ar. July 27, 1020. HEREVER THERE ARE FLIES USB FLY'TOX FlY-TOX "Somethmq kbq ate"- Tfes. Bw tainted bij Flies F iLIES crawled over the food. Waded in Ua m l-. ThPir stenchv feet were hlthv dirty. Baby took gernu of burning fever in -to her little body when she ate the food. m: Sho became restless. And then sick! Flics cause forty thousand deaths in tho United States each year. And far too many of them are children. UwFly-Tox. Protect little folk. Make Vtnoowt, 8. C your home dn, eomiortame, unitary. FLYTOX KILLS FLIES MOSQ.UITOES MOTHS. ROACHES, ANTS, FLEAS Just Arrived Another shipment of the Orthophonic Cohsoiettes $115.00 GRANADA $200.00 CREDENZA $365.00 pr. t.--l unci' mrt of one's lifs. It iffonls r, i n th. grown u' and i u eilll pttMlie V' . .nr servicr o ar we. Cum. We wii-fi you U hear Iheto. " Ulb I UWI ( 170. cw SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY i ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK i'lmsr Ihrce di-'ui' ' -ei'vn i r Family Work. vi: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH ul ni'-i v. i-Hii.illr price. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 m l w- will do Uu i t. Circus in town THE, TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING J Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Bear, Giraffes, Wolves, Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW The Newest Thing in Toy Durable ami nshuWe. If not abused, will lost for your., (ii, ii i.. n.i.i.ii Itenr. each i.uu "Ml IHI(, ,tHI, IUIIMJII, T' '""is null Jricr Ciicli . . Wuinptiit (Jul, onrli l-wiiaiil ami CutOi'ls. oa-U ..,-.,'7TT IiMiosnur. nirli larufri's, iaci $1.25 . SI .85 and $1.50 : v. SI .85 V . $2.25 $3.00 Ormes Ltd. The 11KXAI.L STOHK -:- Thr IMONKKIl "llU(i(ilSJln 82 and 200 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. I'hone 678. DC. Undertakers. Phone 41. Crystal Firelighters, 8 fo $1.00. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580, tf Mr. Debucy ami child sailed on tin;, I'rincc John last mgn fop Skidegatc Loral Oiiler of MoOisc. Impor tant meeting Wednesday night All members please attend. 17.' ' Moses ' Segiiin -, returned to Anyotf'Masl iijftht on the Prinoft Charles" taller a business trip to 1 1 he city. Mrs. W. A. Andrews was a 1 passenger on the Prince John last night for Skldegate after msitiixr in the city. Miss- Maud Hughes and Mis Wright of Vancouver IMarjorfe are making a trip to Jasper ParV nnd Prince Hupert. Herlrtl Ileenian, assistant secretary of the Vancouvc Hoard of Trade, is making lh'. round trip . U,is week on the Uleamer .(Jardein. Mr. nndiMrs. Hiddieklof Ed- mortto'ir nrirtn Ihe city viltlna with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Khy. who. are dJd friend of their from Stratford. I'he seliool boanl Is advertls ng In southern papers tin Iweek for a successor to J. J. Mrady as principal of Ihe Prince lluper! High School. Mi HoMMnary WinsJow. pu pil of Miss M. A. Way, was ueressfui in passing Ihe Junior I l oronlo tkjnsenatiiry of Musir lamination with honors. J. IT. Itirnie, who has been li'mployed at Ihe local store o ISply A. DtMhlson for the pas !wn niititli. returneil to Sinilli lers on this morning's train. Henry L. Messner of Xew York lis in the S;.ilihsrs ttistrlcl in I sibling some tlnr'j mireral laims rpreer.Unif some 1,000 ari-f cf la:nl in which lie i'i''resid. O.X H. sleanier Prince John ICiipt. M libit, ibtcknl at 10 o'clock I last nighl from Vancouver and Uaileil ul midnight for southern Jueen Charlotte Island Hiints on Iter rvlnrH (o Vancouver. steamer Prince I'.tiarlr" (.dipt. Neil Mclean, docked t J. 15 jenienlay afterniMni from Vancouver and sailed for Stew I art, Atiyot, and Uueen i.liarloli Island points at n.30 p.m. Jlr. ana .Mrs, r. mneiiy an1 making the round trip on the steamer Prince Charles. M I iiiu-lly is a-l!-Unt freight laims agent of tho C.N. 11. with I headquarters in Vancouver. Hev. Iir. Charles J. Cameron. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, sailed last night on the Prince Hupert for Vancouver on la month's holiday trip. Durin August, the church wtl) clost-d. rwpeninc the first weei in September. J. I.. Christie left on thi I morning's train for a fortnight business trip to tho interior which will take him as far liiscotne. Mr. Christie will 1 I accompanied on. part of his trtf by l. (J. Stewart of this oily who Is returning' by way of Jas per from n holiday trip south. I'nion steamer Cardena, Capl. A. V.. Iiickson, returned ul 1.30 I his afternoon from Anyox, Alice Arm nnd Stewar! and will sail at 5 o'clock for Vancouver and way-ports. Passengers leaving her. for Vancouver on Ihe vessel will include C. C. Elliott, Mrs. Williams, 11. K. Coffey. E. Heaphy, J. Mcllugh. Miss lllake, Miss Holt. J. II. Tall, Sam Murray and Mrs. Helen Healy. all for 5ME55SSE553SDE55E? I For Anyone With Weak Digestion BOVRIL U is Excellent THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Hascbnll tonight at C.30, ' Gyrus vs. Sons of Canada. K. J. Moore arrived fom Stew art on the Cardetfa this after noon, jip Douglas H haw wan an arrival in the city this afternoon on the steamer Cardena 'from Stewart Mrs H. Nation returned to the cily on tlic Cardena Mu after noon after visiting at Alice Arm. Elks' Flag Day Dance, Moosu Hall, Thursday. Arthur's Orchestra. Gentlemen $1.00, Ladles 50c, 175 Hev. Cooper arrivd In tlx cily from Kincolith aboard th Union steamer Cardeua this af tcrnoon. J. II. Tail of Ihe Ureal War elPranK A!ociation staff, sails this afternoon on the Larden for Vancouver. John McKay was' fined ?25 and cols in the city police courl this morning ly Magistrate Mc l.eod on a charge of intoxication On a charge of intoxication Vxel I.und was finrd -5 an coiits In the cily police court by Magistrate McLeod tins morning Inclement weather last nigh auxed Ihe postpoiifinent of lh' Senior League 'football frame be Iwcen the Moose and (Jrand Ter initials. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Slamfoni and family of Dighy Islaml re turned yesterday after liavin spent a six weeks' vacation Victoria. PIcrcy Powell of Engineer ha leen appointed -a notary publi for such lime as he remains-1 the employ of theiKngineer (iold Mimeilne, at KiKjlnewr. Mr. and Mrs. . Harton and son returned to (he city on th.' Prince Charles yesterday afternoon afler vlsllfng in Vancou-er and southern cities. Oeo. Woodland was a passen ger aboard the Prince Charles last ntehi 6n a business round- trip lo Horlbejrh and Oueen Charlotte Island p6ints. A regular tnonthly meeting of the Sons of Canada was held last night in the Mttlropole Hall when matters of a" routine na ture only were dealt with. Mrs. Hubert Srharffe, who !ias been holidaying in the south. rrived in the cily on the Prine- Charles yostenl.i.v aflernon en mute to her home at Skidcgale J. Mcllugh, fisheries engineer who has been here for Ihe pa few days on business in cornier iion with the biological station. returns to Vancouver on the Car dena this afternoon., Corp. C. (!. Ilarber, provincial police officer at I ort St. Join on Sluart Inke. arrived in tl. city on tho Prince Charles ye lerday aflernon from a vacation trip south and spent oversight in town. J. W. Ouekrr. broker of Ju nrau, Alaska, and P. II. Abbott manager of the Huppul Powder WorkH of Alaska, r vvere pas sengers on the Prince Charles last night on a business trip t Stewart and Hyder. Mr. and Mrs. W.,fE. Collison and daughter returned'' lo Ihe oil v aboard the Cardena this af lernoon. Mr. Collison .has been on a periodical business trip to Naa lllver points in connection with Indian Department affairs. Itegular meeting of Prince Huperl Assembly No. 41, Native Sons of Canada hv Melropolo Hall, Monday. July 20, ul p.m. lteport of the representa tive on (Irand Council proceed ings v ill be given. All metr.bei please attend. It Cordon F. Johnston, formerly cilv passenger agent here and now general passenger agent fot the Canadian National, Hallways at Sydney, Australia, arrived in Vancouver last weelfeii route' to I headquarters in Montreal. He is expected to visit rnnce impcri while in Canada. Passengers debarkiivg here frhm Ihe Cardena this afternoon j included Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Collison and daughter, Oeonge Clo-llhler, Mrs. H. Nations, J. 11. 