RRACE WILL VOTE LIBERAL hi Outstanfling.Questlpns There," ,iquiuQira ;uog export. CONFIDENT OF MAJORITY '.olled l.y the provincial govern- ABE BJ ABU put(Riidipen)ary KnqpUdge Keep cpdl with Kellogg's! EAT light, crisp Kel-logg!$ Corn Flakes. See how fine and cool you feel! Gpl den-toasted hearts of corn. Full of delicious flavor! Serve thejm for lunch. With cold milk or cream. Add fruit if you like. Kellogg's are the original corn flakes. Never tough-thick or leathery. More than 10,000,000 people daily demand tthem. Sold by all grocers. Served at all hotels and restaurants. CORN FLAKES ImlUll.n. ni.( krUf yoa uch na--n.vr .mIi crUp, cranchy fli. J" imlu torn .(? , iW-tliulur .1 lb ' ,qt kanquage. At llm Hchonl linanl mppliiur Colonel McMonlte return! from Mill... principal of Horn wl lorrnw yc-.tor.lay. wl.en.-c .c ,a. .hum.I, .l.al fiv new pupil in ,e arcornpMnie.1 lion 1'. 1), Pailullo, re.-.-ivin da cnubl not rak a who a.'froj.nl fl.o elc-toM at word of Knllnl, an.t tl.U made It PalMilIti h.a. fir rale niceling jHacjr, wll0 alrejd&kin over-an. Ur U:mrl that Fred Htork, rM.V.I eta, t'n.elfl.llrtren w. Kel a''mn onty at that place ' w,.re horn ami brought .rp in One or 'lie feulures of Mr. Pat-! Prince llupert lullira M'-eei, wu the ,y export , ,, wa, explalno.l by Chairman which hai come in for omo crl-1 it(.PiiHir that tliore va,nolhiw ic.in.. .Mr I'atlullo showed that in t,P aw .which jfave them l.e the I ..He-I Slates ,a.l a duty on riil( 0 chllIe Mlcll p,p, Canadian livrs enloriiiK that coun.j l.y were a.lvfe.l hy ll.e inspec-try, hut no duly on ltinil.er or! lor Dial the lime which belonged tliinirlr. I.h.k' .luanlltle of.tZa- i ca? .i.oiil.l not he devoted nadlan Jum).,.r win shipped to the i meMntt the.' .iipiU KnglWi. other nulf and ninety per c;nl pf They would pick it up gradually the Mlnfigleit. r thl market wcro 1 frm alhl,r M,,,is, f elided . would play havoc with! TruMen -Fulton tlimiht they the liiinhHi and nhiiialo industry .h lllllil tltlld III..! IliA ......in nllnn on iWil' ue, ami the nurest wav to got thaL imirkH elo wu lo pirt Sn enthnrgo on the fcjv log ha were noni nrro the line. Al present Ihc export or logs wan prolnhite.l from lands con- - i ..... .... ...iniir- ailfjll tlon a wan deyote.l to the-oilier. no inoreimd no lens. Hs Mill reported that the re-reiving cla va,inuri too larpe., Iliprc being already fifty pupijs registered with more to come. Twelve ....... ... of ,,,, these. -, - were , from win N'el- m ip mem. Inn ..n crown granled land, view. There wa not M.fficlcnt owiiern uit.i u rwni lo .-xport ideating ncconjmodation for thfm lem if they wished. iad it wa not fair to the tracker i in m.iu.irr ui-o ucau ynm mo lo ak her lo take that many older oul'landlng queittlOiis of the day and the audience uve him u good li' Mnng and showed nitich lneril in the .pietlliMH dU-rijed, Subscribe In the Dailr New. HELP YOURSELF 'i O H wa decided In further inve. titfatr and make plan for relieving I lie situation. S. V. iU)x ail.l al night ,qn Ihe Prince (ienrge for i, a l. r .; -mm- V Wi'r.A ALWAYi . iiuirtM (. vnppir. CORN M FUKES EH VWM , .; MGUE WAS Telkwa Wat Scene of Revel Mon- .day ,Wrien Annual tAffalr ,Hejd ' - - e - - CCN.T.RE, OF (ATTRACTION Hore (Jflaqee apd,,Cow-Boy Feats tnfertain fcrowd at in. ,terpr Centre TI-:i.KVA,.j5epl..iWll can he xfii.l wUhoiij .Nmlra'liclion that all . Jii thpiJiiilkley Valley led to Telkwa fin (Monday, when lie annual liarhecue wa lield tier. The steady Alruarn of auto coming from all direction In