If Thuii'isjr, July 8, 0 FIELD EVENTS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManiis AT ISLANDS wcminion- pay Celebrated by pori;iit Bms Followed byvnnc at Queeri sWiaHotta , tr IK: I ii I IS- St. & I im on 1 ' r SMliKtiATK, July 7. Tb People of fllA district YafherKl at Ourri Charlotte City for the annua! -IJasiJair.n Day crlebra. lion, IhtltiuirluilinR sporl aivl game ofYaflklr.ds. On of tb5 moat exciting "evetilt wa a tux oi war .-rpetwren lb ftbrrmr:s and I be lumber worker, in which Ih lallrVer victor. A dar followed m Hie " evening ' liarge' Hall. A a rult of the day' nrntu ihe uin of 91C waa collected for (he , Queen CbarloltUitr 'WpUa'l. Tbe wJnb r the evnt wire: Ladiea exg and spoon race. 1, Mi-ii.-Hudwe. Running- Kroad Jump. I, Oliver Dofan; 2. J. Hawkin. High jiinuv1, Oliver Oolan; 2, Jim Haji. Standing broad jump, 1, Han l.ainonly.gpJHiyer Dolan. 106 dSali, c M. Me-HVnzfe; 'SVtMKIebardon. Xail ?frk contra. 1, 8 Kafhrtne'Cafiilciiael. ii Thre-lged racc-p-MiM J). 'Clirllenif n,' and Helmr Christ-nen. Ajfe, MarriydlJadien, 75 yd,-,Mr. It. It. Krnerson. f Single, ladies 76 yard'. Ann Hand. i Olrl ftVfn 10 years. I, Xaney Planal; 2, Myrtle Fairburn. Hoy tWo'lo year, I. Karl liofan; S, Cecil White. OirN! 10 ti It year. 1. Kv. I);n Fairbtirrt; 2, Vlina Fairburn; 3, Mihlredfjohniilone. Hoys'-Jo to IS, yar-1, Jock 0(11111!; 2, Ernest Oolari. Oirl and hoy under 6 year. 1, Kthel Wood; I, Cecil While TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT 'Play Will Commence Neit Sun s' . day at Board and Cement oh Court. to The city cluh tennl champiou-hip tournament will open next Sunday. The draw for the flr round in men double and in 'glen wa made lanl niKht. It win he as follow: 'Men's Doubles ' 10 a.m. J. W. Niclioll and partner v, McMordie and Mack erizie. Marentettc and HobcrUon "V Joxlin and Llnzcy. i 10.15 a.m. Howard and !.. J. frnKh vs. F. II. Bmlth and Wsil-ler. Campbell and Carrrtichael , s. White 'kud.CoXKWei:. IM0 a.ni-Huller and Jamie-'oii v. A. It. .Mcholl and Oon-zale. itiiell and Palmer vs. .( and Ilrady. Te vent will lafcfe pl.ii'e oh lb C. It. court and the um-lr will b Cnilckdhank, Wilson, i'ui and Marenteile. Men's Singles 2 -McMordi vi. J. W. XI-etisS: Y.. A. milh v. Arnott. tAi pjtts'i(tn 0. Howard, rwiefoi! y. Uuller , KhH vrr Harntett. t.t p.urWHr . A, It. uth4U, itrft , tUitnuM). $, pw, y. If ffmlUt yn. White.' Mctffle iuton. TViie ei win fake place at the r.tw of he Prmee Kupert Tn nt m I l.. . .. . . .... . ii - " -" mill n uinirr Willi he Cruirkntu'.k Wtu'. ltoteft-; son, (irini -ha: rti t.Htniitfi rUUR WOMEN EXPECTED TO TRY CHANNEL SWIM Success Is Possible but Not Prob-' aoie Declares Man Who has Tried Difficult Feat CAPE OIIIZ XKZ. July r. Hardened velerann of the ea and peasants who have wntclied lli.il inooil of the inanelie" ffirhiany a lonjc year am pectilulinir over .the possibilily of any woman he. Ink able lo swim froth, here to Hip Knjrllsh co.isl. I'hls summer at least four women will make the attempt, bud Jnbez WollTe, who lins tried twenty-one limes to reach Iho 6lher nhbre, declares: "The victory o( n woman over the Cliannel Is possible, bill 1 ft probable? t will not say it is." The torments or senHicknese, imllgostioii, Itiflnmiuation of the - et, great cold and other dli ''' ' Hi- l -ivfeMfci fatire may prov foil murti fur anv unman tuimJ mr, V ay, addinp that a ai woman lo. tn xrrond in 100' mplrva to a "man Kite "may not t aide to reach Jhe KpKlih roasL "If, in ih of all the handi cap, a unman can wirn the Channel it u-HI he an 'uiiandi'i-'j athletic featof fhe jirc-nt rei:-lur'." in WolCei opicutn. i ' -; ' I SPORT CHAT Afler a two yfk !aie dur (i? which Ihe player! were prac tioiny for and 'ensaKe-l in Ut jtfne . wiui .neicniKaii, (lie - i: . iia'elmU Mfhe.liile will he resumed lontght. With life Naiiv Son at the top of Ihe l.