'Hell, il. Neilson, C C. Paxton, Mr. Wilcox, .Mr. . Powell, Mis MeMullen and daughter,-Mr. Mo Kay, Hev. Cooper, Douglns Shaw nn.l V.. vl Mniirn. V Positively the last week H H of our H I Great Sale 1 ijtni " " c VHD ffiq Clearing out all odd lots K mtk at surprise prices 1 SAVE NOW! SAVE NOW! I BUILDING IS TO BE RUSHED Revised Plans for Biological Station Completed and Construction Starts All details in connection with he ereotion of the building hav -ng been completed, construction A-ork on the biological station on he government wharf will b started al onee by the contrac- ors, Mitchell & Carrie. Tin-dans had been held up for vhile but all the changes deem d necessary have now been mnde and everything is in shap' for speedy erection of the strur- ure which the contractors ex pect to have completed by eji tembcr 15. Ttie biological sta inn uU will t hen move m mmediaiely. CRUSHED UNDER HEAVY TRUCK )no Vernon Man is Killed and Another Is Seriously Injured VEHNON. July 27. Crushed leneath their utavy truck which apparently was pulled over an embankment when the trailer did from the road, Xcit Silver-tail . ased 35. was killed, eight niles north of here iale yesler-Iny aflernoon and a younger iroliier. 11. A. Silvernail, sus-ained a fncfurej skull and lies unconscious in the hospital liere. OCEAN FALLS LOSES LIQUOR STORE, BUT GETS BEER PARLOR OCKAN FALLS, July 27. A petition was recently circulated here asking for the closing of the (lipjor sUuv, which the government granted. Now the Pacific MUls is opening a beer parlor with the man who was formerly in charge of the liquor store con luetittig it. FINE CANARY HERE A prite sinsing canary arrived from England aboard the C.P.It. steamer Prif.cess Charlotte yo3-lerday morning for Horace l)u llamel. of the Prince Huperl Aviaries. ' The priie canary was accompanied by two hen birds. The birds arrived in excellent condition, having? travelled 7.000 miles In 17 days. This particular canary has won many coveted prizes v.roughont the Hri:.-Ish Isles and one of the fines? birds v Canada. m (Jorjiforir n and djConomy Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattsrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 38 Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 196 Simmon's Slecl Beds, Springs, and Oslcrmoor Mattresses in every room. 52 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water, Baths and Showers. Sleam fleated. Electric LighL IIcanadianJ Vacific Corner of Third Ave and Sixth SU PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship and Train Service Sullnrs from PRINCE RUPERT fur VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, rich MONDAY nl THURSDAY 4.00 p.m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. Tor ANYOX n.l STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. Fur ALASKA WEDNESDAY. 400 p.m. tor MAS SETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. For SXIDEOATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT rtlly urept SundiJ t I I.JO Ul). for PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, tit puJati Eattrm Canada, t'Dltrtl Stilts. Agincy ill Octtn Slttmthlp Lln. l!e Canaillan National Kprfs for Nonry OrUers, Fumru Clwquea.-ete, also for yuur next fblpmrnt. City Tleatt Offlca. S28 Third At., Prlnea RuparL Phona 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Mtchlkin, Wransall, Junaau and Saagway July B, 8, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, SO. To Vancoutar, Victoria and Saattla July 7, io, is, 17, ii, t, . i. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campball Rlat and Vancaur oaf Sati,-day 11 a.m. For Buladala, Eatt Balla Balla, Otaan Falla. Namu, Alart Bay. Aganey " for all Stoamahlp Llnaa. Full Information fram W. O, ORCHARO Ganaral AganU Ooraar of dth.Slraat and Srd Aanuo, Prlnco Rupart. B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . Saillnta from pnoco Rupori. or WANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaon Bay, and Alart Bay. Twaaday, P.M. Por VANCOUVER. VIOTORIA. AlaM Bai, and Swanaon Bay. Saturday. 10 A.M For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rl-ar Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. For PORT StMPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, p.m. US 2nd Aiaat'O. J. Barnalaa, AianL Prlnao Nupart. B.O