PAGE SIX Italian : Siik 'RATINE I A lovely washina silk ntul cotton fabric fop ladies' or children's dresses. Comes in pink, sea, ,padsly,. sand, mauve, etc. Thirty-six inches wide, 60c ' PEn YARD WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phono 753 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINQ Beginning at D o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c Tito Hall is now equipped to lake care of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of ' any kind; Tho building is 50x100 feel, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear lillo to property. IT'S FOR SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Take Home a Box of Rochon's Chocolates or ALMOND CRISP $1.00 A POUND Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Crockery Department Must he old out regardless of cost, on account of shortage of space. Here are a few of our bargains: Cups and Saucers, doz. $2.25 21 Piece Tea Sets, set $4.50 Berry Sets, per set .. $1.25 Tumblers, per doz. . . $1.40 Teapots, each . . GOc to $2 Salad Howls . . . 35c to 6O0 Jardineri's ... 60c to $1.00 Come in and inspect our stock. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office HoursQ to fl. X-Bay Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon TO SHIP GRAIN BY THIS PORT Representative of Seattle Japan ese Grain Firm Is Visitor Here Y. Isfiida, representing Milan-bishi SJioji Kaisha Ltd., Importers and txnni'ti1tt nf in-nlti iiT Seattle, is in the city looliiimf put J he shlppnjjg facilities and ofher mallei's with a view to 1 making grain shipments to Japan1 mrough "'is port. , Mr. Islilda expresses himself as being well satisfied wjtlr con dilions as he" fimlk'llicm ami predict a growing business through this port for the exportation of grain to Japan. 1H stated this morning that Japan I was Using more Canadian urain daily and his company was aliv to the possibilities of Prince llupcrl as a shipping centre. Mr. Ishida will leave for the south this evening on the Car- dena. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. 1 Dug by Island Part cloudy, calm; barometer 29.01: tempera CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ."NOTICE IS IIEUEDV GIVEN that tho ere exlslint- uer Lot 4607, Cajsiar Dis- n hi, ia cauieiivu. lirpuly Minister or, 11. it Ktnrv Lands Department, ' ' viriona, u. t.. VOIh June. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intsntlon to Apply to Purchasa iana. In I'rlncf Ilurtrt I ami ftrrtirriinr rimri.-i nf iTinrp nuix-M and situate at rerrumn Bay. Massel Inlet. Graham Islaud. O. c. I TAKE MIT1CE that FraiwL M.lrrt nf Prince Itupori: B. C orriiDillon eannirv- man. intl IlitJ tu irnilv fnr ru-rmLcInn in purrhase I he rolluwinr described lands: UHiimrnrinir at post planted at the !H. W. corner or Lot 1571. Uueon Charlotte Island District, thenre south SO chains; 'henre west rhalnv. ttiem-f north to Itiarli Water Mark; thenre easterly alonf High Waler Mark to Dolnt or romrnenre- nunt, and cuntainlnr 80 acre, more ot ICS 9. framcis millerp. i . J . . Applicant, limed June Uih, IQ88. I LANO ACT. a Notice or Intention to Apply to Leaie Land In Prim-e liupert Land ttentrdmr ' li trlcl or Coast liamre 4, and situate 09 South Harh.iel Inland. TAKE .NOTICE that Airred Swmon, r Prlnre Rupert, orcunatlon Manner. In tend to apply ror a leas or the lollow lor dcsrrlted lands: a Commencina; at s pot planted at tn north end or South ftirhael Island; thenre anxind the Island at htrh water mart and containing- to arrea, more or less. ALrltEn SWA.fSO.I. Appltrant natert nrll 7 lt Eyes Examined and Glasses Filled II will pay you to have your glasses made here. You are always assured of a conscientious, painstaking examination of your eyes and the very best in both Ienses'and frames and also at prices surprisingly less than you might expect. Prompt Optical Hcpair Service. JL I IRFLAND Optometrist 3tt) 3rd Ave., opp. O.W.V.A. Phone Red 442 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load S6.B0 Per half load 3.50 Per sack , .