PAGE SIX rHH DAILY NEWS AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Heginning al 9 o'clock Floor i'h the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped lo lake care of Dances, ' Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 fpet, maple floor, newly plaslcred. Clear titlo lo property. IT'S FOH SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Pure Drugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PR5CES fou .will always find Ihc highest quality at (his store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately Wo fill prescriptions just as your physician wants them filled. L K T US S li II V E Y O U Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. I Lead Others Follow The Home of Trunks and Suilcascs. Pioneers Friend Hudson's Hay Dlankels. Piere Paris Loggers' Boots, liig Horn Hrand Clothing. Original "Diamond Sweaters. Genuine Fur Seal Coals, guaranteed. Hicc's Dyes. Tents, Dlankels, Hags. Pat Ptiillipson Second Avenuo Genuine Indian Made Curios Meat Department Leg Roast Veal, per lb. ..25c Shoulder Veal, it lb .. 18c Veal Chops, per lb 25c Veal Stew, 2 lbs 25c Prime Hib Hecf, per lb. 20c Hoiling Ueef, per lb. 8c Shoulder iteak, per lb. 15c Pot Hoasl, per lb. .. 12!4o Corned lleef, per lb. ... 6c Sausage, 2 lbs 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 Sin Avenue East GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Heceiver, Liquidator, Trustee, Ate. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PIUNCE nUPEUT SAD DEATH OF MRS. 0. FRANKS Wife of Dally News Employee Passed Away at Early . Hour Today. The death occurred early thli' morning of Mrs. Maude Alice Franks, aged 35, wifo of A. (V Franks, at Hie family residence.! Eleventh Avenue East, ufter a' long illness. I Deceased was born at Brighton, i England, and came 16 Prince Hu-i pert in 1H0D, having .been married1 in AllLMwt 1HII1 hv UUlirw. Mill Vcrnet. Left to mourn, her loss arc her husband, A. O. Franks, linotype operator for the Daily News, and five children, Lillian, aged 15: Hoy, aged 13; Elsie, aged 11: Stanley, aged 5; and an infant, two' months old; the mother, Mrs- Alice Cameron, three brothers, Fred, Percy and Frank, and a sisters, Mrs. lludema, in Vancouver. The sympathy of the commun ity will go out to Mr. Franks and family in their sad bereavement. The funeral will take place from English Church on Thursday afternoon at 3.00 o'clock, arrangements being in the bands or the H. C. Undertaker. JAPANESE FUNERAL THIS AFfERNOON The funeral of T. Hayashi. Japanese, who was found dead in" hi shack on Third Avenue West on Sunday afternoon, look place at 2.30 o'clock this ufleruoon from the 15. J. Undertakers chapel, Rev. (ieo. (. Hacker officiating. Interment was made in Fairview cemetery. LAND ACT. Nollct of InUntlon to Apply to Lease Lena In Stiklne Division. Casstar, Lund ne-"ttrdmtr District of Cassiar. and situate at Urind rupiits. ..n the Atiklne Inter and lo the went of Surveyed l-ol No. 470. TAkE XoTICE thai I, Walter Scott Simp-of T.'leirrapb :reck. tl. C, occupation. Him he r. intend! t apply for a lease of the fnllnwlnr described lands: Comment-mir at a pott planted on the Nnrlhweet corner of Lot 40. thence South 40 rhuns; thence West to chain: lhen,-e orth 40 .