Prince Rupert Daily News \ Saturday, Qctober 25, 1952 ~~ . ) SnaapanSled Up wenteNeeT Manohed ta (as upbuuiding of Prince eS by and Northern and Central British Columbia, é Member of C: dian Press — Audit Bureau of Circulations n Canadian Daily Newsh: a /, * Published by “he Prince Rw i umitea é fc; more J. F. MAGOR, President t ioe-President = ) & ~— a oe ssdipiiiasi se Pm ‘ / : cript.on Rate = s : ty carrier— Per weer, 25e: per mont? 00 ne aks ' / hi polt sy mall—Per mouth, 7 per year, 66.690 7 tuthorized as 5 i ma 7 @ ' Wepartment, Ottawa ; e S ¢ s W. . . an oe . , . wr Qui Their Story Can’t Wot -orever, Choice—Fight or Quit Bots earacte ; ’ SYMPATHIES are ~ tye being a sad Inss tc Prinee Rupert, the rs : 7 4 i; t i ) . < WIt! ne ron, Jimmy passing of Mr. anc Thomas MeMeekin re- sine am ' Ps Lai os Sinclair, Arthur Laing, moves anot: chance vo : from those living et i ‘ ed . MP, and the other young the absorbing ond “irrin ily history of the city. Lil Stews thet nyt. ¢ 1: ts : : iberais who believe that This is « history w'>*h, in its complete form, th hy ty should figt se > ° i llr party shoul ignt has never been writter if inattention to it is ee oo. | ; f : . every election on every alowed TO pass Lor Many more years, it never will | ~"~": , q : | front. - My sympathies aré iso with The tragedy of such a prospect ean be read |that hard-bitten old Tory. Her tween the lines of the Daily News report an-.|Pért Anscomb, wh iene iouncing Mr, MeMeekin’s death: “Thomas Me- [should concede nothing to . . 1 . . new most-extreme right wil Meekin, form: r a'derman, pioneer resident and dete ahha date iar fan founder of the whelesale produce company here | Credit . “ * 4 . . ” I think it would be earing his naine, died in hospital last night . . . ts foe Gone now, except through second-person ver- ind of m . pi * the federal « t sion, are Mr. MeMeekin’s own reeollections of the as we @ot in BC. lest June. Ye problems and activities ef that almost forgotten Ee re, eee ‘ ‘ . apr nat if the iderais step ints city council, Gone, too, are his comments on the life), 4 e Social and thoughts of those enterprising families who ae MANE Bet REIS, AOE migrated from many peints to create this city out + + + of wilderness, The reeord is also deprived of his (uF THe Liberals abdicate in the account of the means by which a merehant estab- wit be ntti te ae lished himself in business in those early days. their own elimination in the nine 0 . provincial election which Prem- Although official records and newspaper files jie, Bennett says is comine sii | can, to a degree, contribute to this uneompiled his- |For ace eee —— * * . . * * jare now eng ised to get ¥ tory, there is still lacking that intimate recollection (Tipe. « stay out of the by which breathes life into the chapters. There are | ®!ections wil 2 on yr i ‘ . : more force ven the those in the eity now whese memories could furnish | rea! omes around this needed quality, but their story will not wait | It is rue tha : : out of by-e forever on the passage of timte. the Cor ative The unwritten book is growing thinner. It aie in as i U 1 r the uN hould be started now, system now in effect in is impossible to “split t The Odds Come Down vote” in the ! vate” in the sense that votes were said to be lost in the old A N EXCITING and desperaigly close finish ap- Bove when people voted for can i - Se -" didates who did not win pears to be in the making for the US. presi- Niatilias hte aiachent ~ dential campaign which now finds its contestants, B.C. all Li give weary but game, galloping into the home stretch. hank shales 6 ne Sail From what at first looked like a walk-away . Sone a ee for the Republieans’ renowned Ike Eisenhower, the ni. “or Conseatiec. abdicat: . : ? default on runn rand) race has turned into a nip-and-tuek battle in whic! " Qy dépee Mie