I 25 Hi M TAXI and Boston Grill Ambulance Service Anywhere Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and eth 81 MATT VIDECK, Prop. v,'l K'.. Ml inrriTTiniT m u n in 11 I Ull 11V1 1 OF LIBERALS Rsmaln In Office. July .'7. - The nold a provincial ;dialety follow insr j of the legislature, J yesterday at a iarty executive. : llmwn. who rcslgti-y oii.rulrd to re-. ii til after Uie feat did alo J. O. provincial oryan- " was presented with . "d address and hi a -."ltd silver tea er-g those present were ' liiiiiniiiB. 1 1 ii tJias. r :id Stork, of Prun e UUD ALCOHOL CAUSED DEATHS " m n noman Mna una mini u led Last Ki.ki i rtrii.ln Liquor Was Smuggled. r lUONTO, July 27 More than 1 d Billions oT WOod hI- lo have been the liquor i r Ihe deaths of eighteen ii Ontario during 1he w day, arrived al nn On-wn from Ihe Unllcd State ' m u void car, according to 'a ion secured by the pro-' noli e. in uniii that ev- l ii!iau were iimdieatcd in ";ioM.alh)n. women died in Toronto 11 'iu man In Hamilton last t!i MMTriniTIAtT i iii ii-k a i in v ON INCREASE ''ty Per Cent Wore People Came into Canada In Two Months This Pear Than Last. OTTAWA. -IiiK. 7 linHiilirru- " 1 "Ho Canada during the first inotitliM of Hie present fiscal I 'otulled 3(l,(0O. an Increase t welve thousand over Ihe same iod a jTlir. g0 During April "" May. firtecn Ihousund Cana-""'s who had left for the United 'a ":c periiuinenljy returned l ' -ula. FURTHER PLANS IN I CONNECTION WITH WHEAT HANDLING WI.NMI'lXi, July l ulled Oiain Otowers I.td. will (his )ear handle Alberta pool grain through the Alberta terminal elevators at I'ort Arthur and Tori William it is learned. The handling of the grain will be 'ahum the lines recently areeil upon w hen a Joint opera -tint; eoninatiy for all thu pool ll.iil.i.l l. ni I llr.iunr. ilivilloi'!t was contemplated. ' ORE BEING SHIPPED PORCHER IS. MINE The power boat l.eila II., Capl A. Saint, left porl this morning for Surf Point, I'oivher Island, lo tow a scow load of 80 Ions of ore lo Ihe (Iraiihy smeller from the I'allersott and Wright mine al that point. The ore is valued al around r.0(iO. GETS NINE MONTHS A. V. ..McCandllsh of Anyo-i pleaded guilty before Judge Ynuim yesterday aflernoii on a rhiirire of obtainiiiu money by false prelenee and was -sen leneed In nln' monlhs ltn prlsonmeul at Okulla. Residence of J. O. 8teen Outted by Fire and Smoke Yesterday Afternoon. Tlie residence of Mr. and Mrs. alarm wn turned in by Mrs. Fred Stork, who noticed moke is-ming from the basement. j When Hie fire department arrived with the chemieal engine il wa dieoereil that a serious blatn war under way and a telephone call wa cent in for rein -forcenienl. Upon the arrival of No. 2 truck a huyu was laid from Atlin Avenue and an addilioual line of hoe from (iraham Avenue, cojiie t.U'lO feet of iioe being put Into eojnmlssion. Dense Smoke ' rireDini&4a tleile in the Mr. Meiicheri, Uie (iiermtivefMtpmeRt that i!i- firemen -on Id leaner. aiu Mr. Kirwr. liau one imliry for the Maritime, another for (Juebee. it third for Ontario, a fourMi for the prairies and a fifth for llrttiftb lUdumbla. Sueh a ylem, or laek of rye tern, was directly opposed to the unity (bat was fto tniieli required in auada. LADY THORNTON OETS DIVORCE I'llll.AHKI.PIMA, July Ihtoree lia been granted Virginia Thorutun, wife of Sir Henry. The arlipn was undiluted eome fiH'.illi!' ago in the Pennsylvania Courts and Hie final decree in now 'rantcd -m the grounds of continuous incompatibility of leinperainenl. Ih( tnUHF. After ovrrcomitig the ba-emeot fire the firemen were eiiableil to enter the upstair portion of (he house where they foutnl the furniiine badly blistered by the brut and the walls blackened by sml.. Tbe dead dog was found underneath a sofa. A fire bad been lighted in the ba-emeti furnace li Mrs. Sleen in the momins. Mrs. Si pen left