-haln; thence Last 10 chain, and ccntalaina Forty arres. more or lea. WALTElt SCOTT SIMPSON. LAND ACT. ApalicanL Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Lease Lane in rnwr nupert una iiecoraina Dis trirl of Coast llanre t, and situate 01 i,rth Harhael Inland. take MITICE thai Alfred Sanon. of prince flu perl, occupation Mariner. Intends to apply for a lease of tbe follow Inr described lands: Comment-ma at a Post wanted at tlx south end of .North Rarharl Island; thene around the Island it biro water mark and containing to arres. more or less. ALFHEP 8WASSII1. . Applicant naled April tT. 1t LAND ACT Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to Laaaa Lan In Prince Kupert Land flecordinit District of Inn re i. Cnat Land District, an1 situate on Passare Island. TAkE OTICE that J. B. Franc s. nf Ponoka, Altierta. oerupitlon Minister, in tends to aprlv for a leae or the folluwln? described lands: Cnmmencinr at a post dinted at the orth West er.d of Pasare Island, near Coast Trlanrulatlnn Sta. till: thence around the islind at hlrh water mark and rontalntnr 100(1 acre, more nr I'M. JO'F.PH BMTLAJID FRANCIS. ne fllh. 10A Applicant All Nerves! All nerves! What a common expression! In Ibis busy era with the problems of home management, club activities, and even political affairs crowding her day, how often the housewife complains of nervousness, headache, backache and general fatigue. These symptoms of lil-feeling are often due to strained eye muscles and nerves which can be relieved by properly filled glasses. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 year. 15 years constant prac'ice in Toronto. Phone Red 442 319 3rd Ave., Opp. Q.W.V.A. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load 56.60 Per half load 3.50 Per sack ....... v .... . .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLE8. YES- you can easily make the most delicious Cakes, Biscuits, Doughnuts, CooKies,etc. with MAGIC BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA CONTAINS NO ALUM C.W.GIU.ETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAM. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. Hull Harbor llahiing, light southeast wind; barometer 2'J.-Jif; temperature 51; light swell; d p.m. spoke steamer Admiral tlodnian bound Ketchikan for ..cattle; 8 p.m. spoke tug Lorne i t miles south of Ilunila Island northbound; 8 p.m. spoke "tug Cape Scott 5 miles south of .Ma'leriuan Island southbound; t? a.m. spoke steamer Camosiia ;rossing Queen Charlotte Sound southbound. Head Tree Point Harometer .30,.0ti temperature 5t. Digby Island Cloudy, calm: barometer 20.81; tcmperalurt- 38; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spok-teaiuer Norco bound Seattle for llyder 530 miles from Seattle.: V p.m. steainar Oriffco left Any- iix for Stewart. Noon Head Tree Point Ilaromclei 30.01; temperature 5V. IHgby Island Overcast, calm: baromeler 29.80; temperalure GO; sea smooth; 10 a.m. spokii steamer Anyox towing barge iranco bound Anyox for Taco- nta 00 mile from Anyox. LAND ACT. Cair Land District. Land Hecordin. Dl'trlrt of Prime hupert and sllualed on Taku Ann. about t miles southwest oi mouth of Alllnto liter. TAkE VJ1ICE that Francis FUchirH liunli.p of AUin. B.C.. occupation mill nianater. Intends to apply for permission to purchase tno follow Ina describe' lands: Commenrlnr t a post planted on tht-south slHire of Taku Arm about mlli.s Miulhwest from the mouth of Atlmt'-Ruer and ruiinina thence to chains ert Itwnre so chilna south: thence to chains east; and incnre tu chains north to point of coiiuncnrement, contalnlnt 40 acres, more or less. FIUNCI3 IUCIIARD DUSLOP. applicant Data, Atlln. May.tO. lt. NOTICE IX THE VATTFU or an application for Ihc lur of a Provisional Ortiflrate of Tiile for Ijit elaht ,. lilKk terty-fle i as,, -mum) fite city of Prince Hupert. Msn 9S. ' satlfariorv priMif of l tie Kis of the Ci-rtiricte of Title coverlnt the-above land hatlur lM-en pnaluced to Ine. It Is my in Ifiilli n to ie after tlw eipiratlon of one mouth. from the flrl publication hereof, a provNlonal " rtlflrale of Title lo tlie above Unit in the name or IIKIF. ADAMS The i.rinlnal Ornrii ate of Title Is dsted the I Itli of October, llll, and 14 numbered ix..;i.ii. II. F. MViXF.OIi. 