iy, September 10, 1928, SL..1 -, fc3 tUtCrl pintlnj V.- V., Cnl Sm lnuu4 O.Ilk Bl .Qi-l DiatdlanM. Ml. en- CUf iudati SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three li.tin t service feir Family Work, via: 80FT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH al most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do tho rest. Hie 2,7i Herl V. Smith, asiotant man-rer of the Premier mine, ami lieorge O. CSilchrist, also of Premier, nrriveil in the city on Ian night's steamer from Alice Arm. where they have been exaiuininc niinmg properhe. and left thix moMiing for the HaielMin dii- Iriet, accompanied by W. , S. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Davidson and Child Of Vatiemiver an viit. iug littre with Mr. Iavid.in s aunt. Mrs. J. 11. Hildftch, Federal Hlock. 'Hiey will return i ne.xt ueek to Vancouver where Mr. Davld-on is a menftter of the Canadian .National Hailwar office slalf. It was reported ty the Prinei pal or the High School at th.? cliool board meet in? last nkrhi mat one of the jrirl ltui.ils had I'een knocked down hv n im iri!F ------ i - -. f- iuio. He thouKht the driver uiould be asked to drive slowly viien passing Hie schools. noiite to this effeot wilf posted. At the school board meetins ast night in the couneit nham. ix'r I here were prseiit Chair man itochesler ml irn.io.. olinston. Hryarut and Fnltm. errelary Christie and the fol lowing nr nclnat nt in,i chools: 1). H. Harlnei ltnnll .Memorial; Miss amis, Horden Mreet; i.Mls. I.lsnev. Peal Rnv, land Mrs. Darlington. rfnmnM. science. Follmvins a report of the nc.v High School principal in regard to i lie jioor condition of, .the fire eseapes at King Kdward School II Was reported IiV r.hnirmnri illorhesler at the 4ebonl meeting last night that this work- would he attended Jo at onco Also some other repairs will he made at the school and sornj reference hooka purchased for the school library." Qanadlan .National Steamship "Prince Charles" will leave Prince Rupert Monilnv. Sent em. b"r 13. at LOO p.m. for Massett Inlet and Skidegalc Inlet ports on Queen Charlotte Islands, fie- .lurniiiig from Skidecate Inlet. iiiis steamer will arrive al Prince Ilunert.. 'eilnns.t- n , fifplcmbervIS, " 213 THE DAILY NEW8 PAGE THRBl rr a mr to.nichv "GRANT X personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678, til U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41, ' Procurable9 MALKINS For a fur coat, see Goldbloom iirst. ORIGINAL) ' M(TH Crystal Firelighters.- i8 fo 41.00. Hyde Transfer.' Phono 1 Qi- . ax . Pure Scotch Whisky 580. t, 8j2BXI BEST Am RICHEST IN FINEST Miss' Lorna Tile, A.1X.M., HIGHLAND MALT .&!! teacher of piano. Phone 1 45. i "Best f nns ailvcrlisein ill is nut imhii-inwi ,i..i...,i 1.., Liquor Control H..,ud or by Hi. Gmvc rinneut ' of Hriti-h Culunti i. WE ARE OFFERING! A MODEL MODERN A GRADUATE EXPERIENCED OPTICAL PARLOR REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST TO SERVE YOUR EYE NECESSITIES It the gre.,1 d)l Irreitre u the r.-nlf nliUnitil from corrcrl methods l nomination ih .Iri.ii-: the i-iirp fill -ItCfiiiiOli In filling tin- pri'-i-ripliofi .hi. the detail o necvs- "iirv In i-ori-p ! from filling thai cane.. our patients to discriminate hi furor of g!a-.e i f t . - i m t.ur Ontn aLJ'a-rlor-. i jjd modern nfeljiwlii. We try t- -iv . ufireds ser- Virtt Tll.il - Ii you will fel ta itntilt at eas wlu : von arc ()c I'liiis on a frame lluit vHMiuctK-i-Mfii parllruiar likuig. t iws Jb REMEMBER No cate presents perplexities1 to one qualified in the Science of Refraction. (Joiif II otii Optomelri-t a von would :i frit? nil. Tim ml. vice wull lit' jot it reliable. Max Heilbroner 527-S29 Third Avenue Everything for the Builder I LUMBER We have Hie most complete stock of limbers. .4 1 . ....... .1.:..!.... r: 1. mt .. . . . f UIIIICII7IUU3, diiijuu)!, nr iinisii, iiooring, v joint. i veneer, etc.. in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a bulldina from the foun dation to the last piece or finish. Before buying inspect our slm k. It will pay you. Our pnres are righL Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" -Kippers- "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. fry foothills Slovo Coa:. f 13.00 per Jon. Xo80ot.