PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Remnants I All kinds, of theml SILK, RAYON and COTTON REMNANTS. From- 25c up WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue ' Phone 753 STOP THAT COUGH Take a bottle of Edinburgh Hospital Cough Syrup 60c Rupart Phapmacy Prescription Specialists , Phone 94. We deliver. Jl A v V y Vf" Soap Special 1 CAN CLASSIC CLEANSER with 5 Cakes Classic .White Laundry Soap .... 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Summer DRESSES "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helaerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours to 6. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tf. Callage, Warehousing and tilstributing. Team or Motor Service, I'.onl Sand and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving.' 1 BENEFIT GAME WELL ATTENDED irauu; u iunncii 9 team iioiHr od Sam Currie's by Score of i 3 to 2 i Good weather prevailing, thero was a large crowd, at the Acropolis Hill grounds last night ' to witness the Tom Jones bencfi' football game which resulted in victory for "A" team, captained by Paddy U'Donucll, by a score of 3 (o 2 oer "H" team of which Sam Curiio was the skipper. On the- w h o hi , ( i I wa sajg poil foulest lUlliou&u' 'iheTcwct-o''ra'ged as well as bright spots. The Hoys' Hand was present at the match and enlivened the proceedings wim us ever improving ntusio. ir.iuiAUi;, June i;. me re- Scorers of the evening were: .gular monthly meeting of the "A" Team- ifam.Krskine, 2; J.IParenUTeaelicr Association was I Johnson, 1. "II" Team lers, 1. Tinker, 1; Wal- O. S. llusscU refereed, A, Clap- perlon ana J. .V Kelly were linesmen and tjie teams took the field as follows: "A" Team A. Murray, goal; O. Howe, Jas. Harris, backs; A. K. Dickens, Pat O'lHuinell (captain , (i. Pearson, hahes; A, McDonald, J. Johnson S. Kr kins, S. Currio (captain), Geo. Mitchell, halves; F. Walters, F. Hodgkinsou, i. P. Tinker, V. Mitchell, C. J. Xorrington. Oillis Itoyer has returned hi the city afler having attended the northwest convention of the Moo.-e I.odje in Vancouver. The big meeting was a great succes with 8,000 of (he 35,000 members in the district present. The next convention will Be held In Olympia. LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply ta l Lino In prince Huoert l.tna neroi-dma- Vm trlrl of t Ilanr.- 5. and situate m Nor It) Itarharl blind. TAkE .OT!i:E thai AUred Sanon, ol Prlnre Rupert, occupation Mariner. Intend to apply for a lea of the follow Inir described land: Commenrlnir at a poM planted at the south end of North Hacharl IMand; thnw around th Island al hiali water mark and containing SO arres. more or less. ALFRED SWAKF-OY Applicant Paled April t 1f Live on Fruit whil e m season CANTALOUPE, CHERRIES, BANANAS, WATERMELON Fresh Strawberries 3 boxes for 50c Oranges , .Small size, t dozen for S1.00 Large size, 2 dozen for . . 95o King Oscar Sardines special, 7 tins for S1.00 Matches Large boxes, regular .... 45c This eck. 3 boxes for . . $1.00 Llbby's Catsup- Llbby's Pork and Beans Large size, 7 tins for Llbby's Asparagus Tips- Si .00 $1.00 Large size, 3 tins for . . 