:,esdajr. July 28, 1920 WSummcr Vacation rflth a thrill at Every Glancd Circus in town THE TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING EltphanU, Lions, Tigers, Dear, Giraffe, Wolves, Etc. ore nun ivitinnvv . ! TMt in 'ro liirn lh swl AVialiIf. ir mit ahti'. d. will lal for years. . Wolf. ItabliiL till, Pig. Hear, etu h ..... SJ.00 Tigers, weh U i;..K eseli $1.85 and $10 1 and limieli, eatli s1?5 ea., ..t $25 ea. h Ormes Ltd. T i l-M,L STiHU Th-PlnvKKH lilMdiilSTS 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 2 and 200 CANADIAN mzmzj W . . - , Low Excursion Fares Eastern Canada, United States Edmonton Calgary Jasper Choice of ItoulsStopoxcrs Inquire any L.N.H, Agent I w iil Hi- ri'-l. Tine liiiMirleil Serge '' s'"1' ft P A flfl Tweed HiiiN tiiu.le rder in 'ir I UV "hop in Prince llupert hs Itiw hhIJUM 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter 4 SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK .:. Hirer litin -en ! fur Family Work, vi?: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH ul mu( rra-'Miiilile pnic-. DRY CLEANINQ, PRESSINQ AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Snilmrrs from Prince Ruoert Tc Ml r..aii, Wraiig.ll, iuno and ! ) . 1. 2s 90- Ti Vanigr, Vlctarla and Satll J"l T, 10. 1, IT. XI. 2. 2. 31. pr:kcu3 turret- ...... ... u...WPM. ....r - 0r.f ! th SU.'at '4 At.y, Priw P-i. ' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITEDJ minim uom !! huix-h '' '. ". p Vancouver, victoria. Vancouver, victoria, . '. 'or; POUT SIMMON and N..a Rl C."Ha. ThMftdaj p.m. ' PORT SfWPSON. ANYOX. ALICE ARK. STEWART, SM.d.f, , 8 .m. .... R.'L O . td AtMtV.. 4. HOUSEHOLD : BRUSHES Hi s.m S1.00 V Iir: -!. S2.00 - i Pi u. lies I . . . 850 VuiuJmv lit tinlifjt 75o ' Hittf Brushes 10o Clothe- Brushes 750 Italli Brushes 51.75 Dinting Brushes 85o CIumcI Howl Brushes . . 60o Scrub Brushes 20o Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 1Q1 255 3rd Ave. Residence Phone, Black 01 7 P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Prince Rupert, B. C. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbcme 41. Crystal Firelighters, 48 for 11.00. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf Loyal Order of Moo.su. Iiniior- tanf meeting Wednesday night All member please attend. ITS Accounts totalling 13,009.6'.) were panned for payment at last tmhi'sviiecting of the city coun cil. ' F. 0. Dawson returned to thel city on thw'rince George lids' morn(rir from a brief business J trip to Vancouver. F. L. Iluckley will arrive in the city on the Prince Charle tomorrow from Port Clements en route to Vancouver. In the cily polic court this morn l W tleorjre wniard was fined $'.'5 and costs by Ma?ls Irate McLcod on a charge of In toxication. , The regular monthly meeting if l 'he Mooscheart Legion was held lat nigh I in the Moose Hall when matters of a routine nature were dealt with. M. Paul who s vHflin? in the ()!) from .vnyox, will sail on Hie Prince Charles tomorrow aflernoon for the south en route lib Lns An?rles, California. The final in the regimental toon's tennis sinales between Howard ami Carmiebaef wan larted last nipht but rain inter fered asain and, after a couple of games, the event was post poned. A recommendation from tbe fi nance rommitlec that the city treasurer le autborizel to ar ranjre to place William I.aeour siere in the Provincial home wa masted at lat nlxht's council meetinir. A requejit from the U.P.O hlks. Uuil.lhey t allowetl to luxe i he Aeropoli HiH crotind or. July in ronncetton with the Klks' Flafr Day celebration la areiel lo by the cily jef cilit last nlpht's meetinsr. A reeominefldation frm Ihe fi nance committee thai (he cil treasurer be authorize.) to ap I ply 1.050.00 sinkinc fund to Hi purchase of bniuN offeretl by the I Hi.j ul Finaneial Otrporalion Ltd Iwas paed at lal instil s meet uiK of the city bouncil. At the elty council meet in lat til phi a letter was read from Ki urolith Prwptory Xo. 5D KnihU Templar. Ihankinit Ihe luieml.er of the cily council and eiliiens for Iheir eo-operalio in enlertaining Ihe Shriners of Itiieii Temple when in the city in May Inst. Mm. T. I). Smith and daugh ler. Caroline, sailed on Ihe Prin res Alice this