-;-Pli:I pott, Evilt 4 Co. Ltd! " tf We have money improved property, geuson Ltd. to loan on H. G. Hel- tV. S. (Duke) Harris, arter haying i-pent the past few days in llie city on business, returned lo Ilazelton on this morning's train. Mrs. J. H, Thompson and son, Archie, have returned to the city after having spent a year in Vit-loria and seven weeks in Montana., . , ' :; ' Mrs. J. S. Rogers and familv will .sail tomorrow afternoon ou the l'rineei'8 Charlotte for Vancouver v1ier they willtake up their future residence. i iMJorpe Mitchell, who Vi-as at t)ie Ikwa barbecue this week, wrjit on to Ncmickam, Alberta, near Cilpary, where lie will upend a holiday visiting with bis grandparents. Howard While, accountant of the Priroee Jtupert dry dock, why ha heen ill lately, in a patien! in the Prince Hupert General Htpital wtiere this morning le :!! reported lo be doing nicely. .Mr. Olof II union ami Mis Linnea Hanson. Ailtai ial niplit on the l'rinee Ceorge foj- Vancouver. Mii Hanson will ecilinue. her studies in th outh. ill.! nam, 5. Hoe aqd J. H. M. liar-Hank of Montreal tnteeU .r. proceeded 16 the interior Uils. morning after having spent . ... r-v m ? jiii hip cny or (tffk-ial duties. day trip. Be Sure You Get The Genuine GILLETT'S FLAKE LYE Valhalla mcflirvg t--uiglit. Lutheran sale of work, Wednesday, December 1. Prof. H. Aubrey Pryce returned to the city rerently after having spent sixweeks in Vancouver. Mrs. V. E. Hu'ryili of l)orren sailod Iml nizhHeon the Prim-- lOeorpe for Vancouver on a holi The I'air HoaruBnet last night lo Rive final eon&fieralion lo the program next wek. PresiJent W. 1). Vance waMIn the chair. Mr. and Mrs. fponifH Keep returned to Prines'Tieorze on thi mornlne?'s train. flr. Keep will be back during Fay Week. CoaxtwUe Steamship & Harge (Jo.V freijrtiter Atiyix arrive in port at 2 o'elocfclbi afternoon from Vancouver and Oeean Falls with a cargo of coal. II. Sherwood, district rnanagw for the JMu. Patkte. arrived it the city by gaslioat this morning from ttie r OdeSa. liharlotle Islands. iMrs. berwood is ac companying him. Union steamer ildala. Canl. A. JotiDstone, is dueTat 6.30 'this evening from the soutlu The ves- will -mih$in for;ithe Sna Itiver and, returning here. for tiie !outh again tomorrow morning. C. N. It. steamer Prince Huoert Capt. D. Donald, will arrive from Vancouver and way ports at 1.30 tomorrow morning and sail for tewart at to o'clock, returning here and sailing for south at It o'clock Sunday night C.N.ll. steamer Prince John. '"apt. E. Mafobs, will arrive from Vancouver via the southern Queen Charlotte Islands early ioniorrow morning and is scheduled to sail direct for Vancouver at 9 ajn. CP.lt. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. C. C. Sainley, will be in port tomorrow aflernoon southbound from Alaska ports to Vancouver. The Princess Heal-rice. Capt. S. K. Gray,, will also ail for Vancouver al 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Alterations to Anyox. Gymnasium Any responsible party wishing to lender for litis work can get idans by addressing the Secre-lary, Anyox Community League. Anyox, H.C. 217 Presbyterian aar. November . 