PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEW8 FOR THAT SLEEPY SPRING FEELING Take a boltlo of Edinburgh Hospital Sarsaparilla Compound Knriches and vitalises the blood SI .00 a Bottle Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phono 94. We deliver. Eggs! Butter! Cheese! Tho Hlghost Quality at the Lowest Price H.C. Fresh Kgs, 3 doz. ... S1.00 Prince ltuperl Local life's. 3 doz . .... $1.45 Hulk Duller, res. 50c, 3 ilia. ... ;.. $1.30 Hulk HutU'r, per box $6.25 Capital ilutter, 2 lbs. 95c Ontario Ulicese, reg. 35c. 3 lbs. . , 85c Hum's Oohlen Loaf, reg. 50c, 3 lbs. .... .. $1.35 Hum's Golden Loaf, 5 Hi. box ,i.f,;r.p. ... ... $2.00 Swiss tSruycrc Cheese, per I'k?. ... 45c (ioat Clipesc, reg. 05c, 2 lbs. ... ... ..... si .15 Jack Cheese, ret?. 5c, 2 lbs. ... ; 85o ..Take advantage of these prices on. your 1st of the mouth order Mussaliem (Grocery Co. Ltd. 1 17-123 5lh Avenue K. P.O. Box 575 Phones 18 & 84 Spun Silk Per Yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes Per Yard , 25p Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third AVenue P.O. Ilox - - 5)81) Phone Green 389 Discount . Saie Silk Dresses 20 Per Cent off We are overstocked "Doners" We aim to please Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. Alexander Smith' Block Phone 576 DENTIST CRICKET TODAY ENGLISH TOPIC Australian Team Heralded to' Death But Expect May bo . Beaten I FIGHTING FOR HONORS Possibilities on Big Team For' Test Matches Against Southern Visitors I.OXDOX. May 1 illy Canadian Press. Cricket! Cricket! Everywhere. "the lopuV Is cricket. 'Htsr noise" or bootblack, stockbroker oi sa'iidwtch-niaii alike are translating life's little daily up and downs into terms of cricket. From the clubs, restaurants, ofrices and all places where men meet it is carried home to the easy ejjair beforcj me neartii wliere rather, John, and in many cases, Mary, armed lo the leclh with newspaper articles, spend I lie exerting comparing the respective form of Hobii-and Macartney, criticising the M.C.C. electing England's captain, and finally, in winning back the "jjshes" by scores that would make old VY. (i. turn in his grave. The Australians arrived in England two weeks ago. Heralded to Death -tXo combination of sportsmen thai has ever left one country to play in another has been accorded such a mighty fanfare of publicity or treated to such a magnificent flourish of pens as lite 1(5 Australian cricketers. Tltey have been heralded to death nnd if one I were lo believe everything writ-j ten ubout the tour, the Tests! were won ami lost weeks an. Clenrllill, M. A. Xoble and Warren Hard-ley are all busy journalists absorbing almost every! day a column or two of the LonH don press in what has been described as an attempt to undermine the usually optimistic spirit prevailing in the Knglish DollarWeck 3-50c tins Schillings Hest Ilak-iiiig Powder $1.00 t'i, )b. Tudor, impress, or Urea! West Tea $1,00 lb. McCormick's Sweet Hiscuits . $1.00 lb. Fresh tiround Coffee. $1.00 lb. Cal. Table Fugs .... $1.00 bottles Heinz Catsup .... $1.00 6 tins Peas. Corn or Tomatoes $1.00 20 barsVhile Swan Soap .. $1.00 20 rolls Toilet Paper .... $1.00 4 cartons SunlighlSoap .. $1.00 combs Pure Honey . . . . $1.00 large tins Sliced Peaches $1.00 Hi. .Sugar and 1 tin Kmpress Marmalade $1.00 13 lb. (iranulated Sugar .. $1.00 10 lb. Jap Ilice $1.00 I 12 lb. Assorted While llcans. Splil Peas, Whole Green Peas nr llarley , $1.00 7 tins Heinz Pork & Heanv $1.00 2 doz. Local Fresh Hggs .... 95c 2 lb. Hest- Hulk Creamery llulter 95c 13 bars Palniolive Soap . . $1.00 broom and 2 cartons Sunlight Soap ....... $1.00 7 lb. Seedle.H Raisins .... $1.00 7 lb. Puffed Raisins .... $1.00 3 large tins Libby'p Asparagus Tips ... ... ... $1.00 3 doz. Sunkist Oranges or Lemdns $1.00 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Whipping Cream Dally B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Bulkley Valley BEEF Pol rioasls, per lb. ... ... ... 