(25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service wltb newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ava. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and PRINCE RUPERT The. latest and beat for the WATT V7 least. Phone 4S7. W Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMIINCK M1l'KliT, II. a, TIIULSDAY. JULY 8, lUJifl. YritcrOir are u tattoo, 1601 Street Silet lS PRIOR FIVR GENT BRITAIN DISCUSSING STATUS OF DOMINION nimII 1 HP fUKlnAoL Great War Veterans' Premises Are Raided; Police Court Charges L ,.ilv.iaitlf n ttralit' til fit I it VklffBilfa fl fl J ri 1 1 ti II lt I jlliun llii'.vul ' i i. r were cized on the prcmbes, Ihe Prune Hubert branch! ":,"!'rloin- A,nfr,,'1Bn" "nd ,Vvv ' i ant "day ayed -,rt Orel WUr Veteran' Association wa charged ,u tl.e rily j0 p a this morning with unlawfully .riling liquor lhroiiulM,,,to!!,0.n ?nT: .a"d 7:" fa"" He gc -. mid two or Ihe ntew.nl. T vvr.-,. ,h..rgcd wild selling A which M'0 represented i. STORMS FOLLOW 1 jiiitlil INTENSE HEAT j Prairie Provinces Hae Torren HI wa tlal Rant; Lightning Kills Three INMi l i. July 8. The ln-iira 4f which liao m-j . . i. . ue province for i ;' .U wm follod . ;. . iiioftl dlxlurhaure i ) lHTntutI rain. ' , i 4 ) rejlid. Andrew j. - i 'l Frank Tunic no, 41 ' Muadare. Alberta, l : i. in were killed by noli struck Hieir hiMir li "r, a farmer of llcr-i'li'wn. wa slroek i and killed, i , ii- w r? iiarltrulnrly 1 a iiii'!a SEALS ANNUAL HAIR CUTTING Only Males Olven Tonsorlal At Untlon Says Captain Anderson or Elder KFA Alll), July H. Ten Ihou-i on Ihr lnlidof I- are rMoivin Uair riil, mil A. Atid'ron of Hie Untl-1 ox xia'ei, iiureau of fiheriei el Kider report. He explain ;f the neal. which are wttnl lie Federal Soerniienl, Mt ' " o that Ihc inrreae, ir next year niny be noticed. males receio loiiKorial al- ion. Aiiuut 10,000 eeals were killed 8 year. NARROW ESCAPE OF DR. PRINGLE KAMl.OOl'S. July 8. Hcv. Dr. I'1 Hale, of. Yukon fame, narrowly r aped drowning Monday while di ivui n car on lo tin ferry al Klaekpool, on the Thompson HU The vehiele plungeil into ite Mri'Hiii hill the aged nti.nion-aiy wu rencued oninjnred. id WORCESTER COUNTRY PLAYING AUSTRALIA BIG CRICKET MATCH WOHOKSTKII. July 8. Haffled al by Woirenler liowler. Ihe Australian coitlil Keoro only 107 run In the match which com-' moiiced yenlerilay naaliut tr-cenler eounty. ' The homo loam went lo bal makhiR 17 ''rutin for four wlckels when piny conccl for Urn day. Subscribe to the Pnilr News. ri nnnii in n t rrn W bLKlYiAJN IUAL 1U i ttggA i l ,.f ii.. .... Fred Uodw.n and John llenr) f ''" H,e!mnrt' f,,r 'u fanK,u' ,,I,L'" beer. The ra,e against in eoiirl by its president. I.. ioungman. was adjourned Friday. J 11 ii- 10, and tlod-jwiu wa remanded until next Wednesday. Evidence for the erown in the luii case in biiur taken this at- lernooit rrom two men otf the1,', a :am,, l,ul tiran steamer 1'Hncem Alice who were Hit iirwliilP4 ulian tlio ruiil made yelenlay afternoim. When they hae lpen heard, the eae will he rurther adjourneil. Ilolh flodwin and Tall hae lifrii reteaVed on ImmU of (SMO. Oily ioliellor K. F Joiips it a-jtrarin? for the fruMn in lbeaie ilh S. V. Taylor for the defenee. FIRST SHIPMENT OF RAW WOOL FROM TERRACE DISTRICT TKHIIAOK. July H. 4 The first ehipmenl of raw wimdI frum tins di-Iriet not ernt lo Kam-loopf. y. on Vednen-day fnuii Ihe oheep raiirh t William H. (loodvtii of Kilitumkalum. The ehipmenl roiilafned about half a Inn. WIRELESS REPORT. S a.m. ll(iHY ISI.AXI). -Pari cloudy. ealm; barometer, 30. JO; temper alure. 50: ?ea vmootli: 1 1 p.m. epoke Meamer driffen, Any for Seattle, 023 miles from Seattle; 1:30 a.m. Oke leamet Prince Charles due 'Prince Rupert at noon nulhhound. IlKAD THKK POINT. I la ro-meliy, 30.00; 'Iciuperalure. 51. 1IUI.I. HAItllOH. Gear, light nortlit wind; barometer, 30.-u0: temperature. 