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll ! HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor ItOceivcr, Litjuidator, Trustee. Ac. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PIUNCi: IIUPEIIT Most Housewives Use satisitais tSBIBaBaaw 4vlBaW itsW JMamw 1 wSsJmz mm, irm It assures Ii etterBokin ture 58; sea smooth. Noon Digby Island Part cloudy, fresh .-southeast wind; barometer 30.00; temperature 60; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Misty, fresh southweM wind; barometer 29.-!8: temperature 55; sea choppy: 1 1 -30 p. t. spoe inotorslilp Olinda abeam Klewnuggell' nortltbound. Dead Tree i-oint - liaromelcr .'S0.00; temperature SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY The sixleenth anniversary of! the consecration of Archhishon' i)el'encier was ceti'nrnltd at a "peeial service in Christ. Church, Vancouver, on Sunday. V.. llcaphy, pcneral manager ot the Los Angeles Lumber Pro- duels Co., and T. A. Keller, well known Queen Charlotte Island lotrging operator, returned this morning from Buckley Day and will sail this evening for Vancouver (mlttflCardi Coastwise Steamship & Hargf Co.'s freighter Mogul arrived in port early this afternoon wild cargo of coal for the Cauadiar Fish A Cohl Storage Co. fieorge Clothier, resident engineer, returned to the eily on the Carde-3 this afternoon from departmental business trip L Slewar?. m TIMBER SALE X810S. There will Ik- uttered fnr sale at putille Aueiion, at S tun.. in the ilrd iUv f Sen- lelliti. r. Vi',. in the .iff lie ir Ilia lil.lrlrl 1'ireiiter, I'nnre ltnert. B. C, the Lleeni-e XalliS. tu ,.iil 1 0.8 1 1, out) teel or Spru e. IIi iiii.m k and l edar. mi an area Mluated u sein iiiii-i ana anji.ininr Lot J 14 and S. T. I., ml p. oueen charlotte Island. Three ! yearn will he allowed ror re- mial nf the timber. I'niMiled that any one unable lit attend the awi-ilon In pewn may nuhmlt a naled tender tu lie miened at tin- hiMir r auriini auu feaica as one bid. mrtner particular or the Chler lures- ler. Meioru. 11. :., 9r VMrirl lurester. rm iuTl, It. I.. WATER NOTICE DUaralon and Uta. TAKE NOTICK thai Mandard Mine Otr- it'iralkin. address I 66 Pender St. West. Vancittiver. B. C. will apply lor a llrenee to take anil use f.Ouo iiiiner"! in. che per day or water out or Third .North Fork ir Mrliariie Creek, which riuw easterly and drains Into Itease lllvcr about sixty miles north or Pease Lake. The water will be ditertetl rmtn the stream at s (mint about twu mile up Third North I'ork rrom Its mouth and will be used fur nit m 11 ar purfi'e upon the hyilraullr plai-er lease i.r Creek. This iiotlre was posted on the r round on the IRIh (lav of June. IBS A eopy ir this notice and an application pursuant tlw rein and to the "W aler Art, 1914." will lie riled In the orrire or the water lierorcer at Telrcraph Creek. olijertion tn I Ik- application may l.e nted with the .aid Water Iterorder or with the Comptroller ut Water limits, rarlia men! Iiuildmas, Vlrtoria, I). C. within thirty day after the rtrsl appearance of tlu iHillrc In a lH-al tiewspiiper. The date or the rirst puhllrallon or this iiotlte Is J 11 IN 