lfiMr -Tunfl 12, t2n. piclLM w uw fam mi vv Cambion for car other than fcwU aa. packl la tb blu Box ?U SUPREME No matter how fine or welU rruJe the motor car you drive, lit 'satisfactory performance li absolutely dependent on Ita park plugs. That it why engineer who design the finest can made! both in thit coun try and Europe, have (elected Champloni at standard equipment, and why two out of three motoriiti the world over buy Champions regularly. CHAMPION Irpendable er Every Engine Canadian-made Product Windsor, Ontario 3-W h f Sec iSV It Today I Xmmm a4T1 fifkil ,wvwai mm aa ssi tntM mA srljlf vair( u Lwt aat (La natf tVwtw Hold by Mn Bulger Ltd, Jewellers. BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, haa Oeen 'aken over frhm ( i whs Kerr by J. Preece late wdh Scaly and Doodfton Fresh Meats trrlvlng Twice Weekly from the Bulktey Valley Phone 178 MILK , From Bulkley Valloy rRESH MILK AND WHIP-I PINO CREAM We specialty recommend bur Table Cream at IGc for llalf lMnt Quality and Service alentin Dairy Phone GB7 r. Alexander Smith Biock Phone f7B DENTIST WATERFRONT WHIFFS .( Yacht Club regatta June 24 Seining season about to start'-trollers invaded city l i tif lhe Prlneo IIiiuppI lli.winir A. Yi.nl.l I'l.il. .... n. nn-... About elx moatba ago I of, that day between the hours if '4 and 7 oYlirck. Alex. Mnc-i diMinld, president of the club, under wlioe. dircclioii lhe event, will htUield, has excellent plan in baud und lias already np-poinled members of lhe executive loghead Hie varioiicommit-; tees. The progrnniofipveiiU, which will he run off iwTlh' the cluh floatM tin headquarters, will include four launch races and rowing races mixed doubles, men's singles, women's, singles, etc. The program of power boat race will include the handicap race, open lo all boats belnngirw on the el Itand has for Ihe occasion. The whole af ilh Ihe jioekeye flhln sea. WATCR MOTICC Dltsrslon sne Us. TAKE .Mines, that iit I'arklnit Co. I.IUIIInl, lue aiMirM I, uti llu Strrrt. lanoiwter. B.'.. ill tpl r.ir a lirrm io lair ami lou.uuo aalhm f r dr f slr awl nt a lrviii. iuiim- uiikiMiwtt. Mrn fhm iHtrthram tat drains inu Mum .u Hay altuut l.iidu frrt unlbftrst-rlj tn-m rrilwil mmrr tjo ls, tn .UlrJ .rril I. TIm wslrr will b ttiiermi (ruin ll sirrsm at a mnt sliuui si0 fwl trun luouih ixl alxitii ton tr t Id stHilb Irmn mhiiimsI ei t-r Ut lis. smt ll t omni fur raiuwry .urtiM uikiii thr (jiukt) mi iltwrital W lit Shannon Hay. u.C. UUihI. I In. tttitirv a .il un lb rruund nu Itw titli U) or Ma)-. I. X ny of lliii iMillri' sihI an Sft'lH'atlun turtiunl tlH-rrt.i atHl Mi tbr S'lr Art." lll Im rilrd m lli ntrire of it Water Ut rorT st rrinr liuirl, B.i:. lit,jrlloni l.i ll s(ilirslloa lift If riled Willi Hi aid Water Ifc-nciler or. Ilh thr nnmp-in.ll. r J Walrr lliM. I'arlUnirnt Biilhl-in. irtons, M.i... willim thirty dais atler Hi tlr.l apersranrr of this Itotlre in a lorsl niir. Th dat or the flrl pnlillrallon ut this ootlre Is June I. lr. 'iftst: ci sia r.n. i.tn.. AprHir,nt Br 1, r. strsnr. Ant MINIRAL ACT. Notice of Sspllcslkm tor Crtlflcais ot lmprosmsnu. Mineral Hill Group. niUin tj Mineral Hill o I. MliH-rsI Jllll u. . Mlo-itsI Hill 3a. J. and Suminlt Mineral i Islms, siiust In th krna Mininr Dul-.ion of o. I KUlrirt on tit souib-ritern nd of Irtm Muunlilii, kitlmal Vsllfy. i . . e..l K. -Utu. w H...I.I. & f si I If dajrs from the dale hervor, to PVT " " MlBind IliTorUrr for a Cerll-lull of liiipruvements for Ihe purpose of liainiiif a Cron Oram of lhe above claims. A nil further UXe noil.1 that srtlnn un iter Section SI of th Miners! Art mum t miitnicd before the lusuanre of Nirh