57; fea -inoolh; p.m. !oke !teamer Cinndian Farmer, Ocean Falls tor San Pedro, 1201 mile.4 from San Pedro; 8 p.m. "poke tUwr I.orn, two mile.t north ol lloe Spit, hound for Alice Arm; 0 p.m. ppoke rl i-amer Alameda, tl'J union from Seallle, nouthbound; '.':.M5 a.m. fpoke steamer Prince John in Millhauk Sound south- hound; 8 h.m. upoke motorship l.illehnru. Vancouver for Prlneo llupei-t, oir Cune Island at 8:15 a.m. Noon IUOIIY 1SI.AXO. Overea'., calm; baromeler, 30.20; temper lire, 5t; eea smoolh. liKAIt THKK POINT. Itaro hieler, 30.08; temperature, 5'J. IIUI.I. IIAHHOn. --Clear, Unlit nurlhwe.! wind; baromeler, 30. 00; temperature;' C5; oa nmoolh; 8:15 a.m. spoke nleainer CalaH Holla llella uotthhouml; noon upoke Admiral Hiwers oil hear let Point norllihounil. PACKING SALMON. The l.angnra Packing Co, hai nlarlcd packing of -alniou al Hi eiinnerv in Musseti Inlel. A fisv KocSeye are reported lo ho run liing in Ihe vicinity. $20,000 RAISED AT BALL GAME Exhibition Affair In Aid or Christie Malhewson Memorial: Days' Result XKW YOIIK, July H, In (101)1)1 ChrMie Malhewson, tin. inci aee. Six et in the fifth miuiu t a league aini roupleil Willi a. walk and an error netted Js.. I.ouU tx rutin ajrainsi Umrici-: nati. l'ilt!liurit and I'hiladi'lptnu lliam'fi double and ti il in I lie firl and I'feond irorin? fn. ?un pai 1'itltbur;: Mie vielory. Nat'pnal League Itrooklyn 0-5. Ilnimi 2-1. PUiladelphta 7. 1'iHM.urs 8. t'.ineinnati ?, St. Loui II American League IIokIiiii 5-t. Philadelphia 6-2. PUBLIC NEEDSTO BE" EDUCATED REGARDING NURSE, SAYS DOCTOR OTTAWA. Onl.. July 8. - Canadian Pre,, In the opinion of lr. teirge IL Yiueent, preaideal of Ihe Himkefellet foundation, speaking at a Victorian Order meline. the publit neeU eilueatitiK- with regard to ihe nurje. Tbe i))blk mul be lausht that many J)ittl eareer. were competing WUi nuriup for the service ef ynun? women today: that pef'Otiallly, family and cultural background were of vital iinporUncc to the nuie: thai nottnd profeK.ional training v.i eenlial, thai hijth itandardit for such training and for nursing ervlce inul be mainlaiued for the pmleVlion of Mcit'ly: that a syMcin Of reilralioii for nur-ece was Indispensable; that adequate compensation ami super annuation niiisl ,be aceordeil lier. Tlie public expect a eood deal of tbe nur.-e. Oft-liines Ibis ex-peclalioh was exaegerated an unreasonable. She was supposed to uiiscss an ample fund of scientific knowledKc and maRic skill. !he was counted upon for syniwilhy ami frielidliuess under often Uie most trying cireuni- slances.' Many households thought she must lend a liatjl Willi domestic lasks. There. was a feeling also JJiat she must not ask very substantial remuneration, but ehould be content with Ihe consciousness or sacrifice and with the knowledge that she was helping her fellows. FISH ARRIVALS ' Six boats sold their catches here this morning, two of which were American, me latier goi 17 and 17.10 fur first class and leu cents for seconds. Canadians were given 15.50 lo 17.20 for Hrsl class and nine ceiils for seconds. Sales weret American Kugle, 58.000, lu Mouth Fish eries. Kaslerii Polnl, 1,000, to Iloolh Fisheries. Canadian Cnygeon, 1,500 ,aud Nuba, 3,-000. lu poid Storage. (llliM)W 8,000, lu Allln Fisher, les. ' f! Ma rgnjleiy, 1,50.0 lo Cold Slpr "''' age. rvnnn i m liiirnnn fn mm mnm rvn UtrtAI MINfclfo 15 MJBJfcU Ur Yl.COt XT i:ili:i.MFOHI. who has accepted 111' post of agent - general for Xew South Wales. It is the rnsi time u peer has acted In tins capacity. Lord Chelmsford has had diplomatic vxperiencc. CHURCH SERVICES CLOSE FOR SUMMER - SEASON HOLIDAYS VP TOIIIA, July 8. The City Temple has closed ilowti its activities during the summer holi days. Us pastor. Or. Clem Davie, in a public announcement slated that this was the same method followed last year. The congregation attended regularly and consistently during the rest of the rest of the year but Tor the Iwoldane irretrievably ofrended the holiday months there would bo no