.PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS ; 1 French Velvets The newest novelty Velvets for Dresses Kimonas. pr Opals, In over thirty shades and patterns, etc. A special purchaso enables us to sell these values $4 a yard for $1.50 PEIl YARD WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING beginning at 9 o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 20e Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to take caro of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feel, mapio floor, newly plastered. Clear title to property. IT'S FOR SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Take Home a Box of Rochon's Chocolates or ALMOND CRISP $1.00 A POUND RuperlPhapmacu Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. CLEARANCE SALE Ladies' Nightgowns, prices to $1.75 for 75o Indies' Silk Vests, reg. $1 .SO Tor , .; $1.00 Ladies' Col ton Vests, re. 25c. 2 for 25c Ladies' Silk Hose, reg. 81.25 for 75c Ladies' Silk Mourners, Lus- ca $1.75 Ladies' ilk Moomers, Moo-dies . . $1.25 Ofiialiams, in all patterns, stripes and shades, yard 20c Crepe, in four shades, per yard 25o Mussailem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgeraon Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Orrice Hours 9 to 8. X-Ray Servloe Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon ANNUAL CAMP ALPINE CLUB Mountaineers From Al Over the World Are Now at Jasper Park. JASl'Kll, July 28. More than fifty mountain climbers have left or passed through Jasper this week on their way to attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Alpine Club in Ihe Tonquin Valley, about thirty miles southwest of "park headquarters. Their immediate destination was Geikie, the first station west of Jasper, on the Canadian National Hail-ways. Here they detrained and commenced the long hike into the Tonquin over the Meadow Creek trail. Most of the party have already reached camp, though several claimed tn ivileli e.invn nil tlm pass and utilizo two days on tho' inp. These fifty Alpinists represent only the vanguard of the main body, which is expected to number considerably more than one hundred. Among them arc4 a large number of women, probably the largest proportioti of jvomen climbers ever attending the camp. A distinct international flavor Is lent to the gathering by the presence or climbers 'from the United States and Great Britain, as well as from various parts of India. Among the better known Alpin- CANCELLATION OF RESERVE .MiTICE IS I1EIIEBY GIVEN that the reserve evlMiiiK over Lot 4607, tisslar District, U roncclli'd. Deputy Minister or Land. , , r O. II. .NADE.N, Lands Department, Vlcluru, B. C- ylh June,, im. WATER NOTICE DIrtlon and Ilea. TAKE NOTICE Itial standard Minri Corporation, whoe address l CJ6 Pender S.. West, anrutivrr. B. c. will apply for a In -iit.e iu take and use ,ovo miller's In-rh per day of water out or Third .North Fork or McU.me CtttL uhlrti Now easterly and drams into Dease Itlver about slaty miles north or Dease Lake. The water will foe diverted rrora the stream at a ijiiii about two miles ti Third North Kui'k from Its mouth and win, be uwl for mliiinr purpose upon the hydraulic plarer leases or AlcDajnes Creek. This notu-e was posted on the ground on the tilth day or June. 106. a copy or mis nonce ana an application pursuaut thereto and to Ihe "Water Act, 101. will be riled In the office or the Water Iter.order at T,e,e"r,r'h Creek. riled with the said Water Recorder or with :he CuniDiruller or Water Illirliu. rarlla- ment Uulldlnirs, Victoria, is. ., within thirty days arier the rlrst apearance o llii- notice In a local newspaper. The date or the first publication or this notice is July is, Wit. DT.UUAHU MI.'VES COHrUH.VTKM. Applicant. nr n. j. n-nriLLV Aren:. LAND ACT. Nolle or Intantlon to Apply to Purchas una. In Prince nupert Land Iterordlnr Dislrlri Prince lliiixrl and situate at Ferruson Bay. Massei Inlet. Oraham Island. O. C. I TAKE MiTlCF that Francis Ml lerd. or Prince Hupert, B. c. occupation cannery man. Intends tn apply for permission to purchase the follow inr described landa: commencing at po1 planted at tne .v V. rorner or Lot 1571. Queerf Charlotte Islands blstrlrt, thence south to chains: hence west JO chains: thence north Pi lliirli Water Mark;, thence easterly alon turn water Mark to point or commence nient, -and containing so acres, more 01 less. FIUXCH MILLERD. naien June lm. ivvn. Applicant. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted It will pay you to have your (.'lasses made here. You are always assured of a conscientious, painstaking examination ol your eyes ami the very best in both lenses and frames and also at prices surprisingly less thin you might expert. Prompt Optical Repair Service. JL E. IRE LAND Optometrist 31J 3rd Ave., opp. O.W.V.A. Phone Red 442 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce ' l'cr load $6.50 1'cr hair load 3.60 Per sack B0 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 - Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. w&marsptjyy pDEMERS 1 I Great Sale 1 HI Clearing out all odd lots Uk I SAVE NOW! SAVE NOW! 1 PvlipMRPIIilPIPIIIIVwlS ists already on their way to the 1101 aeroiu,iany ;fie memoes mio ' -.u o itasiitiKrr Pound iir camp are lr. J. W A. Hickson, the ramp through tn-ikif. They i.a.mia wiil lie dtsriKi! inued, and Montreal, president of the Cana- have set themselves Hie la.-k oi iinr arrangement will be mado dian Alpine I'.lub; Howard Palmor, finding a route HirmiKh past: fur the examination or person Now London, Conn., president of Mount Kdith Cav.-ll. Throne entering Canada by way of Ne the American Alpine Clubs; 11. 1$.' Mountain and Mount I-rascr. ir "ik. Hartley. Mbby and John 11. Hoag.'time will permit it is their mien- U is understood that this re London, Kngland, members of the tion to attempt to ascend at least l'st has been favorably consid Vliiitw. nihli: V. I). Waterman. 'one unclinvbed neak en route. cW. as was the former one Summit, New Jersey, a prominent Amonjr those who left Jasper Canada liy t.io American American engineer and an Alpin- l'ark Lodge yesterday for the unmixraUori i officials who ex-Ul nf .lUtlne.linn. and W Mr.llar-: eamii were Miss Isobel Seeord: l,la,n l',al 0 l)t apply to iy fWman, London, Kngland,! Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. W. ..lUanadlaii c.tliens who are a'- member o ft he Alpine Club Aged Mountaineer An interesting feature is the week. Although not more than! 8,000 feet high, this range presents a number of difficulties and is a particularly severe lest for a man of the age or Dr. Nichols. Dr. Hickson and Mr. Palmer did LAND ACT. Notlc or Intantlon to Apply to Laas Land In Prince Mupert Land Record in ir Ins-trlrt or Prince hupert, and situate in the vicinity or !loe Spit, Graham Island, yueen Charlotte District. TAKE .NOTICE that Lanaara Flshliir 4 Packing Company. Limited, or Victoria, n.i. . occupation ranners. intends to ai'Dii fi r a leaae or the rolluwlna; described lands : Cormnenclnr at a post planted at the nonneasi corner or loi .o. V; tneiice lo low water mark; tnenre in a norm easterly direction two miles: thence south easterly two mains: thence southwestern two miles to point or commencement, aud '.-onlalnlnr J! acres, more or less. LAGAHA FISIIIMO t PACKI.NO CU. LTD. Per E. II. SlmDson. A rent I'ieo s, iviiv. LAND ACT. Applicant. Notlc or Intsntlon to Apply to Laas Land in mm? itunert i-anu itecoramir Dis trict or Prince Ilupert, and situate at Massed, fix. TAKE JiOTICE that EUkeue, II. . gimp, son or M asset I. nri-unatloil -rannnr. . in lends to apply ror a lease of the foltow-Inr described lands: Comrmiieinv at a post planted at the norlhoasl corner or iilmk to. Masselt Townslte: thence easterly ISO reel thence southerly I.00U reel: Ihence wes- terly ISO reet: thenre northerly 1,000 rret to iwint or