-anu. with four virlorie and lw de-feat, the Ominl Terminal following with three win anil tw.. loe and Ihe Oyro llnnJ wit:i ,lwo win and fiv lof-ei, Ihe;-, iTfill H'tfistncr for all the leant: and there will doiihlJe I) a ?on) deal of interest taken in the final lap for the caon'x honor The itchedule for Ihe aeeond half, puhliohed today, inlude the (.'ainn polponed from the first half of the eaon. Poor fielding wan what Jol Ihe baeha1l erie with Ketchikan for Ih local. Tiler were no remarkable pitching exhibition either ide hut Ihe Kelehikar.-' ile" cerlainly proved lhemelve he an efficient afregation in Rinso way hn tVJ mm i laktmArti IMMIIMI H QdU 8am. I Wi Hubby goes to the office. 8to8am, Dissolve Rinso, Put clothes to soak. , , Klruo u fointf I Vi. XI I0 to m am Rinsing the dirt out of the clothes. Hanging out. The rest depends on the weather. Change the hard worjt oF wrnmhing to just rinsing Mtde by the 'makers of LUX. R-455 IT'' I , - " ' - tn . 7 r i Her pacc Was Covered L,lu Large, rvCO htmpies MIm Oreu CutfiV. I-rwird fct. Bnalfvni, OeV, wT!t: ' A short while tg my facs iu completely ewmd with large red pospiet, xd it termed UlsX it wj knot uaptwrnbto for b to gtt Tii of tara, ai botitu.; I took steaied to 'o c an-r pood. Oc day I wtteel u aOvtrtu-mfBt ef w sad J wiQ ztmt regret tie day I boag&t it, s, bow, bj item is entirely cleared tip of blotches sad piaiplr f erery kjnd." For tie part 47 years B3-B. Iu bten pot up only by Tte T. ktilbui j Co. limited, Toronto, Oat I i the field, far exeelfW ihe local. He it said for the Prince Hupr1 bunch, however, thai Uiey xeem-n1 to he ta?e Htruck or some- in thin? in the Ketchikan ri. Their work in Ihe field was not even up to th quality dlplaeJ in the leaaue jrame and they are capable of much letter than thejrl showed the visitors. In the two srame played here. Jhe eryii." need of having the rockpil re i moved wa 'Wident. Had it not be,en, for said rorkpile, tlier would vefy likely have been fiehj-in put outs where, a it hap- leneil. the Ketelnkan batsmen wen- awarded lve baer.- and 'me runs. ', EXCITING FOOTBALL GAME LAST NIGHT IS TIE FOR LOCAL TEAMS An exriliiifr football game was played Ufl night, when the javai Iteserve and High School eleven fought to a two-all draw. In the- first hair the lli;h School had the belter of the. exchanges and me soumi or nie winsiie jounn them a single goal in I he, lend. Th Heserv" pressed banl In the neeond stanza and tied mat ter up. They were urjorlunate in their shooting anil were unable-to make the necessary winning !oal Willi the result lhat full linm found the Hi'orc even. W. K. Williserort tiandje,! Iho xnme with C. P. O. Klncli and Smith as Hm'smen. TRAP-SHOOTING ' Score of 24 Turned In by Joe 8cott at Meeting on Park Ave. Range Last Night. Scores as fnllpws w'(re rtade by tnemtier of the Prince llupert in ti Club shoiiliriK last nlKht at tin 1'ark Avenue range: . W. Scplt S) (i. A. Hryant Jv Keefn 19 C. Gibbon