(I V ii f I! li ?! i il i; n li M I- i t. i . V t; I. I? I) i. K ii i: ; t ; TAOE FOUR , THE DAILY NEWS i tie -it. BANKERS WIN BRINGING UP FATHER ..'. By George McMani J l" .li..i! l s-J'.' i ( I'M OP IN TM6 AIR Ao TO VJMO s I I U Y - I MAVl: I 1.1 I W I 111 - ' .Zin ... .n I I I WOHKIN I I Kim SHOULD RON FOR ALOERMAN FIRST GAME. 1 i V3 URDAT , DON'T WANT CAbBV OR J OOQANl-WHO CAN GET? )n i:Ti:n tutAMt Tr.MlN.i.s IN ll-Ki:iltl.l. MST NIUIIT . . J?nJjrt,Cnla4. SI; ,E1U, .34 m Ti'.-.'iYI-'t . i- ' ....a! Colt, 16; Tuxl 00)1. 12. Nosing out ahead of the Grand Terminal In minwi Very lmllr ta tlt tn which they were .beaten last week by the Orotto, the Ranker won their flnt game ol the season In the Intermediate D&sketball League last night by score ot 34 to 30. The Terminal were leading all the way until near the endVU'lKn toorUmer,, who; hftit lieen going atrottg throughout the game, uetted the timely basket that gave hi team last minute victory. 14. n. 8klnner referred end detail ot play were a follow: flankers R. Mortimer, 32; A. E. Walter: 11. Egerton. 6: O, Milt. 3: M. Matlie.on, 4; Smith. Total 34. Grand Terminal-Y. Katsuyam. 5; I J. McNulty. 4; 8. Gurvlch, 8: S. Joy. 4; R. Smith. 10. Total 30. m:mok 1-k.mu'k The Senior League same, which w- fast affair throughout, resulted In another victory tor the ao tar unbeaten Elk by ft score ot 34 to 31 over the Native Son of Canada. Lee Dell was refrree and the scoring w-a mrt a follow : Native Son. V. Menitle. 3: It Mentlea, 4; G. Shenton. 8; R. lUrtlm, 6; R. B. Skinner; J. (Fn;uhr. 1 Total. 31. Elk, S. Smith. 6; Dave Balfour. 13: M. Budentch. 4; O. Mitchell. 3: S. Moran, 10. Total. 34. ladies 1-kacue The Maple Leaf again defeated the Adaac In the Ladle' League, the kw being 30 to 3. Adansc. Miss Dorothy Oosse; Mis Ad Mlnigohr. Miss Caroline Mitchell. 1: Ml E. Dalbj. 3; Mlu Mr)orl Lancaster: Mis WUla Dyer Mtsa Margaret Palmer. Total . Maple Leaf. Mis Margaret Graham: Mis Myra Harvey. 6; Mis Lillian Lowe. 8; Ml Catherine Marvey. 6; Miss 11. Grant. Miss Helen Sim: Mls M. Thompson. Total 30. Referee. -R. B. Skinner. 41'MOK LKAtirE The Junior Leaguer again put up ft cke game when Ih Dolts defeated the Tuxt Boy by 16 to 13. M. Budenlch referee and detail ot Plr Wer ft tollOW : Colta.- H. Macdonald. T. E. Ratch- tord. 4; 3. Scott, t: R. Irvine. R- SUlktr. I; Q. Vlertek. Total 16. Tuxls Roys F. Marrtson. 2: B. Hunt. Was P trnoce; v H. llfilbroner: M. Sakamoto 4; W. Johnson; P. Cameron Total 13, hTe league Undtng to date are as I follows: Sesilur lrt e. V. Dl U Pts, JQks 0 6 IS NsUve Sens ..I 0 3 3 Terminal ... 1 0 4 4 latmuedUte Ieite Grotto 0 I 11 Terminals . 3 0 3 Soaker . 1 0 S Ladle' Lr(e Maple Leaf .. 1 0 13 Adanacs ..... 0 1 JanUr lM(t ColU ...,.v. 0 1 13 Stars ftjtK... 3 0 3 TAU.U Boy ..I 0 4 CKIRHAGE LEAGUE CaavsdUn Nathsual Operatars and ttristto are imw lurlstg llr-t rtsce Canadian National Operator and Grotto are now tied tar leadership ta U Crtbhage League. Last ntghfa tUturea rewuRed a follow: Grotto, 14: Orange Lodge. 13. Canadian Legion. 11: Sons ot Cn- advae,. Dry Dock. 16; rrlnce Rupert Hotel, C. N. 0rwtlng. 14; C K. Mechaalra. IS. St. Andrew, ; KnlgaU of Oaettm-bus, Ik7. Mvwwe, IS; Cold Storage. IS. ru. C N. OperaUng .... t 3 Orojwi S Orange Lodge I 3 KntgMa ot Catumbus $ 3 Dry IXvk s CaaadUn Lrgtea ... 4 4 " Smw at Canada ... 4 4 C N. MeehAnk ... 3 S Cold Storage 3 S Ttince Rupert HmI a St. Andxew . . 