Saturday. May!, lf20. Waterfront Whiffs I 'continued from page two) lirmnt vvim made lo repair Inn Elic men undertaking t Job nic I. J.. I II .1. lie riiHiiiiiii'iiirii mi uieir i.f v remap,, nicy wnuiuni ilmlllf it it I lll'IO WHS ft Ullill. ,! 9uig shop 1n a position to lii il a new i rolling bout foi hem in time fur the appiNiaeh- illSOI). Powcrltnal Zaiiirllv relumed I nr' first or Hie week, from a i Hi o mver miei wiiu it.- u. l.iluiH oii, manager nf Invcrtics iicrs The annnli lum no edeil in the duller Corn urn noiliid u illi Tiiiii W'nll if 1,1 ulna wlillo Cupl. It. ilam- il '' niaiiiing in port lo su- se some, . mechanical Inn i-'ch :,liiU rile Ttuiler way uii a,i Inverness cannery tender i. line Charlie Working i narllt Sari Ii:ih Jjecn cngau ic r ier in pleasure nor work i . lit spare (line Hie pa'. kv iw.v-- I" inei, iicjievo u oi ni i iiarlie ha linen reallr i . i getting din pleasure if k lie Yacht Chili ready for i- mum eumi Now, if the- In leii f ti hi if lon t wnik, :' II (it !)' Charlie' fau'i ami nMW merliulur ul Mult. switnoon, who has boon a ne packer llipjiu foi a 'eii, in. -iij; -.ilmim W iir' Cuiial. i h-ating a ake a (himIioii on ii;a al Hie War Welding II It Siien. 11" imvmg iei'! engaged in : uii'l era.iii ug dtirinv mouth. Cap Joliau-w getting im fmal. lite .. ',V 'n Id- "!MlllMHllll roiling. A Professional Visit i Welfonl straye. away i . I' P wharf on Tliur- w nf up to the fiiMi ' ive Mn various i .::-. up then come ad- W fliey shnoM u their VII K 'i those ir.'le-.ion- rpmlei-i'il. tie look payment .me halibut PH U :.ll ul0l Rliollls MT. licit "ii feeil the rising gencra- II tut w ii i a he no justly luliiitii' iiiKinei I 'mine. Cant. re II Inc. ret' rneil to port ii llei aU1 !lruii mi Weilnen- ntjtii' mi aeeti i nt of the Ill- Ik nr ne iper laUier. Hi - Im'I it in lied to Hie tiauki af- pui'img the l man aahore liome ' real men' unl umoail a Uoi " fuiuli "i I -00 Hi. flie roai freiuliler Selkirk. lit Slaiinanl. .ini'inV'il .'On IreiK of tune, I Oil i liotinml iiii;ii' ami -0 to; "t a i 1 1 a 1 1 llhe Albert iV !:.." iy wliarf IsWeilne-ilay ami. on TIium- K tie t hilkoot, t apt Charlie' lit Ii, ilioliargeil .'(). Otm nitei there. Two eaniphotiie were limit al Url vt Hie week at the Al- A .Metlarferv wharf ami. "It'll fin a fow, wero townl t ! W iirwatUL Capl. Kelehtiin. I" lilain t ;ov whi're I hey win ae tie erew thai I liiilliliiin new rnnnery there. Cloarlnn Mill Slia IVork I proreeiliiift fenlily II lie mie of the I'rltlAA Ililper hire MU, reeenlly acquired 'he HIk Hay Lumber Co, Inring awny tlio flro ilehri ooriiMK and pilinv Iho lum Thirleen men are employ- Ifin i lip work, which will tafo fr tif 'he fiuminer, with 1 V lii'i'im nm J6hn Murray In H'Ke. Ut Saturday nlslit the new Toot nefner. helntr Inilll by pi .Me I. can for the Sunnynlile liwry wn launelieil. The 2 Frisco-Standard cniilncba I" inxlalleil nml Iho vessel I OTUI11 EAD""i tims-Nt Saalf tSmhc-Na t Swallow i RAZ-M AH Ctatult torea normal breathing. Quickly r y tnoung, gaapuif ana mucua erinii in bronchial tubea. GWca nlihta of restful sleep. Contains jtnjurloua or habit-forming druge. i uoi ai orug stores. Bend 6c. for rous trial Tsrapletona, Toronto. AZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF U " 'If in lo lie eoni)!eletl by n week from loilay. With Ihi boat oul o' Ihe way, there is a full program of repair work booked up fu? Uki Mr Lean flilp. Tlie forelry boa I Lillian 1)., halihul elieooner.H ninBleailer. Olbon, Caygeon anil Selina, ami Irolllnjt bnal lleavec ami Skecna City have been on Hie Wanl U'iivh iluiing the pant week for eleanim; ami iainlitiK ami minor hull work. Tim aoconil 4Cllll llO.'tl beiou built nl Ihe Sutra Ways for Lowe Inlet cannery win launched on Saturday niRhl lal and the 12 h.p. Slanilard enRino ba arrived for Insinuation. The 20 b.. Kn-lerprise engine for I hi' flrsl boat M due lit arrive next week. Bulldlnn New Boat A ?8 by 8 utility boat, suitable for irolllne or pleasure purpows i helns built nt (!nw ltay ,op Ale Macdonald nf Klre llnll and pibroch fame. A bmklntr vccl, It wlU be launched In Here is one of the big reasons accounting for the difference: t Why do motor cars cost more in Canada than the United States ? Last year manufacturers of motor vehicles and parts in Canada paid the Canadian Gbveriimerit In customs duties on parts and materials - In sales, excise and stamp taxes - Total - Meanwhile, the number of motor vehicles they made and sold in Canada was - Dividing one into the other it is obvious that on each such car the Canadian Government collected in taxes $10,000,000 7,400,000 $17,400,000 : 84,000 $207.14 Therefore, every person who buys a made-ln-Canada motor car has to pay a price that includes an average of $207.14 which the manu-f acturer has had to collect for payment to the Canadian Government! So don't lay the blame for this on the Canadian manufacturer! Automotive Industries 25,000 workers -7 Ihe course of (he nex.1 few dayn ami a 0 h.p. Uorram eneine wil. be installed. It will he u. p;hp ol find Alex find hi boa I whe.i holiday lime rolls around al the 1'ire Hull Ihi. summer. . Joe Ilowefibitsy al Cow U.iy Ihese days putting Ihe fnne Ihnches on Ihe 20 h.p. Ituffnbi eopine nf his cruNcr WnukeSla. The vessel will br inspected alontr with other local hoal laleil for fisheries patrol this Season by John 'W. Allen, su-perinlendent engineer, of tha flsherlt's tliMiarlnienl, who -Is itne here for llih putMisiV 'on May 7. HA2ELT0N H nopltnt Hay will bd rully observed hero nn May 12 wlllt special church services on IIH Sunday preceding. The following are in charao of. Ihe various Sunday services, Itev T. I). Procloc and Itev. .1. II. Young; ball gamo and races, S. i of Canada Representing an annual production of $107,000,000 --- 100,000 ' dependents L Winsby and Ir. h. 1. Lnrge: refreshments and reepllnn, Iho hospital slalTj evening concert, Mrs. Oungnte and Mrs. Myro; danci Cooper Wrincii and John Xewick; evening l'efre.hmens, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. W'lnshy. Mrs. U. Thornton enlertalnei! nl bridge on Monday night, tli priie. winners being Mrs. Ood dant and Miss Iteuuo. There vas a receplion by tli-' Ladies' Aid of Ihe .New llaielton United Church Thursday evening in honor tif Iter, and Mrs. J. 11 Young. v (l. C. McKay of Prince. Ilupert. dislricl engineer for Ihe provincial ilcparllnent of public works, was it visitor iit Iho district tliH week accompanying L. K; Clarke, whit comes from Victoria to assume . ilulles df nsslsiant dislricl enainer here, Mrs. John Newickj afler having spent the past six week holidaying in Vancouver and Victoria, Is expected homo SMITHERS Word has been received hero of the marriage reeenlly at let-chikan of Jason HunsperKei formerly of Smilhers, and MiS'J Kunice Scearce. Frank Gilbert's hay storage barn and several olher smaller buildings were destroyed byilra oi Wednesday aflern6ons & 'Jtl) the storage bfns'nQ'tho Dui'liio mine filled with ore, it Will be necessary lo disconllnue mining operations temporarily unless transporlalion condiiton.s on, Ihe road inlprove so llintthe nrfi Inay be brought here KJbv shipment. A A recreation court for child, reh measuring .10 by 87 feet If. being built lo the rear of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, l'al her J. Allard and Father Vallierek! have been Instrumental In having this hoort for the childre'n provided. xi )W andJrs. J. Clavring fiav .' left for Pjncjj' " Riipert when they will reside temporarily while Mr. Clavring IS employed ill the railway shops there. THE MAN IN THE MOON snya: LKT'S see, there hasn't been a new organisation formed in Prince Ilupert since last week. Till' beauty of baseball Lsyou ifon't have to walch the game, yob can listen to Ihe wise things Ihe fans remark about the; players mid Mr. limps. TIIH season foe snrincr noe.krr (leaning is here for had. T1IILSF. nrA the. dava wh.m tlm amutelle irnnlcner nnliria- VvU.r pride to the seeds comin up 4 Si. 4. which afterwards to bo weeds. THKnrc my friend Is my liandl- work I ' jiust look, at that fieil of seeds. I sowed them my m'K and expect " .'v a crop. - ' ileavcu grant it may not ba weeds I . ' IT is wonderhil how .successful Kye was In . vamping Adam wilhoul Ihe aid of a parlor sofa, 1 porrli swing or a inftforcar. THK world Is gel(fng Heller. See- what'u tnuch hcl(er'c!ass of pedple- you find In tlirfpeiillen-llary than fprmerly. IT'S grevlous t& think what disappointment (here would be among Ihe khodkers If 'grain should actually be shipped through the Prince Ilupert, ele-ialor this yvar. i TIIKIIK'S one thing about ttilt short hair business,"" wdtnen never keep a man waiting now.