irday, June 12, 1026, Wright & Ditson A FINE WHISKY COCKTAIL CAN BE MADE ONLY WITH FINE WHISKY THE BEST WHISKY COCKTAILS ARE MADE WIT1-4. ," Whisky seno rot our. cocktail booklet. -l , rliis advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government i BASEBALL & TENNIS Sporting Goods lrt!ii it Ciii.fd.i. -old throiiglioiil llir world. Fa 'TV i V Jif.ii nig their iiiinn' i guaranteed. Your mutiny k Oi r proe lire catalogue priVo. same. n Eastern .ilti. If i. alvv.iv- vi-i: .iiliJ .llr to goods It' tv t dependable firm and old Uy p dependable dealer. i- to Imv the l"t -porting gotnl" ami then -land K of Hie good-. fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices .ipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. fsi 8econd Avenue and McBrlde SL Steamship and Train Service S.B. PRINT! OEOROC sn.l PRINCE RUPERT Villi l'-e PRINCE' RUPERT ,r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami IIIIiTIImiIUU- IKiInK THURS-AVS sml SUNDAYS SI It p.m. AH,. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES, WEDNESDAY, IUNE B St 4 p.m. f it ANYQX WEDNESDATS, 10 p.m. f 'STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES fuilniSUlb fif VANCOUVER vis QUEEN, CHAR. OTTE ISLANDS. PASSENOIR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ilslly MCpi Smfclty St Sill fur PRINCE OIORCE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, Sll IHnl fcmlrru :il lis, Y:nled SIStev Agtncj sll Octtn Sltsmthlp Lints. i' msiiisn allmal r:r.rr- t. r Miiim-j onli-rt. fnrrum ciwqurs. elf.. il ) mi in u shipment. Cllj Tlckat Orilcs, S2S Third As . Prints Rupsrt. Rhone 260. oianJ LPACinci ittiiwtri S. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailiitgs from Prince Rupert WUhlksn, Wrsngtll, Jtintsu, snd Ssgwl .... , . . . Juns T, 14, IS, 25, 2S Jul 2, 6, 8, 12 Vsncoutr, Vlclorls, snd tsstlls ...... , Juns 4, 12, 18, 13, SO) Jul 4, 7, 11( 14, 18, 21 PRINCESS BEATRICE. ........ ..... a.iu.rfatf 41 ft.m. f uitdtlt, SwtntQM Btt, Ettl Bslla Bslls, Octsn Fsllt, Ntmu, Altrt 0y, " v T iop IU BtSAmtnip Llntt. run iniBrmnB(,irvni W. O. ORCHARD Otntrtl Kgtni. Oorntr of 4th Slrttt snd 3rd Aitnut. Prlnet Roptrt, B.O. (UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 3 StlMngt from riiir liiiiittrt. VANCOUVER, VICTOeiA, Swtnton !, snd Altrt Bs, Tuttdtf, B P M. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Altrt tnd Swtnion Bty, Stturdty, 10 AM. roRT SIMPSON and Nsst RUtr Ctnntrln, Thursdtf p.m. PORT SftlPaON. IhVflv II irf i.u vi..ttBV a n m. uti AtMt't. 4, BtrBtu,, ant Prints Rustrl, B.O. Local and Personal I'hone 15, P.fl. Coal Co. U.C. Undertakers Amm CrysUlqiKlrelighlers tr Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf Pnone 41. .'18 9, -'o. IMO.'-fHyde?' Transfer. Phone 580. ,.'. , tf Howard While will sail loiiior rw night 'aboard the steamer Prime Hupert on a brief trip to nwuuver and Victoria $llcjoun:es" Juno issue just oL ;(fre"piess. (let your copies ntVormcs, WrathaH's, Little's and Canadian Hallway .News. 137 1. K. Wilson,- Prince Geow barrister, who came' to the city to defend an Assize criminal case in which there was a slay of proceedings, returned to the Interior today. ' Aid; and Mrs. W. M. Drowr. and family cail tomorrow nifrht on l lie Prince Huperl for Virtorla wliere AldJlrown will attend tin- (Mafonie "Urahd ' Lodge conxeu- tioMjiteit week. Mii;jorppfc Allcheson'of the stalf of Williams, Manon ct (Ionales sailed (hix aflernnos on the TrlneeK Louixe fur Vic toria where she will spend vai-aliou visiting at her home Union steamer Calala, Cttpt . Johnlor)f, linvinp made her calls in the Skecna llive'r, arriv ed in port at C o'clock last night and sailed at 8 o'clock for the Xaa Hiver. The vosnel wa tn port tuulhl-ound this afternoon. Indian witner.!-. from Hael-lon and the tune aecued from Prince (iporgn in the Hird, Hirl und Pierreway ease. In wlilcli lliert- was a stay of proceedint; at the Assizes, returned to tin inii'iior on this inoniins's train At Hie rcboolhoanl nieelini; lant iiietbt Principal HartnoiSS drw. attention to the fart that tli.-r.- wn no flagpole at Itooth Sctiooi thutigh the regulation' of I he department of education pro vi. led that the Canadian Flap should fly during school hoar. Principal llartness drew nl leutioii of the School Hoard at IN mcelfns last nisltf to the lack 01 vi'iiuiaiion ni iioom .school and uggeste.d that !onie act ion tie taken to improve condition. He uNo aled for kaUoniininpr ami repair work, especially in I iie liuviueiit. the school board at its mee'.