10o lo 12'2C Hound Hone Oven Roasts, ier lb. ... 15o Round .Steak, per lb. . . 25c Sirloin Sleak, per b. .. 30c Legs pork, per Jb. .... 35c Loin Pork, per lb 38c Shoulder Pork,, per lb. 28o Fresh killed Lamb and Veal arriving Friday's train for Saturday's business Sealy & Doodson SixlhHtrecJ, Phone 455. We Deliver. "31J m If I Only Had the Strength is not HOUSEWORK drudgery to the woman whete strong and well. She takes a pride in keeping the home spick and span and giving it the artistic touches which make home attractive. But when strength fails and you feel tired and worried there seems no end to disagreeable work. You seem to never catch up and everything goes wrong. Wishes ,do not restore a womout nervous system but Dr. Chase's Nerve Food does. By using this great restorative regularly you can soon regain health and vigor and take hold ranks. Their articles, though nomctimes interesting and informative, hate borne the taint of xaggeraled optimism which has fully justified the vigorous re-lorts it has me't from English expert, amongst whom are player A-ritcr like lloblts and Parkin. As the Observer tersely observes: In a few months il vvifl bo nil over, bar shouting. We confess ivi' shoubl like to bar the shout- ing heroin il has begun." England Ought to Win Whatever effect these articles of the household duties with a master hand. Nervous headaches, sleeplessness, indigestion and all the discouraging symptoms of exhausted nerves disappear because you have restored the nerve force to the body. You can get well and keep well by the use of Dr. Chase s Nerve Food. LTse it when you feel tired, nervous and irritable and you will soon realize why Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the most popular of Nerve restoratives. 60 cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A., W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Can. swept the board clean. Knglish natsmen fell .like iiuiepiu before Ihe terrific Onslaughts or that pair of express, bowlers, tire gory and AlaclKiiniM. Factors That Count Hut and il i a big hut consider the iiheitomi'iiailv dry summer of. 1921 which gave llio tourists their own shirl-froni wickets and .rendered Lnglaii'l- spin and brea'C bowlers as lump U.,s as if their jiands hail lieeti ! 'preaM - il; consider thai Warwi. k iCANADIAN SERVICE pniMr.p Arinstroir has, retire,!; that llie. nymiS?cltiSRUoHnoH. may have tbey have been dis- Mcvasmuin? ortv')-.aniniiaiii counted by the more ober and combination had been split in ihoiwhtrul critics and Ihe true lwi: Uiat Suljirre and llobb-i-ricket fan still uibobls the batted all day against Australia s view that Kngland musl ami ''l I" Auslralia; that Hnglaiid ought tp win. In the opinion of fighting lu relriever-iiot lo toe Jiarling. the famous Auslra-I hobtlhc "afhes'' and finally !lau veleran captain. Australia is "'"1 tl,e lHoiis uncertainty of )5 jier fen I weaker 1 halt on the ' '"'-' hovers over all. las! tour of Ibis country wheu.j Who Will Lead England? led and guided by the wizardry: The M.C despite the scare if Warwick Armstrong, they caused by the statement that it CAHAiwciric r2AI INK? f Q EUROPE MAKE RESERVATION'S NOW I I I I FROM MONTREAL To Llnarpool May 7. Jlllw 4 Montralm Miy 14, Join- II Mnnltljrc Ma SK, June 5 MmilriP To Cherbourg-Southampton- Antwarp l Itt. June l. MeliU J Mn i. Jim,- :iii Mlimnlo To Blf'.-Q!jijow May iO, Junn IT MrUirima FROM QUEBEC To Chirbotirg-touthimpton-Hamburg Ma 12, J miD W Hnjir t 't trw May jot, Jul"' t:i.l-:irirpi4 of Scotland To Llxrpool M. .'I. Juiw id Montroyal To Btlfit-OIgow Julie :i. Jnl I Miiiilnalrn MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE J u i i t rum Munlri al .. Marlix h Art); lo Ager.ti ererywhera or I I vnuslES. Gtn. Ail. CP.R. Suilon, Vaacouvtf, of Teltphoot Seymour 2630, B Can. Pic Ry.. Qfe. Tti5c Agents. w. m v w m II IK J i l a mm i h 11 1 V 11 VI UU An ideal material for children's garments and ladies' underwear. A mixture or silk and cotton which will give satisfactory service. Per yard- - 60c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 ii l intended lo continue lo follow out its own sweet theories, has started well by electing a' selection committee in which the public can repose complete confidence, possessing, as it docs, a chairman like "Plum" Warner and co-opteil player members I vvilh full voting powers like Hubbs and Rhodes..