iv r. K. S. Tail 17 II. Hirnie 10' It. Ilarron 1 1 TRANSPORTING GRAIN IS BEING DISCUSSED Officials bf Car Service of C.N.N. In Conferahoo at Winnipeg WJXN'U!l'i;'.luly 8 'l1n?iiues- flon "bt Tra'nsporllhg grulrt -was lscused nt )i iheeling of Ihe ofllcial Yd (be car service and liccoiihtlw deparlt'iients of t Ins Canadian National Railway ifi the Forf Oarry HAIel. It was: pointed ;' 'rfu't Ilia' weatliet condition fust autumn were speh Ihht the movement of the seAson' crop was evenly tilt- trlbuted over a longer period V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in iiidr usual. Thi 3ar il i pro-ed lo w arranjre.that distri-yution of thi- . prain may he ( as iittie .letay as iible. Tiie enfr nee i Continuing ' lay ...... ... HUSBAND SUIT AGAINST WIFE Asks Damages fcr Being Tipped Into Ditch from Skidding . Auto . . rr KOMOXTTVC July 8. Heter-mtned to sjoj this vieious prae-liee of wivWaxionally tippin . Iheir bubble into the dfteb wlni eoatrol of-thc family ear, an unusual action was heard liefiin Mr. Justice WaWb in the su-liremc court n-cently. wlnn Ja- ltenjaiiiin Smi'li bmuvht aeliun asrainst his wife Minnie, chars -iaf lhat she fisd auil him eon-Werable ilamiv a a result of motor cay rrni'iiap last uim-ner. ( He asked for $.',500 pen-, era!, ami i32.pecJal ilaniasre. alteslinc, thai . whik nuking trip from Uhj ciiv k Caktary in laly iat, ft fh his wife at the .meet f tu- "ir. iiiik .io miles an hjoiir the auto oililMil skidded -Vn a. paluti of greasy r'jud-tuNl and was ditched. His clothe were burned,, aeidt ami fee received pi-rrinal injuries. JiMlg-j men I in tiM- :aw was reserved. SCIENCE PRACTITIONER RANKING AS DOCTOR! Question of Adm'ftlng Medical I Certificate Discussed by Toronto School Board TOno.Vro, July 8--What m a iloctorr" This wa lhc- conundrum which under pressure froir Arthur . Roebuck, appearing on behalf of. the Christian .Scientists, and Trustee KdmundsJ who const iiu ted, blmelf hU sup porter, .pUKyintl .the;iuifnl.o rhi i Innyee. tlonimfl teeof tbii Hoard oi r.uiicMion rrceiju). ' The fin.ie m itucalidii imliUvd Ihe paTrtt of 'sAW -S(Vlo a teaclier at P.-irkdalo, Collegiate P)r salary i-diieeit owiiiff lo the fact that Mie bad- submitted a mediral certificalo of sieknes slaned only by a Christian Science pratitioner. Mr. H03- biick admit led however, thai ii one sense tiie mailer constitute., a lest case since the application was noi being,made in reality by Iho (earlier herself but by Ih" Christian Science Church. The committee had before them the opinion of trie Hoard's solicitor thai the ceniffcalo of a Christian Science : -ri praeTUJtinrr ilfslln-Ktiished froinii . physician o:1 licentiate of dentistry did not meet me requirement either under the ,icl or aeeorditiK to the bylaws of the Hoard. Tic I jeoiumiMee referred the jnatttr - ., BOVRIL Makes Delicious I Sandwiches Very Nourishing Too A NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c Omipaiiy requires the service "H propiinenl ?cayman Oti!riet Mana;er with expert- nt (in-ferred but nirt essential prnidd older iualifica !miis are ool. Term, salary bonus and commission. Hue full particulars first letter. Xortheni I.ife Assurance Co..: uz Seymour street. Vaneott ver. It.C. FOR SALE. r.vr..MtAUA you 11 want your wa home. Why not make a bet inning- bow lU.Ufl down and 4'J.00 per month buys u dendid residential lot on KiKbth Avenue Wrl. Iri" 1 85.00. Ueo. C. Walker. KIHSOX Cabinet I'honojrrapli and 115 reeonis in first elas condition; also household furm ture for sal at a hartrain. Phone lilne 283. 