rrrtirieate uf lni.pcmcnt. (isied this tllh dsr of April, ttta. MINERAL ACT. CCRTiriCATI Or IMPstoVEMCNTS Mark Smith Mineral Halm, Uluatr In Ihe AlUo Mininr lnvi.km of i:aiar liU-trii-l. Where iorated: On str Creek, a irlhuiary of fourth nt July Creek, sdji.inliis; Ihe r.arr) Owen Mineral Claim .11 it- -.ulhcrly side. 1AkK MlllCt: thai t, Peter Oabrln, Kre Aimer's Orllflrale So. JuSiii, m-li'ilil, ltty 1V from the dsle hereof, Ip. apply to the Mininr lieenrder foe a ', i i rlitii-ate of IniprovMiH-nts, for the pur- p. or i.nuinina a crown urini or me alx.tc claliu. And runner lane nuiu-e mat anion, iiii.l. r MTlli.n 17. mull lie eonanencnl iM-fure th I4ii of siirh Cerllflrsle of Iniprorciiients. Inn ii mis it day f Jnn. A O. 10fl, II. Mr,x. UlASHi. A rent. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS nir Canyon Mineral Claim, siiust In i in. ii in .m in nt iiivniim or i:s!iar un Wiri wtu-r lorated: Near Crater Creek and adjolnlnr aim! nrthat of the lllr icanyrm r:itcnion Miiienu citnn (un , "taV"e notice tti.it I. John Molloy,! Free Miner's Cerllflrsle No. ;o71, In- I tend, slxly days fnun the dale hereof. Ito spplr to tli Mininr Uerordr for a . I'ertltlcale of Improvements, Tor the pur-o!M of ohtalniiiir a Crown nrsnt or the shove rlalin. , i And further tike notice that action. 1 under section ST. must be riinsmenced I before Hi Issue of sueh Certifies! of Improvements. La.ed IM. 1st Jr; Inrss. Atm. Asnt. MINERAL ACT. rrnriricaTC OF IMPROVEMENTS Bir canymi .No Mineral claim, situ-til in the Allln Mlnln lilvlslnn nf fas. 1 slar iitrlct. Where located: On Vol-leanle Cn-ek (Vulcan Creek I, adjolnlnr snd snulhwest of ' fnyon No. i KJ-li...,.i..rt Minni'Bl Claim (Lot tITti). TikK M1TICE that I. Ellen Molloy. Free Miner's Certificate Xn. .7U73B. intend, sltlv days rn.m Hi date hereof, to sppIv to th Mininr Herorder rnr a 'certificate of Improvements, for lhe pur-i pose or aititnlniiia- a t:rown Orsnt nf the .slMive elalm. nniT-e thst action, under section S7, must i be roiisnnced before til ls -Of such Olttrirate of Improvements. , . , ... .... thli Sit dayf Jnn,. "M. A teat. ?MdiiK very oo promising at- Isfarlory prices for the fjher-: men, a good profitable reason is expected und no time will , be losl in gelling limy after the eason opens. There will also be ood demand for fall fish Ibis ve;il unit fiiliinir anil ni-Llmr lo the club, for the club ; cup nowwill continue n long as lhe run fair ghes vrome of being flR n, iMuor norlh in lhe tisiial'ber and left ibis mornin? for Yachts Coming The annual invasion of local waiers by yacht from the southern coast, .United Stales and llrilish Columbia, will commence shortly, July and Augus lieintr lhe favored -month for such trips. A number of fine crafl from f'ugel Hound are ex-locted Including Capl. (irlffilh' patalial new yiirhl. Sneja III. Trollers from various parts of .the district, particularly Warke ('hannel and liundas 1.4. land, were in prtrt for the bi'4 meellng on' Tuesday niplil when unipialified opposition was ex. pressed against Ihe operation nt fish trais in District So. 2. II is estimated that well on to on-; bund rod boats came in particularly for the occasion and there was quite a congestion al Cow Hay where the most of Ihe boats landed and where a preliminary miimts tertirirst Xo. foiic, Charles i meet imr in the afternoon ore. r. aiiHre. fire Mttrr a ivmiiceie io, . . . . . i . . , , 1 1 T :. iinccu tue limn; imporiniii uoinm TAkF. XoTUlK tut I. Oisrlea E. Moore, ,jn sl(S ,"' tt ,vrninir So imnortnn Uliporuiu r Minora lrlirii 11.. .n Siali:. ayrnt tor llm ownrs. intend at th end was i no tnntier ronsiiiereu