PAGE TNVC The Daily News PR!NCB RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. "third Avenue. : H. P. PULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth $1.1)0 oy ma i j 10 an pans oj me rsmisn umpire una trie unite! States, in advance, per year , . . $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Use Of Closure In Parliament. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, March , 25, 192t. That there is. tun much Talking and that speeches are much too lohg in parliament is evident ti Anyone who has studied the situation ever so carelessly. There should Ie a limit to the lime one person may occupy in discussion of any subject. A person can saya lot in half an hniirunid probably a quarter of an hour would lie sufficient for most members. Condensation in speech is an. 'art Dial many politicians could practice without danger In anyone and with much profit lj themselves, and the country. Wjiile it, i" de.siraMe lliut free, expression of opinion should lie carefully,, preserved,- there is a .limit to the time that should he takgit in doing it.'. .: j ... Income TTax Is " - - Being Discussed. -s. The income tax is lieiug Vfisciissed in Canada both at Ottawa and at the provincial capitals,-. there being considerable agitation going on against ils imposition. Yet there is a large body of public opinion in favor of it' as the mo I just method of rasing iaxes. As long ,as it is enforced against everyone without fear or favor, there is no objection to it. The man who ha an income pays and the person wbo has no income dues not have to pays The difference between the income tax and the personal property tax IsVo marked as to be worthy of comment and even of The properly tax j levied against a plant whether profit is made from its operation or not. It is aUo a charge on all the slock a merchant carries, thus tending to make him economize in laying up a choice of good for the customer. If a manufacturing plant loses twenty thousand dollars and Ihen the government comes along and takes another thousand for property lax, the manufacturer feels sore, and wilh justification. If on the other hand he makes a profit of twenty thousand he doe not mind so irjuch having to pay a thousand or even more. The personal property lax is one that should be abolished but the income tax if well enforced against everyone should be enlitinued as part of Hie settled policy of the country. Equalizing Business Throughout The Year. The difficulty in Prince Rupert in the past ha been that business has been good in the .summer and autumn and verv quiet in the winter and spring. The closed season for halibut, the lack of .other -varp'ties, of fishing and the closing down of other work li$s-, usually cmisedn na jty' gapMliiriiig. which businessman find it difficult fo carry on and when lliey Ioe the surplus they make in the prosperous parts of the year. If Hip elevator is operated next fall, as is confidently ex pected jt will, the gap should be bridged and there should be no drill season. Just when Hie fishing drops off the grain business should commence and the result should be very beneficial for lie business jnleresls of the city. It will be a welcome change. ' Is There Really A 8a Serpent? A great many people are sceptical as to the reality of there being such a thing as u sea serpent. Captain (1 J. House, wbo recently was here and who told of seeing one at Wright Sr d, is h man of standing and he i'repealing hi Vancouver what he said here. Undoubtedly the great creature was real lo him. The Only possible alternative is thai it might have been an optical illusion. Such things have been known. When visitors to India are shown a man who throws a rope in the air and climbs it and they Ihey see him come down one limb at a time aud eventually the limbs come together and hri is as if nothing happened, it is undoubtedly .mi optical illusion caused doubtless by lrypnotism. Apparently there was no hypnotic influence in the neighborhood of Captain House, so1 the