FASCIST EXTREMISTS IlOMlt July 28. A current of discontent bus been discovered among "Extremist elements Ihe fascist Party and stern measures hafe been adopted to curb it. The trouble is attributed to friction between local and general Fascist authorities and unwillingness of some Extremist groups lo accept the edicla of the centralized authority. An example of Ihe manner in which ; the government is dealing, with jibe situation is lo be found at havona. where Ainilcare loup, leader of an EilremUt f.iP.. tlon, has been arrested charged with beading a dissident ment. Savona has been fn a turmoil for some time and Dupanloiip's arrest ' " followed iUMVnCU a U PIT series I If." til tr inci inci ' TO BE SUPPRESSED donU ,n w,,ich "ve ,orl ork- ,crs were hurt. Duoauloun. wlio .. . is a former army captain, uas 8wrn measures oopia dv me; been removed to (ienoa. The lo. Government teal press says the Fascist Parti it... uiteBUs to go the limit crushing movements such Subscribe, lo the Dailv News. Baby's Tiny White Shoes will not soil your dress if you i clean them with "NUGGET" WHITE CLEANER It does not rub off. A tubttitut will ditappoint you. in DUoanloun' and he dflerinlneil lllfll rmlfv li.iii.l.l.t.. l. ni'in ii in urupr mm an inn na tion g eriengy may be conccntra- sea on solvmg national nrolilems A psychological demobiliza- lion or the Italian people has been ordered by the Premier Hcnilo Mussolini, as a means or convincing the world of Italy's peaceful intentions. Jin was revealed by a env. eminent spokesman who explained that the Premier had direct- led the newspapers to slop pub- iisutng incendiary material tending to keep alive "ihe bellicose terminology and oirit." lists, and in addition the urban registrars will aa the names of those voters why apply personally for registration, or on whose behalf application is made by i relative or employer when Ihe voter Is ill op away from home. Preliminary lists thus prepared by urban registrars will be corrected by revising officer, who will b either local Judges or substitute rcvislne? officer jjhey dominate. In Vrinee Edward Island Sak'alcliewan and .Manitoba the procedure tyill be fife same as in other provinces cxc-pl I here wil! probably be no provincial lists available for use as; a basis for ihe work of the registrars. THE MAN IN THE MOON any: In the not weather you can re ly upon women showing more backbone) A man who recently kept him self alive for seven days by eating grass is now trying to chew the cud. A good way lo get rid ot fleas is to catch one ami painl. it yellow. It wilt then return In Its mates and they'll all die of color blindness. A woman with a mellinsr smli should make a good showing Jin an ice cream eating contest. A good wife laughs at her bus- band's Jokes. ' I read of ; a -woman -.who rati nwny ivith a pet' monkey but il Hid not state whetner or not she left her husband behind. . . - - - - It's hard work these days try ing to be funny with Ihe end of Ihe month only three days dis lanl. The man who can't lick postage stamp should not have visions of ever meeting Dcmp scy. When undecided whit to do this .wet wealhengo swimming. Never try lo leave on a train leaving at 12.50 because it's ten to ono If you catch il. Peonle who live, bv their wlf are seldom willyL Hald headed men usually sit In the front row of llm vainly ville show to enable the pe? Intors behind to sec the reflec tion of the stage on their dome s. Theso boyish bobs are alt right tot girls but what Is t becomu of tho hair ribbon If you see a man purchasing a compact at the druggists it does not necessarily follow that he is endeavoring lo retain that schoolboy complexion. Wheat is practically all headed out in the prairie provinces, but will require rain in many localities In poduee a satwraclory, yield, according to the HailV of Montreal crop report. In parts off Alherta'and Saskatchewan the, crop hae suffered from extreme heat and lack or rain. Hall has done damage in scattered areas. In Quebec the past week has been favorable to growl h and