own the little dark horse from Illinois, Adlai Stevens«. of first choice votes : : tne candidates they reall has shown stamina and an excellent turn of spec aht. neh af ‘tae Latest odds are about seven to fiwe in favor of Conservative candidates do ni : a a > emerge either first or second Eisenho er, but some impart rts think the in either of the two by-elections actual chanees ove eoser tha “', and perhaps they simply cannot “split the vote” by being in the field even the other way around. bos For Eisenhower the exper .ce of a political THE RECORD of the new Social campaign raust have been a cm his advanced stand to be made pay arrears—and ba 6 ntti’ Le 6 . sls loidaen s, all that without refunds of on international afin. fez pomt where he is premiums to ‘the vast majority close to the old guard’s semiisolationist camp. He of law-abiding people who have . ‘ . . . . paid up to $100 £ has faitcred dangerously in. his alliance with his ” ins, ‘the aaa omens a a , 1 eople a ove a j running-mate, Riehard Nixon. Social Credit government’s re ] i . 428 > fusal to pa the necessary . n spite of all this he remains to a large extent aa, r-in-council- to allow the in public opinion’ the great soldier who moved ‘®ount of votes in Vancouver- : ! armies with determination and statesmen with diplomacy, Moreover, it cannot be denied that he still possesses these qualities, But in politics their application is less sure and, by some strange chem- istry in this medium, his opponent seems to emerge as the man with the greater determination and diplomaey of the two. Stevenson has added another feature to the campaign, ef which the value to him is an unde- termined faetor. It is.a darting wit, too sharp and quick to roll his listeners in the aisles but devastat- ing in print. Although their policies will guide a huge por- tion of the votes, the deeision in the final analysis will rest on the character and personality of the candidates themselves, Judging it on this basis \ alone, the outcome should be elose. But, to quote the old song, there is something about a soldier **+e er ernest Sevigsture Passage for Sodey “Esau despised his birthright."—Gen. 25:34. af 7 OBANGES BIS MIND MABK PROGRESS } a a ‘ VANCOUVER ©) — ‘Hurry VANCOUVER (CP) Onganiza- id é tions and tbysiness firms here are | preparing t2 mark “Cwic Prog- Tess Week” starting Nov. 9. Board » Approval for a tour through the | president Mon. H. UH. Stevens ee f. “police station from cell blecks to | says the Object is to impress the | t Champniss, 46-year-old igh t , « school student with thoughts of * «+2 writing career, ebtained police = ; » ecome a forestry engineer, dustry here, ® - morgue, Now he has decided to| puble with the expansion of in-| Burrard? Above all, do the peo- ple approve the selection of cab inet ministers from outside the ranks of the eleeted or defeated candidates who ran on the oclal Credit ticket in the last crection? if the Social Credit candidates who did run were not fit to Sit in the cabinet why was that fact not admitted? > => 4 { LIBERALS who mistakenly be-| lieve they can only, temporar- | ily, abdieate in the provineial field to Social Credit should Study what happened to their Party when they did that in Alberta some 17 years ago. Like- wise Conservatives might study what happened to them in Sas-| katchewan Phone 4 i s I See It ALL NEW STOCK 20% OFF RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC BENEDICTINE ABBEY The Ben, Que,, Leeame Canada’s first Bp: elevated to that status in a hurch afid state leaders. The ¢} the Canadian ection of the or UNDER OUR ROOF By JOHN STURDY There is always a certui! riving home after a long 1 sight of the house nestled a: ure Waiting on the front pore! and your favorite dog—-th« chimney, the appetizing sm rhere or l wa aay wr ttle Aug rhe I territ A Hamish Dachneiors i them the same way, b the Coil é Wy Afiasta ayi ©. a A we go y iv m i ( t were ; i é i € au i ar I ¢ al) m a eY Y he I bet ‘ me A b besite nem A iM the Colone Jus k the few ment i , 4 ne At WRN a goblet mu are nn Ar Oe bringing n arpe ipper Nd 4ne il sit at my fee nd I Stroke her head fond whid ne gazes wy] t ing spaniel KEEP OUT! You know, Colones I a é v we're nu t r no at Abse ak w { onei At thi driver dr n of tt re the wood h H pac Go ahead,” IJ instructed we till have half The man shook } it he said blunt This far as I ¢ Don't be silly said the Col onel. “Proceed, my good man Cant you read asked th driver and pointed to ; ign nahed to a tree. “KEEP OUT read. “PROHIBITED AREA.” Rot exploded the Colonei ! PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Box 1279 ray... Reflects and Reminisces been a radar pair man in Prince Rupert, as Firs of desenibing the 88 n has been hired weekly to teach a parrot being greeted with A writer says practically every fertable chatr we have already Speaking person We extend @ cordial invitation | Mev BA Wren pa) to visiters to worship with us, one (Gee 231 Fourth Ave. Bast ' PURRT UNiryy THAT LETTER a Oneeg i PIR HE apy THktay 4th Avenue fue . O96 Sth Ave. wey Rev. £. A. Wright, pp. her 1. 6 , ‘teen Blue | Organists: Mrs. & J. Smith fon and John Currie . : AY, OCTOBER 6 “Pree sat Morning Worship 1) o'clock Sunday @chool 12:16 Evening Werghip 7.80 excitement about ar- g: You know—the first rvices you wife, your child curling from the CO & Capt. Ge AES Oya, Sunday Behoyi 290 pm Bang WT. Pati 14 Tien gy Ar Bride fe bbath Day ns ity i ST. Perens ANGLIC a lou! « Ke EVANGELICAL| | iss, cally brighten a hame. or FREE CHURCH] | ~via: tin Services at 1.0.0.F Hall, Mart Worediip Servine | SHOW Can be sighted on Lhe Behool nlest ace was diffi month should me set inspire hexth Ave W. and Misery ister needs policemen LOADED GUN cale is 1200 pound W. Sinclair LOS ALA AAO ALES eNNNRR A ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Sermon: “One 1 at MeBride St. Home Pastor Ai You are invited io come and earch for Sermor 0 W 20°19 Onildres p of the Umobre Anther A Lit and the electric fence take a voyage westerly ming committees ARE YOU PREPARED FOR ANY KIND OF WINTER? carries a sabre who had been the Colonel and siow SUNDAY SERVIORS Prin pus shriek. With a Morning Service 11:00 a.m Hali Little Augie and me straight out fFvening Service Worship in St. Paul's COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY SCH =< d Ls Faith United Church: Bes at 1 House- Young Peopi nheet {wer 4 vide Young Adult « the Evening Church Hy Have Your Furnace Overhauled ANG HICAN 4th Ave w =a Hoty Comm union Sunay Be hoo! 9 Canon Basi s ma 8 Framer Stree: BA. ig G0 Gth Ave B bing i ' sonar A ¢ First United (hy 7000 find 1! a.m. Morning Worship Past Aslee; 70 pan.—Evening Worship then The King My Shepher Wednesday Evening Servet @om Dr W W Me 2 Phone Black #84 For Pree Estimate Thom Sheet Metal FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2¢ ying around that we Miss Hazel Merritt Our Missionary from Bolivia, §.A., will speak at both service 11 aa, — 7:36 p.m PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN’S “peak to the childr: in Sunday School—t2:1o po CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION THE COW BAY STORE will be closed FOR STOCKTAKING Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday October 28th, 29th and 30th All outstanding Accounts due payment on or before Sist October, FIRST BAPTISI CHURCH SPECIAL SERVICE NOVEMBER 2-9 Sundays liam 3nd 7-Hom Week-Nights—7 45 2.” LO wind INVITE YOUR FRIEND? CALL FOR THEM AND COME WITH YOUR Fall! SHOE SALE Men's & Boys’ Oxlors $3.95 Men’s Oxfords $6.95 ashion Footweal FOR THAT NEW ELECTRIC CLOCK ALL COLORS From $6.95 Up Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C.