tnai trolling operations wefe prac lically suspended at liundas Is land so that the fishermen mtehl be given the o(iortunily of com ing into town to express their views. . - John Currie fc Son have nut tj complete the pulling In of Ho wes! end of Ihe government wharf. xt week Mitchell x Currie will start Ihe construe tion of Ihe hinloxical slnllon ' j l Vam WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV THB DAILY" HBWS PAOfa FIVE She Could Never Do The Things Other Girls Did Mtse L J. Boss, Beollard, Alta, writes: "I am only twenty years old, but save suffered from 'heart palpitation and serve trouble - for several rears. T I 1 could towa never never do do' tne tie thine other tfi.. ni . . 1 t ' fr-i , .... . . I tmnea other June Ji, n week from next ThiiiMlay, will he a gala, day tm girls did, that it, U the line of lie PiTnce lliipcrl waterfront, it having leeu decided nt mil sports, akatlog, etc., and eould never executive, meeting this week to hold the sei'iiml nmiti.-il w-irattn depend myself at work. taking Lrgaa an4 am jost twlee the girl I was, and can enjoy everything in general life ao much more. I am very grateful for what your Pills have done for me." , Put np oaly by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, Toronto,' Oat. new y ,kipper ji. l.t.ross. An-;i on probably laler this ycar.Haron Fisheries, other fealure will he a sweep. nllin 1)Ha. : " "onuirap race open to( P(Me j,rown j, lakiug ,ilI)0 ofT all power boats in Ihe harbor, , nIP prjMW, jioat House! Ibis week from liis barbering, .arr vim two noats io a power boat 28 (Leila II.;. left onjlaxi-driving anc( styj-ekcepin, ... .. ... .. .mi ,,,-, lUP wi,,, of io the Ml,nilay p.,,,, j(,or'aCivilie supervise, re- iiirie!i 111 me inst two men- for ,(. PW govern men l vendor's i.hinKlin of. his Cm May pre UIF,. .-,ll tUll- l(Jrp )I(al U Mnft 0,)p)p, in... i 111 riuu ini'iimer. .IIIUIDIC 'IVIptfrui.t. I't-....L- at rnise-4 and Ihe erection of a larg? Alex. Saint is new sign Ihereon. l'ele is at priie are being arraiiRed for Ihe a) lhe helm of the vessel on Ihe least doing his l.U'to make the various Ilefreshmcnlft eenU. Inorthern trip and the shipment ; world more alractie for lhe .. .. m. will v. mi i. be "fncn u hoi,,,: i.M.ortH J,,, .rtreanl Van'lourisl iraffi. ffie ub floats and the Hoys'Iiiyt of ,(tP vvtVicM police. In'door ll.j. mi . already been eniraged or,pr aVoiit complicat complicalions that will pass m mer, which would be caused by send-j Urining north a scow of lum- a scow of coal for Al- l ,1.1 is T, . manner and lransbippinjr it IktI and MctlTery, Ihe tug F.s-raclive than Ihe first rejralta from XVranell. Ihe I.eila It. iU arrived in port front the held lal year by the club was. Iaknlr raKtn ,ln the Stlklne', i w-iJai ... u.- ' r"HM xrii i Miiu-Maj iiiwi lliver into Canadian terrilory.:on, returned 'outh lhal evenin? -;The vessel is expecled .to return wm, fwo etnptle.'' The lumber a a )o lo port port early early next next week week. ! urn was a frii for I the lie lnll Canadian ft. I i m ii Nationxl Viilinnt oon opening on June ;-o, just week hence, inlenjw' work is now in progres on the fining gkppprP, ,y cpl. paui Ar- 'iieU finixliiiur un rennle u-irk ' - . ' " - - iiiiiiiir. inr iiijwiT imaL and out fitting generally. Willi a fjirl) uood n il of sockeye expected and the market condition Pnchena, i Hallway and Ihe city. t . rl . - ,11.. iviii more iinaip. mannix ini' down ; rnnstmcted this 'season, wefi the coasl where she will he turned out aUhe McLean ship-operaled for three months "t-hmililinir nlanl ll,U week for Lhe der charier lo ihe Il.C. packer. viinf.