ought in .)tinlrcd of people who were ascain treated to a bi iifteriinon reple(e wit,h excite-iienl and enlerlainment. The hour of cnnimen(?emen! had pern et for lt,S5 a.m. r.nd jiromptly on time t.e pro-ce.ion Htarte.l for the Recreation Ground, vvllli the chuck-wagon and the .band in the lead, will, the row ihoy ami girl, ilefkeo" pul in all llielr finery anil ruling fiery ponic, with tin jockeys' arpj their race hore, the Judge and effieial and i long firing of auto all filled with the throng of pleasure eeker. Vien ,rhe proe(on l.n.i eompleted Uie round of th: lace coure, .1. C. Urady, Conservative randidalo ifave tlu1 opening ceremonies, thanking the official for Ike honor conferred on 1iint. (8eef .Taken Out A oon a the liarhecue was declared open, the excitement commenced, Iho first rush being lo Ihe Wjr pit oven, where Chef Henry A, Urck had put in seven full quarter of 'hef the evening before at III o'clock anJ which should now have been rpaled lo just the right lage. W tin Hip fir wik rL,il nff and Ihe uuarter nf beef hoi.H cJ out, generous hrloing of tn.- Juicy meat were made up into lan.Kviclie and handed out to the surging crowd. The smack Ing of dips and expressions -it rommenl a ll.e iii? i:nuliviil disappeared was sure pvidrne (hat barbecued beef piosl as suredly a treat for king. , With 'he inner man satisfied the program was away. Stampede Manager (ieo. Murray wilii Irl cow boys headed for the corrals and soon wild steer and bucking broneho were turned loose in rapid succelon arti w illi a rider endeavoring to 'keep hi seat, but not few 0-' which found a more or less soft landing. spot on Hie grass or in jtie iduM. Helween time Frank iloekrill and Ills assistants ran T2SH DAILY ?RBWS VOTE IIRFRAl 1.M. MJ JUIUIUI 11 1U SrfAK ENGLISH GREAT EVENT SAYS SOLDIER through a siring of horse race If'ill of exciting moments. And going all the lime (were the mi'hvay allractioii tindri the supervision of II. K. Taylor of Prince (leorge Tlieso in-eludsd jitney dance with mui !5Pt'Ued by he Ilainbow (irehe-jri. ,of Crlgnry. Winners of Contests In the burking contast the belt was won by Arl Kdler of Chilico-lin, and I'ric S'.riinbo!dh of Top-ley eme first in Ihe steer riding contest, but in ridinp l0rn wltb .sursingle only, no prirn wn awarded as the rider? all bit the dust. IjTn" .entertain the crowd . be MC.n, isnpper lime and tha jppeping of Ihe ball, the Indian nf the district mil on an enter tainment consisting of -war dances and rhoH'ses. This wa don In rosjump and proved most in teresting a well as amusing. -The final for the day was the ball ..held in the Communis Hall at night and hern Affah was nil merriment a the ilma crowd danre.l while the Rainbow Orchestra rendered the mu.ic. Thecre .wore about a doien Prince rtuperl people In attend ance at Ihe barbecue including George R. Jite. .1, W. Sroll. rioorge Milojiell, Dill ?milb and Eddie Smith. BOARD IS. PLEASED WITH NEW TEACHERS it, lhe school board mepling last night. 'Chairman Rochester spoke of Ihe ehane of tatf vvhlcll had taken place this jear and particularly that in Ihe jllgh School w here a new principal had been appointed. Ho considered the board very forlunale ip securing the services of Mr. ljijddie' and be felt sure the people of Ihe eily would be pleased nl Ihe results, fioo.l teachers, for the .oilier -graile bad been secure.U' and be congratulated 1bn board and the city on their pood fortune In this respect. Son of Judge .Martin Urges Re turn to .Power of .Mackenzie. 