all crops show improvement. In Ontario pood harvesting weather has pre vailed and farmers have made go id progress with the ban est. In the Maritime provinces crops generally continue to make good headway. In British Columbia cooler weather ami light showers have benefitted the 'fruit crop. Details follow: Prairie Provinces Alberta, Western and Northwestern Area -All eroos on well tilled lauds are continuing toj .llow smiMitviur iniijiru", uiu crop on other lands hae suffered to some extent from recent hot dry weather, except in parts where recent rains hae benefited. Scattered hail damage, but losses' not very imnortant. Southeastern area Hot and dry weather oon-1 tinues and previously reported fair to poor prospect have weakened somewhat. Saskatchewan, Northern Area-Crops are progressing fairly well, hut more rain is required. Southern area Wheat practically all headed out and in most places filling well. Some districts suffering from burning. A considerable amount tif hail damage has been done in scattered areas. Manitoba- Satisfactory condi tions continue and prospects are for a good average crop. Usual scattered bail damage ha occur red, but this tia been offset by ..eneficial aeeoiupauyuur rains. British Columbia A heavy yield or grain is expected, liar- eting of pats has commented The grasshopper plague Is about over ami aggregate loss is small. Hoot promise an axerage yield. Early potatoes ami tomatoes are now shipping. All fruit is sizing rapidly but a shortage of irrigation water is causing some con cern. iMckiiur of Ducliess apples will commence shortly, probably ten days earlier than usual. An excellent rrop of hops is expected. Pasturage is good, but rain is needed. Ten Years Ago in Prince Kupert Stephen Hoskius, governmen! agent, passed through town ths morning on bis way home fronf Victoria. Another detachment of re., emits for (lie Vikings of Canada regiment, left for Winnipeg inT lay. rhey are O. Simonson, Albert Edward, C. A. Phillips anil E. Dili, Tlie.y were recruUed by Seivl'. Krag, .: ; . V, E AY. Shoekley has relurned'tjl' the 'city after an absence of- sev eral honths, the laterpart of whitb; ' waif jpent in JJie town of Trail. Mr. Shoekley reporU times very brikk at the Smeltc city. The Sergeant's Command "Fall in!'' sounded the silvery. notes of the hiwle, and the men rushed lo take their nlaces. "Dresj by Ihe rfetltt!" roared Ike sergeant. The men shuffld into a straight line. Hut Ihe sergeant, an old soldier, was not satfsfptl. "Come forward, M'Oinlyt he cried. "M'fiiiity n not here," said .i LAND ACT. Cur Und niMMM. Unil nforrtliui lllrlrl or I'rlru- Uuprrt. inrf iltuale m Allln like af.,ut It mllrt vuthft of Allin Tonii rskr. NOTioc iht rdwin Jute t:irm, nr. Attin. In tlif pfivlnrx of Hrlllh Ct.luin-orrupitiim dprrttlnr Intirlil liunrti, lnirn1) lo tppljr for rrtnlMltm lo pur rlMM lt rollnrln lrrllKl lundi: Coimrimrtnr it P"l pI'ntH tl ihf souttieait rornrr ft Olirlfr Sir. In Allln Mkf, itiiitert Ktinve: Itifni .fntlnwim lh th'irit lino wcl to rhiln; ih-nce oulh fit rhiinc thenre mi ti rhalnii llit-iir north ft rhdni, lo polnl cf rrtrninrnrrinrnl. EDWIX JIXES EOOrilT. Applicant. Onteil Mr 19. tt PAIN in BLADDER Promptly EmS br 8ANTAL MIDY B (lift to tt Mi 0nuln Uek far tha worS HMIDV BoM br all drufful ,. . ,,,, 5 PAUB T WC Vttkfi 1M1LY MBWa V' HneHiay, July 8 y., VOTERS' LISTS 'CROP SITUATION TO BE REVISED j IS FAVORABLE FAR EI.Ff.TI0N . Raln Generally . Needed, . Ac- W mmmmm e w n coming 10 umi nupun. The Daily News ' PHINCR .HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince , Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. 