aflvrnoon for Vancouver en route lo Piotou X.S., on a prolonged visit wilh relatives. On the trip Mrs. Smilh will viil wilh a married dauph ler in Fverelt. Wahlnplon, wilh I wo hrolhers in Winnipeg; and will jIsn visit her old home I Perth. On'arin. before proceed 'n lo Pieinu lo visit wilh Mr milh's parents. ELKS' FLAG DAY HF. A KID FOIl A DAY! Tomorrow Thursday. Children will assemble on . Second Avenue et Armory Huilding ai I o'clock ami parade lo Acropolis Grounds. Sports, hall game, Oyro vs. Klks. You are Invited. Dance in Mouse Hall at 0 p.m. Arthur's Orchestra. ;nic STOUT W Builds Builds Op Up Your YourfkvlL Health Aa.tkrr ThUmiU I. It. MrrlU "I cn .vir y. Dr. w. m.' .T . . I 8 I I t m.k.i .ir.lU.l 4rl.k v.ll . . T.nl. W. all., want.d I. tt MMiittMnr hit V..I4 r.m. .p 1. tit. t4 .14 K.t-lull II.Nt. II I. tooH t. k. .bl. I. m.k. up th. ih4 .14 Srlnk ..I..- I .f.. m.k. I. it 3 oil... M kr .11 Klpr.. v, iir a r... n4 nid,., T.m.t. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB Football (oniaht a' 6.15. High School vs. Y-Macs, Elks' Flag Day Dance, Moosa Hall, Thursday. Arthur's Orchestra. Gentlemen $1.00, Ladles 50c. 175 The funeral of the late Adam Moffat t will take jlare tomorrow aflernoon from the chap-l of tlie H.C. Undertakers to Fair-view Cemelery. J. Ki liimson.twho has been in flip ritv nn a litisinettm trin ilnr- Injr tli pant wecK, reiurnea lo Vancouver on the Cardena yes- leruay anernopn. Civil, sleamer Princess Alice, Capt. T. Cliff, i due Trom Alas kan points .-it, io'' l'ck. this af ternon and will sail for ari couvcr at C p.m. Mrs. Merrill-follows of Prince Ilupert. who has be-n the ku'; nf Mrs. A. M. Connorton, Four leenlh Avenue W'esl. has left for Halifax. Vancouver Province. Harry ltalchelet, who has beer. mental case In the general hospital for some days, was lodged in the city jail lat nizli in care of the provincial police Pete Thompson was fined 825 and costs for intoxication, and an additional 117.50 for wilful dam- ape at a house on Comox Avenue, by Ma?ls.(rate Mcl.eod in Ihe city police court this morning. Union freighter Chilliwack, Cant. J. I). McPhee. wax in iort this morniiiK from the south unloading lumber at the Albert- MeCaffery dock ami shinsles for the Hijf Hay Lumber Company. The Hoard of Railway Com- miHsfoners wilt sit at II a.m.. Friday. July 30, . in the Citv Council Chambers on Freiptiti Hales Equalisation. Further in formation from Hoard of Trade The freighter Salvor. Cap: Uinli. nf the John (iall A Sons' Company, arrived in port Uiis mornin? from Vancouver Is-. land and unloadisl 100 tons of nu eoal al the Allierl-McCatferv dftck. went out on Ihe train to Ter- . ! J S ! race, iib accoxnyanteu Air?. icn- nv ami f:im!1v In Virlorin where Uiey are spending tU 9un liner. Fifty memlers of the National editorial Association of the toi led Mates are returning south on Ihe Prluees Alice this afler noon following a trip to Alaska. They are under the leadership of Miss Nettie Cardin, society editor of the Daily Argus Leader of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. A )iecial parly of I a peopu from Cincinnati, under the aus- picos of the Hardisty Tours, and personally conducted by .miss Hardisty. arrived in the cily ori Ihe sleamer Prince Georj:e it noon en mule ) Skafsway, Alas ka. Tlie ianv will relurn on Monday and go east by train. PRETTY WEDDING SOLEMNIZED LAST EYENING IN CITY I.at evening, at Ihe residence of Mr. and Mrs Jack Iverson, on Fight li Avenue, a prelly home wedding was solemnized when Kdward Winiher and Mis Karen Oudmundseth were united in mar riage hy Hev. Thomas D. It i 1 1 tie. pastor of SI. Paul's Lutheran Church. The couple were at-leuded by :hrist Wlnther, brother of the groom, and. Mrs. Oeo. Frilz. After the ceremony a delicious dinner was enjoyed by all present. A bust of fjriqnds showered Ihe bridal pair with many beautiful gifts. Hesides the immediate wedding party there were present to offer their hearty felicitations to the bridal couple, the following: Mr. and M's. Jack Herson, Mr. and Mrs Thor Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dyhhavn, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jarobson. Mi, and Mrs. Jplin Iverson. Mr. and