Vadnesday. July 28, ll'Jfl. nod Diamond We would rather (tell a diamond ring to a person who known diamond. We then have little trouble in showing Mia' our diamond are of Mie finest quality. Wn have a special diamond ;i;aHeinent ring for ilO(l whirli wc tliink is exlra finoil vaiue. I'erferi, lawless stone, set In fancy whito i old setting and stone of yond large size for the nullify p m a pleasure to show it. 1 (JEWELLERS sLmr sTOUF WITH THE CLOCK - - - 1Mb av BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, lias been taken over from neorge Kerr by J. Preece lite with Sealy and Doodton Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Dulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith look Phone 57 S DENTIST TUGBOATS Dty Phonet 423, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. Wight. Phones 687, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. MILK Prom Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Half I'lnt, Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. (triage, Warehousing, and Dlsiributlng, Team or Motor Service. Roal, Band and Qravel We Speolatlze In Plan antf Furniture Hevlnfl. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Hxqulaite Slock of Fut TrlmmlnRs at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Nest Q.W.V.A. Third Ave GARBAGE BYLAW f II I a Hilling mm I eil last night. Aid. Stephens, not agreeing with tbo plebiscite elaue, past the only dissenting vote, while AM. Casey, Aid. Joe Oreer, Aid. Hrcjvn. Aid. W. J. Oreer and Aid. I'erry voted In Us f av or. Mayor Newton said be did .not believe the eoiinril was right In flout Ins the wishes of the people. He felt that the outsido resident should be given some sewerage accommodation and did not believe it was fair to ch.ircre them for the nightsoil service. He would) -oiifipifnty like to ee Hie council omit ihe niRhlsoil aspect of .ii.-r n-pr ill rmn l.r(K. Tin imii,- a tim m itt rrwnJ ii llir lh dai uf iunr. lass. A i.ii) .( iiu sxiiirt. and an atidtrailba i-iii-iiaiit ihrrrii, ami i I "WaM-r Art. IVI4. 'll i ritrd in Mh otflrM) of IIm Wlrr Htirdrr al li-lrirthtl :rr. objli-si- in tlx aMMlrailnii ntajr t roi with Um- said Vair Hm.nW or oh iIm i.,anr,rdtr nt W'awr lilrtiUL rarliaixHil IttiildlHr. Vlctaria. M. f. mIuho thtri di trier thr Oral aiifiraranfr ut lt ilur in a hiral nvatnaiwr Th dati- ..f itw riral puWirauoo of tb.a RBllll ! JHI) 1. IVfA STAMisnti vits conronvTto.'t. ird ihn til ilay of innr. If. AJftlrant. f J l. . nuui. I. 'spiu, MINIRAL ACT. Cf RTIFICATK OF IStPSOVtHlHTS mark smith Minoral i:uim. uiour ) Um mm Mmini Iiitkmhi f cauur Dl-irlri W'lrrr tocatnl: on Cratar Ciwk, a Irttitftarr uf rurlta of July Crwk, adjnount thr Oarr orn Minrral claim a ii auuiurrl) aide. TAkt xotfi i: that I. Prtr Oabrto, rrrc Minrr i rllflrl n. ?t. ID-i. od. uti (U rrum lb dale brrruf, i'i (( to thr Mlninf Hrrorder tor t rriilinlf uf ImprutrturnH, tor (ho pur-!. ubiaiomr a :run Oraol of th u.r i-laHii. Ami futUwr tak nollrc that actinn. ittittr airiii-n l). mini b ruiunmrrd trr i In- WW or turn Crrtltlrat vt lnipr..,-n-nt. Iial s.r. ttit. Sront MINtftAL ACT. CERTIFICATE Of IMeROVCMINTt Rir i:anyii o Mtnrral i.Uim, aitu-ale in Im Allln Mlnlnr UlrUlun of Ca oar Di'lrlrL Wbrrr loratrd: on Vol ranlr i:twt (Vnlran Crrtki, Idjolnlnf und uitipt nt Ml c'Jnjim No. t tl uiialitfi Minrrat i lalm (l.ol II7IM. Tkt: M'TliK that I, tllrn Molloy. Trr Minrra i:itirirat .'Ha. TOTSI, In-imit. sutv dara fnirn Ihe dale hereof, ii. arpl in the MIninr llrmrder tor a enilhate of tmpruveinenli, for tte pur-piiM, ..f obialnins a Crown Oram ot thr aooe rlaim. And furiher take nolle that anion, under fei tton IT, mual t nmviienred liefore the lu of urh Cenirirate of Impr-iirenienti. I,.,ed ..... t.t darof i-me. AJ..f t.f. A rent. MINCRAL ACT. ciRTiriCATf or iisrROvtaiNTi . Mis "anvi.n Mineral Claim, snuair In ihe Allin Mlnms luvlalon of Cawlar Dl-trtrt Where lorated: .Near Crater Creek and sdininltx and norUieat nt the Bl ianrn' Eiirnaion Mineral Claim (Lot "taWe NOTICE that l. iohn Molloy. Tree Miner! Cerliriealr So. J07J. Intend, auijr dajrl from the lat nereor. to apply in the Mlntnt lleroMer ror a : ....W.... ... in, r,,. ma for the nur- pe of ohlalntnr I Crown Orant of the I And furiher lake nollre that action. i . mu.i he enmanenred ! hefore the lue 'of aurti