1 King. Government. j VlfiTOWA,,Sepf. in. I am going to show you why f is the. di'ty of every Canadian citizen to vote for Ihe.I.ilipral parly at the; forticmirig.e,leriion," yld Carew Martin, candi.late in tlie Victoria ridij;, on-ofluilae Martin, and thrice wounded j'sodier. Mr. Martin proeeeded to trace the ret'or.l of the Liberal admin istration, showing the economies of Hip Mackenzie King jgoveni- ment, the industrial development under the, Liberal regime, and the undoiibled and undeniable ulasli-f)VC of the iKjminion' taxes. All of these tiling, he said, had contributed toward the success pf the Liberal government. These were the tilings which formed Iho nucleus of Lijierals' argument In righting for return lo power, for a return to a position where tliey could best serve the country, sa'pf Mr. Martin. . -Reorganized Railroads One of the .first things whiqli the Mackenzie Ki" government had accomplished was the nalion-alization and reorganization of a great railroad ystpm under Sir Henry Thornton, now Ihe Cana dian National Railway. This railroad system, said Mr. Martin, had been place,.! on a paying basis for the firs) time by the Liberal liovctymieiit. ,'ow it was a railroad earning .50.000,000 profit a year. This, was jit one thing, hut one great 'thing, which .Mackenzie King's administration diad made possible, "The Tories are oa! to denationalize ti .Canadian National Railway .y.tem.'- charged 11. 11. shandley al he same meeting. This wqs a. fact, he said, brought about by inflpences in New York. Mr. I'alinaU'le. of Montreal, said Hie speaker, had convinced -Mr. Meiglien thai denationalization of lie Canadian J'ational Railway was best for .Canada. He, Mr. I'atinaude, and -New York Influence, who hilh interest in the ianadian I'arMic -Railway were Irvine to get a strangle hold on the r.aii.nlian .National to kill, terminate and do away with once and for all competition for their own road, said Mr. Shandley. This was the change he laid. SMASHINO ALL SELLING RECORDS Ladies' Coats Dresses and Suits AT REAL BIG BARGAINS IF YOU BUY THEM RIGHT NOW SEE WINDOWS I Js ' - ?!-. ,f r ?.- .'jm l . . '. .' ... . ' ' are recipes ' Jrl BENT 1- J Salads, Meat and FJlsft .Dishes, Pickles, -Sauces, Mayonnaise Dressings. Just the kind of Recipes -that womsn like to work yith tried and .proven methods accurate measurements that insure success wKen making something especially nice for luncheon, afternoon tea or supper or delectable sauces and relishes to lend attractive variety to every meal. There are; recipe's for most delicious Sandwiches for 16 varieties of Mayonnaise Pressings for various French, Russian and Italian Pressings and for many new ways of preparing and seasoning Meat and Fish. A valuable little book; jt should be in every -home. - Write for a copy- We will gladly send you one, FREE and post paid, on receipt of your name and address. Colman-Keen (Canada) Limited, Dept. 82 1000 Amherst Street, Montreal (ohnans Mustard aids X X digestion. J. BENrS I - I Great Re-organization NOW IN FULL SWING .PpsIUveiy ;a(l ... ;New up-t&tthe- . . .Minute' Merchandise at slashed undercut Sale. Prices. SAVE .MONEY NOW! Herefe a Piicks 1 I PUNCH,-! SSsHBrllrmVt ,-m IBSaaSSSSSSSSSSSSfl ' ftssssv Viv . Af sXstSit Lsssssssb BSSSSuL& iSflkZOyTsSflHBsFBSSSa SMASHING ALL SELLING .REQORDS Sale NOW IN FULL SWING No.Qld.Junk " k Positively all the new Fall Garments are at real Cut to Fragments ALE PRICES. Ladies Hosiery and Hats AT R,EAL BIG BARGAINS IF'i YOU BUY THEM RIGHT NOW SEE WINDOWS 1 Third Avenue