probability is that he really saw a sea serpent. Bttw. IFitb in the air Peanut Tubes will get it. They make any set better. Buy a full equipment for your present set and test them out against the best. You'll wonder why you didn't discover them before. Do it now! Now $3 00 formerly $3.50 Victor Northern Elect Ho Peanut Tubes FISH TRAPS AT WALES ISLAND Cause of Canners Taken up by Vancouver Newspaper which Explains Situation -REPUDIATION CHARGED Petition Sent In to Ottawa It Is Claimed Misrepresented Case as it Stood The Vancouver Morning Star has taken up Hie cause )f tin canners in the fish trap contro versy in regard to Wale. Island sites. In a recent number jji! to hand it publishes the following editorial article under 'the, heading "flood Vish and Poof Politics": The Fisheries liepaftment ol Canada, throtugh varying admin- isirations tor over fifty years, has wisely adhered policy of not allowing our sources of fish supply in walers under. on. control to be exhausted hj ruthless exploitation. Hecau- Of this policy the lolnter fisheries Of Hie Maritime province are iii belter condition than ever, while Hie Americans have Ions since practically depleted their lobster grounds along Hie adjac ent .New Knglanri roast, which must now le restocked On U.S. Border Hut where Hie coasts of Can ada and Hie United Slates are facing each other across narrow reaches of sea, as along the southern and northern parts of Hrilish Columbia, and Hie Americans do not refrain from destructive method of fishing, then our policy ought to le wiselr varied; we should then -rive Hie same license to Canadian fisher men as tiie American govern ment gives lo American fishermen. Hut tlioe in control l our fisheries Department do no. follow such a policy .In- a cas just brought to light, and which occurred within the past Iw . years, serious damage lias bee:' done one of our leading fishing companies. There has been direct repudiation by the Depart men! or Marine and Hshcrtes or a written assurance; with re suiting loss of over ttu.0nii i ihoe who placed reliance there on. Salmon are caught by gill nets, by seines, by (rolling ami by traps. But traps are only allowed in areas faring Hie in ternational boundary. In 'the Wales l.-Jund Fishing District of Dritisli Columbia, close In Alas ka at Portland Inlet, there are over a dezen salmon traps beinr operated on Hie American side (if the narrow dividing strip of sea. Traps were operated likewise on the Canadian side from J9I3 to JIHO by M. DesHrisay and Company, previous owners of the Wales Island Cannery, and by tho A.H.C. Packing Com pany. The. largest proportion o salmon caught in these trap were pinks and chum. Hut in li2o there was no profilabl" market for these cheaper varieties of salmon, and so the Cana diau straps were no longer operated there. Hy 1D2, however, the market for pinks and chums had revived. Canadian Fishing Co. Then 'the 'Canadian Fishing Company Ltd. negotiated for to-' purchase of tin disused Des-jlrisay plant; havirng first consulted W. A. Found, chief inspector for the fisheries department nt Ottawa. From Mr. Found (jssurance was given tlial there. Would be no question but that Irap licenses for that area would pe issued on demand, such as were formerly issued to Desllri-say and Company ami the. A. H.C. Company. On this assurane" Hie plant was purchased. It was necessary to build a ncv Irap. In November 1021, application for" a trap license was formally made to the Department of Marine and Fisheries, and written assurance was received that the license would be issued lo operate a trap at the point selected at Winter Harbor, Pearse Canal, Wales Island District. Hut In December, l'Ji, Hie Company was officially informed that no license would be actually issued until proof of Intention to operate was given by building tbe trap. On this the (iompany proceeded lo build the trap und appurtenances at a cost of between ou,000 and $70,000. All was complete and ready for operation by June, 1025. Then notification was glvn by Hie Company to the Department that all their require- TiTE DAILY BWa Ttiurd, Jfurrl. mertts had been complied and request vasmatti' for issuance of the license.