'aim Heiln orflre. I'ritii-e lliiftf rt . B C. rth AuM-r lf. fterlstrar uf Titles. CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET ln ktes in lioiiles for whieb you regularly pay C5p, our price. .45c Or 3 bottles for SI .25 Sterling Catsup. 30c bottles, while they last, 3 for 50o Hulk Creamery lluller, 2 lbs. 75o Hrick tlreamery Hulter, lit.... 40c liroukfield Hulter, in cartons 42 Vic Fresh Dggs, 3 do., for .... S1.00 (Mioice Dry Prunes, per lb. ... 10o Choice Kaiiana, per doz. 50c 7 tins SingaKire Sliced Pineapple 95o Seiilless llaisins, per lb 16c Frenb Mlpe Tomatoes, 2 lbs;, ,25c Fresh Whipping Cream Daily Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At Lowest Prices, AMERICAN FISH WAS NOT SOLD Shortage of Cars Made It Necessary for 117,000 Pounds of Halibut to Hold Over. Hecausc of a shurUKO of express refrigerator ear., the Am erican halibut was not sold ul the fish exchange this morning:. The arrivals wore Akutan 60,000, l- niocrat 10,000, Lincoln 22,000, Tyee 13,000 and Alki 0.000, making- 117,000 pounds in all. Canadian fish sold at 14.70 and 1 1.80 for first class and Uc and Uiic for seconds. Sales were: S. A., 2.000, to lloyal Fish Co. Hayview, 7,000, to Hold storage . Nautilus, 0,300. Ui AUin Fish- cries. CROPS ARE GOOD TO NORTH OF EDMONTON KDMONTOX, Aujf. I" -Cult inn of a Jielter-than-avernBe crop Is now umler way in the north coun conditions, compiled by-the K. 1. k II. C. Hallway, indicates that in the (irande l'rairie. Peace lli-ver and other important grain- producing districts, good yields will be the rule. Cutting of wheat commenced al (randc Prairie on August U. The. wheat yield is estimated at 32 iuville, yields wit! iir a little light. FISHING SCHOONER FOUNDERS AND SINKS IN STftAlTS OF FUCA poitT axoi: XLS, Aug. li fishirg rtslitrg 8f si'lioone lie I lie pilot, a with almon aliojrd from tin) Far West Fishing Company fjr t lie Kverett Packing Co. uf Washington, foundered and sank in the Strait of San Juan de Fuca Saturday night, T. K. Wyoakum, the owner, reported today. Mr. Wyoakum mads his way lo shore in a smalt boat witn one paddle. He said thai rough weather and shifting cargo caused the disaster 62. night. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: Cloudy, calm, temp. Anyox: Clear, calm, temp. f3 Stewart: Clear, calm, leinp. u. llazelton: Clear, calm, temp Telesraph Creek; calm temn. CO. Cloudy, Hums Lake: Part cloudy, calm, temp. 50; tain during Smithers: Clear, calm, temp GJ: raining at all cabins north.. Wbitehor-e: Cloudy, calm. temp. CO, SING OR TALK LOUDLY IN VIENNA, YOU'RE JAILED YIF.NXA, Aug. 17 L'nder mollifications in tlie municipal law. of Vienna, persons who la'., whistle or sing too loudly in Hit streets may be fined thirty cents. For rrpcalcd offenses Jan terms fu provided. If a ner'fton m delected rean- iiug a newspaper or book vvhli" walking along the street, thereby impeding pedestrian traffic," lu may be subjected lo a similar fine. Slopping a friend in the middle of u roadway, carrying packages nf imiliiit uri.u iiml tialtiir bad or iipsi iiuik lea, per in ooo utiM.Cmly laiittiiuue. are nmong I resh i. round uirre. per lli...4o (,u.r pi)i,i,ai,,, offends. Peas. Corimnd To'maloes, tin 15o EXTEND WHARVE8 VICTOIUA, Aug. i7.--Tlio ex tension of tbe wharves and the ileaning up of part of the waterfront lu Victoria Harbor will be proceeded wilh by the Canadian Payiio Hallway at soon as possible, A start on Ibis work may al ake place 111' year, or narly Uexl spring. if if Tonight- Tomorrow Alright nn TabUlt atop alak ,h!ah, r!lv bilious atuakk. t mm4 rs(ulat th llmlnatlv rganai mk you fool flno, MnTIm Pins Tor Uvtr Us" is. . :gaiD4 LORD SALISBURY IS COMING TO THE WEST YICTOMA. Auk. 17.