Crrtinrat of Itnpenremenia. . n.ted thi. t.t aVf iicW"4, . A rant. SteveKing Third Avenue Great Overstocked SALE Now In Full Swing 8AVEI SAVEII ON MUX'S SUITS AM) OVHllCOATS insistent that the bylaw be ialil forthwith. However, the! I'Jiaw pad m-en passed and the an inn p a ma tvk iiiKfciv:::T-ir:." m. u K-am a at m Mam ? . kmiii ur rt ill' terested. nd H was under- e arcruing there from would "be collected. The es- " . .. ... innate hail been rut to the last City Council Sustains Nlghlsoll flvP centre ,, on top of ,lia, Charge For The Present in,,,,, .f,,,,,V.iT.. a Year. A recommendation from the fitian-e committee that the irar- 000 hehlnd Jn the cost of the pk'eena Highway and mad out to the cemetery, both ttf which un- dei-lflLitiu tvmilil liu n ilienel l.ngc bylaw not be repeated until .charge .on ll.e eiiy. They had to the end of the and then year n!t,aln f.OOO wl.irli they had not V """" lo certaiii reckon! upon. They had GAIN PEERAGE, ar- raugedgo (tolled the sarbape and lues ion was arier a lengthy dis-Uj.i siilUcvenue from the points cu.sioii, adopted by the city foun-j.,(.rp the ven ire was Kiven. What was the council going lodofj They had set nut to spend an amount f money and were spending it. The end of the year was .coming and they were supposed to have revenue enough to meet miming. expense. The charge in bs opinion wa a lair charge but. whetlier it was fair or unfair, there were over three luindred people who had petitioned again' it. The plebiscite on the bylaw was tudj to save Die face of any person gelling defeated' at Uie polls but to determine 'lie. will of Hie people" of the community. If the people were then In sympathy me maurr iinui me end of the f the scheme and said so they r.,r mm was not in favor of the would all know Just where they ..-.........,,,,, o, ,e iinaneautood. The matter did not rest committee. Aid. Casey slated that a dele gation hail waited upon the eoun- il lo fin.l out if it were possible to eotne lo Home understanding on ih.- matter. This had not borne fruit, and the delegation had been watcr nortec .. OIrlo tr,4 U,i, T.UE Xoii.fc iiwl nundanj MHvr C.r-(rli.m tihtrr it fs 1-riiJrr l Wb.i, Vinruater. II. C. sill u litniM' in ukr and uw f.vnu inlnrr't in-rim irr )) uf mtirr out uf Sonlh rofli .f U'litinr i.rwl, whirH rhi f-tr on ukiu. into ifM- Hirrr. atul slitr ' i" tmm-wu w I ljf. Thr u-r tll Im ditfftnl from th ii a nunii aiatui mm mors up iIh- MHilh Fork rrum iu naiulb and UI t umj tur lutoittf tmrpotr upuo iim todrauli with what Hie mayor thouxlrt or be thought but it was up to the people. Up to the end of the year Jbey must collect this revenue and they had to po Uiroujrti with it and, for that particular reason, be hoHd the rounril would en dorse the reroutmendation of the finance committee. If it was not rtrtil the people would so say so late. Aid. Stephens Aid. Stephens stated be was not in faor of the recommenda tion and did not think it should be made ihe matter for a plebiscite any more than was the lirtit . water or phone. If the coum-ii thought it was right be did not think it was a matter to be voted upon. He bad supported Hie bylaw and be believed it was rijrht 'Hie protind be look was that no such recommendation as lo a nlftl,! un& neie&arv if the council tbotipht it was a ripht ac-l lion. The time the mayor should have taken his stand was when the bylaw was passed and other members of the council should have plven it their serious thought. He had no reason to go back on bis decision then. If he thought they had made a mistake in passins? the bylaw or that it was unfair he would say mm it at once. He believed every sewer that was not it private sewer bad been paid for In the pfice of the lots purchaaed in the city. Those who bad not yif! sewers since that time had put them in at their own cost and in this case people had paid niphtsoil charge for those fit whom tbeye were not in LOSE IDENTITY Englishmen Endanger Qlory of Their Early Careers In Accepting Titles (Hv tbo Associated Press) LONDON, July 28. Hrillsh public men need some sort of Lucy Stone League to proterl them against losing Ihe glory of their early careers when they arc converted into peers and assume a lordly title. Lord Oxford and Asquith is an example. As plain "Mr. As-qultb" be was known to everyone in the empire. As premier he bad the ureal est slory which can come lo a llrith subject. All oilier Asquilbs and Askwlth? took a back sent for the, pre mier. Even after be left office at Ihe beginning of the war be re miiined a Rreat leader In the liberal parly nnd rnn neck and WATIR NOTI0C Dltaralon and Uaa talk Otici: urn Soiiierrlll Cannery Chmpanr l.linllnl. whtwe adilre I Dure Avmme Vliarf, Yanmuver, . : will apply tor a lirenie to take and ue 10 ll(in per minute of water out of iiu-iiatnmi nirrain, uhli'h fluua nnrllier v and drains lino rer miaou liar, Mael tniei, aiMiui au rtiain et rrotn K. rorner un nil, v limirlrt. The water will lie diverted from Die M renin at a point aliotit 0 chains from nxiiilh of mream and will lie ued fur liidiulrial ami rtninenllr psrpoee iimn tU land drrlled llhuk A, l.t lilt, Oueeil Cliarlntle lillrlrt. 1,na notice wa Hmlrd on too around on ine inn out or J my t. a roiw or tins noni-e ami an a ppii rallott piirmiiiiil thereto and to Hie "Water An ' will lie riieu 111 Ilie itltiro o iiif Water nenntler al rrlnro llUMrt. It. C, olilertlmia to the anttllralloll mar lie filed with the said Water lleeordor or with the r.titiiKlro er of water niihis. rarna tornt HiilldinK, Vlrtorla, II. C, within thirty days aflrr the flrnt annearanrr of this notlee In t loeal newspaper. The dale of 'the flrt niildieatlmi of thla holloa i July to, tm. SOMITtlVIIIK COMPANY. l.Tll. Annllrant By F. D. MATHERS, AnU THB DAIL7 TOWS PA01 PTVB i- I Coming Soon! Coming! I 1 for 15 Days I I Ladies' Shoes Girls' Shoes Men's Shoes BoysvShoes t I Im vs, By the Merchants9 Creditors' Compulsion V 1 C A 1 17 1 I V $15,000 Stock of Shoes I I fcaiaiigiJiaai 1 Coming Soon! Coming: Don't Buy Shoes WAIT 3rd Avenue McArthur's $tofe Friday Don't Buy Shoes WAIT M. McArthur's Store 3rd Avenue neck with Lloyd George as a prominent figure in Uritish poli tics. Lord Asqulth Hul when plain. Mr. Asquith was no longer ablo to. withstand llio blnndishnicnU of a peerage am' became. Lord. Oxford and As- uubh, be begamto slip. Ity de grees the Asquitn was lost in llio newspapers and bo becanvo merely Lord Oxford. The name suggests tbo university, or Ihe dictionary. That put him Into the clns with hundred, of lords who aro merely lords by virtue n birth because I bey have given liberally lo charities or dUUngulsbed themselves by public service. Al so il robbed him of !ic right to It in tbo House of Commons, and sittui in the House of Lords s a thankless lasK. Lloyd George Lloyd lieortte lias avoided a oeerage. Ho realties mat ine House of Commons is the forum which Is really important. Con- seuuently be held un advantage over Lord Oxford and Asquilh in Ihe struggle they were having forv supremacy m ine uiuerai party. Lord Hirkenhead is another who took a chanco when bo ac cepted n peerage. He bad been Lord High Chancellor of urea llritaln. which is a sort of com bination of Ihe posts of presi dent of t ie Senate and cuter jus tice of the Supreme Court of the United Slates, and was ranked a one of Great Britain's ablest legal lights. a Ploblan Name Staggering Hinder the plebiau name or r. r.. Mituii, no managed lo lend brilliancy even to that name but'. wacn a peeragr was tendered, iie.wstmveu tou more hfeh-soihtajnir 'UUe o! Lord Hirkenhead. Uy attacks on what be described as the stupidity and inactivity of the House of Lords mmbereshii however, be has kept bimselr in the limelight through, suggestions, for its reform. William K; Oladslone did not accept-a peerage. He saw danger lo a Liberal politician in the assupuUlou of Ihe, hufcaios which membership in the House of -Lords carries with it. Arthur Balfour declined to become a peer for many years ana as plain Mr. Halfotw became one o. Hrltain's greatest diplomatists. Must Have Publicity The srreal malority of old ,iVl'tfigaii'tiliclil IbyiTnen known itW'tf imh bl-mU' Peer age ana orlbe social and sport ing folunin. jf prominent Hrillsh newspapers. A Lord Is on llio defensive, and must ahovt . ..... . U....I I, great anility to attract niieu-tlon from the general public, and wain sjace In the press. Ilam- say McDonald autl Lloyd ueorge hold universal fame kit their liighl niir'itt be pur under a bush el wo,e mey to oecome p-cr-and ussumo some blgli-souiulinx name which not readily astocl-aled tlsel' with their activities as prmler and party leaders.