- A telegram was re ceived from the Department re-i fusing to Issue I lie license; say I ing l lie policy had been changed. j Signed by 300 The explanation given is that ,t!ie men engaged in salmon j J trolling opposed any .salmon' Itrap being operated on Wales! (island opposite lo where Hmj Americans aj operating salmon j Itrap without hindrance; &i Idl ing the fisli which otherwise, would, be at least partly rnutdil by Canadian traps. A petition, signed by over three hioidri'd of those engaged in salmon trolling on the northern masK of Hril-ish Columbia, was sent from I'riiKe It U pert lo the Minister ofl Marine and Fisheries in August, lu;."), asking Imu to Toibid Hotj further use ol salmon traps.! This pel t ion wa- Wase.l upon a: deliberate misrepreseiilutioii. It smi. I llml Hie Auu'rifiill Irap-M were no b'ltyer operating, ami that for tiif sane reason Hn, Canadian traps should not he allowed to opefaie. The American I raps were junly "closed for Hi " uncial ten days: and when the ten days elapsed they rcsumeii operations, as it mut have been known lliey would by the origin-alors of the petition, and as must have been known by Hi officials of J he Department of Murine and f-'i-lierie at Ottawa. It would. seem that" under poli-tiil pressiiii the (lovernmenl ol Canada ha rejuidialed its own written word; ieuliing in a direct loss of oxer lo a Itritish Columbia eninp.iuy. One of two things; eitiier full ooni pensatioh should be made to Hm defrauded company or tin-license promised shoulil be sued. MANY VISITORS HEARD LOCAL PHONOGRAPH Instrument Made, by John Rowell Is Great Improvement Over Older Machines Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton had ipiite a few isiiors last cwnina who called to hear the new-Prince llupert-made phonograph. which embodies acoustic ini-l protemefits invented by John Howell, of the Canadian Laundry. Most of the visitors brought some of their own records in order to romiwire their playing on the new machine. The new in-' venfioti for which Mr. Howell i applying for a patent, eliminates to a wonderful degree all the harshness of lone too often associated with, the full tniied re. cord and gives out a very clear and mellow rendering' of even Hie brassiest -jaz. Itecnrd of many kinds wero tested, vocal and instrumental, solo and orchestral, forte and pianissimo and those who listened to the evening's entertainment were very pleace.l with what lliey heard. The new invention, it is understood, can be installed in practically any existing phonograph. Harry 1. iHbsoti of Stewart was a passcbger aboard lb I'riile iienre yesterday afternoon rpicrinng inrtii after r brief busineis I rip to Vancouver. A Boon to Mothers Mothers everywhere who realize Hie danger to delicate little stomachs of lOo much dosing appreciate the value of Vicks in treating croup and children rold. With Vicks there Is nothing to swallow you Just rub it on. The body heal, releases the ingredients Merit hoi, Camphor, F.ucalyplus Thyne, Turpentine In the form of vapors which carry Hie medication directly 1o the nose, Ihroal, bronchial tube and lungs. At Hie umi time Vicks is absorbed through and slimu-lule the .skin like a poultice or plaster. Cold go overnight, croup Is (generally relieved wilhlit 13 minutes. Ori 2IMiwomJas Used Ycmly for tmmmmmm I " mMmmm!m' I ID',. Easter Momingl and the whole year round W II F.N (ieorge Washington .icled elite and told how naughty tie was, he set a noble example .'or Hie girl of this continent. Stl.MC people are so good they invc not lime In do good. WHAT your enemies say sel-toui does any harm. It is the report uf (heir doings brought by your fool friends that hurts. IT is not a hick town unless Everybody tatks about errybod else at afternoon ' lea. J'HACII tree Jiave been found wild in China. The peaches, are wild here. MOST