936 Second Avenue West. 5k FOIl SALE. Canaries, t raised ridler tmjrer, tSS.m eaci , SatislaetUm or money baek. 1 13C Seventh Avenue Kat J P.O. Hex 109. itf H)fl SAI.F..-4loleI AIaelt. A srorfl bargain. Ill health for sellinn. Apply Villian. Uudsiin, Massett. p.C. 11 1 a " run ti.r. i ii, eoil sprins and maltn-s. uphidsti-red sell. Apply 215 Seventh Avenue W. IS. sfioo pleasure boat for sale fsej 275. IUiy terms. Phone 114 1 'in for parJii-u'mi. SUMMER RESORTS. .A KKI.SK I.OIKiK, near Terrace Visit Lakclse lithia llo Spring. Ut lila is one of th. finest mineral water known for rheumatism, flood fly fishing for rainbow trout In Lakelse lake and river. Motor meet all trains irivinir throucl connection with Lodge. Tele phone, connected to Terrace J. Hrure Jo'finstone. winnower FOUND F0UXI-At Moose Vfnlc. lie.' turned Soldiers button, art pair of child" shoes. Apply , Ually Xcws office. LOST. HIIOOCII lost on Fulton -"Ircet omelhysl set In pearl. Finder ph ase return to 5,10 Fulton street. Howard. bark lo Hie Solicitor. NEW BRITISH NOVELS BEING CRITICIZED. BY l-"flN A Miik II AN 'Utfl I UU xiiv miiimiwui iiiuiLiiv i:0.'i0N. .fitly T. 5fnx Pern berton says the trotibfl' with modern KngllMi novels I tha: H10V tin not loll 11 aloi'v ,;UHan nyI(, steviMisoh ami . . ta t fl 11111" ttiiiugarii won, if sreaj fo lowing .becliU they told jdorlen, i.W(4 b noveirsY who MhvHlt Stl.l Miave the fjSjissarv1 leohiihitio lo CacrV .ffiivenllnn ilirough, o Mr. Tembi'tHoh be. jllov.eA. . u "The public I tfrcd; of slielkn ' ami tiysii.rteai Wfuiien veiled oM sce,nlty and all the. nrisliness and .ili. ,.t u... . . vi mw lliuilfrii IOYM II ;.W.w.1s. belnWrj)eji:T,,, Ury the Ihlng'niioublio nu ' i.w v. IJI.l ui itl lW .-.IS Articles Lost and Found.&c TO HZKT FOR ItKXT-Ursen btiildmg a.! MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-oia. kMwlirt. w.tau... .... ... 171 Third Avenue Kai; six, ,'i; ,9 .- rKim moiern flat wilh bath- , t. t . . . . . roo.m and workshop prmleT ' lk a ., on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Vl'1 ' f - .... .. , . .Tcvyroj ,i , emir . 1 FOIl HKXT. Tw6 first elass motleni flat; Monarch ranpes, t water paid; one furnished. , 'UllXISHKD lIousekeepltKf Rooms Te to rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red 607. If M'iiTrr ror HfiL - - Soae are furnished. 10 and up. Apply 21$ Fourth Avenue Kat. f on RENT. Furnished house-! keeping suite. Mitssalleru Apartment. Phone 18. if FOR ItRXT. Four room still. bot water heated. Apply Sm!t. A Mallet. BOARD AND ROOM. HOAHI). The lnlanler. 8.1f Second Aventie. Phone IS?. HOAHI) A.Vli niwiM. ?5 Thirl Avenue. . Phone lied 336. 1 CHEVROLET. tin OX and afler July I. overtlm-j!' rale will be charged on Sun-; ti days and public holidays atu! ' afler 7 p.m. on wek-day.. j . u.c . , ..iiji., tin with to Hours of Overtime' Act. Overtime will lie rbarued at the' rate of time and on o half over the regular eiRlrt hour iter. Wrecking service day and nlgbL KAIKX OARAflK. PAHKI'RS I'AHAOi: JAS. Ill NTFR. o.N and afer J iv I rates wili c . iarj; .