Ml 'unwell .V I 5 Premier .... -'Ivor r.rcl Pi Mill! TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Hand Royal Hotel, 3rd and 6th BU WATT VIPECK, Prop. l.iu iol XVr., No. 175. JIBINO HITS MORE HOMERS Ithment, Help Washington to Defeat Chicago. 11 ,K a- July 28. Habe ,rt homer yester-Yankce to defeat ight same. Hire. a. no hit a homer, run. si. suspended by N- ral day ago for 4mg. returned to 'nlay and helped defeat Chicago by and a single, teal-and figuring in a: id Lindslrom of the h V iants hit homer, but .-. " out through error National League - o, Huston I. 'a-. I-?, Hrooklyn 0-0 I - 9. Philadelphia 5. I, New York 3. American League r'on 7. Chicago 21. V k ft, Si. Loin 2. - )Qlionrd. rain. AILWAY BOARD COMING HERE "airman H. A. WcKeown and Commtetloner Frank OlUer Due In City. " A McKenwu. chairman of " ard of railway commi!ion and Frank Oliver, consuls vm'I arrive from Vancouver and on Friday morning will a nesion here to hear iiiua for ciiualuatiou of freight OURTH TEST MATCH RESULTS IN DRAW MAL,HF.STi:il. July 28. The "i"!! le-L mulch resulted in afler a close third day I ""V Hie ociiresi liciini 3U5 foi I11'' alia and 303 for England " five wickcU. The vlilor 11 " Playing In Surrey today. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. ...103.00 ... 1.72 09 Vi ... 2.13 I . ,07 51 Aske. 1.80 .12 2.18 .12 .10 i.r ihr. ""3 FISH ARRIVALS fire brigade and willing workers. SKIPPER OF BOAT HAS OEEN ARRESTED II. A. Hansen, -kioi-er of Hie Canadian Hh & Cold Storage Co. fisn packer .ilussa. wan arretted by the Provincial police early Una morning in tonneclion with tin- robbery of ?t.0)0 last Friday from tliat vessel. Landings This Morning Totalled 101,700 Pounds One Amer- lean Boat From Yesterday Fih arrival;! today totalled 101,700 pound, three American el having a,0li H)umU and four1 Canadian, 22,700 pound. tlie American eohooner Itlioua did not accept ycslcnla) bid mid wa on the board again ihi moruiiig. American fish receiv c.l from 15c and 8c to luc and tc, while Canadian got from to It.Cc for first class ami Wc for second class. The sales were as follows: American llhona, 25,000, to iloolh Fish cries. Majestic, 30,000, and Anna J 15.000. lo Atlin Fisheries. Daly. 31,000, to Canadian Hrh A Cold Slonige Co. Fisheries. Canadian Cane Spencer. 7,000, lo Atlin It. V 8.500, ami Iluth, -1,000, lo tJaiiadlan Fish , Cold bloraue Co. Agnes II.. 3.200, to Hooth Fisheries C.nnaillnn Co. PIONEER PROSPECTOR OF CARIBOO IS DEAD Abraham Stott Sold For $150 In terest In Mine Which Later Netted $500,000 OUF.SNEL. July 28. -Abraham sMolt, aged 50, old time prospec lor of the Cariboo district, I dead. Shortly afler coming to Ihe Cariboo thirly-lwo years ago Stud had a fortune almost In his grasi) hut he sold for 1 50 hi half 'Interest in a claim Hint later yielded lis new owner half u mlllluii dollars in sold. little pro? rem ha been made toward their appie.ihension. The thieve broke the roll-lop dek In Hie secretary's of-flre of the First Presbyterian Clmreh Sunday Afternoon an i stole the collection from the inuming servic. Over MOO in small silver and a few bill were la ken. Walked Through Church The collection was being kept In (he office until the night' takings were added to it. Th5 thieve walked through the church, up a flight of stairs and Into Hie church offlee. ' iOf fleer of llic church report peeing two suspicious eharar tern about the church during the afternoon bui -'ale that tint much aUfciiitop paid lo tlicm a IV is a comni'Ti prartice for slraikger m tin- ily to come in the bulldog IMMIGRATION WOULD THEN BE UNNECESSARY How English Speaking Peoplo Might Well Emulate French OTTAWA, July 28. Ueorge Wright, grandson of Philemon Wright, who founded tin cil. at n Kiwanis luncheon wheie he wa kuel of honor, said ne had tWeu amonft' lrench-peak' ing Canadians for many