25 vol, XVI., No j IS A. TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDEOK, Prop. ril tlie order lo surrender if Uie mutineers were kill . u.l .....4. ....... ...11 II 14 M - KHT OF f iNninATES LIKELY CHALLENGED OTTAWA, Sept. LADIESI ' 10 Tlie right . . . . . . 1 1 . i . vii I, I lie i)i I ca iiiinai''! 'mil next week may be d on tlie grounds Hint they w e i.orn in the L'nnei niaies a il never naturullPil. The faMl i neie cilizenshln lias not been 1 KiiKly ejitiiMished and disiUtill-a'lon ii4 by no means certain. T e nmillilales are Joseph Mra-iiin ITiaribOo and L. J- I'n ' tiune nf Montagny. Qii"l'ec. . " All ladies in favor of the etedion of .1. O. Hrady nre "ordiHlly invited to attend a niceling in Ihe Commodore are on Saturday at 3 p.m. The meeting will be addressed by C. V, Peck, M.I-A. Tea will be served. 'If hi 'V. '""-Or . j "'Or 1 Li f iillij 1 . "t i,:u'ii'.:,. cvi'3 lo make fortune. .Steven- lias made ipme a name mr ... .if . . . o.. -..l, ill iiiiiiiiii mil Uf llllll smut- u inr ii'irii ti :5 iiiv a. . - iimeiiL Have - unit lo lighl. The former Premier referred lit a leller ly Mevens un . ... . ...., .......... klmiA.I l.k- Kim n . in,m1ir nf le UI LAinUHUII hum: MH'-i ripiii'i i-j ........... . FORTY DROWN on Board Vessel Lost When .Eiploslon occurs in fiougn iluA w Sea. parliament, me lener, sain .r. ; Kiiik. ' wrrtlen lo pel nxuiey from I lie people for an oil com-! pany. "It ha been found thai the company was a complete fraud and what is generally known a a company of Americai!-sharks and, hy 'he look of it, one or two l-'nadian sharks." I The Liberal leader aked Premier Meiphen and Mr. Stevens iwhal right did the present min- n tOrSll on board, Wr"of-?"U roal'of v and 30 passenger, arms of Cmiad u prmnotemil In hen the coasting slocks in Hie Iniied States. mf Xer'aitf sank in the linlfj II , . ;n a heavy storm; i , p rvemrd any rescues. The l in lieved to have been i d ly an eiploslon or a float-1 : mine y i n ip u l: flUMC aw me i . ..... - i.. i v e w" e unaliif to lauii-h oca1 s If II ijKtta REBELS KILLED . - m Pannalos and Refused to Disband Corps VTIII Nf. Sepl. I - Serious i i with : many casnallles e,i n tin- outskirts ol llw I Thursday belwfen reVular. hihI two corps nl repub ana'il supportlriB lien Panualns. the ousted dieta- Tue conis lilid beeti ordereil .mded but refused and they PREPARING FOR WORLD SERIES RE.OPENS TOMORROW SI. Hegis Cafe, after being entirely altered and renovated, will re-open for business tomorrow, - Siilur-.jliiy, under new management. This will bo a great convenience In the many old patrons who will nmv be saved the walk home for luncheon. You will havo en. lire satisfaction with Ihe service given at . Hie SI. HegLv SL Louis Erecting Additional Seats For Fans In Eipecta-tlon of Winning In a circular letter addressed to individual elector in the Skcena electoral district, J. C. . Hrady, tlie Conservative candidate, -who is opposing Fred .Stork, sends out over hi own signature a typical falsehood when lie fays: "May I appeal to you no to be rusted by the glaring headlines which may appear against my candidature from time to time in the heavily subsidized Liberal urpan known in this city a the Prince Hupert Daily New." The Daily News Is not subsidized and aevr lias bein. It sells adverlisinj spa':i lo.Ltuerals and Con-cenatl alike and at I he same rar. It is not s?el-tiiu and never had had a i-.i.lv from anyone. II. F. Pl'U.KX. AFFAIR WAS PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'HIXCF, III I'KHT. II. C, FMlhVY, HKPTI-LUBEIt 10, U2 EMULATES Managing Kditor BIG SUCCESSI Cathollo Women's League of Canada Holds Supper, Card Party and Dance Tlie succesH nf I lie supper. ard party and dance held by I lie iSalliolic Wumeii's league of :un.ntu in Uie Catliolic Hall las'. nig lit was so far beyond ex- i : at ioii and the crowd in a'- tendanfe so larse that it wa' necessary lo make extra arrange- MAV