- The Martinis of Salisbury, Ooxermnent leader in the House of Lords, who is head of the Hritish Parliamentary dclivsation to the Umpire Parliamentary Association convention in Australia, will reach Vie- try. The latest synopsis of crop toria on August 21, and will prnd that day, and the bourn before 4lie mntorship Aoruivgi leaves on Angus! 25, in this city. l-o nl Salisbury arrived in Canada ahead of the main party, which consists of fourteen men- Jbers, accompanied by L. It. Lum- ley, M.p., and will join the olher nienJnTs berc on their round-tbe- bushels; oats, 80, and barley, 45 j world tour. II is understood the bushels to tho acre. i rt-lurn ' jotimey will be made by Al Clairiuout, there has been a small percentapi' of barley cutting; al Spirit lliver. a' little early wlie at and stime barley has beenL rut, while the dist.iet also riipotls the coiiiiiieucemenl of harvesting way oi Mngapore, Indian and Suez, though some members may irocfd direct by Colombo and Suez. Mrs. Joe Jack and daughter?, Ilinlelt and lleverlev. left uh In the Itcroft. Peace Hiver andltliis iiiorning's tntin to spend a other districts, cutting will be holiday with Mrs. II. M. Wbit-i;eneral within the next few dayti. low. at l'k, ll.C Miss Dorothv Crops arc rejmrted from all dis- triots, but those immediately tri-' butary to tlie city, to be in fine "hape, and good crops arc anticipated throughout Hie whole northern section f Hie Pumegan line. Around Y-siioi'k and Mor- WbiUow, who has been holiday ing with Mrs. Jack ulso ret urn - itl home. THC BANARUPTCT ACT. IX Tilt I.STATF. OF AVMt HIMIHOM. AuUsormd wurii'.r 'iTH K I. hrrrby ism that Annie inch inartkl, of I'rilice llupert. H. 1 . did .11 tur t Tib d ! Mian. I. ivt. make an aullior I let I ase.siMiirnt t all oer pruierl) fiu I lie benefit if her rreditor. and thai II. I'. MacLeod. offlrUI Herrlver. ha ait poiotrd n to lie riuUMllan of the eslale r thr ileblor until tie- rretiior at their rirvr nieeunt eliall eleri a trustee to ad lltli.trr Hi enlslr uf I lie tb-btor. N' it i I. i furUier rlteu that tlx flr.i meeting or creditor in the euie Mill be lield at Itie 'ifflce nf tbe nfflcul lli-reitfr al the i.ourl llmiw. rrtm-i- hu l-rl. H. .. .41 tlie fllh dar of Auiusl. f. at li urii.ia in i lie rornvMi To rntitle vou ! file thereat Kif nf jiMir i iaiin nninl lie imited nn om before Hie locetlnr l beM. I'rulles lo 1m uetl at the meelliia niu-l im Haiaea wiiii lite prior inereio. A ml run lief take in-tiir iimI If n luve aut cltlni skib! tbe debtor for wMfti vuu are entitled to rank, proor of snrii claim limit be filed with me within MMMlr IMP fCSKO the dale or till, ledlrr for rn ui awl after the Mptrsli-n nf tlie time filed lv nbertlon S of rrll.m 11 r toe said .vet i iuii ni'iniMile lh- i-ro re4l of the debtor s ettale amour th ftarfie ennned tiirrelo navln rrrstd oul lo im cMini m wnirn nate inen noll-e lis. i r.u ai i-nnce nuperi, n. i... 7 til dar of Aurosi. I. u. xi nni f 1 1 int. iiistmlun MINERAL ACT CirtKlcat of Improt amanta. HPWHIe Su, I. Lnl llir. Mineral r.lilm kiluate In tlie Allln .Vminr liiti.ion r Hie iLalar ilstrirL on tlie WWi Ann of Ta kun Arm, abonl three quarter nf a mile up urea in rerun ine iieiiim of Wann lliver. TAkfc XiiTH.l: lhal I. i baric. F. liilnetre. Frest .Vllner"s ortiflrate So. t:tt. Inland HIF days rei4u tlie dale nerf. to appl) tu hit ..innii fiTO.irorr 1'ir a eruiKail uf Improvements, for tlie (ur..r i,f i4j tainHia a urown Oraut of Uh- aln.vr rUim Alvl runner taken notice thai si Hon, iiiKier seriiiMi . mil"! be -. unmoored tie fore ir issoe of urb