Mrs. John I.iiulsclh, Mr and Mis. (i. Anderson, Mrs, A. Nelson, Mrs. I.. Anderson, Mrs. O. Wicks Mis. M. F.mnulman, Mrs T. Ilorvtk. the Misses T Montgomery. O. Jones, T. Peder- Hen. M. Pedersen, l' Lindseth, TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY 4- 4 4- 4 LOST. Mink choker, between Fourth Avenue West and Mc-Hnde Street. Finder please return to Lvnly.eva Office. km Many ways to get dirty wane SAFE o get . I tt JrUt tf&i T sccms to a pnvige of p , teBfciGv childhood to get gloriously 'yWmlk foxy. Hands, face and knees VA $fby every exposed part of the body V kS ieW k jjp coming into contaa B? with germ-laden objects. 1 Amiii-V) 1 Libuoy is the great purifying I yezf I protecting soap. It is more I I an a dexnsmg soap, because H LjQy its lather has antiseptic propenies I , P M Mj?r t1 Puruy protea against g V vs 4CTr lty regular use of Lifebuoy for I j JSnh)!- casua cleansing, bathing and I ) tdym? HbH' sliampooing is a pleasurable and I proteaive habit in miUions of f HL HEALTH SOAP CO -n TK.n4.nni0 Lever Brothers Limited J UriflS and JrotectS Toronto t8 Margaret Fritz. Evelyn Anderson,! Aid. Oscar Larson and J. Thomp-! on, K. Hansen. J. Sei-v.ik, L. Karstsen, U. Lnderdahl, M. Wed-; ing, C. J. Luudquist, K. Kalslrom,! II. Wick, 11. Leland, H. Loke. ; SPECIAL PARTY COMING A parly or sixty people from New York, conducted by the Standard Tour and Travel Bureau, will arnve in the cily on I tie steamer Prince Charles from Ihe south next Monday proceed ing lo Stewart,- Anyox and Mas-sell returning here on Ihe follow inor Thursday morninjr. The party will remain over in thv city until the nvular easlbound train on Friday morning relurn-iug east vja Niagara Falls. The group is personally conducted b Mr. Hrenncr. who brought a party out to tho Pacific coas ut year. V. A. Vanalstine, ciij passenger agent C.N. 11., Saska toon, will accompany tho parly east. BOAT ARRIVALS CN.lt. steamer Prince George, Cap). (I. Nedden, docked al 11. 20 o'eolrk this morning from Vancouver efi route to Skagwa.v. Alaska, for which point she will sail al I p.m. The boat carried over 200 round-trip tourist pas sengers. Ihe following passengers debarked here: G. G. Mc-tieer. F. G. Dawson. Mr. Van- ilomme, Mrs. Garbutt, Miss K. Mver. Miss 1.. UrofL Mr. L nd- ley, Mrs, A. Slater, Mrs. R. rt-inson, Mrs. King, Miss E. M. Ilichardson, Miss D. C. Ilorloii, Mrs. I.indley, Miss Hampton, Miss Chalker, P.. Fullerlon, It. Fullerton, Mis Wilson, Miss Kendall. Mr. Harnhan. Mr, and Mrs. Cliodden, H. II. Griffith. I.. .1. Oxley. Mrs. YV. Fearn, Mrs. llardesly, Miss H. Hatch. MUs I. Stiolhmar., and Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Steamship and Train Service Slillnrs rrom PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, rich MONDAY and THURSOAY 4.00 pm. SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. For ANYOX anil STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 400 p. ITU For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. For SKIDEOATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. fortnlghtl. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally MCfpl Sunday at 11.30 a JO. for PRINCE QEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all polnu EaiKro Canada, Inllfd SUIra. Agtncr all Ociin SUamtMp Llnta. l'e Canadian .National Eiprra for Money Ordera, Fornrt Cnrquca, etc, also for your next ablpmenL Cly Tltk.t Ofllc, 62S Third At.., Prlnea Rup.rl. Phona 260. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P-0 Box 18 Simmon's Steel Beds, Springs, and Oslermoor Mattresses in every room. 52 Booms, Hot and Cold Water, Uallis and Showers. Slcam Healed, Electric Light, Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. McGEER HERE To attend the session of the hoard of railway commissioners which will be held In the1 city on Friday. (5. G. McGeer, K.C., counsel for British Columbia in the freight rales case, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. Mr. McGeer will addres the Gyro Club al a special gathering ' tonight Ayhen Gyros, their wives aiid g'uess will be prestnt. George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, Ac. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE RUPERT