YOHK, Sept. 10. Afler menls for their aiToiniiiodalion beina idle for two days the M. The affair was for tlie purpo Lotus t'.ardinals lejok up today 0f celebrating lae opeinna of !h Willi lloslon while Cincinnali nPW kUchen Installed in tne hall visit! Krooklyn and 1'iltshurg hv the league a one of it" meetK Hie (Hauls. Ilinsl efforts Kiuce organization I'ittliurg and (Uileago (split altree months ago. Incidentally louble-header yesterday but thehuo financial returns from l'ii lauding of the four iyp, l,oaivtlovnt were very gratifying. in lite leanue is lUlle 'ohaiiged; I'- m,- i, MeCiffery presided at v. urospect .rot the tho1 sunnor tables mIHcIi , world, series In "Sfght Ihe S". laTdtMi -with all jtianner tyf- lempU I .I .IAlli .... .... Louis maniwemeoi V"rV'.' Una dutultes. mere was ., ..r '.:r ni;....i (, .!.!' ........ fk . - v. i iiuuiiiuM.ii .-,,., .'i niiimiy Minguig anu inn inuriraiu care of iii.uihi lans. Ai-i0f u,0 fcenlng was 'qofUiittnttM tliotigh IMiiladelphla Inst ! h0 wllli vocal solos Jby Miss Mc-llrooklyn yeslenlay Cy Williams,lcu an(j jrs. Tuner. dancirg the lhilly fielder, hit two home h,.. Hlitakefli Mcl.eod am runs, llrooklyn eored nine runtla,,re'v by Mr. "Mctiaffefr, in the ninth Inniins. IrVitlter Mi-Ora'th and Mayor S Cleveland dropped to right! M. Xewton. Mrs. F. P, Kenny full games lieliimi me leaning and M id F.. V. M. IlilisJiey were Yankees in Iho America. Leaauc when IMroit set them down three lo one while Xew Ymk was tiealinir Hoslon ten lo nothing. American Leaque Ikiston 0. Xew York 10. Cleveland I. Detroit 3. SI. Louis I-1, Chicago 3-5. National Leaque New York 3, Hoslon Si. Iirnoklvn 12. Philadelphia 0. i".liloao I -10. Pittsburg L'-l ST. REGIS CAFE ' ' the piano aceotupaiiists for t.ip evening. Winners' at card were as fol lows: Hridge, Mrs. J. C. Steer and W. n. Hughes: whist. Mis. Iluldah llrahaui and 11: Lee Charles Halacno and Miss Irene Morrison furnished music fo tlie dance and Frank Forluno wns master of ceremonies win. W. Hearst and Mrs. P. Hyrno presiding at the door I he ladies in charge of the. event were Mrs. 1. W. Morrisse? Mrs. Cnrrall, Mrs. Klnkade, Mr W. Oralton, Mrs. II. F. Glassey, Mrs. .1. C. (lavigan and Mrs i . . II. Hildilch. Young ladles s Isil1tiv In irvliip- ucrn MiS(s lean Stalker, lltlicl Aslle. Irene HfMirussa, Agnes Oration, Vary Aslorl. Piilniii-a Atorl. Marsrarel Palmer, Virginia Itiel, Campbell Oraee Curtln. Lorna MacLaren and Climndina. The local branch of Ihe Calh mile Women's League now has membersliiirof 03, Ihe organiia I linn hetnir eniuipclcd with thn I main laague of Canada which has 50.000 members. Tlie oldecls of the loague are to promote Iho r ' t 1 How T - W-.MIP s d m I- ance - v- nit- was wrn . o;ie inpe - a ' lie : -ampion ! un"' f-" ar at' Hon Ma: The Si ad i am. PROGRESS IN CANADASEEN President of C. P. R. Refutes Those Who Decry Their Own Country. MONTREAL, SepL 10. President Beatty of the C.P.R., returning after a trip throughout the west, declared: "Never have I seen greater evidence of Its progrsss or more conf Idenco In the future than In the trip Just completed?' Mr. Beatty said British Columbia was notable for the Improvement In the general conditions. "Vancouver," he said, "Is flourishing and it Is without question one of the busiest cMles In the whole of Canada." FIVE BOATS SOLD ! CATCHES HERE TODAY! Five boats sold their calches Wheal CP.lt B.C. Silver ... Consolidated 1 unwell Independence L. I Premier Porter Idaho vvelfaro of "Tho, sick, Immigration, Silver Crest and ,eharly work Irrespective of surf Inlet ielliiloul, belief. Richmond .... . 1 .3t .100.00 . 1.92 ' R9.nn 1.30 .0631. 