commencement, ana con taming a acres, mare or less. EUGENE II. SIMPSON naten lime LAND ACT ' " LAND ACT Applicant, Notlc of Intention to Apply to Laas Land in rrince itupert i.ana iierorainr uis trlci ,,r nanre 4, coast l and District, an i situate on Passaae Island. take 'tii:K that J, U. Francis, o Pnnoka. Atlierta. occupation Minister, in tends to apply ror lease or the following itesiribed lands: - rj.innieneliir ! a nost planted at the North West end or Passaae Island, near Coast Trianmlatlon Sta. 1141; thence around the island at high water mark and containing tnoo acres, more lesa. . JOSEPH llIlIT!.A.n FltACIi. i line ?th. 1. Applicant' Notlc ot Intantlon to Apply to Leas Land in it nee mmeri i.ana necordinr ins trtrt nr Coast nanre 6, and situate oi North naehael Island. TAKE NOTICE that AUred Hwanson, or rnnre ittiperi, occupation Mariner, in tends to apply ror a lease or the follow Inr descrllied lands rommenclnr at a pos planted at' the south end or North rtachael Island; thence arounn tne wanci at mrn water man and containing SO acres, more-or ts. AI.FPEP SWANSUN . . Applicant n. in .tn t ... . LAND ACT. Notlc or Intantlon to Apply to Laa Lsn In Prtnee rtupert Land lierordlnk Dn trlrt nr Cna.t Kanre i, and situate nn Somh llaehsel Isisnd. tve NOTICE Ihit AUred Swanson, nf entice iiuperi, occupation Manner, in tends tn apply ror a lease or the rollow inr cleserltefl lands; Cnmmencing al a post planted at the north end or "with naehael Island: thenre arnnnd the Island al high water mark, fid containing 80 acres, more or less, ALFRED 9WANSON. i Applicant. Dated April 17, 19(6. Al.nnvin Mini.iu.nnli.- Ml.. pnn'wa" Id through son. Nan McKay, t"l I. IIFHJ, IUIIIIIIU, 1"! . 1'- Nickel, Toronto ,aud Miss Ctilena Ni ickel, Calgary. Site of Camp Moal Lake, at (he fool or the ntory win ne entirely new, vui w Cyril (I. Wales, or liilmonlon, il will be a renewal of an old friendship. It was from here in the summer of IU21 that he, in company with Yal Fyun, of Ht. Louis, ami A. It. Oeddes, of Calgary, car ried out the successful assaull on Mount (ieikie. which on Tour pre vious occasions had resisted tho attempts to invade its crest. NESTLING SPARROW CAUSES TRAFFIC TO JAM IN NEW, YORK XKW YORK. July 28. It does opt. take muuh lo causo a tlaffiq Jam on Hroadwuy. Iivoh one or the billions or sparrow can do it if he happens to lie a very small sparrow, unite tinablo lo fly. On Ihe hot'.i-sl af'crnoon of the year an anjrry trafric cop shoved his way InroUKll a crowd I hat threatened to spread from the sidewalk into Hie street. Ids found a neslliuv. apparently en joying his position" ,nt tho cen tre of thinixs. -., -VJlAhsUk salil tho cop. 'Can't e .1. . V J . . .... JTz MiTc.t!iiin for blockiitiwiramc .t.t...iiit .S. ..in. t.i.i-W, M IlilL II Wll UIJ Willi llllll f 1' Much craninir of necVsrallcd lo discover a nest on any oT the liiwli buildinKs, (ind tho problem was becoming serious when a irirl. generously routed and with many ncau. piened.up tne ranse or the trouble. . t-TlU lakis. him;.' -she jjald. "My cana ry Just died." NEwlRANliiN AT ELLIS ISLAND WASHINGTON, July 28.- At the rcuuesl of their sleamship lines ami Ihe Canadian government, the practice of pcrinittlnir Hllis Island lo be used by Can adian officials for the examlna promptly liegina; 10 0her Vrnn going Smith, Mrs. Knight -h?K . liegina; Miss Kslher Thomp- As ;w - Winnlpw Mis, Miss Dr.'li. P.!on pn-senee at the camp or Nichols, or New York City, pust!?,a.!,ka ,;. . (f0,"; rAi M ll. f" ...j. M to to whether the recent cril- IIUulil tf i.nCwiifi.'slli'j 1 f a l 1 1 1 n IV r. Miuper, ,,.. -,.,. . . ,, t, i... e tja 1 II " " ' -f nir Mntsuii,-! l president or the American Alpine!-;"" 1 , . examiiiuii.ni t wlnrlt they were Club. Dr. Nichols is more than;":1"1 a,PM'- V.'Uubjc. t.M Uad anythias to do 70 years or use and will undoubt-!1! 