services or aclivilies of any kind This left members free lo go camping or holidaying wil limit feeling any i Sutnh lies. It resulted in renewed interest with the opening m September. BUBONIC PLAGUE IN TOKIO UNDER CONTROL TOKIO. Jul 8. -Three death from Bubonic plague were reported today in Yokohama. Many suspecled cases arck under ob servalion. The health officers 'believe l!iey have Ihe situation undo conl rol. FOURTEEN THOUSAND CARS ENTERED CANADA DURING WEEK OF JULY 1 HKIXkXUIIAM. July 8. The n'umber of autos that crossed the border into Canada, as recorded al the customs department through three customs parts for (he first week it July was 11.000. Lively Scenes in Over Purchase of German Coal During Strike of Coal Miners LONDON, July 8. Lively scenes were enacted in Parliament veslerduv during consideration of no appropriation of one hun dred million pounds sterling In pay Ihe bills, abroad for the purchase of coal purchased by Ihe Oovernnieut since the" miners' slrike slarled. Joiin' Wheulley, .niinisier of health in Ihe former labor caljlnel, objected iftirlicularfy to the Oovernnient buying Uerninu coal to beat the British miners who responded io the call to arms to defeat (lermany in In DJU. Premier Baldwin., announced Unit Ihe Yorkshire mine owners hud agreed lo pay the same ratio Of wages as other districts, thus milking' possible the final stages of Iho eight hour bill being reach FREEDOM IS ADVOCATED Canadian League at Vancouver Deplores Recent Events at Ottawa Emphasizing Colonial Status. WNfm VFH, July 8. U a mee' ins here. Ihc Canadian Xa-ton League, after referring lo he 'unfortunate administration of affair at Ottawa which em- - , I ...! I.., l.l 1 a ,lru ""'""'- he cfrect that "the time had ar-ived when Ihe Canadian people liould exercise the rights of a ree nation ami we pledge our opport to any political party or a::didale appealing for support i a platiorm advocating Can-da's compile independen're." A resolution was also passed isapproviag the formation of a -anadiati Legion on the ground bat it advocated a militaristic loltcy on the par) of Canada. iioraliitquestTon" is being tried n GREAT BRITAIN TODAY ?rofessor Elopsd With Another Man's Wire and Claims, It Was Not Immoral LONDON, July K. Cam-iridgc university is preparing for its first official study of the modern sex problem. It will hold l trial by a special court of dis tinguished graduates lo deler- mine whether Prof. J. It. li. 11 al- niihersity's moral code by eloping with another man wife. llaldane is a bright, young cienlist and was lecturer in bio chemistry at Cambridge. Students and faculty alike at ihe university were astounded when he was named co-resnon lent in a divorce suit and Offer ed no defense. He was convicted of "gross immorality and his connection with the school was severed. Milldane declared that his elopement was not immoral and appealed against the decision, lie said that as he loved the wontan and she hjm, it would have been immoral for her to have continued living with her husband. ( The senale committee of the university i allemplin? lo select a committee of Judges from' n special panel of graduates head ed by Sir Horace Avory. a dislln-gulslied high court Jtntgc. ENGLISH SOCCER TEAM. TIMMONS, July 8. The louring Knglisli soccer learn defeated Titnmons five goals to nothing. British House ed tonight, which will bo followed by the official posting of term ilnder which men have the option ofTclurning to work. Knrly next week Ihe extent of the response! will be known. "Dominion Status Discussed in House of Lords and Question of Equal Partnership mentioned LONDON. July 8. The issue Dominions and treaties between was raised in ttie House of iords fur information in regard lo the nature of the obligations which treaties contracted by Britain would impose on the Dominions. He railed attention lo the inconsistency arising from Ihe fact (hat Ihe Dominions were subject (o