15. o. STAMKAIII) MI.NES COni'OIUTIOX Applicant. BT n. I. ' H Fll.l.V, Arent. WATER NOTICE Dlstrslon and Us List iii'in.fc iitai Dinner me i.aiineryi I 1 ill 1 f mil v I I1.1II...I ulu.aj. Mr... la li..r.,ieXfrueV minute or w.iler oul or Un-hamed stream,, whliii riowv northerly and drslns Into Ker-! usiti iii. Missel inlet, aiMiut so chains wei rn.m ss. E. corner IjiI 1171. O. C. Itlstrli t The usler wilt he diverted renin THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. July 27 190 the stream at a point lnul chains rrotn.cies or three altogether of the fmiuth ir stream and will be used fori. .1 Industrial and domestic purpose upon the jnim iiesi-rineii ar mom a. i.oi 67l, uuien .nariniic uisirn-i. 1 ,os nonce was IHtsieo on the around un the Uth dav of Jul v. ). "stl, A ropy "I'.l or M this I 111 I notl'-e lissil' T ajlllj ami an sill H'M appll i-atinn puismnt thereto and to the -water w.'.erwnee,e,,',i, "?? ohjei-thins to the stilleatlon may be riled with tli said Waler Iteenrder or with the Comptroller or Water Ulrhls, psrlla-metit Hulldinis, Vlrtitrla, H. C, wMhln thirty day arier the first apprarane or mis noiiee in a lurai pewspaper. The d'i'e ir the first piilillratlon of this notlr f Is July 2d. tv?,. SflMEIlVll.t Y t:OMI'Ay. I.TP. 4 ' Applicant. . He r. It. MATIIUWAyent. yANO'ACT., Notlc of Intention to Appfjr to Laaa Land In I'rim-e liunert Land rteenrdinr li-triet or Cl llante I, and situate on .Win liaehsrl Island. TAKE NOTICE that AUred Swinon, of Prlnre llupert. orrupallon Mariner. Intends lo apply ror a lease of the follow-Inr described lands: Cnmmenrlnr at a post nlanted at the nulh end or Nrth llarhael Island: thenre around the Island si luh water mark, and rontalmnr lo acres, more or less, AI.FIIF.P SWAtHOsi. Applicant Dated April 17. tm. 1 REGULATIONS GAME SEASON Open Season For 1926 and Bag Limits Are Announced. VICTOHIA, July 2. Tho open season for game in what is do-scribed as the western district of the province lias- been fixed by new regulations just announced 'by the attorney sreiieral's denart- nienl, together with the bag H-j mils for the eastern, northern and western tusiricls. I lie western district covers the oasl territory from the Atlin electoral district southward and west of tho Cascades. The new regulations as to open seasons .are as follows: Mountain Goat - Throughout the western dlstrii-i (exeunt Van- comer Island,, open season fronif September II, 1D2G to December) 15, 11)20,, both dates inclusive. Bear (except white or kermodel, hear Throughout the western ' district, open season from Sep-' lember 11, 1U20, to June 15, 1U27,' both .... i ,. i... i. , dales inclusive. i I "eer wnuie, wlulc-lall and: coast i Ducks only, throughout the western district (except the Queen Charlotte Islands and those portions of Vancouver Island! known as North and South Saan-! icli ami IliethlniHl districts , open' season, from Seiilembrr II. 11)20, 0 December 13, ll)20. both dates inclusive Fur-Bearing Animals ! In the western district, all fur- bearitig animals i-xecpt musk-rats 011 Vancouver Island and beaver throughout the district . open season from liecember 1, l'Ji'O. to March 31, 11127, both dates inclusive. Beaver In the electoral dis tricts of J'rincc llupert, Skeena anu .MacKenzie sliuaie una lyuug in the western district, open sea son from February IS, 1 927, to March 31, 127, both dates inclusive. Game Birds Ducks -Wilson, snipe, coots. greater and lesser ye-llowlegs. in Ihe western dfstrii-l. open season from October .15, 11)20, to Janu ary 9 1, 11)27, both dates inclusive. (Jecse and llrant, in the western district, open season from Novem ber 1, 11)20. to Fcdmiary 15, 11)27, both dales Inclusive. Grouse (blue duly 1. in the wes tern district, September 11 to Oc tober 31. inclusive. Grouse (willow only Novem ber 1 to No enuVr 3 1 , inclusive. Quail Open season from Nov- eniler 1, l2fi. lo November 30. 