es & p . as = WHISKEY GAP, Alta «cP) rince Rupert Daily News line sana = Ne | Death chea ed Mi Mari Louise} the je, 2 clan Sat <-ssrerisiiani ee oO. 25, 1952 PRINCE RUPERT | Bereaay, who was looking for- | song a oon x ten es ; ward to Celebrating “her 100th | tury i r O00 ling a BL CKW DRYDOCK birthday. Mrs Berezsy who had ave rage fo All ag AND SHIPYARD ons lived seven of her 12 chili- Lo be Ser ehe as PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER ren, ded two days before the hume SG have g SHIPBUILDERS AND anniversary date a And Maintaig r : , ‘ security DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS jf; 2 / ENGINEERS ’ : on — a — s eae | i go Ne S 9 ’ Iron and Brass Castings Classified Rates | BUSINESS PERSON wate ne > CARS FOR SALE -_ / tc ge Electric and Acetylene UsSiNECSS Glo ure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- DO YOU need money? You can FOR SALE—Trailer, newly dec Welding Te! CSL vous to publication. make from $50. to $75. a week’ orated. Built-in cupboa - By EASLEY BLACKWOOD —emee Gic sified, 3 cents per word per by yur 250 guaranteed oe gas ge fl oe 2 SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL i sertion; minimum charge 50) hot Aer d_ne cael des In your oat are. 0 ren 2's Alert Defender Is Able To Stop Marked Finesse and John F, L. Hu ghes, D.C, H a ae surroundings. Send today for) Black 787 between 5:30 and” MINING MAC WINERY C HIROPRAPTOR HOM rh Notices, 50 cents; Cards hoe ie . ie hag es aoe oe yp ae a On rare oceasi ; lert lefend »?) ha the === = Ses iM ©. Thanks, Death Notices, oo EX, 1600 c De viii ———— a i aS10N8, a a ! ‘ _ f ; ees Bn 10:20- 12:30, 2:00-5:00 : SERV F aneral Not tices, Marriage and ere ’ [LP NTED— ‘ opportunity oO revent deciarer rom “uKiNng a z . : ; LVes ¥Y appointment only 9 eiteeet tee ae atrdae I , a a EXTRAORDINARY SALE 21 - 23 Besner Block GENERAL, 69 * ee oe -ERSON WANTED — Boy for Sun route Marked finesse, In today’s deal, Mr. ( hampion 5-DAY TRIAL Bulldt; $ .00 | FRPROnAs downtown Phone 640 ; oe : FRE YOU CAN'T LOSE! Phone Blue 442 ullding and Re Spe aul Dispiay double price. | J6my the Prine > Rupert group| Green 767 35 52) Opened the jack of hearts avainst Mr. Abel’s threg oe —e kinds onde at of Alcoholics Anonymous to- bvits i i Unconditionally Guaranteed || —————————__ ANNGUNCEMENTS day. Write PO. Box 1511. EXPERIENCED accountant with No trump contract, + r , maw FOR YOUR ROCK ROOPS —. cp - a - (951) initiative and ability to han Mr Adel ahnede , wa) ith dea * ven ee Canadian Legion card party, Prince Rupert __ (51 De ak eam Salary $350 00 Boxh. 2 e si to Wink with West vulnerable Ra AND CONCRETE WORK OIL BURNER Oci. 29 HARD TIME or Masquerade; 537 Daily News (2683p) |S See kul With North ~~ |] EVERY JOB GUARANTEED ee ; Dance to be held in the Miller i pad it practically wide Me. Helusite) ; , i 1X ialicwe'en! Bay Recreational Hall on Fri. | MALE, FEMALE HELP WANTED open and onls ix top winne 64 |! We Pour Cement For Less io i PHONES: Te ! C. C. Milis jay Ch. 3! 