- KUheHe. Me u nh.i.ii to devote his enfries to lit erection of a new houe on Fourth Avenlie -K.asi below tliS hospital before ,the jrood Wif return from her trip to the (Jul Gounlry. Aboard his power boat Hon- qnza, Hubert Ward i making five-day trip to Hie wanson Hay district accompanied by IH. B. S. 'Fail. They are expected liack about next Tuesday. .... Yacht 'Club Members li. C. Stuart of electrical fame and Paul Johnsmi of V. Hums Co. slaff were this week elected members .of Ihe '.Princ Hupef' Itowing & Yacht Cluh. The tat - ler recently purchased a snial! cabin cruiser from Oe.orge New combe, v A. F.. Wright, ILCLJ?. lias left with bis parly aboard (he power boat F.thehla and expects to b- away Ihe most of Ihe summer engaged in coast triatngulatioi work in surrounding waters. The P.ll.T. of the llushb fleet came off'the dry dock yes lerduy after having been up for cleaning and painting. The M.T. 3 lias gone up the Xua HiVer with Joliri Currie' pile driven to do soniework at Mill. Hay cannery ;nnd the old SonicrVille : pjajil, to(ij(Used Ibis seasdii as idiinip. The Ilanaco made two trips to (eorgetown during the week," thringiug in four carloads of luin- and lhe new warehouse for Ihr her. one of which was shipped Frem Pay Envelope te Dividend Cheque laid by in youth is worth double th MONEY savings o! middle age. Many a rich man today bought the right to his dividends with the savings he made once out oi his pay envelope. Anyone with determination can do the same. The man who saves la the man with money. The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch F. E Robertson, Manager F.asl over' the Canadian National Hallway, Capl. Jim Morrison was hod lo a party of young people on a Ifip lo Osland last Hnnday when a pleasant time was hail by all. The ladies brMight such an aburidanty and wide range of ap pclile ' tfcklers that the crowd Could not possibly consume it all so Jim and his crew were feast- in on lemon pies, cream puffs, fruit salads, el.,, for almost th entire past week. The. party was such a succes in this rfspe'ri that Jim is golng,to repeat itas ofln as possible; lie isn't, even as well fed at. Jiome he was heard lo''whisper yesterday af-! fprnonn liut don't you tell Mrx. Morriion that. Halibut arrivals for Ihe. pa;l week (ralurday lo Friday inclusive) totalled (512,200 pounds of which fi2t,000 pounds was from American vessels and IIH, 200 pounds from Canadian. Tlii brings Ihe total for tlje season lo dale to 10,613,700 pouml ,ft0.1,200 pounds from American boats and J.710,500 pounds from Canadian. . Prices during the past week were satisfactory', bids on the Kxcliange ranging from HA and He to 17c anil 9e. The boals landing catches during the week were as follows American Seattle, CS,00C; Marmot, 40,000; llhona, 22,000: (irayling, 15,000; Valorous i,-500; Akulan, 13,000; Majesth 20.000; Trinlly, 50,000; Sumner, 55,000; Fon-Diost, 50,000; Demo crat, 23,000; Oimmonweallli, 50, 000; Alki, 0,000; Hrothers, 10, 000; I'orllock, 10,000; 'abah. 3,500. , Canadian Minnie V., fJ.000; Cape Heale, 15,000; H.W. 7.000; Mayflower, 4.000; H.8.T. fi.OOO X. and S., 5,000; Mab, 2.000 Cape f!ear 8.500; Nuba, , 5,000 toe Maker, 1,500; Marguerite, 2,. 000: Livingstone. 