the house about 0 a.m. and Mrs. Qinnichael, who is visit inn w ith Mrs. Sleen during Mr. Sleen's absence in Smllhors, left the house at t o clock w4ien everything appeared normal. Mr. Sleen is al present in Smi- thei working on the new building winch Is being erected by Olof Hanson. The house was Insured. Second Outbreak The fire department respond- ed lo a second call around 10 o'clock this uK.ning to the Sleen residence. Uixsn arrival il was found that the rafters under ihe sun room Had caught fire, evidently fr:n a smouldering spark and iit.it burned througii lie floor Damage was done to li' i.irmtuo'. The outbreak was quicliy jhni.'uished with one line of hose. CUMBERLAND" PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCE III PEHT. I. C. TUESDAY. JULY 27, l20. (. Slexn, (iraham Avenue,: entview, suffered eoilcideniblej damage jeslertlay afternoon as' the i cull of a fire, which broke mil in the basement, ureutuably from an overheated furnace. Tbe bae ment was entirely suited and the furniture and walls bi the uptair portion of the liouie, were damaged by tbe intense heat and moke. A pet Spitz dm wax uf totaled a a result of Miioke fumex. No one wa in Uie limine at the lime of the outbreak. The IS IN FINAL Defeated Reglna Post by 4 to Nil Again and Will Meet United Weston WINNll'Etl. July 27. t'laylfcg ul Itiighia, the Canadian Collier ies eoirer ileum, Hrilj-di Col u in Ida title holders, yesterday afternoon defeated the llegina I'osl Yetlerdijrt Circulation, till William Dwyer, of JHontreal, Is Over 100,000 Cases of Salmon Is' Found Guilty of Violating U. Packed so Far In District S. Prohibition Laws. 1 Ouriiii' the oal week tlio run XKV YOHK, July il. William r --o. ke,e "'iinn in Owtrict! V. lwer, owner (f the Mount -' has been up to fie aver-lloyal race track aiid head of a;J?e while pinks have shown up jeyiidicale said tu eonlroi etrhieen 'ro". The run of sprinx sal-leaiii-.iiip.-, mu fouml guilty of won for the month or July ; eoiitpiraey iu violate the probibi-'datc greatly improved over lion laws and was -entenced to nm la 1l,r a"" Jla two year in penitentiary with a Hue of 10,000. Iiwyer was charged with Miiugt-ling t0.000,-Olili worth of liquor into the United Stales. GREAT LOSS FROM STRIKE Cost Nation 50,000,000, According to Statement Made In Parliament. ;ally on the rfieera iliver, wfcere .be run has be"n better than uterine and piealer than Oil" ';lme last yaar. j . The total pack to dale 'or Un !Naa Iliver. Skecua Iliver. Kim--quit, and liella Bella Coola dis- i . ..s i given below ; Naas River Slrl Silts, III Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire; NEW 800A FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 487, CANADIAN .GETS PINKS ARE NOW '0riental Nation is STIFF SENTENCE RUNNING STRONG! PRICE FIVE CUNT. ANAD1AN UNITY IS DESIRE OF LIBERALS IVALKY BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND JAPAN FOR SUPREMACY IN PACIFIC nt Leaders Address Large Public Meeting Opening B.C. Campaign r n n ri t n. Jj. iiii v w w w w v a a w m bm u & u u a. i v and Hon. J. H. King were speakers in Vancouver last night V i;Ol VKII, July 27. Three minisler of the late Liberal , :j ih addressed a huge public gathering in the Hotel Vati-i -i niglil. inaugurating the election campaign in HritUh : n:l x Hon. Charles Dunning. Hon. Charles Stewurt and i i J II. King were Ihe prinripal .speakers, each pleading ; i r ic-(ur lo reluni Ihe .Mackenzie King government a way or bringing aiout Canadian unily. Ii Columbia, Mr. Dunning said. w often referred to k door or Canada, and the back door it had been, but list nod lo be the front door of Western Canada. He Mial Uie people of tliit province shuuld eii-opcnite .politically and economically with IIhkp of Mie prairie provinces lifl ; order that ibeir mutual inlereU might be advanced by a solid body "f men in