9:30 p.m., to thin lidn't look too good ' Ag 8 i 5 é 40x 1679 Ox ' Selintin oes ae P A WANTED Woman t ~ i and 1 a d = - ! : Lae Phone Blue 939 system for it Invita- three children for worki When th taki eee — : , ¢ + ne ? mother sme o ho W Pie Nei ne prospe Krad West Pie date 1¢ Elks Masquer- tion obtainable by phoning mother. My home. No hou % ttle brighter ii iil “ sample Mrs. Kevts 7 * per : dé Ball has been emanged back! fee sare ee eee work. Box 536, Daily News, Was little brighter. However Capes } Sia A PRECISION SAW FILING) |” E Doy via we ms K ad the kin ee OPTOM r STENOGRAPHER or typist, wit! eee eee >-@ 10 8 : — Lawn Mowers Sharpened 2 — INVITATIONS are n available WOULD the person who receiv- © Se AF i abies Bg i. wtp vou ne a to finesse ue ‘ { hronograph only $5.95 || 215 A Room 10 Stone By & Odowes Men’s We: ed a pair of 1 nen’s black trous ye be ae exper! a” Fre 1clu tw ore And that south Res: > esac Ist Ave. W, Phone Biue s Mi ierade B ers from the checkroom of 99 Nor nern B.C. Power ¢ . meant two more entri Mr, Ahet Reguwiar Price $11.95 , eats. oO Rt : : 45 T bv mist sate please re Room 15, Besner Block 4 wee ers Q sw Chronegraph Stopwatch and |! Phone 909 Open Friday Ry ] 2 : ce, sea ant — Immy twee f Wristwate! i ine Measure : : a aa of Hor the inion Complete, Reliable and Effi- [/] 4° #25 Gr Bazaar, Dec. 4 TOBACCO ELIMINATOR If East Or ae ee ae on. ( ‘ 8 UNse Bel ium, 1051 clent Service. Also agents ‘for || z, erate sis uerns from 106s of weight. eno gare sine volume. tank trminnddatt. $6 a at alee ee Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. |] I 43 ewe 5 — 7 nh : _ f Knowledge. Red 471 Shh tae i, 2 es BE SURE TO . for Oxygen, Acetylene and all ! ccd ef 2ut I Decem| and gener y due to sei — i i vitl lu \ ace o ; ar: et c e ' i , welding supplies SCOTT McLAR es THe? | FOR SALE — Beatty washing . Ask for Them by Name | i ee booklet : 1 hie} ' t tl i hand A c TERE ify BIRTH NOTIC! Shas at ee a ee = he + a “es SEA EER : . B y | LINDSAY S CARTAGE i HARTERED ACTOL - est > Ww é ady Ss eri i > Oth Now t i . A . . : noe We . in se and ew he amazin ei se 7 | nterprise Brewery Limited, Revelstoke, B.C. |& STORAGE LIMITED ae ey Stekes, a daughter, in the Pri Elim : ee copeienren ee . , Also ENGLISH 8X STOUT tet tnd ont @ venues 1 ae SN, Oe Ruvert General Hospital, O ng FOR SAls-—8 atk Gee, oe Ask for BRANDS b a. oo * ow : a a Phone 347 PO tol 94 : ll for 10odel o with Victor re BIGGER HARVEST i A ; | Bat. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 ie C. W. Kin ord player. 526 7th Ave. East. on. 7 ee . ‘ ALWAYS THE BEST BI ’ seiaiid FUNERAL NOTICE Lid Bo? one te " I t aye 7 htMEEKIN he ci — | ROSES, our selection , Luxury Steamer iirsday ec tobe a 195 me agree- ip rand mix > : wines iin tent it ie ; Ss. ac 7 ; 4th t me ull orders, plea add 3 . i Avec. East belovec Mr tao Write for Bot PRINCE GEORGE \ Bi Taceuored father of i Fruit Tree Ber ¢ A. P. GARDN ER & CO. ace. B« , Mr re Iso be i- Trees Shrubs oe a : : ” bAILS FOR . Cearley ier with our greens, Trees, Vines, p ce trated at- Nials, Bulb Sardis Nur ¢ RED ACCOUNTANT a ancouver "VANCOUVER quality , AN iples of “— SALE—Chinese hooked rug WANTED ALFRED a BELL, C.A. : ; vis Sateen is a value x 9, antique chinese tea se WANTE! TOP MARK I rt Party Prince } ert and Intermediate Ports | } vice and vases. Red 912 It); * ae TOP TARK ET ' my aned to you ‘ “3 PR PAINT) ¢ ° SUNDAY N GURERIUOUD | ie ak ei i ke _e rap drof. | 325 Fourth Ave! East P.O. Box 147 Each Thursday 88. Coquitlam § pa -d. Fast de- oe od a wing mn J —_ Ls j Pe. 2 d Boe. Felepheme: Mod O08 at 11:15 p.m. i _ commission, at. back \tlas tron ei] For KETCHIKAN « hibat whe ates It)! Metals Ltd Prior St., Van- | Perrac Prinee George Vancouver '} WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT a6 Co - . a aC, F PAcif ALICE ARM ont o their Representa- tv wa : 7 Comfort and Service ° 7 f t till offer the lowest 1e need of repair - 4 Bs W Ma- price Jo n our 4,000 sati $25.00: electri seal r sioM ASH for rap brass, copper For Reservations | ros