1 H. P. PU1.LEN, Managing Editor. , Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. HaII.Y KDIT10.1 98 86 Wednesday, July 28, t92. Boost your town and the town will boost you. , Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Racial Inferiority Should Not Enter. ' -Any exclusion measure is hound lo breed the feeling on the part of those cxrluded that Ihey are considered, inferior, but the Country responsible for Ihe exclusion should not act in a racially superior manner. U Australia has acted in such, a manlier it made a mistake which naturally will be resented by the Japanese. An Oriental exclusion measure should not tic brought about from such a cause or be looked at in that light. The Japanese should be intelligent enough to see that a white country does not want to be overrun with yellows to the disadvantage of its own people any more than Japan would want to be overrun with whites, under similar conditions. The inferiority aspect might not enter so readily if the matter wvrc looked at from a national rather than u racial viewpoint. Danger of Japanese American Situation. Vhe:u a man of the authority of General MacBrien, chief of staff of the Canadian militia, publicly speaks of the rivalry between the Luiled Stales and Japan for authority in the Pacific Ocean, it would seem that some danger must lie therein. It is a matter in which Canada is directljconcerned and it is to be hoped that the bogey of a war between the United States and Japan on the question may never materialize. The other nations of the World should give the matter their serious consideration and take such action as to render such a catastrophe impossible. Vancouver Province Hoists War Flag. 1 The-Vancouver. Daily Province .has ralhenlaslonishedjjjts r&dertfMmWtibifi' .by descendinffrfrm the Olfmpiao ftfyHjfc aAd miiiglfng Ifit The", battlefield witIfwarrio'rs ofimmpnlay". Editorially the Province has hitherto maintained a perfectly Jovian dctaqjinient wheu mere mortals fought and struggled in the political arena. It has observed the fortunes of the struggle with philosophic calm aud when the results, were known has offered its cool congratulations and its tempered sympathy res-pectivelyj to victors and vanquished. Htltiall this is to be changed. Fur the present campaign at least the Province will be seen in the forefront -of the fight boldly cheering on the Meigheu legions. The Hastings Street newspaper has declared itself. 11 is Conservative until the last vote is counted. At least this is a fair conclusion from the long cxpusitidh it published on Weduesday of Mr. Meiglien's policy, approving it so far as it was stated at Ottawa, and expressing the confident anticipation that it would be satisfactorily enlarged at subsequent meetings. Jt is for the best all round that the Province should declare where itjstauds plainly aud unequivocally. It is nut that hitherto it has never leaned one way or the other, but tliat its leanings bad rather to be inferred indirectly from columns other than those on its editorial page. To the uninitiated this was at times, if it may be said, just a little misleading. But there are iio doubts now. The Province "has gone Conservative" and everybody knows what to expect. Vancouver Star. Law Requires Complete Revision of Polling Subdivisions O'lTAWA, July 28. In answe: to an enquiry as to the voters lists which will be used for lb-general election, the chief elec local officer said:fc ; "Plieli procedure for preparation of lists will be exactly, the. same as that followed at the general election last year. Tho Dominion Elections Act does not provide for the use of former Dominion lists except at by-elections,, when these are held within two years after a prior Dominion election In the same tectorial district. 'Indeed, ' no other rule could be adopted, since lo prepare the necessary copies of. all lists, which would he required at a general election would lake nearly three months.' This difficulty was" referred lo in my report to Ihe House of Commons last J It is understood the procedure in' all provinces except Prince Edward 'Island, .Saskatchewan and Manitoba will he that provincial lists will be employed as a basis for preparation of those to .be used at the Dominion election. In rural polling divisions, pro vincial lists wilt be corrected. names being struck out aud ad ded by rural registrars as cir cumstances require. In urban polling divisions all names on provincial lists will