the lloue of Commons. Mr. Stewart' said that the Dominion should be prifHired lo nuVe onu MrrKtee to uHiif about the decree of unity desired. Iledue- tion it lhr tariff ma try the Lfcheral jiovcrnment had Iwen ear eted utMilff titat rmliirxw. WESTVIEW HOME BADLY DAMAGED sitiad by a score uf to ui:, thus winning the series and lbs riuhl to meet tlio L'nited West his, Mailitoba champions, In the finals. Weslons uulscored Ihe Willys OM-rland lenin'of TorOttlo, Kasl em Canadian lepresentallves, by 5 lo 2, winning the femi-fiunls li a tidal score of 8 to 3. The finals will be played here on Thursday and Saturday. The finals In the regimental tennis tournament will be playrd bought on Uie reginienial rourls LONDON, July 27. The ooal and general strike coat the Industries of the nation approilmately 150,003,000, according to a statement made In parliament yesterday by Arthur Samusls,. parliamentary secretary of the overseas trade department. The estimate Included a loss of t40,000,000 to the mining Industry. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Did. Asked O.IUl 1 63.00 H Soekeye Consolidated 216.00 '.Sprinjrs .. wunweu itju.no iuo.uu .MeeineaUs I'orler Idaho .08 Cohoes Surf Inlet ...03 Vi .0lt Pinks A I .11 Chums Premier -.'12.00 210.00 i 'Soekeye Springs jl'lllfcS ... 'Chums . To tat Soekeye .. Sprint's ... Steellieaus itohoes Pinks Chums Klmsquit So. k eye Sjrinfrs Silver Crest .13 Total ... Cash Box Lost from Boat Skeena River jSteelbeads ICuhoe . Chums Total Bella Coola at Cold Storage Wharf is Cases U.IO'J 5,588 .. I0,t7tj 1,657 25,524 ... 45,451 16,105 lU'J 1.793 16,870 2,017 3,605 104 11)8 27 371? 183 1.1U.5 7,7 1 1,330 I(MI 7" 2,3c; 21'0 1 1.851 Found but Minus Contents The cash box lol from Ihe Canadian Fish ei Cold Storage Company's fish packer Zibassa on Friday last, containing around $ 1,000, was recovered this morning in 00 feet of water, by tbe Prince Hupert Hoat House salvage corps. Capt. A. Swausou iu charge, at the Odd Storage dock al the point where the boat lay when the robbery occurred. Lpon examination Ihe box only contained $107.10 iu silver coins. Iliver Hill Shelini round the. box on Ihe bottom tied up iu n sack weighted with lead. The box was open and had not been furred. Provincial Police Chief Spillet;, accompanied by Constable V. Marklanil, was in charge or Ihe operations aboard Uie Launch 23. who h acted u lender lo Ihe diver. The box had evidently been thrown overboard by Ihe person who-had taken il niter Ihe paper money had been extracted. No arrest in connection with Ihe robbery bus yel been made. Adam Moffatt, Better Known as Anxiously Watching Fort Establishment Aviation station in Aleutians and armament extensions in Hawaii cause of woiry "Grandpa," Died Last Evening j After Being Invalid 18 Years "(irarttlpa" died iu the Prince Hupert lieneral Hospital al 0.15 last evening. His right name was Adam Moffatt, but nearly everylMuly knew hint as "(irandpa," Deceased was injured during railway construction here about IU00 and stricken with paralysis, itefore Ihe present hospital was built he was n patient in Ihe old, Foley, Welch & Stewart hospital On Ihe wulerfroul. As soon n$ Ihe Prince Hupert lieneral Hospital ppeiied he was admitted 16 it und fur Hie past sixteen years he had been patient there. "(Irandpa" was n familiar figure abonUUie hospital and his presence will be niijsed rrom Ihe comer bed iu Ihe men's medical wanl. I.aely, however, his death was not unexpected und it came as a happy release to his own sufferings and as u relief to those iu whose enrobe, hail been for so many yeurs He was n iwtivj?of coUaiid ami wits H5 ears ul of ijilftrraugoint'iits c IiMheihauds uf 'he H. (i L'nile age. Undertaker Fun- Australia also irritating . V1CTOHIA, July 27. Japan is anxiously watching any step which the United States may take toward the estaulishment of an, aviation .