NORTH w x sun i ves Dy writ Phone Red 272 (252p patteries and radiators. Phone Write or Call . CRAM GETS . U JOUR - ¥ : : 620 6th Avenue West, | CITY OR DEPOT Nov. 5, 19 and De : 312 Iber- — Puppie 5 week City tf) . OFPICE | BS Chileotin, mi C old a Apply 1021 2nd ’ Ave. West, or phone Blue ‘ a iC PERT, FOR SOUTH re REAL ESTATE Reduce cost of heating and eliminate draughts ram a CHARLOTTE nas 252] : : 88 Chileotin, Mids Start now WANTED TO REN‘ ts on Second Ave by installing STORM WINDOWS—now. Oct 39. Nov 1h i sf - ii price oie iple of WANTED TO RENT—Board and Splendid investment. PRIN ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDER FRANK J. 8 Vancouver 3, coca bs sf of ‘hospita RUPERT REA : Prince Rupert isa), EN Hotel. (2310) FavE-ROOM “es reer ¢ x Bridden Ltd. Phi Avo REE NYLON HOSE WANTED TO RENT—By young ¢xtra_roon large : RECORD. SALE—New records— UEREE eo to HOSE stif-cuninined, mex tee tans| bedroctha bane a eee oe *15 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 eee i fl on Stz i Album Spare tim< selling Nylons Lin- a aes cama ee ra } Ki wi fo n Thr —Single dises special 65c'gerie, dresses, men’s and Chil- — “ : room suite in basement. Two ‘ , 7 each and 2 for $ L.P.’s dren’s to neighbors and WANTED TO RENT — Wnfur- lots. P $6,000. Term WRA THALL Ss | nese 4 sO on sale. McRae friends ommissidns and nished 3- or 4-roc lite or ranged c ° ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS HOLLYWOOD ‘ own ilving ¢ eT New foundation $5 900 : ‘ Ruaranteed of any | s no PUBL Ic AC COUNTANT, income f ( ur most house. Young married coupls , f , ‘ } S ataiad :, pio = pane poses be z ¢ ; ge Arn rong. Agencies Ltd. GET READY Photo Finishing Chop Suey . Chow “7A i C f Agency, - E 43 ea Phone 34 Black 197 evening , ‘ , ‘apineau Ave. Dept $7 Mont.| WANTED TO RENT—Two- o1 5 ° Open 6 pas. « SM : waal SA reo nn Shea nba, three-bedroom house Phone discoy-| —— Blue 958 (254p) FOR SALE — 10-room house FOR WINTER DEVELOPING, PRINTING ugh AccoU NTA! TS - - oon RENT ———————= e rene oe per mont} + res Se rooms fot FOR RENT—Room to. share milk your milk will look after drugs or rBeer, Tax specialist. S () Furk niente tui iA ae Gane rms or $4500 cash. Red 816 AMATEUR SUPPLIES Orders Lab, 679 wille, Vancou-, Stone Building. Red 593. ‘20m) . S@Parate beds. Red 471. (252 ! We've got the Oil, |] Phone Green 136 Box 478 } | For Outside ver, BC (H) “ INT.New 4. on the Anti-Freeze oe . ‘i , BOATS FCP SALE FOR RENT—New 4-room furn- ‘ i PHONE 18 your Morthlana Dairy ; a ished house, one hour from LAND REGISTRY ACT ’ th Batteries, Tires, for daily delive cept Sun- vOR SALE—33 ft. tr rolling het Vane ouver. Phone 466 or Red EE DOCUMENTS PILED } i ' Gay. By loo after your For fnll partic 298 (256p) | For the MEAL that REFR x 1731 or call Blue| FOR RENT—Sleeping room. 1 milk your sel” coreg int a ee AND DON’T FORGET 9 Keep i ‘ (252p) 8th West (251) of Stewart, Map 8184 runranteed (tf) |— —-—____ WHEREAS ane 7 _fuiranteed ttt) |e SAE WHEREAS satistactory proot ot || OQ TEST YOUR BRAKES ling boat| SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent All milk ce PLI MBING automatic oil heat-| “Magnor.”