1 T I SPORT CHAT The annual tneettng ot the Amateur Athletic VttMo ot Canada wtll be held In the city ot St. John, NJEU oo Drvesntsrr t. Iwand IL. and uadJviVt-edlf one ot the roost vital quesoena to eotoe up tor drarusalon wRl be thai ot the detUitUou ot an amateur and the penalties fur intracUons ot th amateur law ot that body. This eon-tentloua subject ha been brought up st the annual tneettng from year to yeafi At the session held ta Toronto In Svptetuber ctf u4 year a number! t prvposltKs were introduced deal- tng w-th this matter but no dettnltai arlKw was take, the lUlowtng report j C4 Ut CVcnaUttee oa tiesotuUoai b Uvg adopted: "That the amateur rule having been very thoroughly dlscvw-, ted by the Resolution Committee. It felt tht mny changes are neces sary to meet the changing condltnint. ft I therefore resolved that the whole matter be referred to the Incoming Executive to atudy and bring In ft report and recommendation to the next annual meeting. A long a there 1 good port there will-be amateur sport and profclonsJ sport, and o long will there be divergence of opinion as to where the line should be drawn between them. In Canada, In general the east stands tor ft strict Interpretation of the Canadian rules on amateurism, and the west stands tor a liberal interpretation. On the vesed question of reinstate ments, the view Is conceded that young player who have still some rights in equity, and that the youtii who embarks on that path should, a In the case of any other path, be given the right ot turning back. The view widely held In the west and in British Columbia. Is that the status ot professionalism should not bar a man from competition tn sport other truu-. the one tn which he la giving hi ser vice tor pay. It U hinted that drastic changes are likely tn the rule on amateurism at the forthcoming Domtn- ton gathering. im.I.l.UU) I.EAGUK Only one ot the game scheduled toumlmf nt between the Orotto and firm. n U.mlltnt rvm. to. defeated A. Macdonald. Gyros, by vi i ! -r- m.ik. will be played tonight SALE OF FURS AT ' EDMONTON SMALL rTper' '"V More ActUe eon are 1144 Out; Mttlf l.ln Eagerly SUht EDMONTON. Nov 30. Marking the opening ot the 19M-3T fur trading season, the first winter sale turned out very successful In spile of the somewhat limited offering which are to be expected at this time ot year. A number of lines, notably wolf, zntok. red fox and lynx, proved to be to good demand on the part -of the trade and were readily picked up at su-on price compared wtth the last local quotations. Most ot the o3rrta were from northern Alberta and the Peace River country and were of good quality considering the earUneaa of the season. Prospect are hed out tr a mare scUre season tn the fur trade than , was the case last year. Eastern mar- krts 'are well sold out and good rat- Just the Thing I Needed He said whtfn they grave him hi new watch. havv sortie thin model watch which we car specially recomed lor Chri.ttMA. Nice tiesifm pM filled cam, 17 jewelled movement, well made with all rvart aHj tested o that repair parti" wBi alwrnys fit- j The best titei eca price. We absolutely truarantee these to tire you satisfaction or exchaure- John Bulger, Ltd. CjHHKssasmI5 O IM4 v ltr-. FtTunt Sic. Ie " j r 0, B .k. j L ' ' AS i-lii! , T-r- - . iif, t:n. ar. ;p rd r t . ne in demand w. a Je xr.w.e a h igt iw:,md th4 proleet,OD 0, the Game Act. usual weakening of :!ie market l be expected in January and Februarv when the eastern soles are hM. , Beaver peita at "l.e sale qvsoted steady te ttnn on ft light ofTrrUsg. an" ertntne showed a fair demand at values slightly lower, and badger moved under a good demand st 14 to IT Oarin of Usher were light, best palei skins worth around 43ft Red fox soM ii. .. - i iiiimi u c..Timwiij a u htumhh, vailh atvaare sklM around lit and average 'fa at 1 Cress fox fount! only a fair Inquiry, average tots brtag-lnf