-latum uu the Aleutian Islands and fear uf United Htatc-s) 'attempts to dominate Hie north Pacific are also fostered in Japan by continued fortification uf Pearl Harbor and the other Hawaiian bases by the American. Such was Ihe declara tion made yesterday before Ihe Canadian Club here by Major Oeneral J. H. Macllrien, chiet or general staff uf the Canadian militia. "It is an irony of fate thai Ihe United States, which Japan Iu abandon her isolation should now find Japan tier greatest, rival for the East-: - ern markets," Oeheral Macllrien said. .Australian, he added, have i irritated Japan by their "White Australia" policy, this being be- aiise of tbe suggestion of inferi ority implied rather than because! Jnpanes-e wished to go to "Miri-.' r a USK-TERRACE HIGHWAY WORK J KItHACE, July 27. The contract for the clearing of Terrace and t'sk for the provincial highway has been awarded lo Messrs. Colt- 4 hurst and Peddie of Terrace. FISH ARRIVALS Eight Boats Sold 174,000 Lbs. of Halibut at Exchange Today Four American and four Can DRAW LIKELY CRICKET GAME Australia and England Unlikely to Reach Decision In Fourth Test Matcri. MANCHESTER, July 27. On Monday, the second day of play in the fourth test match, tbe sit uation between Australia and Eigrtaud was approaching a dead- the right-of-way between ilock for .with two Oavs irone. milv adian boats sold a total of 174, 000 pounds of halibut on Hit Fish Exchange this morning, of this total Ihe Americans land-d 115,000 pounds and the Canadians 21M0U pounds.' American caught fish received around 15c and 8c and Canadian caught fisu around 14c and 9o The arrivals were: American llhona. 25,0(10. to, Canadian Fish A OUt Storage Co. Westfjord, 10,000 to PacifJe Fisheries. Had'), 60.000, to Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Allu, 50.000, to Hoyal Fish Co., for Ketchikan delivery. Canadian A.li, 10,000, to Atlin Fisheries. Kaien, 12,000. to Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Pair Of Jael. 5.500, and Mab. 1,600, to Atlin Fisheries. CONFIDENCE VOTE FOR ! POINCARE GOVERNMENT Policy to Rehabilitate Franc Is Approved By Chamber. Tax Extensions Proposed. PARIS. July 27 The Poincare government was yiven a vote of confidence this afternoon after its policy lo rehabilitate'lhe franc had been outlined in the chamber. New taxes, both direct and in direct, aro proposed. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Pittsburgh 3, Hrooklyn 2. , ' American League Hoston 0, Philadelphia -5. eij?hl Australians had batted in the first inning and there was little prospect of the game ending decisively, with a draw appearing to be the likely reull. When ihe stump were drawn; the Austral ians bad stored 322 runs, Mc Cartney and Woodfull scoring 109 and 117. respectively. When play was resumed this nrorninsr, the Australians ran Ihe score up to 335 for eight wickets, England then going to bat before 'to.000 spectators. GAINES TRIAL NEXT MONDAY Three Hundred Jurymen Summoned. Difficulty Expected In Forming Panel. SEATTLE, July 27. -An addilioual panel of one hundred prospective jurors fo,r Hie trial of Wallace C. Oajnes, changed with tbe murder of bis daughter, Sylvia, was drawn yesterday. This makes a total of three hundred jurymen who have already been summoned for service. The trial will open next Monday and it may take a week to complete Ihe jury. Politics, it is said, may enter the SPECIAL FROM HERE WRECKED But Only One Car of Fish Was Damaged and No One Hurt Near Rivers, Man'. " SASKATOON, July 27. Word was just recen'ed here yesterday of the wreck of a Prince Rupert special fish train near (livers, Manitoba, last- Friday. The locimto-live jumped the track carrying the cars with it, but ohly one car of fih was damaged, v N'ohe of the crew were injured,'' althouirh Uiilralo was travelling1! l forty miles an hour.