. Crown Chrysler portable machines. Phonelis ‘tee panne OE Amen: BES] ing, sheet metal 1 Phone engine. Price $3,500. Can be e (ec) | has been filed in this offies | 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau seen at New Floats (253p) | - ao - “ |8 hereby Saeins ond “es else thot your cor needs OF (tt) | BATTERY SERVICE |FOR. RENT — Board and room |**Piration ni » | for SAFE WINTER DRIVING. FOOD an Nereis f 4 t E » rea » ‘ ‘ mann ome the firet MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddic’s| i. mae ee rovisior ss : ote amayie wa P iona ifics News Stand (c)| RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East| _O@/¥- Black 660 204) |in ieu of said lost Certit siiliiend ‘ t ® . Va , FOR ALL your oll bummer sery-| 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re-|STORE FOR RENT — Corner|!, the meantime vatia obj FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE TE OR ALL your oil burner serv-; pairs, recharging and rebuild-| Sixth Street and Third Ave-| Daten at the Land weer: ; vice icing call Green 825. Bert ing. Work guaranted. i > Ru Be. } i | {c) nue. Good location for drugijfice, Prince Rupert BC AY CAFE_ Rowbotham (251p) oe ag : ' ph 8 > jailable } . rince | day « ctober 52 GALLEY CAFE, formerly Len | Northern Tire & Rubber Co—| Rupert Realty Co. Box 556. a Aadead Yeon 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 ards Pica ace erty Len-| Goodyear tires, tubes. batter- , co Roe o Deputy Registrar of one Nos Re —* eee a wee ies, hose, belting, accessories, | — sa scala iedinceceas Th aD) CS tle . ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRI ; at good foo (268); rubber matting, airfoam, v-| REPAIRS | EERE RECs: ' r . ; : : ear peat pis HIC NATIONAL Machine ry Co. Lim-| Delts. 712 Second Ave. Phone | ——— ; LAND REGISTRY ACT BLONDIE —A Couple of Stiffs By C - ed. Dist Green 992. (c) | EXPERT WATCH AND JEWEL-|y., ¢AAND REGISTRY act ee aoe “ators tor: Mining, | We PAY SE | .LERY REPAIRS, Dave McNab,| to Lot Thirty Mine ag - een (a 7 ewe. Lon me | eas for burnt out| “Bes E f ubdivision of Lot Thirty-Ficns ; a PASE Wie tractors’ Equipment, Enquir-| motors. any size or abs won| oo ner Block, phone —— , nel oon, fhe Thirty ‘ TB pric iu » ARE | grATT Mie. Bi vSTeA a lés invited. Granville Island.| ford Electrical Works, Cow of Siiver City. Map 1140. OH, BOY-- ) Wo 00 at | ’ [THAT Mie, : _ Vancouver 1, BC. (t)| Bay. Phone Blue 301” “Cep)| WANTED |e MEREAS | satisfactory * proo woootey.) |S 7 anata vue aiitbinacne sc] tenancies a jloss of the above Ce t WOODLE oT HER! Electr olux (Can,) Ltd. ‘Green. 960 | c ARS ‘FOR SALE. URGENTLY required — Foster | issued in ac name <« * ON HIS {To Pay Him) Parts — Sales — Service } ——___ ’ homes with understanding “'*, b@s been eued in : y (c)|A TEENAGERS BARGATN— 1942 parents. Immediate home re-|2?tice !s xR pend ord sedan, radio, heater,| quired for 12-13 the date of the ° a by CABINETS built to order, any | fender skirts, chrome spinner Por details ceuabe dition cates aad tects ie” co. Pate size for kitchen. Apply 218 8th | hubeaps, metallic tan in color.| Welfare Branch, 355; or write of Title in lieu of said lost can) West or phone Red wr Call} Upholstery in good shape.| box 1400. Prince Rupert. (253) cate. unless in the meantime : after 5 p.m. (252p) | Good rubber. Sacrifice $695. 00 | —————....- } objection be made to me in writing 1 pro ho ; x _ di DATED 41the Land. Registry c. & § THE VARIETY STORE for Hal-| _P/#ck 6% eet " ads by gentieman. “work, |e Prince Rupert, "BO. this 27th nee lowe'en masks, fireworks,|FOR SALE—1950 Austin sedan, ing days at Cellulose. Non-|“"Y © September, 1952, a.p andy, See the mass display} good condition. Reasonable| smoker, moderate drinker.| Andrew Thompson | ons. a _ now, (256c)| price. Phone Black 630, (252p)! Box 534, Daily News. (25ip) | oe AS Son 1 Sng tow te oe he . *) seis, Song donne tenon oe 44 BN g ya it ‘ .