(I an Sun-1g day and in.ii.i In inlnl.iyi an.!! after 5 n in m week dav. Tin is nece-sary to ruiniily with the 'Hours of Wnrk "sn, overtime will he charged at " " IS1 i a ' a l!! a rn SNaa MSM ;,w i-,... aimii .iat mt t f Ssatlr Qtt Oarltl ih it aikt t ' ii-coMina. trm l (mi MmkIiji, Wr4nwUr ma trVLtft, t l a."3 t lnm Vaatte wmmt . . . ra Wnkwli) f r fi'il it is i rria IK Arm, St.rt A ca Batarasyt trtm trt SUna-M 4 Nui Sua IU Silar4M a rrsi auti i.t S. 1. . II. T. fl. tl. Trm Mart Qhm CKarMUt rkwrs4i- Trm SavUt Q..M CHarlattt-. im 7 aad II. SOX COlltCTIOKS Ssadari A.M. en e wrinara a trna e. fa sis in r tut tt. . . sat i.t s.ti ,. . tun m. . t S.tt S.(l 111 no S.St sXruXTVtt Sit Sit 11 a cmfti m. . Stl II tit " t It t it ' I t Sit ltd t t 4 t l". - I nr a Nrnmte l til ton - Pro Oott RUrs. ttt t tti em o-11 Wharf ... 5 IH Sll flTr- Wrf I St Stl til T.f siitawi . . - tt T It tad sire 4 tt si It It S tl Itl Snl & ratio St IS tit f t IH Ar ik II itt tie, tit STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS tae Viaeai Mnaslar . Pniw Kiierl 4 - ft Taav ... Ctnlu Tlntrwltr rrnv rktrlr. 1 a StUtrdif -at. rui( f) ! - . rrtsee otortt t a " . rrtneefa Peitrirt .. . tl ta ram Vtataat VaHl4 enare cttarW 1 it" WedarMar rrliia rleorte 1 in frtiltr Cttalt i TrMajr t Crew-e nurvr' I r ' IbM t. riinreta HMtnre ta tram tltwart, ira ant Alice Arm TaMfir rtrbVnt . . in. rar Sttwtrt tnd Anfti 1i4hHIt rnnfe Charles I a rnaa . Prlai-a nnperi 4 a. frem Sltwart tnd Aflfei Thnnrtt)r . rrlnrea Chtrlet t ri SitnHiy . rMon rtupert far Meroi Qnttn Ctiarlattt lilinda Mumlaya-. rrlnre i rurlct I " from rVorth Out Charlotta lln-" ThnrvU . iTirx-e lnrlr 1 I B roe South Qgtan CrterlettM iuiy it prmSr John inly tA . prlnrr John from Saulh Quttn Charltlt July 7 t. PrlniK inhn . e inly ft . t'nnrr iotin . . C.N.R. TRAINS Fee Cait Pally etrepi sumlar tl 11.10 tin. Frem tail lie eirrpt Tueaitay tl l.SS p.m. LANO ACT, v In Om-'n Ctmrlolte Miint Mint -nritln niatrlrl nf Prlnrr lluiw ", AUusIpU. sv, billet .! of AltiMrii M, Hkiili-njp Intel, tixt rniitlnr mi L ;l . v'li'ii Aimrioiie llrir. ' T?niTlr: hl tn a e nii. .it triiinf r.Mii.ny, l.w.. nf Vtn H.r... (.riiiinumi Siliiixii Canni-M to ttipir rr t ei or inn fi.llnalic rnlii'il Fiirfulmmi riniiiiienrlnt tl 1 rum pltnlr-d tt tM S'HilhurM nirnrr (if l.n HI. Own' ' K . (Iii'rljr ami nntrfle roll,,i tho tl: ' tilth ler nurk, If rhtint, iimre ': I. ,,w iiriii"l entiirr of l.nl lllienee wed t rhtmi ih.nr. illw " I W 'ill' Vlnl' more or lout; thenre i rhsli v. IHjInt of riiniini-nrniirnl, ami ninUi1"' I J trrea. ninri. or le. IIIUTISH roi.llMHH rlIIIN(l AW PACal.Hn C.OMI'AMV I.TH. ., i'er it. snerwooa, Dtttd lOin April, tilt. the rate of time and one half rr aet surno aa ei.tf over, the regiilac pighl hbut rrM' " r,l,u inr ' . . V f Part Sim a Km aiftr ' V.'' K K,' '. ttantr . cautt ... tax .rcckng nsrvlee day Ana.rae tu.rt. r,. art u .-nlgbL 1 ii Itmttr . rtntrna . 1 t PARKF.R OAHAHK. KAIKX OAHAOK. JAS. HUXTKIt. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Oual) Six and Seven Passenxer SMide baker at your di-pnsal any. time. ' ROSS BROS. 'POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Kmpres Hotel, GOOD EATS Opposite Henson's Sludlo, Third Avenue. ItKAI. 1IOMK COOKKI) M1JAI.S Mr. Inger, proprlelres. I'hono H'aok 7nn. PniNCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, July 7 12:12 a.m. 17. 2.1:51. p.,n. 2n.fl . 5:55 a.m. 3.tr " 17:17 p.m. 8.1 " Thursday, July S High I2:'"'H p.m. IR.O f Low full a.m. 3.3 " ,. ... iH-'kl l. .M p.m. u H.t 1 11 " 1... . Friday, vn July 0 II Icrli A.1H ... 4 ' ' ' .V l Low .I IU'18 p.m. e.3 14