of us do without what kc need in order to gel what we want. IF a world court Is. formed, it will be another for which I ina how contempt. TIIFJlH wiisvJi .saxaplionocop. lest down, in, Alaba"5niiVlie.'ji?,r day. Thc?y say it wtis ! harder on lie nerve (huil.u real .honest In oodness prize fight. A CIIAIIJ.HSTO.V been sent to jail, .appy. dancer has .Now I am SY.NTIII-7IIC drinks, syntheD silk, synllieljc almosj anything Children are just diffeienl. Thev just happen. YfHJ can't pleae everybody. Pome of my friend are ulwuy howling for a drink and yesterday I met another who wa sore because he had been drinking. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert March 25, 1916. Harry Harvey has laken over the management of the Majesiio 'I'll ea lie and will he assisted by bonis Am.idio, ojicralor. An'ly Akerberg of Akerherit A Swiffs Premium Hams and Bacon satisfy Easter morning appetites there is no TO more savory dish than brookfield Eggs served with tender slices of "Premium" Bacon or Ham. Swift's "Premium" has long been recognized as the highest standard of quality. Always mild in flavor and uniform. Serve Premium for Easter and you will serve it all year around. Order from your Grocer or Butcher Swift Canadian Co. Limited. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays; In at U f i tl I lilt; Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND J SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Psuwn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, EU. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELOINO. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 9SP ed a Urge gathering in Hie Km-press theatre last mgln on Um topic of "F.lernal Punisiiineni ' FH. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Johnson, II. ( ( ami W. A. Wallutv, Vanrouver: II. F. Hiektord mid .1. W. Itundle, The Pas, Man.; W. F.. O. Mc-l.euuaii, Toronto; Mr. and Mr. C. A. ThotiKou, Montreal. Central .Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Downing and son, Terrnre; Mrs. 0. 11. Hlaek, Vancouver. . Aderllsc in the Daily News. form r. Nolle of Applletilsi) (or Cartiflcatt of mprofomont" Mlnutl CUlm SlliulK in IDs enure liuiwrl Minim I i. i.i.i. in ni me snrii4 limlrlrt, Wlirrs lortiril; Mrar llw Im-i. of KIIMinikaliini Mkc. Urul holder: sain I1.1I111. Man t"'UWr't rtM" Mtnfs r.rlirirls. 0JC. T.UK .'XOTICF Dial I, Swan Dalln. Frw Mill.1, Ia.ii.i.. . u .. .. . JIm- fiid nf ality itajra from h daw liT)f 10 anrty Ki tu Minltir Mfr.rtlcr j ror t l.rrliriralr'iif linprovriiifiilt fur III MirHi. (,f ,H,alhiii a cmwn Oram ef lh thnf rlalm. And furilHT take nollra MJ.V. imorr w-ruon as or in-"Mineral Art." n.n.r i. ...-i i,. fc,l,r:llrnJ, '" ",rh rlirir.l. Of iialrd una tlnl da of IVtniary. It. swan nun, ownr. H n. t koiui. Arnt N O T I C I. Tnr MiTTi.ii T7... . ... ,, . - r'"" "i wi'i'n. nii.iii iir Its Imm ol a I'rnvLlonnl C.rrllfii-ali- of Til ft fur I 1.1 lUMllV.luA Jtt Thomson has received 1,1,1 patent Uh ciTmn!!.?''" ihirijr-riv 3 0 v , lilork ssroun ai o), Cll nr Hill for the "Dandy Line an er" nJ!f,V,t,r,nr P"1"' th joa of thu which is atrenny in use on a ,,ni1 ""nt iwm pmiurrd t me, 11 i liinuber iirmiii 1 11 of halibut iiaiiiiui schnonnrs suiooners .m.i llll.t !V.y nf Hi"n""n 10 '""" Mpir. liijn im, m..iuu from tlii Oral iubU. Is cxpecling his I nlled Stales T". !in.'"rt"f i-rovisimiiii criurirJiK of i t.i'irt. JPf '"' land Iii Ihs name if tininni ..nir ,iv n.i.r now. 1 patent any daj !,l';Ir'l Jt.r1,""Ts. ttm uriamai irnri. - : !'" VLt"1 ' ,l4"11 u" "f .tnvem. It, If. llarlon, fnlernallnnal n c "'L?.?''.1.? '":' ,f",f nurf. Uiblo Students lecturer, addres-l " ' ' u Man.Eon, Kerlitrir or Tltloe. SILK OTTOMAN The Ideal m.'' Spring and stnniim A heavy ipiali'v only, ;t() Incites w yard- $3.50 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phne Now Is your ehancfl Dry' CedaV Full load ... Half Lond 1 . Large sacks 753 ! Wood! Woodil i ; (8.60 $3.60 6O0 HydeTransfer 13 Second "" n,t Phone B80 Night or P Wl BUV B0TTLr