PAGLiXWO Serve it Quick md hot SHREiMD ff 11 Pour hoi milk over ihs Biscuits Strength for the days work . The Daily News PEINCE EUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By rnaii; to all rarts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ...... $6.00 To all .other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per inicrtfon $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertiou per line 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per word 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line ...... 15c Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - ever ost -r v a a 98 86 AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. A" advertising received subject ' , to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1926 WONDERFUL PROGRESS OF TIUS PROVLN'CE. , Few people realized the wonderful progress made by British Columbia in the past decade during which the Oliver , Government has had charge of the administration of affairs. With the doubling of the basic industries, as pointed out by Hon. T. D. Pattullo yes terday, there must also have been great increase in other industries. especially in the building trades. The interview given by Mr. Tat tulla yesterday in which he told of these advances was the cause of.'a.fireat deal of favorable-remark. . And.lhe".bestof it alLis that the progress is still going on and in a few years British Columbia will be making a real mark in the world and her influence in Canada will be increasing. . TEMPORARY LULL IN SHIPPING AT END. The temporary lull in the grain shipping from this port ia at an end and once more the elevator is to function as intended. At present Ihe big house is bulging with wht-at and incoming shipments have been halted. Now grain will commence rolling this way once more and everybody will be busy again. MINING ON INCREASE SHOWN BY REPOJtT. -The rather long report prepared by J. D. Galloway appearing in yes.terday'8 paper and the interview by the minister of mines on present mining conditions made interesting reading. Mining is one of the industries in which we are particularly interested here as we are in the centre of a mining country. All around us are producing, mines and the number is increasing. Next year should see a great Improvement if only the price of metals keeps up. CONDITION OF CHINA IS MENACE TO TJIE WORLD. The condition of China today is a menace to the world. There is no stable government in that country and there seems to be no hope for the future. While the Chinese object to foreigners interfering, they also object to any government taking charge. The result is disastrous. There is probably no country in the world-'to'day where there is more graft, piracy, and robbery by violence than in China, a country that is not a military country and that does not believe Jh military .systems. . The -country is so large, the communication so poor and the people ,'so ignorant, .generally, that the tadk of .bringing about a better condition seems hopeless unless a strong dictator should arise who would first bring order out of chaos and then set about edu eating the people in regard to democratic government. a: rv foq EDH51IIBSBUIM3 CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP I Tlir Plklint CTAD-U rr in. -.... . BIJ iMORE SETTLERS COMING YEAR CO!,. 4. S, NKNMS, () C.l'.R, TU.W OK rHOSI'EC'TS rOll J'Ji7 (jWINipEp, Nov. J0.An Increased ruovemtat at .desirable colonists to qanada may be expected lor 1937' and If current proposals wtjrk cut on a sat- lsfscicry bsla. thl riiovenwnt can b speeded up to persons, accord tin; to Col. J. 8. Dermis, chief commls- slouer of the department of coloulzatlon and de-vejprrent of the Caaadlan Pacific Railway .Campsny. Col. Dennis bases his estimate of the situation on tc rapidly spreading ln-tertst In the settlement possibilities In Canada evidenced lu Oreat Britain and northern European countries, and on the hope that further arrangements 1 will be concluded for the stimulation of the flow of British colonists on the reduced rate scale. Increased population was the outstanding need of the Dominion, the commissioner declared. STK.UIY INTItKAsi: The department of colonization and development has this year reached the 100,000 mark In comparison to 84.000 persons brought to Canada during 1023. While regardi&z the .advance s a satisfactory one. Ool. Dennis pointed out that the number was hut a smaU proportion of the number required If Canada was to spredUy acquire a sulficieut popula tion to permit reaching a solution ot the major problems facing the country.. The movement of British colonists to the Dominion, was stimulated this year. he Kid. by the low transportation ates extended to certain classes of in tending settlers. In this connection toe hoped It would be possible to extend the 3.000-famlly scheme under an arrangement between the British and Canadian governments. Such an extension, he stated, would permit of the movement of desirable settlers frun. Orct Britain being further augmented. Another factor In the Increased move- ment ihn year was. the .agreement be tween the government and the colon ization departments of both railways under which selected agriculturists were biougbt out from European countries. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: If a saxophone Is Immoral, so'a your old mandolin. "No parking ' place here for Ideas' is the sign hung out on many local auts. If the serpent tempted Eve, It was Eve who tempted the moths to get busy.. " ; "; An onion a day keeps the girls away. Before I go to war again I'm going to see if X can't get some of the rules changed to .make it less rough. Think wba a lot of rats It takes to make a sealskin coat! Over in .Britain they put a tank Into action to show the visiting premiere. If they had come here they could have rten half a .dozen tanks on the street any .day. Now that we have had .our meeting and passed our resolution and been Ughtcously eloquent over it, what about doing a little ChrUUnas Oh gimme a road to Terrace O'er which I may drive to myfsmi Oh Gimme a road, oh yes gimme A filter that works like a charm. Oh build xne a road up the Skeena Just costing a million or two And then see me drive up the river. Quickly climbing o'er mountain and slough. : , v For , the road Is .the thing that we're ' ' ' titer The road that will let us get out. Tou old fashion folks slow-going creatures, I know what I'm talking about. Now people get busy tomorrow . And build me that road in a day. Three million Is all It will cost us And what Is three million I sayf , PROPOSAL MADE BY WIRELESS AND ACCEPTED BY GIRL CLEVELAND, Ohio. .Nov. 30. At a radio convention held In this city recently, the operator of an amateur transmitting station Installed At tho convention headquarters for the purpose of relaying free messages for the delegates was much surprised on glacing over one of the .messages to .notice thaff It was .a proposal of marriage to a -young lady in a nearby city. After being assured by the sender that thij-message was genuine and in good.fatth, the operator sent it off, notexpfctlng to hear any more from- it. it was therefore something of a .shock to .receive the next day a message from the young lady, stating that proposal was accepted! The operator, whose name happens to be Storck, Is now wondering if ills name associated with the incident should be considered as a favorable ometi. France will teach German to resi dents In Alsace and Lorraine, Premier IPolncsre announced. 'i'llt DAILY NEWS Tuesday N Women of Old and New World Doing Interesting Things java nouEN ah tit vm: Javanese women are awakening to the Importance of possessing the vote. When about 44 years ago Mrs. Carrie Chapman. Catt and her friend Altta Jacobs, a Dutch feminist leader, visited 1 the East Indian archipelago, "Votes for ! Women" societies sprang up with great rapidity. After a hl!e, however. xteret flagged, and the women o? Java have since been blaming their Zutopean tutors for not helping the movement after they had won their fight Recently there has been a notable revival and a formal demand has been made upon the Dutch colonial government for the franchise. Javanese women are primarily Interested In their matrimonial rights and the freedom of choice in marriage. iiki'm:tti iskttek iuiw:us Fair men are more careful motor car drivers than dark men, but bnuw ettes are much steadier than blondes at the steering wheel,' It was declared' by experts at a luncheon celebrating the opening of the Sail automob.'k show In London. Incidentally It was stated that one woman In four In Sngland knows how to drive a motor- sar. 4'AMILY KAZOK AMI DIlOKt f. Neck shaves for .Madame, using her husband's raior brought .a FacU .couple before the divorce court. Now the ' question that is agitating French homes la, "Will Madame have her own raaor or may she legally use a surt of family razor'?" With the advent of the Eaton crop, it Is quite common lor a man to find ills raaor .has a dull .edge. Madame ha ben using it to shave aS the ragged odds and nd of the attenuated bob One French lot patience and sued for divorce. The difference was settled when Madame agreed to buy a raxol for her personal use. I'UMMtM AlKMJtSe It Is easier to fly an airplane than to drive an automobile. In the opinion sf Mrs. Sophie Elliott Ifim, Britain's pioneer air woman. Addressing the National Council of Women. Mrs: Lynn stated that because of the ease with which an airplane was operated In good weather .many of the -cro Channel pUots between London and Part take books with them to read during iht Journey. l'KIri AX Al'TllOK Princess Marie Louise, cousin of King Ooefge.' has been elected a member of the Authors' Society, the hobby of the Princess being notes of foreign travel. Her Highness joined the ranks of authors when she published her book "Letters from the Gold Coast. which was followed up with Mverai other publications last year. M.WAtiK ;i;MAN IAKM American genius for organization evinced by Countess Felix von Vost. nee Esther Lawrence of rew York. has; revolutionized one of the richest landed estates In the former grand duchy of Mecklenburg. Countess Voss, the only American In the titled aristocracy of this province. has Identified herself with her husband's agrarian interests. The poultry farm and thf horticulture at the estate are personally managed by her. Both have been brought up .to date and the most modern methods It was the countess' Idea, too, to. provide a market for her own and neighboring products. ,She orgsnlzed a sort ot producers' cooperative store, from which the products are in turn sold to more distant places. .urrio: .on u ( Tot n Madame Vera Berglne, the .famous actress, in the dual role of an artiste and French fashion i ambassador, Is on a world tour. 'Accompanied by 14 other players, she wUl appear In 80 cities. 8he took 71 dresses with her which she wUl show in the Near and Far East. She will return to Paris before embarking on her .American tour. "In six months these .71 dresses .will be out of style," she explained. "I roust return and renew my supply. Ycu can't fool American women with six months old .dresses." Ten Years Ago In Prince) Rupert :-Tfl NOVEMIIKIl 30, I91R. The Prince .Rupert Municipal League is demsndlng a more aggressive policy In connection with the affairs of tthe city and It Is probable that It will take an active part in connection with the forthcoming .civic election. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Collier bsve received the shocking news of the death of two sons at he front. The bazaar held yesterday by the Presbyterian Ladles' Aid was quite successful, the sum of 1255 being realized. Mrs. 11, R Grant had charge of ithi tea tables; the home cooking was looked after by Mrs. D. MciJ. Hunter; Airs. 8. Darton and Mrs. W. J. Bmlthers presided at the candy booth; Mrs. J. O. Steen was in charge of the Ice cream table, .and Mrs. F. O, Dawson directed ' the sale of plain and fancy sewing, Sale of From $12.95 Handkerchief k. er doz ?5f Mm' Handkerchiefx, regular $.1.00 dozen. Sale Price Sl.tW Uraros per pair IWc Towel, each '. ii-V Only 2 puira to each cuMomcr J'illow CaKfM, Imported, each ")( ' Shectx, full .ize, imported from Ireland. Ketruhtr 2.75. .Bale I'rire til Mi A greal assortment of Men'a leather Work Gloves at le than manufacturers prices. Men' Wool IJned leather Working MIUk. Regular 1.00. Sale Price Uc Sell To renlle nh quickly, our whole ttck hi Wen marked doun to a ri-;iculuu l i ..I t . I . ...... ,.. I.ihII f,a 4s.fl hnanA iij mm. I . J l ' " ,hl price.! MEN'S SUITS MEN'S OVERCOAT M) 4' 1 From $12.95 HOYS' OVKKCOATS From, lu S 12.11.". -Ml It,.. U' I. .nil... I U.J Milt .., . I . . II . t i . . .'nil. istrruii". ii maae. ir.r: m. i. MenV Khaki ComuinatJun OtrralU . $3 75. bale Price . . Montreal Importers Third Avenue. 30 DAYS J. II. Miller PropriH DAYS S W m - - Closing Out Sale COMMKNCINd DlX'M.MllKU 1ST. ALL OUU STOCK TO WW SACIUFICKI) AT A IUfi DISCOUNT. IlANI) INSTRUMENTS. Cornets, Clnrlnels Tromhonen at prices from K2.".M up PJano Accordeonx, etc. at let than cataloRue pri Violios, Guitar -Mandolin., Ukelele. UkeleJe JlanJs Tenor HanJw. nil at r. Hi I)ix,unt- StrlnjrH and AccesHorJe of nil klnd.i. MUSIC CASES, MUSIC STAND CASUS. HAND IJAtiS, ETC, ALL SHEET MUSK, KOLIOs ' OF ALL JilNDS TO WW SOLI). COME IN AND LOOK OVEK OUU STOCK. TUTORS FOK' ALL INSTKl MENTs Lanrjley and Simplicity Tutorn for all Hand InntrumentM. . A (JENUINE HAIKJAIN: Almost Nc,w Welnr Placer Piano, Onk FlnUh S:WO.tHl with 3G rollx. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Third Avenue. P.O. Hox fill. Phoned ,.( The Celebrated Viyella : Shirts English Warm, but' not heavy. CLYDELLA by same firm, light weiKht. For wear and appenrancc, unbeatable. Third Avenue, Snappy Styles in Tweed : Suits for Men We are overstocked in Tweeds. The come In first-claus materials ami mW-atylen, and are perfectly tailored. Steve King Phone (!ree" W