2.21 i .03 .10 Vi .03 .11 2.00 1.32 .08 .00 ,00 ..1IV4 ll'.i YelTdiy Clrf ultlU-o, Itll CUSTOMS 'Borden Street 289 Seal Cove 67 iSI. Joseph's Academy 110 DROVE ENGINE ON WILD RIDE Travelled as Long as Steam Kept Up. RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECK Is Sent to Asylum After Being Caught By Police Who Chased Him In Car. here today, pri e. for American: being II and 15 and 8 and Cana-! MF.ItlHTT, Sept. 10. Because lian 1 1.00, 15 and 10. Sales were: j he "just goes crazy when hr American spies a locomotive. J. F. Downing, Seattle, 52,000 pounds, lo thelwhotold Ihe provincial police he Pacific Fisheries, believed himelf an v-ivrsineer res- Yalorous, 2,000, to Cold SJor- ponsible-for a railroad wreck in ... . I I Ml. I I.. V age. i which four were Kjuen in ,nv Canadian r - Jer.-ey several years ago. recently Muimeag, 5,500, to Ytliu Fish- purloined an engine and went on cries. a wild rule towards Nicola, north- lUngleader, 5.000, to lloyal east of Merrill, which ended only Fish Co. Iwhen he was unable lo keep steam Marguerite. 5,000, lo Cold Slor- up in the boiler, age. j Alter an exciting chase by an ... r - J r.: r jt , lautoniobile, Corp. Badman reach- VANCOUVER EXCHANGE. !i ..1.111 locomotive, took Asked Downing into custody and broughl 1 nun, nere. vvnera ne was, comniii- '1-1 t ...H..i:.... .1.. ...... i ted for incarceration m an asy iluni. v Shortly before his escapade 8trel Sties til the firsi real cathedral bul'.dinu' in Hritish Columbia which will emulate the old country edifices. L0CALSCHOOLSjFLOODS SWEEP Number So Far Is l,035,' Wlih-More to Report Yet. ' So far this year 1.035 pupils ,are in attendam e at Hie schoots 'of the city and there are a num-jber of pupils who have not re-jttirned which will swell the. total 'quite considerably. This indicates that the population of the city must be at least seven thou-'sand, especially in view of the I fact that so many single men live 'here and so many fishermen and jolliers have their families in tho 'south. The registrations at in dividual schools are: i it i;:h School Hootli Memorial CENTRAL WEST Six Inches of Rain From Cloudburst In Indiana and Illinois, i CHK.AOO, Sept. 10. Seven lives were lost and danlage aggregating two million dollars was caused at Terre Haute, IndH and Jacksonville, Ala., last night by Ihe third flood to sweep the central west in the past ten days. At Terre Haute 25 coal mines are Idle, the railroads and many industries tied up as a result of a 1 11 'cloudburst which brought more 428 1 than six inches of rain. In other set-: ions of Indiana and Illinois numerous homes were flooded. ROSSLAND DEFEATS YOUNG LIBERALS OF VANCOUVER BASEBALL XKLSlW iept. 10. n tliei first game or the provincial se-1 nrarw Man Stola Locomotive and1 nior amateur baseball series.! llossland defeated Uie Youngr Liberals ot Yancouver t to 3 here ' yesterday. TRAFFIC INFRACTION" CASESINYANCOUVER VAXCOrVFll. Sept. 10. One hundred anil ninety-four motor-, isls who parked automobiles on! the Cojinaussht bridge and Oeorgia viaduct Wednesday night when they went to view tlie False Creek I fire will receive summonses from Iho traffic infraction jHili.ce, it was announced today. TRIED TO PASS CAR DIED IN HOSPITAL yi'CS.NF-L, Sept. 10. Marten Schilling, 58 years or age, of Bar-kerville, a man who Is well known throughout the Cariboo and re-putedlto be well to do as a result of sucoessrul miniPig operations this year, is dead at the hospital i with tho locomotive. Downing i a, a result nf Injuries received ! broke the locks of his cell and when a truck in which he was rid- escaped from-Ihe jail hero .where Mug plunged over an enihankmenl be had been serving a thirty day j while, attempting to pass another sentence arter he was round, car on a narrow curve oi uie guilty on a Honor charero,. Advertise in the Daily News. road east f here.' Advertise in Uie Dally News. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing iloor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The. latest and best for the least. Phone 467. TRICE HVE CENTS. OFFICIALS .P.R. PRESIDENT CONFOUNDS PESSIMISTIC TORIES BY HIS STATEMENT tevens used Lanaaian Coat oi Arms Promote Oil Stock in States ULIiLIIAIL A & ! I 4- wwlw " - - n Minister of Customs in Regard to Bogus Company which was Promoted HKAKOIITII. OnL. Held. Spe;.kuig here lal niglil. Mnc- I. ... ... r. ........ I i llur li.tli-r nf II II. Stevens rulirerilltlg n ... ... . i ,.:... l. ...,! am oil cutnpuiiy. "On vveunesuay ingm. .ir. mug jm.ihu. . . ..i tin.i .i.iiirii. niiK't.iit mm neiiieo An rr run TYPICAL FALSEHOOD OF CONSERVATIVES NIPPED IN THE BUD JUDGE SCORES foundation Stone Laid of First A LITIGANT Real Catdral Building in B.C. try Bishop of London Yesterday Objects to Receiving Letters From ' Feople Interested In a Case " Before Court. VIUTOIUA, i?tpt- 1- Midst scenes seldom witnessed in -- - JHrilisii Coluniliia, iirriMiiuled ly bishops or the Anglican Church YAXOii'VF.H, S"pl. to. Herer-'aiid Ihe I'roleslant Kpisujal Uhiireh of Ihe I niled Slate;;, scores rnu to letters which lie-said were I of clergy and thousaud of citizens, High! Hev. F. A. Wilmington, aiiempfs Improperly influence! HUhop nf London, Thursday afternooii officiated at Ihe laying .i .Mon in liilgation pendingiof Uie fouiidalinii stone of the new Anglican Cathedral here. . in cm cL-iion with tin Lightning! tilorious autumn weather favored the ceremony. r.M-k nmd Mine. Mr. Justice W'.j Headed by a choir of 250 voices Ihe procession of prelates A. M.icdonaM yesterday in Ihe i and clergy moved fiom Christ Church memorial hull lo the site Supreme Court laid Charles t'li-lof the new edifice, where the ce-. eragl unless I hey ceased "there remony w as perrorme.i. i ne i a- ( whI be an application lo commit ju for coiileinp. of courL"' For tlie last two or three nadiau prelates present inciuoeU; Hi? Itiships of (Ailunitda. Cariboo. KootMiav. Ottawa. Yukon, the; rn ilhs I have been bombarded wrcnoisiiop oi .vew esuiunsif r. , a-iHi epistles of this kind. I re-Jibe I'. S. Hishops were those oH ccne idem conUi.ually and I Jiave! Sacramento. Dregou. Lastern Or-j o doubt they emanate from you." sa d Ihe judge. I e-iagt was in court in tonne ion with an application for a r..;. i. .rn s?te nf Irase of his Jiol-dinigs In Caruioo. REGISTRATION egon an. I posane. I he new building was designed by a Vicloria architect, J. C. Keith, who for a numbi-r of years has had the plans in readiness t"or (he long looked for day when the work mlKlit eoalmence. This will bei GRAND TRUNK TRAIN ROBBED Four Men Got Away With Half Million In Registered Mall Today CHICAOO, Sept. 10. Four roUber seized the registered mail 'of an estimated value- of aaSf a million dollars On tlu Grand Trunk train at Evergreen near Chicago today and escaped without a shot being fired. When Ihe train slowed up at Uie station an automobile wm IwaiHng and the robbers Jiad fleti licffo-e lotified. tae police had Je:i WILL REDUCE FRENCH ARMY Effect of League of Nations Work Makes Economies Posslbie PARIS. Sept. 10. Ainiost at the same time that Germany was being welcomed into iho League ol Nations at Geneva by Aristide. Ilriand, French foreign minister and other allied ' statesmen, plans were announced here today for economies which will bring about a reduction in the size ol '.he French army. MAY HAVE BEN SUICIDE PACT Young Man and Girl Found Dead In Automobile Neap Blaine, Saskatchewan. BLAIXK. SASK.. Sept. 10 Cordon Mofralt. 10 years or age, and Miss Crescent Oerich, 2t, were round dead in an auto last night a mile west of here. Moffatl evidently lia'd been dead Tor twelve hours beTore discovery and Iho girl four hours. The police are investigating a suggested suicide pact. , CAPT. BARNS DIED IN VICTORIA LAST NIGHT VICTORIA, Sept. to. Captain Charles Barns. 07 years or age, n well known mariner ror he past 35 years, died last night, lie-was formerly master of the Newington and F.sievan.' ' ' NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF 8KEENA RIDINQ The Liberal committee rooms, 303 Third Ave., tiert lo Hie F.leclrlo Bakery, will be open every atlcrnoon and evening unlit election dav. 41 i 1