95c Small size, 5 tins for ... S1.03 Lara Miver .Leaf, pure. Huy now, will advance two cents per lb. this week. 3 lb. pail 75c 5 lb. pail ... $1.25 10 lb. pail ... $2.40 Strawberry Jam Fmprcss or Malkin's Hest pure 85c McLaren's Pure Baking Powder 5 lb. tin for $1.35 Best Creamery Butter-In bulk. 2 Il. for 85c B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No more chopping of kind-linig. Safe, simple and economical. Manufactured by HydeTransfer 138 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. . x? -euro uxAjJb (o -CksI trust PARENT-TEACHERS OF TERRACE HOLD FINAL MEETING OF SEASON Sum of Over Seventeen' Dollars Raised for Piano Fund by Auction Sale held in the school house on Thursday evening. Itoutino bus-ines was, disposed of and it was decided to issue an invitation to the teachers of Comox and Oniineca to hold their district Convention in Terrace this fall. An auction sale or. donated articles then look place under the hammer of Win. Van'derlip. resulting jn soniewnai over en to be added to the piano fund. Conditions in Malay Following this Itev. W. V. Harfoot gave a very interestiiM talk on conditions in the Malay PehhiMila where he spent tv years in the mission fields. He referred to the population, in dustries, educational system, etc specially stressing the desirability and necessity of a higher ideal in the education the east ern races received .from I lie we.l if we arc to look forward to an improvement in world affair History shown! that only the ideals -of nations at one time powerful, but now of little ini-j porlance in world alTairs, wem, remembered and were still influencing the more powerful nations of the pre.ent day. A social half hour was thei; 'pent and refreshments servcd. Annual Meeting i The next meeting will be the tunual meelitw of tlip Association and will be held in Hi i-hool him.-e the second Thursday in September. Mrs. H. II. Carson and child of Premier Mine are in the city or board the Prince Itupcrt today returning north after a trip to Winnipeg. They were riiet here by Dr. Carson." Mr. anil Mrs. W. (Joodrick r turned to the city on the Print- lltip-rl this morning after a holiday visit to Vancouver -and Victoria. NOTICE. IN THE MATTEU .f an iM.llrtiMi for ll- jue of a l'rovllnal irtlfirale f Till fur tlw t.t'X hilt of Lot Ivio (?) HI'Mk friy-lwi (St i. sutidltllo;i ol Iit rten hundred and furtjr ill (Tit). SUCCESSFUL SMOKING CONCERT WAS GIYEN BY CANADIAN LEGION A lucrlilv .iipi-ixrnl aiiil larue- vacation held last night by the Canadian Legion (Ureal War Veterans;. President G. L. Youugmaii occupied the chair and tlio-o who contributed to the program in eluded It. James. T. Hlack, Sabourin, F. Lav cry, (. P. Tinker, T. Wilson. J. t. Kelly, V. Fotime, II. Davien and W. Murray with songs: W. llanco with comet solos, and T. Clough willi recitations. Members of the Moose Orchestra were present and played selections ami thure ..... . it.. i ...fli. kM.l mis tuiiiiiuinii j 9111111; wiiii rnii CURIOUS ANSWERS Question "What aro glac iers?" Atiswer-f'GuVs who fix win dows when Jhey gel broken." U.-"vyial Hs ri ienineula? Ans. "V lurd that lives gn " icebergs. Q. "What is i volcano 1" Ans. "A : mountain with a hole in the top. If you look down you ran see ihu creator muting." ., 0. "Why doe a dog ban. out his tongue when running?' Ans. "To balance its tail." O. "What is xteel wool?" Ans. "The flrei'o of a hy draulic ram. ' JELLYFISH RUIN BAY IN FRENCH RIVIERA MCK, June 12. All is not roses ami sweei-scented scenery in the iteighborhoor of l'i French Riviera The little ffshlng village n Lros-de-Cagiifs, just outshh yueeti Clurlolte l.iunrt. lu tlw IToln s1ll"K!"' "U'"e lliedll Is roiiml Ol J!l,",:..Wu!'