22.000; Scu Hird, l.200r Tugboat Merger Constdidalion of four well known coast tow boat companies in one tiew organization am participation of nearly all in vestment banking houses of the province in the financing of th resultant company is a notabt occurrence in marine circles o HrHJsh Columbia th'is week. The Pacilic (Coyle) Navigation Com pany Limiled,')' is the regislerei name of the lowboal concern tinder anialgamation. Companic involved are: Coyle Towing com pany, Hecale Straits Towing ... . company, I'acirie I ug x nargi company, and the Hritish Pacific Harge comjiany. Several Inde pendent tugs are in the merger All details nf lhe amalgnma lion have not yet been arrange and the managing director ha still lo be formally appolntci Also it is not yet known what elTeel Ihe merger will have is regard the local office of the Hecale Slrails Towing Co. which P. M. Ray is manager: 8trong Directorate Capt. K. .1. Coyle is presiden of the new company. Ollie members of Ihe provisional di recloruto are: Capt. J. V. Trou manager of the C.P.R.HA Coaf Steamship Service; H. .L. John son, managing director of Jlecn Slrails .Towing Company and Lvy.d,age,nt jn HA'K , .Milne Lindsay, secretary treasurer o the Pacific Tug & Harge Com pany, Ltd.; II. J. F. Turney, inarj ager of the Pacific Tug & Hange Company Ltd.; Hrig,-fSeii. H. P. Clark, president and managing director of H. P. Clark A Co.; A. C. liurdick, managing director of Pacific Salvage Com pany Ltd., and Joseph Adam, re lired from export and Import irade. THE MAN IN THE DON I says: MKX should type their letters. Character i said lo he shown In handwriting. OXK thins that does not , jret ou anywhere is worryiniryovcr where to spend your holidays. AXOTHkR ihingr " not recom. mended in 'health books is wbr-ryiitK ahout anylliingr. FLOniDA is n place where 'you need money to jro and return with experience. - X . WHO said it rained in Prince llupcHlf Tell It to the tharlpes. At school young men loam tr. talk. When later they enter the vector Fob Trot Novelty Fox Tret Records Horses ? Ceore Olaen and His Music 4. Lonesome and Sorry Jean Coldkette and Ilia Orchestra Valencia The new fox trot iclth the tnappg Spa nil h rhythm) Fox Trot Paul Whlteman and Ilia Orchestra I school of matrimony Uiey learn lo listen. SOMR of the younu; men jro lo Acropolis Hill' to wftlch Ift'e balj games and others; hung around lite streets and watch the hosiery parade. 1W Drifting and Dreaming Fox Trot Ceorge Olaen and His Music ft. f 20031 20007 30c 40c 50o 60c 75c IWM Just a Cottage Small 2SS1S f OI Trel Wartnt's Ptnniy Iranian IVT71 ImirHmentai Victor Saloo Orch. ItU Vocal Jstia MvCunick (Taaor) A Poor Papa Vocal Jack Smith (The Whispering; Baritone) 19W8 For best results use only Victor Needles - At "His Master's Voice" Dealers r Victor Talking Machine Co. of Canada, Limited Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock -Cnlrrser, MtschlnlsU, BolUrmtkers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makcrst Found, Woodworhon, Bte. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINB. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE 43 and 3S. EARTHEN Mixing BOWLS Size 7 inch Size 8 inch Size t) inch Size 10" inch Size il ihfh Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Ave. Phone 101 THEIU'VS ope thing ahout lhv slimmer season, one does noli t . . I i . .1..!'. L I near' so mucii anotii sume ami Ihleniiig in and tuning out. J(,.iyVM.X. have liV .tTiel Int. porlani ireople this we'ek. SV'hat they haled was having to miss I ho big concert- Thursday night, A JUltYMAX is nlmut the only-person in the world who is content lo sit on a casi; without opening It. It WLSH I were n Juryman . Just, sitting on.a, casoi. I think I'd lake a bottle out And then I'd go the pace. v TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phone-3 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSH BY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kinulslle. Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. G. FUR Co N.it O.W.V.A. ThlH Ate