arottsd IB. although osve etsosre dark skin made the record price of US. Stiver fox quoted about steady, with best pale skin aiusaud WA. and shite fox la uachanged from laet aeasoo. wtth best average lots worth 45. Lynx od tn itrexsg demand, better otos skin bnngteg form 23 to 437. Marten showed a slight improvement, with one eholee lot ot dark sksna setting at 37, jr-i n Maclean. KC. t. eoun- aad average lou worth around tlTM.!,,, for the ,rM3w u, p..,- A tight offering ot mink brought 116 ! for best la-ta. atssl otter was alow at (around 433. wtAe skunk was aegiettea at 4125. i j Walt was eagerly sought by the , buyers renl best lot of No. 11, and 3 sathtag atmsg at IM assd III and tsfcrtor grades down to &. Wol- vcttne sfcrtrd a decadotl taaororexnent. wtth beet kou up to !1Y Inquiries are steadily batng rccetved. states Mr Alttsh. from traders and trappers In the tar north aa to the prospect of the market at the ttase of the next sale on December T. wtven it ta expect we eer had for the ed that larger offerings of the early winter catch will find their way out io the Edmonton market GAME PRESERVE RIDING MOUNTAINS ILK 1MT.EA!: lROl I ml ti IB.tXKJ IN IttV YIVARH til' fKOIM'TION WINNIPEO. Not. St. In Manitoba 7,-(79 square, mtles have been set aside u.. ft gunt preserve, making the pro .nee an extensive breeding ground for ducks and geese and the sanctuary of ue elk. In the Rktlng Mountains the k herd once sunk to the number ot 490 but within the last right yesrs, has reed to 10.000 with a 'natural In-. .-ease ot more than 3.000 a year. The a. k. geo and grotise tahabrtanu have roalned fairly stationary by virtue of he age Unit, which tor the past five ..r ha varied from 140.000 to 10.000. This restriction enable the sportsman take hi ahart ot the natural In-Tease wh.'.e eonservtog the breeding tock. The Sheriff Inkster preserve at 2.000 - ;iure miles, rsnlu as the largest breed- -g marsh on the continent, and hwUlng swana. once almost extinct, are re.urniD m im-. numbers everv vear (DAMAGE ACTION IS ABOUT TO COMMENCE EDMONTON. Nov. 30 The 430.000 damage action ot Isabel B. Watt, widow Thomas a Watt, woo fell over the ivent bsntster of the Adams buBd- !iif at 1 IS sm.. June 1. directed usinst j - muub nm. wui opes oeiarv a jury tn . Use- SuprlhMCMtrt on Monday with i Sheriff Rae ha summoned St Jurymen to be IB attendance at the opening of court, baft of which number Is from the area beyond the city. Tty pfelatm alleges that her hus-bated wafit' room 130 which be had leased Jointly with Alfred Penn and although the Janitor knew they were In the buDdtfrg aHer inMntght. the hall was dark and the rail about the base-BBMst stamase s-u nader a almtaw af K c tar eompny . LONDON FINDS HUMOR IN CANADIAN PREMIER Edmonton Journal I The London OuUook contrasU th ; Osnsdiar. and Australian premier. Mr. ' Bruce, it finds, ta a very arrtoua man i " thtnks that he would do weU to culurste Mr. King pronounced sense of humor. Bat his teRow countrymen have nerer thought that humor was an outstanding quality of - Mr. King' peechea. however much they may hare admired hrm fa other ways. lie must have been having an especially happy 1 experience In the Old Land to hare tm- I pressed hattaudic&ra n Ihl mtj. Poa-'stbty. when be returns to us and face ear potitMal eoikdtUona than have prrealied tn recent years, the gttt whsrh Use LsMsdon weekly ascribe to him will be mcrt spparect. HONEY PRODUCTION MANITOBA INCREASES WINNIPEG. No. 3a 'Manitoba's Ihcsaey crop this year t thirty per cent tbaa last year according to U ilargar P. l"k ve aiailnnal asaartst Durtag Us: jyoar aid beekeepers were added to the! j roster at the Msnetfih Beekeepers' As - j sort nam sad the xneabership now ' ( ex-' !ceeda 3JS4X One aptary produced 30.- I 4bw pound ot honey The Industrial Development Board ot tisfin-ioa is co-operautsg sua xoe aaso-.taUesa ta the narkettavg ot Utt year HUNTING TROPHY RECORD IN SIZE WtXKinra. Nov Mi A huaung tro- pray w4ara ronstttutea a record recently tea to Use let at Jack Brewster, veteran Roctsy Uouatata portsauuv It tt the head of a Csfm-Vf grry isrrp. wtth six- lax and the curt ot the Jksora aeaaur4ftg 44 1-1 tnehea. The ; w-ra at the head vat T 1-3 ttsehe Mr Brewer. elor wtth ton, other ZTZZ1XZZ T aT r x-ta, lour aheep and n. gmsL-a. V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for et than 50c WANTED MONET for your property is what you) ini T ha t hnfrr If emir nrlre ! la right Q. C. Walker. WORK Or ANT KIND BY KNOUS1I woman. Good plain cook.. Address, box 341. Dally New office. 30 COOK (MARRIED WANTS JOB. GO anywhere. Apply Box 340. Dally New office 1S4 MAN WANTS SPARE TIME WORK FOR several hour dslly. Ittoa Blue 376. BOTCHER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply Mussallem Orocery. rhene 18. AGENTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agent. Yearly guarantee sice 3 belag 3l weekly average) and expense. Experience unnecessary For particulars write Winston Oo, Toronto. FOR SALE FOR 8ALE.-8IX ROOM HOUSE. FDLLT modern: maria view: centrally located; ftfst ctaa condition. 43.660D0. 41 000 00 cash. baUnre monthly. Sixteen room house near Dry Dock, with furnace Will sett eheap and on easy payments. Thco. Collart UsUled. Westholme Theatre Block.. U FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OCT AN L8- tate. w are authorised to sell several lota, aocae corner, harbor view, and on sfwer. Frtcea low and term from 11000 ntunthly. Enqutr T. McOymont. tt rOR SALE. DOUBLE BARRELLED shotgun.- Neuman. ehoke bore. Daraas-eua barrel. 43000. Phone Bhie 409. P.O. Box 108. Prtwre Rupert, BC. rOR SAUL HALIBUT BOAT 4iJ0O gives one third In term in good welt known boot. Loan or partnership. Apply Box 339 Dally Near. 383 FOR SALE. Till KING GEORGE Motet and Cafe, containing 30 room fully furnished. For particular apply T. McClymont tt FOR SALE. ELECTRIC VACUUM sweeper wtth attaehmenta. Phona Green 180 280 FOR SALE. CHEAP -HALF A TON OP old newspapers. Apply Dslly New, rt FOR RENT FOR RENT MODERN UP-TO-DATS Rat: large airy rooms; tire place; close in. Mas IteUbroner. FOR RENT. FURNISHED SUITS Pnona 18. Muasallem Orocery. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER, 833 Second Avenue. Pnooe 137. HOTEL ARRIVAL Frlssre Raprrt L. B. WaKe. Vancouver: Margaret Suttaw and brother. Yaaseowven O. U EJde. SeaHle. ay N Cala. Vinrouver: Mrs. Ooodkoop and daoghter. Lt-wt Isisad. James Cat- nn Alsre Ana Children's Colds Are quickly, pleasantly relieved by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linaeed and Turpentine If czstViren's cvads are got rid cf proraptty there will t Vno tendeacT to meusweu and consusaptkci m later lie. It a the nrfrted. hasckg-rfl rtvd t ht WTaimstl hrs aod d-re.xw ixto seriora trc41e. No trvatroect far cocjhs and roUt j was ever to popular wtth the riaal-rn as ut. iswi yrcp Lamred and Tttrraxftane- It a vt (aranat to tie laser, so cVJxifctfuEy sKwthiez and beaarx sad sJked rebel ao osarUr thAt rtAter j worn t .sri t it safflowri tYwt.arosd eraasmed lt !