riinitr t m irteiRenl. HATCH this Isl da)' of Srpiriuber, A.. ivzw. IKtr.. It. McV rilVSln, s MINERAL ACT Certificate of Impressment. Waun Fractional So. . nyoj. and Jut una .Miners i i.ianno, situate in the s.iim MlniiiK liivlsMi of the Lasmar IHMrlrf ilwiit one mile up stream from the noulu tv aim T.lsr. innr. iris I The Iniloeer Hold Mine i.m., inr., rree Miner Orilflralr So. Simill . lulcild. sltlv ilit. fnau tiu. naie iirreiii .in apiil) lo llw Mllllnr lie- order for a irltricte of Improvemenls. lor ine ixirpoM or olilainini a i r.,wn irant of the awise claim. Ami furllM-r take nonce llm ii, o dec section . mul m- cominenreti lierorr the ls-o of such irliricalc of liiipmve. Ilietil. IVTKI till Isl list of Seotrlliber I fi II. Mc.V IIMU(,- f,t. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improtsmsnla. llrnttlile o. 5 Mineral i:talm .iih.i. I he AUin Mimiir lilriKioii of the i a.iar iMslrirf. on Waun Itlver. ailjiilniiu and In the wiuin of llrunle Xo. f M.' TAKK MiTH i: Hut i, jame kershaw free Miller's Cerlilii-ate .Vo haa. Inicnil' suty nave rrom the dale hereof tt, lo Itie Mfnllis; heroriter fur a i .iir,..,.. of liiiprovunciiN, for the imrrio.e .if ,i,' laimiir a i.nmn lirani of the rUini And furlher lake notoe thai anion, im ilr secllMi Si, iiiii.i le commenced liefore ,' ,'" "r "ur" ,:,nl"cale of improve hVTKI) tills Isl day of SHpteinlier, A.lj, ' II, MiA. I H t t u,.i LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Lsasa Una In rH"ce nUicrt Und roewdm inis- takk JoTirE trial Euiene , gllip son or Nassett. iweupallon raniwr in lends to apply for a lease or the follow ioiiow Inr described lands: . LiiiiiiK-iiruir ai a posi planted at the norlheal corner of Blk 10, Masirit , r.irrir l&n reel lheiice soulherly l.00j feel; Ihenr. es I l'.y "li '""nr niirtherly t.oon ' , . "i iiieiin nieni, and run- " lalnink- S acres, mre or ea, rX'QENK II, SIMPV1!V. AppWCAnt. n.i..i l..n. s mi Tuesday, Aug 17 j934 Our Optical Parlor is now in charge of an Expert Graduate Optician Mr. F. M. Duchomln, lato of Blrks, Winnipeg and Vm. couvcr will d'8 ytu Pronl and courteous attntu when you consult us about your eyes. n With tho latest optical Instruments and a perfectly . pointed examination room linked with the precision .u talned by continual successful Optical Practice In the tJl centres, there will bo no guess work about the glasses 1 y0 " receive. A satisfactory fit Is guaranteed with our service. USE ITl Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 "The Limited Mail" Th tnelii'lraiiiulii- roiiuuii t' of elalmn v. Irani I'liguiCfr. .rrrcneil itgiin-t the glory ' i nioiiiilHin-. A stirring tor ol Hie grral An epir of liuge tei l tnoiilrrs ruliiiig t.. sinning trwik-. The ra-nnnliiig lasts of u ,g who fiircjiknig the '.nl fouglil (he loiiiiiilnn- v, lo win In- iihiiiImmhI ami n cliuruiiiig gnl. H train vvrerk '-eiH. Slrmig caul. Monte Blue, Vera Reynolds, Wlllard Louis, Edward Crib-bon, Otis Harlan, Lydia Yenmans Titus and others. Comedyi "HOTSY TOT8Y" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and tc SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -: ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three ili-lun'l rn,iit for Fanntv W SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WAH at mosl reasotiahlc price. DRY CLEANINQ. PRESSINQ AND nitPAiniNO Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 nml vc will do the rc . DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST QREAKFA8T FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co-, Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FI8H LINE8, HOOK8, ROPE8, TWINES, FISH NETTINQ AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde St.