- Certainly it iiiihl have instructed, this committee to elect a captain before the season opens but there are, it is true, considerations which cause one lo hesitate to criticise this policy of delay. A. W. Carr. (he burly shouldered Iiatsman-caplaiu of Niiltiiiighamsliire, is the most favored player for the position, his nearest rivals bcitw A. K. R. (tillwan, ,e leader of last year's expedition to the Antipodes, P. O. II. Fender, the master tactician of Surrey, and, in a more remote degree, Hon. F. S. (iouxh-Cailhorpe-of Warwickshire, who has just relumed vvilh his team from Die success ful West liuliaii tour. Certainties and Possibilities To attempt to forecast Ihe English teum would be an equally hackneyed and impossible task. Much will depend on the Test Trial Malch at Lords on June 5 exactly a week before the first Jest .Match is ijue lo begin at; Nottingham. H is to be hoped! that the system of judging a player, on one Isolated onuear- unce in a uiafcli or this soil will i be jettisoned this year and thej much saner and fairer" method ofi weighlng.Jiis merits ami demerits over a reasonable period put inlo' operation, or course, certain dayers must, of necessity .elect thcmclvc. Men like llobbs, i Sutpliffe and TaUi; caunol-bu ig-Jioreiljusl bewru'se they slrlko a bad jjia lh al the beginning of the season, although on the oilier baud a lesser lUhl may easily earn Inclusion by a series of sparkling balling displays or a big bag of vvickels in the open ing month. The Possibles nutn - i in-1 iiiiioiisi mem iviiner, iioiuics, VMncaulay of 'Yorkshire, 'tho; chumidon country, Saudbam,! Fender and Slrudwick of Surrey,1 Parkin, Richard rl'yldiJeley and Watson of Lancashire, Larwood of-Nolls. Woollcy'and Chapman of Kent, llearne, llcndten, lur-Jslun, Stevens and Allen of Middlesex, Mead of Hampshire, Ilani-j'mond and Parker of Oloucestor- shitv, Jupp oT Norlhants, Geary of Leicestershire, Tato and Wcnsley of Sussex and Hoot of Worcestershire. JAPANESE TAKE UP GOLF FOR RECREATION Expert From Island Kingdom Making Tour of World to Study Game and Con-. dltlons . CIIICAtiO, May 1. Japan lias taken up golf in tho same thorough manner il lias adopted other western progressions, aim the aine is growing rapidly in the island empire. Waller Crowdtis, formerly goll champion of Chicago, who ftrl came In contact' with Japanese golfers while an army aviator in Hawaii, elates that Oho I lo has completed a ,tur of tho world lo study lite uauic tinder cori)-in i ! m of (he Japanese govern tiiciil. He has also begun pub lication of a golf magazine l convey to citizens of his country all available information about golf. After inspecting coursr in Ureal Itrilain and on Ihe Atlantic MMthoard. Ho played a' few holes on one of Hie four courses al Olympin field hcrw t before pursuing his invest Igat ion through Ihe pacific coast slates. ON SPEAKINQ ENGLISH. The lovely English languaue, vvhieli i I tic greute! in Ire world, "!!' 11 In- pukMi llioc mi tin' ,u;,e pUotiy, !y and with beauty win- b even nrK tt : i-- . Ire. I T-r-rv. TO LIVERPOOL VMIIIil I i .f i i- :. TO BELFAST AND OLAUOW MlK-IMJ Mri il I ('.4 V FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Stuuri -.41 I i!ii . M TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON H-rmra M, ty. J , t. . ,t MtiirrlJIi'ii til) )9. JnriM v in Viillanu . Va t: tf J mi 5 TO LONDONDERRY AND OLAI0OW Cjitlf'iHi.j M'- nw-inilj til it TO PLVrOUTH-HAVRE-LONDON l'tlnm M.,t Tii-.ii'a . Ma II TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAMBURQ tnlanla . . Mm rr. "m . July 11 FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Saiuarla May I'- l' n a Hi) n Ui.nv) -ritor. Aran aiwl IraWilli r iViim H ' .iii !- Pull inr'niiali'- rirttj I .1 v-i'i- - - ' - iii'-air. "I I r.. '...' Ilanlinv- -i VV V tn -utr B-i . TO IW Srv. ?r I "Imaginary" Rheumatism Caused by IUCitting Shoes MANY, many times physicians have diagnosed what appears to be rheumatism, as really being pains arising from the effects of Fallen Arches. When the foot arches beeln to break down, the pain is often ascribed to a sprain or rheumatism. Pain occurs along the inside of the foot. In the heel, also the calf of the leg, and is often located in the knee or hip joints. This condition brings on general muscular weakness the ligaments are strained, interfering with proper nourishment of the foot The circulation becomes poor attendant eymptoms appear numbness, cold, and at times, undue perspiration. To prevent and euro this condition the foot must be given support, combined with the utmost freedom of movement. Arch Defender Shoes glvo support to. the scaphoid bono where needed, while allowing full flexibility and freedom to the muscular structure of tho foot. If you value your health-Join the thousands who havo banished foot trouble. Get a pair today. Mada In Canada bf it HeDtftnderSLoeCompny, Out BOLD DY Jabour Bros. Saturday, May 1 w6 DIAMONDS Our diamond dlspUy l always an Interesting inh, Tho Brilliancy of tho stones, the modern settings and th. moderate prices arc very attractive. Prospective purchasers or diamonds would do well to visit our store where cheerful and courteous expert service Is rendered to those who favor us with a visit, Optical Dpartnvnt Eyes examined, Vhion tested,. Glasses fitted by a 'registered optomotrlst. All temts are ground by an t. porlenccd operator, exactly to prescription and carefully n. spected. This ofpert optical 6erlco may be had at very reasonable prices. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Betty Bronson UA Kiss for Cinderella" Hti J. M. Itarrir' -tage ilirrrieil i Herbert lire it on. Willi faiilu itiieie. The glowing lory - h.ilf till veil, ItiiieMinie, jet lie wottbl rail hfr ' ilia. The rhitriiiiifg (ale of a lit lit sliiui-tlvveller w a MiIireiiinn nml -hrblit-d a woiulrrfnl dream ' Irtic. A pliiilo-ilay Hint oii will alvvyn reinr uurailes re jierfortned he fore vonr ee. Mi- litirt'. A loiiiipkin liwnme h gorgi'oo- rarn.ig' li'tir I'iiltire liy a great rotnloualHiu Hum I1 llrotison. Slimig ml: Betty Bronson, Tom Moore, Henry VI-bart, Ivan Simpson, Esther Ralston, Dorothy Cunirrslnji, Dorothy Walters, Flora Finch, Marilyn McLean, AESOP'S FILM FABLES "ON THE ICE." PAT HE REVIEW 50c and 25c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Saillno ft4 lriDc Scprl 'r VAMCOUVIN. VICTONIA. Say, an I Alart Tkaaaai, IM vanrouVSR. VIOTOWia, lf at, an lann Bat, Satrai, for AriVOX. PORT SIMPSON ana Naaa Pltar Caanarlaa, TKuraar for POftT B.'VPSOrt, AUTOX, SLICE ". STSWHr, S.Bi, S m. Ul i tMia J. Bamalat. Aiaol. Prloia Paa.t. ASTORIA SHOES Wo Have Jutt Received a Large Shipment of Th Famous Astoria Shoes for Spring and Summer Wear' The A-toria tuihir-inadc Hie in roiiulered renin of Canadian mhoeniaking. The ritorrui tion, the (iilVfiiit'o toiir-h of Uip muster rrflninn i-rerogniMn,! in every pair Hint it places lhee shoe ol their own. The ntnv' nn ur nil eoiiiliinalioii mill pcrte " is assured in utmost every ense. We in k. Ihem In-own uikI tan, Idm k nnd hruvvii Kid in lUuclier. 11 ;l und Oxford in yiu niont exclusive stylos. Be Well Shod! Wear the Astoria Shoe They are leaHouably priced and llio qnnllly ' c ' pair i guaraiiliTd hy ihe makers. Sold exclusively In Prince Ruport at McARTHUR'S SHOE STORE Third Avonuo In rl,iMr hruiiglil I., A inarming nimbi Next C.N.R. Ticket Offl"