-, !.??, J"."' .., ,ta ltro-lnjr thei millions of jell) i:riuirie or nnr nurrinif ine aunte 1 1 iiii ill til nave appfarei 111 I lie land lurmr b-en pnxlured to nie. It lji.,.,. .,,, ..t. ,i i ; . iiiv lutriilltin to tMir aller Hie dplralhnil "- ui uran urr ir one month from the rirl iubllrll.m "'" nightly thrown "run uji lilt jm nil lhi nit IiphpIi lieacu hrror, 1' Orlifltale of iitie f tin- uua m me name or ; anu i ne auiunritie recenilv mi Mtjesiy i ne inpr in ine ivittni in The Inierlal Muumuns Hoard. The orlir-Inal Ortlflrate of Title is dated the Jftlh J'tUrmry. 1VI. and Is numbered I06SJ-I i.i no iirriMiy tiriirr, i-rnwe itupen, lie. til June. IVJS. II. F. Marl-F.on. ttetuirar of Tllle. 'OOVCRNMCNT LIQUOR ACT.' Nolle, of Application for Bt.r Llc.naa. Notice I hereliy rum Out. on lite tsth ddV nf inne neil. the lindersl.tied Intends ! were unable to clean them away before they I'ommeiiced lo 101. Attempts to burn the fish had been unsuccessful. LOCAL NEWS NOTES i. apply l the Liquor Control H'rd fori Mr. aild Mrs. P. H. LilUey Will nan of ttve ItUlldlnr known a Orran FalK, sail tomorrow Iliglll Oil ttlU iioiei. fitnaie cm rrf.iu street. Town or it,.!,,,.,, Ii,Ho.r) fne Yiolnrii UpTt for Victoria Oil a a Ocean (all, noon the land denenlied al,r,,lre l oi No, :u. itanre . Coat riirin, Vip; vacation Vo 11 M. I. Latwt HritUtritlon IMMrlrt. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL TO PLYMOUTH-CHCRBOURQ-LONDON. I AutoniiL . June lit Arama . . June 30. TO LIVERPOOL Auiania July . .ta, u, 7i I TO BELFAST AND OLASOOW Lrtllla .. June il Aihenia .. July t FROM NEW VORK TO QUCENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL S. yiiil.1 .. June IV l.arnola .. June id TO CHERBOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON ttci'iiitaria .. Juihi ti, July II. Aur. II i Mauretama .. .June 30. July ! Aua. IS I Aqmtanla. . . Julv'7. Aur. 4, 5. Keit. It TO LONDONDERRY AND OLAtOOW i aim ronu. jiiu i . Tranaytv.n,., Jnne t4 PLY MOUTH-HAVRE-LONDON Timeanla . . June lit oroirta .. June It TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-HAMBURO Andanla . .' Ji'tie .in. Julv 31. Sept. t FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Laroiila .. June tl Samaria .. July tl Atk ror Tourist Ird Claai IJleralurc and set, I.I it or Special Toura -T J Money order., drafl and travetlera' rheipiea al lowest ralea. Full Information frorujoral Arenta or OxunaoVa Officea. 61 liatifnira st. ytH Vancouver, B.C. Phone. Sty. J4I. trip. In the Province of Columbia, for " '..lie rTro,,iunTp.C'onr.h!,pV.W'; J. XeN of Ihe local ells- ! r,-lu,l to the city '"uVtcd 11,,. 1th day of June. (. lf pacifk. mills livitkd. on the Prince Ituperl this morn- r" C ' Barker. Treasurer j fy jrum , I Harry Towusemi of Hie Hi' .MttHouri mine stulf is a passcn 'ger aboard tin? Prince ituperl today bound for Stewart. Mrs. C. It. Gilbert arrived from Vancouver in Ihe J'nr.w' uuperi nils moniihg and pre reeded by train " Jp her, home in Terrace. c J. S. Hogers of the Ituperl Marine Products )?talT sails lli'ls afternoon aboard the- Princesi Louise , for Vancouver on a business trip, The HI. AiiuVw'Jjociely ipeM its regular moitthly meeting last; main, ihe rirst Sunday in August was reserved as Ibe dale for the annual picnic. . '' F. T. Foley, jfjicad. of the Cap. Iain's Cove Canning Co., which l building a new cannery aUjEa'p-tain's Covp, rqlUnied to the xsity this morning after an absence u' a mouth in Vancouver. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Cornish sailed this morning on the Cat-ala for (he south on a month'. ly attended smoking concert was j oinian!eij VJ Victoria, Thomson at the piano. Mayor gah Lak Newton was a speaker of the' here. evening in addition to President i C L. Youugmaii. Refreshments! C. P were se.rvet in abundance. The committee In chango of the affair consisted of J. F. Hutchinson. Y Ha nee and geant Jelison. trip. They were uc- hy Mrs. Cornish mother, Mrs. W. II. Miermau. Mr.ii. It. H. IImisoii, who h been away for the past Hire' mouths visitiu; in Vancouver Seattle ami olhe southern cities, returned homw on the Prince Itujiert this more in jr. W. J. Sloan returned to the city this morning from Kelowni where, as a member of I lie loci, dry dock staff, ho was engaged in the assembling of the Okana e boat which was but It. steamer Princes ileatric, tiipl. S. K. (tray, ar rived at 3 o'ehH'k thfs afternooi from Vnrtfouver la the Skeciu Ser- Hiver ami will sail on her ruluri xouth as soon a she has con pleled iliMhargini; Ktcal cargo. (in (int. Clihwse. uinii.irpil ! BY SCHOOL PUPILS;"- "" Is it any wiukIci that kcIiooi teachers look worried. Here ar a few answers pupils liave givei to their iiucstions: lug itcroru I), .vianionaui am J. L. UhrUlle, Justices of tin peace, on a charge of tiavinv opium hi his iM)seJuit andwu remamlfil until Monday when it cxiertel Mnglxlrate McCly- moo! will hae returned from the interior, do Oct was pickl up by the Itnyal Canadian Mounted Police ami the city de-laehmeiit of the provincial poliee in the ruurse of u raid in China hiwu last night. S5iihrrlb In I he Daily Newn LANO ACT. CaMlar Land lil.lrlrl. IjiimI herunlmi f'tflrlrt of I'nnre ftnerl aivl .llmled un Tata Ann. awwi r tone wniiuei w tiKKIlh of Atllnki Hlvrr. TAkK .XH UK llul rrinrlt ft!-tunl lunti of tills. Hi: . rrup4tlKi mill inanaaer, intriMM lo apply fvr erntUKMi lo purth4e Ibe fvillf drscrttfed landt:- i.otunietwinr at a h punle4 en the mmlh hrr if Takv Ann abul t mile. Hhel front the mouth ut A Unit" lurr and ruitiuna tlieftre to rhlo e,t Ihenev to rltalns south; thetire fa rhalns raM: ami litem- f e riuins norio " ptsul of roaimenrentenl. rtlaimnr arres, inure or lew. tru.xrjs iticiuno mun. Al-pliratil bale. AtHa. May t9. It. LAMD ACT. Nolle, of InUntHM to Applf 19 Ltatt Lata In LatvW Herordin blslrlrt of Prove llwpert, and sllaata al head nt lkal In Mfl. aVand, yuren Cliil"ll Oroup. Vle .i., i .. ill. I .ir.i...i.nt.1.. TAfct .HTILt. lint T'e rjnailian risn- .MCe. oitll Wills lininliallilab'e lie, , tympany. Umlled. of V.nMirr. mt rupatton Salmon (jigiirr. Inlenda lo apply rur a learc ur Ihe roilowinr 0-rrioei latwli Cutiimeiyinr al a r-l Dtanted al head or Skaat Intel. II rtuln. north of un tanwxi Crk; thenre l to rhaln. thenre outh B rhain.. thence eail to rhainti, more or len, to hrr Una; thenre northerly follow ln line lo P.u.i:.. ami em'.'nlna 4 a're. nwire or lea. THE CASMtlAI Pl'linO COMPANY. IIMITCD. Appllrant. Per William Alfred Hower b,tei1 llth April. Kit. LANO ACT. Notlta. of Intantlon ta Apply ta Laaia Lana In Prtnre ltuert I .and llre-r.llnr In trlct of Coat I Hante t, and tlluata t. South Itarhael laland. TAkF. XtTirr. trul Alfred vanwn. nf Prlnre Ftuttert. ocrui.. I Ion Manner. Intend! to apply for a lean of tha follow -Hit rirorribed laodt: Otanineneinr al i pot planted at the north end or South riaetuel Itland: llieocr ariMind tlie inland at hlth water, mark, and rontatnina to aire., mure or le.a, ALFRFD