112(1; both dates inclusive. Bag Limits Hag limits fof the northern, eastern and western districts ure lefined as follows? In respect of big game through out Uie provinceji defined in the inline Act no person shall anywhere in the northern and eastern districts kill or lake or 1iave in their possession during the open season more than two deer, all of which must be of the male sex, and in the western district kill or take or have in their posses sion during the open season more (has three deer, all of which must be of the male si'x: and no person shall kill or take or have in their possession during the open sea son more than three bear of any species other I ban urizly, and north of the mailt lino of the Ca nadiau National Hallway, former ly known as tho llraud Trunk Itailway, two grizzly bear, and south of the said railway line one grizzly bear. In Ihe portion of the province north of the main line of the C.I nadiau National Itailway, former Iv known a llm ilrnml Trunk . . t. iri t,..:t .1 11' lill'IIIC IlilllWMV. lift HITSOII MIUIll ay kill or take or have - l ill llM'lr IHISseSsiotl llllfllUg tllO . .... . open season moitj than two mott HIUIIIHHIII til it if slieii. SIIOlp 01 ,,r H") imv OUL inn' Spt.- nih. male sex Throughout the province no person shall ul .any time kill or I ' , , , take or have in their possession U"" P-n 'asoii more than two mouiiiaiu toal. Game' Birds No person shall in uuy district hereinafter designated kill or tuko on any one day. any greater number of game birds than the daily hag limit hereinafter set oul respectively nor kilt or take or have in their possession (luring the open season uny1 greater number of game birds than the total bag limits set out. Ducks 'throtiuiiuul.tlio province Dally bag limit, 20, total limit, 150. ;y 'V Geese Daily bag llliill, lOto-lal bag limit,' t('A BrantDaily bagjllinlt, 10, to- It J ROUND TRIP TO IrV vj DENVER ...,... tl.S W U UM AHA IJV.5J Iff I l KANSAS CITY... IJ9.J5 ff I DE3 MOINES..... 1N.JJ If II 8T.LOUIS, ...... 111.60 II Ml IIKTROIT IJ7.9J A MM CINCINNATI .. .. 1SI.40 L MA'. CLSVKLANO..... 160.M TOHONTO...,..,. 1M.0J 1 l ATLANTA ....... 164 65 11 f: MTTSnURQ 171.06 ifMl VM WASH1NOTON... 191.16 ill PHILADELPHIA. 197.11 Ml Yft NEW YORK, ... 199.70 Wg UOSTON 203.76 fj i. i ... i.i i . ilium m i In effect to Septejnlcxl5 turn IiinitOctobcr 31 0926 THE EAST INVITES YOU nd the Union Pacific makes your i0? economical by low round-trip excursion fare to all important points u! L...i. .t. w... nni. i V II V IUIUUIV WV fjiUU WVWVit LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEOBS enable you to visit the bit eaatern citlea or America's greatest wonJer-lands Zlen NatUoal Park TtllowstatM Natlanat Park Reeky Mountain National Park all reached via the scenic and hlitorlc vf.i n--:c ! C- ! DwcripUve booklet on request. UNION PACIFIC VACATION ROUTE FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVA TlOn CAX.1. ON OR WMTB UNION STATION, SEATTLE, f 1405 Fourth Ave. tut liag limit. ji. Greatsr and Lesser Yellowlegs I .i 1 ly hag limit, li in Uie ag gregate of all kinds total b;wg limit, 160 in Ihe uggrettate. Wilson Snipe -Daily bag limit. 5; total hag limit. 150. Coots Daily bag limit, 23; to tal bag limit, 100. livery person shall, upon the retpiest of any constable or game warden, furnUh satisfactory proof to him of the locality and dales on which any game was by him killed or taken. The prohibitions declared by sub-section 1 of Section 35 of the "ISamc Act" as lo the buying. selling, and iiavlrvg in possession of Wg gam and (tame birds, so far as the same relate to train" lawfully killed or taken, ure here by henioved l the client and wl thin the periods and limits ami subject to the provisions herein afler set out as follows: Moose and Cariboo, bulls over one year of age, in the electoral district of Atlin and Ominrca. from October 1. 11)20. to December 15, 11)20, both dates inclusive Some Sections Closed The open season declared by these ji'gulat ions shall not apply to the following parts of the pro vince, namely: (a K.t ion Island in the Princt llupert electoral district. Tli , That portion of the Dewd-ney electoral district known as the Colony Farm. (c; Those portions of the Dis triet municipality of Huruahy known respectively as the Oakalla Prison Farm and Central Park. WEATHER REPORT liovt'itiment Telegraphs, ) n.m Prince llupcrl : Part cloudy. i-aliu, temp. roH Terrace: Cloudy, calm, temp. 57. Anvox: Cloudy, calm, lemp. 62 Stewart: Cloudy, calm, temp. 5i. llazello:i: Showery, calm, temp. 58. , Telegraph Cryck: Pari cloudy. calm, teulp. 51. Hinllhers: Cloudy, calm, temp. 02. Hunts. Lake: Olear, calm lemp. 58. Whileh'orse: Cloudy, windy. temp. 50, Dawson: Clear, calm, lemp 02. Heavy rains between Lower Litharge and Klcwarl ltlver yesterday and last nlirhf. it- eaaM laieaaiaiaaH ...VX tyuninu iraibrtlUH NUN'nFltllOOi', -Inly 7. - lleo A. Walkeni, M.L.A. for Hlch-inomt-Point flrey, and ), a, Hloildarl, member Tor Cariboo, me touring this 'district by nuln-mnbile. They vlsile.l Hltiurt Lakrt and Douulas Lodge nml went as fur west us Hums Lake. Mr. Walkeni is acrompanled by J J, wo muds. . )(-t lin I me week We soil in - n g , nlisoliitely gtiaraulrcil mnvc meiils. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT "Wild Justice" Ki'iilnnug "J'etor Hie Ural.' 'lie world ftuiin n p; Atlveulore ,hi1 roiiiunce iiloinn.l hi a love st-u swift ut-tioii. I.uve tind lute ruled Hits dog s lift' Ins frii'inJo uiul hale for his etienite. Never did hi in lavish detotimi pr in piiiiisliing vengeoiice. II - . -ge.n e wilt iuiiiiK!. lift bravery uwe. his upleudid i i lianii. hi great strength and fearlessness startle i vvoinler-tiog with uhilily lo rentier elemental emu) ... is almost iini-uiiiiy. A tale of (lie Northland. H(i. K Mirtinp caL George Sherwood, Frances Teague, Frank Hagney and other. 'OUR GANG" COMEDY! "GOOD CHEER" INTERNATIONAL NEW3 35c and 10s DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Prince Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUDDER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipselt, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBride SL FELT Hint Kelt lluls are popular anil sold for summer we o i"' big stale is Ihe opinion or "WO.MUX'S WKAH" M K zinc, published in Toronto. IH'T WHY IS IT SO POPULAR? 4 si: lleenuse it is stylish and neat looking, 2nd: Hecaiise we have them in amy color lo mulch nullum1. . , , ., ilril: Hecansc il does not soil ensilv wild ruin, illi: Hccnuso it is renonabl in hx. lOnr.huls, Jillliongh I or Ihe hesl iniikes, siith as HT7. f,lv'i:il. rng' from $2.75 to $4.75. Velour Hats from $7.00 to $7.60 Jabour Phono 645 Watch Special HAMILTON, WALTHAM, ELGIN and HIGH GRADE 8WI83 at spci tully rt'iliired i): ONLY at 7 and 9 Cold Storage Co., Ijd- Rupert, B.C. : HATS Bros., Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh