiriH ims passed, mat Premier Meigheii -will have-just as grfial difficulty iir getting his ney and'shorl-Jiyed ministi-y endorsed by the electbrsas he did by iirliameiit. The majority may be proportionally not much greater than in parliament, but it seems inevitable th;W it must be on the wrong side for him. e Where Liberals ' Expect to Gain. i . A CMre.r,!!-s",n:ey r ,,,e eastern situation leads to the conclusion lliarthe Liberal forces iu count on a gain of about 12 seats east oT the Great Lakes. U!,S gai"..i?i e"'irelj' at lhc Pse of the Conservative r-.niV. partj It the changes respective strengths (leaving the West ex-Y y as it stands) from 115 Consmatives and 101 Liberals to :il.i Liberals and 103 Conservatives. With the collapse or the Progressive parly and the notable n V li i n ? ,pnIP,e J,rnv",ccs' o ay nothing qf the defection i n' P mT U?gers ra,Uun frot t,le Conservative side, he look prairies like almost a clean sweep for Mackenzie King Hecovery or the five seats i Saskatrhewaii, of all the rural conslitiiehtf es of Manitoba and two seats in British (" wmmi.in fumlS .is eon idenlly expected in Liberal circles. , . k lbfto, wliere the powerful U. F. A.roup is still lromrlv entrenched, sMhe most difficult provit.ee to size , " t bu Hhcre Tu t T- nn f n,aW? V here ,al prog e s 'i in Z the sa saddle idt Jfh w.lh a . IaC"Z.,e K",g f"ve"ent should be back majority ove,- all after September I t, GOVERNOR OF BERMUDA Mast nffcht on the Continental LU iflnn n III i U'd of Hip Caiiailtan Nnlinn.il LlREO OALIUUN rIbHING P"rtwI that, during a short - visit in lnnlpi.ii i .. -n - , 'iiiiuiuc, ou can- So He Is on His Way to Campboll, ''( on Hr w'my Thornton, whom River, Where He Will Satisfy '"' ,,a'1. i"'cn clo,e hi France His Fancy. during trie (8reat War SAYS RAILWAY MORE RESULTS FARES TOO HIGH EXAMINATIONS Svdnav Brnwnlnn. of Nnw Hazal. Additional District Punll S ' j 0 - - ' - - - - V ton, Gives This As Opinion, i- . ami, !e. the cost of a roiind-tfiti Uicknt ItPtwreu Hazelton ami Van- west ahd one unit travelling east. According to statistics the motor train is the cheapest form of unit operated on the railways at the present time and should enable the railway company to quote low-local rates on both passensrpr and freight traffic. Mr. Browning says there are many people in the interior who would ue the railway to a far greater extent if cheaper fares were in force and many farmers who would shin their produce to Prince lluperl If lower freight rale were in ex istence. Many Indians he staloil. con srrceratrd around Hazelton diirina the month of July from Uie Ba hine.s and northern territories. and many of them would take advantage of a low fare to come Into the city and make purchases. Roads Important Mr., Browning is also an ardent . . I . ,..., II.. .-uiiuuri ,", llir UllllUllIK OI a road lo connect between Prince ftupcrt anil the interior country N many men. he slates, now own automobile that 4he Mdunie of motor traffic is exnaniliim fast. aim oniy ny uie miitdlng of a good trunk highway between the in lerior towns ran this desirable traffic be encouraged. TO MAKE LONG TRIP FOR GOLD Rumor Ha3 It That Stuart Hen derson, K.C., Has Second Purpose as Well In North. Stuart Henderson. K. C well known Victoria lawyer, arrived in the city on hoard, the Prince Charles yesterday afternoon on his way to HazHton front which point'he will leave on a COO-tnile gold seeking Jrlp of Several weeks into central and northern British Columbia. Mr. Ilcndirnn will be accompanied on this long trip by Mmon (iiiu-a-noot, the famous Indian whom he successfully de fended several years ago on ; murder charge. There are few while men In Bri tish Columbia whose word and counsel are respected by the Ba bble Indians like that of uun-A- WKMPI-XT JuTT7 P ' Nw'" lawyer. . Altho,W, life trip, rieuNTvee r , , - o " r r n Sir John Srflovno o ! h T . w,"c" "'rtake Uermvi.Ia. hasatastn fnr,in..i,.M i.i,.i..r ..'.""I. ""'""-.is principally oncernel with fdi flv . ' '"""'"'"'nKnwin'-ulnwHi fisnirig available in that orf nil , f recrcatioit. he i, n0W;pa, l of Vancouver Ma.(d, which hi, ..way to Campbell River. B. is one hundred miles nortl o U Mr John passed through here Victoria. So refreshinand satisfying! SHREDDED WHEAT with berries and cream quest for mJnorals. undiscovered by previous prtispectors, it is rumored that Mr. Henderson has also been asked to. settle differences which have cause discontent for years past among somo of the tribes. With (lunrA-Noot as guide, Iwo ol.lier Indians, and a train of ten pack horses, Mr. Henderson will leave Hazelton for a secret des- I tiuation In the interior. The Inw- : ....-. . . jvr ims aiuusseu a iunu or inior.-J maunn annul ine country lie proposes lo examineand.lfjhenj l any gold 1is xapct! toflnd.lt. lie . will he away ibdiit; two , mohths on the trip. ' A Durable Bin! -Woman This Is a very small chicken' Uroeiv Yes, ma'am, but will take you a lomg time eat It. Subscribe to the Dally News. His j Were Successful at High es, HuHl. lirtlli It to Sctioot Tests. netb L. Johtiiin Who That railway far,.. pa- F T" ?1. ,MK""" n ', ' senger ttii.l freight. areVmuOl, loo," u 7. ? T V 1,1,1, on th'n norll.rrnliuha.llan A,llf'tV,'.!"1' "" " r,,fl,1' National lints and aa ennso- '"'ll'V"''1 IV." as fo lrtw? w'' ''Hr BtiTkl.-y. tirade liwttco. volume .juenee. am retarding the of lrarHc wfiich woulilfbllicrwis'!irt,lr- , , ' . ....,... n, .a1i... i..H,',.ninl Lawn II 111,- tirade 9 Dorothy ..ii.ii. iff im: ifi: i--,ii i-i'in -1.. : . ... ion ,.f Sv,ln.- Hrnvnih0-,r,.it.ni. I 1 1 l' II .ll)tVltV e .MOIIlOr Dal uf the Indian School' at New! Hazelton, who is in the vlly on a short holiday visit. -' Mr. Browning stales Lliat the passenger fare, a af present sot hy. the Canadian National arc not equitable aihl cited, as an ex. tort Oenieiii. flraile ttt-Ulur- enve .V. Minak. i .John M. Wil liams. Prinee'tieorge, mUa 0-lloh-orla Ihtgle, John J. Sun. Loos Hert It. I.eboe, OUn K. Leboe. Yanderhnof. (trade 9 Kathleen K. Cameron ts. Laura A. Dezell Toiind-trip ticket on the triaiwiilar! f; Alpehy. ruei J. run taking in Vancouver, Jasper i J, ."''" ,,ru,u -7'a Park, lr nee Itinicrf. nn.t rnliirn " ""t 'arvin .1. imimi, immi- , ...... , t to Vancouver. The former fare costs ?CI 50 for the round-trip. n distance of somo 1.300 miles, vlipreni thn l.illcr f:iri nilv c,wl f 18.50, a distance of spnie 1.750 miles. ' - V ; -4 .; Mr. Browning's idea iihal the P.a Haitian National should inaugurate a local railway nmtor trniij serviw between Prince tleorge' ami this city, one unit Iravellinir l'iiimore. (frade tf. Wlnnifreil Bond. 'iFort Fruser, (irade 9 John D. Moore and Oonlon Vinnwe. Fort Fraer. North, firade .- -H. Kate B.'lsham, laid Willing-Ion, John J. . Willlngton. Wistaria, Urade H. Alfred J. Harrison, Edward J. Mohr and fSlen It. Mohr S . ' Junior Matriculation tlranhy Hay J.ouli' M. McAI-lter. Theodore W. E. Swan on. Sis candidates granted partial standing. Vanderhoof - - Four candidates granted partial standing. It: THE MAN IN THE MOON aaya: To preeti! i hat sinking feeling on the briny, eai cor. .Many a girl ui the Suit Laks has discarded tier elolLes for n coat of tali. In these, modern days of en-lisMitcniiiehi :Wi' still hae the senseless uuili in oiif midst who wiU insh)t upon rocklti,' the For a Ilgt luncheon, itux j riiafi'es. try a If you want to broadcast iory, tell it in secret. These are the days when the weather junti keens the mcnie minitiee? guesln. The Iing of Bulgaria k in n. v0w, I suppose, lhc dl ae will 'become fashionable .ul Jver the durncd place. oung SIribling I out of the riM for keeps Better to stav out of it t.iat way Jhan to b.i knocked out. If yoj are snv on r nnvprs.iiirii don't forget Babe iltith and bfs iionie uns or Aitnee -Mcl'lierson. A man usmillv bel hihgjjbut this: wir.tifrs; ,1 i. -.i- J, i ' l li fx iShnrtf,s efliehce In tor world wiib itfio longestkmeanina -"(Wo." 3 -.7 MyrIea ofin'arilili p- the guy. who stole the slnlne of Venus, beinar nlnehed fm breaking her arms off. I read that fish die when Hmn' Is no oxygen in the water. And Other flh die when llmrn la no liquor In the wafer. 