year: and found little difference be I ween them and their English-sneaking brethren. There were some iualit!es which the Eng cmihl iimtale with advan tnge. One was the more general merest the French took in pub lic affairs, and the other tlio raising of large families. Th lalter.if generally followed, would make it unnecessary to bring in people from other coun tries. STRIKE SITUATION REMAINS UNCHANGED Government's Bill Provld'ng For Reorganization of Industry Passes House of I.O.l0.. July 28. l tie gov ernments .bill providing tor re organ izal Ion of the mining in ilustries passed its third readin in the House of Commons last night. So far ns is known, there is no change in the coal strike situation. AGED INDIAN DIES SUDDENLY SOUTH Dick Qulllqutmston of Esquimau Reserve Was Reputed to be 100 Veai Old. YICTOIUA, July 28. Dick (juilliutmslon of Esquimau Ho- scrve, reputed lo bo loo years old ami Ihe oldest Indian In Hritlsh Columbia, died slid denly on the Esijulmalt Reserve Monday nfght. 'rhe-weslbound train due (his afternoon at 3.30 o'clock Is on lime. Grits and Progressives to Join Forces In Brandon Constituency JHlANlfOS, July28. 'I know I have done my duty and I am not here to apoloclze for my ac- jlion at Ottawa durin? Hie lat e:on, said llofiert J orfee, former leader of Ihe I'rosreenive. at the convention hre yeterdiy when he was again nominated. Without the aid and support of the Liberals we cannot win this constituency of Hrandcm. I reaching recommendations de- signeil to hinder Ibpior smirrglimr into (he t'niled Stales it was an nounced. The lenl of the agreement will not be published until the scheme is actually put into operation. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PJUNCE JIUPEHT, IL C, WEDNESDAY", JULY 28, 1020. ROBERT FORKE RESIGNS FROM Yeiterdijrs Circulation, tut TURNS LIBERAL GOV'T SERVICE P. S. Bonney Leaves Post of District Forester to Take Important Position With Pacific Mills. 1'. Honney. district fbrester here for three and a half year, ha rcigiied from that office to timber department for Hie 'acific Mill. The reignalion will lake effect about August 15 ami Mr. Honney will be in future located at Ocean Fall. An efficient and nooular official. Mr. Honney' de- do not care what name I go to ,,ar(Ure from thi district will be """ uiHirr. .,,,.jip aiiu mv j gpnPraiy lejfrellivl. but hi many actions will be Ju.Hie same." frjed will be pleased to know It . believed thai the fonnetl Progressive leader iw;tl receiv., Ihe e;'doialion oj Hie loca! Liberal ai a mcl'li tnm.irrow DISCUSSIONS END Complete Agreement on Plans to Prevent Liquor Smuggling Into United States. LONlMhN. July 28 Anglo-American anti-rum, i-unniiig di-etTioH eniteii ';trday with that the change will be cnuider- able of a personal inipnivemeul. . Mr. Honney ha.s been in the ervice of the Foret Hranch for thirteen year, with the exception of three ami a half year he spent oer-e.i. Hi firt work with the department wa forestry exploration in the aa Ither distriej. Following that he wn at headquarter in Victoria and wa then lilriet foreler in the Tele Juane 'aclie diiriet before ?oiug to the prairies a prairie lumber mar ked corumi loner. The war in leiAeneJaTul, on liis refurino complete agreentvn! on eight far Canada, Mr. Honney wa made district forester at Prince Oeoige. later being transferred to J'rince llupert. .Mr, uonnev ami amity, woo have been south for some timo. ill take up their residence at Ocean Falls with Mr. Honney. Bootleggers Must Pay Income Tax Just as Persons Engaged in Lawful Business Have To LONDON. July 28. Hootleggers must pay Dominion income tax just the same us persons engaged in lawful business, ac cording lo a derision oT the judicial committee ot the privy council given vesterdny in the appeal of the Canadian minister of finance ugainst u decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Cecil H. bnntli, of V nidsor, Ontario. I lie appeal was allowed and Smith wus ordered to pay costs. Considerable interest was shown in the case. In 1020 Sniilli filed return showing his income lo be ?;i,r00, but Ihe authorities refused to accept this return and after itnrstigatron. found Mnitli Income was D2,000 and assessed him on that basis. The Supreme Court overruled the decision of the Exchequer Court, holding thai, if the definition of the taxation act was wide enough to include income derfTed from the liquor business, prohibited in Ontario, n would atso be wide enough to include pains from burglary or highway robbery. NOMINATIONS Urandou Hubert Forke, Pro gressive. Koolenay West W. K. Esllug, Conservathe. Yale Orole Stirling, Conserva tive. CIVIC CENTRE IN VANCOUVER Million Dollar Bylaw to be Submitted to Ratepayers In October VANCOUVER, July 28. A million dollar bylaw for the purchase of property necessary fot Ihe civic centre scheme is likely to be submitted to the rale-ivayers in Octooer it was an nounced yesterday. A block of land immediately east of the Centra' Svhool will he offered by ilirivale interests for $100,000. Shipping Distressed, Crops Damaged and Wires Crippled as Result of Florida Storm JACKSONVILLE, July 28.- Hiding a wind which l times reached a velocity of 100 miles an hour, a storm which cumc out of t he Caribbean Sea on .Monday, hit Ihe lower Florida coast on Tuesday, leaving in its wake distressed shipping, damaged crops and crippled wires. .Miami reports damage ot .f 100,000, mostly io uie pear crop, wjnie other points sustained damage by the heavy seas breaking along Ihe shore and cutting adrift niaiiy.privut.Q' yachts. The Italian steamer Ansuldo San (liorgio is in ditresi with a broken rudder off Jupiter lhlel with several vessejj Sliding by to take off the crew of thirly. Stretl Si 4S BostonGriU Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing N floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 4S7, PRICE FtVK CENTS. WTER10R TOWN AGAIN RAVAGED BY FIRE Smuggling of Alcohol 1 USTOMS SITUATION WILL BE PROBED TO VERY BOTTOM PROMISES KING nother Serious Fire Visits Town of Burns Lake; Store Destroyed $28,000; Royal Bank is badly scorched again lit HNS LAKE, Jul) 2H. Hurn Lake was visited ly another -;.,- lire Ihi morning, Ihe Maze being on Hie uppoit,c 'lie same street where last jear's Maze caused so much hi, The general store and warehouse of the C. E. I v. was completely destrujed and the lloyal Hank ug badly scorched. Tor u; rni v,i sounded at :i o'clock. Mil o strong a hold sines have that ly o'clock the store ami warehouse it destroyed, none of Ihe contents being ned. Tin" pAtinuiUM value of Uie slock and 'huildiujm wa 138.000. There jwa partial Insurance. 1 The lloyul building, which . adjoin the Imenun store, was i liailly srorehrsi on oii side and ; pari of tin roof wa- burned. The i retire building wan sated only by . Qoslin, Returned from Ban-, Hip strenuous efforts of Hip local WOMAN STOLE CHURCH MONEY - Male Companion AUo Wanted For Loot'yig Collection Plates at Edmonton EDMONTON. July 28. Two Imeson suffers loss of property valued ct tSA' connection with the theft of the Firt Presbyterian church col lection on Sunday. Officer, however, have Lut a poor de scription of the suspects and with Fatal Results in Spite of New Minister SAHXIA, OnL, July 28. If the Liberals are returned to power in bepU'rnber, trie customs siiiiaiion win ue probea to ihe very bottom with the commission of three judges inves- take a position a manager of Hieh'galfug Ihe whole piohlein from the Atlantic to the Pacific, declared lit. lion. . t.. Aia. kenzic King here last night at the first rneeling in Western Ontario. ( "Mr. .Sleeii minister of custom, announced that .Mounted Police were to he strung across Hie liorder." said .Mr. King, vel we read that thirteen people died a a reti:t of drinking poison liquor smuggled into IIum , country.. Will we make a new i.ue in the campaign? If Ij made that kind of an appeal it I would be similar !o the present Conservative campaign." WOMAN AND CHILD DIED LAST NIGHT Mrs. Nellie Mork Succumbed About Mldntaht In Prince Ruoert Goneral Hospital I'he death occurred about mid night fn the Prince llupert lei eraHHu'iiital ll itisht of Mr. Nellie Mork. ill $evanin Avenue West, and infant child. Deceased arrived here from Norway last fall and her husband is a fisher- (nan, at present being out plying that trade. She was young in years and has two brothers ir Seattle. Funeral rrar.geineitts are iti the hatid3 of the H.C Undertakers. INTERESTING EXHTBIT OF NORTHERN ORE Portland Canal and Alice Arm Represented In Display. A nice display of high grade ore from the Portland Canal and Alice Arm districts is on exhibit in the windows of the Prince llu pert Transfer and Taxi Company. The display includes high grade silver ore front the Alice Arm I.a Hoe properly, a sample of ore from Ihe Marmot Metals mine. Portland Canal district, carrying chief values in zinc and gold lead silver ore from the Ore .Mountain mine, and ore carrying large quantities of stiver lead and old from the Kitsault Mining Co. s property situated near the Lallose properly. BIG INCREASE IN RAILWAY EARNINGS Showing of C.N.R. for First Six Months of This Year Eleven Million Better Than Last MONTREAL. July 28. An in crease of 1 1. 1 00.000 in the net earnings for tho first six months of this year as compared with me same period last year l iutwu by the Canadian National Hail ways. MANY LIVEsIlOStIn"" JAPANESE FLOODS Press Despatches Bring In News of DeaUi Toll to Tokto TOKIO, July 28. Loss of more lixes in flood caused heavy rains in threo villages WHALING FLEET IS DOING WELL Rose Harbor Has Taken 160 Mam-. . . mats and Naden 22. The whaiing fleet operating from the Queen Charlotte Islands is experiencing a ood .season, according to reports received here. Already a total, of 182 whales hae been caught,, while ihe lender C!rayrwhich has been .specially jequippetl , wjtli oil-tank-has. made one trip 'munltose Harbor with oil and fertilizer and is en route to Victoria again with another consignment. Hose Harbor station has harpooned 100 whales,' which is a good increase over Jast- year. 30 by in Chuseindo province on Monday I reported In a press despatel received here. Previously 50 had been reported dead in Ihe recent floods in that province. Ii lie Naden Harbor, which' did not open up until later In the season, lias caught twenty-two mam mals. The increase in the catch this year is probably even greater than appears at first sight.. Whereas last year seven whaling ships were used only five are operated his year. Oood weather is prevailing, with very tittle fog to hamper the whalers, so that a good season is ' anticipated. The last- few years have shown decreases in the atrh. due to bad weather and I'mv whale herds. WESTS' POWER TO BE CURTAILED Mexican Government Makes An other Ruling Regarding Church Affairs MEXICO CITY, July 28. The government loday( issued orders refusing lo permit Catholic, priests, when they cease to function at midnight Saturday, to turn over the churches to committees nppointed by them. Instead the priests are ordered to place the churches in charge of committees appointed by thi mayors of each town and city. LUMBER CAMP Fire Again Causes Loss to Colum bia River Lumber Co., of Golden. GOLDEN, July 28. Another camp of the Columbia River Lumber Co.. near Moberley was destroyed lale Monday .by forest fire. All the crew-Is safe, but Ihe cut of logs and equipment was destroyed. The company has suffered a loss of 200',000 during the past week, Subscribe lo Ihe Dally News.