-ing last night received (lie resig. nations. of two local teachers, Miss Phyllis Cr'cightoa and .Miss Weatherliend, both of Ilooth School. The resignations were accepted with nigrct and the secretary will so inform llt. ladies by letlcr. Hon. J. W. de Tl. Karris, K.U who visited the city this week to defend the two Stewart women charged at the Assiztv with the killing of James .Neil Donald at Stewart, returned itt Vancouver loday accompanied by his son, John, who made the Irili here with him. No further criminal cases are being proceeded with this wrtik at the Supreme Court Assizes, the pelil jury having yesterday afternoon been excused by .Mr. Justice W. A. MacDouald until K' o'clock Monday morning when tli local attempted rape cbj'J will be proceeded with. " 'c.fUl. steamer Princess Louise (.apt. Arthur slater, returned from Alaska porls at- 3 o'clock Ihis afternoon and will sail a. 4j30 continuing her voyage lo Nancouvcr. On Monday inorninrf next the Princess Charlotte will arrive northbound. Passengers sailing from here for the south on the Louise this afternoon iu dude Hon. J. W. do It. FarrU, J. S. nosers and k. Hoss for Si C. Jackson and family and .MM-. 'ivrKlns ror Vlclorla: J. Dtyme for Seattle. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon ssstd by SANTA L MIDY Ituitllt a ImHal Imta THE DAILY KEW8 PAGE THRE1 Her Face Was Covered With Large.'Red Pimples Miss Greta Carlisle, 23 Leonard St, Brentford, Ont., writes;- '"A short vrhilo ago, my face ,was completely covered with large redjpimples, and it itemed that it was almost impossible for me to cct rid of them, as nothing I took seemed' to do me any pood. One day I notlsed aa advertisement of m and I wiH nerer regTrt tie day I bought it, as, now, my fac is entirely cleared tip of blotches and pimples of every kind." For the past 47 years B.B.B. has been put op. only by The T. Uilbors Co, limited, Toronto, Oat Stove length wood $3.50 per ioad delivered. Phone N. Gur- vich. (ireen 518. 15i Launch "23" will" xivea con- Unuous service, to tlte Salt. Lakes .Omorrow front dhe Prince llu- pcrt Hoalhouse, The ltevi W. F Harfoot, M.A.. late of Singapore, will be the preacher at, i$L Andrew's Cath edral tomorrow. - i Robert Weholer' was fined 25, with the op, Ion of a month's iiiiprior.incnl. In the city police court (his inornfn for drunken ness. Monday and -T.uefday at ,Um Veth(dme, the Joy Maids, lliu'i class vnttdevillu nd pictures Two shows, 7 and V p.m. Vaude ville at 8.10' ij.m. I3'J Two lo.'uls nf"'eal were or dered hv the school board last nun. trom tin? prince Hupert Feed' Company enough' lo carrj I he schools throuiflt until th end df tho teriunf,a. I have mqved to . new stand neit to SL-tltegls and Cymmo dore Cufc and am continuing the sale to clear put lines. You can (J il a bargain in shoes ahd rubbers now. Gej). Hill ,Tlw Shoenian. 13 Mrs. John Lambie and Mrs. A Oreen of- Horden Street will sail fin June III for Vancouver where they will visit with .Mrs. D. S. Cameron. Mrs. tlreen will pro- ceed to Montreal whence she will sail on July 9 for'HTftcnheail to visit wjth her-ilsferorlii'year. The school board has decided to continue the present salaries of teachers now in their employ and to grant advances amounting lo half thai provided for in Ihn schedule which vraS recently abrogated. Xew teachers will e paid according- to contract and not according lo schedule. Willi one more ease lo dfa with, (hat of Hex vs. -Gladys Gale of Stewart, charged with murder, Hie Grand Jury at tht Supreme Court Assises was" yesterday excused until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Consid- Million or the Gale indictment was delayed pendit'cr the outcome' of the trial of lluby Dolaa In answer lo a request tint Hie pupils of the schools be allowed lo visit tho forestry cat which is tli 'he here next weeJ;, the trustees said on tJiTorl Mould be made lo arrange for tile ex hibit lo be Seen after sclioo' hours. The use of the auditor ium for a forestry lenlurv on t: evening of Jurtc'15 was granted 'i'' At the meeting of the school board last- night. Dr. It. K. Tro-niayne, school health officer, re- jported that there had been very ! Ill It I -,.L .... .. unit- sickness except uiuuenza. Thirty eases of chickenpox had been reported last iiio'nlh and one of German measles. The teeth of the pupils were, generally good and showed signs of good care. The divorce case, y of John Vhnentivor; II. H.m.iioII n-.i,lut" ?. narnara jcucii, win) K.)tenco Mlel.cson, Mr. and Mrs jvore maril,,, ln O'VpP" slslee:i years ago, was heard. before Mr. Justice W. A. MacDonald at tho Supreme Court Assizes this morniiw. Judgment "was rescr- ed in Hie nialter of a decro' as well as In tho quest Ion oft costs which are claimed by Ihn petitioners W. K. Fisher appeared for iheupelilionedaud L. W Palinore for the respondent a LtiIVWS'l!ll l! 