SWA?IS0.1. Appltranl, fiatrd April 17 IttA fsAlLINGsV TO KI7R01irla I I HAKR HF.SKRVATinXS NOW I I I FROM MONTREAL To Lltarpool June . July Monti -e July . July Nohlcalni July l. Au. . MontcUrc To Ch.rbourg-touthamptcn- Antwerp Julie 30. Jul) Ka Mlllf,e1o.a July tl. Aur. it Melila Ta B.lfaat-Olaigow iU"' 'MoX QUEBEC H,U,nM To Charbaurg.touthampion-Hambura June ti . July tl, l.mpreM of Siollaml July J. Auf. i . Fniprm or Frame To Lliarpool June It. lull l Montroyal To B.lfaat-Olaagow July t. July Monlnalrn ' to Attnti aycrywbm Of . K. StatlAn. VmrnuvH i.irpnon. Ecytnour t)0, rae. Ky, Traffic Aftnta. B(aasalalaHaaiHHaaflaliH 6l,r'lay. Jung i2 1H7R - - I ' I - . JUNE BRIDES' SILVERWARE and lut Glass Sale Never bofore have we assembled inch a v i beautiful and distinctive pieces to sell at such am i r low prices. Ygu will do well to give them your clou Of particular Importance Is the offering of Rodatr.! i.d'' Community Plate and William Rodgers' flatware 0n V we are giving a special discount during the month of Scientific Optical Work "H Ours Is the bet and most modern equlpned n .. Parlor In the North. Our specialist has had tvveni T years' experience In fitting and testing eyet. Our IT" aro always reasonable and our work dependable u? ' vile eonsulUtlon. m Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North kjMaflHaKaMHH WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Anita Stewart In "Never the Twain Shall Meet" I'eter M. Kyilf' fmin- l.ile tl Mn- H fill 'fiif.. ruillalier. li.iniatie Mtnaliun-make Un- IiIimhI tingle. The lure of the I i- ' erii skn, ol -I'.irklinir - tn'v lale of a white man pour ! nl i In nth' n reK,','"t'l'i- Tin "lor) of n man and iim : their ail for hive. A pholo-play of rt'tn beauty. I'nnvallrd all tar ral. Anita Stewart, Bert Lytell, Lionel Belmore, Hunt)) Gordon, George Slcgmann, Justine Johnion, Emily rurej, Princess do Bourbon miI many other. COMEDY "PLAIN OIRLS AND FANCY GlftlS" AESOP'S FILM FABLES EOctndft aMa-aaiaaaaaaaiaaaiaaaaaaaa. aMaaawaM aja- aaaaaaaaaaa- waaaM.Maataa- aa 1 11 laaaaaaaaa-aa a ajMaaaw Midsummer Clearance SALE We aiiiioiim-f nnr Annual Huruni' i aim in view, ami that is ti rlear our -It' k liooiN in Ihe Summer Month. I'lii-e i-rleariug lines are nil down heltiw in-1. T1 linns in every depart liienl and it is unr i" that diecuiiiil. AUo there is nil EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 5 PER CENT F0RCSH When you ee the prirti jtl will ' alftird to do it, hut you will he tjasily, -1 know: That we buy Summer (i)ols for Month mid if we ln not well these gnMi h have to ta on Ihe shelf till jul fr. W inn "hell wnrmers, ami if 5011 urn ready bargain, watch our ail, in Ihe local pM" ' lirut lu Prince Itunerl . . Take advantage of our offer and gel your suppll 'of holidays at those greatly reduced price LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Ladies' Hals, Half Price 3 Ladles' White Knitted Suits. Ilr ' Al 10 Ladies' Flannel Dresses! ileg. M.: s Ladies' 8ummcr Combs. l.r ',ml clear , Ladles' Cotton Crepe Bloomers. Mejr. l Ladles' Figured Pajamas. IleK. !..'. Ladles' Summer Vests. Upr. nOe. Half. 1 ' Ladles' Lisle Hose, Illm k, llrown. aiitl White and 05c. Sale. .'I for ..... v . .. ladles' Best Quality Pure Silk, Kner m ' :t.75. Kale Ladles' Art Silk Hose. Iteg. 7re. Hale, 2 Ladles' Black and Brown Kid Gloves. II e M.00. Sale 1 iiso J8.50 T 75C $1.00 ; $1i0 J1.00 65C Jabour Bros., Ltd- Phone 645. ' 3rd Avenue and 7th Str1, a