-?T?rStx teyoot for raU ZU ' ''h iJJZ?1 NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. S CHIHOi'KACTIC UK. k. r. i:yoi.ion ciiiKnntw-fon til Third Atrnue. Office visit 4100 House calls - 43.00 For appointment Phone Office Blue 83 Residence BUck 333 DERMATOLOGY I tdtl. IIU.MIMIKH Kr.MOVI.II by the latest ftetenUfle mrtsod m:rm m.x v im'ak ami l:l. No need for disfiguring hairs of other blemishes any more, rtione Ittsrk C-2S KKSTAUKANTS cjotui i:at cue Mr. Unger. Proprteuesa Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. Gn4 llonte OmkH Meal. Phone BUck TOO RULRS ini.iiv ittutv "Scatter flunshloe wtth Otads (live OUdMI Itato far f"hrlMma and make your frtrad glad for year to earn rixiw, ciiRiTMw rtrKtur ft. I. IIJM. ILftO. 4LM and ap. Write far prtee Met f. It. MeT4VIll p.o nax rrs vicTBit. nc. FURS FURS MADE TO ORDER AND modelled. Haw akte tanned and dresmd. Mall orders promptly attend ed to. Mr. F. Tsrr. 334 Broadway East. Vinrouver ANOTHER RIR REDUCTION IN CHKVROI.rrr COMMKRCIAI. CAR PRICES 1-14 Ton Utility Express Chassis ( 811 jW K Ton Light Destvrry Chasala 6JQD0 Touring and Roadster I SISD0 Sport Roadster 4 8300 Coach and Coupe 4103000 Sedan IU33J0O Landau 1118100 lr.f CAR ON' IIANH 1 Ford Light Delivery, open body I 7500 1 Ford Light Delivery. pai body 413000 t Ford Light Delivery, starter equipment , 435000 I Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment 1300.00 1 OtdsmebHc 5paaenger Teur- tng. 1(33 400000 Term ran be arranged on both new and used car to suit the purchaser. KAIENGARAGB Dealer In raallse. MrUaghlla. Oaklaad. Fwnllse Oldsmablle and rhevralel Carv Phone St NOW I THE TIVIC to buy that car you have been considering. Why walk durtng th unpleasant winter weather W hav several new models on hand, price are at a low level and easy terms are available. tsrn car. Two Ford Self starter light Deliveries guaranteed. One Ford Truck Snap. One Chevrolet Light eDtlvery-Oood running order. 5taka Us aa off ft. S. E. PARKER LTD. ftiRD DCtlCK TAXI Phone 6? Taxi Call Georfe, Paul or Gust) MAIL SCHEDULE OlT-flOINO I'nT I he UM Monoays, wednebir.;rj t i 4- Ctoee . . . To VnroMrf Tuesday 4 Fridsy . , SatnTday . OJ'Jt. Nov i r in ,tt)o, .(liar trrn, tait ttl Mler Saadsy . . wronraoays j , Ta ft. MttiMMian4 Nats glirtM Sundays To AttU r-lats-NO. B. Dn- i t . Ta tjttrrn ( hsrMIr.. NOT. 3d. Dec 4 .4 IV-iOMIVl llrma I be Twwdtr. Thurt-'.f. t e at ftoat lane-Miter Sundays .. WedtwadafS Frtdaya .. CJ"Jl, No . ' llm ABiav. All' t-m, Hnrl Pieialer Tuesdaf Frtday Ivom Ft. Msspwii n4 i gti. Tneadaya I lota 4UOl ratal"' NOT. tt. Der J " I rea taee rharMto- jiOT. Id. Dec 3. nov rmiirtioM 1.1. Ml rshaai 4 ttlta "5 11 At. 4 ff If I M tie. 8 FalKxt ' ttl I th As fc rt wr- a I 4 '' t ;: 14 tv. 4 CmrtA S 4 AS. 4 Has I" t 4 sr ro ' Hh 4e 4 9' K lib . 4 i"' HI rro. 8aat. 8rs 41 t rra uovt. wasrf i ' 0 TT Wlavf i O-TJ- 4issi -. - rt! tnd av 4 td ' ird te 4 Tu t n M trd ive 4 tft ' STEAMSHIP H0YEMD1 lac Taaeaat " Tuesday as Cardcna Friday a. Prin.t . - 8a4Jrdayaa Ca i Satttfttay- as. Prunes tn'' Nov. l-aa Fnn fs L Dee. 3 a. PrtiK' H "" tc It a Frtncesj M- ' tm Vaoraater Bjwsdsy n. Card'- Wednesday- Pr OrcV rrtdsf-s Cau: 8atsjrday-as PniKrs Ba " Nov --aa Pr-r-rs Dea. t aa Pr r ta 5 rw. a Pr:r ts M. Tar Fort laiian and Ns 3',j" Sunday-aa taraa Inc Mea.rt, tajax Sunday a oarorua l.. Pr 1 Ot rrom .Meaart. Aajax ssJ Tueaday aa. Cardera ( Frtdsy s PrirKe I r qeetn ClurloO I .. Mu.Ot'J -VOV. mm. -rtn- 5 X 4 -as Jfov 18- Frtn- v ' Dee. 3-t PrirKe rer AU.la Prir.ess M Hot. -s Dee. IS as Frtn tm M rraoi AU'is Not l- Prtri-ea Ut" Dee. S-aa Ptt' v- w l e' )uc f latsallea ta la PrnVe ar" trie, sad uiust' s' CkarlNS ! 1 Tttr. Ti' r j 1 Cataf9. ltd Ft Faeler. . of th rettewiae 1 " Oataeaeonaf HWtlkMH efirae OlM. fnw.l " ' riirtv '" ' ..nrinilrr'- 1 1 iisxrt: Six and Seven Passencer Stude- V ' rour disposal any Ume.iJS., '.Jr "OSS HROS. POOL ROOM Trnv'"- Meeker llloclu I acrosa from Empres Hotel) u,u t3