'i,;J1,c correspbnden:, PelOr ,Gamulav Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morninj? worshin at tl o'clock. Subject, ' Keiiusiilau-a bit of brass." Sunday ,v school and Hible class .12.30. Kvcnin, worship at 7.30. Subject:; "Kifau."' A' sermon' or1 ''yoifrijr men. All cordially Invited. Kev. C!ias. J, Cameron; MA., l'h.lK, I preacher. Christian Science Society . Service every Sunday morning in the Hays block 215 Second Avenue. . Subject on Suudaj. "Jod, the Preserver or Man;' Testimony meeting, on Wednes day evening at 8 o clock. Baptist Church Children's Day Service at II o clock. bpettai program music, singing, etc' by the children. Subject : "A Message from rince Kupcrfs "wild lily of the Valley."' Evening worship at 7.30. Subject: 'Thoughts culled from a Prince Hupert garden Tomorrow we worship amid thu fragrance of flowers and in th-! ministry of music. This is your invitation. United Church The Church of Service. Morn lug worship at 1 1 o'clock. Speak er, llev. F.van Uaker. Duet by Misses Dolly Derry and lluby KriEcvsky. Sunday school at 2.30. Evening worship at 7.30 peaker. Miss Isabel Haddock Solo, "How lovely are Tiiyl Dwfllinirs" and "It :i fur iiu"! by Dr. lit-dde Large of Hazeltoti. You are cordially invited to bom these services. Lutheran Church St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Melropole Hall, Third Avenue, llev. Thos. D. Hinde pastor. Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon theme "Chri Ian Love." Sunday School at '2 noon. Evenius vvorshin at K o'clock. Sermon theme "AP things are now ready.'" All are welcomed lo lhee services. W. I',.. Collison, Indian aen returned on the Prince lluper this morning from Ocean Kails Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zcffert art passenaers aboard the Print. ituptTl loday bouud foe Stewart. Mrs. II. II. Gurd "arrived from Hie, south on Uio Prince llupei, this morning en route to Cassiar Cannery. She was met in town by Mr. Gurd. A meeting will be held in the Carpenters' Hall tomorrow Sun- lay at 2.30 p.m. uf all Taxi owners and drivers. Husmess ot importance to all to be discussed. Another adjournment was taken at the Supreme Court Assizes this morning in connection with the bankruptcy proceedings rttgainst the Skeena Lumber Co. in which application is beinj made on behalf of creditors by Elmer Collier' of Williams, Man-son A Gonzales. City of Prince Rupert.. GARBAGE NOTICE All citizens are requested to' provide receptacles 'for garbage in accordance with Hylaw No.; 082. These cans may lie obtained from I he city at cost price. 1 to City Engineer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SUMMER RESORTS. I.AKKI.SE LttDiiE, near Terrace. Visit, l.akelse lilliia- Hoi Springs'. I.ithia is one of tin finest mineral waters known' for rheumatism. Good fly; fishing for rainbow trout In' Lakeise lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through! connection with Lodge. Telephone connected to Terrace.' J. llruce Johnstone, manmger.l KOll SALE - ltefrigerator .cabinet in splendid condition. Phon-t lied 420, . tr he Foundation of Happiness is HEALTH . A little ABBEY'S in a class of water each day helps nature keep you well. ABBEY'S makes a drink alive with laughing bubbles. You'll like its cool, clean taste and its gently corrective action. Abbey's Ml The Morning Health Salt" ,1 -in ftstsTsBsdsaisassaJ wtt rt sii. li rtifh d thrill at Lveryula ncek Low Low Excursion Excursion Fares Fares 1 Eastern Eastern Canada, Canada, United States M Edmonton Calgary J Jasper 'jd IV.i Choice or Routes Stopovers . wl Inquire any C.N.U. Agent "M u ctiKMtn riu ttrms ivmi mmth mik emius tw m m iihi mt smwnrri BATHING : CAPS A large assortment of New Styles in both Plain ami Fancy, 25c to $2.00 SHARI The Newest Creation and Latest Sensation in Toilet Articles lace Powder . '$2.50 Talcum $1.00 Heauty' Cream $1.50 Cleansing Cream , $1.00 Compacts $1.50 and $2.50 Houge ...... $1.00 Lip Slick ... $1.00 Old Style PEPPERMINT PATTIES Fresh Shipment Special Price, per lb. . 40c Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Ave. and 6th Street DEMAND The Hexall Store. Phoney 82 and 200 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. SinrniotrsStccl Beds, 'Springs, ,aiuVv6.erinborl.rutV ' tresses in every room. 52 llooms, Hot and Cold Water,, llalhs and ShfiwV'is. Sleam Healed, Electric Light. Corner of Third Ave and sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RSIISS4 6 J .," if -5