dangers and obligations if Britain declared war lo enforce the treaties, whereas the Dom inions " afler a war whfch they had' helped lo win were now claiming had achieved their full status Lord Charleston, under-seere- tary for Oominion affairs, reply ing for the (ioverutnent, said they! were nioM anxious, to assert to the full the strong importance I ladled lo the principle of equal status and said it was his opinion that the strength of the Km p ire did not depend on the form of constitutional principles as much as in the belief of the people in the righteousness of the cause ibey upheld. STING OF BEES GIVEN AS CURE . . OF RHEUMATISM COLlfTKNAY, July 8. Using the sting of the bee aij a cure for rheumatism is I lie latest thing here. The owner of several hives is doing a isood business slinging patients. He uses one slin;? lo begin with and gradually increases tiie number until as many as a dozen -slings are inflicted in a day. The result is said to be remarkable, a great many patients being cured. PORT CLEMENTS MILL WORKING FULL BLAST Lumber Being Piled Up For Ship-ment on New Wharf Built In Connection With Plant. Tbe Buckley sawmill at Port Clements is now cutting lumber in full swing and tbe output is being piled up for shipment on Ihe new son fool wharf that has been built in connection with the plant. F. L. Buckley aud his son, Frank Jr., are going south to Vancouver on the prince Charles today after a viil to (he mill. WEATHERS REPORT. Terrace: Cloudy, calm, temp, 00. Anynx: Cloudy, calm, temp. Gtf Stewart: Cloudy, calm, temp Hiizellon Cloudy, calm, temp. 05. Smitliers s: Cloudy, calm, temp 00. Burns Lake: Cloudy, calm; temp. 58 Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, calm, temp. CO. u uueuorso: i.iear, souiu wino, lemp. 00. Dawson: llaiiiing, calm, temp 58. ' VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked C. P. It 101.00V4 B.C. Silver . 5.10 2.;n Dumvell 1.51 1.0 1 niadslnne . .3.1 'i .37. Independence 07 H .08 ft Indian ..k, .Q3 .0(J nr.ffiriYiYrtm IK111U5W in regard to the stains of the (ireat Mrilain and other nations nere wneu Lord Parmoor asked ' - PUBLIC WORKS CLOSING DOWN Protests Sent to Ottawa at Fail ure to Carry On, Owing to Lack of Money. OTTAWA. July 8. Many pro test,, are being received by Opv-ernmenl departments at the ne cessary stoppage of public works throughout the country conse quent 1i the dissolution of Par liament without passing flie estimates to enable them to. continue. The west j affected as, w'eH as the east and the (ioyern- jurkisbeitigurgcd luJKitd. the money to continue me various works. This, in mosf cases, they will be unable to do. TRADE BALANCE HIGHEST EVER Foreign Trade of Canada Show ing Great Improvement This Year. OTTAWA, July 8. Canada now has the largest favorable trade balance per capita of any ' country in Ibe world. The fiscal year ending in I'JSG amounted lo slightly more than 101,000,000. It increased 1 10.000,000 over last year. Foreign trade to the end of March amounted to ? 1,255,000,-000, both Imports and exports showing improvement. HUGE SLIDES- C. P. RAILWAY Trafflo on Main Line Disrupted As Result of Electrlo Storms and Rains. VANCOUVER July 8. Railway service on ttie main line or the. Canadian PaciHc Hallway is dis rupted by the heavy slides caused by electric storms, but. it is expected thaf traffic over Tt will be resumed lale today. Large frangs are engaged in clearing away the debris. Torrential rains have had a disastrous effect on the road, particularly in the neighborhood of HeveNtoke, where much dam-nge has resulted to the roadbed. FLYWEIGHT BOXER . BEAT GEO, RIVERS LtH .INiVKI.KS.-jllly 8, 'Fidel La Barba of Los Angeles look a new rip on bis riyweiglil boxing championship hero Ijast night when he won the referee's decision over Ucottgle Hiver of San Francisco. NORGE IS LOADED NOMK, July 8. ThV dirigible Norge was loaded "yesterday on board the freighter Tijuana for SejiUle.