1'llliCe nfflppp In Mm fil.iln. recently ran amuck after drlnk- mir nqmr. Kv denlly the crazy nrand. With the fllnrinlnn? rffan In ll. oirin raie ininirs ook h nek for Itlft miinilfnetlirir of li.il.tr hnl ties und rattles. The man who overworks tl.fl aiBSsacBiaVaWHtnVSIJlTIBl n &Or You can'ti 11 will make, you m IL letter "I" doesn't usually overwork his brain. One never rendu of the rirv nil- v.icales lakinif a summer trio across th desert. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert July 27, 1916. Silpl. Frank Bowling of the tlovernment Telegraph, has rc-liiruerl from a trip to llnzelton. The boys on Tun well Ulni-d ore having a splendid lime. Yes- leruay a parly of officials from t'nnce itupert visited the ramp and found everything in fine hnoe. I he canin is run nn tomi. military lines, and hv. W. W. Wright. Who is snemlmir day with the ad, speaks in Uie nisiipst terms of I heir be uiviour. WATER NOTICE Srmue Wlurf, Vinruutrr, . I. , mill ,t, ply fur i lift-mi w lik ni.l um tii. but lrr nitmilr. nr .... ... . intr. i:.,',,'h ll'TlbTlr and drain Umhi aMrlolle UUnd 1Mlrir , H,e 1 f cV win b (U.np,t rij m itii 'trr.l ,V "'met of I mi mt. u. c tun t'n' iifH-n the laail ilrirriU-d ih- ,wiaarjti: u,r rzs 11 jjipllVaiinnVSV'-fi VwTlih ihlBiS jUijr H-..t.1rr r with ilJ,' , ,n,pin,ni? I flrn aiirarnr t,t ihl ixiltr In a (mil Hon or llila notlr I, July t(i tvnj imimmhii .K CISMI1Y rouit'iiv i'ti. ny r. n. MATiirHte LAND ACT. raHltllP I irif filalKlAl I ...a Taku Arm.', 'bout t tioSiliwSt 'ut ""." "i m nmiiih of Mlintn ftivi-r. i.yr. orirr; that rranrla nirhard rxinlop of Allin. n.C. oicupailon '.Ml Imliarrr minn.i. in .n;.i . . "i"' in ,.Mfiii... ' .m ,H" VI.' r" ITimaaion in,u,."Jrrl" fi'lluwinir irribi ,,K!,Il",i.!.P'." "I. fillllmnil frin thu k ... in.., .. ,1 .. .. . '...""" " ."' Amnio ...... ..... , , lllt.Mrv vll ruairia U'rti- lliriip in rhin. .....iK. ..' ,. '.' "T1 v. . vi.uiirii. ruiriii. runiainifir 40 ' """'.iii u arrea. nirir hp niv.is iiiciiuin tiii.M.or, Pal. MMn. May in ' I'pl,,',,t LAND ACT, a i Ft ii i Ik a : ir. :.r .'" .n Xiiih TSwn.ii; of TtiK OTlriP lhal a... . - ' wriipuifHi orrallnt i",,V ,,n ,i '?,' rh ihr foll.iwin i d.rrllird lamia t f-mnniriirin i a pi.M planlM at il. ..l.llira. rumor Of OI,rlr ila;fl In' .It firms' ii ,i..,'.,,y:L "i-r"iio-n. f."ll !ft rhaln.J Urn?; " ri rZ"nZ .ftmr rfo nnrm rhaln A o EOWt.X IVllS EOOKfiT. Diua mi; io, tote. M"MM. 8!' 4 Everything for the Builk LUMBER We hati the mm.) rumtlfilM aKwlr nf la- . . : : " . mnieimon. smpiap. fir finish, flooring V i veneers. rr. m Northern II. C. Wo can supply everything In a building from the fo canon to me last piece of finish. Hetore buying inspect our stock. It will pay yo:r 0 prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. nti.Ha. 4A I Phones 110 and 117 Screens! Screens! Screen Doors, complete w.tli KittingA Adjustable Window Screens, from 50c SliS wmaow screens, m Molls, ml lo any - ,?e Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Pnon11 255 3rd At ANGER, the Tailor Fine Imported 8erge and Scotch Tweed Suits made ta '' in our -shop in i'rinco Itupert ns low as $50.00 I. ANGER, Gutter 223 Sixth Street PrInc) Rupert B. t w2llW rr a hip ro..vicMr GRANT Jest Procurable 2L- tdiMwai (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT -.viuiw, MauaM. J Jm T,l," n)omifirno!,l,,s.no1 fllficfl or displayed by W M(iior Control Hoard or by tho Govoruinout of Urilbh Columbia