01 ''-"V I0"1.0 , ''I with the new amuetm-nt, m- n.ll 3. a 11. ..I.I....I ..n...l.. . ' i "W I camp. In spile or his advanced "I'1 J.0,," Ullw' Lon,,0.n' L?:; nngi'uiiuu I'ffi.iais derttnnd to 'a(e. ears i.e U remarkably active. "' l'a-1,.,,,, ht'a ni.imjlnpr,,.titernw Sununit,New Jersey: Ur.UBKtSSttEUUIt. Lodge and -has utilized the lime! NlfhoU. York; Mr and; fr rrnt hininplf fri clmrtn fiif flml' Mr, joiiii . uaiHii jr., i-iiw- club meeliner by climbing thc'cmr' ira"' .: "'.'""".'.', WJiistle Ilange of mountains each J-,rma"' on'.-' ?"": WEEK-END SPECIALS .tampan itange is we sue oi i"e. 25o N , ,,. 3 ltii (ov and tho base from which . camp . 25c 8 , fQr . . . he main climbtn? operations wii L)m) ,0 ejcj r,JS,ompr lie carneti pin. o hid KH,iln.eP mi,tt frc,,, Uck. lb. 19o majority oi uie im-i.ii.rra auV .. . ...,.. Mnmialade i lb. tins, snerial 65c Roarer's (iulden Hynip, Q lb. tin special 42o Malkin's Hesl Tea, 2Vb lh- 1ke'., speeial $1.69 Sunlialit oan, per carton .. 19o Limit I carton lo ttiicJi eiislomer Klondyke HOap, larKtriW . . . 29c Del Monte I'ork and Heans. 3 for 25c I'ure Lanl, 3 lb. pail, special 69o IMire Lard, 5 lb. pail, spenial S1.15 ure Lard, 10 lb. pail, spct-ial S2.25 CaniiilndrsTamato itiitp, special 2 for 25c Hvaporated Prunes,' J lbs. for 22c Snap Hand Cleaner, per tin . . 20c Lin Washing Powder, 2 for 25c for $1.00 Alberta Cooking I'(r 3 dozen for $1.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Lat'Ke Ripe Itananas, dozen . . 60c I'iookiiut Apples, per lh 10o ll.irtlel! Pears, basket 50c Freestone Peaches, basket . . 50o lilifurnia (tntvenstnln Apples. 3 lbs. ror 60o Casaba Melons, per lb 10o Caiileloiipes, each 20o and 25o Walermeliins, per Hi 8c JlreenjiCii on tliibpeeial, ll for . .'. . . r.. ..... .X . . k .... 50c Outdoor Cucumbers! 10o and 15c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. . .25c New Carrots and Heels, rt bunches for Omen Onions, per dizou . . . Wlax Ileans, per lb. . fireen lleans, per lbr. .... Hroad Ileans, 3 lbs. font's . . . II, 0 Celery, head . '4l. . . . Head Lelluce . . . . (jjjftgr Vejretiibli' Marrow, euirii We speeiallo on service. waiting al the phono lo get oijr number. Prompt deliveries and courteous service our motto. Rupert Table Supply Co Phonos 210, 211, 212 25o 25o 15c 15c 25c 15c 10c 10o No Wednesday, July 28, iqjij Watch Special HAMILTON, WALTHAM, ELGIN and HIGH GRADE 8WI3S at Mifially redined p otic wet k. We sell iim,, g L. absolutely gunrunlecil move nieiits. Max Heilbroner 527520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond Houte of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 0 p.m. "WHAT FOOLS MEN" If you Hunk you nro u wie guy, I'tinit over i what onn Miuppy. milirn. 11)20 pearh cunld dm wild Hie wing of one beautiful eyelash. See li-iw -he fool you. toy with you, break your liMtrl if she wi-hr i l If you think you know all about women, Just , ami learn one thing more. Come ami learn lo full t griK-efully without making a fool or iirelf. All Lewis S. Stone, David Torrence, John Patrick, Tom Wilson, Shirley Maion, Barbara Bedford, Ethel Grey Terry, Joyce Compton and others. Comedyt "UNFRIENDLY FRIENDS' AESOP'S FILM FABLES 35c and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFA8T FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINE8, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipseti, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue end McBrlde SL FELT : HATS Thai Felt lliils nro popular ami sold fur slimmer we : 1 a lug scale is Ihe opinion or "WOMEN'S WHAM M fc zine, published in Toronto. HIT WHY IS IT SO POPULAR? I si: llecause il is stylish iiml peal looking, 2nd: Heruuso yc liuvc Ilium iu uny color lo matrli i"11 cosluuie. ) " - aril: lU'causo it does not soil eufilyi with win. illi: lleeanse il is rt'asomtlilc iu priro. Our hal. nlllif"1?'1 or llio best maktts, such us IUT7. i IIAKKH, r-.M from $2.75 to $4.75. Velour Hats from $7.00 to $7.50 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645 Corner Third and Seventh