ba transferred to the Dominion Ihe M "Cmne forward, "the man nexl to him, and sharp's the word I"; was bis command. , A $2.00 Car . The . ancient caf rhtwgcd up lo the gates of the ferrr. The gate-keeper, demaudintr the usual fee, called out, "Two dollar fojhc car.5 The owner lo'ilkcd up with a pathetic smile. ".Sold," ho said, and got out. Motor Life. WATER NOTICE 01 (Ion and Ui, TAIE oni:i; lhit sKiifnin f.innrry Ounpany I.IiiiUkI. bMf aildrron in tiurt Svruur Whirr, Vant-nuvrr, H. C. will ip-Iiljr for a llrnu lu Ukf and uir 14 til Itxm per ml mi f of nilrr gul nf tin natnod ,lrraitt, hnh fhiwa ntirtlM-rlr and drain Into OrruMtn liar, Mamci Inltt. about 4 rhama of N. W. rnnirr tit ItTI, Viiffii Cliarltille Uland IHMrlrt. TImi vtamr will tm dlvulM rrmn Hit- Mrram at a rwint 4 rhin in a omh miiI diro'tlnn rrwu S. W. rirn-r of l ot 117 1, 0. C t)it.. aod will If ut'd tor Irnlmtrlal and Oom Mtif purptwe iitin 0 Und dmrrllvd a ilMt A. Imi till, vut-t-n r.nartotie Dim Tula nollre waa (mated iin thr truiml on llw 14th day nf ul, taia. A n,r r thia noilr and an application ptirtuanl Ihrrrtfl and to th "Water Arl" tn filed tn the offlne of the Water ft -order 1 rnir-e nujn-ri, n, t.. tinjeriiona lo the lpliealit.n may le filed with the aald Uater neeorder or with tha ' "inptn.ller of Water lilrhK, parliament BuiMinia Victoria, B. ;., llhln thirty daya after the liri aiiitfarauf-r 01 una inmre in a kteal oeavMnifr. Ilie dale or. llm flrt DIlMlra (Ion ( I III" liotlre la July 0, 10'Jif SOMIHVlLt. cASxr.nr . CONPAMV. LTD.. ' y , y r. n. MATj,.:,iVgg- LAND ACT. ...C,;,!r.li,,,,l "l"1"'- land fierordlnt iiiii in i-riiiuv nuprri ana anualed on laku Ami, ahout t nillea aonthweat 01 of ni hi 1 h of Atllnto lover. TAkE NOTliJi that Franrla nirhard imiilun of Atlm, B.C.. orrupatlon mill iniiiaaer mteiidj to apply for permtaalon landa?! lollowlni- dewrlbed iiiittneiiHnr at a poat plained on tha aoulh ahore of Taku Arm ahout t tnlla footlmeat from the mouth of Atllnto lllfrr and runnlnr thenre to rhalna vrti thrnra to rhalna aouthi thence to ehatni eat: and thenca to rhaint north lo (itilnt of commencement, rcntalnlnr 40 arrea, more or leaa. tnNcis niniAnn diixlop. Kl'vM rata. Atlla, May 10. (tit. USIC is ! m ! CRtUCSZA MODEL MUCK tUS. iff is what you hear in its true beauty when the Orthophonic Victrola plays "Where's the land?" And with that query a tquad of railroad workers in a little Quelxc village craned its necks to "see the parade". The music was coming from a new Ortbopbonic Victrola in a neighlioring home. I In Winnijx-R, the other day, a prominent organitt utoppul iu the stmt to listen to the strains of pipe organ music Uoating from a window aliow. Mystifiil !ion by the touch of a matrr organist, lie followed the miuHCtoitt source, a new Ortlwphouic Nctrola. ' The new Frop the four corners of the Dominion ccme these true storici of the "realm" of OrUtutK'uic cttola music The actual experiences prove apaln and ngaiii that )iu can make of )wr Kmc T gay UiH-rocm, a theatre, a concert hall, an opera hmite, a church, n wlon or a quiet pbec for listening to pleasant music any timet Tho Orthophonic Victrola !s the mulc Itself 1 , A visit to any "His Mailer's Voice" dealer will tell )xu tlatl . Orthophonic "True inSound" T.uk Victrola Victor Talking Machine Co., voice. The sergeant frownel. but was undaunted. of Canada, Limited, Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opsrtitlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnglnssrs, Machinists, Bollsrmaksrs, ilaok smiths, Psttf msksrt, Founders, Woodworfcsrs, Kt. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WILDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and St. Everything for the Builder LUMBER Wo hnvo Ihe most complete slock of t,,nl''' dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V jo'A veneers, etc'., In Northern 11.(3. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Ilnfore buying Inspect nur slock. It will pay yo"' 0ltf jirir.es arc right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117