44 ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4 44444444 44 4444 St. Andrew's Society Ladle uxiliury Bazaar, October 8. Royal Purple Salo of ' nlain and faney sewing and homo ootung, ucwuer lo. , Ladies' Aid Has 10. United Church Baaaar. Decem ber 2. WIRELESS REPORT. ... I """"" 18 a.m.) " ' pWijHmre1TrrKlnTri.- rometer, '3O..0; temperature. 58: sea smooth: C p.m. snoke l.;ini er Alameda, Seattle for Ketcliiknn, 127 miles from Ketchikan; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Griffco. Auvox for Seattle, 581 miles from Seattle. Bull Hurhor l'oggy. calm: ba rometer, 29.02; tcmparture. 52: Ight swell; 8 p.m. spoko Slcainer isihejovoYHe, thousands Anyox, tJcean Falls for Prince llupert, in Miibank Sound; 8 p.m. spoke Salmon King. Ketchikan for Seattle, off Fg Island; 8 p.m. spoke steamer K. D. Kingsley, Port Alice for Powell Itiver, a-beam Hull Harbor. Iead Tree Point Barometer. 30.18; temperature, 59. Noon Iigty Island Clear, tight south viml; barometer, 30.38; tsmper-ature, CI; sea smooth; 11.30 a.m. spoke steamer Catala in Oren-ville Channel, northbound, due Prince llupert at 6.30 a.m. Hull Harbor - Part cloudy, aim; temperature 32fligbt swell; 8 a.m. spoke tug St. F'ailh off Lowe Island, bound for Captain's Cove. Dead Tree Points Barometer. 10.20; temperature 07. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert X. A. F:iliot. O. Clarkson. R. M Foster and A. X. Dyer Vancouver; Mi. and Mrs. R. Kennelt. -vdmonton; F'rank Pearce. Port Clements: J. MacHrver. Victoria; tieorge Ringsliad. Port Edward: R. H. Ourd. Cassiar: Bert F. Smith, and George G. Gilchrist. Premier; J. L. McGregor. Xorlh f,acific. Central Mr. and Mrs. T. Acres. Winni- x-g: E. R. Ferguson. C.X.R..; R. "). Lewis and H. Denison. Van couver. MOOSE WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE PROVED SUCCESSFUL EVENT A successful whist drive ami tance was held last even ins- ti the Moose in their hall. Prize winners at cards were: .adies' jfrst. Mrs. Sam Haudehs. child and Mrs. i. A. Smnsnn. lied; Mrs. Haudenschild wmnindr on a draw; ladies' third, Muriel rorsytne; men first, J. A. Prince; men's second. X. P. Pedersen; men's IJiird, C. It. Big-gart. Refreshments were servmi nn. iler the direction of Mrs. Kiehl and dancing followed with music h.v Arthur's Orehestm The committee in charge or tie event consisted of Fred Madden, Joe Slaggard, J. Squareiiuck, B. J. Bacon. Gillis Royer, A. Elliott. Sam Haudenschild and A. Ohnesarg. Established 1923 S-U-C-C-E-S-S 5 Good K 3 vice. -Ik, dental work will save teeth for further years of sec- D&EP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 ,Pr6, ' 7 4w er, " Va . VA' " to.. "St f Residency, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, Thj Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Hupert as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter $50. oo Princo Rupert, B. C Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern maker, Founder, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds n( MARINE AND. COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3W Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Candy of Excellence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Assorted Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes $1.00 Assorted Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes $2.00 Hani Centre Chocolate, 1 lb. boxes ,,$1.00 Hard Centre Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes .......... I . $2.00 Assorted Nul Chocolates, I lb. boxes $1.25 We also have GANOXG'S, NKILSOX'S and MOIlt'S Chocolates in bulk and in 1 lb. and 2 lb. boxes. Ormes Ltd. The 1MOXKF.H DRUGGISTS -:- The RK.LL TORB PHONES 82 and 200 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and-parts in the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, and general Camp Equipment It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue