PAGE TWO THB DAILY KfcvTa 16 steel migi SPEC I A L mediately TO URIST III CABIN Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Third Cabin Vacations promise to revolutionize all our ideas on foreign travel, $170 round trip. Plymouth, Cherbourg, LonJon, June 26,JulylO,Au&.20. Liverpool July 2, and 30. Belfast and Glasgow. June 25, July 9. d ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE toGtasgou) J'arficutert frm -;, .. ,, Tin ROBEJiT RKFORD CO. LU.. TORONTO Pkon Elf 347t) or any STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 622 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PRINCB RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, 'except Sunday, the Prince ; Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue,. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , City Delivery, by mail or carrier.'-per month Sl.nn By mail to all parts of the British Empire. and the United States, In advance, per year . . , t . $rt.on To all other countries, In advance, per year '. $7.!n Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH 98 86 tp Saturday, Juno 12, 1926. Britain Objects To Soviet Interference. , Undoubtedly the British eovernmenl is doinir riorlil in mnk- "Q ' iiig a protest lo the Soviet against the eending of money to helo ' . .... "... r in vvnai was practically a revolutionary movement in that country. The Russians do not, apparently understand the British characler. The Britisher has been trained (n go afler what he wauls in a. constitutional manner. If there is a, genera! demand for something, jt is usually obtained. All that is needed in a British country is to get a majority of the people to want something and they get it by the sjmple process of voting. In Jtaly they had to do it by force -and similarly in Russia and Poland. but the English speaking countries are different. There is so n. nl. : .. ii i- if , .. mm ii iiuchj in must- i-uuiuries inai people oiten uo not eem lo know what to do with it. I i.i Canada we have not an ideal government all the time because, we are not always an ideal people but we get along m-ji iiiiu suuijiu reseni any inierierence in our a if airs by Hiissia or ajiy other country. We should resent it just as much from MiisMilini if it were offered. Railway Building In Peace River. It seems rather a new thing to suggest thai the building of ' ... .... ..:..... ...i :i it : i T .u '"'." iiiusi wan mint me counirj is settled, it is contrary to practice heretofore in this country. If it is to be the method then the Hudson Bay Railway is certainly a mistake. The country there is Hot settled and yet the minister says that the railway will be justified because 'of the natural resources it will open up. reace Hiver is already partially settled and if a railway were uijiii mere, no one uouws out there would be a rush to get into the country. Tha is especially true because of the character of the land in the district. If people ran go in there today -and live from the produce of their farms it will be much more easv Juv them In Hn vlipn-iim i-.iu.-o.- t :i w.. - -. w 'vii . i . v iiiiihui f uiiiiu u r .irtr. notuggesting that the railway should be built this year but wo ll.i f.w.1 41. .1 ;i !. I: 1.. . i. .. " 'i nine- iu seriously cunsiuer tne proposal with a view to early construction. . v. American Railways Built That Way """' "i?" oi imuii no uiu not watt lor tne settlers lo go Ladies' Music Club To Ba Congratulated. Tim I fnli.i.- fl..K ;.. 4,. l. . i..i.i . .. . , -' -"vn ..nil. ii iu iiu iruiigraiuiaieu on us effect in i-riure unpen one of tne hest musical enleitainments it nas.nnn Heretofore. Those who attended the event Thursday . .. ...11,5 ... in-ii r me visiting pianist ami uoy soprano say it was a great treat and tbev would i.Up nn nhimriiinii.. i. i.. r. . ,. .... i j'w. , ,., near miiiic t mug equally good at some other lime. Possibly next l k i.iuif win mnv. on ufr.n.1 i ii .... , , ,lull u. icjicm iiii experience liv brillglriff hther "nHisIs to in .!" n m ,nrrirfiti'v..M.i. . ..J, 1 ,i)u uuu v. emails a great .-"i deal. oLselftsaL-rifiee.biiUl . - , . Is ulL in Die Xnterest of the cause of musical education and Jiigh class entertainment. A Viiai Part of Your Daiy Diet SHREDDED WHEAT The properly balanced food SCHOOL ATTENDANCE SMALLER AS RESULT OF FLU IN THE CITY Readjustment of Rooms to be Arranged After Holidays Allowing Westvlew Pupils to Attend Borden St. The reports of the school 'principals to the School Hoard !at the meeting last night showed !a reduction in tin average at tendance owing' to the preva! jence of flu last month. At Bor den Si reel (he average perren.-'age was 5)2.0, Booth School 0.C:i and at Seal Coe it dropped to 17.21. The tutal pupils attend- inz diirinx the month was 76? 01 which Booth School had 121, Borden Street 296 and Seal Cove 50. In reply to a question by Mis Mills as lo how it was proposed to care for the extra pupils hpxI term, whether by, absorbing them ul Hoot li school or by opening Hitother room, in the baeinen' of tier school, .Miss Mills wa told tliere was to be a genenj readjustment. All the pupils irt section two would be taken l Borden Street and the schotl would then be filled up as far a the accommodation allowed taking the pupils in order of location making the dividint; line between the two schools wherever it was found advisable. There would be eight grade-, only at Borden Street school taken from the pupils living li. the district hifrinning at Section wo and extendilng as far a possible in the other direction. Complaint in. regard to the bus ervice was made at the meetiuc. The secretary was instructed to interview the driver and insist ilia! the bus must not leave be fore the appointed time. It was also mentioned that probably h fou sepice would not to needej next year under the new ar rangement flany Attended Interesting Event Yesterday Afternoon and Inspscted Work " Many interested parents and others attended at the Boot Memorial School yesterday af ternoon for the annual exhibition of handicraft nroditeVd liv i Hie domestic science and manual trninin? classos under the di. rection respectively of Mrs. Dar unginn ana tionaxi itoss, inn outstanding articles amom the manual training exhibits verp a full-sited flat rowboat which had bpen bull by Bruce Wilson and James Donaldson and a shot trim bull and library table made by Jaci Deane. Several i (Tini tr-u-rur excellently imy sewn pewit ore- dres AlOSI Itf the Amprinnn i.nilii ' nnAnnA.! ..t : i: mi ISPS fenllire.1 till. ilnniAalll aplnnift nm through the farmiiiL' connlpv and wiiti ii lexliibil. girls of which classic 'ants Wilh the result limt lh ' 1imp Tiri-rn 1 served leu anil kn ilurinir Mm . lhe cxis or Jim Hill ws menlioned yeterday. ifrtiflcrnoon as well a4 conducting aheadl" :a"n dooiii. t ne renesnmenis ... wu.i.1,1, iiuiu.-iiin jur jfar nviuiv me line. came. " .ii uuu If the C.P.B. is rp.ntv In lililbl iha 1 t .ittllo nrprnUiw an ui-rii inane on heauadiaii government will Ireat Ihem ill no iliggordly spirit. If the anadian'lioal ,'real. PRMrPAI DFFFNDS nent should be givi'n them,- It lies for one of the two hi riu"W- WtTtllUO terns which have a monopoly on the railway business of the country In show that the monopoly is a bene'ficiejit one and nol .I. nuiu iiiui. rci.iros uusmess niio stops iieveiopment DOMESTIC SCIENCE . AND MANUAL CLASSES ANNUAL EXHIBITION COMMERCIAL CLASSES High School Course an Elaborate One and Pupils Mostly Young When they Enter i Principal Brady of the ('High' bciiooi yesterday made a repoil to the Board of T rnpn nn Urn :easonwork of the Commercial Class. lie pointed out that graduate Jlotu the class were often too young to take positions and thai gave the impression that peop did not wml them. In olhef I school, pupil weruually ojd ee wliflii tliei- commenced. The i-Oiira In Dm i.l 1 J iiiii r.ijMi nun nil elaborate one tfnd quite different from the short courses often .given lo cpmmfrclaj students, I To show wlinl trnnil WnrL- .M,l (beim dotfe; Mr;,Brady(ita(e(j that i lw) si fvc .hTe'dal ft hmllen'W'i ny students writing 50 to rtfl words' a mlntlte, four bron1 medals fob tliosn writing til 50 words and eight certificated to-those writing 30 to to words. He madf this report bpcause. li had heard that derogatory re marks regarding the work of tloj school In this department had oeen made. , Advertise in the Dally News. SOUTH SEA ISLANDS IN PICTURE TONIGHT 'Never The Twain Shall Weei" Is Mad Mostly at Tahiti aiid Moorea and Is Love 3tory 'At. last the 'SOnth Sea Islands have been brought to the screen ii; a compVlefv enchanting and effective C sjpry, "Xevr The Twain Shall Met," adapted from Peter B. Kyne-V novel of 'the ame jyjme', Tfie picture: had its first .iliowinjrjiPiP last "night. PiciHrizeil'in Hie South "Sea r Islands, "Never The Twain. hull Meet" jbrings to the screen note of realism and a series of gorgeously- beautiful li a o k-grounds thai vie with any ever recorded by -.(he motion picture camera, lahiti and Moorea are used as the South Sea Island baokgrouuds for this torrid lory of love, romance and ad venture. -A Tamea, the half- caste princess, Anita Stewart ha an unusual opportunity to portray the various farets of a dual- nature tiie passionate and Jfirinv temiier.-iiupnl of her n;i-' tie mother and 'he more civil-1 izeil and reserved deposition of: her French father. i The Island Spall j llerl I.ytell has the role of the merican youth who is lured away from hu amldllons and Vilized mode of living by the bow itching Tamea. only to be compelled In. re! urn to bis for- mcr state of life hy the know ledge that a continuance of tits lazy existence in the ilands wilt nell destruction to hi moral and physical nature. Hiiiitly fionlon. a the news paper man, does exceptionally nlei-pstirv work in a difficult role, while JuAtine Johnstone, as beautiful young woman of society, has a splendid opportu nity for lenistina a hishly-iiol- rlied interpretation. Semi-Humorous Siterinl iiienlnin should be inaile of the work of Lionel Bel-more, whose role of Tamea's father is one of the outstandinsr characterization of the year. 'ombining "a semi-humorou silualion with a tragic incident, Belmore accomplished the al most impossible on the screen in nnncing lo his portrayal & stoicim nnd tihilnsnphieal un derstanding of the native Talii tian and the letnperamental qualities of Hie well-bred Frenchman. TERRACE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Altwood and family of San Francisco who have been spending a few day at the home of Wm. Alluimd. Lakelse Valley, left on Wednes day for the south via Jasner, Mr. Altwond's lister, Mrs. llias, who has been a frequent visitor here during the. Iat year wtl pun them in Vancouver amp re turn Willi lo California. Mr. and Mrs. Taner ami Lilian of Pacific, were visitors between trains on Wednesday. - Mrs., - II. I Mclnlnsh i iiii.'ii left on ii j i Wednesday or) Prince Hiipert. ' t .' -4. 41 ) :' dailililer wss? boni'ln!: Mi . am Mrs, W. II. Oliver of Terrace nf ine iiazeiton Hospital on Thurs dayJnne .IO, j 'frft? Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pelletlij and children of I.elhbridge ar rived In Terrace on Thursday They are on & trio through ti- country looking for a dislricl In which to locale H. 1'rederickson of Hanall waj a business visitor on Wednes day. Miss K. It. Deacon has taken a position in the post office (ieoriie Hover having transferred to Oeorgp Litlle'jj office. .las. Davidson, briller tnspee lor or ."New Westminster. Is al present in tlie district on ait In spection tour of lh mills. ing their musical examination ( a.r Both girls are pupils or Mb. French, Terrai-e. ' J. K. I'rince H. T. Frost left Jtuperl. ; jy 'V,'-,.. , " ' -folMtglia 3m, j m .,, , Tiie nnun loliimhla I'Khlnf ft Park fanrabbinr i:uiiiaiir timiieii, iir.ry ne n5c vj Friday fni HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Anderson and Mrs. B Blnns. Balmoral; I.. M-. Arrhi-lald, Toronto: Mrs. Martin ami laughter, Prinre. Itupert. Ctntral II. Bennett. Oolsa Lake: W. K Taylor, A. (ireenhalgli. I.. (Sarlij and J. C. Stepheqson. C.X.H.; M.j K. Young nnd Seoll, i-ity. WATM NOTICE. OIflii and Um. Till' intl.l ah., ii..... 11..11.. i.h.. .......... .w.-. I .1 klftK W. UinlUil, mimi trtitrn u ti , , sirivl n-oorr. B.i:.. lll .plr f..r t lirrnr.-in Ukr aiHt um" iiIIihm r dat .f itrr nut .f a iraui. name imkniii whH-li n iB.MhmMi and ftrainn ! SImihkmi Hay tlxMJt I uu terl rlrrll ivrrllwatl M.rnr Ul Itf. Ir dalnl Arm i, Itf A. H.C. OotI frti. The aier lll N- dlvrrlH friini ll Mrfim al a tat alaiul t fri frwn nmuik of riw-li ami I0J frtl .. -nf iKirlltral ri.rtwf l.m 4 It. and will b iiv.l Mr fanrwrv irf Hi.n Um Caim-rr all, ilM-rili a Lot lit. Sliarirwni Baf. i). . ItlimK ThU iti.n.'e ai huii im Oh- triKiiui .in llw fSih day f.f lj. (. ,,H,y r Oil mrflrt and an .a(v"liatwm iiulikiO llvrjlo and Ut Hie .tWaler Art. I. - will ll fllMl .11 11 I.I ,i I l. tl ' . . - m- -nrilr al Prlnm- tiulrl. B.r. ofileritirfi. ',J"e..I1'HraiM n.ur be rilrd Mh III alfl yaler liendef ftr 0li ih- nJlr iif VL'fli. In. hi. Ii.n..n.. ...! .1... barter llw rirl antM-aranrt or ihn m,im, ii. -" t----ni-'r. i iw naie or ov-riri pul.tiraii..n o( thla millrt u Jun 1. Iff A, OOSSE PACKIId f.O t.T0.. Aipllram. NVIOLI WATIMS PBOTICTION CT R.S.C, Chaptar lit. iirr ina i ii na un.H-r WIMl 7 i,r h mi.I Art. Ucp.lll Willi i. MlUIMrr (,f Public .Vur:1-.V.'"."1- ind ' ' -tut U llie IHMrlfl lirrUlrat or llw UnH Rtl. ; ry riiainn of Prine lluerl. 11 Hrn.a, I. -. 1 i'i. i . .11 .iw- .11 aim llw plans . of a wharf nr pier and build. iim iiH-rnm pn.i-.-a ui be biilii on llijl rerlim ntlmi nf land aimaii. about two! and one-half IniM f AllirrJ Bay, I kli!.f- Inl.l rhji.,.. .... I.. .T't i .7... r-l.i ... '". '" HI.' lot 141. Ann n noilre thai after th ipt linn lit rui nuiaiih r.n. . - . . J ' lri I llw rtr.i mi ;.i . . ;a . : ............. a a iftniB m i iriini fiKinan tlnillrd III uiHlrr aertlon 7 irf 11,. ,., yi, apply 10 the MlnUler of m Wrk. . I... r.,fl.. .... v ",w -.." .11 1 iw riijr 01 ll. "Ja VW "' lU" n -7" t 1.1 rnn.iruri tne .aid , I . '''! 1 .inn. hu wii, 11, una ii. 1 1 d ffercnt . .......ti, ri.iiiiii k PACkl.NO co, un, By Itf SollcltoM; Mrs. AV. H. Hurncll and M,f""n ilintDfilrtr k'iia1A..n I LANO ACT. Thos. Young and daughter Janet of ",'Ho iPPiy to Um Una left Oil Wednesday for Prlne - In l.nd flerordin liuinn r n.i.. Itupert where the girls are lTyAQ'c!L,T ni.ainert J$' i tel. r.I.h,.-: ihr miUi i.on, .7:". ?1 .i ri " v m ii h' r-n..". " ""'I .hew 3 In. " ."uiu ui up i.a iiecha in. tn2r- OTir.F: that The Canadian Fl.h. Int Uinirniny, Llmlied, of Vne.,rjVer 5 riii-alion Saltnoii nt""id, tn iti OnriinnMirln al a pnat planted at h,.A mnii v.r :L :".. to maim. :r. e V,7oV0,,'d . "....iiiiii. arrra, more or ' TIIE CANADIAN FimiS(0 COMPANY D.ld 910 Ap'S R"" iu r. DGDENS 15 PER PACKET Pointer, F.dmontnn; Mr. and Mrs. VV. It. Lett, D. F. Davidson and B. W. Flerk, Vaneomer; V. C. ClaiKon, Juneau; It. II. f'un'l. iisslar Cannery: Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Maddoek. Calgary; T. A. Sandi-xin, llaysporl; W. F. CUT PLUG - and in 72 Ib.tins Save the"Poker Hand" insert cards SOFT FINISH All flal pieces washed, iroiied and he d"y Wearing apparel prnclirnlly re.ldy lo wra ipnre a little rrloiirliing with band iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. Your bundle returned within plus 1c per pl-three d v PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phont 118 Everything for the Builder LUMBER -We have the nntl cotnplele stovk of t rst dimensions, sliiplap, fir finish, floor g V 1 veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. Wa can supply everything In a building from th tv datlon to the last piece of finish. Before buying Inspect our slock. It will y u' 1' prices arc right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phonea 110 and 117 Loggers! Loggw We have the only complcib stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in the Norlh. We haitd,lq (.ogifing M,Ie' " I'cavios, Saws, and general damp KquipmenU It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue